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This page lists known issues in latest and older versions of Neat Video and problems of host applications affecting Neat Video.
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Please report any bugs and problems you encounter while working with Neat Video. Make sure you are using the latest version of Neat Video (a bug may already be fixed in the latest version). All bug fixes are reported in the history of changes of corresponding products.
Contact us to report a bug or problem. Thank you very much!
GPU-related issues
Mac OSX: CUDA driver 5.5.47 may cause crashes (in Neat Video and in other software) if the driver is installed on a Mac with AMD GPU. To avoid that please install the latest version of the CUDA driver.
- Windows and Linux: AMD Catalyst Omega (14.12) driver contains a number of errors causing incorrect processing results and even crashes when running Neat Video on certain models of AMD GPUs. Please install Catalyst 15.7.1 (or newer) to help Neat Video 4.x avoid those driver bugs. Some models of AMD GPUs models may require an even higher driver version (Crimson 16.3 or newer). For Neat Video 3.x, please downgrade AMD driver to Catalyst 14.9.
DaVinci Resolve
Current versions of DaVinci Resolve are very demanding when it comes to the GPU memory resources, especially when Temporal Noise Reduction (a built-in filter in Resolve) or third-party OFX plug-ins doing temporal processing (like Neat Video) are used. This may become a problem when working with large frame sizes, like 4K and larger. For 4K timelines, Resolve now officially requires at least 8 GB of GPU memory (on one GPU). Resolve may experience a shortage of GPU memory even when those requirements are met, and especially if they are not met by the hardware. When that happens, Resolve will show an error message: «Your GPU memory is full. Try reducing the timeline resolution …»
To avoid such a problem please either run the software on a machine with larger GPU memory or decrease the timeline resolution. It may also help Resolve to not run its processing on the same GPU that is used to drive the display. What has also been reported as sometimes effective in such cases is to increase the Pre-allocated System Memory value in Resolve Preferences from 4GB to 8GB or higher.
Current versions of DaVinci Resolve do not provide adjacent frames required by Neat Video v4 when the plugin is applied to:
– the whole timeline instead of a clip;
– a nested timeline as a clip;
– a compound clip.
DaVinci Resolve Studio 14 and 12.5: non-Studio versions of DaVinci Resolve do not provide adjacent frames required by Neat Video v4 to display them in the main window of the plug-in. Those missing frames are marked with «N/A» in the thumbnails shown in the main window of Neat Video. This does not affect previewing and rendering in Resolve, this only affects the preview inside the Neat Video window.
The current (central) frame is still provided correctly, so it is possible to build a noise profile and check preview of some of the filters inside Neat Video. To evaluate the complete preview including results of all filters, it is necessary to Apply (to close Neat Video window) and then check results in Resolve preview. This is caused by the above limitation of specified versions of Resolve. We hope that this limitation will be lifted in newer versions of Resolve.
Update: DaVinci Resolve Studio 14 and 12.5: do provide the adjacent frames (although in reduced bitdepth) to the plug-in window, as described below.
DaVinci Resolve Studio 14 and 12.5: the Studio versions of Resolve 14 and 12.5 work differently than non-Studio versions of Resolve(and differently than older versions of Resolve Studio/non-Studio):
– the Studio may serve 8-bit data (to plug-in’s window) instead of 32-bit data; that is reflected in Neat Video window; non-Studio version still serves 32-bit data;
– the Studio may serve adjacent frames to the plug-in’s window (in addition to the central frame), so Neat Video may show the results of all its filters in its own window.
Update: Both DaVinci Resolve Studio 15 and DaVinci Resolve 15 now serve adjacent frames to the plug-in’s window (in addition to the central frame), so Neat Video can now show the results of all its filters in its own window.
Versions of DaVinci Resolve prior to 14 version do not behave as expected by Neat Video if the following conditions are met: (1) video is interlaced, (2) the «Video field processing» option is enabled in Resolve. Resolve deinterlaces the interlaced video data in such a situation and that makes it impossible for Neat Video to correctly apply noise reduction to individual fields in the video stream.
A solution is to disable the «Video field processing» option in Resolve and instead set the scan type to «Interlaced» in Neat Video itself.
(the «Video field processing» option in Resolve also has another negative side effect: memory utilization of Resolve increases and render time increases too; also, never use that option with progressive video data).
In DaVinci Resolve 14 this bug was fixed.
