Как исправить непропитанный торт

Всё о беременности и материнстве


я один раз делала через слой — слой заварного крема — слой сгущенки, и те слои, что со сгущенкой, тоже не пропитались!


Этот крем для тех, кто любит, чтоб наполеон хрустел. Для любителей промоченного, мягкого наполеона — заварной крем.


Надо было тоньше коржи раскатывать, мне кажется… Мы всегда делаем с масляным кремом, нормально получается.


я тоже подумала может поэтому не пропитался…


ya gotovlyu iz gotovogo sloenogo testa+zavarnoy krem-propitivaetsya zamechatelno!


мне кажется может дело в том что надо было заварной крем. он по мягче и пропитал бы все)) но думаю торт невкусным не бывает. а ваш с изюминкой был)))


imageспасибо, было неудобно есть, но вкусно


коржи особо не зажаривайте, и крем как ваш только к нему столько-же по колличеству заварного крема (самого стандартного) и когда промажите все коржи внутри,  примнитеп торт немного руками, а потом обмажте сверху и по бокам и на ночь в холодильник, а ну ещё сверху и бока обсыпать крошкой ( как коржи + сахарная пудра)
это мой коронный торт пеку много лет


ах да и не кого преса не надо, если тесто делаете сами то главное его правилино сделать посмотрите в инете ролик по готовке слоёного теста, я беру 2- 3 упаковки покупного ( смотря на ск народу) каждый пласт немного раскатаваю


я покупаю, и так куча дел по дому и сил и времени занимает. Спасибо


У меня из слоеного теста такой же получился. Хороший только из тонких коржей получится. Хоть это и дольше по времени, но стоит того


если торт сразу в холодильник поставить , то крем просто застывает на коржах…ты минут на 30 оставь его на кухне….крем немного потечет, но зато пропитается . а потом снова в холодильник и все будет ОК!!!!


Да, точно, так и надо было сделать. Спасибо

❋❋❋ Наталья ❋❋❋

я крем делаю сметана+сахарная пудра (сахар) взбиваю, очень вкусно и пропитываться под прессом почти сутки должен


Я по началу думала со сметаной что ли крем сделать, боялась что пропитается полностью. Спасибо, надо будет попробовать…

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Baking has its ups and downs, and if you’ve ended up with a cake disaster in the kitchen, don’t worry! It’s likely you can do something to salvage the situation. Whether your cake didn’t rise or you ended up with a broken or too-done cake, you can hopefully find a solution to help you either fix the cake or turn it into something else presentable.

  1. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 1


    Cook an unrisen cake that’s still doughy a bit longer. If you check a cake and it still has batter in the middle, it may just not have had time to rise yet. Put it back in the oven for 5-10 minutes, keeping an eye on it to make sure you don’t overdo it. You may still get your cake to rise.[1]

  2. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 2


    Crumble the cake and mix it with frosting to make cake balls. Mix in store-bought or homemade frosting, adding just enough so the mixture comes together when squeezed. Roll the mixture into balls, and then toss in coconut, sprinkles, or cocoa powder.[2]

    • You can also coat the cake balls with melted chocolate and let them cool.
    • This trick also works for a cake that’s too dry.


  3. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 3


    Create a cake dome out of 2 thin sheets of cake if the cake didn’t rise enough. Slice a 1-layer cake in half with a large bread knife to make 2 thin sheets. Lay plastic wrap in a large mixing bowl to use as a mold, and put one layer of the cake in the bottom of the bowl. Trim off any extra cake around the top until you have a mostly even circle. Add frosting or mousse to the middle of the cake bowl you’ve just made, then place the other layer of cake on top.[3]

    • Trim off any excess cake sticking over the edge so it all fits in the bowl.
    • Place the cake in the refrigerator to set before turning it out on a plate. You can pour melted chocolate over the dome or smooth frosting on the round part of the dome for decoration.
  4. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 4


    Fill a sunken cake with candy for a festive effect. If just the center is sunk in, frost the cake as normal, then use it as a bowl for holding candies. Fill it with unwrapped candy, such as coated chocolate pieces, gummy bears, fruit candies, or any other candy you like.[4]

    • You can also fill the sunken cake with mousse or lemon curd and put frosting over the top instead. This makes a quick and easy pudding or dessert dish.
  5. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 5


