Java error while writing output directory is not specified

I have a very simple Java + Gradle project. It builds fine. It runs fine from the shell with "gradle run". However, if I try to run inside of IntelliJ, I get: Cannot start compilation: the output ...

I have a very simple Java + Gradle project. It builds fine. It runs fine from the shell with «gradle run». However, if I try to run inside of IntelliJ, I get:

Cannot start compilation: the output path is not specified for module "xyz" Specify the output path in Configure Project.

My «Compiler output» is set to «Inherit project compile output path». I don’t want a custom output path, whatever that is, just do a normal gradle build and run.

asked May 15, 2014 at 21:10

clay's user avatar


You have to define a path in the «Project compiler output» field in

File > Project Structure... > Project > Project compiler output

This path will be used to store all project compilation results.

informatik01's user avatar


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answered Nov 18, 2016 at 10:50

BullyWiiPlaza's user avatar


16.4k9 gold badges105 silver badges171 bronze badges


You just have to go to your Module settings > Project and specify a «Project compiler output» and make your modules inherit from project. (For that go to Modules > Paths > Inherit project.

This did the trick for me.

Alex's user avatar


8,0016 gold badges50 silver badges77 bronze badges

answered Aug 5, 2015 at 2:32

pranavrao1's user avatar


1,4991 gold badge12 silver badges11 bronze badges


I’m answering this so that I can find the solution when I have to google this error again.

Set project compile output path to path_of_the_project_folder/out. That’s what is working today.
The intellj documentation makes it seem like we can select any folder but that’s not the case.

answered Jan 26, 2018 at 11:58

Kanj's user avatar


3413 silver badges8 bronze badges


While configuring idea plugin in gradle, you should define output directories as follows.

        inheritOutputDirs = false
        outputDir = compileJava.destinationDir
        testOutputDir = compileTestJava.destinationDir

answered Jul 1, 2014 at 22:13

lemiorhan's user avatar


1,41411 silver badges18 bronze badges


If none of the above method worked then try this it worked for me.

Go to File > Project Structure> Project and then in Project Compiler Output click on the three dots and provide the path of your project name(name of the file) and then click on Apply and than on Ok.

answered Aug 16, 2018 at 12:35

priyanshu kumar's user avatar


Open .iml file.
Look for keyword ‘NewModuleRootManager’. Check if attribute ‘inherit-compiler-output’ is set to true or not. If not set to true.

Like this :

component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
    <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/test" isTestSource="true" />
      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/spec" isTestSource="true" />
      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/app" isTestSource="false" />

answered Jan 6, 2016 at 8:58

mdev's user avatar


1,35617 silver badges23 bronze badges


After this

Two things to do:

Project Settings > Project compiler output > Set it as «Project
path(You actual project’s path)”+”out”.

Project Settings > Module > Path > Choose «Inherit project compile

If button ran is not active

You must reload IDEA

Walid's user avatar


7002 gold badges11 silver badges27 bronze badges

answered Jul 13, 2020 at 21:11

Денис Тимофеев's user avatar

I get this error too when creating a project in IntelliJ without using a template.

I have 2 SDKs installed: Amazon Corretto and java version 11.0.4
and so, what I do when I have this error is «change the SDK» it usually works fine with Corretto

to do that you need to click on File (in IntelliJ)/ Project Structure / Project / Project SDK: select corretto from the dropdown list (or check the option in your computer) as shown here

hope this will work for you too


Ramesh R's user avatar

Ramesh R

6,9404 gold badges24 silver badges38 bronze badges

answered Aug 22, 2019 at 8:56

Constantin's user avatar

Bugs caused by missing predefined folder for store compiled class file which is normally is /out folder by default. You can give a try to close Intellij > Import Project > From existing source. This will solve this problem.

answered Feb 14, 2020 at 10:54

logbasex's user avatar


1,3921 gold badge13 silver badges18 bronze badges


change drop down to start file your project

enter image description here

answered May 7, 2019 at 9:34

dev001's user avatar


5477 silver badges16 bronze badges

I have a very simple Java + Gradle project. It builds fine. It runs fine from the shell with «gradle run». However, if I try to run inside of IntelliJ, I get:

Cannot start compilation: the output path is not specified for module "xyz" Specify the output path in Configure Project.

