Ipmi command error please check your ipmi driver and ibm mapping layer installation

Ipmi command error please check your ipmi driver and ibm mapping layer installation Как настроить IBM Storwize v3700-01 Всем привет сегодня хочу рассказать как настроить систему хранения данных IBM Storwize v3700. Самая элементарная схема: СХД IBM Storwize v3700 в базовой комплектации с возможностью подключения серверов по iSCSI и SAS. Установлены 4 диска по 600Gb […]


  1. Ipmi command error please check your ipmi driver and ibm mapping layer installation
  2. Ошибка IPMI command error. Please check your IPMI driver and IBM
  3. Скачать IBM Advanced Settings Utility (ASU) 9.63 для Linux
  4. Как узнать ip адрес IBM IMM в ESXI 5.5
  5. Как настроить ip адрес I/O Module в IBM BladeCenter
  6. Как создать нового пользователя для I/O Module в IBM BladeCenter
  7. Как узнать ip адрес I/O Module в IBM BladeCenter
  8. Не загружаются blade в IBM BladeCenter после аварии с электричеством
  9. Experiencing problems accessing BMC after installing OSA IPMI Mapping Layer — IBM BladeCenter and System x
  10. Troubleshooting
  11. Problem
  12. Resolving The Problem
  13. Source
  14. Symptom
  15. Affected configurations
  16. Solution
  17. Workaround
  18. Additional information

Ipmi command error please check your ipmi driver and ibm mapping layer installation

Как настроить IBM Storwize v3700-01

Всем привет сегодня хочу рассказать как настроить систему хранения данных IBM Storwize v3700. Самая элементарная схема:

  • СХД IBM Storwize v3700 в базовой комплектации с возможностью подключения серверов по iSCSI и SAS. Установлены 4 диска по 600Gb
  • два сервера IBM 3650 m4, без локальных дисков, с двумя однопортовыми SAS HBA картами
  • подключение крест на крест, отказоустойчивое — каждый HBA адаптер сервера соединен со своим контроллером системы хранения

Задача стоит следующая:

  1. Подключиться к СХД для управления
  2. Обновить прошивку, чтобы появилась поддержка SAS подключений
  3. Создать из дисков array, уровень RAID 10
  4. Так как у нас серверы без жестких дисков, создаем для каждого сервера отдельный LUN для установки операционной системы Windows server 2012
  5. Создаем один общий LUN, который будет доступен обоим серверам. Использоваться он будет для создания MS SQL 2012 кластера, точнее для хранения баз данных

Ошибка IPMI command error. Please check your IPMI driver and IBM

Всем привет сегодня расскажу, как решается ошибка «IPMI command error. Please check your IPMI driver and IBM» при попытке настроить порт управления IMM на сервере IBM System x3650 M3. Напомню с помощью данного порта можно, например, удаленно включать или выключать сервер или смотреть все статусы железа и так далее, если интересно можете почитать это «Что такое Integrated Management Module (IMM) порт». Время устранения проблемы, составляет от 5-10 минут.

Скачать IBM Advanced Settings Utility (ASU) 9.63 для Linux

Скачать IBM Advanced Settings Utility (ASU) 9.63 для Linux

Всем привет сегодня хочу поделиться с вами очередным полезным дистрибутивом компании IBM, а именно сегодня вы сможете скачать IBM Advanced Settings Utility (ASU) 9.63 для Linux. напомню данная программа нужна для настройка IMM модуля управления сервером, который позволяет производить администрирование всего железа на вашем сервере и даже производить настройку BIOS. Все свежие версии программы, будут обновляться в соответствующем разделе. Все пожелания и вопросы пишите в комментариях.

Как узнать ip адрес IBM IMM в ESXI 5.5

Как узнать ip адрес IMM IBM в ESXI 5.5

Всем привет сегодня расскажу, как узнать ip адрес IBM IMM в ESXI 5.5. Для того чтобы его узнать он должен быть настроен, мы с сами это делали уже в статьях Как настроить Integrated Management Module (IMM) и Как настроить Integrated Management Module (IMM) в Windows. Просто удобно, что для этого никуда лезть особо не нужно, все делается удобно в GUI интерфейсе.

