Let’s start with OpenCL 1.1 support.
OpenCL 1.1 doesn’t actually support the ‘static’ storage class specifier and so running ethminer on Mesa results is a bunch of
input.cl:114:1: error: OpenCL version 1.1 does not support the 'static' storage class specifier
obviously with different line numbers. To fix that I used the solution from cpp-ethereum issue #3020 , where @lvella cleverly figured out you could enable the specifier anyway by prepending
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_clang_storage_class_specifiers : enable
at the top of
which still works with the latest git of ethminer.
With that out of the way, the issue I’m facing now is that I’m instead getting
[OPENCL]:<unknown>:0:0: in function ethash_calculate_dag_item void (i32, %union.compute_hash_share addrspace(1)*, %union.compute_hash_share addrspace(1)*, i32): unsupported initializer for address space
I have no clue what this means since I don’t know more than incredibly basic OpenCL. Grepping the source tree reveals this line:
./libethash-cl/ethash_cl_miner_kernel.cl:386:__kernel void ethash_calculate_dag_item(uint start, __global hash64_t const* g_light, __global hash64_t * g_dag, uint isolate)
which I, again, have no clue what it actually does. I presume the solution to this one isn’t as simple as adding a #pragma
How do I proceed from here?
Sample benchmark run, including Ctrl+C at the end where the program simply stopped for several minutes:
ethminer/build$ ./ethminer/ethminer -G -M
[OPENCL]:Found suitable OpenCL device [AMD TAHITI (DRM 2.48.0 / 4.9.0-3-amd64, LLVM 3.9.1)] with 3221225472 bytes of GPU memory
Benchmarking on platform: CL
Preparing DAG for block #0
Warming up...
ℹ 03:06:46|openclminer0 set work; seed: #00000000, target: #000000000000
ℹ 03:06:46|openclminer0 Initialising miner...
[OPENCL]:Using platform: Clover
[OPENCL]:Using device: AMD TAHITI (DRM 2.48.0 / 4.9.0-3-amd64, LLVM 3.9.1)(OpenCL 1.1 Mesa 13.0.6)
[OPENCL]:<unknown>:0:0: in function ethash_calculate_dag_item void (i32, %union.compute_hash_share addrspace(1)*, %union.compute_hash_share addrspace(1)*, i32): unsupported initializer for address space
Trial 1... 0
Trial 2... 0
Trial 3... 0
Trial 4... 0
Trial 5... 0
Edit: Sorry, there’s no simple way to prevent GitHub from butchering the formatting in the last code block.
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Topic: AMD OpenCL Momentum miner (Read 294693 times)
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I forgot to mention that these are random/rare errors. Very sporadic and not really an issue at all.
I thought I would throw them out for future debugging or possible low-level issues to investigate.
Time on my Ubuntu rig is spot on and set automatically from the internet. No worries, just wanted
to pass this on. As always, many thanks NaN!
ERRORS when running clpts-v.0.2.2 on Ubuntu 13.04
Invalid share
Reason: Merkleroot is invalid or corrupted. Update your miner.Invalid share
Reason : No valid momentumWas just looking through the output of my current mining run and though I’d pass these on to NaN.
Many thanks again for all your hard work NaN!!Is your time correct (execute date to get the time)? I have no idea how Ubuntu handles time zones. Windows sets the hardware clock to local time but Linux normally assumes UTC.
I am getting an error when trying to run this miner.
spawning 2 worker threads
[b]error while opening the file gpuhash_0. Exiting...
Are the files gpuhash_x in the same directory as the binary? I guess that the application cannot find the file.
ERRORS when running clpts-v.0.2.2 on Ubuntu 13.04
Invalid share
Reason: Merkleroot is invalid or corrupted. Update your miner.Invalid share
Reason : No valid momentumWas just looking through the output of my current mining run and though I’d pass these on to NaN.
Many thanks again for all your hard work NaN!!
Is your time correct (execute date to get the time)? I have no idea how Ubuntu handles time zones. Windows sets the hardware clock to local time but Linux normally assumes UTC.
