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Internal Error: Memory Access Violation — NX11Internal Error: Memory Access Violation — NX11(OP) 18 Dec 18 13:15 Greetings: I have a fairly simple design that when I try opening it up now, I get an error message mentioned in subject line. Is there a way to fix this without being an IT professional? Thanks, Brent Red Flag SubmittedThank you for helping keep Eng-Tips Forums free from inappropriate posts. |
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Article — CS255097
Modified: 10-Dec-2018
Applies To
- Windchill PDMLink 10.2 M030-CPS21
- Windchill PDMLink 11.0 M020-CPS03 to M020-CPS11
- Windchill Workgroup Manager 10.2 M030 CPS21
- Windchill Workgroup Manager 11.0 M020 CPS03, CPS10 and CPS16
- Unigraphics 11.0
- Not reproducible in NX 10
Unable to save new data the workspace with NX11
- Trying to save to workspace fails with error:
Internal error: memory access violation
- The NX log (File > Help > Log file) throws the following:
>>>> O/S ERROR: signal 11 caught in file «o:ugnx110ip33srcuguinoindmb_callbacks.c» at line number 1596
>>>> O/S ERROR: signal 11 caught in file «o:ugnx110ip33srcuguinoindmb_menubar.c» at line number 1685
>>>> O/S ERROR: signal 11 caught in file «o:ugnx110ip33srcuguinoinduigblfunc.c» at line number 399
>>>> O/S ERROR: signal 11 caught in file «o:ugnx110ip33srcuginitintnoindclink.c» at line number 767
&MACRO MESSAGE_BOX -2, Internal error: memory access violation
- Importing to workspace fails in NX 11
- The same actions succeed without issues in other CAD applications (i.e: CATIA, Solidworks) using the same Workgroup Manager release 10.2 M030 CPS21
- Siemens NX11 doesn’t interact with Workgroup Manager
- No new parts can be created
- Workgroup Manager can communicate with Windchill if executed alone
- Additional messages found in the nx.._debug.log file within the cadapp folder:
E: T1998: uwgmapp: UWGM_ADAPTER: Error loading library . Exiting…
E: T1998: uwgmapp: UWGM_ADAPTER: Please verify the if .NET Framework 4.5.1 or newer is installed
- NX fails to open part from Workgroup Manager with error:
SOAP Client Error: Failed to open SOAP RPC call response stream
Click here follow the steps to fix Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation and related errors.
To Fix (Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation) error you need to |
Step 1: |
Download (Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation) Repair Tool |
Step 2: |
Click the «Scan» button | |
Step 3: |
Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done! | |
Limitations: |
Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation Error Codes are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files
in your windows operating system.
If you have Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation errors then we strongly recommend that you
Download (Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation error code that you may receive.
This article was updated on 2023-02-03 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794
- 1. What is Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation error?
- 2. What causes Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation error?
- 3. How to easily fix Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation errors
What is Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation error?
The Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation error is the Hexadecimal format of the error caused. This is common error code format used by windows and other windows compatible software and driver vendors.
This code is used by the vendor to identify the error caused. This Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation error code has a numeric error number and a technical description. In some cases the error may have more parameters in Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation format .This additional hexadecimal code are the address of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error.
What causes Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation error?
The Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.
There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware
attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives
may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows
system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly
linked information and files needed for the proper working of the
How to easily fix Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation error?
There are two (2) ways to fix Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation Error:
Advanced Computer User Solution (manual update):
1) Start your computer and log on as an administrator.
2) Click the Start button then select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click System Restore.
3) In the new window, select «Restore my computer to an earlier time» option and then click Next.
4) Select the most recent system restore point from the «On this list, click a restore point» list, and then click Next.
5) Click Next on the confirmation window.
6) Restarts the computer when the restoration is finished.
Novice Computer User Solution (completely automated):
1) Download (Nx Internal Error Memory Access Violation) repair utility.
2) Install program and click Scan button.
3) Click the Fix Errors button when scan is completed.
4) Restart your computer.
How does it work?
This tool will scan and diagnose, then repairs, your PC with patent
pending technology that fix your windows operating system registry
basic features: (repairs system freezing and rebooting issues , start-up customization , browser helper object management , program removal management , live updates , windows structure repair.)
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- NX6 Drafting — Internal error: memory access violation
- NX6 Drafting — Internal error: memory access violation
- NX6 Drafting — Internal error: memory access violation
- RE: NX6 Drafting — Internal error: memory access violation
- RE: NX6 Drafting — Internal error: memory access violation
- RE: NX6 Drafting — Internal error: memory access violation
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- Internal error: Memory access violation
- Internal error: Memory access violation
- Internal error: Memory access violation
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- Internal error NX8
- Internal error NX8
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- RE: Internal error NX8
- RE: Internal error NX8
- RE: Internal error NX8
- RE: Internal error NX8
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- memory acces violation NX 6
- memory acces violation NX 6
- memory acces violation NX 6
- RE: memory acces violation NX 6
- RE: memory acces violation NX 6
- Quote (ChevyM)
- RE: memory acces violation NX 6
- RE: memory acces violation NX 6
- RE: memory acces violation NX 6
- RE: memory acces violation NX 6
- Quote (ChevyM)
- RE: memory acces violation NX 6
- RE: memory acces violation NX 6
- RE: memory acces violation NX 6
- RE: memory acces violation NX 6
- RE: memory acces violation NX 6
- RE: memory acces violation NX 6
- RE: memory acces violation NX 6
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Internal error»memory access violation!!