Как настроить ip адрес I/O Module в IBM BladeCenter

Как настроить ip адрес IO Module в IBM BladeCenter-01

Всем привет сегодня хочу рассказать как настроить ip адрес I/O Module в IBM BladeCenter. Обычно для I/O Module выделяют 4-6 статических ip адресов, два для настройки ethernet, два для FC switch, два для самих модулей управления AMM. Сама настройка может производиться через консоль консоль либо через веб интерфейс. Приступим.

Как создать нового пользователя для I/O Module в IBM BladeCenter

Как создать нового пользователя для IO Module в IBM BladeCenter-01

Всем привет сегодня расскажу как создать нового пользователя для I/O Module в IBM BladeCenter. Причин для создания пользователя несколько, во первых вы всегда будите знать по логам кто и что сделал если у администраторов у каждого своя учетная запись, во вторых с точки зрения безопасности лучше отключать а по хорошему удалять стандартные учетные записи дабы уменьшить фронт возможного проникновения. Напомню I/O Module в IBM BladeCenter нужен для управления fc портами блейд серверов с fc коммутаторами. В предыдущей статье мы выяснили Как узнать ip адрес I/O Module в IBM BladeCenter. Открываем браузер и логинимся.

Как узнать ip адрес I/O Module в IBM BladeCenter

Как узнать ip адрес IO Module в IBM BladeCenter-01

Всем привет сегодня хочу вам рассказать как узнать ip адрес I/O Module в IBM BladeCenter. Напомню IBM BladeCenter это система управляющая корзиной с блейд серверами, еще их называют лезвиями. Данная система позволяет управлять от электропитания до встроенного kvm модуля, так же в ней есть рассматриваемый нами модуль I/O Module, необходимый для управления FC портами серверов. Знание ip адреса I/O Module позволит нам попасть в веб интерфейс для управления и диагностикой портов. Вообще у IBM эта система довольно таки удобная, и по функционалу и по скорости, так давайте смотреть.

Первым делом что вам нужно сделать это залогиниться в ваш IBM AMM или как он еще расшифровывается Advanced management module.

Не загружаются blade в IBM BladeCenter после аварии с электричеством

Не грузятся blade в IBM BladeCenter после аварии с электричеством-01

Всем привет сегодня хочу поделиться опытом когда не загружаются blade в IBM BladeCenter после аварии с электричеством. Опишу ситуацию и схему работы системы. Есть NetApp который отдает свои lun ibm блейдам HS22 по протоколу FC через fc broadcade свитчи, на blade настроена загрузка boot from san, и вот в один прекрасный день большой UPS APC в 20 киловатт выходит из строя и вся стойка с этим добром отваливается. После восстановления электричества работает все кроме блейдов, точнее они работают но не загружаются и уходят в вечную перезагрузку с иницилизацией.


Experiencing problems accessing BMC after installing OSA IPMI Mapping Layer — IBM BladeCenter and System x



Users installing the Microsoft Windows Server on the affected systems experience issues accessing the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC)/Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) after installing the OSA IPMI Mapping Layer and driver.

Resolving The Problem


RETAIN tip: H194263


Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (WS03), non-R2, installed on the affected servers can experience system management limitations when running tool applications that require an Integrated Platform Management Interface (IPMI) driver to communicate with the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC).

When the appropriate OSA or Microsoft IPMI driver is installed in WS03 non-R2, WS03 R2, or WS08 non-R2 Operating Systems (OSes) in scaled Machine Type 7141, 7233 multi-node configurations, the following limitations exist:

  • Director Client will not send system management information or alerts to the Director Server from the secondary nodes. This limitation is avoided by installing the RSA II driver along with the Director agent installed (see
  • IBM Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) cannot gather Integrated Management Module (IMM)/IPMI logs and configuration information from, and performs diagnostics on, the server.
  • Advanced Settings Utility (ASU) cannot gather information on, and configure the server’s system settings.

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (WS08) non-R2 includes the Microsoft IPMI driver and installs it automatically, but it is not able to communicate with multiple Baseboard Management Controllers (BMC) or IMMs within a server, such as is present in a multi-node configuration.

