This document explains JSON-RPC APIs (version 3) available to interact with ICON nodes.
API Convention
- Follows JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification.
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "$STRING1", "id": $INT, "params": { "$KEY1": "$VALUE1", "$KEY2": { "method": "$STRING2", "params": { "$KEY3": "$VALUE3" } } } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": $INT, "result": "$STRING" // or "result": { "$KEY1": "$VALUE1", "$KEY2": "$VALUE2" } } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": $INT1, "error": { "code": $INT2, "message": "$STRING" } }
- «KEY» naming follows camel case.
Basically, every VALUE in JSON-RPC message is string.
Below table shows the most common «VALUE types».
VALUE type | Description | Example |
T_ADDR_EOA | «hx» + 40 digit HEX string | hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11 |
T_ADDR_SCORE | «cx» + 40 digit HEX string | cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32 |
T_HASH | «0x» + 64 digit HEX string | 0xc71303ef8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238 |
T_INT | «0x» + lowercase HEX string | 0xa |
T_BIN_DATA | «0x» + lowercase HEX string. Length must be even. | 0x34b2 |
T_PROOF_DATA | {«left»: T_HASH} or {«right»: T_HASH} | {«left»: «0xc71303ef8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238» } |
T_SIG | base64 encoded string | VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA= |
T_DATA_TYPE | Type of data | call, deploy, message or deposit |
JSON-RPC Error Codes
This chapter explains the error codes used in ICON JSON-RPC API response.
Below table shows the default error messages for the error code. Actual message may vary depending on the implementation.
Error Codes
Error code | Message | Description |
-32700 | Parse error | Invalid JSON was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text. |
-32600 | Invalid Request | The JSON sent is not a valid Request object. |
-32601 | Method not found | The method does not exist / is not available. |
-32602 | Invalid params | Invalid method parameter(s). |
-32603 | Internal error | Internal JSON-RPC error. |
-32000 | Server error | IconServiceEngine internal error. |
-32100 | Score error | Score internal error. |
JSON-RPC Error Response
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "error": { "code": -32601, "message": "Method not found (transfer)" } }
JSON-RPC API v3 ChangeLog
- Fixed to conform to JSON-RPC 2.0 specification
- Success response: result
- Failure response: error
- Removed additional response generated by loopchain such as «response_code» in SCORE’s JSON-PRC Response.
- v2: «result»: {«response_code»: «0x0», «response»: «0x12345»}
- v3: «result»: «0x12345»
- Fixed inconsistent KEY naming in v2 API
- v2: icx_getBlockByHeight: «time_stamp»
- v2: icx_sendTransaction: «timestamp»
- v3: «timestamp»
- Fixed inconsistent VALUE format in v2 API
- timestamp
- v2: icx_sendTransaction: «timestamp»: «1234567890»
- v2: icx_getBlockByHeight: «timestamp»: 1234567890
- v3: «timestamp»: «0x499602d2»
- hash
- v2: icx_getBlockByHash: «hash»: «af5570f5a1810b7af78caf4bc70a660f0df51e42baf91d4de5b2328de0e83dfc»
- v3: «hash»: «0xaf5570f5a1810b7af78caf4bc70a660f0df51e42baf91d4de5b2328de0e83dfc»
- timestamp
- KEY naming follows camel case.
- v2: «data_type»
- v3: «dataType»
- Removed tx_hash from the icx_sendTransaction message.
- Append icx_getBlockReceipts API
For multichannel requests, add
at the end of the API path.
Main API
API path : <scheme>://<host>/api/v3
- icx_getBlock
- icx_getLastBlock
- icx_getBlockByHeight
- icx_getBlockByHash
- icx_call
- icx_getBalance
- icx_getScoreApi
- icx_getTotalSupply
- icx_getTransactionResult
- icx_getTransactionByHash
- icx_getTransactionProof
- icx_getReceiptProof
- icx_proveTransaction
- icx_proveReceipt
- icx_sendTransaction
- icx_getBlockReceipts
Debug API
API path : <scheme>://<host>/api/debug/v3
- debug_estimateStep
- debug_getAccount
Other API
API path : <scheme>://<host>/api/v3
- ise_getStatus
- rep_getListByHash
JSON-RPC Methods
- Returns the block information by given parameter.
- Depcreated since 1.7.0, will be removed in ICON 2.0
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
hash | T_HASH | Hash of a block |
height | T_INT | Integer of a block height |
unconfirmed | Boolean | (optional) true or false, must be used with height parameter |
None | — | Last block |
Block data (including v0.3)
// Request 1 - get last block { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlock", "id": 1234 } // Request 2 - get block by hash { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlock", "id": 1234, "params": { "hash": "0x6d4a4dbb950152050684eef5d0e228b8a31cae7afd37d9760b79312305008977" } } // Request 3 - get block by height { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlock", "id": 1234, "params": { "height": "0x4" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "version": "0.3", "prevHash": "0xecafbdc4fb0311995e9f5f4cd01e82deb3d4016c6276c45e77b66eea053a2b22", "transactionsHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "stateHash": "0xa7ffc6f8bf1ed76651c14756a061d662f580ff4de43b49fa82d80a4b80f8434a", "receiptsHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "repsHash": "0xa0fa1058145d96226fbe31d4987ae43b54fe83a6bed7939dc7c38da1d44f06bc", "nextRepsHash": "0xa0fa1058145d96226fbe31d4987ae43b54fe83a6bed7939dc7c38da1d44f06bc", "leaderVotesHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "prevVotesHash": "0x51e030a24c5967047f8463c138024f857ec6663535df1f4e76e224f95abbe4b1", "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "timestamp": "0x5908392532c01", "transactions": [], "leaderVotes": [], "prevVotes": [ { "rep": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe", "timestamp": "0x590839234a5de", "blockHeight": "0x3", "blockHash": "0xecafbdc4fb0311995e9f5f4cd01e82deb3d4016c6276c45e77b66eea053a2b22", "signature": "9MhqZW4n9CtJXTKfDOiVsvZRuGQh9G3X9g3X3+4V2Fp8PcqGvkKHoAI4nJpAxGiJICiT7kgMqwQmvQ8ndGVXrgE=" }, { "rep": "hx9f049228bade72bc0a3490061b824f16bbb74589", "timestamp": "0x590839235367b", "blockHeight": "0x3", "blockHash": "0xecafbdc4fb0311995e9f5f4cd01e82deb3d4016c6276c45e77b66eea053a2b22", "signature": "e2JNWDnNTulhksibVR2AV0/ZLLPwDfeOdq1A5DE/GAIPI56QR+78nV7I/eNHvFDzL6OcpN7D5/VZ5dfFBszB2QE=" }, { "rep": "hx6435405122df9fe5187d659588beccdf7aee8557", "timestamp": "0x590839235419f", "blockHeight": "0x3", "blockHash": "0xecafbdc4fb0311995e9f5f4cd01e82deb3d4016c6276c45e77b66eea053a2b22", "signature": "mjhQSlSZhYuwLSqu+CbNDsiB4WTn8096RQ2EP89YPAVRita+bDuCBhyUkfZWhDqQPVW//sCwQD2GDXxNCC5dCgA=" }, { "rep": "hx475bfec4178f3abc88c959faa2e6384e6b409c8f", "timestamp": "0x59083923541d1", "blockHeight": "0x3", "blockHash": "0xecafbdc4fb0311995e9f5f4cd01e82deb3d4016c6276c45e77b66eea053a2b22", "signature": "o2OnbkaLK1rvGP+pDwrTo/+VV1Ag2/HuDeUV5aoReOhvmS4rOWLGuV00B5KZmE9GO7ZRHl32Ys0oSrj85ve3uAA=" } ], "hash": "0x6d4a4dbb950152050684eef5d0e228b8a31cae7afd37d9760b79312305008977", "height": "0x4", "leader": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe", "signature": "OPHFV8Zfyr//lP+SmKsr/RK3yawJDtolrfsdqDFKh3wxmyMh243zVp7CTLRu5wG5PdneX7mHzuLA9x41mqzjrAE=", "nextLeader": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe" }, "id": 1234 } // Request 4 - get block by height with unconfirmed { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlock", "id": 1234, "params": { "height": "0x5", "unconfirmed": true } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "version": "0.4", "prevHash": "0x884e98940e774915bbac14137168894f39682531f4edef2b7ea272afbbfdaebb", "transactionsHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "stateHash": "0xa7ffc6f8bf1ed76651c14756a061d662f580ff4de43b49fa82d80a4b80f8434a", "receiptsHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "repsHash": "0xa0fa1058145d96226fbe31d4987ae43b54fe83a6bed7939dc7c38da1d44f06bc", "nextRepsHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "leaderVotesHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "prevVotesHash": "0x233f88d770fcca44b9c91ea6e55a4d981b858ea6f69830443811f73d32918f79", "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "timestamp": "0x5c8c877889b70", "transactions": [], "leaderVotes": [], "prevVotes": [ { "rep": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe", "timestamp": "0x5c8c8776cd53d", "blockHeight": "0x4", "round_": 0, "blockHash": "0x884e98940e774915bbac14137168894f39682531f4edef2b7ea272afbbfdaebb", "signature": "/6LUAH8oWcVWvq3BMzQu/lujO7s5b5cY9ekVDxeIfVE9PFCKHr7ZHDkmhO01jPyg6ZP/XjB9rYTRyoWu1gVanQA=" }, { "rep": "hx9f049228bade72bc0a3490061b824f16bbb74589", "timestamp": "0x5c8c8777e4f88", "blockHeight": "0x4", "round_": 0, "blockHash": "0x884e98940e774915bbac14137168894f39682531f4edef2b7ea272afbbfdaebb", "signature": "oOoxPUH4UeE+6TBDfc65UjDn5NoxO5aCDY2k/wPENZROdu7piD7muxk/2Z022U63TYcRtbkd1I5lHiXibJnmWgE=" }, { "rep": "hx6435405122df9fe5187d659588beccdf7aee8557", "timestamp": "0x5c8c87783cbc1", "blockHeight": "0x4", "round_": 0, "blockHash": "0x884e98940e774915bbac14137168894f39682531f4edef2b7ea272afbbfdaebb", "signature": "WrzmUjN7YltUuTU7uPXomzkLgUQdecTZEaVmtx4bnpBa0WP4yfFwnYv1KllK1rD6rpOsvqc5wJlKH6qsacsbDAE=" }, { "rep": "hx475bfec4178f3abc88c959faa2e6384e6b409c8f", "timestamp": "0x5c8c877877aa8", "blockHeight": "0x4", "round_": 0, "blockHash": "0x884e98940e774915bbac14137168894f39682531f4edef2b7ea272afbbfdaebb", "signature": "AzQb7B/0FcLcC8V/JdBa5Kv3I9J+daMAQq+bWZT2tsRy/xX5kK9vkeUXpWUpzjkgQdnMJWx9X88nclhz4nvWaAA=" } ], "hash": "0x7febf336c2a68fb2c844f8b3b9f489d1baa7a5f4910e75d92a89384c9d75551a", "height": "0x5", "leader": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe", "signature": "bZQBqFO+7Cnsbhc4HdkTyz42MS0yB6q829P2aBL9lYkHKxbldSjPkXNoKcsdtr5Qx7f5pTNdCx93Mczighj6zAA=", "nextLeader": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe" }, "id": 1234 } // Request (fail if both parameters are in request message.) { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlock", "id": 1234, "params": { "hash": "0x6d4a4dbb950152050684eef5d0e228b8a31cae7afd37d9760b79312305008977", "height": "0x4" } } // Response - fail { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "JSON schema validation error: 'params' has an invalid value" }, "id": 1234 }
- Returns the last block information.