My «Compiler output» is set to «Inherit project compile output path». I don’t want a custom output path, whatever that is, just do a normal gradle build and run.

asked May 15, 2014 at 21:10

clay's user avatar


You have to define a path in the «Project compiler output» field in

File > Project Structure... > Project > Project compiler output

This path will be used to store all project compilation results.

informatik01's user avatar


15.8k10 gold badges74 silver badges103 bronze badges

answered Nov 18, 2016 at 10:50

BullyWiiPlaza's user avatar


16.4k9 gold badges105 silver badges171 bronze badges


You just have to go to your Module settings > Project and specify a «Project compiler output» and make your modules inherit from project. (For that go to Modules > Paths > Inherit project.

This did the trick for me.

Alex's user avatar


8,0016 gold badges50 silver badges77 bronze badges

answered Aug 5, 2015 at 2:32

pranavrao1's user avatar


1,4991 gold badge12 silver badges11 bronze badges


I’m answering this so that I can find the solution when I have to google this error again.

Set project compile output path to path_of_the_project_folder/out. That’s what is working today.
The intellj documentation makes it seem like we can select any folder but that’s not the case.

answered Jan 26, 2018 at 11:58

Kanj's user avatar


3413 silver badges8 bronze badges


While configuring idea plugin in gradle, you should define output directories as follows.

        inheritOutputDirs = false
        outputDir = compileJava.destinationDir
        testOutputDir = compileTestJava.destinationDir

answered Jul 1, 2014 at 22:13

lemiorhan's user avatar


1,41411 silver badges18 bronze badges


If none of the above method worked then try this it worked for me.

Go to File > Project Structure> Project and then in Project Compiler Output click on the three dots and provide the path of your project name(name of the file) and then click on Apply and than on Ok.

answered Aug 16, 2018 at 12:35

priyanshu kumar's user avatar


Open .iml file.
Look for keyword ‘NewModuleRootManager’. Check if attribute ‘inherit-compiler-output’ is set to true or not. If not set to true.

Like this :

component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
    <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/test" isTestSource="true" />
      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/spec" isTestSource="true" />
      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/app" isTestSource="false" />

answered Jan 6, 2016 at 8:58

mdev's user avatar


1,35617 silver badges23 bronze badges


After this

Two things to do:

Project Settings > Project compiler output > Set it as «Project
path(You actual project’s path)”+”out”.

Project Settings > Module > Path > Choose «Inherit project compile

If button ran is not active

You must reload IDEA

Walid's user avatar


7002 gold badges11 silver badges27 bronze badges

answered Jul 13, 2020 at 21:11

Денис Тимофеев's user avatar

I get this error too when creating a project in IntelliJ without using a template.

I have 2 SDKs installed: Amazon Corretto and java version 11.0.4
and so, what I do when I have this error is «change the SDK» it usually works fine with Corretto

to do that you need to click on File (in IntelliJ)/ Project Structure / Project / Project SDK: select corretto from the dropdown list (or check the option in your computer) as shown here

hope this will work for you too


Ramesh R's user avatar

Ramesh R

6,9404 gold badges24 silver badges38 bronze badges

answered Aug 22, 2019 at 8:56

Constantin's user avatar

Bugs caused by missing predefined folder for store compiled class file which is normally is /out folder by default. You can give a try to close Intellij > Import Project > From existing source. This will solve this problem.

answered Feb 14, 2020 at 10:54

logbasex's user avatar


1,3921 gold badge13 silver badges18 bronze badges


change drop down to start file your project

enter image description here

answered May 7, 2019 at 9:34

dev001's user avatar


5477 silver badges16 bronze badges

I have a very simple Java + Gradle project. It builds fine. It runs fine from the shell with «gradle run». However, if I try to run inside of IntelliJ, I get:

Cannot start compilation: the output path is not specified for module "xyz" Specify the output path in Configure Project.

