Как исправить ошибку 2813 2470

Не могу покупать игры в eshop, два года все было норм но с сегодняшнего дня начала появляться ошибка «2813-2470» There was an issue processing your transaction, contact your bank



Древний баг… сам проходит через некоторое время. 


Развернуть ветку




Надеюсь пройдет до конца распродаж 🥲


Развернуть ветку



А почему карту к пайпалу не привязать и платить с него?


Развернуть ветку




Это можно сделать
Но не особо хочу, а то с пейпал постоянно какие то приколы, то работает то нет
Мне привычнее через карту


Развернуть ветку



Ну ради распродажи привязать, оплатить и тут же карту отвязать. 


Развернуть ветку




Так и сделаю если до завтра не пофиксится


Развернуть ветку

Киевский блик


Нет там никаких приколов, привязал и забыл. У меня какое-то время со сберовской карты нихуя не оплачивалось, благо был пейпал с этой же картой.


Развернуть ветку



Сделай виртуальную в своём банке, пара кликов же.


Развернуть ветку




Не уверен, что в моем так можно
У меня bank of America, там виртуальная даётся только когда ты потерял карту
И это оч странно, потому что банк крупный


Развернуть ветку



А, ну западные банки это печалька. Я в своём monobank могу даже валютные виртуалки открыть в пару кликов.


Развернуть ветку




Монобанк тоже имею
Но никогда не пользовался им)
Все хвалят его


Развернуть ветку

Арман Кобдиков


Как же просто с росийскими банками, когда карта создается в 1 клик и смс. Причем например в тиньке это бесплатно.


Развернуть ветку

Выходной ящик


Комментарий недоступен


Развернуть ветку

Aki Ross


ха ха! :) сам с этим столкнулся :) купил на распродаже все части Сиберии, прошло норм! попытался купить Астрал Чейн — и карта слетела! как сказали знающие люди — это известный баг Ниндендо. и они его никак не решают :/ посоветовали включить Пей Пал, так и сделал. через пейпал все работает отлично. так что косяк в сервиса Ниндендо скорее всего. может они не корректно работают с картами других стран, хз :/


Развернуть ветку




Тогда буду пока через пейпал покупать


Развернуть ветку

Святослав Пономарев


пробовал с карт 3 разных банков — неудача. пришлось воспользоваться Пейпалом, тут всё как по маслу


Развернуть ветку

Аккаунт удален


Комментарий недоступен


Развернуть ветку

Читать все 18 комментариев

Image via Nintendo

The Nintendo Switch is an innovative console that has taken the world by storm. It has amazing capabilities that continue to wow users. Functionality is top-rate and usually pretty reliable. But what happens when that console isn’t working and is throwing up error codes?

It’s time to diagnose issues on the Nintendo Switch and fix it!

Note: To find the specific error code needed, hit ctrl+f on the keyboard.



  • This code means there is a serious audio-hardware issue
    • The console will need to be physically repaired. Call Nintendo support for more info.
    • A temporary workaround that works for some, but not all: turn off the «mute volume when headphones are unplugged» setting.


  • This is a console crash error. It could be caused by either corrupted hardware or pirated content.
    • If there is any pirated content on the Switch, delete the files immediately.
    • Try rebooting the console.
    • If rebooting doesn’t work, try making sure the system is up to date.
    • If the above fails, the Switch may need to be physically repaired.


  • Amiibo figure is not being accepted on the Switch.
    • Check for system updates.
    • Check the right Joy-Con to make sure it is working properly.
    • Reset Amiibo data.


  • This error code indicates the Switch is not functional.
    • Restart the Switch.
    • Check for updates.
    • If this doesn’t work, call Nintendo Support. The Switch may need repairing.


  • There is something wrong with the hardware.
    • Call Nintendo Support. The console will need to be prepared.



  • This is a crash error with multiple causes.
    • Try restarting the console.
    • Making sure Joy-Cons are charged.
    • Once rebooted, make sure all parts of the Switch are up to date.
    • If the crash error persists, contact Nintendo Support.

2813-6838 / 2813-6561

  • The Nintendo eShop Card code attempting to be used is unable to be processed.
    • Try the code again, checking the numbers carefully.
    • Make sure the code isn’t intended for a different region.
    • If the above doesn’t work, contact Nintendo Support.