Block data
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getLastBlock", "id": 1234 } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": { "version": "0.1a", // NOTE: Block data itself still uses ICON JSON-RPC v2 representation. This will be fixed in the future. "prev_block_hash": "48757af881f76c858890fb41934bee228ad50a71707154a482826c39b8560d4b", "merkle_tree_root_hash": "fabc1884932cf52f657475b6d62adcbce5661754ff1a9d50f13f0c49c7d48c0c", "time_stamp": 1516498781094429, "confirmed_transaction_list": [ // Transaction data could be either v2 or v3 depending on its original request { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32", "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "dataType": "call", "data": { "method": "transfer", "params": { "to": "hxab2d8215eab14bc6bdd8bfb2c8151257032ecd8b", "value": "0x1" } } } ], "block_hash": "1fcf7c34dc875681761bdaa5d75d770e78e8166b5c4f06c226c53300cbe85f57", "height": 3, "peer_id": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe", "signature": "MEQCICT8mTIL6pRwMWsJjSBHcl4QYiSgG8+0H3U32+05mO9HAiBOhIfBdHNm71WpAZYwJWwQbPVVXFJ8clXGKT3ScDWcvw==" } }
- Returns block information by block height.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
height | T_INT | Integer of a block height |
Block data
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlockByHeight", "id": 1234, "params": { "height": "0x3" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": { "version": "0.1a", // NOTE: Block data itself still uses ICON JSON-RPC v2 representation. This will be fixed in the future. "prev_block_hash": "48757af881f76c858890fb41934bee228ad50a71707154a482826c39b8560d4b", "merkle_tree_root_hash": "fabc1884932cf52f657475b6d62adcbce5661754ff1a9d50f13f0c49c7d48c0c", "time_stamp": 1516498781094429, "confirmed_transaction_list": [ // Transaction data could be either v2 or v3 depending on its original request { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32", "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "dataType": "call", "data": { "method": "transfer", "params": { "to": "hxab2d8215eab14bc6bdd8bfb2c8151257032ecd8b", "value": "0x1" } } } ], "block_hash": "1fcf7c34dc875681761bdaa5d75d770e78e8166b5c4f06c226c53300cbe85f57", "height": 3, "peer_id": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe", "signature": "MEQCICT8mTIL6pRwMWsJjSBHcl4QYiSgG8+0H3U32+05mO9HAiBOhIfBdHNm71WpAZYwJWwQbPVVXFJ8clXGKT3ScDWcvw==" } } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid params height" } }
- Returns block information by block hash.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
hash | T_HASH | Hash of a block |
Block data
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlockByHash", "id": 1234, "params": { "hash": "0x1fcf7c34dc875681761bdaa5d75d770e78e8166b5c4f06c226c53300cbe85f57" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": { "version": "0.1a", // NOTE: Block data itself still uses ICON JSON-RPC v2 representation. This will be fixed in the future. "prev_block_hash": "48757af881f76c858890fb41934bee228ad50a71707154a482826c39b8560d4b", "merkle_tree_root_hash": "fabc1884932cf52f657475b6d62adcbce5661754ff1a9d50f13f0c49c7d48c0c", "time_stamp": 1516498781094429, "confirmed_transaction_list": [ // Transaction data could be either v2 or v3 depending on its original request { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32", "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "dataType": "call", "data": { "method": "transfer", "params": { "to": "hxab2d8215eab14bc6bdd8bfb2c8151257032ecd8b", "value": "0x1" } } } ], "block_hash": "1fcf7c34dc875681761bdaa5d75d770e78e8166b5c4f06c226c53300cbe85f57", "height": 3, "peer_id": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe", "signature": "MEQCICT8mTIL6pRwMWsJjSBHcl4QYiSgG8+0H3U32+05mO9HAiBOhIfBdHNm71WpAZYwJWwQbPVVXFJ8clXGKT3ScDWcvw==" } } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid params hash" } }
- Calls SCORE’s external function.
- Does not make state transition (i.e., read-only).
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
from | T_ADDR_EOA | Message sender’s address. |
to | T_ADDR_SCORE | SCORE address that will handle the message. |
dataType | T_DATA_TYPE | call is the only possible data type. |
data | T_DICT | See Parameters — data. |
data.method | String | Name of the function. |
data.params | T_DICT | Parameters to be passed to the function. |
Values returned by the executed SCORE function.
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_call", "id": 1234, "params": { "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", // TX sender address "to": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32", // SCORE address "dataType": "call", "data": { "method": "get_balance", // SCORE external function "params": { "address": "hx1f9a3310f60a03934b917509c86442db703cbd52" // input parameter of "get_balance" } } } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": "0x2961fff8ca4a62327800000" } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32601, "message": "Method not found" } } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid params" } }
- Returns the ICX balance of the given EOA or SCORE.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
address | T_ADDR_EOA or T_ADDR_SCORE | Address of EOA or SCORE |
Number of ICX coins.
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBalance", "id": 1234, "params": { "address": "hxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": "0xde0b6b3a7640000" } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid address" } }
- Returns SCORE’s external API list.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
address | T_ADDR_SCORE | SCORE adress to be examined. |
- Fields containing information about the function
- type :
, oreventlog
- name : function name
- inputs : parameters in array
- name : parameter name
- type : parameter type (
) - default: the default value if the parameter has a default value (optional)
- indexed :
if the parameter is indexed (when this iseventlog
) (optional)
- outputs : return value
- type : return value type (
- type : return value type (
- readonly :
if this is declared asexternal(readonly=True)
- payable :
if this haspayable
- type :
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getScoreApi", "id": 1234, "params": { "address": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32" // SCORE address } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": [ { "type": "function", "name": "balanceOf", "inputs": [ { "name": "_owner", "type": "Address" } ], "outputs": [ { "type": "int" } ], "readonly": "0x1" }, { "type": "eventlog", "name": "FundTransfer", "inputs": [ { "name": "backer", "type": "Address", "indexed": "0x1" }, { "name": "amount", "type": "int", "indexed": "0x1" }, { "name": "is_contribution", "type": "bool", "indexed": "0x1" } ] }, {...} ] } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid address" } }
- Returns total ICX coin supply that has been issued.
Total number of ICX coins issued.
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getTotalSupply", "id": 1234 } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": "0x2961fff8ca4a62327800000" }
- Returns the transaction result requested by transaction hash.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
txHash | T_HASH | Hash of the transaction |
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
status | T_INT | 1 on success, 0 on failure. |
to | T_ADDR_EOA or T_ADDR_SCORE | Recipient address of the transaction |
failure | T_DICT | This field exists when status is 0. Contains code(str) and message(str). |
txHash | T_HASH | Transaction hash |
txIndex | T_INT | Transaction index in the block |
blockHeight | T_INT | Height of the block that includes the transaction. |
blockHash | T_HASH | Hash of the block that includes the transation. |
cumulativeStepUsed | T_INT | Sum of stepUsed by this transaction and all preceeding transactions in the same block. |
stepUsed | T_INT | The amount of step used by this transaction. |
stepPrice | T_INT | The step price used by this transaction. |
scoreAddress | T_ADDR_SCORE | SCORE address if the transaction created a new SCORE. (optional) |
eventLogs | T_ARRAY | Array of eventlogs, which this transaction generated. |
logsBloom | T_BIN_DATA | Bloom filter to quickly retrieve related eventlogs. |
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getTransactionResult", "id": 1234, "params": { "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": { "status": "0x1", "to": "cx4d6f646441a3f9c9b91019c9b98e3c342cceb114", "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "txIndex": "0x1", "blockHeight": "0x1234", "blockHash": "0xc71303ef8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "cumulativeStepUsed": "0x1234", "stepUsed": "0x1234", "stepPrice": "0x5678", "scoreAddress": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32", "eventLogs":[ { "scoreAddress": "cx4d6f646441a3f9c9b91019c9b98e3c342cceb114", "indexed": [ "Transfer(Address,Address,int)", "hx4873b94352c8c1f3b2f09aaeccea31ce9e90bd31", "hx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "0x8ac7230489e80000" ], "data":[] } ], "logsBloom":"0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000021000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003000000000031400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000" } } // Response - failed tx { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": { "status": "0x0", "failure": { "code": "0x7d00", "message": "Out of balance" }, "to": "cx4d6f646441a3f9c9b91019c9b98e3c342cceb114", "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "txIndex": "0x1", "blockHeight": "0x1234", "blockHash": "0xc71303ef8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "cumulativeStepUsed": "0x1234", "stepUsed": "0x1234", "stepPrice": "0x5678" } } // Response - error (invalid txHash was given) { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid txHash" } } // Response - pending tx { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Pending transaction" } }
- Returns the transaction information requested by transaction hash.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
txHash | T_HASH | Hash of the transaction |
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
version | T_INT | Protocol version («0x3» for V3) |
from | T_ADDR_EOA | EOA address that created the transaction |
to | T_ADDR_EOA or T_ADDR_SCORE | EOA address to receive coins, or SCORE address to execute the transaction. |
value | T_INT | Amount of ICX coins in loop to transfer. When ommitted, assumes 0. (1 icx = 1 ^ 18 loop) |
stepLimit | T_INT | Maximum step allowance that can be used by the transaction. |
timestamp | T_INT | Transaction creation time. timestamp is in microsecond. |
nid | T_INT | Network ID |
nonce | T_INT | An arbitrary number used to prevent transaction hash collision. |
txHash | T_HASH | Transaction hash |
txIndex | T_INT | Transaction index in a block. Null when it is pending. |
blockHeight | T_INT | Block height where this transaction was in. Null when it is pending. |
blockHash | T_HASH | Hash of the block where this transaction was in. Null when it is pending. |
signature | T_SIG | Signature of the transaction. |
dataType | T_DATA_TYPE | Type of data. (call, deploy, message or deposit) |
data | T_DICT or String | Contains various type of data depending on the dataType. See Parameters — data. |
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getTransactionByHash", "id": 1234, "params": { "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238" } } // Response - coin transfer { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "hx5bfdb090f43a808005ffc27c25b213145e80b7cd", "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "txIndex": "0x1", "blockHeight": "0x1234", "blockHash": "0xc71303ef8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=" } } // Response - SCORE function call { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "txIndex": "0x1", "blockHeight": "0x1234", "blockHash": "0xc71303ef8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "dataType": "call", "data": { "method": "transfer", "params": { "to": "hxab2d8215eab14bc6bdd8bfb2c8151257032ecd8b", "value": "0x1" } } } } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid params txHash" } }
- Returns the transaction proof requested by transaction hash.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
txHash | T_HASH | Hash of the transaction |
- T_LIST(T_PROOF_DATA) : List of proof data.
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getTransactionProof", "id": 1234, "params": { "txHash": "0x6c85809ead0e601de5e84f063ef3b7d7c504b95a404356af6094f26a39713eb1" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": [ { "left": "0xac1695c9d3ec0dedd7320d49e8b28bb76cb3f4332f99b396154d35cdb521efbc" }, { "right": "0xbb65b23173914f5618c4101b93a8a9e221814b3733dbd4cab6ae06f47982808e" }, { "right": "0xc845505ca7667bec30d03c67ba6cfa5a3829ed7d7f1250729bed5f780c31606e" }, { "left": "0x0a4ec933df08db2d6982b43b97b5c9564a27dd37ee844660e2613d2d183afce5" }, { "left": "0xac51d42744d093dfaff493de34cc1eff77e4f86989dabf53254f1acea40c6322" }, { "left": "0x757f4ab5a86f8a159f1dac9a7c50c2522b223c9b17fa6d5beeb0c1c20b4cc948" }, { "left": "0x3454646a681c036075b30eb1ca096057cc1a357d861e9ee4c8c8cb2ed6eaae26" } ], "id": 1234 } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Tx does not exist." }, "id": 1234 }
- Returns the transaction receipt proof requested by transaction hash.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
txHash | T_HASH | Hash of the transaction |
- T_LIST(T_PROOF_DATA) : List of proof data.