When the OSA or Microsoft IPMI driver is installed in WS03 non-R2, WS03 R2, or WS08 non-R2 Operating Systems (OS) in scaled Machine Type 7141, 7233 multi-node configurations, the following limitations exist:

  • Director Client will not send system management information or alerts to the Director Server from the secondary nodes.
  • DSA cannot gather IMM/IPMI logs and configuration information from, and performs diagnostics on, the secondary nodes.
  • ASU cannot gather information on, and configure the server’s system settings on the secondary nodes.
  • The IBM firmware update utility for Windows, WFlash, which is used standalone, as well as by UpdateXpress System Pack Installer(UXSPi), Bootable Media Creator, and Director, cannot update the system firmware in secondary nodes.

Machine Type 8872, 8874, 8878, and 8878 servers require the RSA II driver to be installed when connected in a multi-node configuration to avoid the limitations above.

Affected configurations

The system may be any of the following IBM servers:

  • BladeCenter LS22, Type 7901, any model
  • BladeCenter LS42, Type 7902, any model
  • System x3850 M2, Type 7141, any model
  • System x3850 M2, Type 7144, any model
  • System x3850 M2, Type 7233, any model
  • System x3850 M2, Type 7234, any model
  • System x3850 X5, Type 7145, any model
  • System x3850 X5, Type 7146, any model
  • System x3950 E, Type 8874, any model
  • System x3950 E, Type 8879, any model
  • System x3950 M2, Type 7141, any model
  • System x3950 M2, Type 7144, any model
  • System x3950 M2, Type 7233, any model
  • System x3950 M2, Type 7234, any model
  • System x3950 X5, Type 7145, any model
  • System x3950, Type 8872, any model
  • System x3950, Type 8878, any model
  • iDataPlex dx320 Server, Type 6388, any model
  • xSeries 460, Type 8872, any model
  • xSeries MXE-460, Type 8874, any model

The system is configured with at least one of the following:

  • Advanced Settings Utility, any version
  • IBM Director, any version
  • IBM Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) 2.11, any edition
  • IBM Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) 2.12, any edition
  • IBM Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) 2.20, any edition
  • IBM Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) 2.30, any edition
  • IBM Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) 3.00, any edition
  • IBM Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) 3.10, any edition
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server for 32-bit Servers, any service pack
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server for 64-bit Servers, any service pack
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, Datacenter Edition, any service pack
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, EE x64, any service pack
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, x64 Edition, any service pack
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Datacenter 32-bit, any service pack
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Datacenter 64-bit, any service pack
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Enterprise 32-bit, any service pack
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Enterprise 64-bit, any service pack
  • ServerGuide Release 8.1, any release
  • UpdateXpress Service Pack Installer, version 1.20

This tip is not option specific.
The system has the symptom described above.

Note: This does not imply that the network operating system will work under all combinations of hardware and software. Please see the compatibility page for more information: http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/serverproven/compat/us/


For single-node (non-scaled, standalone) server configurations, one of the following procedures can be done:

    Upgrade WS03 R2 to SP 2, then manually install the IPMI driver using instructions provided in the Additional information section. This Fix is currently available.

For WS03 non-R2, install the OSA IPMI Driver and IBM Mapping Layer, available at the following URLs:

Note: Do not install the OSA IPMI driver and IBM Mapping Layer in WS03 R2 OSes. If it is inadvertently installed, remove it per instructions in the Additional information section, and install the Microsoft IPMI driver.

Support for the OSA IPMI driver and IBM Mapping Layer in WS03 on the affected single node servers, that also support WS03 as described in the ServerProven web site, is targeted for Second Quarter 2010.

For scaled multi-node server configurations, upgrade the OS to WS08 R2 or later. This Fix is currently available.

Note: Non-scaled single-node and scaled multi-node designations refer to hardware configurations, and should not be confused with OS cluster nodes.


For scaled multi-node configurations running WS03, the following workarounds can be performed:

    For IBM Director system management, use Director agent version 5.20.3, which sends IPMI commands to the BMC through the RSA II driver for full multi-node support.

For non-Director system alert capability, connect the secondary node RSAs to the network used for system management, and then configure the RSAs for alerts.

Flash secondary nodes by booting them standalone to media created by Bootable Media Creator, available at the following URL:

Boot secondary nodes standalone to Standalone DSA media to obtain system configuration information and collect logs. Standalone DSA is available at the following URL:

Additional information

Beginning in January 2008, all IBM tools, including DSA v2.11 and up, UpdateXpress Service Pack installer (UXSPi), and IBM Director, converted to be tested and supported with the Microsoft IPMI driver in servers that have system management hardware based on BMC and RSA II. Previously, these tools had been tested and supported with the OSA IPMI driver with IBM Mapping Layer.