DaVinci Resolve 10: the versions 10.1, 10.1.1 and 10.1.2 of Resolve have a bug that shows up when plug-ins of certain class (plug-ins doing temporal processing, Neat Video is one of those) are used. As a result of that bug, the rendered video may stutter and contain other rendering errors. This issue only affects Resolve working in CUDA GPU mode. The OpenCL GPU mode is not affected.
Update: The problem has been fixed in 10.1.3 version of Resolve. Please update to 10.1.3 or newer.
- DaVinci Resolve 10: the host application may sometimes send a reduced resolution version of the current frame to Neat Video when you try to build a noise profile for the clip. To work around that please do the following: close Neat Video window, return to Resolve, click into the preview area in Resolve and only then proceed to open Neat Video window.
Assimilate Scratch
- Scratch is not working correctly if you apply Neat Video to a layer (instead of a shot). Scratch may send a corrupted or incorrect adjacent frames to the plug-in, which may cause incorrect render results. This is a limitation of Scratch itself. The only known solution is to not apply Neat Video to layers and only use it on shots.
Final Cut Pro
FCP X: the most compatible and least buggy version of FCP X is version 10.4 (Motion — 5.4). We recommend to update to these versions.
FCP X 10.2: Adding Neat Video to a clip may cause the preview to go black in some cases (this may involve using transitions, presence of several clips, multicam clips). This issue seems to be caused by an unexpected behaviour of FCP X 10.2 and may be a new bug in FCP X.
We have implemented a workaround to let Neat Video avoid that problem until the issue is investigated by Apple. To use it please re-download and re-install the updated version of Neat Video plug-in for FCP.
FCP X, all versions: FCP X with enabled skimming and background rendering may be slower to respond to user actions when a computationally-intensive filter (such as Neat Video) is added to the project. Please consider disabling skimming and/or background rendering in FCP X Preferences or temporarily disabling Neat Video (in the panel Inspector > Video > Effects > Reduce Noise) when not adjusting Neat Video’s settings.
Also, FCP X may decide (sometimes without an obvious reason) to re-render a clip where a video effect is applied. When that happens with a clip where Neat Video is used, re-rendering may take a considerable time (because Neat Video is very computation intensive). FCP X may trigger re-rendering when a transition is added to a clip, when another effect is added to the clip, when the clip is cut, etc. In many cases, such re-rendering is unnecessary but it cannot be avoided because of the design limitation of FCP X itself. To avoid wasting time on re-rendering, we recommend to disable background rendering and to trigger render manually.
FCP X 10.0.8, 10.0.9 and 10.1: FCP X may produce visual artifacts: mirrored right part of the frame (or corruption in all parts of the frame when running on older GPUs) when processing large frames such as 5k clips (5120 x 2160) using certain type of plug-ins (plug-ins doing temporal processing; Neat Video is one of those). The artifacts are produced by FCP X itself, we have informed Apple about it.
Update: this problem seems to be fully fixed in FCP X 10.2.
FCP X 10.0.7, 10.0.8, 10.0.9 and 10.1 (to some extent): These versions of FCP X (unlike 10.0.6 and earlier versions) have a bug, which causes FCP X to provide a blank frame to Neat Video’s Options window when Neat Video is not the first effect added to the clip. To avoid that please manually move Neat Video’s Reduce Noise effect to the top of the filter stack in FCP X (above all other effects in that clip).
Update: this problem seems to be fully fixed in FCP X 10.2.
FCP X 10.0.8 and 10.0.9: FCP X 10.0.8 has a bug, which causes FCP X to introduce a missync between video and audio channels if a filter plug-in of certain type (filter doing temporal processing) is added to a clip with a preceding transition. Removing the transition resolves the missync problem.
Update: this problem seems to be fully fixed in FCP X 10.1.
FCP X 10.0.8: there is a known problem in FCP X itself, which may cause FCP X to produce visual artifacts (vertical lines) when running on AMD Radeon HD 7950 while plug-ins of certain type (Neat Video is one of them) are used. The artifacts are produced by FCP X itself and Apple is currently busy trying to make FCP X work correctly with Radeon HD 7950 in such situations.
FCP X 10.0.6 and 10.0.7: FCP X 10.0.6 and 10.0.7 (unlike 10.0.5) and Motion 5.0.5 and 5.0.6 have a bug, which produces corrupted frames (incorrect colors, inverted, mirrored, etc.) when certain types of effect plug-ins are used. Not only Neat Video, other effect plug-ins too, including even some of the effects developed by Apple.