My «Compiler output» is set to «Inherit project compile output path». I don’t want a custom output path, whatever that is, just do a normal gradle build and run.

12 Answers

You just have to go to your Module settings > Project and specify a «Project compiler output» and make your modules inherit from project. (For that go to Modules > Paths > Inherit project.

This did the trick for me.

You have to define a path in the «Project compiler output» field in

File > Project Structure... > Project > Project compiler output

This path will be used to store all project compilation results.

I’m answering this so that I can find the solution when I have to google this error again.

Set project compile output path to path_of_the_project_folder/out. That’s what is working today.
The intellj documentation makes it seem like we can select any folder but that’s not the case.

While configuring idea plugin in gradle, you should define output directories as follows.

        inheritOutputDirs = false
        outputDir = compileJava.destinationDir
        testOutputDir = compileTestJava.destinationDir

If none of the above method worked then try this it worked for me.

Go to File > Project Structure> Project and then in Project Compiler Output click on the three dots and provide the path of your project name(name of the file) and then click on Apply and than on Ok.

Open .iml file.
Look for keyword ‘NewModuleRootManager’. Check if attribute ‘inherit-compiler-output’ is set to true or not. If not set to true.

Like this :

component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
    <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/test" isTestSource="true" />
      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/spec" isTestSource="true" />
      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/app" isTestSource="false" />

Two things to do:

  1. Project Settings > Project compiler output > Set it as «Project path(You actual project’s path)”+”out”.

  2. Project Settings > Module > Path > Choose «Inherit project compile path»

I get this error too when creating a project in IntelliJ without using a template.

I have 2 SDKs installed: Amazon Corretto and java version 11.0.4
and so, what I do when I have this error is «change the SDK» it usually works fine with Corretto

to do that you need to click on File (in IntelliJ)/ Project Structure / Project / Project SDK: select corretto from the dropdown list (or check the option in your computer) as shown here

hope this will work for you too


After this

Two things to do:

Project Settings > Project compiler output > Set it as «Project
path(You actual project’s path)”+”out”.

Project Settings > Module > Path > Choose «Inherit project compile

If button ran is not active

You must reload IDEA

change drop down to start file your project

enter image description here

Bugs caused by missing predefined folder for store compiled class file which is normally is /out folder by default. You can give a try to close Intellij > Import Project > From existing source. This will solve this problem.

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calebgrove opened this issue

Aug 24, 2016




When I compile my .scss file on save, it compiles properly, but throws this error:

Command failed: node-sass —output-style compressed sass/main.scss main.css
An output directory must be specified when compiling a directory

What’s odd is that I have no sass/main.scss file in my project. This doesn’t happen when I use the key combo (⌃⇧C), only when I save (⌘S).


changed the title
Error While Compiling: And Output Directory Must Be Specified

Error While Compiling: An Output Directory Must Be Specified

Aug 24, 2016


What is the filename of your file?
Do you have a first-line-comment?


No, I do not have a first-line-comment. Is that required? I didn’t see anything about it being required in the docs. The filename is grove-design.scss. It’s just a simple, single, SCSS file with no dependancies.


No, you don’t need a first-line-comment. It’s for a custom configuration, more or less. If you don’t have one, your grove-design.scss should compile without an errors, in case the option Compile on Save is true.

I wonder why there is such an error message… Can you send me your scss file? Perhaps there is a problem in it?!

Update: Else try to remove und re-install sass-autocompile. In rare cases the installation was broken, but I don’t think that’s the problem here.


I have uninstalled and reinstalled sass-autocompile, and that appears to have fixed the problem! Thanks for the awesome package, I’ll report back if the problem reappears.



