Сегодня мы поупражняемся в построении всех типов вопросов в английском языке. Ранее на сайте я уже размещала отдельные упражнения на разделительные вопросы, упражнения на специальные вопросы и упражнения на общие вопросы в английском.
В приведенных ниже упражнениях Вам придется иметь дело со всеми пятью типами вопросов в английском языке. Упражнения по традиции идут по возрастанию сложности.
5 types of questions exercises.
Упражнение 1. Fill in the words to form questions.
did, are, do, have, was, haven’t, is, isn’t
- What types of books ______ you like to read?
- _____ she reading love story or an adventure story?
- ______ you seen «Titanic»?
- Who _____ watching TV at eight o’clock last night?
- It’s an exciting book, ________ it?
- _____ you going to watch a romantic film or a musical?
- You have seen this film, _______ you.
- _____ you go to the cinema last night?
Now group this question by their types.
Yes / No Questions: ______________.
Alternative Questions: ______________.
Special Questions: ______________.
Tag Questions: ______________.
Упражнение 2. Form questions.
- birthday / is / when / your?
- many / How / cards / did / get / you?
- do / What / like / you / presents?
- mum / What / make / did / cake / your?
- at the party / you / did / what / do?
- like / you / parties / do / Why?
- summer / are / this / where / you / going?
- there / going / How / you / are?
- take / going / to / what / you / are?
- with / are / you / Who / going?
- do / going / to / you / there / What / are?
- you / stay / going / to / are / Where?
- what / playing / dad / sports / your / games / is / of / fond?
- roller-skate / when / learn / you / to / did?
- of / afraid / are / swimming / you?
Упражнение 3. Напишите вопросы к предложениям, начиная со слова в скобках.
- My sister eats sweets every day. (Who)
- He won’t go to the country this summer (Will)
- We were advised to come. (What?)
- I haven’t seen Peter since Saturday. (Since when?)
- They are planning to have a holiday soon. (They)
- She made a beautiful dress for herself last week. (What?)
- Everybody was waiting at the door to the museum. (Was)
- By the end of the year, he had read about twenty books. (How many)
- He is followed by his friend everywhere. (By whom?)
- He didn’t know how he could help his friend. (Why?)
Упражнение 4. Write questions to the underlined parts of the text.
John is my cousin (1). He is only 18, but he is already a student (2). John is very intelligent (3) and he is a good-looking boy too. Many girls (4) admire his dark brown (5) eyes and curly hair. The only problem is that John hasn’t got enough money (6). He likes books (7) but he often has no money to buy them.
Упражнение 5. Write special and alternative questions to the answers.
He is from England.
What country is he from?
Is he from England or Scotland?
- We went to the library.
- He is a driver.
- We were playing a game.
- They came to this place a long time ago.
Упражнение 6. Напишите вопросы к ответам.
1. ____________________________?
A computer. (The Adams bought a computer.)
2. ____________________________?
They have. They have already met Mr Smith.)
3. ____________________________?
They met Mr Smith when they were in London.
4. ____________________________?
They are. (They are going to there again).
5. ____________________________?
English. She teaches English.
6. ____________________________?
Travelling. (He was interested in travelling.)
7. ____________________________?
They do. (They have to get up early.)
8. ____________________________?
At the airport. (He had to meet them at the airport.)
9. ____________________________?
The baby’s room. (Mary has to clean the baby’s room every morning.)
10. ____________________________?
Boots. (They have to wear boots.)
Упражнение 7. Write questions about driving in England. Use the prompts.
- petrol expensive in England?
- motorists have to wear front seat belts in England?
- what minimum driving age?
- many roads in England?
- roads good in England?
- what the national speed limits in England?
- how all speed limits given on signs?
- how signs indicate speed limits?
Упражнение 8. Read the text. Write down the questions for the underlined words to get more information.
- Somebody wrote this book. It is about somebody and his friends.
- One day he put on something white.
- He looked like somebody.
- The old Frekken Bokk was cooking something.
- Something opened and he appeared somewhere.
- She did something in horror.
- She phoned somebody.
- And at that time somebody and his friend were eating something.
Упражнение 9. Complete the tag questions.
- The books about animals are real fun, …
- You really like reading magazines, …
- You can go to the library tomorrow, …
- Your mum thinks adventure stories are exciting, …
- You haven’t seen «Harry Potter» yet, …
Упражнение 10. Read these facts Ask and answer questions about the facts. Use Who? When? What?
- Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein in 1818.
- Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio in 1894.
- Hubert Booth invented the vacuum cleaner in 1901
- King Camp Gillette invented the razor in 1901
- Henry Ford produced the first cheap car in 1908.
- Peter Chilvers built the first windsurfer in 1958.
Упражнение 11. Ask questions with who or what.
- Jack is waiting for someone.
- Someone is waiting for Jack.
- Something is happening.
- Someone has got the money.
- Carmen wants to see someone.
- Someone wants to see Carmen.
- Carmen wants to see something.
- Steven smiled at someone.
- Someone smiled at Steven.
- Steven smiled at something.
- Something happened.
Упражнение 12. Correct the mistakes.
- What Tony is writing?
- What is writing?
- What Julia want to do?
- Who does wants a cup of tea?
- Who President John F. Kennedy killed?
- Who did invented the telephone?
- Whose your favorite actor?
- Who’s is this coat?
- What hand do you write with?
- Arthur is 21, hasn’t he?
- You’re a student, isn’t it?
- They live in Milan, doesn’t it?
- Does Diana like golf, doesn’t she?
Надеюсь, Вам понравилось отрабатывать типы вопросов в упражнениях. Английский язык: типы вопросов упражнения – важная тема, поэтому упражнения на вопросы помогут Вам чувствовать себя увереннее в английском.
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Practice Test 12 |
3Вы услышите девушку, рассказывающую о своём путешествии в Южную Америку. В заданиях А8–А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.
14A8 The narrator wanted to go to South America because 1 she had enjoyed working on a project about it.
2 she wanted to see the nature there. 3 her father had told her a lot about it.
15A9 The narrator’s parents were worried that she 1 would get homesick while she was away. 2 wouldn’t come back from South America. 3 wanted to travel by herself.
16A10 The narrator says that she was surprised by
1 how well she did in her exams.
2 how long her trip took to plan.
3 how relaxed her parents were about the trip.
17A11 The narrator decided to do volunteer work because 1 some friends recommended it to her.
2 she thought it would be the most enjoyable way to spend her time. 3 she thought it would impress future employers.
18A12 Regarding her time in the mountain village, the narrator suggests that 1 it passed very quickly.
2 she would have liked to stay longer.
3 it had made her want to become a teacher.
19A13 The narrator says that she is glad that, while on her trip, she 1 spent time getting to know the locals.
2 knew how to speak some Spanish.
3 visited every country in South America.
20A14 Now that she is back from her trip, the narrator 1 is keen to travel again.
2 is recovering from an illness she caught in South America. 3 is considering going to university in South America.
Practice Test 12 |
1Установите соответствие между заголовками A–Н и текстами 1–7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу B2. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A A better method
B Responsible shopping
C Lucky winners
DHelp from nature
1 Two families – one from London, and one from Liverpool – have won last night’s national lottery. Speaking from outside their home in London’s East End, Mr and Mrs Miller said that they will ‘not let the money change their lives’ and that they will both be at work as usual on Monday morning. The Liverpool family, who do not wish to be named, plan to move abroad.