Solution: The bug has been fixed in 10.0.8, so please update FCP X to 10.0.8 or newer. Updating Motion will help to fix the problem in Motion as well.
FCP X 10.0.6: This version of FCP X may not work correctly if the clip’s pixel aspect ratio is different than 1.0. That incorrect behaviour of FCP X may effectively disable Neat Video and it will not produce expected noise reduction in FCP X preview or render.
FCP X 10.0.4 and 10.0.5: if the clip where Neat Video is applied is located in non-main timeline, the filter may not work. The problem is caused by a bug in FCP X (10.0.4, 10.0.5): FCP X does not provide all frames requires to conduct temporal processing. Please update to a newer version of FCP X to avoid that bug.
FCP X: on systems with CUDA-enabled video cards, Neat Video plug-in may try to use CUDA to speed up processing and in some cases during the first start of FCP X, the plug-in may give an error indicating a lack of free GPU memory. Please restart FCP X in such a situation, this may help to resolve the problem. Alternatively, disable use of GPU in Neat Video’s Preferences: open the main window of the plug-in using the Options window popup menu, go to menu Tools > Preferences > Performance and select to use CPU only.
- FCP X 10.0.3 and older: those versions are not technically capable of running Neat Video. You may want to update FCPX to a newer version.
FCP 7 and FCP 6: these 32-bit versions of FCP often experience memory-related problems caused by the general limitation of the 32-bit architecture. If you receive an error message where Neat Video complains about not being able to receive a memory block from the host application or from OSX, please try the following workaround. Restart FCP and go to its menu Preferences >System Settings >Memory & Cache >Application. By default, the amount of memory there is set to 100%. Try reducing the amount to 60-70% and even further to 30-50%. Then restart FCP and try to use Neat Video again.
FCP 7 and OSX 10.7.0/10.7.1: There is a bug in the Mac OSX Lion 10.7.0 and 10.7.1 that shows up in FCP 7 running the Neat Video plug-in. This bug in Lion causes FCP 7 to not save (and therefore lose) the filter settings (profile and preset). The bug affects any FCP plug-in that uses custom parameters, it is not specific to Neat Video. The bug has been fixed by Apple in OSX 10.7.2. If you need to use FCP 7 with Neat Video plug-in, please update OSX to version 10.7.2 or newer (or use FCP 7 in OSX 10.6 or 10.5).
FCP 7 and FCP 6: these versions of FCP have the following bug. When you have two monitors and move the FCP window to the secondary monitor, the Option button in Neat Video settings displayed by FCP may initially change its position on the screen and then may disappear completely. The position of the button is controlled by FCP and there is a bug in FCP code.
To restore the Option button please move the FCP windows back to the main monitor.
FCP 6: this version of FCP has the following bug. When you apply Neat Video plug-in to FullHD clips then FCP supplies to the plug-in adjacent frames with reduced quality which leads to low quality of the rendered output. This does not happen in lower resolutions.
The only currently known solution is to upgrade to a newer version of FCP.
Premiere Pro (Standard plug-in)
Premiere CS6 — 2019: when a video effect plug-in doing temporal processing (for example, Neat Video) is applied to a clip that was cut or trimmed (using the Razor tool or any other method available in Premiere), Premiere may serve incorrect input frames to the plug-in, which may result in lower quality filtration (with effective radius=0) due to lack of adjacent frames. This is caused by a known bug in Premiere, which has been confirmed by the developers of Premiere.
Neat Video v4.0.3 (and newer versions) includes an automated workaround, which allows Neat Video to compensate that Premiere bug in most cases. Please update from 4.0 to 4.0.3 (or newer) to be able to use it. It should work automatically in most cases except one: if you cut the clip or change the trim points already AFTER adding Neat Video to that clip, then please simply re-open the window of the plug-in and click Apply again.
Another known workaround is to use the following steps when you need to apply Neat Video to a clip that has been cut in one way or another:
- Use Premiere’s menu Clip > Nest on the clip where you have a cut; this creates a new Nested Sequence inside the main timeline.
- Add Neat Video to that new Nested Sequence in the main timeline (do not explicitly open the Nested Sequence to add Neat Video inside the Nested Sequence).
- Keep working with that new Nested Sequence as you would normally do with the original clip.