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getReceiptProof", "id": 1234, "params": { "txHash": "0x6c85809ead0e601de5e84f063ef3b7d7c504b95a404356af6094f26a39713eb1" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": [ { "left": "0xac1695c9d3ec0dedd7320d49e8b28bb76cb3f4332f99b396154d35cdb521efbc" }, { "right": "0xbb65b23173914f5618c4101b93a8a9e221814b3733dbd4cab6ae06f47982808e" }, { "right": "0xc845505ca7667bec30d03c67ba6cfa5a3829ed7d7f1250729bed5f780c31606e" }, { "left": "0x0a4ec933df08db2d6982b43b97b5c9564a27dd37ee844660e2613d2d183afce5" }, { "left": "0xac51d42744d093dfaff493de34cc1eff77e4f86989dabf53254f1acea40c6322" }, { "left": "0x757f4ab5a86f8a159f1dac9a7c50c2522b223c9b17fa6d5beeb0c1c20b4cc948" }, { "left": "0x3454646a681c036075b30eb1ca096057cc1a357d861e9ee4c8c8cb2ed6eaae26" } ], "id": 1234 } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Tx does not exist." }, "id": 1234 }
- Returns the result of proving requested by transaction hash with its proof.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
txHash | T_HASH | Hash of the transaction |
proof | T_LIST(T_PROOF_DATA) | List of proof data |
- T_INT : 1 on success, 0 on failure.
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_proveTransaction", "id": 1234, "params": { "txHash": "0x6c85809ead0e601de5e84f063ef3b7d7c504b95a404356af6094f26a39713eb1", "proof": [ { "left": "0xac1695c9d3ec0dedd7320d49e8b28bb76cb3f4332f99b396154d35cdb521efbc" }, { "right": "0xbb65b23173914f5618c4101b93a8a9e221814b3733dbd4cab6ae06f47982808e" }, { "right": "0xc845505ca7667bec30d03c67ba6cfa5a3829ed7d7f1250729bed5f780c31606e" }, { "left": "0x0a4ec933df08db2d6982b43b97b5c9564a27dd37ee844660e2613d2d183afce5" }, { "left": "0xac51d42744d093dfaff493de34cc1eff77e4f86989dabf53254f1acea40c6322" }, { "left": "0x757f4ab5a86f8a159f1dac9a7c50c2522b223c9b17fa6d5beeb0c1c20b4cc948" }, { "left": "0x3454646a681c036075b30eb1ca096057cc1a357d861e9ee4c8c8cb2ed6eaae26" } ] } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 0x1, "id": 1234 } // Response - failure { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 0x0, "id": 1234 } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Tx does not exist." }, "id": 1234 }
- Returns the result of proving the receipt requested by transaction hash with its proof.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
txHash | T_HASH | Hash of the transaction |
proof | T_LIST(T_PROOF_DATA) | List of proof data |
- T_INT : 1 on success, 0 on failure.
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_proveReceipt", "id": 1234, "params": { "txHash": "0x6c85809ead0e601de5e84f063ef3b7d7c504b95a404356af6094f26a39713eb1", "proof": [ { "left": "0xac1695c9d3ec0dedd7320d49e8b28bb76cb3f4332f99b396154d35cdb521efbc" }, { "right": "0xbb65b23173914f5618c4101b93a8a9e221814b3733dbd4cab6ae06f47982808e" }, { "right": "0xc845505ca7667bec30d03c67ba6cfa5a3829ed7d7f1250729bed5f780c31606e" }, { "left": "0x0a4ec933df08db2d6982b43b97b5c9564a27dd37ee844660e2613d2d183afce5" }, { "left": "0xac51d42744d093dfaff493de34cc1eff77e4f86989dabf53254f1acea40c6322" }, { "left": "0x757f4ab5a86f8a159f1dac9a7c50c2522b223c9b17fa6d5beeb0c1c20b4cc948" }, { "left": "0x3454646a681c036075b30eb1ca096057cc1a357d861e9ee4c8c8cb2ed6eaae26" } ] } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 0x1, "id": 1234 } // Response - failure { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 0x0, "id": 1234 } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Tx does not exist." }, "id": 1234 }
- Returns the status of iconservice
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
filter | T_LIST(String) | List of keys to filter |
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "ise_getStatus", "id": 1234, "params": { "filter": ["lastBlock"] } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": { "lastBlock": { "blockHeight": "0x3", "blockHash": "0x1145f61e69d2a6265f00c29ae2da9a2c73100c9ab4221c6612cfd04edfa0e30d", "timestamp": "0x5739b20776a61", "prevBlockHash": "0xaeb6768558648eed2a36ac13bc6501d075a8dd2ee6a23e277a5def596bfed603" } } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid address" } }
You can do one of the followings using this function.
- Transfer designated amount of ICX coins from ‘from’ address to ‘to’ address.
- Install a new SCORE.
- Update the SCORE in the ‘to’ address.
- Invoke a function of the SCORE in the ‘to’ address.
- Transfer a message.
This function causes state transition.
KEY | VALUE type | Required | Description |
version | T_INT | required | Protocol version («0x3» for V3) |
from | T_ADDR_EOA | required | EOA address that created the transaction |
to | T_ADDR_EOA or T_ADDR_SCORE | required | EOA address to receive coins, or SCORE address to execute the transaction. |
value | T_INT | optional | Amount of ICX coins in loop to transfer. When ommitted, assumes 0. (1 icx = 1 ^ 18 loop) |
stepLimit | T_INT | required | Maximum step allowance that can be used by the transaction. |
timestamp | T_INT | required | Transaction creation time. timestamp is in microsecond. |
nid | T_INT | required | Network ID («0x1» for Mainnet, «0x2» for Testnet, etc) |
nonce | T_INT | optional | An arbitrary number used to prevent transaction hash collision. |
signature | T_SIG | required | Signature of the transaction. |
dataType | T_DATA_TYPE | optional | Type of data. (call, deploy, message or deposit) |
data | T_DICT or String | optional | The content of data varies depending on the dataType. See Parameters — data. |
Parameters — data
contains the following data in various formats depending on the dataType.
dataType == call
It is used when calling a function in SCORE, and data
has dictionary value as follows.
KEY | VALUE type | Required | Description |
method | String | required | Name of the function to invoke in SCORE |
params | T_DICT | optional | Function parameters |
dataType == deploy
It is used when installing or updating a SCORE, and data
has dictionary value as follows.
KEY | VALUE type | Required | Description |
contentType | String | required | Mime-type of the content |
content | T_BIN_DATA | required | Compressed SCORE data |
params | T_DICT | optional | Function parameters will be delivered to on_install() or on_update() |
dataType == message
It is used when transferring a message, and data
has a HEX string.
dataType == deposit
It is used when depositing ICX in SCORE or withdrawing the deposited ICX, and data
has dictionary value as follows.
KEY | VALUE type | Required | Description |
action | String | required | Name of the action (add or withdraw ) |
id | String | optional | needed when withdrawing the deposited ICX |
- Transaction hash (T_HASH) on success
- Error code and message on failure
Coin transfer
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_sendTransaction", "id": 1234, "params": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "hx5bfdb090f43a808005ffc27c25b213145e80b7cd", "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=" } }
SCORE function call
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_sendTransaction", "id": 1234, "params": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "dataType": "call", "data": { "method": "transfer", "params": { "to": "hxab2d8215eab14bc6bdd8bfb2c8151257032ecd8b", "value": "0x1" } } } }
SCORE install
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_sendTransaction", "id": 1234, "params": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // address 0 means SCORE install "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "dataType": "deploy", "data": { "contentType": "application/zip", "content": "0x1867291283973610982301923812873419826abcdef91827319263187263a7326e...", // compressed SCORE data "params": { // parameters to be passed to on_install() "name": "ABCToken", "symbol": "abc", "decimals": "0x12" } } } }
SCORE update
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_sendTransaction", "id": 1234, "params": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32", // SCORE address to be updated "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "dataType": "deploy", "data": { "contentType": "application/zip", "content": "0x1867291283973610982301923812873419826abcdef91827319263187263a7326e...", // compressed SCORE data "params": { // parameters to be passed to on_update() "amount": "0x1234" } } } }
Message transfer
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_sendTransaction", "id": 1234, "params": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "dataType": "message", "data": "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" } }
Deposit ICX to SCORE
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_sendTransaction", "id": 1234, "params": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "value": "0x10f0cf064dd59200000", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "dataType": "deposit", "data": { "action": "add" } } }
Withdraw ICX from SCORE
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_sendTransaction", "id": 1234, "params": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "dataType": "deposit", "data": { "action": "withdraw", "id": "0x4bf74e6aeeb43bde5dc8d5b62537a33ac8eb7605ebbdb51b015c1881b45b3111" } } }
// Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": "0x4bf74e6aeeb43bde5dc8d5b62537a33ac8eb7605ebbdb51b015c1881b45b3aed" // transaction hash } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32600, "message": "Invalid signature" } } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32601, "message": "Method not found" } }
- Generates and returns an estimated step of how much step is necessary to allow the transaction to complete. The transaction will not be added to the blockchain. Note that the estimation can be larger than the actual amount of step to be used by the transaction for several reasons such as node performance.
