In order to do pipelining, we implemented this helper method:
def answer(rsp: FullHttpResponse) {
if (!keepAlive) ctx.flush().addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE)
When using this, we have massive issues where clients don’t get their according response. We also get lots of these:
03:12:48.148 WARN ThruputHandler$ - io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory
io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory
at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToByteEncoder.flush(
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory
at java.nio.Bits.reserveMemory(
at java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.<init>(
at java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(
at io.netty.buffer.PoolArena$DirectArena.newUnpooledChunk(
at io.netty.buffer.PoolArena.allocateHuge(
at io.netty.buffer.PoolArena.allocate(
at io.netty.buffer.PoolArena.reallocate(
at io.netty.buffer.PooledByteBuf.capacity(
at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.ensureWritable(
at io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocket08FrameEncoder.encode(
at io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocket08FrameEncoder.encode(
at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToByteEncoder.flush( 8 more
If we use the old write, everything is fine:
def answer(rsp: FullHttpResponse) {
val f = ctx.write(rsp)
if (!keepAlive) f.addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE)
I have created 2 Microservices with Spring Boot (version 1.5.1 RELEASE), Spring Cloud(Edgware.SR3), Spring Cloud Starter Config (version 1.4.3 RELEASE) and Netflix’s Eureka naming server (Spring Cloud Starter Netflix Eureka Client/Server 1.4.4 RELEASE):
- A Eureka Server (a service meant to register microservices)
- A Eureka Client (a DB service meant for save/update operations)
Eureka Client is a simple Restful Service with a single@PostMapping
annotated method which accepts a sizeable object as an argument (@RequestBody MyObject object
Eureka client registers itself with Eureka server successfully.
Then with the help of Spring Boot Webflux, I try to access my Eureka Client with the help of class WebClient
which is introduced in Spring 5 and is an improvisation on AsyncRestTemplate
class. I do something like below :
WebClient webClient = WebClient.create();
reactor.core.publisher.Mono result = (Mono)
.body(BodyInserters.fromObject(//myComplexObject here))
On debugging, I found that I get OOM exception after last line of above code.
io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
Full Stack Trace below :
[reactor-http-nio-4] WARN io.netty.util.concurrent.AbstractEventExecutor - A task raised an exception. Task:$$Lambda$401/11401686@10ae5a2
reactor.core.Exceptions$ErrorCallbackNotImplemented: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
Caused by: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageEncoder.write(
at reactor.ipc.netty.http.HttpOperations.lambda$then$0(
at reactor.ipc.netty.FutureMono.lambda$deferFuture$0(
at reactor.ipc.netty.FutureMono$DeferredFutureMono.subscribe(
at reactor.core.publisher.Mono.subscribe(
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoIgnoreThen$ThenIgnoreMain.drain(
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoIgnoreThen.subscribe(
at reactor.core.publisher.Mono.subscribe(
at reactor.core.publisher.FluxConcatIterable$ConcatIterableSubscriber.onComplete(
at reactor.core.publisher.FluxConcatIterable.subscribe(
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoSourceFlux.subscribe(
at reactor.ipc.netty.http.client.HttpClientOperations.onHandlerStart(
at io.netty.util.concurrent.AbstractEventExecutor.safeExecute(
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks(
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
at sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateMemory(Native Method)
at io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent0.allocateDirectNoCleaner(
at io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent.allocateDirectNoCleaner(
at io.netty.buffer.PoolArena$DirectArena.allocateDirect(
at io.netty.buffer.PoolArena$DirectArena.newChunk(
at io.netty.buffer.PoolArena.allocateNormal(
at io.netty.buffer.PoolArena.allocate(
at io.netty.buffer.PoolArena.allocate(
at io.netty.buffer.PooledByteBufAllocator.newDirectBuffer(
at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBufAllocator.directBuffer(
at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBufAllocator.directBuffer(
at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBufAllocator.buffer(
at io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpObjectEncoder.encode(
at io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpClientCodec$Encoder.encode(
at io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageEncoder.write(
... 32 more
I have jackson library in my classpath and rely on spring to serialize my complex object while passing it to Restful service. I am not sure what may cause this. Any pointers please?
- Minecraft Forums
- HELP! I can’t connect to ANY servers! :((
- Minecraft Forums
- HELP! I can’t connect to ANY servers! :((
- Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException #489
- Comments
- Connection failing 9/10 io.netty.handler.codec.decoderexception java.lang.nullpointerexception #2407
- Comments
- Minecraft Forums
- Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException
Minecraft Forums
HELP! I can’t connect to ANY servers! :((
I’m using minecraft 1.7.4. So far the only versions I can play is 1.7.4 and 1.7.9.
Btw, is there any good virus scanners that you can introduce?
- Newly Spawned
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- Out of the Water
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- Out of the Water
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- Out of the Water
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- Coal Miner
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- Minecraft: zeldalover52
- Xbox: NOPE
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Notch just said creepers are ready to be able to live with humans!
I told you you would be scared.
