Ipsec sa receives anti replay error

This document describes a problem related to Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) anti-replay check failures and a procedure to troubleshoot it.


    This document describes a problem related to Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) anti-replay check failures and how to troubleshoot with possible solutions.

    Background Information

    An Overview of Replay Attacks

    A replay attack is a form of network attack in which valid data transmission is maliciously or fraudulently recorded and later repeated. It is an attempt to subvert security by someone who records legitimate communications and repeats them in order to impersonate a valid user and disrupt or cause a negative impact on legitimate connections.

    IPsec Replay Check Protection

    A sequence number that monotonically increases is assigned to each encrypted packet by IPsec to provide anti-replay protection against an attacker. The receiving IPsec endpoint keeps track of which packets it has already processed when it uses these numbers and a sliding window of acceptable sequence numbers. The default anti-replay window size in the Cisco IOS® implementation is 64 packets, as shown in this image:

    Sliding Window

    When an IPsec tunnel endpoint has anti-replay protection enabled, the incoming IPsec traffic is processed as follows:

    • If the sequence number falls within the window and has not previously been received, the packet has its integrity checked. If the packet passes the integrity verification check, it is accepted and the router marks that this sequence number has been received. For example, a packet with Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) sequence number 162.
    • If the sequence number falls within the window but has been previously received, the packet is dropped. This duplicated packet is discarded and the drop is recorded in the replay counter.
    • If the sequence number is greater than the highest sequence number in the window, the packet has its integrity checked. If the packet passes the integrity verification check, the sliding window is then moved to the right. For example, if a valid packet with a sequence number of 189 is received, then the new right edge of the window is set to 189, and the left edge is 125 (189 — 64 [window size]).
    • If the sequence number is lower than the left edge, the packet is dropped and recorded within the replay counter. This is considered an out-of-order packet.

    In the cases where a replay check failure occurs and the packet is dropped, the router generates a Syslog message similar to this:

    %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle n, src_addr x.x.x.x, dest_addr y.y.y.y, SPI 0xzzzzzzzz

    Note: The replay detection is based on the assumption that the IPsec Security Association (SA) exists between only two peers. Group Encrypted Transport VPN (GETVPN) uses a single IPsec SA between many peers. As a result, GETVPN utilizes an entirely different anti-replay check mechanism called Time Based Anti-Replay Failure. This document only covers counter-based anti-replay for point-to-point IPsec tunnels.

    Note: Anti-replay protection is an important security service that the IPsec protocol offers. IPsec anti-replay disabled has security implications and must be done with discretion.

    Problems That Can Cause IPsec Replay Drops

    As previously described, the purpose of replay checks is to protect against malicious repetitions of packets. However, there are some scenarios where a failed replay check might not be due to a malicious reason:

    • The error might result from a sufficient packet that is reordered in the network path between the tunnel endpoints. This can likely occur if there are multiple network paths between the peers.
    • The error might be caused by unequal packet processing paths inside the Cisco IOS. For example, fragmented IPsec packets that require IP reassembly before decryption might be delayed enough, that they fall outside of the replay window by the time they are processed.
    • The error might be caused by the Quality of Service (QoS) enabled on the sending IPsec endpoint or within the network path. With the Cisco IOS implementation, IPsec encryption occurs before QoS in the egress direction. Certain QoS features, such as Low Latency Queueing (LLQ), could cause IPsec packet delivery to become out-of-order and dropped by the receiving endpoint due to a replay check failure.
    • A network configuration/operational issue can duplicate packets as they transit the network.
    • An attacker (man-in-the-middle) could potentially delay, drop, and duplicate the ESP traffic.

    Troubleshoot IPsec Replay Drops

    The key to troubleshoot IPsec replay drops is to identify which packets are dropped due to replay, and use packet captures to determine if these packets are indeed replayed packets or packets that have arrived on the receiving router outside of the replay window. In order to correctly match the dropped packets to what is captured in the sniffer trace, the first step is to identify the peer and the IPsec flow to which the dropped packets belong and the ESP sequence number of the packet.

    Use Cisco IOS XE Datapath Packet Tracing Feature

    On router platforms that run the Cisco IOS® XE, information about the peer as well as the IPsec Security Parameter Index (SPI) are printed in the Syslog message when a drop occurs, in order to help troubleshoot anti-replay problems. However, one key piece of information that still misses, is the ESP sequence number. The ESP sequence number is used in order to uniquely identify an IPsec packet within a given IPsec flow. Without the sequence number, it becomes difficult to identify exactly which packet gets dropped in a packet capture.

    The Cisco IOS XE datapath packet-trace feature can be used in this situation when the replay drop is observed, with this Syslog message:

    %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: F0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:060 TS:00000001132883828011
    %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle 3, src_addr, dest_addr, SPI 0x4c1d1e90

    In order to help identify the ESP sequence number for the packet dropped, complete these steps with the packet tracing feature:

    1. Set up the platform conditional debug filter in order to match traffic from the peer device:
      debug platform condition ipv4 ingress
      debug platform condition start
    2. Enable packet tracing with the copy option in order to copy the packet header information:
      debug platform packet enable
      debug platform packet-trace packet 64
      debug platform packet-trace copy packet input l3 size 100
    3. When replay errors are detected, use the packet trace buffer in order to identify the packet dropped due to replay, and the ESP sequence number can be found in the packet copied:
      Router#show platform packet-trace summary 
      Pkt Input Output State Reason
      0 Gi4/0/0 Tu1 CONS Packet Consumed
      1 Gi4/0/0 Tu1 CONS Packet Consumed
      2 Gi4/0/0 Tu1 CONS Packet Consumed
      3 Gi4/0/0 Tu1 CONS Packet Consumed
      4 Gi4/0/0 Tu1 CONS Packet Consumed
      5 Gi4/0/0 Tu1 CONS Packet Consumed
      6 Gi4/0/0 Tu1 DROP 053 (IpsecInput)
      7 Gi4/0/0 Tu1 DROP 053 (IpsecInput)
      8 Gi4/0/0 Tu1 CONS Packet Consumed
      9 Gi4/0/0 Tu1 CONS Packet Consumed
      10 Gi4/0/0 Tu1 CONS Packet Consumed
      11 Gi4/0/0 Tu1 CONS Packet Consumed
      12 Gi4/0/0 Tu1 CONS Packet Consumed
      13 Gi4/0/0 Tu1 CONS Packet Consumed