I am getting an error when trying to run this miner.
./clpts -u x.pts_1 -p x -t 0,1
Vendor of used platform (#1 / 1): Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Name of device #1 / 2 (deviceID 0): Tahiti
Name of device #2 / 2 (deviceID 1): Tahiti
Fee Percentage: 2.50%. To set, use "-d" flag e.g. "-d 3.5" is 3.5% donation
spawning 2 worker threads
[b]error while opening the file gpuhash_0. Exiting...
dpkg -l|grep fgl
ii fglrx 2:13.200-0ubuntu1 amd64 Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators
ii fglrx-amdcccle 2:13.200-0ubuntu1 amd64 Catalyst Control Center for the AMD graphics accelerators
ii fglrx-dev 2:13.200-0ubuntu1 amd64 Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators (devel files)
~ $
>>> approve bitcoiners
ERRORS when running clpts-v.0.2.2 on Ubuntu 13.04
Invalid share
Reason: Merkleroot is invalid or corrupted. Update your miner.
Invalid share
Reason : No valid momentum
Was just looking through the output of my current mining run and though I’d pass these on to NaN.
Many thanks again for all your hard work NaN!!
I think I finally have my 4 x MSI R9 290 rig setup under Ubuntu running clpts v0.2.2
with all the tweaks for now. Currently mining on Ypool at the moment and getting :
collisions/min : 15130
shares/hr : 1730
The total rig is pulling 1100w with a 20″ box fan running on low to keep air circulating.
I’ve switched over from Windows 8.1×64 toUbuntu 13.04×64 and INDEED there is a significant
increase in speed. Wow.. thank you NaN! Now I’m delving into tweaking the GPU clock, memory,
fan, etc. I’ve read extensively about aticonfig and I can seem to get it to work on the first (default)
adapter, but every time I try to use the —adapter parameter it seems to only be setting/getting the
first (default) GPU. For example, aticonfig —adapter=»all» —odgt returns four values but they are
all the same. I’m suing kernel 3.8.0-35 and catalyst 13.12. Is this a good combo? Perhaps there
are other (GUI) utilities out there? Much appreciated!Running 4 x MSI R9 290 Gaming
What is the speed of R9 290 Gaming under Ubuntu?
Three HIS 280x ,speed goes up to 96XX! add -a 2
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:41:57 am by iamcount »
Error during compilation of program for device ‘Tahiti’:
Internal error: Input OpenCL binary is not for the target!
How to fix this?
My card is 7950,and driver 13.1
Which OS? Catalyst 13.1 is most likely too old. Please try to update.
it’s solved,I used v0.2 ,just 55xx. After i changed to v 0.2.2 ,the speed goes up to 75xx.
I found the miner has potentiality to increase speed. i used cg to mine ltc or doge,the power was nearly 900w. now ,i use this miner ,the power just 510w. So, how can incease the speed? overlock?
Try to play around with the settings because 75xx cpm seems too low. Overclocking is most likely possible because of the low power usage. Most important is GPU core frequency but be aware of the pitfalls when overclocking Tahiti GPUs.
I’ve switched over from Windows 8.1×64 toUbuntu 13.04×64 and INDEED there is a significant
increase in speed. Wow.. thank you NaN! Now I’m delving into tweaking the GPU clock, memory,
fan, etc. I’ve read extensively about aticonfig and I can seem to get it to work on the first (default)
adapter, but every time I try to use the —adapter parameter it seems to only be setting/getting the
first (default) GPU. For example, aticonfig —adapter=»all» —odgt returns four values but they are
all the same. I’m suing kernel 3.8.0-35 and catalyst 13.12. Is this a good combo? Perhaps there
are other (GUI) utilities out there? Much appreciated!Running 4 x MSI R9 290 Gaming
What is the speed of R9 290 Gaming under Ubuntu?
three his 280x ,win7 13.1dirver.just get 57xx, it’s too bad. use -t 0,0,1,1,2,2 .
if add -a 1, the miner can not run.
so, help me!Which version do you use? I guess that you’re using an old one. Use v0.1.4 or v0.2.2. If your monitor is attached to GPU 0, then I would use -t 0,1,1,2,2 and I would try -t 0,1,2 too. -a 1 should be fastest.
it’s solved,I used v0.2 ,just 55xx. After i changed to v 0.2.2 ,the speed goes up to 75xx.