2 For many years now, Changi Airport in Singapore has been voted the world’s best airport by airline travellers. Changi Airport does not simply provide travellers with wonderful restaurants and shops in a calm and pleasant atmosphere. You can also swim in its rooftop swimming pool, have a massage in one of its spas, sit quietly in the ‘garden’ area of its main hall, or watch TV in comfortable chairs while waiting for your flight.
3Before the invention of the compass, sailors looked to the sun in the daytime and to the stars at night to help them find their way across the oceans. For example, by locating Polaris (or ‘the North Star’) in the night sky, sailors could identify the direction of North. This is because Polaris never moves from its position in the night sky directly above the North Pole.
4Long ago, zoos obtained their animals by going out into the wild and capturing them. Today, this happens very rarely. For one thing, it is extremely stressful for the animals involved and there is a high risk of injury.
E A great shopping experience
F Working to protect animals
G Everything you need
H Waiting in comfort
Also, wild animals often carry diseases that would harm the other animals in the zoo. Today, therefore, most zoos get their animals from the captive breeding programmes of other zoos.
5Gyms these days are full of all kinds of fancy exercise equipment; treadmills, rowing machines, exercise bikes, resistance machines and much more. But the biggest gyms also have swimming pools, steam rooms and cafeterias. They offer classes in yoga, dance, aerobics and many other forms of exercise. And they have expert trainers on hand to answer all your fitness questions.
6Here is one thing that we can all do to help species that are close to extinction. When travelling overseas, be very careful not to buy any souvenirs that have been made from species nearing extinction. This means avoiding purchasing items made from ivory, coral and fur and also ‘medicinal’ products as they often contain rhino, tiger and bear parts.
7Wildlife parks and zoos are very educational places but perhaps their greatest purpose is the conservation of endangered species. Animal centres all around the world work together in order to breed rare and endangered species. For example, today there are only a few hundred giant pandas left in the wild. If breeding programmes and conservation efforts are successful, future generations may still be able to see these beautiful animals in the flesh, not just in books.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
B2 C |
H |
D |
A |
G |
B |
F |
Practice Test 12 |
2 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1–6 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A–G. Одна из частей в списке А–G лишняя. Занесите букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу B3.
In 2004, a grave containing the skeletons of a human and a cat, lying close together, was excavated in Cyprus.
The grave was around 9,500 years old, 1) …….. .
The ancient Egyptians kept cats as pets,
2) …….. .
People often placed statues of cats outside their homes, 3) …….. . When a cat died, their former owners and the other occupants of the house would go into deep mourning and would often even shave their eyebrows as a sign of grief.
Moreover, cats were frequently mummified and bowls of milk and dead rats and mice were placed in their tombs, 4) …….. .
Awhich seems very strange to modern cultures
Band showed that cats had been kept by humans for far longer than we had previously thought
Cso that they would have food for their journey into the afterlife
Das they kept rats and mice away from homes
Cats were so respected in ancient Egypt that they were even protected by law. People could be sentenced to death if they killed a cat, 5) …….. .
One record documents the execution of an unfortunate Roman soldier whose chariot had run over a cat.
There are many tomb scenes that show cats as part of everyday life in ancient Egypt. They often showed them wearing jewellery including earrings, necklaces and fancy collars. The Egyptians even took their cats on hunting expeditions, 6) …….. .
Today, it is estimated that there are over 600 million domestic cats around the world, which makes the cat the most popular of all pets. However, the cat no longer has any religious significance in any culture.
Eand they also worshipped the cat like one of their gods
Fbecause they believed that this would protect the inhabitants
G even by accident
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
B3 B |
E |
F |
C |
G |
A |
Practice Test 12 |
3Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задания А15–А21. В каждом задании обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.
A New Life
“Are you looking for a room?” the man had asked. We’d only just got off the bus. Ian was still pulling the bags out of the luggage
prices,” the man
We’d been all around the country that summer, finding temporary work to pay for our travels. Ian had grown up in a village, so
the local farmers had been happy to hire him to help them out for a week or two. I’m a city boy myself, but because I’m pretty well-built I didn’t have a problem either. Of course, that meant that I got all the heavy work!
Once we had collected our bags, we followed the man up a nearby side-street. He didn’t stop talking the whole way. After a few twists
That first night we strolled around the town to see what opportunities there might be for work. Our last job had given us enough to live off for a few weeks so we weren’t desperate,
possible. Everyone we met was very friendly and we went back to our rooms feeling quite optimistic.
Within a couple of days, I had started work
at a fish restaurant in the town washing up the
pots and dishes. Maybe it wasn’t the best job in the world, but after weeks of manual labour in the fields it was a welcome change. I could watch the chef preparing the food and sometimes, when the restaurant was particularly busy, I would help him. He knew
these rooms would be too expensive for us. The man must have read my thoughts. “Now, normally I’d be asking twice as much for these rooms,” he began, “but you’re in luck because the tourist season is practically over.”
The rooms were perfect. The décor was slightly shabby but, as if to make up for it, the balcony had a stunning view over the town. We decided to stay for a month initially, and depending on what happened, we would come to an arrangement after that. It was a relief to be settled somewhere, if only for a few weeks. I could now pack my suitcase in record time and we’d met so many people that I’d lost count. Sometimes when I was introduced to yet another stranger I would change my name, just to make it more interesting.
tasted amazing. I’d go home at night and write down the recipes and tips that I’d learnt.
Our first month in the town came to an end and we decided to stay for another three. Ian had found some painting and decorating work and I was quite happy. Those three months turned into six, and before I knew it I had been at the restaurant for a whole year. The chef asked me if I would like to become his assistant — he said I had a natural gift for cooking. So that’s how I ended up here, ten years later, as Head Chef at Alberto’s Fish
Restaurant. Ian is still here as well, running
his own decorating business. One day I hope to achieve something similar for myself, too.
Practice Test 12 |
The man waiting at the bus stop was very |
14 |
A15 |
1 |
rude. |
2 |
impatient. |
3 |
unhelpful. |
4 |
persistent. |
15A16 The farmers gave the narrator and his friend Ian work because
1 they thought they would be suitable for it.
2 they needed seasonal workers.
3 they had known Ian since he was young.
4 they found both boys cheerful and friendly.
16A17 The narrator thought the rooms could be too expensive after he realised 1 how popular they were.
2 what time of year it was.
3 how nice the exterior was.
4 where they were.
17A18 In paragraph four, the narrator suggests that he had become tired of 1 staying in hotels.
2 packing his suitcase.
3 moving from place to place.
4 meeting new people.
18A19 In paragraph five, the narrator uses the phrase ‘put out feelers’ to mean 1 meet as many people as possible.
2 speak to people to get information about work.
3 find a suitable job to earn some money.
4 get to know a new place.
19A20 The narrator enjoyed his new job because 1 all his food was cooked for him.
2 it was different from his previous jobs.
3 his boss took an interest in teaching him to cook. 4 the time passed quickly.
20A21 In the final paragraph, we learn that the narrator 1 would like to start a business with Ian.
2 regrets staying so long at Alberto’s restaurant.
3 hopes that his career as a chef will continue to advance. 4 wishes that he had achieved as much as Ian.
1Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, сло* ва, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номера* ми B4–B10, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B4–B10.