      The previous output shows that packet numbers 6 and 7 are dropped, so they can be examined in detail now:

      Router#show platform packet-trace packet 6
      Packet: 6 CBUG ID: 6
      Input : GigabitEthernet4/0/0
      Output : Tunnel1
      State : DROP 053 (IpsecInput)
      Timestamp : 3233497953773
      Path Trace
      Feature: IPV4
      Source :
      Destination :
      Protocol : 50 (ESP)
      Feature: IPSec
      Action : DECRYPT
      SA Handle : 3
      SPI : 0x4c1d1e90
      Peer Addr :
      Local Addr:
      Feature: IPSec
      Action : DROP
      Sub-code : 019 - CD_IN_ANTI_REPLAY_FAIL
      Packet Copy In
      45000428 00110000 fc329575 0a0200c8 0a010064 4c1d1e90 00000006 790aa252
      e9951cd9 57024433 d97c7cb8 58e0c869 2101f1ef 148c2a12 f309171d 1b7a4771
      d8868af7 7bae9967 7d880197 46c6a079 d0143e43 c9024c61 0045280a d57b2f5e
      23f06bc3 ab6b6b81 c1b17936 98939509 7aec966e 4dd848d2 60517162 9308ba5d

      The ESP sequence number has an offset of 24 bytes that starts from the IP header (or 4 bytes of the IP packet’s payload data), as emphasized in bold in the previous output. In this particular example, the ESP sequence number for the dropped packet is 0x6.

    Collect Packet Captures

    In addition to the identification of the packet information for the packet dropped due to replay check failure, a packet capture for the IPsec flow in question needs to be collected concurrently. This helps in the examination of the ESP sequence number pattern within the same IPsec flow to help determine the reason for the replay drop. For details on how to use the Embedded Packet Capture (EPC) on Cisco IOS XE routers, see Embedded Packet Capture for Cisco IOS and Cisco IOS XE Configuration Example.

    Use Wireshark Sequence Number Analysis

    Once the packet capture for the encrypted (ESP) packets on the WAN interface has been collected, Wireshark can be used to perform ESP sequence number analysis for any sequence number anomalies. First, ensure Sequence Number Check is enabled under Preferences > Protocols > ESP as shown in the image:

    Wireshark Preferences

    Next check for any ESP Sequence Number issues under Analyze > Expert information as follows:

    Wireshark ESP

    Click on any of the packets with the wrong Sequence Number to get additional details as follows:

    Packet Capture


    After the peer is identified and packet capture is collected for the replay drops, three possible scenarios could explain the replay failures:

    1. It is a valid packet that has been delayed:
      Packet captures help confirm if the packet is actually valid, and if the problem is insignificant (due to network latency or transmission path issues) or requires a more in-depth troubleshoot. For example, the capture shows a packet with a sequence number of X that arrives out of order, and the replay window size is currently set to 64. If a valid packet with sequence number (X + 64) arrives before packet X, the window is shifted to the right and then packet X is dropped due to a replay failure.

      In such scenarios, it is possible to increase the size of the replay window or disable the replay check to ensure that such delays are considered acceptable and the legitimate packets are not discarded. By default, the replay window size is fairly small (window size of 64). If you increase the size, it does not greatly increase the risk of an attack. For information on how to configure an IPsec Anti-Replay Window, refer to the How to Configure IPsec Anti-Replay Window: Expanding and Disabling document.

      Tip: If the replay window is disabled or altered in the IPSec profile used on a Virtual Tunnel Interface (VTI), the changes do not take effect until the protection profile is either removed and reapplied or the tunnel interface is reset. This is expected behavior because IPsec profiles are a template that is used to create a tunnel profile map when the tunnel interface is brought up. If the interface is already up, changes to the profile do not impact the tunnel until the interface is reset.

      Note: The early Aggregation Services Router (ASR) 1000 models (such as the ASR1000 with ESP5, ESP10, ESP20, and ESP40, along with the ASR1001) did not support a window size of 1024 even though the CLI allowed that configuration. As a result, the window size that is reported in the show crypto ipsec sa command output might not be correct. Utilize the show crypto ipsec sa peer ip-address platform command in order to verify the hardware anti-replay window size. The default window size is 64 packets on all platforms. For more information, refer to Cisco bug ID CSCso45946. The later Cisco IOS XE routing platforms (such as the ASR1K with ESP100 and ESP200, the ASR1001-X and ASR1002-X, Integrated Service Router (ISR) 4000 series routers, and Catalyst8000 series routers) do support a window size of 1024 packets in Versions 15.2(2)S and later.

    2. It is due to QoS configuration on the sending endpoint:
      This situation requires careful examination and to tune some QoS in order to mitigate the condition. For a more in-depth description of this topic and a potential solution, refer to the Anti-Replay Considerations in a Voice and Video Enabled IPSec VPN (V3PN) article.
    3. It is a duplicate packet that was previously received:
      If this is the case then two or more packets with the same ESP sequence number within the same IPsec flow can be observed in the packet capture. In this case, the packet drop is expected as IPsec replay protection works as intended to prevent replay attacks in the network, and the Syslog is just informational. If this condition persists, then it must be investigated as a potential security threat.

    Note: Replay check failures are only seen when an authentication algorithm is enabled in the IPsec transform set. Another way to suppress this error message is to disable authentication and perform encryption only; however, this is strongly discouraged due to the security implications of disabled authentication.

    Additional Information

    Troubleshoot Replay Errors on Legacy Routers with Cisco IOS Classic

    The IPsec replay drops on the legacy ISR G2 series routers that use the Cisco IOS are different from routers that use the Cisco IOS XE, as shown here:

    %CRYPTO-4-PKT_REPLAY_ERR: decrypt: replay check failed connection id=529, sequence number=13

    Note that the message output does not provide either the peer IP address or SPI information. In order to troubleshoot on this platform, use the «conn-id» in the error message. Identify the «conn-id» in the error message, and look for it in the show crypto ipsec sa output, since replay is a per-SA check (as opposed to a per-peer). The Syslog message also provides the ESP sequence number, which can help uniquely identify the dropped packet in the packet capture.