I found the miner has potentiality to increase speed. i used cg to mine ltc or doge,the power was nearly 900w. now ,i use this miner ,the power just 510w. So, how can incease the speed? overlock?
Can anyone please comment on what you are getting with the latest version on a 290X?
Sorry to bother NaN but I would like to know what method you (or any others) use to monitor GPU
temps under Linux since aticonfig doesn’t work with multi-gpu configurations?
Indeed, aticonfig does not work in multi GPU setups. The easiest thing for me was to write a cgminer config-file so that after booting up, cgminer is started, then closed and after that I execute my miner.
Error during compilation of program for device ‘Tahiti’:
Internal error: Input OpenCL binary is not for the target!
How to fix this?
My card is 7950,and driver 13.1
Can’t thank you enough for your software AND that great suggestion!!
Time for me to go implement it!!
Indeed, aticonfig does not work in multi GPU setups. The easiest thing for me was to write a cgminer config-file so that after booting up, cgminer is started, then closed and after that I execute my miner.
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My switch from scrypt to X11
Thread startermkrohn
Start dateMay 4, 2014
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Nicehash added X11 support yesterday… I’ve been all over it ever since.
What port are you connecting to? and are you setting a price? I can’t get any accepted shares. (I’m on port 3336)
Last edited: May 13, 2014
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I’m using the same SPH-SGMiner settings I was for Darkcoin.
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Normally, I’m good for 2mhs on scrypt but my old HD6870 does better on X11. It’s actually doing 1.1mhs vs. the 1.4mhs each of the three 270s are doing.
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Port 3336, not setting a price.I’m using the same SPH-SGMiner settings I was for Darkcoin.
That’s exactly what i’m doing but i get no accepted shares :/
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Wow that is insane. That is around .01 btc/mh for X11! Guess I’m switching over to that today.
Misplaced a decimal point. I keep doing that
Should be 0.006 BTC. Seems to be doing about what I would get with scrypt, only with much cooler running cards. No brainer to me.
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What is the average equivalent of btc/mh/day you are getting for X11? Based on the site it looks like its ~.001 btc/mh/day?
hashrate is roughly TRIPLED when you switch to X11 so factor that in and X11 is actually higher paying than scrypt quite often right now. rates are all over the place.. go to the thread about betarigs for more on it being all over the place!
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hashrate is roughly TRIPLED when you switch to X11 so factor that in and X11 is actually higher paying than scrypt quite often right now. rates are all over the place.. go to the thread about betarigs for more on it being all over the place!
I have moved one of my three rigs over, the other two are still on scrypt as Dogecoin is still profitable and in most cases more than Dark or Hiro. But I do beleive they will go up so been thinking of moving over, espcially Hiro as it is low difficuility.
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I have moved one of my three rigs over, the other two are still on scrypt as Dogecoin is still profitable and in most cases more than Dark or Hiro. But I do beleive they will go up so been thinking of moving over, espcially Hiro as it is low difficuility.
If you’re not the speculate on coins person then just lease your rigs out like I’ve been doing and just use the BTC to stragiht BUY whatever coins you want.
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Any tips on what I need to know switching to X11?
Use sphminer and intensity 18-20 and that’s about it.
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Use sphminer and intensity 18-20 and that’s about it.
Hmmm I can’t use Sgminer? I have cgwatcher etc all setup already for sgminer . or is sphminer a fork of cg/sgminer?
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Hmmm I can’t use Sgminer? I have cgwatcher etc all setup already for sgminer . or is sphminer a fork of cg/sgminer?
it is
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Ahhh, figured it out, I was at work and couldn’t really look up much, I got it up and running thanks, simple switch, just added -k darkcoin and boom, headshot.