Internal error»memory access violation!!
Internal error»memory access violation!!
After an hour of updating an assembly view in drafting I dropped back into modeling to adjust one of the items in the assembly and now have a «Internal error:Memory access violation» hit ok to continue. This selecting ok seems to happen indefinitely. Is there any way to cancel this without loosing everything? These long updates and memory errors are killing our time on projects. These seem to make the geomod i-deas errors look like slight inconvinences. We’re running NX on windows xp with 3GB of ram and the 3 GB switch enabled.
RE: Internal error»memory access violation!!
3GB of physical memory and the 3GB switch won’t buy you anything.
The OS takes 1.1GB of memory off the top, so you have nothing left to extend the application memory space.
It has always been recomended that the /3GB switch be run with /USERVA=2900.
When it comes to switching modules in NX, do a save before switching will save you a lot of headaches in the long term.
«Wildfires are dangerous, hard to control, and economically catastrophic.»
RE: Internal error»memory access violation!!
John R. Baker, P.E.
Product ‘Evangelist’
Product Engineering Software
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector
Cypress, CA
UG/NX Museum:
To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
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NX6 Drafting — Internal error: memory access violation
NX6 Drafting — Internal error: memory access violation
NX6 Drafting — Internal error: memory access violation
Windows 7 Professional — 64bit
I keep running into the same problem when I enter drafting. The Drafting Sheet dialog displays, I make my selections, and hit OK/Apply. The result is «Internal error: memory access violation».
It doesn’t happen all the time, but it does happen more often then not. I checked the NX Log File and found the following information.
*** EXCEPTION: O/S ERROR: signal 11 in line 1686 of O:ugnx603ip6srcsysserrorinderror.cxx at Tue May 24 20:10:53 2011 Eastern Daylight Time
+++ General Fault Exception
>>>> O/S ERROR: signal 11 caught in file «O:ugnx603ip6drvpartnoindja_builder_jam.cxx» at line number 107
>>>> O/S ERROR: signal 11 caught in file «O:ugnx603ip6srcuifwnoinduifw_definitions.c» at line number 1815
&MACRO MESSAGE_BOX -2, Internal error: memory access violation
&MACRO EVENT FOCUS_IN 0 0, 7602176, 1, 0, 0! 3rd Angle Projection
&MACRO ASK_ITEM 7602176 (1 RADI 0) = 1 ! 3rd Angle Projection
I have to wonder if I’m missing an environmental variable or a definition setting that would fix this. If anybody could point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.
John B. Conger
Tool Design
Automotive Interiors
Advanced Engineering Solutions Inc.
RE: NX6 Drafting — Internal error: memory access violation
Try updating to the latest version of NX6. NX6.0.3.6 is an older release of NX6 and there have been 2 Maintenance Releases as well a numerous smaller maintenance packs since then.
I would recommend updating to the NX6.0.5.3 MR and see if that fixes it first.
Anthony Galante
Senior Support Engineer
NX4.0.4MP10, NX5.0.0->5.0.6, NX6.0.0->NX6.0.5, NX7.0.0->NX7.0.1 & NX7.5.0.32-> NX7.5.2.5, Beta NX8.0.0.15
RE: NX6 Drafting — Internal error: memory access violation
John R. Baker, P.E.
Product ‘Evangelist’
Product Design Solutions
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector
Cypress, CA
To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
RE: NX6 Drafting — Internal error: memory access violation
John B. Conger
Tool Design
Automotive Interiors
Advanced Engineering Solutions Inc.
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Internal error: Memory access violation
Internal error: Memory access violation
Internal error: Memory access violation
I have a memory access violation when trying to print either to my desktop printer or Adobe PDF while in Drafting. I like to generate a quick-and-dirty hardcopy of operation sheets using the ‘Print’ command in NX4. Executing the command generates an error titled: «Entering Drafting. Internal error: Memory access error.» However, I can Plot these sheets, but with an HP2500 Postscript printer, this takes a while.
I’ve gone so far as to install another hard drive, install XP and UGNX4, configure UG to my liking, and this will result in everything working correctly. Putting the original drive back into the machine results in the memory error again.
Has anyone had any experience with perhaps some conflicting software or setup that gives this error?
My system is an Intel 2.4 GhZ P4 on an ASUS P4V800D-X MB with 2 GB RAM, nVidia FX1300 128MB video card and UGNX4.0.2.2
Any help would be appreciated.