    Turn a sunken cake into an ice cream cake to please the young at heart. Scoop softened ice cream into the sunken center of the sunken cake and smooth it out. Freeze the cake for about 30 minutes, then take it out. Add frosting across the top of the ice cream and around the edges, just as you’d normally frost a cake, to finish the ice cream cake.[5]

    • For a simpler topping, cover the cake in whipped cream and decorate with maraschino cherries.
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  1. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 6


    Make a trifle from broken cake pieces for a lovely layered dessert. Layer pieces of the cake in a large trifle dish or mixing bowl. Add a sprinkling of alcohol for flavor, if you wish, then add layers of things like pudding, frosting, fruit, mousse, or whipped cream in any combination. As you layer, add enough of each ingredient to spread it across the dish. Repeat layering until all the cake is used up.[6]

    • Make the top look extra special. Create a smooth layer on top with whipped cream or frosting, then top with chocolate curls or sprinkles for decoration.
  2. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 7


    Cover a cracked cake with frosting to hide its imperfection. Frosting will hide small cracks perfectly. If it’s severely cracked, use a little frosting to try to «glue» the pieces back together; do this by spreading the frosting down into the crack and pressing it back together. Then cover the whole cake top with a thin layer of slightly softened frosting, creating a crumb layer.[7]

    • Let this set, then add a second, thicker layer of icing for decoration. If done well, it’ll be hard to even notice it was cracked.[8]
    • Don’t overdo the frosting crack infill though; too much frosting will make the whole experience sugary and unpleasant to eat.
  3. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 8


    Flip a cracked cake over to create a smooth top. If the cake just has cracks on top, you can always just use the bottom as the top. That way, you have a nice, smooth surface to work with.[9]
    The base will be less firm though, so don’t be surprised if it crumbles on the plate; this solution is best for home use.

    • Another option is to level the cake by slicing off a thin layer at the top to make it smooth. Use a bread knife to cut an even layer across the top.
  4. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 9


    Create cake bark from the broken cake for a fun treat. Melt milk, dark, or white chocolate or candy melts and pour the melted chocolate onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Use a spatula to spread the melted chocolate out thinly. Let it cool for 30 minutes, then crumble the cake over it in an even, thin layer. Press the cake into the melted layer. Spread another layer of chocolate on top and let it cool.[10]
    The chocolate and cake will set together. To serve, break into individual pieces.

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  1. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 10


    Trim off the burnt parts from the cake. Use a large bread knife to slice off the top or bottom if it’s burned. Trim off any burnt parts around the edges by running the knife just under them. Take care to trim off only the burnt portion of the cake, as the rest of it is usually just fine.[11]

    • Think of this step as being like scraping off the burnt layer of a piece of toast, except the cake isn’t quite as dry, so you’ll need to use a knife to gently cut the burnt parts off.
  2. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 11


    Brush simple syrup on a dry, overcooked cake, to moisten it. Add 1 part sugar and 1 part water to a small pot and set it on the stove. Heat the mixture until the sugar melts, stirring constantly. Take the syrup off the heat and add a flavoring, such as an extract or rum. Let the syrup cool and brush a thin layer on the top of the cake before you add icing.[12]

    • It may help to poke holes in the cake with a fork to help it absorb the syrup.
    • Know that this is not going to save everything. You might still end up with a gummy cake.
  3. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 12


    Layer a dry cake with moist ingredients to make it less dry. If you don’t have time to make a simple syrup, apply a thick layer of buttercream frosting in the middle of the cake. Then use moist ingredients on top to decorate, such as fruit or chocolate.[13]

    • If your cake is only 1 layer, you’ll need to cut it in half with a large bread knife to add frosting to the middle.
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  1. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 13


    Release a cake from the pan with a knife. If your cake is stuck in the pan, slide a sharp knife between the pan and the edge of the cake all the way around. Use your hands to whack the sides and bottom of the pan a bit to help release the cake, then leave it to cool for 15 minutes.[14]

    • After 15 minutes, try to turn out the cake again. If it still comes out a mess, see the suggestions above for turning it into trifle, cake balls, or another broken-cake recipe.
    • If you remove the cake too quickly from the pan, it may lose its shape or stick.
  2. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 14


    Level an uneven cake with a sharp knife. Sometimes, your cake may rise unevenly. If that’s happened to you and you want an even top, just use a sharp bread knife to cut off the uneven part. You now have an even and smooth top for frosting.[15]