- Out of the Water
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- Tree Puncher
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- Minecraft: DragonZlayerX
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- Out of the Water
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- Out of the Water
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- The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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So I was playing minecraft earlier today but when I tried to connect to multiplayer servers, it keep saying the following:
Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: invalid bit length repeat
Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: Bad packet id **********
Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: Bad compressed data format
Failed to login: Invalid session (Try restarting your game)
Minecraft Forums
HELP! I can’t connect to ANY servers! :((
I’m using minecraft 1.7.4. So far the only versions I can play is 1.7.4 and 1.7.9.
Btw, is there any good virus scanners that you can introduce?
- Newly Spawned
- Join Date: 4/19/2014
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- Out of the Water
- Join Date: 4/7/2014
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- Out of the Water
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- Out of the Water
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- Coal Miner
- Join Date: 10/18/2013
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- Minecraft: zeldalover52
- Xbox: NOPE
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Notch just said creepers are ready to be able to live with humans!
I told you you would be scared.
- Out of the Water
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- Tree Puncher
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- Minecraft: DragonZlayerX
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- Out of the Water
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- Out of the Water
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- The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
- Join Date: 1/25/2014
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So I was playing minecraft earlier today but when I tried to connect to multiplayer servers, it keep saying the following:
Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: invalid bit length repeat
Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: Bad packet id **********
Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: Bad compressed data format
Failed to login: Invalid session (Try restarting your game)
Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException #489
I have a problem, if i try to join my server then i got kicked! In my console is shown this:
[13:16:35] [Server thread/WARN]: [ViaVersion] You are running a development version, please report any bugs to GitHub.
[13:16:42] [Thread-23/INFO]: UUID of player PixlByte is 97d8882e-c5ea-49fd-b5f9-6f1b69b953ff
[13:16:43] [Server thread/INFO]: PixlByte[/] logged in with entity id 770 at ([Lobby]66.0, 64.0, -396.0)
[13:16:43] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/ERROR]: java.lang.NullPointerException
[13:16:43] [Server thread/INFO]: PixlByte lost connection: Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: us.myles.ViaVersion.exception.InformativeException: Please post this error to
, Pair, Pair, Pair], Packet ID: 4>
Actual Error:
Q: What version of ViaVersion are you using? Type /ver viaversion
A: ViaVersion version 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT
Q: What version of Spigot are you using? Type /ver
A: Spigot 1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
Q: What plugins are you using? Type /plugins
A: TTA, NCP, AdvancedPortals, Citizensm WorldEdit, Essentials, VoxelSniper, BKCommonLib, EssentialsChat, PermissionsEx, NoWeather, ViaVersion, HolographicDisplays, EssentialsSpawn, Tenskiobby, WorldGuard, CTSNC!
Q: Are you using any additional software like BungeeCord? If so, what software and version? (Please list your plugins as well)
A: Yes i use BC but with no plugins!
Q: How does this error happen? login? Using an item?
A: On login!
Q: Is there an error in the console? Use Is there a kick message?
A: Jep, [13:16:35] [Server thread/WARN]: [ViaVersion] You are running a development version, please report any bugs to GitHub. [13:16:42] [Thread-23/INFO]: UUID of player PixlByte is 97d8882e-c5ea-49fd-b5f9-6f1b69b953ff [13:16:43] [Server thread/INFO]: PixlByte[/] logged in with entity id 770 at ([Lobby]66.0, 64.0, -396.0) [13:16:43] [Netty Epoll Server IO #0/ERROR]: java.lang.NullPointerException [13:16:43] [Server thread/INFO]: PixlByte lost connection: Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: us.myles.ViaVersion.exception.InformativeException: Please post this error to , Pair, Pair, Pair], Packet ID: 4> Actual Error:
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
What is the disconnect message and the full error in the console?
Connection failing 9/10 io.netty.handler.codec.decoderexception java.lang.nullpointerexception #2407
Describe the bug
Every time I try to cconnect to my server, I get:
Minecraft Error internal exception io.netty.handler.codec.decoderexception java.lang.nullpointerexception
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Connect to an online server
Additional context
I tried Java8/11 on client and server and curseapp and MultiMC. Sometimes I am able to connect, my friends dont have the problem. Server was started the usual way and with itzg docker java11 image, no changes.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
i’m having the same issue
Hmmm, fresh Windows Install doesnt change anything, so its either the server or account related I guess.
Same issue here.
Steps I’ve taken to rule out issues:
- Figured out it is not related to properly logging out prior to game closing (tested ending process and quitting server using GUI, no change)
- Used clean install of modpack from curseforge loader, no change
- Tried restarting server with no modification (server is running in docker container, using the official curseforge image), no change
- Tried restarting client, no change
Edit: further testing:
- Tried exiting and re-joining properly, no change
- Now, whenever I exit and re-join, it causes this error
So far, the only workaround I have is to restore from the most recent backup, which allows me to log back in.
Edit: at this point, every time I log off and back on, I have to do the workaround above.