B4 |
was |
B5 |
was trying |
B6 |
will find |
B7 |
had passed |
B8 |
have been given |
B9 |
had left |
B10 |
fixed |
2 Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В11–B16, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответ* ствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11–В16.
The Trans Siberian Railway
Travelling on the |
Trans Siberian |
Express is an |
extraordinary journey. It |
is the |
longest |
continuous |
B11 |
railway in the world — 10,000 kilometres long, or one third of the distance |
around |
the globe. |
Travellers on |
the Trans Siberian railway describe the |
journey |
as a(n) |
amazing |
B129) |
adventure; seven days or more of exotic travel from Moscow to Vladivostok. |
10)B13 |
conversation |
with other passengers that |
However, many travellers say that it is the |
makes the journey special. You can spend many hours making new friends and discussing the
landscape of the Ural Mountains and Siberia. |
You can either stay on |
the |
train |
for the |
whole journey |
or, |
if |
you are |
feeling more |
1B14) |
adventurous |
, |
you |
can |
arrange |
stops along the |
way. |
A |
stopover |
at Irkutsk is |
recommended for a few days. Here you can explore the city and visit the |
12)B15 |
beautiful |
Lake Baikal; the deepest lake in the world. |
The journey ends on the east coast of Russia in Vladivostok, whose name means “Lord of the East”. However you decide to spend your time on the Trans Siberian Express, it will be an extremely
13)B16 |
memorable |
experience. |
Practice Test 12 |
3Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22–А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям A22–A28, в которых представлены возмож* ные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.
The Report Card
John had never been very good 14)A22…….. sports. He simply wasn’t an athletic kind of person. He knew it, his
friends knew it, and his gym teachers at school had known it, too. On his school report for the year 1992, his
Physical Education teacher had written: ‘John tries very |
……..15)A23 |
in class, but achieves below average results.’ |
The teacher had obviously thought that it would be a good idea to mention John’s effort, but he only |
16)A24…….. |
in emphasising his failure. |
As an adult in his |
thirties, John did everything he could to avoid playing any sort of sport. Whenever |
17)A25……… |
his friends were trying to organise a friendly game of football, or his boss needed to find a tennis partner, John
would always 18)A26…….. an excuse. Once, he even faked an injury so that he didn’t have to take 19)A27…….. in
a basketball game. But it was only when John had to explain to his new girlfriend why he couldn’t play squash with
her that he decided that his problem with sports had gone on for long enough. It was |
……..20)A28 |
to change. |
A22 |
1 |
for |
2 |
at |
3 |
to |
4 |
on |
A23 |
1 |
strongly |
2 |
well |
3 |
heavily |
4 |
hard |
A24 |
1 |
achieved |
2 |
succeeded |
3 |
managed |
4 |
ended |
A25 |
1 |
beginning |
2 |
young |
3 |
early |
4 |
opening |
A26 |
1 |
make up |
2 |
find out |
3 |
put up |
4 |
think over |
A27 |
1 |
position |
2 |
role |
3 |
place |
4 |
part |
A28 |
1 |
time |
2 |
moment |
3 |
season |
4 |
point |
C11 You have received a letter from your English speaking pen friend Jack who writes:
… Well, my exams start next week and I’m feeling a little stressed even though I’ve studied hard. How often do you have exams at your school? Do you like taking exams? How do you
cope with the pressure?
It’s my best friend John’s birthday this weekend …
Write a letter to Jack. In your letter ● answer his questions
● ask 3 questions about his best friend’s birthday Write 100 140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
C22 Comment on the following statement.
“Extreme sports have become more and more popular. However, some say that they are too risky.”
What is your opinion? Does the thrill of the sport outweigh the risk? Write 200 250 words.
Use the following plan:
●write an introduction (state the problem/topic)
●express your personal opinion and give reasons for it
●give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it
●draw a conclusion
Practice Test 13 |
1 Вы услышите высказывания шести людей о путешествиях. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1–6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A–G. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное буквой,
только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу B1.
A I appreciate travelling for my job.
B I have found a way to travel quite cheaply.
C I don’t have to travel far to find what I want. D I prefer to travel by myself.
E Thinking about my holiday helps me to cope with my busy schedule. F I think people should think about the negative effects of travelling. G I want to travel more but I have a problem that stops me.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
B1 C |
E |
F |
A |
G |
B |
2Вы услышите беседу двух друзей о мобильных телефонах и Интернете. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А1–А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1– True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положи’ тельного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Вы услышите запись дважды. Обведите правильный ответ.
A17 Laura is looking at mobile phones in a shop window.
1 True |
2 False |
3 Not stated |
A28 Dave doesn’t own a mobile phone.
1 |
True |
2 |
False |
3 |
Not stated |
A39 |
Dave believes that using technology has made people more anti-social. |
1 |
True |
2 |
False |
3 |
Not stated |
Both Laura and Dave would like to use the Internet when they are not at home. |
A410 |
1 |
True |
2 |
False |
3 |
Not stated |
Dave is worried about the Internet having harmful effects on young people. |
A511 |
1 |
True |
2 |
False |
3 |
Not stated |
A612 Laura’s parents monitor her use of the Internet.
1 True |
2 False |
3 Not stated |
A713 In the end, Laura decides not to buy an Internet phone.
1 True |
2 False |
3 Not stated |
Practice Test 13 |
3Вы услышите рассказ молодого человека о вегетарианстве. В заданиях А8–А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.
A814 While growing up, the narrator ate food that was 1 unhealthy.
2 badly cooked.
3 not very varied.
A915 The narrator says his university served food that was 1 liked only by the foreign students.
2 good value but not very healthy.
3 worse than what he was used to.
A1016 The narrator tried a vegetarian dish because
1 his vegetarian friends encouraged him to.
2 he thought the quality might be better.
3 the meat dishes had started to make him ill.
A1117 After he started eating vegetarian meals, the narrator
1 realised his attitude towards vegetarians had been wrong.
2 began to really dislike the smell of meat.
3 began to lose weight.
A1218 While deciding whether to become a vegetarian or not, the narrator
1 did some research into vegetarianism.
2 continued to eat some meat.
3 realised how healthy he felt.
A1319 The narrator finally made his decision based on
1 what he found out about the benefits of vegetarianism. 2 how much healthier he was feeling.
3 the opinions of others.
A1420 The narrator’s parents
1 are slowly accepting his decision to be a vegetarian. 2 are now thinking about becoming vegetarians too. 3 are unhappy that he is a vegetarian.
Practice Test 13 |
1Установите соответствие между заголовками A–Н и текстами 1–7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу B2. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A Travel with a purpose
B Make a discovery
C Getting a good view
DA difficult task
1 For hundreds of years, people have been competing in bizarre ‘gurning’ contests around England. What is gurning? Well, it is simply the act of making the ugliest face possible. Some elderly people can make some spectacular gurns. If they have false teeth, they can take them out and bring their lower lip so far up that it can cover their nose! But even younger people can make amazing gurns – just look at celebrity Jim Carrey!
2Thousands of spectators line the route of the Tour de France bike race each year, trying to see over other people’s heads. Then when the competitors pass, they flash by so quickly that it is hard to get even a glimpse of them. Therefore, it’s worth buying a tour guide with route information so that you can plan well in advance the best place to stand to see your favourite cyclists speed by.