If you still cannot resolve the problem using the above workarounds, please consider using the Second Revision plug-in, which avoids that Premiere bug by using a different Premiere API.
Premiere CC 2015 — 2019: If Lumetri effect is placed above Neat Video (or another temporal effect), then the overall render speed of Premiere becomes 5+ times lower (in CC 2019, 2x time lower). As a workaround, place/move Neat Video’s Reduce Noise v5 above Lumetri (and re-built the noise profile there).
Premiere CC 2015 — 2019: If Warp Stabilizer effect is placed above Neat Video, then Warp Stabilizer sometimes hangs during tuning (seems to be caused by a bug in Premiere). As a workaround, place/move Neat Video above Warp Stabilizer (and re-built the noise profile there).
Premiere CS6 — CC 2019: If you apply Time Remapping (for example 25%) or Speed/Duration to a clip, then Premiere may send incorrect input frames from that clip to Neat Video (or built-in temporal effects of Premiere itself), usually in the second half of the clip. That can cause the output video to stutter. Time Remapping also causes similar problems when some of Premiere’s built-in effects are used instead of Neat Video. Because of that, it is generally best to avoid using time/speed manipulations (such as Time Remapping) together with temporal effects (such as Neat Video).
A possible workaround is to use nesting for the clip with Time Remapping:
- Use Premiere’s menu Clip > Nest on the clip where you have Time Remapping applied. This creates a new Nested Sequence inside the main timeline.
- Add Neat Video to that new Nested Sequence in the main timeline (do not explicitly open the Nested Sequence — do not add Neat Video inside the Nested Sequence).
- Keep working with that new Nested Sequence as you would normally do with the original clip.
Premiere CC 2019: When working with certain types of clips (for example, 10-bit ones), Premiere servers frames with black highlights to Neat Video (and other temporal effects). This is caused by a bug in Premiere’s component reading the input clip.
A possible workaround is to transcode the clip to another format that uses a different video codec that has no such problem in Premiere.
Premiere CC 2019: When working with certain types of clips (for example, 10-bit ones), Premiere servers frames with changed contrast to Neat Video (and other temporal effects). This is caused by a bug in Premiere’s component reading the input clip.
A possible workaround is to transcode the clip to another format that uses a different video codec that has no such problem in Premiere.
Premiere CC 2014 (other versions may also be affected): when working with an 8K MXF clip (from Sony FS7 and possibly from other models), Premiere may fail to return all requested input frames to Neat Video. Which shows up in Neat Video window as missing frames: some of the thumbnails (at random, not all of them) are displayed as N/A. This issue affects only previewing in Neat Video and Premiere; the final render done by Premiere usually doesn’t show any issues. The problem seems to be caused by a possible bug in Premiere. It has been reported to Adobe.
A possible workaround is to transcode the source MXF clip to another format before using the new clip in Premiere.
Premiere CS6 and CC: incorrect operation of Premiere’s temporal API in adjustment layers causes Premiere to send wrong frames to Neat Video (when Neat Video is applied to an adjustment layer) in cases when the adjustment layer begins to the right of the start of the clip underneath (not in the same point). This problem is fixed in newer versions of Premiere.
Premiere CS6: applying both CS6’s RGB Color Corrector and Neat Video to the same clip may cause Premiere to fail a render with the error message: «error compiling movie». This seems to be caused by a bug in Premiere CS6’s RGB Color Corrector itself and is reproducible with other plug-ins (instead of Neat Video) as well.
Possible workarounds:
- Disable GPU in Premiere’s Mercury Engine (this workaround doesn’t always work).
- Apply and render RGB Color Corrector and Neat Video separately.
- Use another version of Premiere (CS5.x, CC are known to work correctly).
Premiere CC 2017 (and other versions): if Reduce Noise effect is copied from one clip to another, or the whole clip with the effect is copied, then it may be not possible to open the window of Neat Video in the original clip any more. This seems to be caused by a bug in Premiere.
This problem is fixed in Premiere CC 2019.
Premiere CC 2018/2019: An Immersive Video plug-in cannot work if Neat Video is added below/after it. The red text «This effect requires GPU acceleration» is shown by the corresponding Immersive Video plug-in in such cases. The same happens with many of Premiere’s built-in effects.
As a workaround, place/move Neat Video above Immersive Video plug-ins (and re-built the noise profile there).