    Note: With different versions of code, the «conn-id» is either the conn id or flow_id for the inbound SA.

    This is illustrated here:

    %CRYPTO-4-PKT_REPLAY_ERR: decrypt: replay check failed connection id=529, sequence number=13

    Router#show crypto ipsec sa | in peer|conn id
    current_peer port 500
    conn id: 529, flow_id: SW:529, sibling_flags 80000046, crypto map: Tunnel0-head-0
    conn id: 530, flow_id: SW:530, sibling_flags 80000046, crypto map: Tunnel0-head-0

    Router#show crypto ipsec sa peer detail

    interface: Tunnel0
    Crypto map tag: Tunnel0-head-0, local addr

    protected vrf: (none)
    local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
    remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
    current_peer port 500
    PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,}
    #pkts encaps: 27, #pkts encrypt: 27, #pkts digest: 27
    #pkts decaps: 27, #pkts decrypt: 27, #pkts verify: 27
    #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
    #pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0
    #pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0
    #pkts no sa (send) 0, #pkts invalid sa (rcv) 0
    #pkts encaps failed (send) 0, #pkts decaps failed (rcv) 0
    #pkts invalid prot (recv) 0, #pkts verify failed: 0
    #pkts invalid identity (recv) 0, #pkts invalid len (rcv) 0
    #pkts replay rollover (send): 0, #pkts replay rollover (rcv) 0
    ##pkts replay failed (rcv): 21
    #pkts internal err (send): 0, #pkts internal err (recv) 0

    local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:
    path mtu 2000, ip mtu 2000, ip mtu idb Serial2/0
    current outbound spi: 0x8B087377(2332586871)
    PFS (Y/N): N, DH group: none

    inbound esp sas:
    spi: 0xE7EDE943(3891128643)
    transform: esp-gcm ,
    in use settings ={Tunnel, }
    conn id: 529, flow_id: SW:529, sibling_flags 80000046, crypto map:
    sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4509600/3223)
    IV size: 8 bytes
    replay detection support: Y
    Status: ACTIVE


    As can be seen from this output, the replay drop is from the peer address with an inbound ESP SA SPI of 0xE7EDE943. It can also be noted from the log message itself that the ESP sequence number for the dropped packet is13. The combination of peer address, SPI number, and the ESP sequence number can be used in order to uniquely identify the packet dropped in the packet capture.

    Note: The Cisco IOS Syslog message is rate-limited for the dataplane packet that drops to one per minute. In order to get an accurate count of the exact number of packets dropped, use the show crypto ipsec sa detail command as shown previously.

    Work with Earlier Cisco IOS XE Software

    On routers that run the earlier Cisco IOS XE releases, the «REPLAY_ERROR» reported in the Syslog might not print the actual IPsec flow with the peer information where the replayed packet is dropped, as shown here:

    %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: F0: cpp_cp: QFP:00 Thread: 095 TS:00000000240306197890
    %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle 3

    In order to identify the correct IPsec peer and flow information, use the Data Plane (DP) Handle printed in the Syslog message as the input parameter SA Handle in this command, in order to retrieve the IPsec flow information on the Quantum Flow Processor (QFP):

    Router#show platform hardware qfp active feature ipsec sa 3
    QFP ipsec sa Information

    QFP sa id: 3
    pal sa id: 2
    QFP spd id: 1
    QFP sp id: 2
    QFP spi: 0x4c1d1e90(1276976784)
    crypto ctx: 0x000000002e03bfff
    flags: 0xc000800
    : src:IKE valid:Yes soft-life-expired:No hard-life-expired:No
    : replay-check:Yes proto:0 mode:0 direction:0
    : qos_preclassify:No qos_group:No
    : frag_type:BEFORE_ENCRYPT df_bit_type:COPY
    : sar_enable:No getvpn_mode:SNDRCV_SA
    : doing_translation:No assigned_outside_rport:No
    : inline_tagging_enabled:No
    qos_group: 0x0
    mtu: 0x0=0
    sar_delta: 0
    sar_window: 0x0
    sibling_sa: 0x0
    sp_ptr: 0x8c392000
    sbs_ptr: 0x8bfbf810
    local endpoint:
    remote endpoint:

    ivrf: 0
    fvrf: 0
    trans udp sport: 0
    trans udp dport: 0
    first intf name: Tunnel1

    An Embedded Event Manager (EEM) script can also be used to automate the data collection:

    event manager applet Replay-Error 
     event syslog pattern "%IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error"
     action 1.0 regexp "([0-9]+)$" "$_syslog_msg" dph
     action 2.0 cli command "enable"
     action 3.0 cli command "show platform hardware qfp active feature ipsec sa $dph |
    append bootflash:replay-error.txt"

    In this example, the output collected is redirected to the bootflash. In order to see this output, use the command more bootflash:replay-error.txt.

    Related Information

    • Voice and Video Enabled IPSec VPN (V3PN) Solution Reference Network Design
    • How to Configure IPsec Anti-Replay Window: Expanding and Disabling.
    • Technical Support & Documentation — Cisco Systems

    I’m sure you’ve all logged into a VPN Router once or twice and seen this syslog:

    %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: R0/0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:000 TS: %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle X, src_addr x.x.x.x, dest_addr y.y.y.y, SPI 0x0

    Here is everything you need to know regarding the feature, the causes of the syslog, and the solutions to it.

    IPSEC Anti-Replay is a feature available to the ESP data plane that sequentially marks packets as they are encapsulated with a number. Each new packet is encapsulated/encrypted and gets +1 added to its sequence number (in the ESP header) and is sent on.

    Basically, this numbering system provides anti-replay attacks for the receiving end. Packets are literally marked in the data plane with a sequence number that is NOT encrypted.

    Here’s what this looks like in a wireshark capture (ESP Sequence is the name in the header):

    image 1

    ipsec anti-replay window-size as ESP sequence number

    Once that packet makes it to the other end (receiving end) is when the sequence is checked.

    The other side then receives this and references its sliding window.

    Here are some examples of what could happen:

    Example 1:

    Packets 2-69 arrive, thus the current window size is 69. If packet 1 arrived after packet 69, it would be dropped.

