Js plugin 3005 error

I installed IE11 on server 2008r2. I was trying to debug using IE11 and I am having the following error. The error I am having in the Dom Explorer tab is: Diagnostic: Exception in window.onload: ...

I installed IE11 on server 2008r2.
I was trying to debug using IE11 and I am having the following error. The error I am having in the Dom Explorer tab is:


Exception in window.onload: Error: An error has ocurredJSPlugin.3005

Stack Trace:

Error: An error has ocurredJSPlugin.3005 at getString (res://C:Program FilesInternet ExplorerF12Resources.dll/23/pluginhost/plugin.f12.js:5021:27) at ToolWindowHelpers.loadString (res://C:Program FilesInternet ExplorerF12Resources.dll/23/Common/CommonMerged.js:5803:13) at TabPanes..

Pinaki's user avatar


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asked Feb 3, 2015 at 14:31

selvakumar's user avatar


answered Jun 3, 2015 at 13:08

Season714's user avatar


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I found the cause for this problem. I upgraded Internet explorer directly from IE8 to IE11. So I got the above said error during debugging.

Then I downgraded Internet explorer from IE11 to previous one(IE8). Then upgraded IE8 to IE10. Again upgraded IE10 to IE11. Now the debugger for IE11 is working fine.

answered Feb 14, 2015 at 13:19

selvakumar's user avatar


1,7513 gold badges19 silver badges34 bronze badges


Just a small update for Season714’s answer if you’re using Windows 7:

M$ did some magic things cause Windows 7 Updates take forever, so before you install those IE updates, you have to disable your network adapter first.

By doing that, that update installation will start in few seconds and the error will be fixed. But if you don’t, Windows Update will run first and it would take forever to complete.

answered Apr 13, 2016 at 3:43

tucq88's user avatar


4174 silver badges7 bronze badges

I had this problem in my Windows 7 freshly installed virtual machine.

Apparently all of the updates were not installed immediately. I had to install Windows updates several times and restart also serveral times until all of the updates were installed and the issue went away.

First update upgraded from IE8 to IE11. And after that I think it was 2 more updates to have it fixed.

answered Sep 16, 2017 at 14:09

Margus Pala's user avatar

Margus PalaMargus Pala

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write this in your code into tag like this:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />

if someone have the same problem

answered Jun 7, 2017 at 18:48

RO Nerio's user avatar

RO NerioRO Nerio

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Так уж получилось, что моя работа связана с созданием и эксплуатацией корпоративных сайтов. Порой задумываюсь о том, чтобы посвятить этому направлению весь свой блог, т.к. кейсов уже накопилось порядочно. В очередной раз столкнулся с глюком в ИЕ11, при этом одна и та же страница сайта отображалась в Chrome, FireFox, IE9, но почему-то не хотела отображаться в IE11.. Первый порыв — проверить верстку, т.к. она 2009 года и разрабатывали сайт не мы (intelgroup.ru — создание сайта на битриксе) для каждого браузера подключается свой набор стилей. Как раз сейчас мы занимаемся рефакторингом корпоративного веб-ресурса. Как говорится, хорошая мысля приходит апосля.. Вызвал инструменты разработчика (кнопка F12 в ИЕ11), и улицезрел сию порнографию OCCURED JS PLUGIN 3005:

Загуглил ошибку OCCURED JS PLUGIN 3005, на англоязычных форумах народ пишет, что проблема все-таки в самом браузере ИЕ11, необходимо поставить накопительные обновления безопасности, при этом Microsoft автоматом не определяет разрядность системы, можно качнуть неподходящие обновления.

После танцев с бубнами мне все-таки удалось победить ИЕ, обновления встали, как надо.

Вот скрин ИЕ11 с обновлениями, которые позволили устранить ошибку OCCURED JS PLUGIN 3005

Не забывайте ставить +1 в комментах, если мой пост помог вам 😉

з.ы. Make sure you download a proper file. You need a patch for 64 bit system, not 32 bit.