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[19:42:59] Kernel darkcoin is experimental.
[19:42:59] Error -11: Building Program (clBuildProgram)
[19:42:59] Internal error: Input OpenCL binary is not for the target!
[19:42:59] Failed to init GPU thread 0, disabling device 0
[19:42:59] Restarting the GPU from the menu will not fix this.
[19:42:59] Try restarting sgminer.
Not really sure what’s up with it, this error doesn’t seem to show up in google for mining.
EDIT: NVM it was my TC settings being too high I take it.
Last edited: May 14, 2014
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also getting this on one of my miners[19:42:59] Kernel darkcoin is experimental.
[19:42:59] Error -11: Building Program (clBuildProgram)
[19:42:59] Internal error: Input OpenCL binary is not for the target![19:42:59] Failed to init GPU thread 0, disabling device 0
[19:42:59] Restarting the GPU from the menu will not fix this.
[19:42:59] Try restarting sgminer.Not really sure what’s up with it, this error doesn’t seem to show up in google for mining.
EDIT: NVM it was my TC settings being too high I take it.
I honestly do not use any other settings (not even TC) in my config other than intensity. Didn’t see much of a gain.
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how is WU measured in X11? on a single 290 I can get 2.4MH with moderate settings ( 1000/1300) but my WU is reported at .046 which I’m not sure if it’s good or not.
Yeah that is normal, its very slow accepts
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Not really looking to do Darkcoin, especially not after what was posted here on the forums about it.
I don’t have time for the «new coin shuffle» so ideally I’d like to just set my rigs up on a multipool and just let them go. What are the best options out there for that?
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So I know the question has sort of been asked before, but who’s doing what on X11? Are there many multipools that support it? I know of Blackcoinpool and I probably will hit that one up again for awhile.Not really looking to do Darkcoin, especially not after what was posted here on the forums about it.
I don’t have time for the «new coin shuffle» so ideally I’d like to just set my rigs up on a multipool and just let them go. What are the best options out there for that?
I just leave mine on Nicehash, it’s still as profitable as scrypt even at the crap rate it is now, but of course with the x11 benefits, less power usage, less heat.
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I just leave mine on Nicehash, it’s still as profitable as scrypt even at the crap rate it is now, but of course with the x11 benefits, less power usage, less heat.
Same here. About all I’ve done today is set it up so my miners go to my failover Darkcoin pool when Nicehash goes below 1 BTC/ghash/day. So far, that hasn’t happened too often.
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Same here. About all I’ve done today is set it up so my miners go to my failover Darkcoin pool when Nicehash goes below 1 BTC/ghash/day. So far, that hasn’t happened too often.
That’s exactly how i’ve got mine set up . DRK price is still going apeshit, wish i mined more of it.
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Ah well — holding all my VTC and DRK anyway. Would love it if the prices of each swapped places.
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2 x 290x @ default speeds. though I am using thestilt bios on them. Running scrypt even @ higher speeds it was rock stable, now It crashes within 10 seconds.
also I tried running with just 1 card, didn’t make a difference.
and NVM it looks like I messed something up with the driver when removing old ones, fixed now, 2.7mh per 290x @ stock speed, it seems that X11 is not as memory intensive since my 290 non -x with the stock bios and elpidia memory hashes @ 2.4mh
Last edited: May 15, 2014
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Yeah, I spent too much time mining VTC before getting into DRK. By the time I did, the price was spiking and so was the difficulty.Ah well — holding all my VTC and DRK anyway. Would love it if the prices of each swapped places.
VTC itself isn’t doing too bad. The price has been rising the past few days, sitting at 1.27 per coin right now and it’s fairly easy to mine. (just doesn’t feel as fast due to the 1/2 hash rate that’s inherent in the miner (you might get 800khash on scrypt, on ScryptN it’s suddenly 400khash.
