Its not unusual for this error to reoccur

Перевод контекст "It's not unusual for" c английский на русский от Reverso Context: It's not unusual for there to be emotional transference between a patient and a therapist.

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это не редкость для

это не является необычным для

не так уж необычно для

это необычно для

это не редкость, когда

неудивительно, что

Нет ничего необычного в том, что

Нет ничего странного в том, чтобы

It’s not unusual for there to be emotional transference between a patient and a therapist.

Это не редкость для там быть эмоциональное переносе между пациентом и терапевтом.

It’s not unusual for people to inadvertently ingest stagnant food that might be growing green or invisible bacterial spores.

Это не редкость для людей, чтобы случайно проглотить застойный кусок пищи, где может расти зеленые или невидимые споры бактерий.

It’s not unusual for reviewers to offer conflicting advice.

«It’s not unusual for politicians to have opinions on monetary policy, but we are independent,» he said.

«Это не является необычным для политиков, чтобы иметь мнения относительно денежно-кредитной политики, но мы независимы,» сказал он.

It’s not unusual for treaties to have this sort of notice and wait requirements.

Это не редкость для Договоров такого рода — предусматривать такие уведомления и требования об ожидании.

It’s not unusual for our department to have to delay a meeting 10, 20, even 30 minutes waiting for him to return from the bathroom.

Это не редкость для нашего отдела, чтобы отложить заседание, 10, 20, даже 30 минут ждет его возвращения из ванной.

It’s not unusual for anyone to get these after a little classes, however, not other folks.

Это не редкость для людей, чтобы приобрести эти через маленькие классы, хотя и не других людей.

It’s not unusual for people who have experienced traumatic events to have flashbacks, nightmares, or intrusive memories when something terrible happens.

Это не редкость для людей, которые пережили травмирующие события, чтобы иметь воспоминания, кошмары или навязчивые воспоминания, когда что-то случается страшное.

It’s not unusual for a teacher to tell jokes, illustrate a complex point of doctrine with a hilarious anecdote, and, in general, make the students relaxed and in a good mood.

Это не редкость для преподавателя, чтобы рассказывать анекдоты, иллюстрирующие сложный пункт доктрины с веселый анекдот, и, в общем, делают студенты расслабленным и в хорошем настроении.

It’s not unusual for a game’s implementation of ambient occlusion, tessellation, or antialiasing to hit one company’s GPU harder than another, and this can even vary depending on GPU family.

Это не является необычным для реализации игрой окружающей окклюзии, тесселяции или сглаживания, чтобы поразить GPU одной компании сильнее, чем другие, и это может даже измениться в зависимости от семейства GPU.

Researcher Dr Chrissa Kioussi said: ‘It’s not unusual for a gene to have multiple functions, but before this we didn’t know what regulated the production of tooth enamel.

Доктор Chrissa Kioussi сказал: Это не редкость для гена иметь несколько функций, но до этого мы не знали, что именно регулирует производство зубной эмали.

It’s not unusual for Titan Poker players to dominate the $200,000 Guaranteed, the biggest tournament on the iPoker Network’s weekly schedule.

Это не редкость для Titan Poker игроки доминировать в $ 200000 Гарантия, самый большой турнир по недельному графику покер-сеть в.

It’s not unusual for companies to obtain patents for items that will never be realized.

Бывает так, что компании получают патенты на идеи, которые никогда не будут реализованы.

It’s not unusual for royals to meddle with maids.

It’s not unusual for the water to end up in the apartment below.

It’s not unusual for a teenager just to check out from their parents.

It’s not unusual for a tech or gaming company to struggle with sexism and lack of diversity.

Для компании, которая занимается разработкой игр, не редкость бороться с сексизмом и отсутствием разнообразия.

It’s not unusual for kids to share pills with their friends.

It’s not unusual for locals to exceed 100 kph on these roads.

It’s not unusual for children at school to be mean to one another.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Hi guys! I’m seeing this error, any help would be appreciated. I’ll open a support case for it now and will reply with the Case ID #. I have rebooted the machine but no change.