  • Facebook upload is not working.
    • Try unlinking, then relinking the Facebook account.
    • If this fails, check Facebook permissions on the Facebook site/app.
    • If the error code persists, wait and try again later.


  • This is a general functionality error code.
    • Restart the Switch.
    • If problems persist, there may be maintenance or an outage. Try again later.

2124-4517 /2181-4017

  • Usually, there flagged unusual behavior on the Switch, preventing online service access.
    • Wait and try again later.
    • If the problem persists, contact Nintendo Support.


  • The Switch cannot connect to online match-making.
    • Online multiplayer is likely not available in your region.


  • The Switch console being used has been permanently banned from connecting online, likely due to a breach of Terms of Service.
    • Contact Nintendo Support.


  • The Switch cannot redeem a download code because the software is not released to the public yet.
    • Wait until the release date.


  • The credit card being used in the eShop has been rejected.
    • Delete and set up the card again.


  • The download code attempting to be used has already been redeemed.
    • Double-check the download code.

2005-0005 / 2005-0004

  • This error means something in the Nintendo is likely corrupted.
    • Turn off the Switch. Do not delete any data yet.
    • Turn it back on and make sure the system is up to date.
    • If this does not work, delete any offending DLC or pirated content.
    • If the above doesn’t work, try a new MicroSD or format the current one.


  • Transfer of user account to another Switch cannot be finished.
    • Check that the user account isn’t already linked in some way to the second console.
    • If so, delete that data and try the transfer again.


2164-0020 / 2122-0082

  • There is software on the Switch causing an error.
    • Go to manage software.
    • Delete the software causing this issue (likely the game that caused the crash).
    • Restart the Switch. Put the game card back in, if it is not digital.
    • Reinstall the software.


  • A game cannot start because an update is required.
    • Check for software updates.


  • The Switch is unable to connect to online games.
    • Make sure the Switch software is up to date.

2021-0003 / 2000-0000 / 2101-0002 /2107-0427

  • The latest software is not being used.
    • Check for software updates.
    • Check for corrupted data.

2124-3000 / 2137-1508

  • The Switch is unable to connect to an online service because it is not up to date.
    • Update the console.


  • The software is having a general issue with downloading on the eShop.
    • Restart the console and try again.

2142-1099 / 2155-0400

  • The Parental Controls app cannot connect to the internet. The console needs to be up to date.
    • Update the console.

Internet Connection


  • The Switch is unable to determine a network.
    • Run through all internet troubleshooting settings:
      • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
      • Check the network password again and retry.
      • If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
      • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
      • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.
    • If this still fails, call Nintendo Support as there may be additional solutions. In some cases, the Switch may need repair.


  • An error in using an online service like eShop has occurred.
    • Restart the console.
    • Check internet connection.
    • Restart network devices.


  • The Switch is unable to determine a network.
    • Run through all internet troubleshooting settings:
      • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
      • Check the network password again and retry.
      • If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
      • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
      • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.
    • Update the Router’s firmware.
    • If the above doesn’t work, factory reset the router.
    • If this still fails, call Nintendo Support as there may be additional solutions. In some cases, the Switch may need repair.


  • LAN Adapter is detected, but the Switch could not make a connection with the router or modem.
    • Check to make sure the ethernet cable is secure.
    • Try power cycling your home network.
    • Use a different port on the router.
    • Try a different ethernet cable.

2110-2201 / 2110-2214

  • The router or access point alerted the Switch that an incorrect password was used.
    •  Confirm the connection password.
    • Troubleshoot internet connection:
      • Move the Switch closer to the router.
      • Create a wireless internet connection file.
      • Power cycle your network.


  • A wireless network connection cannot be made.  This is due to the Switch not detecting a network. (This can also sometimes mean, for those that have USB LAN, that the USB LAN is not properly set up)
    • Create a new internet connection file.
    • Move the Switch closer to the router.
    • Power cycle the home network.
    • Move anything blocking the Switch or router.


  • The Switch cannot connect to a wired network.
    • Check internet connection.
    • Restart the Switch.
    • Check DNS settings.


