Ink x error nsfw

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Error X Ink Sans

Error X Ink Sans


320,996 7,329 28

((FINISHED)) Error woke up in the antivoid, the pale light the only thing for miles. He had a feeling about today, not that it would be a good day in particular, but just one of those that would stand out. As if it were almost like the beginning of a nightmare for him……

Frenemies ~ an Error X Ink fanfic

Frenemies ~ an Error X Ink fanfic


204,085 5,223 24

After a battle in an AU has left error pretty badly wounded. ink unable to finish him off takes him back to his place healing him, and trying to redeem him. but soon they become friends but who nows? maybe more?art not minecharacters do not belong to meerror belong to crayon queenink belongs to comyet…

Painted Glitch - Error x Ink

Painted Glitch — Error x Ink


106,672 3,136 41

Error Sans, being no longer an enemy of the AUs and Ink Sans, but still being able to destroy Universes has made many beings frustrated all over the Multiverse. Something else more mysterious is going on, though. Something more dangerous than Error. But the good side: The Star Sanses and their friends are working together to find a way to destroy the true enemy. Though Error could still hurt him, Ink and he have made a promise to never kill each other, and it has made them closer since. They’ve developed a strong relationship, but something closer than friendship. Possibly something inseparable.…

Glitched Love // Error x Ink // !Old¡

Glitched Love // Error x Ink // !Old¡


77,476 2,335 20

Ah, the creator and the destroyer. Though both completely opposite beings, they have intertwined fates. Whether it be as fatal enemy’s, or as soul mates. What will happen when the god of nightmares himself threatens their relationship? Will it end in heartache and loneliness, or happily? I guess we’ll see.(Hey guys that this fic is 6 years old! Feel free to enjoy it still, but to any newcomers I haven’t touched this fic in years. So pointing out errors doesn’t really do anything! Sorry just wanted to note that :sob:)…

Error x Ink


13,230 301 5

This is an Errorink story. IT IS CLEAN AND HAS NO LEMON. There is, however fluff, such as SMALL kisses and lots of hugs! There is also flirting, so be prepared! There is also a bit of Cherryberry and Nightmare x Dream, but it is mostly Errorink. Also, I am in it. Get ready for this story!…

Inked strings┆Error x Ink┆✓

Inked strings┆Error x Ink┆✓


21,083 777 28

Error and Ink don’t talk that much, but they don’t fight either. Ink kept Paperjam a secret from everyone, and revealed it to his most trusted friends first. After that, everything begins changing. Mostly because of the attacks. 『••✎••』WARNINGSCringeGoreDeathInjured Paperjam✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏✓ ⧽ Finished storyBook start-finish: 01/dd/2021 — 07/dd/2021 Bonus chapter: 6/16/2022 (EST)Book word count: 38,963 (All chapters)Cover image — alexandrakuznetsovaipad on Pinterest(I think)…

is it ok to cry... (error x ink)

is it ok to cry… (error x ink)


4,032 154 5

error was born with a cancer that posses his soul.he never told anyone. not even ink. as he slowly began to grow weak ink began to notice.…

Enemies  or lovers (error X ink)

Enemies or lovers (error X ink)


34,465 945 32

ink and error met and error have love ink at first sight ink slowely turn to have a crush on error since they became freinds woops! Almost told everything anyway no LEMONS!…

Glitches get stitches (Error X Ink and Pj X Fresh)

Glitches get stitches (Error X Ink and Pj X Fresh)


14,781 243 9

After Ink and Error tell Pj how they meet in high school, Pj goes to school to find a rad,hot skeleton that goes by the name of Fresh. Once Paperjam lays eye sockets on him, Pj is determined to make her high school love life just like her mom and dad’s…

A Truce Old Friend?(Error x Ink)

A Truce Old Friend?(Error x Ink)


41,306 1,511 27

(Might make a rewritten version of this story since I’m not too proud of it. If you’re reading this note, leave a comment on one of the chapters if you’d want me to write a better Errink story. -Ender) On and on….. War was all it was. It was the creator and the destroyer. The creator made various worlds all with their own little twists, but the destroyer hated his creations….. ‘nuisances’ is what he called them. But what will happen when the creator wants to make amends with the destroyer and become friends again! Will Error agree to Inks truce or will they continue fighting till the end of time……..There also is some Crossmare in here~Cover: by me( WARNING! This is my first book and I’m bad at spelling but I’ll make sure this won’t go as quickly as other fanfics anyway enjoy!)…