  3. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 15


    Refrigerate cake layers if they tear when you try to cut them. Warm cake layers are more likely to crumble or tear. If you’re trying to cut layers in half, leave them in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to cool down, then try again.[16]

  4. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Final



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    Why did all the fruit in the cake fall to the bottom?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    This can be tricky to work out but some of the reasons might be: 1. The oven door was opened too soon during baking; 2. The cake batter was not thick enough and failed to hold the fruit in place; 3. The fruit was not covered in flour before adding it (where the recipe called for this); 4. If using glazed fruit, the syrup wasn’t washed off. Check also that the right type of fruit was used as called for by the recipe (fresh, dried, glazed, etc.) and that the amounts were accurate.

  • Question

    Why did my cake batter curdle?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    Curdling can occur when the ingredients are a mixture of room temperature ingredients with ingredients that are either too hot or too cold; next time ensure all ingredients are at room temperature. Or, you may have added the egg too quickly and failed to beat it sufficiently into the other ingredients; this can be avoided next time by adding a tablespoon of flour with the egg (take the tablespoon from the overall amount of flour for the recipe) and beating the egg in more slowly.

  • Question

    My bundt cake is too moist. How can I fix it?

    Community Answer

    A cake that is too moist is often under baked, so you could try to continue the baking process until it is baked. Other reasons behind an overly moist cake include failing to completely cool it before storing or frosting the cake or storing it in too warm a place. Try putting the cake in a dry, cool place to let the moisture come out in a day. If it doesn’t improve, add the cake to a dessert dish.

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  • Add powdered sugar or cocoa powder to frosting that runs off the cake. If your frosting is just too runny, add in a little some powdered sugar to thicken it up. Keep adding powdered sugar a little at a time until you get your desired thickness. For chocolate frostings, cocoa powder will also work. Whip it in well to ensure you have no clumps.[17]

  • No matter what happens, pretend it was intentional. Your guests won’t know any better!



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Article SummaryX

To fix a cake disaster where your cake turned out burnt or overdone, start by carefully cutting off the top or bottom of the cake if it’s burned, as well as any burnt parts on the edges. Then, heat equal parts sugar and water on the stovetop to make a simple syrup, and add a flavoring, like vanilla extract. Next, brush the syrup mixture on the cake, which will help moisten it. Finally, decorate your cake with other moist ingredients to make it less dry, like buttercream, fruit, and chocolate. To learn how to fix a cake that didn’t rise, read on!

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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 728,182 times.

Reader Success Stories

  • Sue Stanford

    Sue Stanford

    Jun 10, 2017

    «I had made a coconut and pear cake. It was very dense and heavy. I could see the mix was too wet. I still cooked…» more

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Baking has its ups and downs, and if you’ve ended up with a cake disaster in the kitchen, don’t worry! It’s likely you can do something to salvage the situation. Whether your cake didn’t rise or you ended up with a broken or too-done cake, you can hopefully find a solution to help you either fix the cake or turn it into something else presentable.

  1. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 1


    Cook an unrisen cake that’s still doughy a bit longer. If you check a cake and it still has batter in the middle, it may just not have had time to rise yet. Put it back in the oven for 5-10 minutes, keeping an eye on it to make sure you don’t overdo it. You may still get your cake to rise.[1]

  2. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 2


    Crumble the cake and mix it with frosting to make cake balls. Mix in store-bought or homemade frosting, adding just enough so the mixture comes together when squeezed. Roll the mixture into balls, and then toss in coconut, sprinkles, or cocoa powder.[2]

    • You can also coat the cake balls with melted chocolate and let them cool.
    • This trick also works for a cake that’s too dry.


  3. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 3


    Create a cake dome out of 2 thin sheets of cake if the cake didn’t rise enough. Slice a 1-layer cake in half with a large bread knife to make 2 thin sheets. Lay plastic wrap in a large mixing bowl to use as a mold, and put one layer of the cake in the bottom of the bowl. Trim off any extra cake around the top until you have a mostly even circle. Add frosting or mousse to the middle of the cake bowl you’ve just made, then place the other layer of cake on top.[3]

    • Trim off any excess cake sticking over the edge so it all fits in the bowl.
    • Place the cake in the refrigerator to set before turning it out on a plate. You can pour melted chocolate over the dome or smooth frosting on the round part of the dome for decoration.
  4. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 4


