Java lang error xiaomi

I see a strange crash with next line: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder.a Yes, I use proguard to obfuscate but I don't see same crash on other devices th...

I see a strange crash with next line:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder.a

Yes, I use proguard to obfuscate but I don’t see same crash on other devices that I have with me. As well I unpacked apk and see that this class with this method is present.

I have assumption:

  1. Someone is playing with apk
  2. Something weird with device — particularly with ClassLoader

Unfortunately I can not verify my assumptions since I don’t have physical access to this device.

Maybe you have experienced such error or you have additional information that brings a light on the problem?

asked Apr 7, 2015 at 12:19

Eugen Martynov's user avatar

Eugen MartynovEugen Martynov

19.6k10 gold badges61 silver badges114 bronze badges

I’ve tried the -keep class solution and it worked, but it did get the APK method count higher in about 3K methods.

A better solution is

-keepnames class org.apache.commons.lang3.** { *; }

As it will keep the classes/methods names that you use, avoiding the crash, but will allow for the unused ones to be removed.

answered Jun 2, 2016 at 9:49

tinsukE's user avatar


9209 silver badges20 bronze badges


claim: I do not know the source of the problem.

I’ve encounter this issue and worked around it by telling ProGuard not to obfuscate Apache Commons lib.

-keep class org.apache.commons.lang3.** { *; }

answered Apr 10, 2015 at 1:16

Jose Montes de Oca's user avatar



  1. Xiaomi crash java.lang.SecurityException SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW #505
  3. Footer
  4. Fatal Exception: java.lang.Error: FATAL EXCEPTION [UnityMain] libunity.0007f0c0 #818
  6. [REQUIRED] Please fill in the following fields:
  7. [REQUIRED] Please describe the issue here:
  8. Игра Unity начала вылетать на android 8
  9. java.lang.Error: FATAL EXCEPTION Caused by com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.nativeRestartActivityIndicator #974

Xiaomi crash java.lang.SecurityException SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW #505

Crash on myMethodWithPermissionCheck() when use @NeedsPermission(Manifest.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW)

Library version : 3.3.1 with kapt processor
Devices affected : Only Xiaomi Mi A1

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Seems Xiaomi doesn’t support SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW ? 🤔

@francescobonni if you don’t use the library can you deal with the problem? 👀 (thank you for your report and sorry for being late 🙇 )

No problem, I’m trying to find a Xiaomi MI A1 to perform the test without using the library and check if the problem is in the library or device. I will give you updates on the problem as soon as possible

@francescobonni any update? 🙇

@hotchemi I’m sorry I had a lot of problems, but I found the device, this weekend I send you updates.

Finally I have updates, I tested with a clean application, the system overlay request and I found the behavior to replicate the crash on xiaomi mi a1 (now on Fabric i see same crash with redmi note 4 and android 6).
The crash occurs only if you use the library, step to reproduce the crash:

  1. Activate the permission for the overlay through the app
  2. I open the app information (eg through the launcher) and revoke the permission for the overlay
  3. Return to the app and try to activate the permission again
  4. Crash
  5. Reopen app and retry to activate permission
  6. Crash
  7. Close app from recent
  8. Open and retry to activate permission
  9. Crash
  10. I install the same app with manual permissions, everything works
  11. I try in my Nexus 6P, everything works, both permission dispatcher and manual permissions

If you want I can put on my github the sample project I used, but it’s very simple, a button that requires overlay permissions

@francescobonni oh it’s happening on Android 6 as well..could you give us your sample project if possible? 🙇 Weird.. 👁

I’m new on github, I did not know how to do things correctly, in the project at the moment you find 2 branches in addition to master (the first for the test without using the library and the second to test the library)

@francescobonni Thank you!

Device afflicted update:

  • Xiaomi Mi A1 (Android 8.1 & Android 8.0)
  • Xiaomi Mi A2 Lite (Android 8.1)
  • Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 (Android 6)

Sorry for the late. I think the cause is in

if ( Build . VERSION . SDK_INT >= Build . VERSION_CODES . M && «Xiaomi» . equalsIgnoreCase ( Build . MANUFACTURER )) <

May be we don’t need to have a workaround for SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW 🤔

@francescobonni Do you think the same thing would happen with WRITE_SETTINGS ? 👀

@hotchemi this weekend I’ll try the WRITE_SETTINGS and update you

I guess you never tried it that weekend

Yes, I’m so sorry, but today I tried the write settings, same problem

ooh thank you. I’ll address.