    Example 2:

    Window size is currently 1. If packet 2 arrived after packet 12, or 63, it will be accepted as it’s within the 64 packet window.

    Example 3:

    The highest sequence number packet successfully received was 40, thus that’s the current window size on the receiver. Packet 35 arrives, then packet 30. Both are accepted as they fall within the 64 packet window.

    Example 4:

    If packet 40 arrived and was accepted, then it arrived again somehow, that second packet would be dropped.

    Note: This is specifically talking about if a packet with same ESP sequence number arrives, it’s not talking about TCP retrans which would have a new sequence number in the ESP header.

    This behavior is further documented in RFC 2401.

    This feature is beneficial in scenarios where a malicious actor is sitting in between or inline with the traffic and is actively spoofing both sides. This allows for more advanced attacks on both IKEv1 and IKEv2.

    Earlier I mentioned this sequence is not encrypted. You might now be thinking, well if it’s not encrypted, what’s to stop the malicious actor from just editing the packets since they are the middle?

    Although the ESP header is NOT encrypted, it is authenticated via the ESP AUTH for both tunnel and transport mode. Here’s what that looks like.

    image 3

    anti-replay ESP sequence is authenticated but not encrypted

    Thus no man (or woman) in the middle can tamper with the packets’ sequence as they are authenticated. This also PROBABLY provides a mechanism to verify anti-replay before decryption, which is the most CPU intensive operation of the receiver. Checking the sequence number before decrypting the packet makes sense or else we would just be wasting CPU cycles for no reason, because potentially the packet could be dropped after decryption due to sequence check failures. Not to mention preventing certain other denial of services.

    Now, back to the IPSEC anti-replay window-size problem and solutions…

    Currently, the default ipsec anti-replay window-size on IOS and IOS XE is 64 packets. Thus packets must fall within this 64 sequence sliding window, or else be dropped. However this can easily be changed (increased) or disabled as we’ll see below.

    6 Major Causes Of The Error

    Here are the 6 major causes of the “%IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error” log.

    1. Packet loss

    if there is congestion on the link, or reliability issue of the path, then packet-loss will be observed. During this period, the packets may arrive at the receiver in an unintended order. Packets 1-49 made it and thus the window is at 49. Packet 160 comes in, this packet would be dropped. I don’t believe you get a syslog PER packet dropped as that would introduce a denial of service, but I would assume the syslog is somewhat throttled interval.

    In these scenarios you can disable or increase the anti-replay window size, and it will ease the packet-loss, a little. But it, most likely, will not be noticeable to end users. The only solution here is to fix the packet loss. That solution may include calling the ISP, mark and queue packets (if available), fix license issues, or fix broken links.

    Identifying if this is happening often can be done via:

    show crypto ipsec sa peer x.x.x.x | i replay failed

    Again, in the case of packet loss, this probably won’t help much as you’ll be saving a few packets out of potentially hundreds but it’s worth mentioning.

    Config to increase the window size (global config) but can also be done per crypto map or ipsec profile:

    crypto ipsec security-association replay window-size <64 | 128 | 256 | 512 | 1024>

    or disable it:

    crypto ipsec security-association replay disable

    2. QoS

    Crypto encapsulation happens BEFORE queuing. Which is coincidentally why we have features such as qos pre-classify (which clones the inner headers before encapsulation for post encap queuing).

    The way this issue occurs is QoS can send packets 1, 2 last, and packet 50 and 51 first (during times of congestion) if the config calls for it. An example would be a priority queue. During congestion, the priority queue will be serviced first, however those voice packets have already been crypto encapsulated (and thus sequenced). And that is how packets sequenced become out of order before as they leave the Router. Now not only are you dropping packets due to congestion, but you are also dropping packets due to queuing (trying to handle the congestion). This behavior worsens the situation.

    Here’s a diagram I have in my notes from the multi-sn feature set which visualizes this issue I described above.


    ipsec anti-replay and qos issues

    Now before we dive deeper, there’s difference in how IOS and IOS XE handle QoS. In IOS the default class-map queue-limit was 64 packets (same as ipsec anti-replay window-size), in IOS XE the default class-map queue-limit is calculated to be 50ms (and can also be configured with number of packets like IOS classic used or even bytes).

    A possible solution then becomes making sure your queued packets fall within the 64 packet sliding window by making your policy-map total queue-limit to be 64 packets (not a great idea as we are really limiting size).

    Here’s what that solution would look like in a policy-map on the Sender (remember the receiver is experiencing the anti-replay issue).

    policy-map TEST
    class TEST
    bandwidth percent 30
    queue-limit 21 packets
    class TEST2
    bandwidth percent 10
    queue-limit 21 packets
    class class-default
    queue-limit 21 packets

    As you can see above I have 3 queues, TEST, TEST2, and class-default. I simply divided 64 by 3 and discarded the remainders. In this case I did my config in IOS XE (CSR1000V), and I specified the queue-limit in packets and not ms, nor bytes. This method could be useful if you do not control the other side, or cannot change it.

    A more optimal solution is making sure the receiver increases their window-size, or disables it.


    crypto ipsec security-association replay window-size <number>


    crypto ipsec security-association replay disable

    Another possible solution is to enable multi sequence numbering on the BOTH Routers.


     crypto ipsec security-association multi-sn


    show crypto ipsec sa peer x.x.x.x platform

    That command runs a number of other commands, one being “show plat hard qfp active feature ipsec datapath crypto-sa #”

    image 2

    ipsec anti-replay multi-sn solution

    3. Bug

    A more rare occurrence is that you are experiencing a bug in the IPSEC code and require an IOS upgrade. Unfortunately 100% identifying these bugs is very difficult, and most of the time not worth the headache. Start by reading the release notes and doing a CTRL+F for “Ipsec” or “replay”. If you suspect that the issue is bug related, just upgrade and test.

    4. ESP HA with Over subscription

    I’ve never used this feature set, nor do I want to. But over subscription of the nodes when running ESP HA would also cause the anti-replay window to be reached due to tail-drop/congestion.