Failed to create snapshot (Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0) (mode: Veeam application-aware processing) Details: Writer ‘Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer’ is failed at ‘VSS_WS_FAILED_AT_PREPARE_SNAPSHOT’. The writer experienced a non-transient error. If the backup process is retried, the error is likely to reoccur. —tr:Failed to verify writers state. —tr:Failed to perform pre-backup tasks.
Make sure VM does not have ‘iSCSI Software Target Storage Provider’ feature installed.
Retrying snapshot creation attempt (Writer ‘Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer’ is failed at ‘VSS_WS_FAILED_AT_PREPARE_SNAPSHOT’. The writer experienced a non-transient error. If the backup process is retried, the error is likely to reoccur. —tr:Failed to verify writers state. —tr:Failed to perform pre-backup tasks.)
Task has been rescheduled
Queued for processing at 7/06/2016 7:57:24 a.m.
Unable to allocate processing resources. Error: Writer ‘Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer’ is failed at ‘VSS_WS_FAILED_AT_PREPARE_SNAPSHOT’. The writer experienced a non-transient error. If the backup process is retried, the error is likely to reoccur. —tr:Failed to verify writers state. —tr:Failed to perform pre-backup tasks.


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Full Name: Jesper Pedersen



by Moccamaster » Jun 22, 2016 12:06 pm

I have been hit with the VSS_WS_FAILED_AT_PREPARE_SNAPSHOT and non-transient error, and wondered what others have done to fix it.

22-06-2016 03:22:41 :: Retrying snapshot creation attempt (Writer ‘Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer’ is failed at ‘VSS_WS_FAILED_AT_PREPARE_SNAPSHOT’.
The writer experienced a non-transient error. If the backup process is retried,
the error is likely to reoccur.
—tr:Failed to verify writers state.
—tr:Failed to perform pre-backup tasks.)

According to other posts like microsoft-hyper-v-f25/hyper-v-vss-write … 35736.html, disabling application-aware backups will fix it, as its only needed for SQL, Exchange, Active Directory etc.

My guest VM is running MS Exchange 2013 fully updated, and thus I need the application-aware setting.

I checked avail disk space for all VHDs and there should be enough. I have not logged at case yet, as I would first check forums out and see if others have similiar issues and possible solutions.

Setup is:
HOST, Windows 2012 R2 fully updated running HYPER-V
GUEST, Windows 2012 R2 fully updated running Exchange 2013 and Active Directory.

All VSS services are running as expected, and other VM on the host seems to backup as expected (no errors in the history log).


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Full Name: Jesper Pedersen



by Moccamaster » Jun 23, 2016 8:00 am

Yes, all writers are running with «Stable» and «No error», like this:

Writer name: ‘Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer’
Writer Id: {66841cd4-6ded-4f4b-8f17-fd23f8ddc3de}
Writer Instance Id: {8d5a93da-e3bb-4a18-8f2c-ce801492d83a}
State: [1] Stable
Last error: No error


A VSS writer has rejected an event with error 0x800423f4, The writer experienced a non-transient error. If the backup process is retried,
the error is likely to reoccur.
. Changes that the writer made to the writer components while handling the event will not be available to the requester. Check the event log for related events from the application hosting the VSS writer.

PrepareForSnapshot Event

Execution Context: Writer
Writer Class Id: {66841cd4-6ded-4f4b-8f17-fd23f8ddc3de}
Writer Name: Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer
Writer Instance ID: {8d5a93da-e3bb-4a18-8f2c-ce801492d83a}
Command Line: C:Windowssystem32vmms.exe
Process ID: 2872


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by PTide » Jun 23, 2016 8:53 am


It seems that something is wrong with the VSS writer. The best you can do is to contact Veeam technical support so they can confirm the issue. Please provide your support case number once you get it.



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by -=MACROS=- » Jun 30, 2016 10:50 pm

Hi guys,

Be sure you’ve enought free space on child partition on vServer firstly (it’s include all disks on vServer you want to back up).

The second one, under advanced file option on each partition (that should be back up) set Volume Shadow Area to unlimited and than proceed backup.

Hoply these stepps can help you.

Let us know if it helps.