- The transaction information without stepLimit and signature
KEY | VALUE type | Required | Description |
version | T_INT | required | Protocol version («0x3» for V3) |
from | T_ADDR_EOA | required | EOA address that created the transaction |
to | T_ADDR_EOA or T_ADDR_SCORE | required | EOA address to receive coins, or SCORE address to execute the transaction. |
value | T_INT | optional | Amount of ICX coins in loop to transfer. When ommitted, assumes 0. (1 icx = 1 ^ 18 loop) |
timestamp | T_INT | required | Transaction creation time. timestamp is in microsecond. |
nid | T_INT | required | Network ID («0x1» for Mainnet, «0x2» for Testnet, etc) |
nonce | T_INT | optional | An arbitrary number used to prevent transaction hash collision. |
dataType | T_DATA_TYPE | optional | Type of data. (call, deploy, or message) |
data | T_DICT or String | optional | The content of data varies depending on the dataType. See Parameters — data. |
- The amount of an estimated step
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "debug_estimateStep", "id": 1234, "params": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "hx5bfdb090f43a808005ffc27c25b213145e80b7cd", "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": "0x109eb0" } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "JSON schema validation error: 'version' is a required property" } }
- Returns the Account information including stake, delegation of the given EOA or SCORE.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
address | T_ADDR_EOA or T_ADDR_SCORE | Address of EOA or SCORE |
filter | T_INT | flag value to what information will be included(coin : 1, stake: 2, delegation: 4) |
Information of Account
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "method": "debug_getAccount", "params": { "address": "hxe7af5fcfd8dfc67530a01a0e403882687528dfcb", "filter": "0x7" } } // Response - success { "coin": { "type": "0x1", "typeStr": "CoinPartType.GENERAL", "flag": "0x0", "flagStr": "CoinPartFlag.None" }, "stake": { "stake": "0x100", "unstake": "0x100", "unstakeBlockHeight": "0x200", "unstakesInfo": [ [ "0x100", "0x200" ] ] }, "delegation": { "totalDelegated": "0xa688906bd8b0000", "delegations": [ { "address": "hx1d6463e4628ee52a7f751e9d500a79222a7f3935", "value": "0x3782dace9d90000" }, { "address": "hxb6bc0bf95d90cb3cd5b3abafd9682a62f36cc826", "value": "0x6f05b59d3b20000" } ] } } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid address" } }
- Get all list of Representatives and information by RepsHash
KEY | VALUE type | Required | Description |
repsHash | T_HASH | required | root hash of representatives |
- The list of Representatives information by repsHash
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "rep_getListByHash", "id": 1234, "params": { "repsHash": "0x71303ef8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": [ { "address": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe", "p2pEndpoint": "" }, { "address": "hx9f049228bade72bc0a3490061b824f16bbb74589", "p2pEndpoint": "" }, { "address": "hx6435405122df9fe5187d659588beccdf7aee8557", "p2pEndpoint": "" }, { "address": "hx475bfec4178f3abc88c959faa2e6384e6b409c8f", "p2pEndpoint": "" } ], "id": 1234 }
- Returns the block receipts by given parameter.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
hash | T_HASH | Hash of a block |
height | T_INT | Integer of a block height |
None | — | Last block |
Block Receipts data (including v0.3)
// Request 1 - get last block receipts { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlockReceipts", "id": 1234 } // Request 2 - get block receipts by hash { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlockReceipts", "id": 1234, "params": { "hash": "0x6d4a4dbb950152050684eef5d0e228b8a31cae7afd37d9760b79312305008977" } } // Request 3 - get block receipts by height { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlockReceipts", "id": 1234, "params": { "height": "0x4" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": [ { "txHash": "4b9afccf0ce595fc67fd84959d8ff3107aad2e78ea418d8e115d39dbb5ddf683", "blockHeight": "0x696", "blockHash": "59415879e59977ac29bfa5dcfff3dfff2604beb0f1ba97d1944caf90b39d4c49", "txIndex": "0x0", "to": "hxe3d6d5d8e433fbd13b9c481d11cf46cebd84b23c", "stepUsed": "0x0", "stepPrice": "0x0", "cumulativeStepUsed": "0x0", "eventLogs": [ { "scoreAddress": "cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "indexed": [ "PRepIssued(int,int,int,int)" ], "data": [ "0xa968163f0a57b400000", "0x477", "0xd3e02419de2130fd07fe4", "0x20bd5ed6b99b1fcb" ] }, { "scoreAddress": "cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "indexed": [ "ICXIssued(int,int,int,int)" ], "data": [ "0x0", "0x20bd5ed6b99b1fcb", "0x0", "0x53a06a5e791a89dbe" ] } ], "status": "0x1" } ], "id": 1234 } // Request (fail if both parameters are in request message.) { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlockReceipts", "id": 1234, "params": { "hash": "0x6d4a4dbb950152050684eef5d0e228b8a31cae7afd37d9760b79312305008977", "height": "0x4" } } // Response - fail { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid params (only one parameter is allowed)" } }
- JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification
This document explains JSON-RPC APIs (version 3) available to interact with ICON nodes.
API Convention
- Follows JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification.
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "$STRING1", "id": $INT, "params": { "$KEY1": "$VALUE1", "$KEY2": { "method": "$STRING2", "params": { "$KEY3": "$VALUE3" } } } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": $INT, "result": "$STRING" // or "result": { "$KEY1": "$VALUE1", "$KEY2": "$VALUE2" } } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": $INT1, "error": { "code": $INT2, "message": "$STRING" } }
- «KEY» naming follows camel case.
Basically, every VALUE in JSON-RPC message is string.
Below table shows the most common «VALUE types».
VALUE type | Description | Example |
T_ADDR_EOA | «hx» + 40 digit HEX string | hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11 |
T_ADDR_SCORE | «cx» + 40 digit HEX string | cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32 |
T_HASH | «0x» + 64 digit HEX string | 0xc71303ef8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238 |
T_INT | «0x» + lowercase HEX string | 0xa |
T_BIN_DATA | «0x» + lowercase HEX string. Length must be even. | 0x34b2 |
T_PROOF_DATA | {«left»: T_HASH} or {«right»: T_HASH} | {«left»: «0xc71303ef8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238» } |
T_SIG | base64 encoded string | VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA= |
T_DATA_TYPE | Type of data | call, deploy, message or deposit |
JSON-RPC Error Codes
This chapter explains the error codes used in ICON JSON-RPC API response.
Below table shows the default error messages for the error code. Actual message may vary depending on the implementation.
Error Codes
Error code | Message | Description |
-32700 | Parse error | Invalid JSON was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text. |
-32600 | Invalid Request | The JSON sent is not a valid Request object. |
-32601 | Method not found | The method does not exist / is not available. |
-32602 | Invalid params | Invalid method parameter(s). |
-32603 | Internal error | Internal JSON-RPC error. |
-32000 | Server error | IconServiceEngine internal error. |
-32100 | Score error | Score internal error. |
JSON-RPC Error Response
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "error": { "code": -32601, "message": "Method not found (transfer)" } }
JSON-RPC API v3 ChangeLog
- Fixed to conform to JSON-RPC 2.0 specification
- Success response: result
- Failure response: error
- Removed additional response generated by loopchain such as «response_code» in SCORE’s JSON-PRC Response.
- v2: «result»: {«response_code»: «0x0», «response»: «0x12345»}
- v3: «result»: «0x12345»
- Fixed inconsistent KEY naming in v2 API
- v2: icx_getBlockByHeight: «time_stamp»
- v2: icx_sendTransaction: «timestamp»
- v3: «timestamp»
- Fixed inconsistent VALUE format in v2 API
- timestamp
- v2: icx_sendTransaction: «timestamp»: «1234567890»
- v2: icx_getBlockByHeight: «timestamp»: 1234567890
- v3: «timestamp»: «0x499602d2»
- hash
- v2: icx_getBlockByHash: «hash»: «af5570f5a1810b7af78caf4bc70a660f0df51e42baf91d4de5b2328de0e83dfc»
- v3: «hash»: «0xaf5570f5a1810b7af78caf4bc70a660f0df51e42baf91d4de5b2328de0e83dfc»
- timestamp
- KEY naming follows camel case.
- v2: «data_type»
- v3: «dataType»
- Removed tx_hash from the icx_sendTransaction message.
- Append icx_getBlockReceipts API
For multichannel requests, add
at the end of the API path.
Main API
API path : <scheme>://<host>/api/v3
- icx_getBlock
- icx_getLastBlock
- icx_getBlockByHeight
- icx_getBlockByHash
- icx_call
- icx_getBalance
- icx_getScoreApi
- icx_getTotalSupply
- icx_getTransactionResult
- icx_getTransactionByHash
- icx_getTransactionProof
- icx_getReceiptProof
- icx_proveTransaction
- icx_proveReceipt
- icx_sendTransaction
- icx_getBlockReceipts
Debug API
API path : <scheme>://<host>/api/debug/v3
- debug_estimateStep
- debug_getAccount
Other API
API path : <scheme>://<host>/api/v3
- ise_getStatus
- rep_getListByHash
JSON-RPC Methods
- Returns the block information by given parameter.
- Depcreated since 1.7.0, will be removed in ICON 2.0
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
hash | T_HASH | Hash of a block |
height | T_INT | Integer of a block height |
unconfirmed | Boolean | (optional) true or false, must be used with height parameter |
None | — | Last block |
Block data (including v0.3)
// Request 1 - get last block { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlock", "id": 1234 } // Request 2 - get block by hash { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlock", "id": 1234, "params": { "hash": "0x6d4a4dbb950152050684eef5d0e228b8a31cae7afd37d9760b79312305008977" } } // Request 3 - get block by height { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlock", "id": 1234, "params": { "height": "0x4" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "version": "0.3", "prevHash": "0xecafbdc4fb0311995e9f5f4cd01e82deb3d4016c6276c45e77b66eea053a2b22", "transactionsHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "stateHash": "0xa7ffc6f8bf1ed76651c14756a061d662f580ff4de43b49fa82d80a4b80f8434a", "receiptsHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "repsHash": "0xa0fa1058145d96226fbe31d4987ae43b54fe83a6bed7939dc7c38da1d44f06bc", "nextRepsHash": "0xa0fa1058145d96226fbe31d4987ae43b54fe83a6bed7939dc7c38da1d44f06bc", "leaderVotesHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "prevVotesHash": "0x51e030a24c5967047f8463c138024f857ec6663535df1f4e76e224f95abbe4b1", "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "timestamp": "0x5908392532c01", "transactions": [], "leaderVotes": [], "prevVotes": [ { "rep": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe", "timestamp": "0x590839234a5de", "blockHeight": "0x3", "blockHash": "0xecafbdc4fb0311995e9f5f4cd01e82deb3d4016c6276c45e77b66eea053a2b22", "signature": "9MhqZW4n9CtJXTKfDOiVsvZRuGQh9G3X9g3X3+4V2Fp8PcqGvkKHoAI4nJpAxGiJICiT7kgMqwQmvQ8ndGVXrgE=" }, { "rep": "hx9f049228bade72bc0a3490061b824f16bbb74589", "timestamp": "0x590839235367b", "blockHeight": "0x3", "blockHash": "0xecafbdc4fb0311995e9f5f4cd01e82deb3d4016c6276c45e77b66eea053a2b22", "signature": "e2JNWDnNTulhksibVR2AV0/ZLLPwDfeOdq1A5DE/GAIPI56QR+78nV7I/eNHvFDzL6OcpN7D5/VZ5dfFBszB2QE=" }, { "rep": "hx6435405122df9fe5187d659588beccdf7aee8557", "timestamp": "0x590839235419f", "blockHeight": "0x3", "blockHash": "0xecafbdc4fb0311995e9f5f4cd01e82deb3d4016c6276c45e77b66eea053a2b22", "signature": "mjhQSlSZhYuwLSqu+CbNDsiB4WTn8096RQ2EP89YPAVRita+bDuCBhyUkfZWhDqQPVW//sCwQD2GDXxNCC5dCgA=" }, { "rep": "hx475bfec4178f3abc88c959faa2e6384e6b409c8f", "timestamp": "0x59083923541d1", "blockHeight": "0x3", "blockHash": "0xecafbdc4fb0311995e9f5f4cd01e82deb3d4016c6276c45e77b66eea053a2b22", "signature": "o2OnbkaLK1rvGP+pDwrTo/+VV1Ag2/HuDeUV5aoReOhvmS4rOWLGuV00B5KZmE9GO7ZRHl32Ys0oSrj85ve3uAA=" } ], "hash": "0x6d4a4dbb950152050684eef5d0e228b8a31cae7afd37d9760b79312305008977", "height": "0x4", "leader": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe", "signature": "OPHFV8Zfyr//lP+SmKsr/RK3yawJDtolrfsdqDFKh3wxmyMh243zVp7CTLRu5wG5PdneX7mHzuLA9x41mqzjrAE=", "nextLeader": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe" }, "id": 1234 } // Request 4 - get block by height with unconfirmed { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlock", "id": 1234, "params": { "height": "0x5", "unconfirmed": true } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "version": "0.4", "prevHash": "0x884e98940e774915bbac14137168894f39682531f4edef2b7ea272afbbfdaebb", "transactionsHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "stateHash": "0xa7ffc6f8bf1ed76651c14756a061d662f580ff4de43b49fa82d80a4b80f8434a", "receiptsHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "repsHash": "0xa0fa1058145d96226fbe31d4987ae43b54fe83a6bed7939dc7c38da1d44f06bc", "nextRepsHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "leaderVotesHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "prevVotesHash": "0x233f88d770fcca44b9c91ea6e55a4d981b858ea6f69830443811f73d32918f79", "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "timestamp": "0x5c8c877889b70", "transactions": [], "leaderVotes": [], "prevVotes": [ { "rep": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe", "timestamp": "0x5c8c8776cd53d", "blockHeight": "0x4", "round_": 0, "blockHash": "0x884e98940e774915bbac14137168894f39682531f4edef2b7ea272afbbfdaebb", "signature": "/6LUAH8oWcVWvq3BMzQu/lujO7s5b5cY9ekVDxeIfVE9PFCKHr7ZHDkmhO01jPyg6ZP/XjB9rYTRyoWu1gVanQA=" }, { "rep": "hx9f049228bade72bc0a3490061b824f16bbb74589", "timestamp": "0x5c8c8777e4f88", "blockHeight": "0x4", "round_": 0, "blockHash": "0x884e98940e774915bbac14137168894f39682531f4edef2b7ea272afbbfdaebb", "signature": "oOoxPUH4UeE+6TBDfc65UjDn5NoxO5aCDY2k/wPENZROdu7piD7muxk/2Z022U63TYcRtbkd1I5lHiXibJnmWgE=" }, { "rep": "hx6435405122df9fe5187d659588beccdf7aee8557", "timestamp": "0x5c8c87783cbc1", "blockHeight": "0x4", "round_": 0, "blockHash": "0x884e98940e774915bbac14137168894f39682531f4edef2b7ea272afbbfdaebb", "signature": "WrzmUjN7YltUuTU7uPXomzkLgUQdecTZEaVmtx4bnpBa0WP4yfFwnYv1KllK1rD6rpOsvqc5wJlKH6qsacsbDAE=" }, { "rep": "hx475bfec4178f3abc88c959faa2e6384e6b409c8f", "timestamp": "0x5c8c877877aa8", "blockHeight": "0x4", "round_": 0, "blockHash": "0x884e98940e774915bbac14137168894f39682531f4edef2b7ea272afbbfdaebb", "signature": "AzQb7B/0FcLcC8V/JdBa5Kv3I9J+daMAQq+bWZT2tsRy/xX5kK9vkeUXpWUpzjkgQdnMJWx9X88nclhz4nvWaAA=" } ], "hash": "0x7febf336c2a68fb2c844f8b3b9f489d1baa7a5f4910e75d92a89384c9d75551a", "height": "0x5", "leader": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe", "signature": "bZQBqFO+7Cnsbhc4HdkTyz42MS0yB6q829P2aBL9lYkHKxbldSjPkXNoKcsdtr5Qx7f5pTNdCx93Mczighj6zAA=", "nextLeader": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe" }, "id": 1234 } // Request (fail if both parameters are in request message.) { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlock", "id": 1234, "params": { "hash": "0x6d4a4dbb950152050684eef5d0e228b8a31cae7afd37d9760b79312305008977", "height": "0x4" } } // Response - fail { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "JSON schema validation error: 'params' has an invalid value" }, "id": 1234 }
- Returns the last block information.