Microsoft began IPMI support in WS03 R2 SP2. SP2 for both WS03 and WS03 R2 were released on a common CD, and while the IPMI driver files are copied to both versions after upgrading to SP2, the IPMI driver is not automatically installed. Microsoft does not provide the IPMI driver support in WS03 non-R2. Microsoft only provides IPMI driver support in WS03 R2.

Refer to the IBM ServerProven for Windows web site to determine supported OS versions for the affected servers.

System x ServerProven for Windows:

System Management Hardware Architectures

Multi-node and single node servers that have IMM instead of RSA II may not have the above limitations because IBM Tools use «LAN over USB» instead of the IPMI driver to communicate in-band with the BMC component of the IMM. With LAN over USB, the IMM in each node presents itself in the OS as a LAN over USB device, which precludes the need for an IPMI driver. The IPMI driver is only required for authentication if the tools cannot authenticate to the IMM. By default the tools will try USERID/PASSW0RD. The user can also use the —user and —password options to provide the credentials. If either of those work, only the LAN Over USB interface is used. The IPMI driver is only needed if the default account is changed and the proper credentials are not provided to the tools. If they do not have or do not want to use an IPMI driver, then they simply need to provide the credentials to the tools.

Multi-node servers 8872, 8874, 8878, and 8879 have the BMC and RSA II system management architecture, but they use the RSA II driver to pass IPMI commands to the BMC. These servers do not have the limitations described above.

WS03 R2 IPMI Driver Installation Instructions

WS03 R2 Service Pack (SP) 2 includes the Microsoft IPMI driver, but because the IPMI driver needs to be manually installed, an IPMI driver may not be initially available until it is installed.

WS03 R2 installation instructions and information are in the ServerGuide README file, and are provided below for reference:

If the OSA driver and IBM mapping layer were inadvertently installed on a WS03 R2 installation, they should be removed in the order below to avoid conflicts:

  1. Remove the OSA IPMI driver with the «Uninstall Programs» function in the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Uninstall the IBM mapping layer with the «uninstall» option that is included in the latest version of the IBM mapping layer installation program.

The Microsoft IPMI driver (ipmidrv.sys) and ipmidrv.inf file are included in Microsoft WS03 SP2 (32-bit and 64-bit) installations. When SP2 is installed, the files are copied to the windowssystems32ipmi directory but the driver is not installed. The Control Panel/Add Hardware function should be used to manually install the driver as follows:

  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Click Add Hardware.
  3. Click Next at the welcome screen. Be patient while the wizard searches for the hardware but does not find it.
  4. Select «Yes, I have already connected the hardware» and click Next.
  5. Scroll down to «Add a new hardware device«, select it and click Next.
  6. Select «Install the hardware that I manually select from a list» and click Next.
  7. Select «Show all devices» and click Next.
  8. Click Have Disk.
  9. Browse to WindowsSystem32Ipmi, select ipmidrv.inf and click Open.
  10. Select either Microsoft Device.
  11. Click Next to continue.
  12. Click Finish.

WS08, WS08 R2 IPMI Driver Information

WS08 installs the IPMI driver automatically when the operating system is installed, but, like WS03 and WS03 R2, it is unable to recognize more than one BMC in a system. WS08 R2 is the first version that recognizes multiple BMCs in a system, which allows visibility of the BMCs in scaled secondary nodes to the IPMI driver in the primary node of a multi-node configuration. This affects those servers that require an IPMI driver.

Refer to the IBM ServerProven compatibility to determine the supported OS version for scaled and non-scaled platforms.

The IBM ServerProven compatibility site is available at the following URL:


I have an IBM System x3400 M3 Server -[7379KKG], with Win2008R2 installed in a different country. Somehow the consult who helped me installing it missed the IMM settings, or for some reason I can not find it online in that LAN (The cable is plugged well).