I have 3500khash pointed at VTC right now — i get about 12 or 13 coins per day. Will probably move to X11 nicehash or blackcoinpool just because the reduction in power use is important to me. I just got an electric bill and it was high… (to me at least $136) Here’s the kicker that will piss everyone off. $136 was because I used something like 2600kwh (5 mining rigs, some air conditioner use) etc etc.
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VTC itself isn’t doing too bad. The price has been rising the past few days, sitting at 1.27 per coin right now and it’s fairly easy to mine. (just doesn’t feel as fast due to the 1/2 hash rate that’s inherent in the miner (you might get 800khash on scrypt, on ScryptN it’s suddenly 400khash.I have 3500khash pointed at VTC right now — i get about 12 or 13 coins per day. Will probably move to X11 nicehash or blackcoinpool just because the reduction in power use is important to me. I just got an electric bill and it was high… (to me at least $136) Here’s the kicker that will piss everyone off. $136 was because I used something like 2600kwh (5 mining rigs, some air conditioner use) etc etc.
Same, VTC is going crazy the last week or so. I switched all my rigs over a couple days ago from X11. Almost doubled my earnings over X11 in the last 24hrs. My power is cheap, so I’ll stick with VTC for now and the difficulty of X11 has shot through the roof in the last week or so.
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Same, VTC is going crazy the last week or so. I switched all my rigs over a couple days ago from X11. Almost doubled my earnings over X11 in the last 24hrs. My power is cheap, so I’ll stick with VTC for now and the difficulty of X11 has shot through the roof in the last week or so.
are you referring to the X11 type? or the coin actually called X11?
IMO — whoever created that coin is a fucking retard. The most unimaginative and confusing name possible. If I asked you what type of car you drove and you told me «Microsoft» — that would tell me NOTHING about what you actually drive.
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are you referring to the X11 type? or the coin actually called X11?IMO — whoever created that coin is a fucking retard. The most unimaginative and confusing name possible. If I asked you what type of car you drove and you told me «Microsoft» — that would tell me NOTHING about what you actually drive.
Anybody even choosing to mine such a stupid coin is stupid. Lets just pretend that coin doesn’t exist. When speaking of X11 it’ll just be the algo
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About all I’ve done today is set it up so my miners go to my failover Darkcoin pool when Nicehash goes below 1 BTC/ghash/day. So far, that hasn’t happened too often.
Could you walk me through how to set this up?
Thanks bro
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I was referring to the Algo-not the coin. I’ve been mining Drk for the past week or so, but I’m doing so much better with VTC now I don’t see myself going back unless the difficulty comes back down. Pulling 10-15 VTC per day now with only 2MHs. That’s almost double what I was making with Drk.
And probably double the power usage too, which matters for a lot of folks.
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Double production for double power usage with the same hardware? You would be stupid not to take that.
depends on where you’re at really. That twice as much heat is more like 3x harder to get rid of. AC running more, fans running more its really no worth it because yes income doubles but the expenses will MORE THAN double when you factor in additional cooling. Long term wear on the hardware is also greater.
I played with scrypt-N for a little bit today and got quite a few errors. scrypt-N is not quite as plug in and go as X11 which has proven to be very simple to get going on.
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And probably double the power usage too, which matters for a lot of folks.![]()
No… not really. While Scrypt-N is not as power efficient as X11, it is still about 90% the consumption of plain Scrypt. So there is some meager power savings there too. This translates into a couple degrees less heat and a small amount less wear and tear on GPUs.
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The universal reality of mining any coin with any encryption type is that results vary on the parameters of the person mining.
* — Are you short term or long term (aka a gambling man)
* — What do you pay for power? (i pay 5 cents per kwh… you bet your ass I’d have sold the farm LONG ago if I was paying 15-20 cents per.
* — Geographic location? If you are «really north» cooling is never an issue. I’m in North Texas and while things have been relatively cool lately we are only a few weeks away from highs in the 105 and lows in the 90s. You bet your ass I’m switching to X11 full time when I want to cool down.
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Bits & Bytes
Mining & Cryptocurrency
I have a problem with windows 7. It shows «internal error: entry binary OpenCl isn’t the target ‘ on desktop, below you can see the error
When I click on ok. After a few minutes, it shows once again
Thanks for posting your query in Microsoft Community Forum.