    5. Security Association Re-key Operations (normal rekeying after lifetime expires).

    During SA rekey the old and new SA are key. After the new SA is up, the old one is deleted. It’s possible that right after this operation a packet will come in for the old SA, and thus be dropped as it’s not part of the current window.

    6. QoS changes on active or in use policy-maps

    Modifying in use policy-maps or their class-maps can interrupt the sequence numbering as the changes are taken affect right away and thus for a brief moment, the sequencing will be off for the receiving end and those packets will be dropped.

    Sources of Information for IPSEC anti-Replay Errors:





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    Networking Stacked Knowledge


    Thursday, March 27, 2008

    IOS: %CRYPTO-4-PKT_REPLAY_ERR replay check failed

    %CRYPTO-4-PKT_REPLAY_ERR : [chars] connection

    IOS 12.4 —> Syslogs —> CRYPTO Messages
    Error Message:
    %CRYPTO-4-PKT_REPLAY_ERR : [chars] connection/>
    Explanation: The replay processing has failed. The failed replay processing may be a temporarycondition caused by the wait for new SAs to be established. In the inbound case, this error might also be caused by an actual replay attack. This activity can be considered a hostile event.

    Recommended Action: If the problem appears to be more than a transient one, contact the peer administrator.

    Symptoms: An encrypting router may send traffic that is locally originated (such as keepalive packets or routing update packets) out of order after the packets have been encrypted. Because of the anti-replay check failure, these packets are dropped on the receiving router.

    Conditions: This symptom is observed when a multipoint GRE (mGRE) and IPSec tunnel is built between two routers.

    Workaround: Turn off packet authentication for the configured IPSec transform.

    Further Problem Description: On a Cisco 7200 series that functions as the receiving router, you can observe the symptom in the output of the show crypto ipsec sa detail or show pas isa interface command.

    IOS 12.4 —> IPSec Anti-Replay Window: Expanding and Disabling
    Troubleshooting Tips:
    If your replay window size has not been set to a number that is high enough for the number of packets received, you will receive a system message such as the following:

    *Nov 17 19:27:32.279: %CRYPTO-4-PKT_REPLAY_ERR: decrypt: replay check failed connection/>
    The above message is generated when a received packet is judged to be outside the anti-replay window.

    Additional Notes:

    If there’s no interruption of service, it could just be a normal and temporary condition, especially if the SAs (IPSEC tunnels) are still being established.

    Otherwise, I suggest setting the anti-replay window to, say, 1024.

    crypto ipsec security-association replay window-size 1024

    Take note that the above command is introduced in 12.3(14)T; older versions do not support this command.


    Troubleshoot SD-WAN cEdge IPsec Anti Replay Failures

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    The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language.



    T his document describes the IPsec Anti-Replay behavior in SD-WAN IPsec for cEdges routers and how to troubleshoot Anti-Replay issues.



    Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:

    • Cisco Software-defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN)
    • Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)

    Components Used

    The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:

    • C8000V Version17.06.01
    • ASR1001-X Version 17.06.03a
    • vManage Version 20.7.1

    The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command.

    Background Information

    IPsec authentication provides built-in anti-replay protection against old or duplicated IPsec packets with the sequence number in the ESP header checked on the receiver. Anti-replay packet drops is one of the most common data-plane issues with IPsec due to packets delivered out of order outside of the anti-replay window. A general troubleshoot approach for IPsec anti-replay drops can be found in IPsec Anti Replay Check Failures, and the general technique applies to SD-WAN as well. However, some implementation differences exist between traditional IPsec and IPsec used in the Cisco SD-WAN solution. This article is intended to explain these differences and the approach on the cEdge platforms with Cisco IOS ®XE.

    SD-WAN Replay Detection Considerations

    Group key vs. Pairwise key

    Unlike traditional IPsec, where IPsec SAs are negotiated between two peers with the use of the IKE protocol, SD-WAN uses a group key concept. In this model, an SD-WAN edge device periodically generates data plane inbound SA per TLOC and sends these SAs to the vSmart controller, which in turn propagates the SA to the rest of the edges devices in the SD-WAN network. For a more detailed description of the SD-WAN data plane operations, see SD-WAN Data Plane Security Overview.

    Note: Since Cisco IOS ®XE. 6.12.1a/SD-WAN 19.2, IPsec pairwise keys are supported. See IPsec Pairwise Keys Overview. With Pairwise keys, IPsec anti-replay protection works exactly like traditional IPsec. This article primarily focuses on replay check with the use of the group key model.

    Encoded SPI

    In the IPsec ESP header, the SPI (Security Parameter Index) is a 32-bit value that the receiver uses to identify the SA to which an inbound packet is decrypted with. With SD-WAN, this inbound SPI can be identified with show crypto ipsec sa:

    Note: Even though the inbound SPI is the same for all the tunnels, the receiver has a different SA and the correspondent replay-window object associated with the SA for each peer edge device since the SA is identified by the source, destination IP address, source, destination ports 4-tuple, and the SPI number. So essentially, each peer has its own anti-replay window object.

    In the actual packet sent by the peer device, notice the SPI value is different from the previous output. Here is an example from the packet-trace output with the packet copy option enabled:

    The actual SPI in the ESP header is 0x04000123. The reason for this is that the first bits in the SPI for SD-WAN are encoded with additional information, and only the low bits of the SPI field are allocated for the actual SPI.

    Traditional IPsec:


    • CTR (first 4 bits, bits 0-3) — Control Bits, used to indicate the specific type of control packets. For example control bit 0x80000000 is used for BFD.
    • MSNS (next 3 bits, bits 4-6) — Multiple Sequence Number Space Index. This is used to locate the correct sequence counter in the sequence counter array to check for replay for the given packet. For SD-WAN, the 3-bit of MSNS allows for 8 different traffic classes to be mapped into their own sequence number space. This implies the effective SPI value that can be used for SA selection is the reduced low order 25 bits from the full 32-bit value of the field.

    Multiple Sequence Number Space for QoS

    It is common to observe IPsec replay failures in an environment where packets are delivered out of order due to QoS, for example, LLQ, since QoS is always run after IPsec encryption and encapsulation. The Multiple Sequence Number Space solution solves this problem with the use of multiple sequence number spaces mapped to different QoS traffic classes for a given Security Association. The different sequence number space is indexed by the MSNS bits encoded in the ESP packet SPI field as depicted. For a more detailed description, please see IPsec Anti Replay Mechanism for QoS.