Error x Ink x Nightmare

Error x Ink x Nightmare


39,769 1,232 20

This is my first story so my apologies if it is trashier than the multiverse itself. This story is also very inspired by other people so don’t flame me. qwqError is the god of destruction, he used to be a different skeleton but Fate came and destroyed his AU and is now Error. Error cannot die no matter what because Fate won’t allow it. Error is the Yin to Ink’s Yang.Ink is the god of creation, he is a soulless being who cannot feel emotions, he is oblivious about the balance because he never listens to Fate which is why Fate did what they did to Error. Ink is the Yang. Ink drinks vials to feel emotions, but that one day changes.Nightmare is the god of negativity, he has a brother named Dream. The more negativity is around him the stronger he is, the more positivity there is around him the weaker he is. If he feels negative emotions from a specific person he can easily find who he is looking for. Same as Dream but dream follows the positive feelings.…

Error x Ink Mpreg!

Error x Ink Mpreg!


36,523 857 22

Welcome to the realm of the multiverse!Two star crossed lovers, unbending of their harsh judgement that their love will not be reciprocated. They tailor to ones presence, knowing the tension could be broken if they just talked.Even if they both knew they loved eachother, would it work? Could create and destroy become equilibrium? Join us with Error and Ink within the abyss of the multiverse 😉…

Soul mates | Error x Ink |

Soul mates | Error x Ink |


49,801 2,071 37

When the new kid moves into the neighborhood Error and his brothers are curious if the new people have a kid, and they meet Ink and since then life is never boring. Join Error and Ink on their journey through their life together, what starts off as best friends turns into so much more as they grow older. the cover is by: Cq 12/15/2019#1 Comyet 1/13/2020#1 paperjam 10/17/2020#1 gradient 10/19/2020…

Error's little 'pet' (Yandere Error x Ink)

Error’s little ‘pet’ (Yandere Error x Ink)


1,033 46 7

(Cover is not my art) Ink had a choice. He chose what he did. He’s owned by a yandere now. Will he be save? Or trapped? Every Action. Has a consequence. Ink. Chose wisely. Or the consequences will not be so. «Good.»…

Error x ink, otp nsfw 30 day challenge

Error x ink, otp nsfw 30 day challenge


44,208 768 5

Oh wow. Cool. Started 22/03/20 at 2:01 am. Oh and ink is a sub. (Mostly)Cover art by me. This book gets KiNkY!…

His lover ( yandere error x ink)

His lover ( yandere error x ink)


35,396 684 18

Error really likes ink and he is willing to do anything to have him all to himself even if it means murder. What rivals dose he have to face.…

error x ink (Fluff)

error x ink (Fluff)


18,593 462 22

this is going to be a fluff a few of those slight lemon moments are also going to be put in there but for the time being i’m not sure i might change my mind. ill figure it out i want this to be dramatic and cute. I’m excited to be writing again and i’m sorry if i was gone for too long but i’m ready to start writing.…

Sancest one shots (Completed)

Sancest one shots (Completed)


655,528 19,202 200

Yeah I’m doing this now. If you want more info go to the first chapter there will be some rules like how to request. Okay? Okay. Let’s go!Also take whatever you think is cannon and leave it here because this book ain’t about any of that.(Non of the art is mine unless stated otherwise.)…

Sanscest lemons🍋[DISCONTINUED]

Sanscest lemons🍋[DISCONTINUED]


121,227 1,060 18

The title says it all people!Now i don’t want any cinnamon rolls reading this,There too innocent!Anyways,enjoy!Ps:Most of this is not canon,so don’t come at me for adding something that to the au isnt true or something like that.😀…

Ну да, не про одних-же котов-воителей тесты делать)

Если кто не знал, моё второе увлечение: Андертейл.

А сами Эррор и Инк: одни из моих любимых персонажей. Ведь, они чем-то связаны… Вот я и решила посветить тест этим двоим.

Вопрос 1.

Знаю что примитивно… но… рукоделие или рисование?



И то, и то

Ни то, ни другое

Вопрос 2.

Чаёк или кофеёк?



И то, и то

Ни то, ни другое

Вопрос 3.

Как ты относишься к АУ?


Они мне нравяться, это интересная задумка… я бы даже поборолась за них…

К чему они?! Оригинальный Андертейл лучше всего!



Вопрос 4.

Ты бы защищала АУ вместе с Инком?

Конечно! Я не позволю Эррору их разрушить! С ними интересней

Да, с Инком весело

Неее… но разрушать их неправильно! Я против этого!

Ненужные ошибки! Я бы их разрушала!

Мне всёравно, на то, что с ними происходит

Вопрос 5.