Premiere Pro (Second Revision plug-in)
Premiere CC and newer: If you create a new Sequence by adding a new clip into an empty project and the clip has non-standard frame rate (a frame rate that doesn’t match any of the frame rates offered by Premiere in Sequence Settings), then Premiere behaves incorrectly:
— it automatically sets Sequence Settings -> Timebase to 10 fps,
— it reports that 10 fps frame rate to Neat Video, but actually works based on the frame rate of the clip.That causes the following problems:
— if you render/export the project, then the output video will be stuttering;
— rendering may be significantly slower than usual.To avoid those problems please verify the Timebase in Sequence Settings and make sure it is set to the right value.
Premiere CS6 — CC 2019: If you apply Time Remapping (for example 25%) or Speed/Duration to a clip, then Premiere may send incorrect input frames from that clip to Neat Video. That can cause the output video to stutter. Time Remapping also causes similar problems when some of Premiere’s built-in effects are used instead of Neat Video.
A possible workaround is to use nesting for the clip with Time Remapping:
Use Premiere’s menu Clip > Nest on the clip where you have Time Remapping applied.
This creates a new Nested Sequence inside the main timeline. -
Add Neat Video to that new Nested Sequence in the main timeline
(do not explicitly open the Nested Sequence — do not add Neat Video inside the Nested Sequence). - Keep working with that new Nested Sequence as you would normally do with the original clip.
Use Premiere’s menu Clip > Nest on the clip where you have Time Remapping applied.
- Premiere CC 2015 — 2019: If Lumetri effect is placed above Neat Video (or another temporal effect), then the overall render speed of Premiere becomes 5+ times lower (in CC 2019, 2x time lower). As a workaround, place/move Neat Video’s Reduce Noise v5 above Lumetri (and re-built the noise profile there).
- Premiere CC 2019: If Warp Stabilizer effect is applied before/above Neat Video, then Premiere sometimes hangs during Warp Stabilizer’s Analysis process and simultaneous tuning of Neat Video. This seems to be caused by a bug in Premiere. As a workaround, place/move Neat Video above Warp Stabilizer (and re-build the noise profile there), or use clip nesting before applying Neat Video.
Premiere CC 2019: When working with certain types of clips (for example, 10-bit ones), Premiere servers frames with black highlights to Neat Video (and other temporal effects). This is caused by a bug in Premiere’s component reading the input clip.
A possible workaround is to transcode the clip to another format that uses a different video codec that has no such problem in Premiere.
Premiere CC 2019: When working with certain types of clips (for example, 10-bit ones), Premiere servers frames with changed contrast to Neat Video (and other temporal effects). This is caused by a bug in Premiere’s component reading the input clip.
A possible workaround is to transcode the clip to another format that uses a different video codec that has no such problem in Premiere.
Premiere CC 2017 and newer: If Lumetri Color is applied before/above Neat Video plug-in, then the overall render speed of Premiere will decrease by a factor of 5 or more (in CC 2019, by a factor of 2).
As a workaround, place/move Neat Video’s Reduce Noise v5 SR above Lumetri (and re-built the noise profile there).
Premiere CC 2018/2019: When working with a Sony encoded MXF file, Premiere CC 2018 may fail to return all requested input frames to Neat Video 5 SR. This may show up as an error message: «Premiere failed to check out source frames for Neat Video. The source video could not be correctly decoded by Premiere.» This may also lead to black frames in the final render. (In CC 2019, Premiere itself reports that as » Error retrieving frame N at time N from the file: X, substituting frame.») The same problem may also cause issues when using other temporal video effects including some of Premiere’s built-in video effects.
The problem seems to be caused by a possible bug in Premiere’s MXF codec. It has been reported to Adobe.
One possible workaround is to transcode the source MXF clip to another format before using the new clip in Premiere.
Another possible workaround is to use the Standard plug-in instead of SR plug-in to work with such an MXF clip in Premiere CC 2018. The old interface of Premiere does not show that specific bug in Premiere CC 2018, so the Standard plug-in can avoid it.
Premiere CS6, CC: Premiere leaks memory when copying the effect using the Copy and Paste commands due to a bug in Premiere (restarting it restores the memory resources).
Premiere Pro: If Neat Video is applied to Master Clip, then Premiere sometimes sends lower resolution frames to Neat Video plug-in regardless of Program Monitor quality settings. In this case, please try several times to get (using the Prepare button) full resolution frames to build a profile. Verify the resolution using the indicator in the bottom of Neat Video window.