3The goal of responsible tourism is to help people in need as well as the holidaymakers themselves. Some tour operators, for example, organise charity bike rides. Visitors cycle around places of interest following a pre-arranged route. They enjoy a valuable new experience and at the same time part of the cost of the holiday is donated to local community projects.
4The Sibit-sibit Festival is held each year to give tourists a rich and colourful picture of the history of Olongapo in the Philippines. Sibit-sibits are ancient paddle boats that
E Greatest invention
F An unusual competition
G Keeping traditions alive
H Still popular today
were used by fishing villages. During past celebrations, fishermen held races and won with their great physical strength alone. Today, the traditional Sibit-sibit Festival is a lively and enchanting event that brings together Olongapo’s rich past, successful present and promising future.
5Bicycles were first introduced in the 19th century and there are now over one billion of them worldwide. Many people still prefer this eco-friendly mode of transport. Postmen, delivery personnel and even police officers can often be seen riding bicycles.
6The Archaeological Seminars Foundation offers visitors of all ages the opportunity to ‘Dig for a Day’. This programme allows the unskilled enthusiast to get their hands dirty while getting the chance to make a fabulous discovery. Activities include digging, pottery examination and touring the latest excavation site. Thousands of people have already participated in this memorable experience!
7What is the most important mechanical invention of all time? The wheel no doubt! The earliest known use of the wheel was probably the potter’s wheel in 3500 BC in Mesopotamia. Interestingly enough, the wheel was used for manufacturing before it was used for transporting. Today, nearly every machine includes the wheel; from the smallest of pocket watches to the largest of aeroplanes.
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Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык
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20.06.20148.88 Mб89Примеры резюме на английском языке.pdf
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Задание 2. Поставьте, где нужно, “to” перед инфинитивом.
1. to, ~ | 2. ~ | 3. to | 4. ~, to | 5. ~ | 6. to, to/~ | 7. to | 8. ~ | 9. to | 10. to | 11. to | 12. ~ | 13. ~ | 14. ~ | 15. to
Задание 3. Используйте соответствующую форму инфинитива.
1 . to be taken
2 . to have done
3 . to produce
4 . to become
5 . to have thrown, to be advancing
6 . to know, to have spent
7 . call
8 . to have been invited
9 . to be conducting
10 . to have been snowing
11 . knock
12 . to be informed
13 . to have won
14 . to have been working
15 . to be sent
Задание 4. Поставьте частицу “to” там, где это необходимо.
1. to | 2. ~ | 3. ~ | 4. to, ~ | 5. ~ | 6. ~ | 7. to, to | 8. to | 9. ~ | 10. to | 11. ~ | 12. to | 13. to | 14. to,~ | 15. ~,~ | 16. ~, to | 17. ~ | 18. ~ | 19. ~, to | 20. ~ | 21. ~ | 22. to | 23. ~
Задание 5. Переведите на русский язык.
1. Я заходил каждое утро узнать, не было ли новостей.
2. Мы остановились покурить.
3. Он пришел сюда поговорить со мной, а не с вами.
4. Машина ждала их у дверей, чтобы отвезти на вокзал.
5. Чтобы объяснить задачу, он рисовал диаграммы на доске.
6. Пароход «Минск» был зафрахтован для перевозки груза леса из Петербурга в Галл.
7. По условию 32 наниматели судна должны были обеспечить пароход ледоколом для обеспечения его входа и выхода из порта погрузки.
8. Для обеспечения растущей потребности в промышленных товарах, в городах было открыто большое число новых магазинов.
9. Первая партия товара готова к отправке, но чтобы сэкономить на транспортных расходах, мы решили отправить ее вместе со второй партией.
10. Пожалуйста, вышлите нам инструкции немедленно, чтобы мы имели возможность отправить станки к 20 мая.
Задание 6. Переведите на английский язык, используя объектную инфинитивную конструкцию (сложное дополнение), где это возможно.
1. He wants us to come to him today.
2. I would like you to wait for me here.
3. He wants his son to become a doctor.
4. He wants to be sent to St. Petersburg to a conference.
5. She wants to be invited to a party.
6. We didn’t want to be interrupted.
7. Would you like me to help you?
8. I want his article to be published.
9. The doctor doesn’t want you to go to the south.
10. He wants the cargo to be insured.
11. She doesn’t like the children to do their home task in the evening.
12. She likes to have her dinner on time.
13. He doesn’t like to be interrupted.
14. He wants to be asked questions.
Задание 7. Образуйте формы инфинитива (подставьте “to”) или герундия (прибавьте “-ing”) глаголов в скобках, чтобы следующие предложения стали грамматически правильными.
1. watching | 2. to go | 3. going | 4. waiting | 5. to go | 6. barking | 7. to call | 8. having | 9. missing | 10. to find
Задание 8. Дополните следующие предложения формами инфинитива (подставьте “to”) или герундия (прибавьте “-ing”) глаголов, данных ниже, чтобы они стали грамматически правильными.
answer apply be be listen make see try use wash work write
1. answering | 2. making | 3. listening | 4. applying | 5. washing | 6. being | 7. working | 8. using | 9. seeing | 10. writing | 11. being | 12. trying |
Задание 9. Образуйте формы инфинитива (с частицей “to” или без нее) или герундия (прибавьте “-ing”) глаголов в скобках, чтобы следующие предложения стали грамматически правильными.
1. smoking | 2. to go | 3. to do | 4. read | 5. to go | 6. to go | 7. eating | 8. cry | 9. to study |
Упражнение 1. Fill in the words to form questions.
did, are, do, have, was, haven’t, is, isn’t
What types of books ______ you like to read? -
_____ she reading love story or an a adventure story? -
______ you seen «Titanic»? -
Who _____ watching TV at eight o’clock last night? -
It’s an exciting book, ________ it? -
_____ you going to watch a romantic film or a musical? -
You have seen this film, _______ you. -
_____ you go to the cinema last night?
Now group this question by their types.
Yes / No Questions: ______________.
Alternative Questions: ______________.
Special Questions: ______________.
Tag Questions: ______________.
Упражнение 2. Form questions.
birthday / is / when / your? -
many / How / cards / did / get / you? -
do / What / like / you / presents? -
mum / What / make / did / cake / your? -
at the party / you / did / what / do? -
like / you / parties / do / Why? -
summer / are / this / where / you / going? -
there / going / How / you / are? -
take / going / to / what / you / are? -
with / are / you / Who / going? -
do / going / to / you / there / What / are? -
you / stay / going / to / are / Where? -
what / playing / dad / sports / your / games / is / of / fond? -
roller-skate / when / learn / you / to / did? -
of / afraid / are / swimming / you?
Упражнение 3. Напишите вопросы к предложениям, начиная со слова в скобках.
My sister eats sweets every day. (Who) -
He won’t go to the country this summer (Will) -
We were advised to come. (What?) -
I haven’t seen Peter since Saturday. (Since when?) -
They are planning to have a holiday soon. (They) -
She made a beautiful dress for herself last week. (What?) -
Everybody was waiting at the door to the museum. (Was) -
By the end of the year he had read about twenty books. (How many) -
He is followed by his friend everywhere. (By whom?) -
He didn’t know how he could help his friend. (Why?)
Упражнение 4. Write questions to the underlined parts of the text.