Good luck


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Full Name: Jesper Pedersen



by Moccamaster » Jul 19, 2016 10:15 pm
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After opening an incident with Microsoft, the issue have been solved.

Note! This issue was purely related to the VSS backup process, other backup software that uses VSS also failed (tested with MS windows server backup).

The culprit was a snapshot that should have been merged but wasnt. A reboot of the VM host server solved the issue in my case.
After reboot the Snapshot waas automerged and all worked just fine.


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[MERGED] File Server Backup Error


by Andy_Morgan » Oct 28, 2016 11:47 am

I’m trying to backup our File Server, the server runs Microsoft shadow copies twice a day, but i’m also now trying to backup the VM which is around 5TB of Data

I have backed up all my other servers with no issues at all, the error i get is a follows

28/10/2016 08:45:48 :: Unable to allocate processing resources. Error: Writer ‘Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer’ is failed at ‘VSS_WS_FAILED_AT_PREPARE_SNAPSHOT’.
The writer experienced a non-transient error. If the backup process is retried,
the error is likely to reoccur.
—tr:Failed to verify writers state.
—tr:Failed to perform pre-backup tasks.

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Operating your own website can be tricky, especially when you have to deal with technical issues like the 403 Forbidden error. The lack of context that comes with this error makes it particularly frustrating. This also applies to users on the front end who may be unable to access a specific site.

Fortunately, you have a few options available to you for troubleshooting the 403 Forbidden error. By methodically applying these different solutions in turn, you can usually resolve the issue quickly.

In this article, we’ll cover the main reasons you might be seeing a 403 Forbidden error message. Then we’ll take you through a few different methods for fixing it. Let’s get started!

📚 Table of contents:

  • What causes the 403 forbidden error?
  • Fixing the error as a website visitor
  • Fixing the 404 forbidden error on your own site

What causes the 403 Forbidden error?

In a nutshell, you see the 403 Forbidden error when you try to access a page or file on a website that you don’t have permission to access. The website’s server is functioning – there’s just some type of permissions issue getting in the way of you seeing the content, which is why the server responds with the 403 HTTP error code. You might also see this error displayed as an HTTP 403, Error 403, or simply Forbidden

This problem typically results from issues with file permissions or your site’s .htaccess file. On WordPress sites, the error also might result from an issue with a plugin that you’re using.

Unfortunately, this isn’t always a problem you can resolve, even when you’re encountering the error on your own site. However, there are a few easy solutions you can try. Alternatively, you can reach out to your hosting provider for assistance.

If you’re encountering this error now, don’t panic just yet. Let’s go through a couple of methods that may help you fix it. You can choose the one that fits your current situation: that of a web user or a website owner.

Method 1: Fixing the error as a website visitor

If you’re accessing a website as a user from the front end, you’ll want to start here. However, you might also want to try the following steps even if you’re a site owner, to ensure that the error isn’t on your end.

Step 1: Check the basics

We’ll start with a few basics. The first thing to try (if you haven’t already) is refreshing the page. Sometimes a 403 Forbidden error is caused by a minor glitch, and the page simply needs to be reloaded.

If that doesn’t work, the next thing to look at is the URL. Make sure that you’ve typed it in correctly. Furthermore, the link should probably end in “.com“, “.org“, or something similar. If not, you may be trying to access an area of the site that is reserved for administrators.

Alternatively, you may have followed a bad link. In that case, try to access the website from a different source. You could also reach out to the publisher of the link and see if they meant to use a different URL.

Step 2: Clear your cookies and your cache

Web browsers use cookies and a cache to retain static information. While this can help a site run quickly, it might also save incorrect settings that can cause a 403 Forbidden error. Therefore, clearing both of these items can be a smart first step.

We’ll show you how to clear the cache in Google Chrome below, but we also have an entire post on how to clear the browser cache in all popular browsers.

If you’re using Google Chrome, you can start by finding the three small dots in the upper-right corner. Select Settings from the drop-down menu. Then scroll down to the Privacy and security section and click on Clear Browsing Data:

How to clear your cache and cookies in Google Chrome

Check the boxes next to Cookies and other site data as well as Cached images and files, and select Clear data. Note that this may log you out of your accounts on other websites.