    As noted previously, this Multiple Sequence Number implementation implies the effective SPI value that can be used for SA selection is the reduced low order 25 bits. Another practical consideration when the replay window size is configured with this implementation is that the configured replay-window size is for the aggregate replay window, so the effective replay window size for each Sequence Number Space is 1/8 of the aggregate.

    Note: The effective replay window size for each Sequence Number Space is 1024/8 = 128!

    Note: Since the Cisco IOS ®XE. 17.2.1, the aggregate replay window size has been increased to 8192 so that each Sequence Number Space can have a maximum replay window of 8192/8 = 1024 packets.

    On a cEdge device, the last sequence number received for each sequence number space can be obtained from the show crypto ipsec sa peer x.x.x.x platform IPsec dataplane output:

    In the example, the highest anti-replay window (Right edge of the anti-replay sliding window) for MSNS of 0 (0x00) is 39444, and that for MSNS of 2 (0x04) is 1335, and these counters are used to check if the sequence number is inside of the replay window for packets in the same sequence number space.

    Note: There are implementation differences betweem the ASR1k platform and the rest of the Cisco IOS ®XE routing platforms (ISR4k, ISR1k, CSR1kv). As a result, there are some discrepancies in terms of the show commands and their output for these platforms.

    It is possible corralate the Anti-Replay erros and the show outputs to find the SPI, and the Sequence number index as shown in the image.

    With the previous information obtained the right edge (Top window) and the sliding window looks as shown in the imagen.

    Commands to Take Effectiveness of the Configured Replay Window

    Unlike the regular IPsec (non SD-WAN), the rekey command does not takes effect for the anti replay window.

    These commands triggers the configured replay window to take effect:

    Warning: Ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command, they affect the control connections and data plane.



    Hello Again!!!

    You are absolutely right, I am back with another issue with VPN :(

    So this time, I have a router and have VTI tunnel setup on it. I don’t know how it all started but I now see some logs on my router :

    %CRYPTO-4-PKT_REPLAY_ERR: decrypt: replay check failed
            connection id=3625, sequence number=1281790

    So I started to figure out what does this message mean?

    Replay Attack: A replay attack is a form of network attack in which a valid data transmission is maliciously or fraudulently repeated or delayed. In a replay attack someone records legitimate communications and repeats them in order to impersonate a valid user, and to disrupt or cause negative impact for legitimate connections.

     Replay Check Failure: IPSec provides anti-replay protection against an attacker who duplicates
    encrypted packets with the assignment of a monotonically increasing
    sequence number to each encrypted packet. The receiving IPSec endpoint
    keeps track of which packets it has already processed on the basis of
    these numbers with the use of a sliding window of all acceptable
    sequence numbers. Currently, the default anti-replay window size in
    Cisco IOS implementation is 64 packets.

    How the incoming IPSec traffic on the receiving tunnel endpoint will be processed with anti-replay enabled?


    1. When a packet is received, if the sequence number falls within
      the window and was not previously received, the packet is accepted, and
      marked as received before it is sent to integrity verification.
    2. If the sequence number falls within the window and was
      previously received, the packet is dropped, and the replay counter is
      incremented. (In this case a replay check failure occurs, and the router displays an error message similar to this: %CRYPTO-4-PKT_REPLAY_ERR: decrypt: replay check failed)
    3. If the sequence number is greater than the highest sequence
      number in the window, the packet is accepted, and marked as received.
      The sliding window is then moved to the right.
    4. If the sequence number is less than the lowest sequence in the
      window, the packet is dropped, and the replay counter is incremented. (In this case a replay check failure occurs, and the router displays an
      error message similar to this: %CRYPTO-4-PKT_REPLAY_ERR: decrypt: replay
      check failed)

    I have referred this doc here:


    If the window size is small (which it is by default 64) then the packet gets dropped due to a replay failure (it is not really an attack).
    In such scenarios, increase the size of the replay window in order to
    ensure that such delays are accounted for and prevent legitimate packets
    from being dropped. By default, the window size is fairly small (window
    size of 64). If you increase the size, it does not greatly increase the risk of an attack.

    Use show crypto ipsec sa peer ip-address platform command in order to verify the hardware anti-replay window size.

    How can I change the Window size?

    1. Change the window size globally : Configure IPsec Anti-Replay Window: Expanding and Disabling globally (so
    that it affects all SAs that are created— except for those that are
    specifically overridden on a per-crypto map basis)
    crypto ipsec security-association replay window-size 512

    2. Configuring IPsec Anti-Replay Window: Expanding and Disabling
    on a Crypto Map 

    crypto map Test 10 ipsec-isakmp
    set security-association replay window-size 512



    Why would I be getting these errors on my logs. I am running DMVPN.

     dest_addr, SPI 0x8e584d60
    000058: May 15 09:18:21: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: SIP0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:000 TS:00000309438262163039 %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle 3, src_addr dest_addr, SPI 0x8d670b5e
    000059: May 15 09:19:53: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: SIP0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:000 TS:00000309529825315373 %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle 3, src_addr dest_addr, SPI 0x8d670b5e
    000060: May 15 09:39:13: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: SIP0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:000 TS:00000310690125718495 %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle 3, src_addr dest_addr, SPI 0x8d670b5e
    000061: May 15 09:50:40: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: SIP0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:000 TS:00000311376506767405 %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle 3, src_addr dest_addr, SPI 0x8d670b5e
    000062: May 15 09:52:37: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: SIP0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:000 TS:00000311493607193615 %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle 3, src_addr dest_addr, SPI 0x8d670b5e
    000063: May 15 09:53:38: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: SIP0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:000 TS:00000311554565979494 %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle 3, src_addr dest_addr, SPI 0x8d670b5e
    000064: May 15 09:58:38: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: SIP0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:000 TS:00000311854507726837 %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle 3, src_addr dest_addr, SPI 0x8d670b5e
    000065: May 15 10:09:32: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: SIP0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:000 TS:00000312508668407051 %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle 3, src_addr dest_addr, SPI 0x8d670b5e
    000066: May 15 10:10:33: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: SIP0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:000 TS:00000312569927384230 %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle 5, src_addr dest_addr, SPI 0x61c6b427
    000067: May 15 10:14:23: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: SIP0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:000 TS:00000312799836446888 %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle 5, src_addr dest_addr, SPI 0x61c6b427
    000068: May 15 13:27:44: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: SIP0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:000 TS:00000324400603830158 %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle 3, src_addr dest_addr, SPI 0xdf161918
    000069: May 15 14:55:35: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: SIP0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:000 TS:00000329671667585368 %IPSEC-3-REPLAY_ERROR: IPSec SA receives anti-replay error, DP Handle 5, src_addr dest_addr, SPI 0x14114dd5