Block data
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getLastBlock", "id": 1234 } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": { "version": "0.1a", // NOTE: Block data itself still uses ICON JSON-RPC v2 representation. This will be fixed in the future. "prev_block_hash": "48757af881f76c858890fb41934bee228ad50a71707154a482826c39b8560d4b", "merkle_tree_root_hash": "fabc1884932cf52f657475b6d62adcbce5661754ff1a9d50f13f0c49c7d48c0c", "time_stamp": 1516498781094429, "confirmed_transaction_list": [ // Transaction data could be either v2 or v3 depending on its original request { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32", "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "dataType": "call", "data": { "method": "transfer", "params": { "to": "hxab2d8215eab14bc6bdd8bfb2c8151257032ecd8b", "value": "0x1" } } } ], "block_hash": "1fcf7c34dc875681761bdaa5d75d770e78e8166b5c4f06c226c53300cbe85f57", "height": 3, "peer_id": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe", "signature": "MEQCICT8mTIL6pRwMWsJjSBHcl4QYiSgG8+0H3U32+05mO9HAiBOhIfBdHNm71WpAZYwJWwQbPVVXFJ8clXGKT3ScDWcvw==" } }
- Returns block information by block height.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
height | T_INT | Integer of a block height |
Block data
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlockByHeight", "id": 1234, "params": { "height": "0x3" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": { "version": "0.1a", // NOTE: Block data itself still uses ICON JSON-RPC v2 representation. This will be fixed in the future. "prev_block_hash": "48757af881f76c858890fb41934bee228ad50a71707154a482826c39b8560d4b", "merkle_tree_root_hash": "fabc1884932cf52f657475b6d62adcbce5661754ff1a9d50f13f0c49c7d48c0c", "time_stamp": 1516498781094429, "confirmed_transaction_list": [ // Transaction data could be either v2 or v3 depending on its original request { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32", "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "dataType": "call", "data": { "method": "transfer", "params": { "to": "hxab2d8215eab14bc6bdd8bfb2c8151257032ecd8b", "value": "0x1" } } } ], "block_hash": "1fcf7c34dc875681761bdaa5d75d770e78e8166b5c4f06c226c53300cbe85f57", "height": 3, "peer_id": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe", "signature": "MEQCICT8mTIL6pRwMWsJjSBHcl4QYiSgG8+0H3U32+05mO9HAiBOhIfBdHNm71WpAZYwJWwQbPVVXFJ8clXGKT3ScDWcvw==" } } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid params height" } }
- Returns block information by block hash.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
hash | T_HASH | Hash of a block |
Block data
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlockByHash", "id": 1234, "params": { "hash": "0x1fcf7c34dc875681761bdaa5d75d770e78e8166b5c4f06c226c53300cbe85f57" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": { "version": "0.1a", // NOTE: Block data itself still uses ICON JSON-RPC v2 representation. This will be fixed in the future. "prev_block_hash": "48757af881f76c858890fb41934bee228ad50a71707154a482826c39b8560d4b", "merkle_tree_root_hash": "fabc1884932cf52f657475b6d62adcbce5661754ff1a9d50f13f0c49c7d48c0c", "time_stamp": 1516498781094429, "confirmed_transaction_list": [ // Transaction data could be either v2 or v3 depending on its original request { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32", "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "dataType": "call", "data": { "method": "transfer", "params": { "to": "hxab2d8215eab14bc6bdd8bfb2c8151257032ecd8b", "value": "0x1" } } } ], "block_hash": "1fcf7c34dc875681761bdaa5d75d770e78e8166b5c4f06c226c53300cbe85f57", "height": 3, "peer_id": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe", "signature": "MEQCICT8mTIL6pRwMWsJjSBHcl4QYiSgG8+0H3U32+05mO9HAiBOhIfBdHNm71WpAZYwJWwQbPVVXFJ8clXGKT3ScDWcvw==" } } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid params hash" } }
- Calls SCORE’s external function.
- Does not make state transition (i.e., read-only).
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
from | T_ADDR_EOA | Message sender’s address. |
to | T_ADDR_SCORE | SCORE address that will handle the message. |
dataType | T_DATA_TYPE | call is the only possible data type. |
data | T_DICT | See Parameters — data. |
data.method | String | Name of the function. |
data.params | T_DICT | Parameters to be passed to the function. |
Values returned by the executed SCORE function.
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_call", "id": 1234, "params": { "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", // TX sender address "to": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32", // SCORE address "dataType": "call", "data": { "method": "get_balance", // SCORE external function "params": { "address": "hx1f9a3310f60a03934b917509c86442db703cbd52" // input parameter of "get_balance" } } } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": "0x2961fff8ca4a62327800000" } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32601, "message": "Method not found" } } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid params" } }
- Returns the ICX balance of the given EOA or SCORE.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
address | T_ADDR_EOA or T_ADDR_SCORE | Address of EOA or SCORE |
Number of ICX coins.
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBalance", "id": 1234, "params": { "address": "hxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": "0xde0b6b3a7640000" } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid address" } }
- Returns SCORE’s external API list.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
address | T_ADDR_SCORE | SCORE adress to be examined. |
- Fields containing information about the function
- type :
, oreventlog
- name : function name
- inputs : parameters in array
- name : parameter name
- type : parameter type (
) - default: the default value if the parameter has a default value (optional)
- indexed :
if the parameter is indexed (when this iseventlog
) (optional)
- outputs : return value
- type : return value type (
- type : return value type (
- readonly :
if this is declared asexternal(readonly=True)
- payable :
if this haspayable
- type :
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getScoreApi", "id": 1234, "params": { "address": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32" // SCORE address } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": [ { "type": "function", "name": "balanceOf", "inputs": [ { "name": "_owner", "type": "Address" } ], "outputs": [ { "type": "int" } ], "readonly": "0x1" }, { "type": "eventlog", "name": "FundTransfer", "inputs": [ { "name": "backer", "type": "Address", "indexed": "0x1" }, { "name": "amount", "type": "int", "indexed": "0x1" }, { "name": "is_contribution", "type": "bool", "indexed": "0x1" } ] }, {...} ] } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid address" } }
- Returns total ICX coin supply that has been issued.
Total number of ICX coins issued.
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getTotalSupply", "id": 1234 } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": "0x2961fff8ca4a62327800000" }
- Returns the transaction result requested by transaction hash.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
txHash | T_HASH | Hash of the transaction |
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
status | T_INT | 1 on success, 0 on failure. |
to | T_ADDR_EOA or T_ADDR_SCORE | Recipient address of the transaction |
failure | T_DICT | This field exists when status is 0. Contains code(str) and message(str). |
txHash | T_HASH | Transaction hash |
txIndex | T_INT | Transaction index in the block |
blockHeight | T_INT | Height of the block that includes the transaction. |
blockHash | T_HASH | Hash of the block that includes the transation. |
cumulativeStepUsed | T_INT | Sum of stepUsed by this transaction and all preceeding transactions in the same block. |
stepUsed | T_INT | The amount of step used by this transaction. |
stepPrice | T_INT | The step price used by this transaction. |
scoreAddress | T_ADDR_SCORE | SCORE address if the transaction created a new SCORE. (optional) |
eventLogs | T_ARRAY | Array of eventlogs, which this transaction generated. |
logsBloom | T_BIN_DATA | Bloom filter to quickly retrieve related eventlogs. |
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getTransactionResult", "id": 1234, "params": { "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": { "status": "0x1", "to": "cx4d6f646441a3f9c9b91019c9b98e3c342cceb114", "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "txIndex": "0x1", "blockHeight": "0x1234", "blockHash": "0xc71303ef8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "cumulativeStepUsed": "0x1234", "stepUsed": "0x1234", "stepPrice": "0x5678", "scoreAddress": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32", "eventLogs":[ { "scoreAddress": "cx4d6f646441a3f9c9b91019c9b98e3c342cceb114", "indexed": [ "Transfer(Address,Address,int)", "hx4873b94352c8c1f3b2f09aaeccea31ce9e90bd31", "hx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "0x8ac7230489e80000" ], "data":[] } ], "logsBloom":"0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000021000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003000000000031400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000" } } // Response - failed tx { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": { "status": "0x0", "failure": { "code": "0x7d00", "message": "Out of balance" }, "to": "cx4d6f646441a3f9c9b91019c9b98e3c342cceb114", "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "txIndex": "0x1", "blockHeight": "0x1234", "blockHash": "0xc71303ef8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "cumulativeStepUsed": "0x1234", "stepUsed": "0x1234", "stepPrice": "0x5678" } } // Response - error (invalid txHash was given) { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid txHash" } } // Response - pending tx { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Pending transaction" } }
- Returns the transaction information requested by transaction hash.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
txHash | T_HASH | Hash of the transaction |
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
version | T_INT | Protocol version («0x3» for V3) |
from | T_ADDR_EOA | EOA address that created the transaction |
to | T_ADDR_EOA or T_ADDR_SCORE | EOA address to receive coins, or SCORE address to execute the transaction. |
value | T_INT | Amount of ICX coins in loop to transfer. When ommitted, assumes 0. (1 icx = 1 ^ 18 loop) |
stepLimit | T_INT | Maximum step allowance that can be used by the transaction. |
timestamp | T_INT | Transaction creation time. timestamp is in microsecond. |
nid | T_INT | Network ID |
nonce | T_INT | An arbitrary number used to prevent transaction hash collision. |
txHash | T_HASH | Transaction hash |
txIndex | T_INT | Transaction index in a block. Null when it is pending. |
blockHeight | T_INT | Block height where this transaction was in. Null when it is pending. |
blockHash | T_HASH | Hash of the block where this transaction was in. Null when it is pending. |
signature | T_SIG | Signature of the transaction. |
dataType | T_DATA_TYPE | Type of data. (call, deploy, message or deposit) |
data | T_DICT or String | Contains various type of data depending on the dataType. See Parameters — data. |
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getTransactionByHash", "id": 1234, "params": { "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238" } } // Response - coin transfer { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "hx5bfdb090f43a808005ffc27c25b213145e80b7cd", "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "txIndex": "0x1", "blockHeight": "0x1234", "blockHash": "0xc71303ef8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=" } } // Response - SCORE function call { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "txHash": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "txIndex": "0x1", "blockHeight": "0x1234", "blockHash": "0xc71303ef8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "dataType": "call", "data": { "method": "transfer", "params": { "to": "hxab2d8215eab14bc6bdd8bfb2c8151257032ecd8b", "value": "0x1" } } } } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid params txHash" } }
- Returns the transaction proof requested by transaction hash.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
txHash | T_HASH | Hash of the transaction |
- T_LIST(T_PROOF_DATA) : List of proof data.