I tried communicating with the IMM using IBM Advanced Settings Utility, but every time I issue any commend, I get (IPMI command error, please check your IPMI driver and IBM mapping layer installation)

Is there anyway to fix the error above with IPMI? or if there is any tool that let me communicate with IMM from within Windows?


asked Jul 31, 2012 at 10:56

Khamees Elkhateeb's user avatar


I came across this post while trying to find an answer.
May be a bit late for Khamees, but hopefully it helps someone else out there.
After spending an hour trying to work out if I downloaded the correct version of ASU or BIOS patch. I finally realised I needed to elevate my privileges. Doh!
I’m an admin of the server, but due to windows UAC, you still need to run the command prompt as an Administrator.
Click START — Right click Command Prompt and choose Run as Administrator.
Then all the commands work. Too easy.

answered Sep 26, 2012 at 23:06

Nick's user avatar


I went back and forth on this one on a 2008R2 server until I realized that I was not in the administrator command prompt. That solved everything. I could kick myself for that one.

answered Nov 9, 2017 at 16:06

Steven Fried's user avatar

Just to add some information:

I found this blog post that lead me to a solution:

To configure an IMM using the ASU tool you need this basic commands:

  • asu64.exe set IMM.HostName1 hostname
  • asu64.exe set IMM.HostIPAddress1 address
  • asu64.exe set IMM.HostIPSubnet1 netmask
  • asu64.exe set IMM.GatewayIPAddress1 gateway
  • asu64.exe set IMM.DHCP1 disabled
  • asu64.exe rebootimm

You can also run the tool in batch mode using the following command:

asu64.exe batch <FILE>

where <FILE> would contain the following lines following the example from above:

 set IMM.HostName1 <hostname>
 set IMM.HostIPAddress1 <address>
 set IMM.HostIPSubnet1 <netmask>
 set IMM.GatewayIPAddress1 <gateway>
 set IMM.DHCP1 disabled

answered Jun 14, 2016 at 14:18

Thorian93's user avatar


Users installing the Microsoft Windows Server on the affected systems experience issues accessing the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC)/Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) after installing the OSA IPMI Mapping Layer and driver.

Resolving The Problem


RETAIN tip: H194263


Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (WS03), non-R2, installed on the affected servers can experience system management limitations when running tool applications that require an Integrated Platform Management Interface (IPMI) driver to communicate with the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC).

When the appropriate OSA or Microsoft IPMI driver is installed in WS03 non-R2, WS03 R2, or WS08 non-R2 Operating Systems (OSes) in scaled Machine Type 7141, 7233 multi-node configurations, the following limitations exist:

  • Director Client will not send system management information or alerts to the Director Server from the secondary nodes. This limitation is avoided by installing the RSA II driver along with the Director agent installed (see
  • IBM Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) cannot gather Integrated Management Module (IMM)/IPMI logs and configuration information from, and performs diagnostics on, the server.
  • Advanced Settings Utility (ASU) cannot gather information on, and configure the server’s system settings.

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (WS08) non-R2 includes the Microsoft IPMI driver and installs it automatically, but it is not able to communicate with multiple Baseboard Management Controllers (BMC) or IMMs within a server, such as is present in a multi-node configuration.

When the OSA or Microsoft IPMI driver is installed in WS03 non-R2, WS03 R2, or WS08 non-R2 Operating Systems (OS) in scaled Machine Type 7141, 7233 multi-node configurations, the following limitations exist:

  • Director Client will not send system management information or alerts to the Director Server from the secondary nodes.
  • DSA cannot gather IMM/IPMI logs and configuration information from, and performs diagnostics on, the secondary nodes.
  • ASU cannot gather information on, and configure the server’s system settings on the secondary nodes.
  • The IBM firmware update utility for Windows, WFlash, which is used standalone, as well as by UpdateXpress System Pack Installer(UXSPi), Bootable Media Creator, and Director, cannot update the system firmware in secondary nodes.

Machine Type 8872, 8874, 8878, and 8878 servers require the RSA II driver to be installed when connected in a multi-node configuration to avoid the limitations above.