    Open in new window

    %CRYPTO-4-PKT_REPLAY_ERR : [chars] connection id=[dec]

    IOS 12.4 —> Syslogs —> CRYPTO Messages
    Error Message:
    %CRYPTO-4-PKT_REPLAY_ERR : [chars] connection id=[dec]

    Explanation: The replay processing has failed. The failed replay processing may be a temporarycondition caused by the wait for new SAs to be established. In the inbound case, this error might also be caused by an actual replay attack. This activity can be considered a hostile event.

    Recommended Action: If the problem appears to be more than a transient one, contact the peer administrator.

    CSCeg43855 — Router generated traffic causes anti-replay errors

    Symptoms: An encrypting router may send traffic that is locally originated (such as keepalive packets or routing update packets) out of order after the packets have been encrypted. Because of the anti-replay check failure, these packets are dropped on the receiving router.

    Conditions: This symptom is observed when a multipoint GRE (mGRE) and IPSec tunnel is built between two routers.

    Workaround: Turn off packet authentication for the configured IPSec transform.

    Further Problem Description: On a Cisco 7200 series that functions as the receiving router, you can observe the symptom in the output of the show crypto ipsec sa detail or show pas isa interface command.

    IOS 12.4 —> IPSec Anti-Replay Window: Expanding and Disabling
    Troubleshooting Tips:
    If your replay window size has not been set to a number that is high enough for the number of packets received, you will receive a system message such as the following:

    *Nov 17 19:27:32.279: %CRYPTO-4-PKT_REPLAY_ERR: decrypt: replay check failed connection id=1

    The above message is generated when a received packet is judged to be outside the anti-replay window.

    Additional Notes:

    If there’s no interruption of service, it could just be a normal and temporary condition, especially if the SAs (IPSEC tunnels) are still being established.

    Otherwise, I suggest setting the anti-replay window to, say, 1024.

    crypto ipsec security-association replay window-size 1024

    Take note that the above command is introduced in 12.3(14)T; older versions do not support this command.

    Сообщение VTI based site-to-site ipsec vpn — проблема с mtu или ?

    Добрый день.
    Осваиваю технологии vpn.
    В GNS собрал такую схему (см.скриншот).
    «VTI based site-to-site ipsec vpn»

    xp1 пингует xp2 и наоборот. Но как только начинаешь качать файлы с одной машины на другую тоннель падает. В сайслоге показывал следующее:


    %CRYPTO-4-PKT_REPLAY_ERR: decrypt: replay check failed

    Загуглил — проблема скорее всего в размере mtu. Привел mtu в соотв —



    ip tcp adjust-mss 1360

    на тоннельный интерфейсах.
    Это не помогло. Тоннель по прежнему падает при попытке скопировать хоть какой то незначительный объем данных с одного хоста на другой.
    Пошел дальше — увелил окно anti-replay


    crypto ipsec security-association replay window-size 1024

    Но и это также не решило проблему. Сообщение «replay check failed» в сайслоге не появляется, но тоннель падает.
    Причем восстановить тоннель после такого фейла командой shut-no shut уже не получается —


    %CRYPTO-4-RECVD_PKT_INV_SPI: decaps: rec’d IPSEC packet has invalid spi for destaddr=, prot=50, spi=0x4EF7FBA9(1324874665), srcaddr=

    Приходится тоннельный интерфейс пересоздавать заново.

    Подскажите где ошибка?




    version 12.4
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    no service password-encryption
    hostname R1
    no aaa new-model
    memory-size iomem 5
    no ip icmp rate-limit unreachable
    ip cef
    no ip domain lookup
    ip auth-proxy max-nodata-conns 3
    ip admission max-nodata-conns 3
    multilink bundle-name authenticated
     log config
    crypto isakmp policy 10
     encr aes
     authentication pre-share
     group 5
     lifetime 3600
    crypto isakmp key 123Denis address
    crypto ipsec security-association replay window-size 1024
    crypto ipsec transform-set TSET esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
    crypto ipsec profile PROFILE1
     set transform-set TSET
    ip tcp synwait-time 5
    interface Tunnel0
     description VTI_VPN_to_R2
     ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
     no ip redirects
     no ip unreachables
     no ip proxy-arp
     ip mtu 1400
     ip tcp adjust-mss 1360
     tunnel source FastEthernet0/0
     tunnel destination
     tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
     tunnel protection ipsec profile PROFILE1
    interface FastEthernet0/0
     description INTERNET
     ip address
     no ip redirects
     no ip unreachables
     no ip proxy-arp
     ip virtual-reassembly
     duplex auto
     speed auto
    interface FastEthernet0/1
     description LAN
     ip address
     no ip redirects
     no ip unreachables
     no ip proxy-arp
     ip virtual-reassembly
     duplex auto
     speed auto
    router eigrp 1
     no auto-summary
    ip forward-protocol nd
    ip route FastEthernet0/0
    ip route FastEthernet0/0
    no ip http server
    no ip http secure-server
    line con 0
     exec-timeout 0 0
     privilege level 15
     logging synchronous
    line aux 0
     exec-timeout 0 0
     privilege level 15
     logging synchronous
    line vty 0 4