Let us know your opinion #544

Since we’ve already removed Xiaomi support from the lib let us close the issue.
@francescobonni thank you for your dedicated contribution 🙇

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Fatal Exception: java.lang.Error: FATAL EXCEPTION [UnityMain] libunity.0007f0c0 #818

[REQUIRED] Please fill in the following fields:

  • Unity editor version: 2019.2.21f
  • Firebase Unity SDK version: 6.15.2
  • Source you installed the SDK: Unity Package Manager
  • Problematic Firebase Component: Crashlytics
  • Other Firebase Components in use: Messaging, Analytics, Dynamic Links
  • Additional SDKs you are using: Facebook, MoPub
  • Platform you are using the Unity editor on: Mac
  • Platform you are targeting: iOS, Android
  • Scripting Runtime: IL2CPP

[REQUIRED] Please describe the issue here:

Recently we updated Firebase SDK for unity to 6.15.2. Since the SDK update, getting this crashes reported on Firebase console for Android for armv7 devices.

Logs as per Firebase console:

Have you been able to reproduce this issue with just the Firebase Unity quickstarts (this GitHub project)?
We are not able to reproduce the crash

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

With this limited information, we cannot determine whether if this is related to Crashlytics or even Firebase SDK.
Are you able to reproduce this crash using your app on a local device and captures more information from the log?
We also released 6.16.0 which actually resolves many Android build issues related to Crashlytics. Should be worth a try and see if that resolve your issue. Though most of those are for Unity 2020. Also be aware of the duplicated package name issue described here. #806

Otherwise, it would hard for us to take any action about your issue.

Hope this helps!

Hey @gaurangtalwadkar. We need more information to resolve this issue but there hasn’t been an update in 5 weekdays. I’m marking the issue as stale and if there are no new updates in the next 5 days I will close it automatically.

If you have more information that will help us get to the bottom of this, just add a comment!

We updated to 6.16.0 but still getting the crash. We were able to reproduce the crash.
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Launch the app
  2. Put app in background once initialisations complete
  3. Use some heavy memory hogging apps.
  4. Open app through push notification.


Игра Unity начала вылетать на android 8

Получил следующую трассировку стека от Android Vitals:

Понятия не имею. Любая помощь или объяснение будут приветствоваться.

Вероятно, ошибка. Обновите Unity до версии 2017.2. Может, починили.

Сегодня для нашего проекта в Android Vitals для пользователей на Android 8.0 и 8.1 начал отображаться такой же сбой. Мы используем Unity 2017.1.3. Возможно, это не зависит от версии Unity. Я обнаружил некоторую корреляцию возникновения такого сбоя с выпуском обновлений для Google Play Market.

Обновлено: Нам удалось воспроизвести эту ошибку на нашем устройстве Android 8.1:

  • Запустить приложение на устройстве.
  • Заставить Google Play Market остановиться.
  • Попробуйте приобрести IAP в магазине.
  • Просмотрите указанный отчет об ошибке в Android Vitals

Учитывая особенность этой ошибки, которая возникает неожиданно и массово, а затем также неожиданно полностью исчезает без внесения изменений в приложение, мы пришли к выводу, что системная служба останавливается принудительно при обновлении фона Google Play Market для пользователей с включенным автообновлением. и подключение к сети Wi-Fi во время использования нашего приложения, а затем попытаться получить доступ к данным или выполнить операцию с IAP в магазине Google Play.

Мы видим то же самое, Android 8, в основном устройства Samsung

Вы можете попытаться перехватить эту ошибку, попытаться повторно подключиться к службе и снова выполнить тот же IAP.

Мы наблюдали ту же ошибку на большой части нашей базы игроков. Мы смогли связаться с Unity и разобраться в ошибке.

Из службы поддержки Unity Enterprise:

We are aware of the issue. We fixed it in 2017.3 after upgrading the JNIbridge to support Oreo APIs. Previous reports describe that when a Unity application that has INTERNET permission is running, and the Google play services is updated, stopped or reboot, it will cause the app to crash in Android 8, 8.1 devices.