Minecraft Forums
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Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException
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- Out of the Water
- Join Date: 2/23/2015
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Recently, I have been experiencing an issue with Minecraft Multiplayer on 1.8. I usually play on but every minute or so, I get kicked from the server and get this error:
Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: incorrect header check
Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: Badly compressed packet — size of (some random number) is below server threshold of 256
I tried using the latest version of Minecraft (1.8.3) and it still kept kicking me. I am not sure if switching to 1.7 will help but I want to use 1.8 because some games require it.
I do use a version of 1.8 with Optifine
I tried restarting my router several times (without any results)
I tried using a non-Optifine version of 1.8 (once again, without any results)
If you know anything about this problem, please help. It makes playing almost impossible and extremely frustrating.
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OS: Windows 8.1
Architecture: x64 (64-bit)
Java: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0-b132) [Was not sure what this was, please tell me if this does not help]
— No wrappers
— CraftBukkit Build #3095
Server Log (With The Error):
Plugins (31): CoreProtect, WorldEdit, TimTheEnchanter, Essentials, GroupManager, ClearLag, NametagEdit, Lockette, Votifier, WorldGuard, mcore, EssentialsProtect, EchoPet, EssentialsAntiBuild, mcMMO, Vault, EssentialsSpawn, EnjinMinecraftPlugin, JoinSpawn, Herochat, PlotMe, CompatNoCheatPlus, Multiverse-Core, NoCheatPlus, Factions, SignColors, Multiverse-Inventories, Multiverse-Portals, Info-Board, MultiWorldMoney, HolographicDisplays
Hello, I created a Bukkit Forum account to post about this. After restarting my server, one of my players found that as soon as he joined, he would be kicked with this message:
Internal Exception: encoded string too long: 211159322 bytes
Now, the «Could not pass event PlayerChangedWorldEvent to Herochat» was one that people told me would not affect gameplay or anything noticeable, which was true. However, the «Exception in thread «MV-Inv Profile Write Thread» and the «java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space» were new errors to me. I tried deleting craftbukkit.jar and replacing it with the 3095 build, but that did not solve anything. Again, this player is the only one who receives this message so far, and I have no idea what is going wrong. Please help me with this, and if you need more information concerning this just say so and I will provide it. Thank you!
You’re just out of heap space. It’s either because of a bad plugin, or not enough heap space (lol)
If you want to increase your heap space, you can use java -Xms<initial heap size> -Xmx<maximum heap size> on the command line. By default, the values are 32m and 128m. You can find out more about the VM options on the Java website. -
I increased the server RAM by about 600 MB, but the player was still unable to join. Maybe it wasn’t enough RAM? My startup script is currently:@echo off java -Xms3000M -Xmx3000M -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui pause
But from what I know about servers, 600 MB should be enough for one player, and he was the only one on the server for that one second before he crashed. I can see why java.lang.OutOfMemoryError would mean to increase the RAM but I do not see why it does not help nor why this sole player cannot join. Thanks for the help though.
EDIT: A player who was not experiencing these login issues was on my server, and when this «problem user» joined, both got kicked with the same crash errors.
UPDATE: Tried updating server to Build #3096, but did not help. I am keeping it on 3096 unless otherwise needed/updated.
I am going to try to update my Multiverse and Herochat plugins to see if that helps.
EDIT: They were already up-to-date, so do you know based on the crash logs which other plugins it could/might be?
EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
HeadGam3z Do you have any idea which plugin it could be? The ones the crash reports suggest are up-to-date and I don’t ever mess with the .jar. I have enough RAM.
Anyone? Please?
UPDATE: Updated CraftBukkit to Build 3097 and deleted user’s data. I will see if that helps.
FINAL UPDATE: It worked! Player is no longer repeatedly kicked! Thanks for trying to help though, I hope this helps people who also get the same error.
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Mar 12, 2021
So right now I’m experiencing quite a confusing problem. I keep getting the error
«Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Tried to read NBT tag that was too big: tried to allocate 2097174bytes where max allowed: 2097152»
And this is where it does not make sense. 2097174 bytes translates to about 2 megabytes but, I have 12288 megabytes or 12 gigabytes of ram to run it, and that translates to 12884901888 bytes.
I am really confused about this, and it would really help if someone could solve this.
So I’ve determined that I banned myself via too many packets, where you are sending to many packets to the server from a large NBT tag and unable to join until the large NBT tag is gone.
Thanks to all of those that helped me with this
Mar 12, 2021
The game is not crashing but when I join a server that my friends hosts, that error pops up.
Mar 12, 2021
There is usually more to the error than what is immediately shown to the player. Though in this case OP should post the latest.log from when they try to join, not the crash report.
Mar 12, 2021
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- Farlander
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Which Minecraft version do you use?
Is it modded? What kind of mods do you use?
This error refers to an issue with NBT tags — so something in your world is messed up
Mar 12, 2021
I already talked to the op and no error logs pop up in the server log and the player log.
Mar 12, 2021
The issue is with the create mod 1.16.5 in which I picked up a cart with a lot of items inside.
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