    Fill a sunken cake with candy for a festive effect. If just the center is sunk in, frost the cake as normal, then use it as a bowl for holding candies. Fill it with unwrapped candy, such as coated chocolate pieces, gummy bears, fruit candies, or any other candy you like.[4]

    • You can also fill the sunken cake with mousse or lemon curd and put frosting over the top instead. This makes a quick and easy pudding or dessert dish.
  5. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 5


    Turn a sunken cake into an ice cream cake to please the young at heart. Scoop softened ice cream into the sunken center of the sunken cake and smooth it out. Freeze the cake for about 30 minutes, then take it out. Add frosting across the top of the ice cream and around the edges, just as you’d normally frost a cake, to finish the ice cream cake.[5]

    • For a simpler topping, cover the cake in whipped cream and decorate with maraschino cherries.
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  1. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 6


    Make a trifle from broken cake pieces for a lovely layered dessert. Layer pieces of the cake in a large trifle dish or mixing bowl. Add a sprinkling of alcohol for flavor, if you wish, then add layers of things like pudding, frosting, fruit, mousse, or whipped cream in any combination. As you layer, add enough of each ingredient to spread it across the dish. Repeat layering until all the cake is used up.[6]

    • Make the top look extra special. Create a smooth layer on top with whipped cream or frosting, then top with chocolate curls or sprinkles for decoration.
  2. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 7


    Cover a cracked cake with frosting to hide its imperfection. Frosting will hide small cracks perfectly. If it’s severely cracked, use a little frosting to try to «glue» the pieces back together; do this by spreading the frosting down into the crack and pressing it back together. Then cover the whole cake top with a thin layer of slightly softened frosting, creating a crumb layer.[7]

    • Let this set, then add a second, thicker layer of icing for decoration. If done well, it’ll be hard to even notice it was cracked.[8]
    • Don’t overdo the frosting crack infill though; too much frosting will make the whole experience sugary and unpleasant to eat.
  3. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 8


    Flip a cracked cake over to create a smooth top. If the cake just has cracks on top, you can always just use the bottom as the top. That way, you have a nice, smooth surface to work with.[9]
    The base will be less firm though, so don’t be surprised if it crumbles on the plate; this solution is best for home use.

    • Another option is to level the cake by slicing off a thin layer at the top to make it smooth. Use a bread knife to cut an even layer across the top.
  4. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 9


    Create cake bark from the broken cake for a fun treat. Melt milk, dark, or white chocolate or candy melts and pour the melted chocolate onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Use a spatula to spread the melted chocolate out thinly. Let it cool for 30 minutes, then crumble the cake over it in an even, thin layer. Press the cake into the melted layer. Spread another layer of chocolate on top and let it cool.[10]
    The chocolate and cake will set together. To serve, break into individual pieces.

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  1. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 10


    Trim off the burnt parts from the cake. Use a large bread knife to slice off the top or bottom if it’s burned. Trim off any burnt parts around the edges by running the knife just under them. Take care to trim off only the burnt portion of the cake, as the rest of it is usually just fine.[11]

    • Think of this step as being like scraping off the burnt layer of a piece of toast, except the cake isn’t quite as dry, so you’ll need to use a knife to gently cut the burnt parts off.
  2. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 11


    Brush simple syrup on a dry, overcooked cake, to moisten it. Add 1 part sugar and 1 part water to a small pot and set it on the stove. Heat the mixture until the sugar melts, stirring constantly. Take the syrup off the heat and add a flavoring, such as an extract or rum. Let the syrup cool and brush a thin layer on the top of the cake before you add icing.[12]

    • It may help to poke holes in the cake with a fork to help it absorb the syrup.
    • Know that this is not going to save everything. You might still end up with a gummy cake.
  3. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 12


    Layer a dry cake with moist ingredients to make it less dry. If you don’t have time to make a simple syrup, apply a thick layer of buttercream frosting in the middle of the cake. Then use moist ingredients on top to decorate, such as fruit or chocolate.[13]

    • If your cake is only 1 layer, you’ll need to cut it in half with a large bread knife to add frosting to the middle.
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  1. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 13


    Release a cake from the pan with a knife. If your cake is stuck in the pan, slide a sharp knife between the pan and the edge of the cake all the way around. Use your hands to whack the sides and bottom of the pan a bit to help release the cake, then leave it to cool for 15 minutes.[14]