The problem is that ServiceConnection.onBindingDied which was added in API level 26 is not implemented before 2017.3; we added this for GoogleAdsServiceConnection in such version an also updated the JNIbridge to solve the problem.

I’m able to reproduce it in an empty project by setting Internet Access to «Require» and when running on the device, go to settings ->Apps & notifications->google play services->storage->MANAGE SPACE->CLEAR ALL DATA, then the app crashes as described in Stack Overflow.

Do you have plans to upgrade your project to 2017.4 LTS?

I’m asking because we think that a backport of the fix is not feasible, not only because it would be for a version for which we no longer create patches (5.6.x) but an appropriate fix would involve backporting the full support for Oreo APIs which might be tricky and may cause regressions.

Мы решили попробовать обновить нашу версию Unity с 5.6.4f1 до рекомендованных версий 2017 года. Похоже, это должно решить наши проблемы.


java.lang.Error: FATAL EXCEPTION Caused by com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.nativeRestartActivityIndicator #974

Unity 2019.1.11 (same for 2019.1.10)
Google Ads SDK: 3.18.1 (same for 3.17)

My app is seeing a lot of these crashes:

java.lang.Error: FATAL EXCEPTION [main] Unity version : 2019.1.11f1 Device model : SPA Condor Electronics Plume P8 Pro Device fingerprint: Condor/Plume_P8_Pro/Plume_P8_Pro:7.0/NRD90M/1506402354:user/release-keys Caused by at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.nativeRestartActivityIndicator (Native Method) at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.resume (Unknown Source) at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity.onResume (Unknown Source) at ( at ( at ( at ( at$H.handleMessage ( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage ( at android.os.Looper.loop ( at ( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Native Method) at$ ( at (

I know these errors do not seem to be related to Google Ads, but please see this Unity Forum thread.

I also believe this is caused by Google Ads SDK. The numbers of errors is very high, reaching the Google Play bad behavior threshold. Please fix!

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:


Не запускается игра на Android.

java.lang.Error: FATAL EXCEPTION[UnityMain] Unity Version: 2017.3.1f1 Device model: Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Device fingerprint: xisomi/lavender_ru/lavender:9/ PKQ1.180904.001/V10.2.4.0.PFGRUXM:user/release-keys

Caused by: java.lang.Error:signal 11(SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000 Build fingerprint:’xiaomi/lavender_ru/lavender:9/ PKQ1.180904.001/V10.2.4.0.PFGRUXM: user/release-keys’ Revision:’0′ pid: 14289, tid:14318, name: UnityMain >>> com.projectionstudio.BallinDoom <<< r0 00000000 r1 d6e8aa78 r2 c867e96c r3 d6e8aa78 r4 c731cc10 r5 c867e96c r6 00000000 r7 e1a00910 r8 c867e96c r9 00000000 sl c577eadc fp c867e4do ip c867e4f8 sp cc867e4do lr e5922dd4 pc d6e8aa90 cpsr 000004d

att Unknown.0000aa90(Unknown Source:0) att Unknown.0000bdd0(Unknown Source:0)

В чем проблема??? Помогите плиз!!!

Сообщения: 4
Зарегистрирован: 03 июн 2020, 13:12

Не запускается игра на Android.

Сообщение V3rgi9ly 03 июн 2020, 13:36

java.lang.Error: FATAL EXCEPTION[UnityMain] Unity Version: 2017.3.1f1 Device model: Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Device fingerprint: xisomi/lavender_ru/lavender:9/ PKQ1.180904.001/V10.2.4.0.PFGRUXM:user/release-keys

Caused by: java.lang.Error:signal 11(SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000 Build fingerprint:’xiaomi/lavender_ru/lavender:9/ PKQ1.180904.001/V10.2.4.0.PFGRUXM: user/release-keys’ Revision:’0′ pid: 14289, tid:14318, name: UnityMain >>> com.projectionstudio.BallinDoom <<< r0 00000000 r1 d6e8aa78 r2 c867e96c r3 d6e8aa78 r4 c731cc10 r5 c867e96c r6 00000000 r7 e1a00910 r8 c867e96c r9 00000000 sl c577eadc fp c867e4do ip c867e4f8 sp cc867e4do lr e5922dd4 pc d6e8aa90 cpsr 000004d

att Unknown.0000aa90(Unknown Source:0) att Unknown.0000bdd0(Unknown Source:0)

В чем проблема??? Помогите плизз!!!!