  • There are connection issues related to failure to detect the LAN Adapter.
    • Make sure the ethernet is attached.
    • Power cycle the home network.
    • Try a different router port.
    • Try a different ethernet cable.

2110-2004 / 2110-2220 / 2110-2201 / 2110-2214

  • Cannot connect to a specific wireless network. Usually, this is due to incorrect password use.
    • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
    • Check the network password again and retry.
    • If this does not work, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
    • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
    • If all steps fail, check network settings for the home network.


  • Cannot connect to a specific wireless or wired network.
    • Check DNS settings and make sure they are correct.


  • Cannot connect to a specific wireless or wired network.
    • Check web authentication permissions.

2122-2403 / 2211-0524

  • This is a general error, usually caused by a needed software update or connection issues.
    • Make sure your Switch is up to date.
    • Check internet connection.
    • Restart the console.


  • The Switch is unable to connect to the Nintendo Account
    • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
    • Check the network password again and retry.
    • If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
    • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
    • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.

2811-5001 / 2811-1028

  • The Switch is unable to connect to the eShop or other online features.
    • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
    • Check the network password again and retry.
    • If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
    • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
    • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.


  • The Switch is unable to link a new Nintendo account to the console. This is usually due to a DNS error or general connection timeout.
    • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
    • Check the network password again and retry.
    • If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
    • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
    • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.


  • The Switch is unable to complete a match-making process.
    • Try again.
    • Test your internet connection.
    • Power cycle your gateway.
    • If this does not work, try updating your gateway’s firmware.
    • If the above fails, contact Nintendo Support.

2160-0103 / 2306-0520 / 2618-0006 / 2618-0201 / 2618-0516

  • Joining an online match, starting/completing the match-making process, or completing a match has failed. This is very likely a connection issue.
    • Restart the console.
    • Check the connection.
    • Try a manual DNS alternate.
    • Try power cycling your home network.


  • Connecting to an online service has failed. This is likely a connection timeout issue.
    • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
    • Check the network password again and retry.
    • Try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
    • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
    • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.


  • The Switch is unable to link a new Nintendo account to the console. This is usually due to a DNS error or general connection timeout.
    • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
    • Check the network password again and retry.
    • If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
    • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
    • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.

2124-8006 / 2137-8006

  • A download cannot be completed. Usually, this is caused by connection timeout.
    • Check DNS settings.
    • Restart the console.
    • Run through internet troubleshooting:
      • If this does not work, manually enter an alternate DNS.
      • If the above does not work, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
      • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
      • Try connecting to an alternate wireless band as the last step.
    • Contact Nintendo Support if problems persist.


  • Sign-in to either the Account or eShop has failed. The connection may also be an issue.
    • Restart the console.
    • Check connection signal. Then attempt regular activity again.
    • If the above fails, contact Nintendo Support.


  • Downloads cannot be completed. This is because of an internet issue, likely a timeout.
  • Check internet connection.
  • Troubleshoot internet issues:
    • Power cycle the home network.
    • Move any objects blocking the Switch or router.
    • If able, connect to another wireless band.
  • For wired connection troubleshooting:
    • Restart network devices.
  • If all the above fails, try updating the router’s firmware.


  • Nintendo sign-in has failed. This is due to poor internet speeds or wireless issues.
    • Check internet speed.
    • Troubleshoot internet issues:
      • Power cycle the home network.
      • Move any objects blocking the Switch or router.
      • If able, connect to another wireless band.


  • This is an error code associated with a connection timeout or DNS error. It could also be a weak signal or slow internet.
    • Check internet connection.
    • Restart the Switch.
    • Enter a different DNS.
    • Run through internet troubleshooting:
      • Move any objects blocking the Switch (if wireless).
      • If the above does not work, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the wireless router.
      • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
      • Try connecting to an alternate wireless band as the last step.


  • A connection test cannot be completed.
    • Check internet connection.
    • Make sure you are connecting to the right network.


  • Nintendo Switch cannot connect to an online service. This is possible due to issues with the DNS.
    • Restart the console.
    • Check the DNS settings.
    • Try power cycling your home network.
    • Manually enter an alternate DNS.
    • Test the internet connection.