Ну… А разрушение АУ?

Я за! Зачем они нужны?! Все уничтожить!

Мне все-рав-но

Не надо их разрушать! я просто против…

Не позволю! Я не позволю разрушать их! Буду бороться за их существование

Вопрос 6.

Сново вопрос не в тему: карандаш или ручка?



И то, и то

Ни то, ни другое

Вопрос 7.

Представь себе такую ситуацию: ты идёшь по своей АУ и тут видишь, что Эррор сильно ранил Инка, обвил его своими нитями и думает, как с ним поступить

Эррор! Давай! Я помогу тебе!

Неееет! Инк! Надо срочно остановить Эррора!

Эмм… они не должны сражаться, пусть просто разойдуться миром! *пойти их мирить

Это не моё дело, пусть что будет, то и будет

Вопрос 8.

Какие эмоции эта каринка вызывает у тебя?

Мило. Розовая краска

Неееееет! Только не розовая краска! Вы знаете что будет с Инычем если он её выпьет!!!

О! Розовая краска. Не часто я её использую, но… иногда приходиться

Краска как краска

Вопрос 9.

А эта?

Само зло!

Оооооо… Какая вещь…

Нитки как нитки

Вопрос 10.

С этим разабрались. А теперь: камень или стекло?



Не могу решить

И то, и то

Вопрос 11.

А сам(а) то, какой результат хочешь?

Инк ван лав!


Не знаю


Не могу решить, зачем я тогда этот тест прохожу?


  1. Nightmare x ink x error
  2. 「Not All Nightmares Are Bad」Nightmare x Error
  3. infernal sleep ( nightmare x error)
  4. Sancest one shots (Completed)
  5. Mama Nootmare (A fanfic with the bad sanses)
  6. Sanscest lemons🍋[DISCONTINUED]
  7. Wicked love
  8. Sanscest Oneshots
  9. Sanscest one-shots [requests closed]
  10. Yandere sanses AUs one-shot
  11. Fem! Neko Nightmare x Error
  12. Killer’s werid ass heram [13+]
  13. Au Sans’ vore oneshots
  14. Web of Stringed Negativity
  15. Sans AU Oneshots
  16. the broken deaf soul
  17. Back to you (errormare)
  18. the bet (ink x error x nightmare) (A Bit lemon)
  19. Nightmare x ink x error
  20. Error X Nightmare
  21. Error X Nightmare
  22. WHO ATE ALL THE PIZZA?! (Error x Nightmares gang)
  23. Error x Nightmare
  24. Blueberry × error × Nightmare
  25. Error x Nightmare (30 days otp challenge)
  26. Help Us..(An Error X Nightmare’s Gang fanfic)
  27. I like romance. 🖤( Librarian Error x Nightmare )
  28. Dark lovers (An Error x Nightmare story)
  29. Blind!Error X Nightmare (fixing grammar and story line)
  30. Sancest one shots (Completed)
  31. Mama Nootmare (A fanfic with the bad sanses)
  32. Ask ErrorMare (Error x Nightmare)
  33. Sanscest lemons🍋[DISCONTINUED]
  35. Sanscest Oneshots
  36. Sans AU x Reader(Bad Guys)
  37. Yandere sanses AUs one-shot
  38. Undertale AU’s One shots (Requests Closed)

Nightmare x ink x error

In an act of desperation and selfishness, Nightmare would do anything to kill his brother Dream no matter how many lives he takes or destroys, even if it means losing some other subordinate.…

「Not All Nightmares Are Bad」Nightmare x Error

°Title explains it all!! =∩υ∩= °Also there is a preview inside! =⊙υ⊙»= Cuz I’m tired lazy to retype it. =ω=»°This book way inspired by other errormare ( error x nightmare, duh! σ∧σ ) books!°This book is also for this amazing person. @Miss_majora…

infernal sleep ( nightmare x error)

A battle wages on between the star Sanses and the bad Sanses but what happens when dream seals nightmare away by putting him into a deep slumber. now error nightmares right hand man and the rest of the gang must find a way to wake their boss up. I don’t own this picture the creator is Thunfire0605nightmare and dream belong to jokublog error belongs to Crayon Queen or CQ and any other characters belong to their rightful creators.…

Sancest one shots (Completed)

Yeah I’m doing this now. If you want more info go to the first chapter there will be some rules like how to request. Okay? Okay. Let’s go!Also take whatever you think is cannon and leave it here because this book ain’t about any of that.(Non of the art is mine unless stated otherwise.)…

Mama Nootmare (A fanfic with the bad sanses)