Сообщения: 4
Зарегистрирован: 03 июн 2020, 13:12

Re: Не запускается игра на Android.

Сообщение DbIMok 03 июн 2020, 18:34

может быть в версии юнити

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 6321
Зарегистрирован: 31 июл 2009, 14:05

Re: Не запускается игра на Android.

Сообщение V3rgi9ly 05 июн 2020, 19:41

Спасибо, помогло))

Сообщения: 4
Зарегистрирован: 03 июн 2020, 13:12

Вернуться в Общие вопросы

Кто сейчас на конференции

Сейчас этот форум просматривают: нет зарегистрированных пользователей и гости: 8

  • #1

Hi, I can not go into developer mode. I get this error.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resume activity {}: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=5; index=5
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=5; index=5
… 11 more

Any idea to solve it?



ingbrzy ROM leader

Staff member

  • #3

to update from 6.12.8 to 6.12.22 do I have to flash the rom again ? it doesnt update in the updater app.

  • #5

okay. I hope to stable version by ota. When it could be available?

Enviado desde mi Redmi 4 mediante Tapatalk

в манифесте прописано следующее:
<uses-permission android:name=»android.permission.READ_CONTACTS» />
<uses-permission android:name=»» />
<uses-permission android:name=»android.permission.SEND_SMS» />
<uses-permission android:name=»android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_ST ORAGE»/>
<uses-permission android:name=»android.permission.WRITE_INTERNAL_ST ORAGE»/>

Добавлено через 1 минуту
все работало, потом я открыл свой проект и сначало просто изменения сделанные в программе не были видны, а потом вообще при запуске ошибка. Код большой, покажу ток в функции onCreate, я так понял на нее ошибка указывает.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

imageButton13=(ImageButton)findViewById( Button13);
//local = new Locale(«ru»,»RU»);
df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT, local);
sqh = new base(this);
sqdb = sqh.getWritableDatabase();
tabs = (TabHost) findViewById(;
TabHost.TabSpec spec = tabs.newTabSpec(«tag1»);
spec.setIndicator(getString(R.string.n91), getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.liner));
spec = tabs.newTabSpec(«tag2»);
spec.setIndicator(getString(R.string.n92), getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.tab_date_tim e));
mSettings = getSharedPreferences(APP_PREFERENCES, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
if(mSettings.getString(«SETTINGS», «»).equalsIgnoreCase(«»)) SetSettings();
listView10=(ListView)findViewById( ;
listView11=(ListView)findViewById( ;
tsms=mSettings.getInt(«TSMS», 0);
rposition1=mSettings.getInt(«RPOS1», 0);
position1=mSettings.getInt(«POS1», 0);
position2=mSettings.getInt(«POS2», 0);
tabs.setCurrentTab(mSettings.getInt(«NUMTAB», 0));
maxsizesms=mSettings.getInt(«MAXSIZE», 0);
id1 = new ArrayList <Integer>();
message = new ArrayList <String>();
kcontacts = new ArrayList <Integer>();
kfiles = new ArrayList <Integer>();
tsend = new ArrayList <String>();
kolm1 = new ArrayList <Integer>();
id2 = new ArrayList <Integer>();
message2 = new ArrayList <String>();
kcontacts2 = new ArrayList <Integer>();
kfiles2 = new ArrayList <Integer>();
data2 = new ArrayList<String>();
time2 = new ArrayList<String>();
tsend2 = new ArrayList <String>();
kolm2 = new ArrayList <Integer>();
mAdapter1 = new MyAdapter1(this);
mAdapter2 = new MyAdapter2(this);

Добавлено через 1 минуту
я уже пробовал убрать код из onCreate, все равно ошибка.

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  • Java lang error watchdog
  • Java lang error trampoline must not be defined by the bootstrap classloader
  • Java lang error fatal exception main
  • Java lang error failed to initialize reflection provider
  • Java lang classnotfoundexception ошибка

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