  • The Parental Controls app cannot connect to the internet. The internet is not detected, likely due to a timeout.
    • Restart the Switch.
    • Check internet connection.
    • Power cycle home network.
    • Use a different network.

Related: 8 Best JRPGs on Nintendo Switch 2020

Maintenance and Server Issues


  • There is a service outage preventing connection to the Nintendo eShop.
    • Wait and try again later.


  • The Switch is unable to join an online match. This is due to too many players.
    • Wait and try and join a match later.


  • The Switch will not create a credit card purchase. This is likely due to maintenance or server issues.
    • Wait and try again later.


  • The Switch will not connect to an online service. This is likely due to maintenance or server issues.
    • Wait and try again later.


  • Twitter uploads cannot be completed. This is likely due to maintenance or server issues.
    • Wait and try again later.

2124-5119 / 2124-5249

  • Nintendo Account Services is experiencing server issues or undergoing maintenance.
    • Wait and try again later.


  • The Nintendo eShop is experiencing maintenance.
    • Wait and try again later.


  • Facebook sign-in cannot be completed.
    • Restart the console.
    • If the problem persists, it may be may server issues. Try again later.

2124-5002 / 2124-5200

  • Sign-in to a pre-existing Nintendo Account has failed. This specific code determines this is an outage on Nintendo’s side.
    • Wait and try again later.

2813-0009 / 2813-1400 / 2813-6835 / 2813-9804 /2813-9712

  • There is a temporary service issue with the Nintendo eShop. It may have also timed out due to inactivity.
    • If inactivity, relaunch the store.
    • Wait and try again later.

2811-7503, 2811-7504

  • There is a network outage to the Nintendo eShop.
    • Wait and try again later.

2816-0700 / 2817-0700

  • A maintenance error is popping up on general application use.
    • Wait again and try later.


2002-2049-2002-2064 /2002-4690 / 2002-6201 / 2016-0247 / 2016-0602 / 2016-0641

  • An error code while downloading software or updating a game has occurred. The MicroSD is likely at fault.
    • Reset and check the MicroSD.
    • Make sure data isn’t corrupted.
    • Remove and reinsert MicroSD
    • If the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.
    • If all of the tips above do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.

2002-2001 /2016-0390 / 2205-0123

  • The MicroSD card cannot be accessed.
    • Reset and check the MicroSD.
    • Remove and reinsert MicroSD
    • If the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.
    • If all of the tips above do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.

2002-4517 / 2002-4641-2002-4660 /2002-4741-2002-4760 / 2002-0007-2002-0008 /2002-4683

  • Software for or from the eShop cannot be downloaded. This is a MicroSD issue.
    • If a MicroSD is not being used, restart the console.
    • Check for software updates.
    • Remove and reinsert MicroSD
    • If the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.
    • If all of the tips above do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.

2002-4301-2002-4463 / 2002-3005 /2002-3500-2002-3999 / 2002-0001 /2016-0601 / 2101-0001 / 2107-0445

  • A MicroSD error has occurred while playing a game powering the Switch on (or waking from sleep mode).
    • Restart the Switch.
    • Check for software updates.
    • Remove and reinsert MicroSD
    • If the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.
    • If all of the tips above do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.

2002-1002 / 2002-2629-2002-2669

  • A game cannot download or start. This will happen with a MicroSD.
    • Check for software updates.
    • Remove and reinsert MicroSD
    • If the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.
    • If all of the tips above do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.


  • The MicroSD cannot be recognized.
    • Check for software updates.
    • Remove and reinsert MicroSD
    • If the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.
    • If all do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.


  • There is an issue with the MicroSD and it is preventing downloads.
    • Make sure the system is up to date.
    • Find a new MicroSD or Repair the current MicroSD.
    • If repairs fail and there is no other MicroSD for use, try downloading the software on the Switch system for later use.


These sets of ranges tend to have the same meaning within their group. Make sure to search the specific code if these general tips do not help.

2110-1000 — 2110-1999

  • An error code within this range means the Switch cannot connect to the wireless or wired network. Usually, the error occurred before, not as a timeout.
    • Try power cycling your gateway.
    • Place the Switch in a DMZ in gateway settings. Within those settings, forward ports to the Switch.
    • Restart the console.