A fanfic/story of Nightmare and children bad guys! All of the bad guys are children excluding Nightmare and Error. This is a story of Nightmare being a parent. I am terrible at stories so this may be terrible. I own none of the art or characters.…

Sanscest lemons🍋[DISCONTINUED]

The title says it all people!Now i don’t want any cinnamon rolls reading this,There too innocent!Anyways,enjoy!Ps:Most of this is not canon,so don’t come at me for adding something that to the au isnt true or something like that.😀…

Wicked love

(Error/nightmare) this is a story about evil and love playing a role all at once. Error the god of destruction and nightmare the king of nightmares, along with nightmares gang horror, cross, killer and dust. Nightmares gang meet error in battle soon error joins the team to cause destruction like no other. (FINISHED)!…

Sanscest Oneshots

Basically whatever ship whenever I feel like it. Some thing or ships might come up again and again. I get a lot of ideas randomly. •>•I do take requests tho if you have one.Also, very slow and spontaneous updates.There will probably be a lot of fluff.…

Sanscest one-shots [requests closed]

I don’t take request sorry since this is just for fun I’ll be doing all kind of ships for you multi shippers out there I hope you like it I don’t own the art cover belongs to the rightful owner This book may have -Angst-Lemon-Fluff — Self-harm — Blood — Rape (Not really) — Awful spelling and grammar mistake…

Yandere sanses AUs one-shot

Request closeDrawing by I don’t know…

Fem! Neko Nightmare x Error

(DISCONTINUED) The title explains it all…

Killer’s werid ass heram [13+]

Killer has a heram, dude get’s fucked 5 times a week by . 1. 2.. 3. 5 skeletons-who are they: Nightmare, Error, Cross, Dust and horror and You think its only them!! Nope- because killer is a bitch who somehow got everyone to fall for him—One of many stories to speak off as you request- [Oneshot]…

Au Sans’ vore oneshots

The title says it all. If you don’t like vore, leave or your gonna have a firey time. Those who love vore. I hope you enjoy. I also take request.Some of the parts in these stories do not belong to me. Credit to the original owners…

Web of Stringed Negativity

this is my first Fan-fiction, so prepare for major cringe. you have been warned.Picture is also not mine. I know what the cover says. please bear with me. idk how to edit pictures. …

Sans AU Oneshots

Smut = 🍋Fluff = 🌸Angst = 😔…

the broken deaf soul matter how much error tries, all he can hear is his own thoughts, and a painful ringing one knows hes broken, but what will happen when they find out? how did this happen?? Who did this to him. What else will happen to our poor destroyer. How many of his friends will get hurt along the way as well??he callshe BEGSfor someone to come to his rescue..but nobody came. Or did they. [ WARNING!! THIS BOOK HOLDS TRIGGERS SUCH AS ABUSE. VEIWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED][ another warning! This is my first book! I recommend reading at least two chapters before deciding if you like it or not, because that’s when things start to happen. I love all of you guys and have a good day! ]( this book is an errormare book. [Error x nightmare] along with ink x killer. If youd like more ships in this book, please tell me in the comments! 💜🖤💜🖤💜 )…

Back to you (errormare)

I assume you know the story of Error. If not then allow me to tell you.Error was the god of destruction. He was forced into that role by FATE, a entity that was corrupted by power and was blinded to the balance. Her favorite child, ink, was a hypocrite with the memory of a goldfish, don’t know what else to say. Error couldn’t take it. So, he jumped into the void. But he left someone behind. She will find her love.Notes: Nightmares a girl, Raider is older, and ink isn’t the bad guy…

the bet (ink x error x nightmare) (A Bit lemon)

error made a bet with nightmare to see who could get ink’s love,but when they realize that ink loves them both will their rivalry end?…


Nightmare x ink x error

error made a bet with nightmare to see who could get ink’s love,but when they realize that ink loves them both will their rivalry end?…

Error X Nightmare

Nightmare goes missing. what will Error do with the gang?…

Error X Nightmare

Error gets hurt and does not remember what happened to him. Why did Nightmare save him?…

WHO ATE ALL THE PIZZA?! (Error x Nightmares gang)

Error, not knowing or caring that nightmare’s gang exists, stupidly goes to destroy there au. Stuff happens. Have fun!—I’m very creative when it comes to titling meh stores. cover art is mine :)characters (NM’s gang) may be ooc cuz I wrote the first three chapters without thinking to read sum fanfiction and do some research about them. no regrets. uwu. oh and forced destroyer Error belongs to Harrish6, but I did stuff and made him short and more chill cuz I have truble writing about pain without making cheesy so have fun with that!…