    • After 15 minutes, try to turn out the cake again. If it still comes out a mess, see the suggestions above for turning it into trifle, cake balls, or another broken-cake recipe.
    • If you remove the cake too quickly from the pan, it may lose its shape or stick.
  2. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 14


    Level an uneven cake with a sharp knife. Sometimes, your cake may rise unevenly. If that’s happened to you and you want an even top, just use a sharp bread knife to cut off the uneven part. You now have an even and smooth top for frosting.[15]

  3. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Step 15


    Refrigerate cake layers if they tear when you try to cut them. Warm cake layers are more likely to crumble or tear. If you’re trying to cut layers in half, leave them in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to cool down, then try again.[16]

  4. Image titled Fix Cake Disasters Final



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  • Question

    Why did all the fruit in the cake fall to the bottom?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    This can be tricky to work out but some of the reasons might be: 1. The oven door was opened too soon during baking; 2. The cake batter was not thick enough and failed to hold the fruit in place; 3. The fruit was not covered in flour before adding it (where the recipe called for this); 4. If using glazed fruit, the syrup wasn’t washed off. Check also that the right type of fruit was used as called for by the recipe (fresh, dried, glazed, etc.) and that the amounts were accurate.

  • Question

    Why did my cake batter curdle?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    Curdling can occur when the ingredients are a mixture of room temperature ingredients with ingredients that are either too hot or too cold; next time ensure all ingredients are at room temperature. Or, you may have added the egg too quickly and failed to beat it sufficiently into the other ingredients; this can be avoided next time by adding a tablespoon of flour with the egg (take the tablespoon from the overall amount of flour for the recipe) and beating the egg in more slowly.

  • Question

    My bundt cake is too moist. How can I fix it?

    Community Answer

    A cake that is too moist is often under baked, so you could try to continue the baking process until it is baked. Other reasons behind an overly moist cake include failing to completely cool it before storing or frosting the cake or storing it in too warm a place. Try putting the cake in a dry, cool place to let the moisture come out in a day. If it doesn’t improve, add the cake to a dessert dish.

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  • Add powdered sugar or cocoa powder to frosting that runs off the cake. If your frosting is just too runny, add in a little some powdered sugar to thicken it up. Keep adding powdered sugar a little at a time until you get your desired thickness. For chocolate frostings, cocoa powder will also work. Whip it in well to ensure you have no clumps.[17]

  • No matter what happens, pretend it was intentional. Your guests won’t know any better!



About This Article

Article SummaryX

To fix a cake disaster where your cake turned out burnt or overdone, start by carefully cutting off the top or bottom of the cake if it’s burned, as well as any burnt parts on the edges. Then, heat equal parts sugar and water on the stovetop to make a simple syrup, and add a flavoring, like vanilla extract. Next, brush the syrup mixture on the cake, which will help moisten it. Finally, decorate your cake with other moist ingredients to make it less dry, like buttercream, fruit, and chocolate. To learn how to fix a cake that didn’t rise, read on!

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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 728,182 times.

Reader Success Stories

  • Sue Stanford

    Sue Stanford

    Jun 10, 2017

    «I had made a coconut and pear cake. It was very dense and heavy. I could see the mix was too wet. I still cooked…» more

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Спасаем торт: скорая помощь для испорченных коржей

Спасаем торт: скорая помощь для испорченных коржей


  1. Провалившаяся середина
  2. Подгоревшая выпечка
  3. Бисквит треснул
  4. Пересушенный бисквит

Выпечка — очень увлекательный процесс. Но как только что-то начинает идти не по плану: коржи трескаются, подгорают или опадают — настроение творить сразу же пропадает. С такой проблемой может столкнуться каждая хозяйка.

Но не стоит унывать. Ведь существует несколько способов «реанимировать» неудавшиеся коржи или бисквит и выйти из ситуации победителем.

Провалившаяся середина

Зачастую бывает, что в процессе запекания пирог поднимается и радует глаз хозяйки, но стоит только открыть духовку, как он опускается или проваливается по центру. Как правило, происходит это из-за того, что пирог не допёкся либо во время выпекания часто открывалась дверца духовки.

Чтобы исправить ситуацию, достаточно всего лишь аккуратно вырезать середину бисквита. В итоге он приобретёт форму кекса, которую также можно очень оригинально и красиво обыграть.