2110-2000 — 2110-2899 / 2110-2900 — 2110-2999 / 2110-3000 — 2110-3999

  • An error code in this range means a connection was not made to a wireless or wired network. This error usually occurs during the action, such as a connection loss. The connection loss also could have occurred while obtaining the IP address.
    • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
    • Check the network password again and retry.
    • If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
    • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
    • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.

2618-0501, 2618-0502 / 2306-0501, 2306-0502

  • This error occurs when the Switch fails to join an online match.
    • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
    • Check the network password again and retry.
    • If the above doesn’t work, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
    • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
    • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.

2124-0200 — 2124-0269

  • The user is attempting to use an online game feature while not logged in.
    • Log in to the intended Nintendo account.


These error codes are for specific video game titles.


  • The Splatoon 2 Global Testfire demo will not launch.
    • The demo sessions for this game are no longer available.


  • An online match in Arms will not connect.
    • Check your internet connection and try again.


  • Ultra Street Fighter 2 Online will not connect.
    • Check for a software update on the game.
    • If this doesn’t work, check the internet connection.

Want to read more about Nintendo? Read Best Switch Multiplayer Games on Pro Game Guides.

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Image via Nintendo

The Nintendo Switch is an innovative console that has taken the world by storm. It has amazing capabilities that continue to wow users. Functionality is top-rate and usually pretty reliable. But what happens when that console isn’t working and is throwing up error codes?

It’s time to diagnose issues on the Nintendo Switch and fix it!

Note: To find the specific error code needed, hit ctrl+f on the keyboard.



  • This code means there is a serious audio-hardware issue
    • The console will need to be physically repaired. Call Nintendo support for more info.
    • A temporary workaround that works for some, but not all: turn off the «mute volume when headphones are unplugged» setting.


  • This is a console crash error. It could be caused by either corrupted hardware or pirated content.
    • If there is any pirated content on the Switch, delete the files immediately.
    • Try rebooting the console.
    • If rebooting doesn’t work, try making sure the system is up to date.
    • If the above fails, the Switch may need to be physically repaired.


  • Amiibo figure is not being accepted on the Switch.
    • Check for system updates.
    • Check the right Joy-Con to make sure it is working properly.
    • Reset Amiibo data.


  • This error code indicates the Switch is not functional.
    • Restart the Switch.
    • Check for updates.
    • If this doesn’t work, call Nintendo Support. The Switch may need repairing.


  • There is something wrong with the hardware.
    • Call Nintendo Support. The console will need to be prepared.



  • This is a crash error with multiple causes.
    • Try restarting the console.
    • Making sure Joy-Cons are charged.
    • Once rebooted, make sure all parts of the Switch are up to date.
    • If the crash error persists, contact Nintendo Support.

2813-6838 / 2813-6561

  • The Nintendo eShop Card code attempting to be used is unable to be processed.
    • Try the code again, checking the numbers carefully.
    • Make sure the code isn’t intended for a different region.
    • If the above doesn’t work, contact Nintendo Support.


  • Facebook upload is not working.
    • Try unlinking, then relinking the Facebook account.
    • If this fails, check Facebook permissions on the Facebook site/app.
    • If the error code persists, wait and try again later.


  • This is a general functionality error code.
    • Restart the Switch.
    • If problems persist, there may be maintenance or an outage. Try again later.

2124-4517 /2181-4017

  • Usually, there flagged unusual behavior on the Switch, preventing online service access.
    • Wait and try again later.
    • If the problem persists, contact Nintendo Support.


  • The Switch cannot connect to online match-making.
    • Online multiplayer is likely not available in your region.


  • The Switch console being used has been permanently banned from connecting online, likely due to a breach of Terms of Service.
    • Contact Nintendo Support.


  • The Switch cannot redeem a download code because the software is not released to the public yet.
    • Wait until the release date.


  • The credit card being used in the eShop has been rejected.
    • Delete and set up the card again.


  • The download code attempting to be used has already been redeemed.
    • Double-check the download code.