You get the error message when you start Windows?
The question may arise if there is a corruption with the program file of any third-party application, corruption with the graphics card (especially the AMD GPU) or due to a virus infection. So, now to diagnose the problem I suggest you to try the following steps and check if the problem persists.
Method 1:
Step 1: Try to start your system in a State of services necessary to the operation and a minimum set of drivers enabled, called Safe Mode.
Start your computer in safe mode
Step 2: If the system works fine in safe mode, try to clean the system startup:
How to perform a clean boot in Windows
Note: See «how to reset the computer to start normally after a boot minimum troubleshooting» to prepare the computer to start as usual after a repair.
Method 2:
The issue may be due to an infection by the virus. So, you can also run the Microsoft Safety Scanner to make sure that the computer is free of infections:
Note: The Microsoft Safety Scanner ends 10 days after being downloaded. To restart a scan with the latest definitions of anti-malware, download and run the Microsoft Safety Scanner again.
The data files that are infected must be cleaned only by removing the file completely, which means that there is a risk of data loss.
Hope this information is useful. If the problem still persists, please post back for further assistance, we will be happy to help you.
Tags: Windows
Similar Questions
How to fix my computer told me windows cannot load a system driver reviews being missing or damaged
How to fix my computer told me windows cannot load a system driver reviews being missing or damaged
Follow these steps to try to solve your problems of boot.
Restore point:
Do Safe Mode system restore, if it is impossible to do in Normal Mode.
Try typing F8 at startup and in the list of Boot selections, select Mode safe using ARROW top to go there > and then press ENTER.
Try a restore of the system once, to choose a Restore Point prior to your problem…
Click Start > programs > Accessories > system tools > system restore > choose another time > next > etc.
Read the above for a very good graph shows how backward more than 5 days in the System Restore Points by checking the correct box.
If the system or Mode restore safe work not and you do not have a Microsoft Vista DVD, make a repair disc to do a Startup Repair:
Download the ISO on the link provided and make a record of repair time it starts.
Go to your Bios/Setup, or the Boot Menu at startup and change the Boot order to make the DVD/CD drive 1st in the boot order, then reboot with the disk in the drive.
At the startup/power on you should see at the bottom of the screen either F2 or DELETE, go to Setup/Bios or F12 for the Boot Menu.
When you have changed that, insert the Bootable disk you did in the drive and reboot.
Link above shows what the process looks like and a manual, it load the repair options.
NeoSmart containing the content of the Windows Vista DVD ‘Recovery Centre’, as we refer to him. It cannot be used to install or reinstall Windows Vista, and is just a Windows PE interface to recovering your PC. Technically, we could re-create this installation with downloadable media media freely from Microsoft (namely the Microsoft WAIK, several gigabyte download); but it is pretty darn decent of Microsoft to present Windows users who might not be able to create such a thing on their own.
Read all the info on the website on how to create and use:
ISO Burner:http://www.snapfiles.com/get/active-isoburner.html
It’s a very good Vista startup repair disk.
You can do a system restart tool, system, etc it restore.
It is NOT a disc of resettlement.
And the 32-bit is what normally comes on a computer, unless 64-bit.
See you soon.
Mick Murphy — Microsoft partner
How to fix the below errors event-7001
How to fix the below errors event-7001. Because my PC Win7 OS frozen when start as msg ‘Welcome ‘.
The computer browser service depends on the Server service which failed to start because of the following error:
The dependency service or group was able to start. Event ID is 7001.Hello
Try to fix this problem by doing this
- Open the Device Manager.
- On the view menu, click to select the check box Show hidden devices .
- Double-click drivers Non Plug-and-Play.
- Double-click NetBIOS over TCP/IP.
- In the use of the device box, click use this device (enabled).