John is my cousin (1). He is only 18, but he is already a student (2). John is very intelligent (3) and he is a good-looking boy too. Many girls (4) admire his dark brown (5) eyes and curly hair. The only problem is that John hasn’t got enough money (6). He likes books (7) but he often has no money to buy them.
Упражнение 5. Write general and alternative questions to the answers.
He is from England.
What country is he from?
Is he from England or Scotland?
We went to the library. -
He is a driver. -
We were playing a game. -
They came to this place a long time ago.
Упражнение 6. Напишите вопросы к ответам.
1. ____________________________?
A computer. (The Adams bought a computer.)
2. ____________________________?
They have. They have already met Mr Smith.)
3. ____________________________?
They met Mr Smith when they were in London.
4. ____________________________?
They are. (They are going to there again).
5. ____________________________?
English. She teaches English.
6. ____________________________?
Travelling. (He was interested in travelling.)
7. ____________________________?
They do. (They have to get up early.)
8. ____________________________?
At the airport. (He had to meet them at the airport.)
9. ____________________________?
The baby’s room. (Mary has to clean the baby’s room every morning.)
10. ____________________________?
Boots. (They have to wear boots.)
Упражнение 7. Write questions about driving in England. Use the prompts.
petrol expensive in England? -
motorists have to wear front seat belts in England? -
what minimum driving age? -
many roads in England? -
roads good in England? -
what the national speed limits in England? -
how all speed limits given on signs? -
how signs indicate speed limits?
Упражнение 8. Read the text. Write down the questions for the underlined words to get more information.
Somebody wrote this book. It is about somebody and his friends. -
One day he put on something white. -
He looked like somebody. -
The old Frekken Bokk was cooking something. -
Something opened and he appeared somewhere. -
She did something in horror. -
She phoned somebody. -
And at that time somebody and his friend were eating something.
Упражнение 9. Complete the tag questions.
The books about animals are real fun, … -
You really like reading magazines, … -
You can go to the library tomorrow, … -
Your mum thinks adventure stories are exciting, … -
You haven’t seen «Harry Potter» yet, …
Упражнение 10. Read these facts Ask and answer questions about the facts. Use Who? When? What?
Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein in 1818. -
Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio in 1894. -
Hubert Booth invented the vacuum cleaner in 1901. -
King Camp Gillette invented the razor in 1901. -
Henry Ford produced the first cheap car in 1908. -
Peter Chilvers built the first windsurfer in 1958.
Упражнение 11. Ask questions with who or what.
Jack is waiting for someone. -
Someone is waiting for Jack. -
Something is happening. -
Someone has got the money. -
Carmen wants to see someone. -
Someone wants to see Carmen. -
Carmen wants to see something. -
Steven smiled at someone. -
Someone smiled at Steven. -
Steven smiled at something. -
Something happened.
Упражнение 12. Correct the mistakes.
What Tony is writing? -
What is writing? -
What Julia want to do? -
Who does wants a cup of tea? -
Who President John F. Kennedy killed? -
Who did invented the telephone? -
Whose your favorite actor? -
Who’s is this coat? -
What hand do you write with? -
Arthur is 21, hasn’t he? -
You’re a student, isn’t it? -
They live in Milan, doesn’t it? -
Does Diana like golf, doesn’t she?
Упражнение 1. Ask general questions and give short answers to them. Pay attention to the tense form of the verb in the questions.
I don’t know your sister. (brother)
Do you know my brother? – No, I don’t.
I have finished the text. (the exercise?)
Have you finished the exercise? – Yes, I have.
Jane eats lunch at the canteen every day. (at school?) -
I didn’t sleep well last night. (last week?) -
I am studying my grammar book now. (learning the rules?) -
The children weren’t watching TV last night. (doing their homework?) -
It wasn’t cold yesterday. (the day before yesterday?) -
He won’t be at home tonight. (tomorrow?) -
She can’t play the piano. (the guitar?) -
They have visited many places. (the picture gallery?) -
He was given more time for the test. (you?) -
English is spoken in Australia. (Canada?)
Упражнение 2. Задайте общий вопрос и дайте краткий ответ.
Ted’s advice wasn’t clever. -
They had to go to school on Saturday. -
He won’t be able to speak Italian in two months. -
They are not going to meet him. -
She mustn’t eat oranges. -
She won’t have to write the exercise again. -
He couldn’t swim last summer. -
She has to wear a uniform. -
She will be able to make sandwiches tomorrow.
Упражнение 3. Give short answers to these general questions.
Did you go to the country last summer? -
Did you go for a picnic last Sunday? -
Can you see the sun now? -
Can you see the stars now? -
Does your pet sleep at night? -
Do you like watching the clouds?
Упражнение 4. Измените предложения так, чтобы они стали вопросительными. Make general questions.
The rabbit is hopping now. -
Children are swimming now. -
I am reading a book now. -
Dave is riding his bike now. -
We are planting some seeds now. -
She is giving me a rubber now.
Ответы:Ехеrcise 1.
Does Jane eat her lunch at school? – No, she doesn’t. -
Did you sleep well last week? – Yes, I did. -
Are you learning the rules now? – No, I’m not. -
Were the children doing their homework last night? – Yes, they were. -
Was it cold the day before yesterday? – Yes, it was. -
Will he be at home tomorrow? – Yes, he will. -
Can she play the guitar? – No, she can’t. -
Have they visited the picture gallery? – Yes, they have. -
Were you given more time for the test? – No, I wasn’t. -
Is English spoken in Canada? – Yes, it is.
Ехеrcise 2.
Was Ted’s advice clever? – No, it wasn’t. -
Did they have to go to school on Saturday? – Yes, they did. -
Will he be able to speak Italian in two months? – No, he won’t. -
Are they going to meet him? – No, they aren’t. -
Must she eat oranges? – No, she mustn’t. -
Will she have to write the exercise again? – No, she won’t. -
Could he swim last summer? – No, he couldn’t. -
Does she have to wear a uniform? – Yes, she does. -
Will she be able to make sandwiches tomorrow? – Yes, she will.
Ехеrcise 3.
Possible answers.
Yes, I did. -
No, I didn’t. -
No, I can’t. -
Yes, I can. -
Yes, it does. -
Yes, I do.
Ехеrcise 4.
Is the rabbit hopping now? -
Are children swimming now? -
Are you reading a book now? -
Is Dave riding his bike now? -
Are we planting some seeds now? -
Is she giving me a rubber now?
Упражнение 1. Составьте специальные вопросы из предложенных слов.
are / this / at / Why / like / looking / you / me? -
do / to / university / What / enter / you / want? -
Nick / his / How / does / after / disease / feel? -
How / were / people / there / the / many / street / in? -
are / holidays / Where / for / you / going / your?
Упражнение 2. Ask special questions to the sentences beginning with the words given in brackets.
Example: I saw him yesterday. (where?)
Where did you see him?
Some children do stupid things. (why?) -
I am looking for my watch (what?) -
His penfriend lives in London. (where?) -
We met after school yesterday. (when?) -
She’ll come to the party. (with whom?) -
English is spoken in many countries. (what countries?) -
He was not prepared for the test. (why?) -
They were playing a game when I came. (what game?) -
I have made some mistakes in this exercise (how many?) -
He has given me his old camera. (what?)
Упражнение 3. Write questions to the sentences.