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getTransactionProof", "id": 1234, "params": { "txHash": "0x6c85809ead0e601de5e84f063ef3b7d7c504b95a404356af6094f26a39713eb1" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": [ { "left": "0xac1695c9d3ec0dedd7320d49e8b28bb76cb3f4332f99b396154d35cdb521efbc" }, { "right": "0xbb65b23173914f5618c4101b93a8a9e221814b3733dbd4cab6ae06f47982808e" }, { "right": "0xc845505ca7667bec30d03c67ba6cfa5a3829ed7d7f1250729bed5f780c31606e" }, { "left": "0x0a4ec933df08db2d6982b43b97b5c9564a27dd37ee844660e2613d2d183afce5" }, { "left": "0xac51d42744d093dfaff493de34cc1eff77e4f86989dabf53254f1acea40c6322" }, { "left": "0x757f4ab5a86f8a159f1dac9a7c50c2522b223c9b17fa6d5beeb0c1c20b4cc948" }, { "left": "0x3454646a681c036075b30eb1ca096057cc1a357d861e9ee4c8c8cb2ed6eaae26" } ], "id": 1234 } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Tx does not exist." }, "id": 1234 }
- Returns the transaction receipt proof requested by transaction hash.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
txHash | T_HASH | Hash of the transaction |
- T_LIST(T_PROOF_DATA) : List of proof data.
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getReceiptProof", "id": 1234, "params": { "txHash": "0x6c85809ead0e601de5e84f063ef3b7d7c504b95a404356af6094f26a39713eb1" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": [ { "left": "0xac1695c9d3ec0dedd7320d49e8b28bb76cb3f4332f99b396154d35cdb521efbc" }, { "right": "0xbb65b23173914f5618c4101b93a8a9e221814b3733dbd4cab6ae06f47982808e" }, { "right": "0xc845505ca7667bec30d03c67ba6cfa5a3829ed7d7f1250729bed5f780c31606e" }, { "left": "0x0a4ec933df08db2d6982b43b97b5c9564a27dd37ee844660e2613d2d183afce5" }, { "left": "0xac51d42744d093dfaff493de34cc1eff77e4f86989dabf53254f1acea40c6322" }, { "left": "0x757f4ab5a86f8a159f1dac9a7c50c2522b223c9b17fa6d5beeb0c1c20b4cc948" }, { "left": "0x3454646a681c036075b30eb1ca096057cc1a357d861e9ee4c8c8cb2ed6eaae26" } ], "id": 1234 } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Tx does not exist." }, "id": 1234 }
- Returns the result of proving requested by transaction hash with its proof.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
txHash | T_HASH | Hash of the transaction |
proof | T_LIST(T_PROOF_DATA) | List of proof data |
- T_INT : 1 on success, 0 on failure.
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_proveTransaction", "id": 1234, "params": { "txHash": "0x6c85809ead0e601de5e84f063ef3b7d7c504b95a404356af6094f26a39713eb1", "proof": [ { "left": "0xac1695c9d3ec0dedd7320d49e8b28bb76cb3f4332f99b396154d35cdb521efbc" }, { "right": "0xbb65b23173914f5618c4101b93a8a9e221814b3733dbd4cab6ae06f47982808e" }, { "right": "0xc845505ca7667bec30d03c67ba6cfa5a3829ed7d7f1250729bed5f780c31606e" }, { "left": "0x0a4ec933df08db2d6982b43b97b5c9564a27dd37ee844660e2613d2d183afce5" }, { "left": "0xac51d42744d093dfaff493de34cc1eff77e4f86989dabf53254f1acea40c6322" }, { "left": "0x757f4ab5a86f8a159f1dac9a7c50c2522b223c9b17fa6d5beeb0c1c20b4cc948" }, { "left": "0x3454646a681c036075b30eb1ca096057cc1a357d861e9ee4c8c8cb2ed6eaae26" } ] } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 0x1, "id": 1234 } // Response - failure { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 0x0, "id": 1234 } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Tx does not exist." }, "id": 1234 }
- Returns the result of proving the receipt requested by transaction hash with its proof.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
txHash | T_HASH | Hash of the transaction |
proof | T_LIST(T_PROOF_DATA) | List of proof data |
- T_INT : 1 on success, 0 on failure.
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_proveReceipt", "id": 1234, "params": { "txHash": "0x6c85809ead0e601de5e84f063ef3b7d7c504b95a404356af6094f26a39713eb1", "proof": [ { "left": "0xac1695c9d3ec0dedd7320d49e8b28bb76cb3f4332f99b396154d35cdb521efbc" }, { "right": "0xbb65b23173914f5618c4101b93a8a9e221814b3733dbd4cab6ae06f47982808e" }, { "right": "0xc845505ca7667bec30d03c67ba6cfa5a3829ed7d7f1250729bed5f780c31606e" }, { "left": "0x0a4ec933df08db2d6982b43b97b5c9564a27dd37ee844660e2613d2d183afce5" }, { "left": "0xac51d42744d093dfaff493de34cc1eff77e4f86989dabf53254f1acea40c6322" }, { "left": "0x757f4ab5a86f8a159f1dac9a7c50c2522b223c9b17fa6d5beeb0c1c20b4cc948" }, { "left": "0x3454646a681c036075b30eb1ca096057cc1a357d861e9ee4c8c8cb2ed6eaae26" } ] } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 0x1, "id": 1234 } // Response - failure { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 0x0, "id": 1234 } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Tx does not exist." }, "id": 1234 }
- Returns the status of iconservice
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
filter | T_LIST(String) | List of keys to filter |
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "ise_getStatus", "id": 1234, "params": { "filter": ["lastBlock"] } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": { "lastBlock": { "blockHeight": "0x3", "blockHash": "0x1145f61e69d2a6265f00c29ae2da9a2c73100c9ab4221c6612cfd04edfa0e30d", "timestamp": "0x5739b20776a61", "prevBlockHash": "0xaeb6768558648eed2a36ac13bc6501d075a8dd2ee6a23e277a5def596bfed603" } } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid address" } }
You can do one of the followings using this function.
- Transfer designated amount of ICX coins from ‘from’ address to ‘to’ address.
- Install a new SCORE.
- Update the SCORE in the ‘to’ address.
- Invoke a function of the SCORE in the ‘to’ address.
- Transfer a message.
This function causes state transition.
KEY | VALUE type | Required | Description |
version | T_INT | required | Protocol version («0x3» for V3) |
from | T_ADDR_EOA | required | EOA address that created the transaction |
to | T_ADDR_EOA or T_ADDR_SCORE | required | EOA address to receive coins, or SCORE address to execute the transaction. |
value | T_INT | optional | Amount of ICX coins in loop to transfer. When ommitted, assumes 0. (1 icx = 1 ^ 18 loop) |
stepLimit | T_INT | required | Maximum step allowance that can be used by the transaction. |
timestamp | T_INT | required | Transaction creation time. timestamp is in microsecond. |
nid | T_INT | required | Network ID («0x1» for Mainnet, «0x2» for Testnet, etc) |
nonce | T_INT | optional | An arbitrary number used to prevent transaction hash collision. |
signature | T_SIG | required | Signature of the transaction. |
dataType | T_DATA_TYPE | optional | Type of data. (call, deploy, message or deposit) |
data | T_DICT or String | optional | The content of data varies depending on the dataType. See Parameters — data. |
Parameters — data
contains the following data in various formats depending on the dataType.
dataType == call
It is used when calling a function in SCORE, and data
has dictionary value as follows.
KEY | VALUE type | Required | Description |
method | String | required | Name of the function to invoke in SCORE |
params | T_DICT | optional | Function parameters |
dataType == deploy
It is used when installing or updating a SCORE, and data
has dictionary value as follows.
KEY | VALUE type | Required | Description |
contentType | String | required | Mime-type of the content |
content | T_BIN_DATA | required | Compressed SCORE data |
params | T_DICT | optional | Function parameters will be delivered to on_install() or on_update() |
dataType == message
It is used when transferring a message, and data
has a HEX string.
dataType == deposit
It is used when depositing ICX in SCORE or withdrawing the deposited ICX, and data
has dictionary value as follows.
KEY | VALUE type | Required | Description |
action | String | required | Name of the action (add or withdraw ) |
id | String | optional | needed when withdrawing the deposited ICX |
- Transaction hash (T_HASH) on success
- Error code and message on failure
Coin transfer
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_sendTransaction", "id": 1234, "params": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "hx5bfdb090f43a808005ffc27c25b213145e80b7cd", "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=" } }
SCORE function call
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_sendTransaction", "id": 1234, "params": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "dataType": "call", "data": { "method": "transfer", "params": { "to": "hxab2d8215eab14bc6bdd8bfb2c8151257032ecd8b", "value": "0x1" } } } }
SCORE install
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_sendTransaction", "id": 1234, "params": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // address 0 means SCORE install "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "dataType": "deploy", "data": { "contentType": "application/zip", "content": "0x1867291283973610982301923812873419826abcdef91827319263187263a7326e...", // compressed SCORE data "params": { // parameters to be passed to on_install() "name": "ABCToken", "symbol": "abc", "decimals": "0x12" } } } }
SCORE update
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_sendTransaction", "id": 1234, "params": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32", // SCORE address to be updated "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "dataType": "deploy", "data": { "contentType": "application/zip", "content": "0x1867291283973610982301923812873419826abcdef91827319263187263a7326e...", // compressed SCORE data "params": { // parameters to be passed to on_update() "amount": "0x1234" } } } }
Message transfer
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_sendTransaction", "id": 1234, "params": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "dataType": "message", "data": "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" } }
Deposit ICX to SCORE
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_sendTransaction", "id": 1234, "params": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "value": "0x10f0cf064dd59200000", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "dataType": "deposit", "data": { "action": "add" } } }
Withdraw ICX from SCORE
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_sendTransaction", "id": 1234, "params": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "cxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "stepLimit": "0x12345", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1", "signature": "VAia7YZ2Ji6igKWzjR2YsGa2m53nKPrfK7uXYW78QLE+ATehAVZPC40szvAiA6NEU5gCYB4c4qaQzqDh2ugcHgA=", "dataType": "deposit", "data": { "action": "withdraw", "id": "0x4bf74e6aeeb43bde5dc8d5b62537a33ac8eb7605ebbdb51b015c1881b45b3111" } } }
// Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": "0x4bf74e6aeeb43bde5dc8d5b62537a33ac8eb7605ebbdb51b015c1881b45b3aed" // transaction hash } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32600, "message": "Invalid signature" } } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32601, "message": "Method not found" } }
- Generates and returns an estimated step of how much step is necessary to allow the transaction to complete. The transaction will not be added to the blockchain. Note that the estimation can be larger than the actual amount of step to be used by the transaction for several reasons such as node performance.