Error x Nightmare

The brake up story of errink and into the love story of errormare…

Blueberry × error × Nightmare

I have no clue what I’m doing with this story So uh enjoy?…

Error x Nightmare (30 days otp challenge)

PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE YOU READ THE STORY BECAUSE I DON’T WANT PEOPLE HAVING PROBLEMS SO READ! I’M BEGGING YOU I GET PISSED EASILY WHEN IT COMES TO HATER AND READING THE DESCRIPTION LET’S YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE STORYNightmare had always been serious about everything and doesn’t like playing around and he happens to have one positive feeling he can tolerate which is Love (Not Level Of ViolencE) and he felt those for Error then someone wanted to break their relationshipThse characters and photos are not mine and they belong to their original characters and I won’t add something that doesn’t relate to the characters information except for some little things like Nightmare falling in love same for Error too and Killers soul being fixed and that someone who wants to break Nightmare and Error’s relationship(⚠️WARNING SIN UO AHEAD AND IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH BAD WORDS AND SINFUL STUFF THIS IS YOUR TIME TO TURN AWAY⚠️) THANK YOU FOR READING THIS❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️…

Help Us..(An Error X Nightmare’s Gang fanfic)

This is a very deep and sad story. It’s not for the faint of heart. They are mentions of suicide, depression, abuse, and torture. There are also some references to religion. I hope you don’t think badly of the book based on this description, I just want to make this book in a way that shows that anyone can thrive, even in bad situations. I hope you enjoy!…

I like romance. 🖤( Librarian Error x Nightmare )

» Its kind of embarrassing. » » It can’t be that bad! » » Well. » » I like romance. «Setting: Roblox — Tearful’s library ( go check it out to know the layout ) Updated irregularly…

Dark lovers (An Error x Nightmare story)

note: the story contains cussing, suicide referance and actions, violance, gore, and sexual referance.Error is a glitchy destroyer who winces at the slightest touch, he was created to destroy the abominations called Aus. Did I mention Error is on most peoples kill lists, and being at a school where alot of those people are doesn’t really help.Nightmare is a two sided living hell, one side being normal, while to other is, well a nightmare. His job is yo spread missery and hate, he is Hell but a black, goopey monster. Dream makes his job difficult, not to mention the starting of school. Yep, you heard me.Follow these two as they try to battle to odds of they hate showered upon them, and homework. Ut makes ya wonder, will these two be friends, or more?…

Blind!Error X Nightmare (fixing grammar and story line)

«Your propably thinking why my eyes are black? Well it because im blind. belive me it sucks. i just want this pain to go away..but i guess it just never will. «but then i met ‘him’.…

Sancest one shots (Completed)

Yeah I’m doing this now. If you want more info go to the first chapter there will be some rules like how to request. Okay? Okay. Let’s go!Also take whatever you think is cannon and leave it here because this book ain’t about any of that.(Non of the art is mine unless stated otherwise.)…

Mama Nootmare (A fanfic with the bad sanses)

A fanfic/story of Nightmare and children bad guys! All of the bad guys are children excluding Nightmare and Error. This is a story of Nightmare being a parent. I am terrible at stories so this may be terrible. I own none of the art or characters.…

Ask ErrorMare (Error x Nightmare)

Ask the ship, brace yourself for angst, depression, and cuddles!Nightmare: *Completely unwilling to do this*Error: *Doesn’t give two shits*Author: *Wants this to be the best book they have.*Nightmare: Author, no.Author: *Hits publish* Author, yes.…

Sanscest lemons🍋[DISCONTINUED]

The title says it all people!Now i don’t want any cinnamon rolls reading this,There too innocent!Anyways,enjoy!Ps:Most of this is not canon,so don’t come at me for adding something that to the au isnt true or something like that.😀…


Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this! It’s mah first time shipping Nightmare with Error, so please don’t critize! ^^ Anyways, hope you like it! This story is updated on Saturdays.…

Sanscest Oneshots

Basically whatever ship whenever I feel like it. Some thing or ships might come up again and again. I get a lot of ideas randomly. •>•I do take requests tho if you have one.Also, very slow and spontaneous updates.There will probably be a lot of fluff.…

Sans AU x Reader(Bad Guys)

Au Sanses x ReaderIf you like edgy and scary Sanses, and romantic and fluffy and edgy scenarios, then this is the book for you!!…

Yandere sanses AUs one-shot

Request closeDrawing by I don’t know…

Undertale AU’s One shots (Requests Closed)

Enjoy these one shots[⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ MATURE CONTENT]…


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