Hope this helps
How to fix the script error message: can not find script file «C:program files (x 86) uninstall scriptscreative cloud enterpriseinstall.wsf»
How to fix the script error message: can not find script file «C:program files (x 86) uninstall scriptscreative cloud enterpriseinstall.wsf»
Behalf of the company
Packer links https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1586021
http://forums.Adobe.com/community/download_install_setup/creative_suite_enterprise_deploym ent
How to fix. DLL errors.
I’m going to. Errors of DLL in my (Windows XP Pro SP3) Event Viewer log. So, I’m looking to find out how the fixing of such. DLL HELL problems. Is there a practical guide that could help me with this problem? What about a program that would address these problems for a beginner? I’d appreciate any help you send my way on this topic.
Apparently, even the authority of certification ‘Tech’ failed to remove everything.
I suppose that one or more of the following are missing:
C:Program Files
C:Program Files components CAShared
C:Program FilesCAShared ComponentsTMEngine
C:Program FilesCAShared ComponentsTMEngineUmxEngine.exeBecause you want to get rid of Antivirus, I would delete C:Program Files and all its files and subfolders.
Now, to get rid of the reason for the event.
First of all, go back to Services and write down the name of ‘service’ of the service that you have found. This is not the same as the «friendly name» that appears in the list of services. For example, if you scroll down to «Print spooler» and open its properties, you will find that «spooler» is the name of ‘service’ for this service. Similarly, you will find «Automatic updates» in the list of services. his ‘service’ name is wuauserv.
While you have the properties for this service engine TM open, click on the tab «Dependencies», wait a minute or two for the scanning system and then make sure that there is nothing in the box below: ‘the following system components depend on this service’ (if there are any dependent services listed, they are likely additional CA antivirus remains and must be eliminated as well).
Open a command prompt window (start > run > cmd > OK)
Type the following in the black command prompt window and press enterSC delete servicenameyoufound
Another method is to download and install Autoruns. Let the scan finish, and then click the Services tab. Find the TM engine service, right-click and select Delete.
If you use Autodelete, you should look at the Services tab (and probably also the logon tab) for all additional instances of «file not found.» If you find among them, at least clear the line (which prevents Windows to try to locate the file) or remove the entry.
Finally, it is not quite clear to me that simply do not find a third party file DLL and allowing him to start a third-party service is sufficient to cause your system down. Removing the service should eliminate Event 7000… but it remains to be seen if she will also stop accidents.
How to fix Vista update error code c0150004
I tried to play a game online and it said that I had to update, but then it wouldn’t let me update and says that there is an error
* original title — what is error code c0150004 and how to fix TI *.
Hi blade3211,
Please see the thread with a similar problem and fix possible:
I hope this helps!
Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think -
How to fix problem with error 1321. The installer has insufficien privileges to modify the file C:Program Adobe 8.0ResourceLinguisticsProvidersProximitycan129.lex
Error 1321. The installer has insufficien privileges to modify the file C:Program Adobe 8.0ResourceLinguisticsProvidersProximitycan129.lex
I also get error 1607 when you try to download a new driver for Xerox Travel scanner 100. HHHHHEEEEELLLLLPPPPPP!
1. did you of recent changes on the computer?
2. when exactly you receive the 1321 error?
3. do you have security software installed on the computer?
See the article and try the steps mentioned to fix the 1321 error.
Error 1321 or 1309 | Install | CS4, CS5 |
You may receive a «1607: unable to install InstallShield Scripting runtime» error message when you try to install the software in Windows XP
How to fix java script errors
Java script error messages / hoe to fix?
Java script error messages / hoe to fix?
See if this tutorial may be of no help to you:
How to fix JavaScript errors
http://www.ehow.com/how_5579654_fix-Java-script-errors.htmlHere is the link to google where you can find many articles about it:
http://www.Google.ca/HWS/search?hl=en&client=Dell-row&channel=CA-PSP&IBD=0071218&q=how+to+repair+Java+script+errors&submit=Google+search For the benefits of others looking for answers, please mark as answer suggestion if it solves your problem. -
How to fix vista. Error Emulation.dll
How to fix vista. Emulation.dll error my computer says it is missing and I need to reinstall, need help
Backup all data you want to keep and restore the settings according to the instructions in your user guide.