- The transaction information without stepLimit and signature
KEY | VALUE type | Required | Description |
version | T_INT | required | Protocol version («0x3» for V3) |
from | T_ADDR_EOA | required | EOA address that created the transaction |
to | T_ADDR_EOA or T_ADDR_SCORE | required | EOA address to receive coins, or SCORE address to execute the transaction. |
value | T_INT | optional | Amount of ICX coins in loop to transfer. When ommitted, assumes 0. (1 icx = 1 ^ 18 loop) |
timestamp | T_INT | required | Transaction creation time. timestamp is in microsecond. |
nid | T_INT | required | Network ID («0x1» for Mainnet, «0x2» for Testnet, etc) |
nonce | T_INT | optional | An arbitrary number used to prevent transaction hash collision. |
dataType | T_DATA_TYPE | optional | Type of data. (call, deploy, or message) |
data | T_DICT or String | optional | The content of data varies depending on the dataType. See Parameters — data. |
- The amount of an estimated step
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "debug_estimateStep", "id": 1234, "params": { "version": "0x3", "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11", "to": "hx5bfdb090f43a808005ffc27c25b213145e80b7cd", "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000", "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136", "nid": "0x3", "nonce": "0x1" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "result": "0x109eb0" } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "JSON schema validation error: 'version' is a required property" } }
- Returns the Account information including stake, delegation of the given EOA or SCORE.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
address | T_ADDR_EOA or T_ADDR_SCORE | Address of EOA or SCORE |
filter | T_INT | flag value to what information will be included(coin : 1, stake: 2, delegation: 4) |
Information of Account
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "method": "debug_getAccount", "params": { "address": "hxe7af5fcfd8dfc67530a01a0e403882687528dfcb", "filter": "0x7" } } // Response - success { "coin": { "type": "0x1", "typeStr": "CoinPartType.GENERAL", "flag": "0x0", "flagStr": "CoinPartFlag.None" }, "stake": { "stake": "0x100", "unstake": "0x100", "unstakeBlockHeight": "0x200", "unstakesInfo": [ [ "0x100", "0x200" ] ] }, "delegation": { "totalDelegated": "0xa688906bd8b0000", "delegations": [ { "address": "hx1d6463e4628ee52a7f751e9d500a79222a7f3935", "value": "0x3782dace9d90000" }, { "address": "hxb6bc0bf95d90cb3cd5b3abafd9682a62f36cc826", "value": "0x6f05b59d3b20000" } ] } } // Response - error { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid address" } }
- Get all list of Representatives and information by RepsHash
KEY | VALUE type | Required | Description |
repsHash | T_HASH | required | root hash of representatives |
- The list of Representatives information by repsHash
// Request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "rep_getListByHash", "id": 1234, "params": { "repsHash": "0x71303ef8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": [ { "address": "hx86aba2210918a9b116973f3c4b27c41a54d5dafe", "p2pEndpoint": "" }, { "address": "hx9f049228bade72bc0a3490061b824f16bbb74589", "p2pEndpoint": "" }, { "address": "hx6435405122df9fe5187d659588beccdf7aee8557", "p2pEndpoint": "" }, { "address": "hx475bfec4178f3abc88c959faa2e6384e6b409c8f", "p2pEndpoint": "" } ], "id": 1234 }
- Returns the block receipts by given parameter.
KEY | VALUE type | Description |
hash | T_HASH | Hash of a block |
height | T_INT | Integer of a block height |
None | — | Last block |
Block Receipts data (including v0.3)
// Request 1 - get last block receipts { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlockReceipts", "id": 1234 } // Request 2 - get block receipts by hash { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlockReceipts", "id": 1234, "params": { "hash": "0x6d4a4dbb950152050684eef5d0e228b8a31cae7afd37d9760b79312305008977" } } // Request 3 - get block receipts by height { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlockReceipts", "id": 1234, "params": { "height": "0x4" } } // Response - success { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": [ { "txHash": "4b9afccf0ce595fc67fd84959d8ff3107aad2e78ea418d8e115d39dbb5ddf683", "blockHeight": "0x696", "blockHash": "59415879e59977ac29bfa5dcfff3dfff2604beb0f1ba97d1944caf90b39d4c49", "txIndex": "0x0", "to": "hxe3d6d5d8e433fbd13b9c481d11cf46cebd84b23c", "stepUsed": "0x0", "stepPrice": "0x0", "cumulativeStepUsed": "0x0", "eventLogs": [ { "scoreAddress": "cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "indexed": [ "PRepIssued(int,int,int,int)" ], "data": [ "0xa968163f0a57b400000", "0x477", "0xd3e02419de2130fd07fe4", "0x20bd5ed6b99b1fcb" ] }, { "scoreAddress": "cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "indexed": [ "ICXIssued(int,int,int,int)" ], "data": [ "0x0", "0x20bd5ed6b99b1fcb", "0x0", "0x53a06a5e791a89dbe" ] } ], "status": "0x1" } ], "id": 1234 } // Request (fail if both parameters are in request message.) { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "icx_getBlockReceipts", "id": 1234, "params": { "hash": "0x6d4a4dbb950152050684eef5d0e228b8a31cae7afd37d9760b79312305008977", "height": "0x4" } } // Response - fail { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234, "error": { "code": -32602, "message": "Invalid params (only one parameter is allowed)" } }
- JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification
According to specification, error code should be in response message. Http
server should respond with status code 200, even if there is an error.
JSON-RPC Errors¶
Error is an object which represent any kind of erros in JSON-RPC specification. It is not python Exception and could not be raised.
Errors (Error messages) are members of JSONRPCError
class. Any custom error messages should be inherited from it.
The class is responsible for specification following and creates response string based on error’s attributes.
JSON-RPC has several predefined errors, each of them has reserved code, which should not be used for custom errors.
Code | Message | Meaning |
-32700 | Parse error | Invalid JSON was received by the server.An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text. |
-32600 | Invalid Request | The JSON sent is not a valid Request object. |
-32601 | Method not found | The method does not exist / is not available. |
-32602 | Invalid params | Invalid method parameter(s). |
-32603 | Internal error | Internal JSON-RPC error. |
-32000 to -32099 | Server error | Reserved for implementation-defined server-errors. |
handles common errors. If you do not plan to implement own manager, you do not need to write custom errors. To controll error messages and codes, json-rpc has exceptions, covered in next paragraph.
JSON-RPC Exceptions¶
Exception here a json-rpc library object and not related to specification. They are inherited from python Exception and could be raised.
JSON-RPC manager handles dispatcher method’s exceptions, anything you raise would be catched.
There are two ways to generate error message in manager:
First is to simply raise exception in your method. Manager will catch it and return JSONRPCServerError
message with description. Advantage of this mehtod is that everything is already implemented, just add method to dispatcher and manager will do the job.
If you need custom message code or error management, you might need to raise exception, inherited from JSONRPCDispatchException
. Make sure, your exception class has error code.
New in version 1.9.0: Fix Invalid params error false generated if method raises TypeError. Now in this case manager introspects the code and returns proper exception.
- Exceptions¶
- JSON-RPC Errors¶
- JSON-RPC Exceptions¶
- JSON-RPC 2.0
- 2 Conventions
- 3 Compatibility
- 4 Request object
- 4.1 Notification
- 4.2 Parameter Structures
- 5 Response object
- 5.1 Error object
- 6 Batch
- simple is better
- 1 Overview
- 2 Conventions
- 3 Compatibility
- 4 Request object
- 4.1 Notification
- 4.2 Parameter Structures
- 5 Response object
- 5.1 Error object
- 6 Batch
- 7 Examples
- 8 Extensions
According to specification, error code should be in response message. Http server should respond with status code 200, even if there is an error.
JSON-RPC Errors¶
Error is an object which represent any kind of erros in JSON-RPC specification. It is not python Exception and could not be raised.
Errors (Error messages) are members of JSONRPCError class. Any custom error messages should be inherited from it. The class is responsible for specification following and creates response string based on error’s attributes.
JSON-RPC has several predefined errors, each of them has reserved code, which should not be used for custom errors.
Code | Message | Meaning |
-32700 | Parse error | Invalid JSON was received by the server.An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text. |
-32600 | Invalid Request | The JSON sent is not a valid Request object. |
-32601 | Method not found | The method does not exist / is not available. |
-32602 | Invalid params | Invalid method parameter(s). |
-32603 | Internal error | Internal JSON-RPC error. |
-32000 to -32099 | Server error | Reserved for implementation-defined server-errors. |
JSONRPCResponseManager handles common errors. If you do not plan to implement own manager, you do not need to write custom errors. To controll error messages and codes, json-rpc has exceptions, covered in next paragraph.
JSON-RPC Exceptions¶
Exception here a json-rpc library object and not related to specification. They are inherited from python Exception and could be raised.
JSON-RPC manager handles dispatcher method’s exceptions, anything you raise would be catched. There are two ways to generate error message in manager:
First is to simply raise exception in your method. Manager will catch it and return JSONRPCServerError message with description. Advantage of this mehtod is that everything is already implemented, just add method to dispatcher and manager will do the job.
If you need custom message code or error management, you might need to raise exception, inherited from JSONRPCDispatchException . Make sure, your exception class has error code.
New in version 1.9.0: Fix Invalid params error false generated if method raises TypeError. Now in this case manager introspects the code and returns proper exception.
© Copyright 2013-2015, Kirill Pavlov. Revision f1b4e5e9 .
Date: | 2010-03-26 (based on the 2009-05-24 version) |
Author: | JSON-RPC Working Group |
JSON-RPC is a stateless, light-weight remote procedure call (RPC) protocol. Primarily this specification defines several data structures and the rules around their processing. It is transport agnostic in that the concepts can be used within the same process, over sockets, over http, or in many various message passing environments. It uses JSON (RFC 4627) as data format.
It is designed to be simple!
2 Conventions
The key words «MUST», «MUST NOT», «REQUIRED», «SHALL», «SHALL NOT», «SHOULD», «SHOULD NOT», «RECOMMENDED», «MAY», and «OPTIONAL» in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Since JSON-RPC utilizes JSON, it has the same type system (see http://www.json.org or RFC 4627). JSON can represent four primitive types (Strings, Numbers, Booleans, and Null) and two structured types (Objects and Arrays). The term «Primitive» in this specification references any of those four primitive JSON types. The term «Structured» references either of the structured JSON types. Whenever this document refers to any JSON type, the first letter is always capitalized: Object, Array, String, Number, Boolean, Null. True and False are also capitalized.
All member names exchanged between the Client and the Server that are considered for matching of any kind should be considered to be case-sensitive. The terms function, method, and procedure can be assumed to be interchangeable.
The Client is defined as the origin of Request objects and the handler of Response objects.
The Server is defined as the origin of Response objects and the handler of Request objects.