Tom Flyer
Smiths Aerospace Components
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Internal error NX8
Internal error NX8
Internal error NX8
Actually I am working with a solid part and when I select «Assing Material» the sofware launch a message «Internal error: memory acces violation».
I restarted the Pc and the problem still appears.
Some one of you know how can I solve this problem?.
Thanks a lot for your time and tips
RE: Internal error NX8
Any and all ‘memory access violation’ errors should be reported immediately to GTAC (note that I don’t get this error when I use the ‘Assign Material’ function with my copy of NX 8.0). Be prepared to provide both the part file and a copy of the syslog from the session where the error occured.
Just so we’re all singing from the same hymnal, have you edited or modified your material library file(s) in any manner? Perhaps using an older material file which was modified for an earlier version fo NX?
John R. Baker, P.E.
Product ‘Evangelist’
Product Engineering Software
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector
Cypress, CA
UG/NX Museum:
To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
RE: Internal error NX8
I assigned prevously a material in my model, but today it doesn´t work when I tried to change it.
Let me check with PLM support in my country
RE: Internal error NX8
I have the same problem as you described.
Best regards
RE: Internal error NX8
Are you using a non English version of windows?
An update to NX8.0.1 will solve the problem.
You will have the same problem with the Reuse Library.
This is not the fist time Siemens has messed up with non English version of windows.
NX5, NX6, NX7.5 and NX8
I-deas 12, NX I-deas6.1m1
Solid Works 2009
RE: Internal error NX8
If the material «library» , i.e the file containing the material data, doesn’t conform to NX expectations, you will receive the «internal error . » message.
Last week i added a new material to our library and made the mistake to have spaces in the material name, «internal error» . It will also crash if you leave the density value blank on a material.
We are still running the «legacy» material library in NX7.5 since most our materials have been setup in older NX versions.
Make sure that (check the NX syslog) the variables containing the string
«PHYS_MATERIAL» ( without » ) all point to a directory where the files :
These files exists per default in nx install directoryugiimaterials
If you ave modified them, replace the edited with the ootb files and see if you still have the crash.
RE: Internal error NX8
I checked this item with my PLM and results that the problem was because I had Windows XP, I Only changed the platform to Windows 7 64 bit and the problem is gone.
RE: Internal error NX8
Thank for your helps.
Yes, I have non English Win XP
I will install it in new computer.
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memory acces violation NX 6
memory acces violation NX 6
memory acces violation NX 6
i get this error:
Error recovery completed for the following error:
Internal error: memory acces violation
is this about my RAM memory?
i try to make an UDF from a simple keyway so it shouldnt be a problem for my 6gb..
RE: memory acces violation NX 6
and i also get this error when i try some stuff including this error:
Save Failed
The following parts failed to save causing the overall save operation to fail:
While saving U:. prt:
untitled.prt — No write access
how come i get this?
RE: memory acces violation NX 6
Quote (ChevyM)
If you are working with a PDM system (such as Teamcenter), make sure the part is checked out to you.
If you are working in a native file system, make sure you have read/write permission on the file and its containing folder(s).
RE: memory acces violation NX 6
RE: memory acces violation NX 6
NX with Teamcenter 8 on win7 64
Intel Xeon @3.2GHz
Nvidia Quadro 2000
RE: memory acces violation NX 6
RE: memory acces violation NX 6
Quote (ChevyM)
Error recovery completed for the following error:
Internal error: memory acces violation
is this about my RAM memory?
This doesn’t mean you ran out of memory, but the inputs you gave the system led to some sort of error or the contents of some memory location got corrupted.
Did you get these errors only after using the UDF wizard?
RE: memory acces violation NX 6
RE: memory acces violation NX 6
John R. Baker, P.E.
Product ‘Evangelist’
Product Engineering Software
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector
Cypress, CA
UG/NX Museum:
To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
RE: memory acces violation NX 6
NX6, just got 7.5
Win7, 64 Bit
RE: memory acces violation NX 6
NX6, just got 7.5
Win7, 64 Bit
RE: memory acces violation NX 6
NX6, just got 7.5
Win7, 64 Bit
RE: memory acces violation NX 6
the library selection part in NX 7.5 step 1 from the UDF wizard is greyed so i the wizard doesnt know where to write and still get that error.. how can i ungrey it?
sorry forgot to mention it
NX6, just got 7.5
Win7, 64 Bit
RE: memory acces violation NX 6
got it! i contacted GMAC:
the library is not configured right. To do so, go to:
Tools —> User defined feature —> Configure Library
If there as library loaded, then click on change. If the there is no library loaded the browse window is opened automatically.
for the library definition file, go to the folder UGII —> Folder UDF, and select here the file dbc_udf_ascii.def
For the database file, go to UGII —> UDF, and select or create the file: udf_database.txt
Now the original files should be loaded. And you should be able to bowse through the libraries again.
You can place these files anywhere you want.
Now just go back to NX, and again go to Tools —> User defined features —> Configure library. And now select change, and browse to the files in the new (network) folder.
NX6, just got 7.5
Win7, 64 Bit
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