Premiere: If a sequence’s frame size is greater than the clip’s frame size and «Set to Frame Size» is applied to the clip, then you will see frames with grey borders in Neat Video plug-in window. This may lead to lower quality of filtration. That happens because «Set to Frame Size» is applied after all other effects have been applied (as it changes Motion->Scale parameter in Effect control window). It is better to use «Scale to Frame Size» which is applied before other effects.
Premiere: If the clip is trimmed, then the frames outside the trimmed part are still sent by Premiere to Neat Video and are used in Neat Video temporal filter. This is the way Premiere API handles trims. If you need to exclude those extra frames completely, please use Clip->Nest.
Premiere CC 2017-2019: If you apply Speed/Duration > 100% to a clip, then it may be not possible to get frames from the end of the clip to open in Neat Video window and it receives frames from the beginning of the clip instead.
This seems to be caused by a bug in Premiere.
Premiere CC 2014-2018: When exporting a project with the resolution of 3K or higher into a lower resolution output clip with the «Use Maximum Render Quality» option disabled in the Export dialog, Premiere sends to Neat Video frames in reduced resolution (as compared with resolution used to build the noise profile), leading to less accurate noise reduction.
This problem is fixed in Premiere CC 2019.
A possible workaround is to enable the «Use Maximum Render Quality» option in the Export dialog or to make the project in lower resolution and apply «Scale to frame size» to clips.
Premiere CC 2018/2019: An Immersive Video plug-in cannot work if Neat Video is added below/after it. The red text «This effect requires GPU acceleration» is shown by the corresponding Immersive Video plug-in in such cases.
The same happens with many of Premiere’s built-in effects.
As a workaround, place/move Neat Video above Immersive Video plug-ins (and re-built the noise profile there).
Premiere CC 2019: If Neat Video is applied to an adjustment layer having the size larger than the size of the sequence, then Neat Video shows a warning about reduced resolution of the frame and suggests to enable the full resolution preview in Premiere. The warning can be ignored. To remove it, make sure the size of the adjustment layer is the same as the size of the sequence.
Premiere Elements (Standard plug-in)
- Premiere Elements (most versions) will show third-party effects/plug-ins only if it works in Expert mode. If you currently use Premiere Elements in Quick mode, please switch to Expert mode to be able to use Neat Video.
Premiere Elements (12–15): when a video effect plug-in doing temporal processing (for example, Neat Video) is applied to a clip that was cut or trimmed (using the Razor tool or any other way available in Premiere), Premiere serves incorrect input frames to the plug-in, which may result a missync of video and audio after rendering the video effect, in black frames in the beginning of the cut, etc. This is caused by a known bug in Premiere, which has been confirmed by the developers of Premiere.
Neat Video v4.0.3 (and newer versions) includes an automated workaround, which allows Neat Video to compensate that Premiere bug in most cases. Please update from 4.0 to 4.0.3 (or newer) to be able to use it. It should work automatically in most cases except one: if you cut the clip or change the trim points already after adding Neat Video to that clip then please simply re-open the Setup window of the plug-in and Apply again.
If you still cannot resolve the problem using the automated workaround, please consider using the Second Revision plug-in, which avoids that Premiere bug by using a different Premiere API.
Premiere Elements (Second Revision plug-in)
Premiere Elements: If Neat Video plug-in window is open and Premiere’s Auto Save dialog pops up, then Premiere hangs. To prevent that please turn off the auto save feature in Premiere Elements Preferences.
- Premiere Elements 12: Premiere leaks memory when copying the effect using copy and paste commands due to a bug in Premiere (restarting it restores the memory resources).
After Effects
AE CC 2014 / 2015 (other versions of AE that can use GPU may also be affected) in Mac OSX:
If the following conditions are met:
1. A composition is rendered using aerender (the command line version of AE).
2. That composition involves Neat Video.
3. The CUDA driver is installed.
then aerender may fail to load the composition and fail to start rendering.This problem seems to be caused by a bug in aerender itself.
A possible workaround is to open Neat Video v4 in the main host application (AE), go to its menu Tools > Preferences > Performance > GPU Troubleshooting, and disable NVIDIA GPU support. After closing the host application, it should be possible to render the composition in aerender.Update: AE CC 2015.1 seems to fix this problem in aerender.