Example: I’ll change my hobby. (why)
Why will you change your hobby? -
They didn’t expect me when I came. (who, why) -
You can find out the timetable of trains at the railway station (where, what) -
They have practised the song for two days. (how long) -
I will never scold my own children. (why) -
Ted was lucky to join the basketball team. (who)
Упражнение 4. Write questions to the sentences.
Example: He asked a silly question. (what)
What question did he ask?
He visited his aunt in summer. (when) -
My father likes to travel by train. (how) -
She has never been at a big railway station. (why) -
We buy railway tickets at the booking-office. (where) -
Some children go to school by bus. (by what)
Упражнение 5. Write questions to which the following sentences are answers.
A lesson lasts forty minutes. -
We had only five lessons. -
I am reading a rule now. -
We haven’t examinations this year. -
The holiday will start next month. -
I was looking out of the window at that moment. -
There are no problem children in my class. -
All tests are prepared by the teachers. -
My mother came to school. -
I was given another text. -
Упражнение 6. Write questions to the underlined words. -
The sportsman has achieved good results. -
Something has bitten me. -
I can hardly do it in time. -
There was a funny expression on her face. -
We shall divide the cake between us. -
The weather was nasty. -
The rest of them stayed at home. -
He can suggest a better plan.
Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово.
1. … could you know that was pregnant?
a) why
b) how
c) when
d) what
2. … were you doing last Monday at 6 o’clock?
a) what
b) why
c) when
d) who
3. … was my dog in the evening? W… is he so muddy (грязный)?
a) when/what
b) where/why
c) whom/when
d) who/where
4. … do you go for a trip? – Twice a year.
a) how much
b) how long
c) how often
d) how
5. … mansion is it? – It’s mine.
a) who
b) whom
c) how
d) whose
6. W… of you (ПОДСКАЗКА: кого из вас) should I reprimand (делать выговор)? W… is to blame?
a) what/whose
b) which/who
c) what/whose
d) when/who
7. For … are you going to purchase it? – For my little son.
a) whose
b) whom
c) which
d) what
8. At … do you aim? – I aim at money and power.
a) why
b) which
c) what
d) who
9. How … do you earn? W… is your salary?
a) many/which
b) much/what
c) much/why
d) many/whose
10. W… doctor do you like most of all? – Dr. Christina or Dr. Juliet?
a) which
b) when
c) why
d) whom
1. b
2. a
3. b
4. c
5. d
6. b
7. b
8. c
9. b
10. a
Упражнение 1. Add tags to make disjunctive questions.
1. Tigers are dangerous animals.
2. They have a wonderful garden. 3. He bought an expensive TV-set. 4. You have a terrible toothache. 5. She has read an interesting book 6. We gave all possible answers. 7. I asked a foolish question 8. It will be a useful exercise. 9. His speech was boring. |
A. didn’t I?
B. haven’t you? C. aren’t they? D. haven’t they? E. hasn’t she? F. didn’t we? G. didn’t he? H. wasn’t it? I. won’t it? |
Упражнение 2. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса.
They won’t go to the party, ___________? -
This house is new, ___________? -
I’m your doctor, ___________? -
There is much snow there, ___________? -
There is no juice in the fridge, ___________? -
She never comes in time, ___________? -
They have got a new house, ___________? -
They had many tomatoes last summer, ___________? -
They had to buy a new desk, ___________? -
They had no time to discuss the problem, ___________?
Упражнение 3. You are talking to a friend. Ask him/her to agree with these statements. Use question tags.
Smoking is bad for you.
Smoking is bad or you, isn’t it?
Money isn’t everything. -
Computers are very useful. -
Some people watch too much TV -
People didn’t have TV 100 years ago. -
Life was better 100 years ago. -
We can all make mistakes. -
Parents shouldn’t hit their children.
Упражнение 4. Add tags to make disjunctive questions.
You went to see the doctor, didn’t you?
You were playing snowballs after the lessons, ___________? -
You play snowballs every winter, ___________? -
They were doing their homework yesterday after supper, ___________? -
You did your homework after school, ___________? -
They entered the classroom after the teacher, ___________? -
She was writing a letter when you phoned, ___________? -
Bob was playing the piano when we came, ___________?
Упражнение 5. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса.
The boy wasn’t taken home, ___________? -
Our homework was not checked by the teacher, ___________? -
The new rules were explained to you, ___________? -
The words were not written on the blackboard, ___________? -
The English Channel was crossed by many swimmers, ___________? -
The street was named after M. Bagdanovich, ___________? -
You were born in 1982, ___________? -
This coffee wasn’t grown in India, ___________? -
All the children were given presents, ___________? -
All the mistakes were noticed by the teacher, ___________?
Упражнение 6. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса
There was something you wanted, ___________? -
There was nobody in the room, ___________? -
He has never been to Asia, ___________? -
You have had the computer for two years, ___________? -
They had a good time there, ___________? -
I am a great singer, ___________? -
They went to Alaska ten years ago, ___________? -
They want to go to Siberia, ___________? -
This is the Mississippi River, ___________? -
These are your photos, ___________?
Упражнение 7. Change the statements into disjunctive questions.
Example: He likes to read funny stories.
He likes to read funny stories, doesn’t he?
He is not always patient.
He is not always patient, is he?
You study English. -
They are discussing a new topic now. -
He went for a walk in the valley an hour ago. -
I was learning a poem when he came. -
Maize is not grown in this part of the country. -
You were not sure in his success. -
They have studied at this school for 7 years. -
We shan’t write a dictation tomorrow -
We are given homework every day. -
This rule was explained to us yesterday.
Упражнение 8. You are interviewing Molly. Complete the conversation.
You: Molly. You’ve always wanted to be an actress, haven’t you?
Molly: Yes. I have.
You: You started acting when you were a small child, ___________?
(Molly: Yes. I appeared on stage for the first time when I was only four.
You: You’re Canadian, ___________?
Molly: Yes, I am.
You: You were born in Toronto, ___________?
Molly: That’s right.
You: But you didn’t go to acting school in Canada, _____________?
Molly: No, I studied acting in New York.
You: You were there for two years, _____________?
Molly: That’s right.
You: You live in London now, ______________?
Molly: Yes, I do.
You: And you’re married, _________________?
Molly: Yes, I am.
You: Your husband isn’t Canadian, ____________________?
Molly: No, he isn’t. He’s English.
You: And you’ve got two children, ___________________?
Molly: Yes, we have. A boy and a girl.
Упражнение 9. Добавьте хвостик разделительного вопроса.
I’m older than she, ___________? -
He has a sister, ___________? -
Sally can’t speak Chinese, ___________? -
Let me call you, ___________? -
Tell us about yourself, ___________? -
That was an unusual stone, ___________? -
She hates onion, ___________? -
Dan arrived two hours ago, ___________? -
There weren’t many students in the hall, ___________? -
The Greens have been invited too, ___________? -
Don’t leave without me, ___________? -
Let’s watch this film, ___________? -
Nothing special happened that day, ___________? -
Our parents are leaving for Grodno tomorrow, ___________? -
He will pick you up at 4 o’clock, ___________? -
This is not her car, ___________? -
I’m not dressed so smartly as she does, ___________? -
Everyone was shocked by his behaviour, ___________? -
Emilie has a shower four times a week, ___________? -
She used to fight with her brother, ___________?