Affected configurations

The system may be any of the following IBM servers:

  • BladeCenter LS22, Type 7901, any model
  • BladeCenter LS42, Type 7902, any model
  • System x3850 M2, Type 7141, any model
  • System x3850 M2, Type 7144, any model
  • System x3850 M2, Type 7233, any model
  • System x3850 M2, Type 7234, any model
  • System x3850 X5, Type 7145, any model
  • System x3850 X5, Type 7146, any model
  • System x3950 E, Type 8874, any model
  • System x3950 E, Type 8879, any model
  • System x3950 M2, Type 7141, any model
  • System x3950 M2, Type 7144, any model
  • System x3950 M2, Type 7233, any model
  • System x3950 M2, Type 7234, any model
  • System x3950 X5, Type 7145, any model
  • System x3950, Type 8872, any model
  • System x3950, Type 8878, any model
  • iDataPlex dx320 Server, Type 6388, any model
  • xSeries 460, Type 8872, any model
  • xSeries MXE-460, Type 8874, any model

The system is configured with at least one of the following:

  • Advanced Settings Utility, any version
  • IBM Director, any version
  • IBM Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) 2.11, any edition
  • IBM Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) 2.12, any edition
  • IBM Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) 2.20, any edition
  • IBM Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) 2.30, any edition
  • IBM Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) 3.00, any edition
  • IBM Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) 3.10, any edition
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server for 32-bit Servers, any service pack
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server for 64-bit Servers, any service pack
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, Datacenter Edition, any service pack
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, EE x64, any service pack
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, x64 Edition, any service pack
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Datacenter 32-bit, any service pack
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Datacenter 64-bit, any service pack
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Enterprise 32-bit, any service pack
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Enterprise 64-bit, any service pack
  • ServerGuide Release 8.1, any release
  • UpdateXpress Service Pack Installer, version 1.20

This tip is not option specific.
The system has the symptom described above.

Note: This does not imply that the network operating system will work under all combinations of hardware and software. Please see the compatibility page for more information: http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/serverproven/compat/us/


For single-node (non-scaled, standalone) server configurations, one of the following procedures can be done:

  1. Upgrade WS03 R2 to SP 2, then manually install the IPMI driver using instructions provided in the Additional information section. This Fix is currently available.
  2. For WS03 non-R2, install the OSA IPMI Driver and IBM Mapping Layer, available at the following URLs:



Note: Do not install the OSA IPMI driver and IBM Mapping Layer in WS03 R2 OSes. If it is inadvertently installed, remove it per instructions in the Additional information section, and install the Microsoft IPMI driver.

Support for the OSA IPMI driver and IBM Mapping Layer in WS03 on the affected single node servers, that also support WS03 as described in the ServerProven web site, is targeted for Second Quarter 2010.

For scaled multi-node server configurations, upgrade the OS to WS08 R2 or later. This Fix is currently available.

Note: Non-scaled single-node and scaled multi-node designations refer to hardware configurations, and should not be confused with OS cluster nodes.


For scaled multi-node configurations running WS03, the following workarounds can be performed:

  1. For IBM Director system management, use Director agent version 5.20.3, which sends IPMI commands to the BMC through the RSA II driver for full multi-node support.
  2. For non-Director system alert capability, connect the secondary node RSAs to the network used for system management, and then configure the RSAs for alerts.
  3. Flash secondary nodes by booting them standalone to media created by Bootable Media Creator, available at the following URL:


  4. Boot secondary nodes standalone to Standalone DSA media to obtain system configuration information and collect logs. Standalone DSA is available at the following URL:


Additional information

Beginning in January 2008, all IBM tools, including DSA v2.11 and up, UpdateXpress Service Pack installer (UXSPi), and IBM Director, converted to be tested and supported with the Microsoft IPMI driver in servers that have system management hardware based on BMC and RSA II. Previously, these tools had been tested and supported with the OSA IPMI driver with IBM Mapping Layer.

Microsoft began IPMI support in WS03 R2 SP2. SP2 for both WS03 and WS03 R2 were released on a common CD, and while the IPMI driver files are copied to both versions after upgrading to SP2, the IPMI driver is not automatically installed. Microsoft does not provide the IPMI driver support in WS03 non-R2. Microsoft only provides IPMI driver support in WS03 R2.

Refer to the IBM ServerProven for Windows web site to determine supported OS versions for the affected servers.