Произошла ошибкаJSPlugin.3005

Я установил IE11 на сервер 2008r2. Я пытался отлаживать использование IE11, и у меня возникает следующая ошибка. Ошибка, которую я получаю на вкладке Dom Explorer:


Exception in window.onload: Error: An error has ocurredJSPlugin.3005

Трассировка стека:

5 ответов

Установите последнее накопительное обновление IE:

Я нашел причину этой проблемы. Я обновил Internet Explorer непосредственно с IE8 до IE11. Поэтому во время отладки я получил указанную выше ошибку.

Затем я понизил Internet Explorer от IE11 до предыдущего (IE8). Затем обновили IE8 до IE10. Снова обновил IE10 до IE11. Теперь отладчик для IE11 работает нормально.

Просто небольшое обновление для Season714 ответьте, если вы используете Windows 7:

M $вызвало некоторые магические причины Windows 7 Updates take forever , поэтому перед установкой этих обновлений IE сначала нужно отключить сетевой адаптер.

Таким образом, установка обновления начнется через несколько секунд, и ошибка будет исправлена. Но если вы этого не сделаете, Windows Update будет работать в первую очередь, и это займет много времени.

У меня была эта проблема на моей недавно установленной виртуальной машине Windows 7.

Очевидно, что все обновления не были установлены немедленно. Я должен был установить обновления Windows несколько раз и перезапускать также серверные времена, пока не будут установлены все обновления, и проблема исчезнет.

Первое обновление обновлено с IE8 до IE11. И после этого я думаю, что это было еще два обновления, чтобы это было исправлено.

записать это в свой код в тег следующим образом:


An error has occurredjsplugin 3005

This forum is closed. Thank you for your contributions.

Asked by:


This has been reported minimally on only a couple of sites and I know I can use other browsers, but occasionally I just drop into IE developers tools but now I can’t even do that anymore. I get the following error.

Anyone know anything about this at all ?

This question sounds like a IE Setup issue, please consider the IE forum here:

«Questions regarding Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 and Internet Explorer 11 for the IT Pro Audience. Topics covered are: Installation, Deployment, Configuration, Security, Group Policy, Management questions. If you are a consumer looking for answers or to raise a question, it’s highly recommended you head on over to http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us «

This forum talks about Visual Studio Setup issue(VS Install).

We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
Click HERE to participate the survey.


An error has occurredjsplugin 3005

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Answered by:


I have updated VS express 2013 with update 3.

When I run programs I get:

I have searched online for JSPlugin with no joy.

I tried a repair on the VS which has not helped. There are no outstanding updates when I check via Tools>Updates

I use windows 8.1 (up to date).

Can anyone help me please?


The uninstall and reinstall worked. DOM explorer is back.

I downloaded the full VS with update 3. Perhaps adding update 3 to the vs already installed was the problem.

>>When I run programs I get:

Do you mean you will get the above information whatever project you build?

If you can’t build even a simple project, I guess you need to re-install your compiler.

Please share the installation log file if you don’t mind.

  1. Download collect.exe from the link:

2. Run it directly.

3. The utility creates a compressed cabinet of all the VS and .NET logs to %TEMP%vslogs.cab

4. Upload the vslogs.cab file on onedrive.

We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
Click HERE to participate the survey.

I have uploaded the cab to https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=BAFA0872A52584DA&id=BAFA0872A52584DA!151

The program works — but there is no DOM explorer since I updated. It worked fine with update 2.

>>The program works — but there is no DOM explorer since I updated.

Could you please specify the sentence? Do you mean your program can work now, but your explorer can’t work as usual?

Do you mean that there is something wrong with your update? Or this is a issue of the project? I’m confused now. Could you please detail how you came across this situation?

I get the file but I feel you didn’t collect the installation log file completely. I don’t know why you didn’t get the total log. I guess you did a clean before you collect the installation log file.

If this is a installation issue, please re-install to see if this method works. If not, please collect the log file again as I posted before.

We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
Click HERE to participate the survey.


An error has occurredjsplugin 3005

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Answered by:


I have updated VS express 2013 with update 3.

When I run programs I get:

I have searched online for JSPlugin with no joy.