Упражнение 10. Добавьте хвостик разделительного вопроса.
There is enough food here for everyone, ___________? -
Remember to turn off the cooker, ___________? -
Our President is going to visit Vatican, ___________? -
Nobody knows about this, ___________? -
I’m making you feel uncomfortable, ___________? -
Bred should be here by now, ___________? -
If you borrow my jeans, don’t get them dirty, ___________? -
Let’s go because it is getting dark, ___________? -
Get me some chewing gum when you go to the shop, ___________? -
There is not really much time left, ___________? -
Charlie usually has a rest after lunch, ___________? -
Everything was done perfectly, ___________? -
They won’t be happy, ___________? -
The Stones bought this car last year, ___________? -
Don’t repeat what I told you, ___________? -
She hadn’t been told about it, ___________? -
There were a lot of cars in the street, ___________? -
We have to work harder, ___________? -
She needs to be there, ___________? -
I needn’t come, ___________?
1. Will you come along with us, … you?
a) will
b) won’t
c) are
d) aren’t
2. Linda knows five languages, … she?
a) does
b) doesn’t
c) do
d) is
3. He can jump for 60 minutes without a break, … he?
a) can
b) is
c) isn’t
d) can’t
4. We haven’t got a chair, … we?
a) have
b) haven’t
c) have not
d) are
5. I didn’t send a letter, … I?
a) didn’t
b) do
c) am
d) did
6. We are happy together, … we?
a) are
b) do
c) does
d) aren’t
7. She isn’t nice and amiable, … she?
a) Is
b) does
c) do
d) isn’t
8. I’m tall and pretty, … I?
a) are
b) am
c) am not
d) aren’t
9. Let’s change the subject, … we?
a) should
b) shall
c) are
d) do
10. Nobody answered me, …they?
a) did
b) do
c) didn’t
d) are
1. b
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. d
6. d
7. a
8. d
9. b
10. a
Упражнение 1. Match the question words to the answers.
1. Why?
2. When? 3. Where? 4. How? 5. How many? 6. What? 7. Whose? 8. How old? |
a) Twelve years old
b) Chocolates c) Because I like them. d) Twenty-seven e) Quickly f) Yesterday g) At home. h) Michael’s |
Упражнение 2. Вставьте вопросительные слова: what, where or when.
_____ does Molly get up? – At 10 o’clock. -
_____ does Molly have lunch? – At school. -
_____ does Molly read in the morning? – A book. -
_____ do Molly’s parents get home? – At 6 o’clock. -
_____ does Molly’s family have dinner? – At home. -
_____ does Molly do after dinner? – She brushes her teeth.
Упражнение 3. Ask questions with who, what, how, where, when or why.
_______ is your name? -
_______ do you spell your name? -
_______ are you from? -
_______ do you live? -
_______ old are you? -
_______ is your birthday? -
_______ tall are you? -
_______ kind of films do you like? -
_______ is your favorite singer? -
_______ is your favorite TV programme?
Упражнение 4. Look at these answers Find one answer for each question word.
1. What?
2. Who? 3. Whose? 4. How? 5. Where? 6. When? 7. Why? |
a) Today
b) My friend’s c) Diana d) A book e) At school f) Because it’s late g) Slowly |
Упражнение 5. Вставьте вопросительные слова.
Why, what, how, where
______ is Molly thinking about? -
______ don’t you wear this funny sweater? -
______ does your boyfriend go on Mondays? -
______ didn’t you come to school yesterday? -
______ is Susan wearing? -
______ do you think of Fred? -
______ often does Derek go running? -
______ don’t we go fishing this afternoon? -
______ much are these pants? -
______ tall is Rachel? -
______ are they from? -
______ far is your school from our house?
Упражнение 6. Choose and write.
How old, When, How often, How tall, How many
_____ is your mum’s birthday? – It’s on the 21st of May. -
_____ should you eat fruit and vegetables? – Every day -
_____ is your dad? – He’s 1m 95cm tall. -
_____ is your dad? – He’s 30 years old. -
_____ apples do you eat every day? – Two.
Упражнение 7. Fill in the question words
_____ did your mum make? A cake. -
_____ did you decorate the Christmas tree? With ornaments. -
_____ do you play jokes?- On April 1st -
_____ presents did you get? Five. -
_____ do you celebrate New Year? At home. -
_____ do you like parties?-Because they’re fun. -
_____ were you on your last birthday? Nine.
Упражнение 8. Вставьте вопросительные слова.
_____ was your holiday like? – It was fantastic! -
_____ did you go there? – Last month. -
_____ did you go there with? – With my friends. -
_____ did you like best in the camp? – The picnics in the woods. -
_____ did you like the picnics? –Because they were fun.
Упражнение 9. Choose and write.
What? Where? When? Who? Why?
____ lives at the seaside? – Mary’s granddad. -
____he go fishing? – In the morning -
____does he collect shells? – On the beach. -
____did Mary’s granddad find on the beach? – A bottle with a strange message -
____does Mary visit her granddad? – Because she loves him.
Упражнение 10. Write in how many, where, what, when or how old.
________is your school number? – Number 96 -
________ is your school? – 45 years old. -
________lessons do you have on Friday? – Five. -
________ is your last lesson on Monday? – English. -
________do you play sports games? In the gym. -
________ children are there in your class? -26.
Упражнение 11. Write in what, where, when, who or why
_______ did Pete do yesterday? – To the amusement park -
_______ did he go there? – In the afternoon. -
_______ did he go there with? – With Molly. -
_______ did he have lunch? –At home. -
_______ did he get home? – At 4 o’clock. -
_______ did he like best? – He liked the ponies very much. -
_______ did he like them? – Because they was fast.
Упражнение 12. Which question word is used to put the question to the underlined word or expression?
who, how, what, where, when, why, whom, with whom
Jill phoned Amanda. -
Jane likes spaghetti so much. -
We can start working on Monday. -
The last test was the easiest. -
Janet met her friend at a party. -
Molly doesn’t want to dance with Greg. -
Megan’s worried about the test. -
We have seen this cartoon five times. -
My boyfriend’s family has got a flat on the seventy-fifth floor. -
It isn’t hot in England in the winter. -
Ann’s cousins are going to the concert tonight. -
Jannat was upset because she wasn’t invited to the concert. -
I’d like to listen to the radio. -
They went on an excursion by train. -
Molly borrowed money from my sisters.
Упражнение 13. Fill in.
What / What’s
________ Sally doing? -
________are Greg’s hobbies? -
________your phone number? -
________do you think of Molly’s new dress? -
________in the news today? -
________does Janet’s sister look like? -
________Nickolas playing with? -
________silver used for? -
________the man in black doing?
Упражнение 14. Ask questions with what, who or which.
_______ kind of books do you like? -
_______ hand do you write with? -
_______ is your favorite actor? -
_______ actor do you prefer – Al Pacino or Jack Nicholson?
Упражнение 15. Complete the questions. Use question words.
_____ kind of car have you got? -
_____ is your favorite sport? -
_____ ocean is bigger-the Atlantic or the Pacific? -
_____ book is this? Is it yours? -
_____ are you from? Are you English? -
_____ do you usually have your summer holiday? Do you have it in August? -
_____ are you in bed? Are you ill? -
_____ do you go to work? Do you go by car? -
_____ is your friend? Is he over 21? -
_____ are you? Are you over 1 meter 80? -
_____ children have you got? -
_____ were your shoes? Were they expensive? -
_____ do you go to the cinema? Do you go more than once a week? -
_____ have you lived in this town? Have you been here for very long?
Упражнение 16. Ask questions. Вставьте вопросительные слова.