System x ServerProven for Windows:


System Management Hardware Architectures

Multi-node and single node servers that have IMM instead of RSA II may not have the above limitations because IBM Tools use «LAN over USB» instead of the IPMI driver to communicate in-band with the BMC component of the IMM. With LAN over USB, the IMM in each node presents itself in the OS as a LAN over USB device, which precludes the need for an IPMI driver. The IPMI driver is only required for authentication if the tools cannot authenticate to the IMM. By default the tools will try USERID/PASSW0RD. The user can also use the —user and —password options to provide the credentials. If either of those work, only the LAN Over USB interface is used. The IPMI driver is only needed if the default account is changed and the proper credentials are not provided to the tools. If they do not have or do not want to use an IPMI driver, then they simply need to provide the credentials to the tools.

Multi-node servers 8872, 8874, 8878, and 8879 have the BMC and RSA II system management architecture, but they use the RSA II driver to pass IPMI commands to the BMC. These servers do not have the limitations described above.

WS03 R2 IPMI Driver Installation Instructions

WS03 R2 Service Pack (SP) 2 includes the Microsoft IPMI driver, but because the IPMI driver needs to be manually installed, an IPMI driver may not be initially available until it is installed.

WS03 R2 installation instructions and information are in the ServerGuide README file, and are provided below for reference:

If the OSA driver and IBM mapping layer were inadvertently installed on a WS03 R2 installation, they should be removed in the order below to avoid conflicts:

  1. Remove the OSA IPMI driver with the «Uninstall Programs» function in the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Uninstall the IBM mapping layer with the «uninstall» option that is included in the latest version of the IBM mapping layer installation program.

The Microsoft IPMI driver (ipmidrv.sys) and ipmidrv.inf file are included in Microsoft WS03 SP2 (32-bit and 64-bit) installations. When SP2 is installed, the files are copied to the windowssystems32ipmi directory but the driver is not installed. The Control Panel/Add Hardware function should be used to manually install the driver as follows:

  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Click Add Hardware.
  3. Click Next at the welcome screen. Be patient while the wizard searches for the hardware but does not find it.
  4. Select «Yes, I have already connected the hardware» and click Next.
  5. Scroll down to «Add a new hardware device«, select it and click Next.
  6. Select «Install the hardware that I manually select from a list» and click Next.
  7. Select «Show all devices» and click Next.
  8. Click Have Disk.
  9. Browse to WindowsSystem32Ipmi, select ipmidrv.inf and click Open.
  10. Select either Microsoft Device.
  11. Click Next to continue.
  12. Click Finish.

WS08, WS08 R2 IPMI Driver Information

WS08 installs the IPMI driver automatically when the operating system is installed, but, like WS03 and WS03 R2, it is unable to recognize more than one BMC in a system. WS08 R2 is the first version that recognizes multiple BMCs in a system, which allows visibility of the BMCs in scaled secondary nodes to the IPMI driver in the primary node of a multi-node configuration. This affects those servers that require an IPMI driver.

Refer to the IBM ServerProven compatibility to determine the supported OS version for scaled and non-scaled platforms.

The IBM ServerProven compatibility site is available at the following URL:


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Older System x:Windows Server 2008 x86-64 & 2008 R2