One implementation of this specification could easily fill both of those roles, even at the same time, to other different clients or the same client. This specification does not address that layer of complexity.
3 Compatibility
JSON-RPC 2.0 Request objects and Response objects may not work with existing JSON-RPC 1.0 clients or servers. However, it is easy to distinguish between the two versions as 2.0 always has a member named «jsonrpc» with a String value of «2.0» whereas 1.0 does not. Most 2.0 implementations should consider trying to handle 1.0 objects, even if not the peer-to-peer and class hinting aspects of 1.0.
4 Request object
A rpc call is represented by sending a Request object to a Server. The Request object has the following members:
jsonrpc A String specifying the version of the JSON-RPC protocol. MUST be exactly «2.0». method A String containing the name of the method to be invoked. Method names that begin with the word rpc followed by a period character (U+002E or ASCII 46) are reserved for rpc-internal methods and extensions and MUST NOT be used for anything else. params A Structured value that holds the parameter values to be used during the invocation of the method. This member MAY be omitted. id An identifier established by the Client that MUST contain a String, Number, or NULL value if included. If it is not included it is assumed to be a notification. The value SHOULD normally not be Null [1] and Numbers SHOULD NOT contain fractional parts [2]
The Server MUST reply with the same value in the Response object if included. This member is used to correlate the context between the two objects.
[1] The use of Null as a value for the id member in a Request object is discouraged, because this specification uses a value of Null for Responses with an unknown id. Also, because JSON-RPC 1.0 uses an id value of Null for Notifications this could cause confusion in handling.
[2] Fractional parts may be problematic, since many decimal fractions cannot be represented exactly as binary fractions.
4.1 Notification
A Notification is a Request object without an «id» member. A Request object that is a Notification signifies the Client’s lack of interest in the corresponding Response object, and as such no Response object needs to be returned to the client. The Server MUST NOT reply to a Notification, including those that are within a batch request.
Notifications are not confirmable by definition, since they do not have a Response object to be returned. As such, the Client would not be aware of any errors (like e.g. «Invalid params.», «Internal error.»).
4.2 Parameter Structures
If present, parameters for the rpc call MUST be provided as a Structured value. Either by-position through an Array or by-name through an Object.
- by-position: params MUST be an Array, containing the values in the Server expected order.
- by-name: params MUST be an Object, with member names that match the Server expected parameter names. The absence of expected names MAY result in an error being generated. The names MUST match exactly, including case, to the method’s expected parameters.
5 Response object
When a rpc call is made, the Server MUST reply with a Response, except for in the case of Notifications. The Response is expressed as a single JSON Object, with the following members:
jsonrpc A String specifying the version of the JSON-RPC protocol. MUST be exactly «2.0». result This member is REQUIRED on success.
This member MUST NOT exist if there was an error invoking the method.
The value of this member is determined by the method invoked on the Server. error This member is REQUIRED on error.
This member MUST NOT exist if there was no error triggered during invocation.
The value for this member MUST be an Object as defined in section 5.1. id This member is REQUIRED.
It MUST be the same as the value of the id member in the Request Object.
If there was an error in detecting the id in the Request object (e.g. Parse error/Invalid Request), it MUST be Null.
Either the result member or error member MUST be included, but both members MUST NOT be included.
5.1 Error object
When a rpc call encounters an error, the Response Object MUST contain the error member with a value that is a Object with the following members:
code A Number that indicates the error type that occurred.
This MUST be an integer. message A String providing a short description of the error.
The message SHOULD be limited to a concise single sentence. data A Primitive or Structured value that contains additional information about the error.
This may be omitted.
The value of this member is defined by the Server (e.g. detailed error information, nested errors etc.).
The error codes from and including -32768 to -32000 are reserved for pre-defined errors. Any code within this range, but not defined explicitly below is reserved for future use. The error codes are nearly the same as those suggested for XML-RPC at the following url: http://xmlrpc-epi.sourceforge.net/specs/rfc.fault_codes.php
code | message | meaning |
-32700 | Parse error | Invalid JSON was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text. |
-32600 | Invalid Request | The JSON sent is not a valid Request object. |
-32601 | Method not found | The method does not exist / is not available. |
-32602 | Invalid params | Invalid method parameter(s). |
-32603 | Internal error | Internal JSON-RPC error. |
-32099 to -32000 | Server error | Reserved for implementation-defined server-errors. |
The remainder of the space is available for application defined errors.
6 Batch
To send several Request objects at the same time, the Client MAY send an Array filled with Request objects.
The Server should respond with an Array containing the corresponding Response objects, after all of the batch Request objects have been processed. A Response object SHOULD exist for each Request object, except that there SHOULD NOT be any Response objects for notifications. The Server MAY process a batch rpc call as a set of concurrent tasks, processing them in any order and with any width of parallelism.
The Response objects being returned from a batch call MAY be returned in any order within the Array. The Client SHOULD match contexts between the set of Request objects and the resulting set of Response objects based on the id member within each Object.
If the batch rpc call itself fails to be recognized as an valid JSON or as an Array with at least one value, the response from the Server MUST be a single Response object. If there are no Response objects contained within the Response array as it is to be sent to the client, the server MUST NOT return an empty Array and should return nothing at all.
simple is better
Table of Contents
1 Overview
JSON-RPC is a stateless, light-weight remote procedure call (RPC) protocol. Primarily this specification defines several data structures and the rules around their processing. It is transport agnostic in that the concepts can be used within the same process, over sockets, over http, or in many various message passing environments. It uses JSON (RFC 4627) as data format.
It is designed to be simple!
2 Conventions
The key words «MUST», «MUST NOT», «REQUIRED», «SHALL», «SHALL NOT», «SHOULD», «SHOULD NOT», «RECOMMENDED», «MAY», and «OPTIONAL» in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Since JSON-RPC utilizes JSON, it has the same type system (see http://www.json.org or RFC 4627). JSON can represent four primitive types (Strings, Numbers, Booleans, and Null) and two structured types (Objects and Arrays). The term «Primitive» in this specification references any of those four primitive JSON types. The term «Structured» references either of the structured JSON types. Whenever this document refers to any JSON type, the first letter is always capitalized: Object, Array, String, Number, Boolean, Null. True and False are also capitalized.
All member names exchanged between the Client and the Server that are considered for matching of any kind should be considered to be case-sensitive. The terms function, method, and procedure can be assumed to be interchangeable.
The Client is defined as the origin of Request objects and the handler of Response objects. The Server is defined as the origin of Response objects and the handler of Request objects.
One implementation of this specification could easily fill both of those roles, even at the same time, to other different clients or the same client. This specification does not address that layer of complexity.
3 Compatibility
JSON-RPC 2.0 Request objects and Response objects may not work with existing JSON-RPC 1.0 clients or servers. However, it is easy to distinguish between the two versions as 2.0 always has a member named «jsonrpc» with a String value of «2.0» whereas 1.0 does not. Most 2.0 implementations should consider trying to handle 1.0 objects, even if not the peer-to-peer and class hinting aspects of 1.0.
4 Request object
A rpc call is represented by sending a Request object to a Server. The Request object has the following members:
jsonrpc A String specifying the version of the JSON-RPC protocol. MUST be exactly «2.0». method A String containing the name of the method to be invoked. Method names that begin with the word rpc followed by a period character (U+002E or ASCII 46) are reserved for rpc-internal methods and extensions and MUST NOT be used for anything else. params A Structured value that holds the parameter values to be used during the invocation of the method. This member MAY be omitted. id An identifier established by the Client that MUST contain a String, Number, or NULL value if included. If it is not included it is assumed to be a notification. The value SHOULD normally not be Null [1] and Numbers SHOULD NOT contain fractional parts [2].
The Server MUST reply with the same value in the Response object if included. This member is used to correlate the context between the two objects.
[1] | The use of Null as a value for the id member in a Request object is discouraged, because this specification uses a value of Null for Responses with an unknown id. Also, because JSON-RPC 1.0 uses an id value of Null for Notifications this could cause confusion in handling. |
[2] | Fractional parts may be problematic, since many decimal fractions cannot be represented exactly as binary fractions. |
4.1 Notification
A Notification is a Request object without an «id» member. A Request object that is a Notification signifies the Client’s lack of interest in the corresponding Response object, and as such no Response object needs to be returned to the client. The Server MUST NOT reply to a Notification, including those that are within a batch request.
Notifications are not confirmable by definition, since they do not have a Response object to be returned. As such, the Client would not be aware of any errors (like e.g. «Invalid params.», «Internal error.»).
4.2 Parameter Structures
If present, parameters for the rpc call MUST be provided as a Structured value. Either by-position through an Array or by-name through an Object.
- by-position: params MUST be an Array, containing the values in the Server expected order.
- by-name: params MUST be an Object, with member names that match the Server expected parameter names. The absence of expected names MAY result in an error being generated. The names MUST match exactly, including case, to the method’s expected parameters.
5 Response object
When a rpc call is made, the Server MUST reply with a Response, except for in the case of Notifications. The Response is expressed as a single JSON Object, with the following members:
jsonrpc A String specifying the version of the JSON-RPC protocol. MUST be exactly «2.0». result
Either the result member or error member MUST be included, but both members MUST NOT be included.
5.1 Error object
When a rpc call encounters an error, the Response Object MUST contain the error member with a value that is a Object with the following members:
code A Number that indicates the error type that occurred. This MUST be an integer. message A String providing a short description of the error. The message SHOULD be limited to a concise single sentence. data A Primitive or Structured value that contains additional information about the error. This may be omitted. The value of this member is defined by the Server (e.g. detailed error information, nested errors etc.).
The error codes from and including -32768 to -32000 are reserved for pre-defined errors. Any code within this range, but not defined explicitly below is reserved for future use. The error codes are nearly the same as those suggested for XML-RPC at the following url: http://xmlrpc-epi.sourceforge.net/specs/rfc.fault_codes.php
code | message | Meaning |
-32700 | Parse error | Invalid JSON was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text. |
-32600 | Invalid Request | The JSON sent is not a valid Request object. |
-32601 | Method not found | The method does not exist / is not available. |
-32602 | Invalid params | Invalid method parameter(s). |
-32603 | Internal error | Internal JSON-RPC error. |
-32000 to -32099 | Server error | Reserved for implementation-defined server-errors. |
The remainder of the space is available for application defined errors.
6 Batch
To send several Request objects at the same time, the Client MAY send an Array filled with Request objects.
The Server should respond with an Array containing the corresponding Response objects, after all of the batch Request objects have been processed. A Response object SHOULD exist for each Request object, except that there SHOULD NOT be any Response objects for notifications. The Server MAY process a batch rpc call as a set of concurrent tasks, processing them in any order and with any width of parallelism.
The Response objects being returned from a batch call MAY be returned in any order within the Array. The Client SHOULD match contexts between the set of Request objects and the resulting set of Response objects based on the id member within each Object.
If the batch rpc call itself fails to be recognized as an valid JSON or as an Array with at least one value, the response from the Server MUST be a single Response object. If there are no Response objects contained within the Response array as it is to be sent to the client, the server MUST NOT return an empty Array and should return nothing at all.
7 Examples
rpc call with positional parameters:
rpc call with named parameters:
rpc call of non-existent method:
rpc call with invalid JSON:
rpc call with invalid Request object:
rpc call Batch, invalid JSON:
rpc call with an empty Array:
rpc call with an invalid Batch (but not empty):
rpc call with invalid Batch:
rpc call Batch (all notifications):
8 Extensions
Method names that begin with rpc. are reserved for system extensions, and MUST NOT be used for anything else. Each system extension is defined in a related specification. All system extensions are OPTIONAL.
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