Now, try accessing the page again. If resetting these elements didn’t do the trick, one last thing you can try is checking to see if your IP address has been blocked. If your IP made it onto the website’s blacklist, you’ll need to resolve that issue first, which generally involves contacting the site’s owner for help.

Method 2: Fixing the 404 Forbidden error on your own site

In this section, we’ll focus on site owners. If you’re seeing this error on your own WordPress site, you can try a few of the following steps to fix it.

Note that you’ll need to use a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client to access your site. You can check out our beginners guide to FTP for more information.

Step 1: Scan for faulty plugins

There are plenty of high-quality WordPress plugins. However, it’s not unusual for a plugin to cause issues on your site, such as the 403 Forbidden error.

The best way to tackle this issue is through trial and error. That means deactivating all of your plugins, and re-activating them one by one until you find the culprit.

To get started, navigate to Plugins > Installed Plugins. Click the top checkbox to select all plugins, choose Deactivate from the drop-down menu, and click on Apply:

Deactivating your plugins to fix the 403 Forbidden error.

Once they’re all deactivated, you should be able to access the page if a plugin was causing the issue. Afterward, you can reactivate the plugins individually and refresh the 403 Forbidden error page after each one. Adding the faulty plugin back should cause the error to reoccur.

If the 403 error is preventing you from logging into your admin area, you can use an FTP client to access your WordPress files. Once you’ve connected to your site, open your root folder and navigate to wordpress > wp-content > plugins:

Fixing the 403 Forbidden error by deactivating the plugins via an FTP client

To deactivate the plugins on your site, all you have to do is rename the plugins folder to something different, such as “plugins_deactivated”. Next, try accessing your site.

If you’re successful, rename the plugins folder back to “plugins”. Then open it up and change each plugin folder’s name one at a time, checking your website after each one. Again, this will help you identify the specified culprit. Once you know which plugin is at fault, you can remove or replace it (or contact the developer for help).

Step 2: Ensure that your .htaccess file isn’t corrupt

If your hosting provider uses an Apache web server, your .htaccess file might be causing the 403 Forbidden error. This file controls important configuration settings for your WordPress site, and a small change or error can damage it.

To fix this, you’ll need to reset your .htaccess file. Before you proceed, we highly recommend making a backup of your site. Once you’re ready, open your FTP client of choice. Then, locate your .htaccess file and delete it.

Next, go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Settings > Permalinks:

Accessing the permalinks settings to restore the .htaccess file.

You don’t have to make any changes here. All you have to do is scroll down and click on Save Changes. This will automatically generate a new .htaccess file for your site.

If this was causing your 403 Forbidden error, it should now be resolved. If you’re still running into the issue, continue on to our final step.

Step 3: Set the correct file permissions

A 403 Forbidden error is often related to file permissions. WordPress comes with a set of default permissions that shouldn’t cause any issues for the site owner. However, sometimes these settings can get inadvertently changed.

Fortunately, this is relatively easy to fix. Open up your file directory using your FTP client, and find the root folder that contains your WordPress site. It should contain wp-admin, wp-content, and wp-includes. Right-click on the parent folder and navigate to File Attributes:

Changing file permissions to fix the 403 Forbidden error.

Fill in the numeric value field with 755. Then check the box labeled Recurse into subdirectories and select Apply to directories only. Finally, click on the OK button. This will automatically apply the right permissions.

Next, you’ll need to repeat the process. However, this time you’ll enter 644 into the numeric field and select Apply to files only. Click on OK when you’re ready.

Now, go back to your site’s directory and find your wp-config.php file. Right-click on it and select File Attributes:

Changing the file permissions of the wp-config.php file.

Enter 644 into the numeric field and click on the OK button. Changing all of these files should resolve the Forbidden 403 error if the error was the result of issues with WordPress file permissions.


There are an endless amount of errors that a WordPress website can encounter. Trying to troubleshoot them can be frustrating, especially if they prevent access to a website like the 403 Forbidden error does. Fortunately, you can apply a systematic approach to address almost every possible cause of this problem.