[{«Type»:»HW»,»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU016″,»label»:»Multiple Vendor Support»},»Product»:{«code»:»HW21J»,»label»:»Older System x->xSeries 460″},»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF033″,»label»:»Windows»}],»Line of Business»:{«code»:»»,»label»:»»}},{«Type»:»HW»,»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU016″,»label»:»Multiple Vendor Support»},»Product»:{«code»:»HW21K»,»label»:»Older System x->xSeries MXE 460″},»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF033″,»label»:»Windows»}],»Line of Business»:{«code»:»»,»label»:»»}},{«Type»:»HW»,»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU016″,»label»:»Multiple Vendor Support»},»Product»:{«code»:»HW22V»,»label»:»BladeCenter->BladeCenter LS22″},»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF033″,»label»:»Windows»}],»Line of Business»:{«code»:»»,»label»:»»}},{«Type»:»HW»,»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU016″,»label»:»Multiple Vendor Support»},»Product»:{«code»:»HW22W»,»label»:»BladeCenter->BladeCenter LS42″},»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF033″,»label»:»Windows»}],»Line of Business»:{«code»:»»,»label»:»»}},{«Type»:»HW»,»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU016″,»label»:»Multiple Vendor Support»},»Product»:{«code»:»HW315″,»label»:»System x->System x3950″},»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF033″,»label»:»Windows»}],»Line of Business»:{«code»:»»,»label»:»»}},{«Type»:»HW»,»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU054″,»label»:»Systems w/TPS»},»Product»:{«code»:»HW316″,»label»:»System x->System x3950 E»},»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF033″,»label»:»Windows»}],»Line of Business»:{«code»:»»,»label»:»»}},{«Type»:»HW»,»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU016″,»label»:»Multiple Vendor Support»},»Product»:{«code»:»HW31Q»,»label»:»System x->System x iDataPlex dx320 server»},»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF033″,»label»:»Windows»}],»Line of Business»:{«code»:»»,»label»:»»}},{«Type»:»HW»,»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU016″,»label»:»Multiple Vendor Support»},»Product»:{«code»:»HW332″,»label»:»System x->System x3850 M2″},»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF033″,»label»:»Windows»}],»Line of Business»:{«code»:»»,»label»:»»}},{«Type»:»HW»,»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU016″,»label»:»Multiple Vendor Support»},»Product»:{«code»:»HW333″,»label»:»System x->System x3950 M2″},»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF033″,»label»:»Windows»}],»Line of Business»:{«code»:»»,»label»:»»}},{«Type»:»HW»,»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU016″,»label»:»Multiple Vendor Support»},»Product»:{«code»:»HWXC0″,»label»:»System x->System x3850 X5″},»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF033″,»label»:»Windows»}],»Line of Business»:{«code»:»»,»label»:»»}},{«Type»:»HW»,»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU016″,»label»:»Multiple Vendor Support»},»Product»:{«code»:»HWXD0″,»label»:»System x->System x3950 X5″},»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF033″,»label»:»Windows»}],»Line of Business»:{«code»:»»,»label»:»»}}]

(РЕШЕНО для машины Dell) У меня была точно такая же проблема на машине Dell Poweredge R430 после замены системной материнской платы:
хотя мои учетные данные были восстановлены на новой плате IDRAC из резервной копии флеш-памяти корпуса, и, несмотря на то, что мои учетные данные все еще позволяли мне войти в веб-интерфейс IDRAC, я больше не мог взаимодействовать с платой IDRAC через интерфейс IPMIv2 / lanplus / SOL , сталкивается с той же проблемой: «Ошибка: невозможно установить сеанс IPMI v2 / RMCP +».

Для меня решение заключалось в том, как предложил Рупешрамс здесь https://stackoverflow.com/a/55615668/13646401, «сбросить пароль ipmi по умолчанию на старый такой же» («то же самое», потому что все системные инструменты были жестко закодированы со старыми учетными данными) с IDRAC Веб интерфейс следующим образом:
В вашем браузере введите (статический) IP-адрес IDRAC: это должно открыть веб-сайт https.
Затем :

Menu Overview/ IDRAC SETTINGS/ User Authentication /Click on the userID of your admin account / Next / check "change your password" checkbox and enter the same (or new) password / Apply

Почему: я понял, что пароли были хешированы / зашифрованы на моей предыдущей материнской плате с помощью ключа, специфичного для этой старой материнской платы. Из-за замены материнской платы и восстановления базы данных пользователей, хэшированной с помощью неизвестного ключа, мои учетные данные стали недействительными, по крайней мере, для использования ipmitool и интерфейса IPMIv2. Что меня сбивало с толку, но это, наконец, помогло мне решить проблему, так это то, что старые учетные данные все еще действовали для входа в веб-интерфейс IDRAC.

СОВЕТ: полезны все советы по проверке доступности службы IPMIv2 / UDP 623 с помощью nmap или по «активации SOL (Serial Over Lan)»: «Активировать SOL» можно легко выполнить через веб-интерфейс IDRAC:

Menu Overview/ IDRAC SETTINGS/Network/SerialOverLAN

Каждый совет «разблокировать» учетные данные через ipmitool различными командами просто не может и не должен работать.
Но если веб-интерфейс недоступен, вам необходимо получить доступ к IDRAC через все, что вы можете, кроме ipmitools, по крайней мере, в случае машины Dell (сначала попробуйте BIOS «/ IDRAC Settings / User configuration» или ssh, telnet или что-нибудь еще, например RACADM, или даже настоящий последовательный интерфейс с кабелем db9 и терминалом tty (например, ПК с гипертерминалом или любым другим программным эмулятором tty).

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