Adobe Media Encoder
AME CC 2014 / 2015 (other versions of AME that can use GPU may also be affected) in Mac OSX:
If the following conditions are met:
1. A composition is sent from AE or Premiere to AME for rendering.
2. That composition involves Neat Video.
3. The CUDA driver is installed.
then aerender may fail to load the composition and fail to start rendering.This problem seems to be caused by a bug in AME itself. It has been reported to Adobe and confirmed.
A possible workaround is to open Neat Video v4 in the main host application (AE or Premiere), go to its menu Tools > Preferences > Performance > GPU Troubleshooting, and disable NVIDIA GPU support. After restarting the host application, it should be possible to render the composition in AME.Update: AME CC 2015.1 seems to fix this problem in AME.
Edius (all versions): Due to a limitation of Edius plug-in architecture, Edius and Neat Video may not work correctly if you place Neat Video effect NOT above all other effects applied to a clip.
Check the order of effects in the Information tab of Edius. Make sure Neat Video goes first there and stays above Layouter and any other effects. Manually drag Neat Video to the top there if necessary.
Sony Vegas: Older Neat Video (v2.5 and older) for Sony Vegas could produce a short stutter in the beginning of a filtered clip. The effect is caused by the limitation of Vegas plug-in architecture and can be resolved by using a newer version of the plug-in (v2.6 and newer). The new versions of Neat Video for Vegas include a Vegas-specific «No Lag Mode» option in temporal filter settings to compensate for that functional limitation of Vegas. Using the option allows to avoid the stutter and lag.
Update: this flag is no longer needed (as the problem is no longer present) when Neat Video v4 is used.
Catalyst is not working correctly if you apply Neat Video to a clip that is split or resized by Catalyst tools. In such a situation, Catalyst may send incorrect input frames to the window of the Neat Video plug-in: frames from a different part of the clip may be sent by Catalyst to Neat Video. You can then see that in Neat Video window. This is a limitation of Catalyst itself. It affects the frames sent to Neat Video window at the time of building a noise profile and adjusting filter settings. This does not affect the render results: at render time, Catalyst serves the correct frames and render results show no abnormalities.
Catalyst is not working correctly if you apply Neat Video to a clip with another effect applied. Catalyst may send modified (by another effect) frames to Neat Video (both at the time of setting up a noise profile and at the time of the final render) even if that other effect is disabled or deleted. To avoid that problem please place Neat Video to the top of the effects list.
Catalyst’s render process hangs if (1) the project contains a transition between clips with Neat Video applied and (2) the frame rates of those clips are different. To avoid hanging please ensure that all clips in the project have the same frame rate.
Catalyst’s render process supplies Neat Video plug-in with wrong information about the duration of the effect when
- Neat Video is applied to a Track or Timeline and
- The frame rate of the exported video file does not match the frame rate of the Timeline.
This may cause the effect to be correctly applied to a section of the video only, not to the whole duration of the video.
To work around this issue please ensure that the frame rate of the exported clip is equal to the frame rate of the Timeline. Another solution would be applying Neat Video to a clip rather than to a Track or Timeline.
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05.03.2015, 18:56 Посоветуйте какой плагин который не очень портит видео и хорошо убирает шумы.Снят материал при плохом освещении…Короче ужас. |
Отзывов: (0) Сообщений: 440 Благодарностей: 3220 Регистрация: 09.07.2006 Адрес: Трубчевск
05.03.2015, 21:15 С помощью Neat Video. В сети, да и у нас форуме про него все есть. |
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05.03.2015, 21:37 Сколько версия я Neat Video не ставила ни одна не работает…Выкидывает ошибку Internal Error , может кто скинет в личку рабочую версию для After Effects CC или CS 6 ? Если не жалко ) |
Отзывов: (0) Сообщений: 440 Благодарностей: 3220 Регистрация: 09.07.2006 Адрес: Трубчевск
05.03.2015, 21:47 У вас ошибка: Internal Error. Скорее всего была использована не поддерживаемая версия плагина для монтажки. Скрытый текст (вы должны зарегистрироваться или войти под своим логином): У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащейся здесь. и все будет работать. |
Отзывов: (0) Сообщений: 91 Благодарностей: 3 Регистрация: 19.10.2007 Страна:
05.03.2015, 21:56 подскажите подходящую и работающую…можно в личку…плиз…очень надо нееет, покупать не вариант…Мне всего один плагин нужен а не 10 гигов , кучу плагинов и за большие деньги…Я на этом видео не зарабатываю, это моя днюха снятая дома с плохим светом. и я писала про Adobe After Effects CC или CS 6 , а не про Сони Вегас |