    version 12.4
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    no service password-encryption
    hostname R2
    no aaa new-model
    memory-size iomem 5
    no ip icmp rate-limit unreachable
    ip cef
    no ip domain lookup
    ip auth-proxy max-nodata-conns 3
    ip admission max-nodata-conns 3
    multilink bundle-name authenticated
     log config
    crypto isakmp policy 10
     encr aes
     authentication pre-share
     group 5
     lifetime 3600
    crypto isakmp key 123Denis address
    crypto ipsec security-association replay window-size 1024
    crypto ipsec transform-set TSET esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
    crypto ipsec profile PROFILE1
     set transform-set TSET
    ip tcp synwait-time 5
    interface Tunnel0
     ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
     no ip redirects
     no ip unreachables
     no ip proxy-arp
     ip mtu 1400
     ip tcp adjust-mss 1360
     tunnel source FastEthernet0/0
     tunnel destination
     tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
     tunnel protection ipsec profile PROFILE1
    interface FastEthernet0/0
     description INTERNET
     ip address
     no ip redirects
     no ip unreachables
     no ip proxy-arp
     duplex auto
     speed auto
    interface FastEthernet0/1
     description LAN
     ip address
     no ip redirects
     no ip unreachables
     no ip proxy-arp
     duplex auto
     speed auto
    router eigrp 1
     no auto-summary
    ip forward-protocol nd
    ip route FastEthernet0/0
    ip route FastEthernet0/0
    no ip http server
    no ip http secure-server
    line con 0
     exec-timeout 0 0
     privilege level 15
     logging synchronous
    line aux 0
     exec-timeout 0 0
     privilege level 15
     logging synchronous
    line vty 0 4

    R3 (internet):



    version 12.4
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    no service password-encryption
    hostname R3
    no aaa new-model
    memory-size iomem 5
    no ip icmp rate-limit unreachable
    ip cef
    no ip domain lookup
    ip auth-proxy max-nodata-conns 3
    ip admission max-nodata-conns 3
    multilink bundle-name authenticated
     log config
    ip tcp synwait-time 5
    interface FastEthernet0/0
     ip address
     ip virtual-reassembly
     duplex auto
     speed auto
    interface FastEthernet0/1
     ip address
     ip virtual-reassembly
     duplex auto
     speed auto
    ip forward-protocol nd
    no ip http server
    no ip http secure-server
    line con 0
     exec-timeout 0 0
     privilege level 15
     logging synchronous
    line aux 0
     exec-timeout 0 0
     privilege level 15
     logging synchronous
    line vty 0 4

    This happens occasionally when you have a very busy VPN tunnel (>200 packets per second). To understand why, you have to first understand what Anti-Replay is doing.


    The goal of Anti-Replay is to prevent a malicious user from replaying a captured VPN packet. Even if the packet is protected with Encryption and Message Integrity, it is undesirable for someone to ‘resend’ a protected packet at a later time.

    For example, if I deposit $100 cash in my bank account at my local branch, at some point in time my bank branch is going to send packets to my branch headquarters that effectively state «increase my balance by $100». If I were malicious, even if I can’t read the packets (due to encryption), and even if I can’t change the amount to 1,000 or 10,000 (due to Message Integrity), if I simply just duplicate the packet(s) and resend them on the wire, I could theoretically continually increase my bank balance by $100.

    This is what Anti-Replay is trying to protect you from.

    It does this by embedding what is called a Sequence number in each packet. Then each end simply tracks to see the last Sequence number received, and if the next packet received is not the next expected Sequence number, the packet is discarded.

    That is the basic (and somewhat simplified) premise of Anti-Replay. But lets take a look at how IPsec does it specifically.

    Anti-Replay within IPsec

    Instead of just looking at the last number received, each party in the secured communication maintains an Anti-Replay Window. By default, on a Cico ASA, the Anti-Replay window is 64 packets.

    The parties participating in the IPsec tunnel then simply keep track of only the last 64 packets received. Let’s illustrate how the Anti-Replay window is used in an ASA (although the example will work for any IPsec speaker).

    If a packet comes through with sequence number #200, the ASA will mark #200 as the «last packet received», and track the previous 64 packets — what would be packets #137-#200.

    • If the next packet received is #150, then the ASA accepts the packet and notes that #150 was received.
    • If the next packet received is #130, the ASA discards this packet since it fell outside of the Anti Replay Window.
    • If the next packet received is #150 again, the ASA discards this packet since it was tracking the 64 packets before the last one received (#200) and knows that a packet with a sequence number of #150 was already received.

    Now lets say the next packet received is #210. This causes the 64-packet window slides forward, which means the ASA will now only accept and track packets #147-#210.

    • If packet #150 is received yet again, it gets dropped, since it was still being tracked and within the window.
    • If packet #131 is received, it is now dropped, since it is now outside the Anti-Replay window.
    • If packet #151 is received, the packet is accepted since it is both within the Anti-Replay window, and has not been received before.

    And now, lets say packet #220 arrives. This advances the window, and now packets with sequence number #157-#220 are being tracked.

    • If packet #150 is received once more, the ASA has stopped tracking whether #150 was received already, however it still gets dropped because it now falls outside the Anti-Replay window.
    • If packet #160 arrives, it gets accepted since it is both within the latest Anti-Replay window, and has not been received before.

    And this process continues until the Sequence Number maxes out and resets back to to zero. It is worth noting, that the Sequence Number is not an infinite field and does have an innate maximum. In the case of IPsec, the field is 32 bits, and therefore the Sequence Number maxes out at approximately 4.2 billion.

    When the maximum is reached, the keys which were securing the packets must be rotated to avoid a looped sequence number vulnerability.

    The solution to your Problem

    What is happening in your case specifically is the window is moving forward to fast, and legitimate packets that should be accepted are being dropped because they arrive at the other end just as the Anti-Replay window moved out of range.

    The solution: Increase the Anti-Replay window. But the tricky part is what do you increase it to?

    A good rule of thumb is for your Anti-Replay window to be 0.5x to 1x your average Packets Per Second. I suggest starting conservative (0.5x) and increasing slowly until your performance errors falls within an acceptable level.

    Do not be over-aggressive with increasing the Anti-Replay window, because that leaves you open to inadvertently accepting a replayed packet. Increase it slowly until you are happy with the results.

    On an ASA, the command is:

    crypto ipsec security-association replay window-size <new size>

    You should do this on both ends of the VPN tunnel.

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  • Ipsec error peer sent packet for dead phase2
  • Ipsec error parsing packet failed possible cause wrong password
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