Но если всё-таки вам очень хочется, чтобы праздничный стол украшал именно торт, то образовавшуюся пустоту можно заполнить:

  • кремом, желе и фруктами;
  • кусочками бисквита, перемешанными со сметанным кремом.

Подгоревшая выпечка

Очень часто выставляя высокую температуру или полностью полагаясь на таймер в духовом шкафу, на выходе хозяйки получают сюрприз в виде подгоревшего пирога.

Но подгоревшая выпечка — не приговор. Если пострадали только верхние слои и весь бисквит не пропитался гарью, то ситуацию можно быстро и легко исправить.

Для этого достаточно взять мелкую тёрку (лучше подойдёт тёрка для лимона) или металлический дуршлаг и счистить образовавшуюся тёмную корочку. Также в этих целях можно использовать обычный кухонный нож. Им лучше всего срезать толстые пострадавшие слои.

После того, как бисквит приобретёт презентабельный вид, можно приступать к его оформлению.

Бисквит треснул

Обычно верхушка торта трескается, если он запекается при высокой температуре или в слишком маленькой форме. Кроме этого, пироги не рекомендуется выпекать в формах с отверстиями или для хлеба.

Образовавшиеся трещины никак не влияют на вкус и качество исполнения торта. Ситуация легко решается с помощью кухонного ножа.

Достаточно аккуратно обрезать все неровности и выпуклости, затем перевернуть бисквит срезанной верхушкой вниз. Низ пирога также идеально подходит для оформления.

Пересушенный бисквит

Если передержать торт в духовке, то велика вероятность того, что он пересушится и даже уменьшится в размерах. Но не стоит отчаиваться раньше времени, ведь из любой ситуации можно найти выход.

В случае с пересушенным бисквитом можно поступить следующим образом:

  • пропитать коржи любым сиропом. Так, подойдёт сахарный сироп, вишнёвый ликёр, коньяк, кофе, сок и прочее;
  • приготовить торт схожий с магазинным «Панчо». Для этого необходимо порезать бисквит на кусочки, которые затем выкладываются слоями и поливаются сметаной, взбитой с ванилином и сахаром. Десерт станет более сочным и вкусным, если добавить в него фрукты и ягоды (свежие или консервированные), сухофрукты, цукаты, и кусочки зефира. Сверху можно полить торт растопленным шоколадом.

Приятного аппетита!

Собираю рецепты разных кухонь, формирую кулинарную книгу так, чтобы можно было легко сортировать рецепты по ингредиентам, способам приготовления и прочим параметрам.

( 2 оценки, среднее 3 из 5 )

Вот такая вот история: испекла торт «Наташа» — простые коржи (яйца, сметана, мука, сахар, сода, ну и в каждый добавляла орехи, мак или изюм).Всего 4 коржа.Нетолстых.Пропитала кремом сметана+сахар+сгущенка, поставила на ночь в хол-к…и…достала сегодня утром, отрезала кусочек — он сухой-пресухой…:( вот как его сейчас реанимировать????Есть мысли — разобрать по коржам и еще больше крема налить такого же…у кого еще какие мысли???

вымочить коржи немного в сиропе

Надо было дать постоять ему хорошенько пропитаться сначала, а потом уже в холодильник.
Надо чтобы крем оттаял и пропитал коржи.

надо более жидким кремом пропитать коржи. разобрать обратно и порпитать. я бы заварным порпитывала


Надо чтобы крем оттаял и пропитал коржи.

щас съезжу в обед домой вытащу из хол-ка!:)

Carta Blanshe

надо более жидким кремом пропитать коржи

дак сметанка нежирная была — жидкая…

Carta Blanshe

разобрать обратно и порпитать

постараюсь сделать это аккуратно…лишь бы получилось…думаю, я вся измажусь этим сладким кремом!!!:)


постараюсь сделать это аккуратно

ниткой порежьте обратно и разложите по разным тарелкам. широкий нож тут пригодится или лопатка

Да. лучше пропитывать теперь по отдельности. Пусть каждый корж полежит в креме отдельно!

Carta Blanshe

ниткой порежьте обратно

Спасибо за мыслю!!!:)

Спасла!!!! :yahoo:
Уже съели… :blush:
аккуратно лопаткой разобрала на части…пропитала еще 0,5 кг. сметанного крема и собрала обратно!
ПыСы: никогда еще так не извращалась над тортами!!!:)

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