I am very new to sass (and atom) — and I’m getting the same error on save (relating to main.scss). Unistalled and re-installed package but still get error.


Hey! Sorry for my later answer. Had lot of important things to do. Is the problem still relevant?

Well, I don’t know why that error occurs. Do you use a Mac, too? Can you try to put this in your first line:

// compileCompressed: ./main.css

Or can you try to set an absolute path like /home/Users/username/.../ main.css?


I had this issue and it turned out that the script within which I ran sass didn’t change to the proper directory first.


What exactly do you mean with that? Can you send me your files?


I mean that the problem turned out to be the fault of neither node-sass nor sass-autocompile but of a custom script. Confusion may arise because the error message «An output directory must be specified when compiling a directory» is given by node-sass if its input file doesn’t exist (even though it is not being called on a directory).


If anyone is interested, I had the same issue and changing the command line to the following fixed the issue. (My scss files reside inside the src folder.)

«command»: «node-sass ./src/style.scss ./src/style.css —output-style compressed»,

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I’m sure it’s the node-sass cli param [input file] is not set corretly


the error message «An output directory must be specified when compiling a directory» is given by node-sass if its input file doesn’t exist (even though it is not being called on a directory).

thanks so much @amacfie, that was my error. node-sass error seems very confusing in this situation.


@mintysam, could you please explain your solution in more details? Or anyone?

I’ve tried to reinstall the package, to compile with the comment and add the path to the package settings (Include paths field). What is really strange — yesterday everything was working like a charm!

UPD: okay, in my case there was a ‘$’ symbol in the project path. Now it works.


@blachawk: You run node-sass via terminal? And what is this for a configuration file? For a build system?

If this is the case, it has nothing to do with the mentioned problem.


@armin-pfaeffle I removed my comment so that clarity can be focused on the given issue.


I’m hoping that someone can offer advice to me. I have the same problem as above.
Computer OS is linux-light with newest version of sass, ruby, nodejs, atom and newly re-installed sass-autocompile 0.13.5
In editing a .sass file, the changes started applying to the min.css and now they don’t. With every save, the ‘output directory must be specified when compiling a directory’ error still appears.
I saw mintysam’s suggestion, but don’t know which command line should be changed. Is that a change to one of the autocompile source files?
Thank you in advance for any suggestions


Can you try to compile a minimal file?

// compileCompressed: ./$1.min.css

$color: red;
body {
    background-color: $color;

Save that file via Atom. What happens?

Else: try do compile the file on your own by opening the terminal, switching to the corresponding path and entierung this command:

node-sass --output-style compressed test.scss > test.min.css

Adjust the filenames!

What happens here?


Thank you Armin.
When I did compile a minimal file, the error showed up — Command failed: node-sass —output-style compressed undefined/./css/sass//main.scss undefined/./css//main.css
An output directory must be specified when compiling a directory (as with the others here, main.css is not the filename)
However the .css did in fact update (added the change to my .css and also created a min.css. I deleted the text within the .css, wrote a couple more css commands and saved again to confirm. So rather then being non-functional, it’s just a mild annoyance.
(can’t confirm if the terminal command did the change because Atom did it)


Well… I really don’t know where the main.scss comes from. I think there must be a bug in the path-building-process of my package but I cannot reproduce this problem.

@Supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus: Can you help me hunting down this bug? I added some logging command to the main script file of my package. Can you replace the current version and send me the output?