Отзывов: (0) Сообщений: 440 Благодарностей: 3220 Регистрация: 09.07.2006 Адрес: Трубчевск
05.03.2015, 22:02 Тогда только на торрентах Скрытый текст (вы должны зарегистрироваться или войти под своим логином): У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащейся здесь. или пишите в личку форумчанам кто работает в Вегасе. |
Отзывов: (0) Сообщений: 91 Благодарностей: 3 Регистрация: 19.10.2007 Страна:
05.03.2015, 22:06 semera , мне не надо для вегаса мне надо для Adobe After Effects CC или CS 6 |
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Сообщений: 857 Благодарностей: 2874 Регистрация: 07.04.2008 Адрес: 13
05.03.2015, 22:27 Пост10 Скрытый текст (вы должны зарегистрироваться или войти под своим логином): У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащейся здесь. Второй комп:Gigabyte LGA1155 GA-Z77X-D3H Z77,Intel Core i5-3570K,DDR3 4096MBx4=16Gb,Gigabyte GTX 560GSO,БП Chieftec 650W,SSD Zheino 256Gb ,HDD ST200Gb WD 300Gb WD 1Tb WD 2Tb. |
Отзывов: (0) Сообщений: 91 Благодарностей: 3 Регистрация: 19.10.2007 Страна:
05.03.2015, 22:34 Sapphire , по ссылке что вы дали NeatVideo 3.2 For PR — это для премьера , а мне надо для Adobe After Effects CC или CS 6 |
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Сообщений: 857 Благодарностей: 2874 Регистрация: 07.04.2008 Адрес: 13
05.03.2015, 22:57 Red Giant Color Suite,инструмент Denoiser.Скачать можно в разделе Скрытый текст (вы должны зарегистрироваться или войти под своим логином): У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащейся здесь. Второй комп:Gigabyte LGA1155 GA-Z77X-D3H Z77,Intel Core i5-3570K,DDR3 4096MBx4=16Gb,Gigabyte GTX 560GSO,БП Chieftec 650W,SSD Zheino 256Gb ,HDD ST200Gb WD 300Gb WD 1Tb WD 2Tb. |
Just attempted Neat Video on a clip and the clip went black. Deselected and the clip reappeared. Seems to be a glitch. |
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Works for me, do you have the latest version of Neat? |
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So odd- I’m using footage from FS7 (XAVC-I) and A7S (MP4). Seems pretty straightforward. Both clips go to black with no other effects used. |
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I just tried it on my end and it works fine. FCP X 10.2 and the latest Yosemite |
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Maybe trash prefs? |
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Yes, try trash preferences. Worst case scenario: Neat doesn’t with those particular files? However, did they work with Neat before 10.2? Either way, it might be time for Neat to come out with another upgrade since the latest came out in October. Good Luck |
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Yeah I’ve trashed prefs a bunch in recent days and it hasn’t made a difference. It definitely worked on 10.1.4. |
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In that case, Neat will need to upgrade. I will email their support to see if they can help. I just used it on a H.264 file and it still good. |
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User error! For some reason, my project had begun as a 23.98 project but using 29.97 footage, so I’m sure that was the issue. Started a new 29.97 project and copied all footage and Neat worked. |
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Cool. Congrats |
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Interestingly, I had a similar issue with two clips in a project — the first clip the Neat Video Plug-in worked fine, the second clip it went to black… I ended up changing out the shot. Will keep an eye on it… I was Editing 25p footage. |
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Read this page: Neat tells me it’s an Apple bug that effects footage that is not matching the timeline’s framerate. Even if you use «automatic speed», the 2nd and following clips will always fail. You have to make a timeline in the matching framerate, or make a temporary project where you conform to the delivery frame rate, export that to ProRes, and import into your main project. Kind of a pain, but it’ll work for now. I have not yet seen the issue with 3rd party transitions on secondary timelines yet, but stacked 3rd party non-transitions on secondary timelines seem to work ok. The solution there is to make the secondary timeline a compound clip (what a pain…) Neat Video says these bugs were introduced by Apple and they are aware and need to fix them. |
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Hi, this error happens when there are different frame rates, to fix just select the clip on the timeline and select open in timeline option, apply Neat Video NR on the file alone, should work properly. |
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Choose open in timeline and apply Neat Video NR on the file alone, should work properly. |
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