In this article, we covered two main methods of resolving a 403 Forbidden error:

  1. Addressing it as a user on the front end by refreshing the page and clearing your cache
  2. Addressing it as site owner on the back end by using an FTP client to deactivate your plugins, restore the .htaccess file, and adjust your file permissions

If you want to improve your WordPress troubleshooting skills, we also have lots of other guides on fixing common WordPress errors:

  • What are HTTP error codes?
  • 401 Error Code
  • 502 Bad Gateway Error
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Do you have any questions about fixing the 403 Forbidden error? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simply

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My laptop has been so great to me with no problems EVER. I updated to Big Sur 11.2.3 and my MBP all of a sudden shut off. I let it sit for a period of time and was able to get it to turn on, on occasions. But when it did it would shut back off randomly and the cycle continues. The battery would also not be detected at times.I was able to get it to turn on just long enough to reinstall Mojave and Catalina. Whenever I did that it would act fine for a while but as usage went on the problems began to reoccur once again. I talked to apple support, they are not able to do anything for me and set me up with my closest apple store (3 HOURS AWAY) so I went. My laptop froze up the apple store’s diagnostic software when they plugged it in. They then told me they would keep it to troubleshoot so I left. I received an email with the techs comments on a problem and solution. HOWEVER I notices he left very critical issues out, and only put that is was overheating and randomly restarting. I contacted Apple numerous more times pleading with Bothe store and support to revise the techs statement because to me, the battery suddenly not being detected, along with the MBP starting to act funny as time went on while using were the two things to me that I felt would point in the direction of what was wrong. I was worried they would just reload Mac OS on the laptop, see it worked fine at first, then close it and call it a day. I received a call on day two saying it was ready yo pick up. SO I made another call to the store and support pleading for them to take ample time to figure out what is wrong, and that I rather take as long as neccisary , than for me to pick it up and the problem continue. HOWEVER Apple assured me it was fixed and nothing is wrong I with it so not to worry. SO I take off work and make the THREE HOUR drive to the apple store . The person brings my MBP out ANDDDDDDD…… it did not turn on. At this point the «genius’s» were running around like chicken with their heads cut off. And proceeded to tell me there is nothing else they could do. I did some research before I even brought it in and 2013-2014 MBP 13″ are having blacked out screens and the 2016-2017 MPB 13″ is having battery problems in which Apple is replacing them free of charge. To me my issue seems to be these two things Apple has already addressed. However Apple is trying to say my MBP is «Vintage» and there is nothing they could do because it is hard to find part. This I don’t buy considering the «genius» tried getting me to pay $300+ for a battery replacement and $300+ for the logic board. He gave me both prices because THEY DID NOT HAVE A CLUE WHAT IS WRONG WITH IT. But wait!? I thought it’s vintage and you didn’t have spare parts!? This is the worse experience I have ever had with Apple. In my opinion if Apple is confident enough to release an operating system which SUPPORTS my system, then the should SUPPORT the problems that it causes if they are publicly addressing there is a problem. Like a car recall. It doesn’t matter the age. I do not care if it is so called «Vintage» it was working 100% PERFECT before the Big Sur Update !!!!! It is absolutely pathetic I spent 6 Hours today round trip to get the laptop they said was fixed when I all but begged for them to spend time on it because it will seem find at first. Has anyone else heard or have had these issues with their MBP? They were unable to tell me what was wrong with it and I intend on fixing and continue using it.

MacBook Pro 13″,

macOS 11.1

Posted on Mar 17, 2021 2:48 PM

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    Finally, I reset the PRAM (again), and for some reason, the shut down problem went away temporarily. I was able to use my computer for about 2 weeks for no issues.

    However, then the random shut downs began to return. I’m now at the point that my MacBook shut downs randomly about 5-10 times per day. Also, about 75 percent of the time I wake my computer up from a sleep (for example opening the lid after it has been closed), my MacBook is unable to wake back up and I must restart the computer.

    I have run a terminal command to see the list of shutdown events and the cause. For almost all the random shutdowns, it lists the cause as » -128″.