Here the instructions:

  1. Close Atom.
  2. Rename /home/<user>/.atom/packages/sass-autocompile/lib/ to e.g. /home/<user>/.atom/packages/sass-autocompile/lib/
  3. Save attached to /home/<user>/.atom/packages/sass-autocompile/lib/ (
  4. Open Atom.
  5. Enable Developer Tools by selecting the following items in main menu: View > Developer > Toggle Developer Tools
  6. Open Console tab in Developer Tools.
  7. Open a SASS/SCSS file which includes a first-line-comment, so compilation is executed on save and save this file.
  8. Open each Object output in the console tab by clicking on the arrow infront of Object, so details are visible.
  9. Copy the complete output of the console tab und post it here. If you think that there are privacy problems you can send me an email:
  10. Close Atom and restore the original, see 11. and 12..
  11. Delete /home/<user>/.atom/packages/sass-autocompile/lib/
  12. Rename /home/<user>/.atom/packages/sass-autocompile/lib/ to /home/<user>/.atom/packages/sass-autocompile/lib/

// Edit: Sorry, I’ve forgotten the attachment…



I’ll add on that I got the above error when the SOURCE file was misnamed in the command; e.g., ./sass/mystyles.scss when in fact I’d renamed it and hadn’t updated my copy and paste from the boilerplate instructions (via bulma’s how-to.) The error message just wasn’t specific enough to point me in the correct direction at first.


In my case, the error was because the filename has uppercase letters (in windows 10). Changing the filename to all lowercase solved the problem. it seems that node-sass does not accept file names with uppercase in them ?


I’m sure it’s the node-sass cli param [input file] is not set corretly

how to solve it


I am new to SASS and I was able to fix this issue when I noticed that SASS files use the extension .scss not .sass like I thought.
That typo is very easy to miss in a command, and it will cause node-sass to throw this error.



Had this error just recently. The problem as earlier stated was a path linking issue. Had to specify the right folder where my SASS and CSS files live.

"sass": "node-sass -w src/scss/ -o src/dist/css/ --recursive"

Where src is the folder where your SASS and CSS files are.

У меня очень простой проект Java + Gradle. Он прекрасно строится. Он отлично работает из оболочки с «gradle run». Однако, если я попытаюсь запустить IntelliJ, я получу:

Cannot start compilation: the output path is not specified for module "xyz" Specify the output path in Configure Project.

мой » вывод компилятора «имеет значение»наследовать путь вывода компиляции проекта». Мне не нужен пользовательский выходной путь, что бы это ни было, просто выполните обычную сборку gradle и запустите.

8 ответов

вы просто должны пойти в свой Module settings > Project и укажите «вывод компилятора проекта» и сделайте ваши модули наследуемыми от project. (Для этого перейдите к Modules > Paths > Inherit project.

это сделал трюк для меня.

вы должны определить project compiler output на File ->Project Structure... ->Project ->Project compiler output:

при настройке плагина idea в gradle вы должны определить выходные каталоги следующим образом.

        inheritOutputDirs = false
        outputDir = compileJava.destinationDir
        testOutputDir = compileTestJava.destinationDir

я отвечаю на это, чтобы я мог найти решение, когда мне нужно снова google эту ошибку.

установить выходной путь компиляции проекта в path_of_the_project_folder/out. Вот что работает сегодня.
В документации intellj кажется, что мы можем выбрать любую папку, но это не так.

открыть .файл iml.
Ищите ключевое слово «NewModuleRootManager». Проверьте, имеет ли атрибут «inherit-compiler-output» значение true или нет. Если не установлено значение true.

такой :

component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
    <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/test" isTestSource="true" />
      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/spec" isTestSource="true" />
      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/app" isTestSource="false" />

Если ни один из вышеперечисленных методов не работал, попробуйте это сработало для меня.

на Файл > Структура Проекта> Проект и затем в Вывод Компилятора Проекта нажмите на три точки и указать путь имя проекта(Имя файла), а затем нажмите на кнопку применить и Ok.

Это должно быть так, как на картинке I сообщение.

две вещи:

  1. настройки проекта > вывод компилятора проекта > установите его как » путь проекта (вы фактический путь проекта)»+»out».
    вывод компилятора проекта

  2. настройки проекта > модуль > путь > выберите «наследовать путь компиляции проекта».
    наследовать путь компиляции проекта

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