Good luck.
How to fix the problem error Creative Cloud applications download stand by me
how to fix the problem download error Creative Cloud applications do not leave me
I think that you have found the «download error» in the Apps Panel.
Please check the help below document:
Download error in the applications tab of Creative Cloud Desktop Application
You can also view the threads below:
Persistent Cloud error — error download — creative
Re: Creative Cloud «Download error» message
Kind regards
How to fix bc helper.exe for windows XP
Dear Sir.
Now my pc at home you have a problem. When I turn on pc, there pops up to say that BC helper.exe missing need to reinstall. I don’t know what is helper.exe of British Colombia. What is spyware or virus. If not, how to fix to. pls tell me step by step. I am woman and don’t know how to fix the pc of my costs. Thanks for the kind year cordially.
Download, install, update and scan with these full free malware detection programs:
Malwarebytes (MMFA): http://malwarebytes.org/
SUPERAntiSpyware: (SAS): http://www.superantispyware.com/
http://www.Microsoft.com/security/scanner/en-us/default.aspx Security Scanner
In my view, it is an infection, run the scans above and answer a few questions, if you please,
brand and model of the pc
current antivirus
Operating system and service pack.
How to fix the location of default windows update.
fix the location of default windows update
If there is a problem with Windows Update, you can try running:
How to fix the user accounts in windows 8
How to correct the user account in windows 8 on new g7 2246nr, I put to your laptop using the Microsoft account then switched to a local account. I found myself with i admin working the rest of my files are broken up between 3 other user accounts. I spoke with Microsoft to try to consolidate the accounts and they used a command line in the command, but he has not done. I always work with the system, but it has problems. I reloaded the software so for 3 times. All know how to correct the problem without reload all the software again? also, after configuring sharepoint in Office Pro Plus, he created another administrator account. I do not think this would happen?
Hi BJ2124,
Although I regret the inconvenience that you had with your experience of Microsoft Windows 8, you can better receive the technical expertise you need by contacting Microsoft about the issue of multiple account creation.
You can call Microsoft Customer Service at 1-800-642-7676
Mon — Fri: 05:00 — 21:00; Sat — Sun: 06:00-15:00 (PST)As a reference, I included the link to the technical support of Microsoft Windows 8 page:
Also, here is a reference link to change logins to Microsoft for local accounts:
Microsoft how to switch from one account to a Local account in Windows 8
And finally, here is a quick reference to solve the problem that you encounter while using an account download troubleshooting tool from Microsoft:
The problems of account Microsoft Windows 8 with convenience store «Microsoft accounts»
In this forum support is available for support hardware/software HP. I will provide better supported with your hardware/software of HP. If you need help with a software which is another provider, so I can re — direct you to reference appropriate at this time.
I hope that you can mark these messages as solved, so that you can inspire others to follow your example with success. You never know who you can inspire.
—How can I give Kudos? | How to mark a post as solved? ———————————————————
How to fix outlook express error 0xc0000005 on window XP
Cannot open Outlook Express, I received a msg of error of microsoft asking me to report this error. Soon as I have the Outlook Express closed error report.
Bruce: It’s not a «FIX» this is the workaround and a sloppy solution that require a separate shortcut for each outlook express account user. Where can I find a solution? I’m having the same problem. Same error code and crash at startup of Outlook Express.
How can I fix a VSS error for windows 7 ultimate, that code is 0 x 80042318? Please someone help me
7 ultimate wins
I got an error code 0 x 80042318 (VSS error). I can’t restore back the point I want to and cannot open internet explore. There, can anyone help me solve this problem? Thank you
Check that the Volume Shadow Copy service is running.
Click Start, type: services
Press enter on your keyboard
Scroll to Volume Shadow Copy
Right-click, and then click Properties
Go to the general tab
The «Startup type» value manual
Click Start
Click on apply and OK
Restart your computer
You can also check to make sure the following dependencies work:
-DCOM Server process Launcher
-Manager of RPC endpoint