    I’ve run a Mac cleaning program, and it only shows minor issues:

    Does anyone out there have any idea what could be going on, what might need to be replaced on my MacBook, etc? I’ve tried almost everything at this point and I’m not sure what else to do. Thanks in advance for any advice you might have!


  • MacBook Pro big-sur freezes with vertical script lines and overheats
    Has anybody seen anything like this?
    See picture.

    My newly bought MacBookPro 16 inch with Big Sur has been useless since it freezes at random with vertical script lines appearing and flickering on the screen with a whoosh sound and with suddenly starting to overheat with fan working but not able to cool it down.

    At hat point, nothing helps, not even holding the start button down for minutes. Closing the lid and turning the laptop it upside down to better ventilate the bottom does not help; it takes hours before it eventually cools down again.

    It seems like hardware to me.

    I took it to an Apple approved service but they could not find anything.

    I called Apple support (I am now in another country, but I bought the MAC in Norway) and they said it was probably the old big-sur so I backed it up and reinstalled the OS, updated it to big-su 12.2.3; it worked a for a few days, then it happened again.

    Now, as soon as I start it, it crashes. Not even tie to start safari or ay softaware. The lines appear already on the red Big.Sur desktop image.

    I took it back to service once more, they just called me back. Nothing found. I asked them whether they checked the logs, there is maybe something in there that I do not understand, they said since they backed it up the logs disappeared (?!)

    I have to go pick it up, takes me another 3 hour. The say I should bring where I bought it … easy with the current travel bans and quarantines rules … And even the main Apple store in this country is many hours away.

    Unfortunately, since I show the picture with Teams on screen, Apple personnel keeps telling me is it for sure an MS problem, but it is not. I own my company and I bought the MS 365 licence; others in my company use MAC Big Sur and share the same licence, nobody else has problems. Only my MAC. And anyhow it happens without even starting any app.

    Any chances anybody has any suggestions?


Mid 2014 MacBook Pro 13″ Big Sur Issues

Dear Experts,

Recently we experienced issues backing up our domain controllers. The backup fails with access is denied and I can see following events on the system.

Its BE2010R2SP1 on Windows 2008 R2 SP1

Clients are virtual machines on Hyper V but we are performing local backups.

Log Name:      Application
Source:        VSS
Date:          2/2/2012 9:51:54 AM
Event ID:      8229
Task Category: None
Level:         Warning
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
A VSS writer has rejected an event with error 0x800423f4, The writer experienced a non-transient error.  If the backup process is retried,
the error is likely to reoccur.
. Changes that the writer made to the writer components while handling the event will not be available to the requester. Check the event log for related events from the application hosting the VSS writer.

   PostSnapshot Event

   Execution Context: Writer
   Writer Class Id: {b2014c9e-8711-4c5c-a5a9-3cf384484757}
   Writer Name: NTDS
   Writer Instance ID: {87935a46-714e-4490-ae32-3e4d773151de}
   Command Line: C:Windowssystem32lsass.exe
   Process ID: 532
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns=»»>
    <Provider Name=»VSS» />
    <EventID Qualifiers=»0″>8229</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime=»2012-02-02T06:51:54.000000000Z» />
    <Security />
    <Data>0x800423f4, The writer experienced a non-transient error.  If the backup process is retried,
the error is likely to reoccur.

   PostSnapshot Event

   Execution Context: Writer
   Writer Class Id: {b2014c9e-8711-4c5c-a5a9-3cf384484757}
   Writer Name: NTDS
   Writer Instance ID: {87935a46-714e-4490-ae32-3e4d773151de}
   Command Line: C:Windowssystem32lsass.exe
   Process ID: 532</Data>

Log Name:      Application
Source:        Backup Exec
Date:          2/2/2012 10:38:33 AM
Event ID:      57481
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
An unusual error (87) was encountered while enumerating the contents of the directory:


 It is possible that files or subdirectories have not been backed up. Please examine your job log or catalogs to ensure this directory tree was backed up in its entirety.

 For more information, click the following link:
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns=»»>
    <Provider Name=»Backup Exec» />
    <EventID Qualifiers=»8192″>57481</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime=»2012-02-02T07:38:33.000000000Z» />
    <Security />

Please help.

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