_______ do you go to work? – By train -
_______ do you start work? – At 8.30 -
_______ coffee do you drink every day? – Not very much -
_______ do you usually have lunch? – In a cafe -
_______ do you go out in the evenings? – Once or twice a week. -
_______ sleep do you have a night? – 9 hours -
_______ do you usually go to bed? – At about 11.00
Упражнение 17. Вставьте вопросительные слова
How, when, where, how long, what, who
_____ did you go on your last holiday? – To Greece -
_____ did you go there? – Last June -
_____ in Greece did you go? – To Crete. -
_____ did you go with? – I went with some friends. -
_____ did you go there? – We went by plane. -
_____ did you stay in Crete? – At a hotel -
_____ was the hotel like? – It was very good. -
_____ did you stay there? – For two weeks -
_____ was the weather like? – It was hot.
Exercise 1.
1-с, 2-f, 3-g, 4-e, 5-d, 6-b, 7-h, 8-a
Exercise 2.
1 when, 2 where, 3 what, 4 when, 5 where, 6 what
Exercise 3.
1 what, 2 how, 3 where, 4 where, 5 how, 6 when, 7 how, 8 what, 9 who, 10 what
Exercise 4.
1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-g, 5-e, 6-a, 7-f
Exercise 5.
1 what, 2 why, 3 where, 4 why, 5 what, 6 what, 7 how, 8 why, 9 how, 10 how, 11 where, 12 how
Exercise 6.
1 when, 2 how often, 3 how tall, 4 how old, 5 how many
Exercise 7.
1 what, 2 how, 3 when, 4 how many, 5 where, 6 why, 7 how old
Exercise 8.
1 what 2 when, 3 who, 4 what, 5 why
Exercise 9.
1 who, 2 when, 3 where, 4 what, 5 why
Exercise 10.
1 what, 2 how old, 3 how much, 4 what, 5 where, 6 how many
Exercise 11.
1 where, 2 when, 3 who, 4 where, 5 when, 6 what /who, 7 why
Exercise 12.
1 whom, 2 who, 3 when, 4 what, 5 where, 6 with whom, 7 what, 8 how many, 9 where, 10 when, 11 where, 12 why, 13 what, 14 how, 15 whom
Exercise 13.
1 what’s, 2 what, 3 what’s, 4 what, 5 what’s, 6 what, 7 what’s, 8 what’s, 9 what’s
Exercise 14.
1 what, 2 which, 3 who, 4 which
Exercise 15.
1 What, 2 what, 3 which, 4 whose, 5 where, 6 when, 7 why, 8 how, 9 how old, 10 how tall, 11 how many, 12 how much, 13 how often, 14 how long
Exercise 16.
1 how, 2 when, 3 how much, 4 where, 5 how often, 6 how much, 7 when
Exercise 17.
1 where, 2 when, 3 where, 4 who, 5 how, 6 where, 7 what, 8 how long, 9 what
Задание 1. Поставьте предложение в вопросительную форму (общий вопрос).
Пример: Michael and Samantha live together. – Do Michael and Samantha live together?
They are at home now. -
James played chess with his friend yesterday. -
He has been waiting for me all day. -
Mary is speaking on the phone now. -
Usually I wake up at 6 o’clock.
Страница 30
1с. Favourite subjects — Любимые предметы
1. Read and answer the questions — Прочитайте и ответьте на вопросы
- His nаmе is Тоnу — Его зовут Тони
- Не is in class 8с. — Он в классе 8с
- Не is in Merton secondary school — Он учится в школе Мертон
- He chooses Art and Music. — Он выбрал Рисование и Музыку
2. Read the short paragraph and correct the mistakes — Прочитайте параграф и исправьте ошибки
Tony Mitchel is 12. He’s at Merton secondary school. He’s in class 8c. He does Art and Music. — Тони Митчелу 12 лет. Он учится в школе Мертон. Он в классе 8с. Он изучает Рисование и Музыку.
3. Read the theory box. Correct the mistakes in sentences 1-4 — Прочитайте теорию в таблице. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях 1-4.
Capital letters. In English we use capital letters after full stops and for names (John), the personal pronoun «I» and days of the week (Monday), months (April) and names of countries (Russia). — В английском языке мы используем заглавные буквы после точки, в именах, личном местоимении Я, днях недели, месяцах и названиях стран.
- Sarah is 15. She’s in my Geography class.
- Their names are Claire and Steve Lennon.
- She’s Nora and I‘m Phil. We are from England.
- The Art class is in room D on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
4. Listen and tick (V) the right pictiure — Послушайте и отметьте галочкой правильную картинку
- What’s the boy’s name? — Как зовут мальчика?
A: Hello. I’m Cathy. — Привет, я Катя
B: Hello, Cathy. I’m Jeff. — Привет, Катя. Я Джеф
A: Nice to meet you, George. — Приятно познакомиться, Джордж
B: It’s Jeff, not George. I spell it with a J, like John. — Джеф, а не Джорд. Я пишу имя через J, как Джон
A: Sorry! Nice to meet you, Jeff. — Извини! Приятно познакомиться, Джеф
B: Nice to meet you too, Cathy. — Приятно познакомиться, Катя - Where is the Maths lesson? — Где урок математики?
A: Excuse me. Is this Room A? — Извините. Это аудитория А?
B: No. This is Room D. — Нет. Это аудитория D.
A: Oh! And where’s the Maths lesson, then? — О! А где тогда проходит урок математики?
B: Oh, it’s in Room E on Mondays. — О, по понедельникам он в аудитории Е. - What is on the desk? — Что на столе?
A: Where’s my pen? — Где моя ручка?
B: It’s in your schoolbag with your pencil. — Она в твоем портфеле вместе с карандашом.
A: And my ruler? — А моя линейка?
B: Oh, it’s on the desk. — О, она на столе. - What is Mary’s favourite subject? — Какой любимый предмет у Марии?
A: What’s our next lesson, Mary? Is it Science? — Какой у нас следующий урок, Мария? Естествознание?
B: No, it’s not, Alex. It’s Geography. — Нет, Алекс. География.
A: Oh, good! That’s my favourite! — Хорошо! Это мой любимый предмет.
B: I like Geography too, but my favourite is Maths. — Мне тоже нравится география, но мой любимый предмет математика.
5. Portfolio: Make a form about yourself similar to Tony’s. Exchange forms with a partner. Then write a short paragraph, like the one in Ex.2, about your partner. — Сделайте собственную форму о себе, по примеру формы Тони. Поменяйтесь формой с одноклассником. Затем напишите короткий текст, как в упражнении 2, о своем однокласснике
Предполагаемый ответ:
Name: Misha Ivanov (13)
Class: 5 А
Subjects: Maths, History, Music, Science, Geography, English.
Misha Ivanov is 13. He’s at Moscow secondary school No. 65. He’s in class 5C. He does Art, IT, Drama and other language. — Мише Иванову 13 лет. Он учится в Московской школе № 65. Он в классе 5 А. Он изучает Математику, Историю, Музыку, Науку, Географию, Английский Язык.
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