I tried a repair on the VS which has not helped. There are no outstanding updates when I check via Tools>Updates

I use windows 8.1 (up to date).

Can anyone help me please?


The uninstall and reinstall worked. DOM explorer is back.

I downloaded the full VS with update 3. Perhaps adding update 3 to the vs already installed was the problem.

>>When I run programs I get:

Do you mean you will get the above information whatever project you build?

If you can’t build even a simple project, I guess you need to re-install your compiler.

Please share the installation log file if you don’t mind.

  1. Download collect.exe from the link:

2. Run it directly.

3. The utility creates a compressed cabinet of all the VS and .NET logs to %TEMP%vslogs.cab

4. Upload the vslogs.cab file on onedrive.

We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
Click HERE to participate the survey.

I have uploaded the cab to https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=BAFA0872A52584DA&id=BAFA0872A52584DA!151

The program works — but there is no DOM explorer since I updated. It worked fine with update 2.

>>The program works — but there is no DOM explorer since I updated.

Could you please specify the sentence? Do you mean your program can work now, but your explorer can’t work as usual?

Do you mean that there is something wrong with your update? Or this is a issue of the project? I’m confused now. Could you please detail how you came across this situation?

I get the file but I feel you didn’t collect the installation log file completely. I don’t know why you didn’t get the total log. I guess you did a clean before you collect the installation log file.

If this is a installation issue, please re-install to see if this method works. If not, please collect the log file again as I posted before.

We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
Click HERE to participate the survey.


5 ответов

03 июнь 2015, в 14:24


Я нашел причину этой проблемы. Я обновил Internet Explorer непосредственно с IE8 до IE11. Поэтому во время отладки я получил указанную выше ошибку.

Затем я понизил Internet Explorer от IE11 до предыдущего (IE8). Затем обновили IE8 до IE10. Снова обновил IE10 до IE11. Теперь отладчик для IE11 работает нормально.

14 фев. 2015, в 13:31


Просто небольшое обновление для Season714 ответьте, если вы используете Windows 7:

M $вызвало некоторые магические причины Windows 7 Updates take forever, поэтому перед установкой этих обновлений IE сначала нужно отключить сетевой адаптер.

Таким образом, установка обновления начнется через несколько секунд, и ошибка будет исправлена. Но если вы этого не сделаете, Windows Update будет работать в первую очередь, и это займет много времени.

13 апр. 2016, в 05:15


У меня была эта проблема на моей недавно установленной виртуальной машине Windows 7.

Очевидно, что все обновления не были установлены немедленно. Я должен был установить обновления Windows несколько раз и перезапускать также серверные времена, пока не будут установлены все обновления, и проблема исчезнет.

Первое обновление обновлено с IE8 до IE11. И после этого я думаю, что это было еще два обновления, чтобы это было исправлено.

Margus Pala
16 сен. 2017, в 15:38


записать это в свой код в тег следующим образом:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />

если у кого-то такая же проблема

RO Nerio
07 июнь 2017, в 18:54


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  • This has been reported minimally on only a couple of sites and I know I can use other browsers, but occasionally I just drop into IE developers tools but now I can’t even do that anymore.
    I get the following error.

    Anyone know anything about this at all ?


    • Moved by
      Barry Wang
      Tuesday, December 16, 2014 2:32 AM

All replies

  • Hi Michael,

    This question sounds like a IE Setup issue, please consider the IE forum here:


    «Questions regarding Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 and Internet Explorer 11 for the IT Pro Audience. Topics covered are: Installation, Deployment, Configuration, Security, Group Policy, Management questions. If you are a consumer looking for answers
    or to raise a question, it’s highly recommended you head on over to http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us «

    This forum talks about Visual Studio Setup issue(VS Install).

    Best regards,

    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Barry,

    So the fix is a
    Visual Studio Setup issue? 
    Do you think you can paste the relevant steps for the fix you mention («Visual
    Studio Setup issue(VS Install)») or link directly to a post instead of linking to a black hole of forum topics irrelevant to this one?


  • Considering this is the top response when I search for IE 11 jsError, I agree.

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