2005-0005 / 2005-0004

  • This error means something in the Nintendo is likely corrupted.
    • Turn off the Switch. Do not delete any data yet.
    • Turn it back on and make sure the system is up to date.
    • If this does not work, delete any offending DLC or pirated content.
    • If the above doesn’t work, try a new MicroSD or format the current one.


  • Transfer of user account to another Switch cannot be finished.
    • Check that the user account isn’t already linked in some way to the second console.
    • If so, delete that data and try the transfer again.


2164-0020 / 2122-0082

  • There is software on the Switch causing an error.
    • Go to manage software.
    • Delete the software causing this issue (likely the game that caused the crash).
    • Restart the Switch. Put the game card back in, if it is not digital.
    • Reinstall the software.


  • A game cannot start because an update is required.
    • Check for software updates.


  • The Switch is unable to connect to online games.
    • Make sure the Switch software is up to date.

2021-0003 / 2000-0000 / 2101-0002 /2107-0427

  • The latest software is not being used.
    • Check for software updates.
    • Check for corrupted data.

2124-3000 / 2137-1508

  • The Switch is unable to connect to an online service because it is not up to date.
    • Update the console.


  • The software is having a general issue with downloading on the eShop.
    • Restart the console and try again.

2142-1099 / 2155-0400

  • The Parental Controls app cannot connect to the internet. The console needs to be up to date.
    • Update the console.

Internet Connection


  • The Switch is unable to determine a network.
    • Run through all internet troubleshooting settings:
      • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
      • Check the network password again and retry.
      • If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
      • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
      • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.
    • If this still fails, call Nintendo Support as there may be additional solutions. In some cases, the Switch may need repair.


  • An error in using an online service like eShop has occurred.
    • Restart the console.
    • Check internet connection.
    • Restart network devices.


  • The Switch is unable to determine a network.
    • Run through all internet troubleshooting settings:
      • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
      • Check the network password again and retry.
      • If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
      • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
      • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.
    • Update the Router’s firmware.
    • If the above doesn’t work, factory reset the router.
    • If this still fails, call Nintendo Support as there may be additional solutions. In some cases, the Switch may need repair.


  • LAN Adapter is detected, but the Switch could not make a connection with the router or modem.
    • Check to make sure the ethernet cable is secure.
    • Try power cycling your home network.
    • Use a different port on the router.
    • Try a different ethernet cable.

2110-2201 / 2110-2214

  • The router or access point alerted the Switch that an incorrect password was used.
    •  Confirm the connection password.
    • Troubleshoot internet connection:
      • Move the Switch closer to the router.
      • Create a wireless internet connection file.
      • Power cycle your network.


  • A wireless network connection cannot be made.  This is due to the Switch not detecting a network. (This can also sometimes mean, for those that have USB LAN, that the USB LAN is not properly set up)
    • Create a new internet connection file.
    • Move the Switch closer to the router.
    • Power cycle the home network.
    • Move anything blocking the Switch or router.


  • The Switch cannot connect to a wired network.
    • Check internet connection.
    • Restart the Switch.
    • Check DNS settings.


  • There are connection issues related to failure to detect the LAN Adapter.
    • Make sure the ethernet is attached.
    • Power cycle the home network.
    • Try a different router port.
    • Try a different ethernet cable.

2110-2004 / 2110-2220 / 2110-2201 / 2110-2214

  • Cannot connect to a specific wireless network. Usually, this is due to incorrect password use.
    • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
    • Check the network password again and retry.
    • If this does not work, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
    • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
    • If all steps fail, check network settings for the home network.


  • Cannot connect to a specific wireless or wired network.
    • Check DNS settings and make sure they are correct.


  • Cannot connect to a specific wireless or wired network.
    • Check web authentication permissions.

2122-2403 / 2211-0524

  • This is a general error, usually caused by a needed software update or connection issues.
    • Make sure your Switch is up to date.
    • Check internet connection.
    • Restart the console.


  • The Switch is unable to connect to the Nintendo Account
    • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
    • Check the network password again and retry.
    • If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
    • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
    • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.

2811-5001 / 2811-1028

  • The Switch is unable to connect to the eShop or other online features.
    • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
    • Check the network password again and retry.
    • If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
    • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
    • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.


  • The Switch is unable to link a new Nintendo account to the console. This is usually due to a DNS error or general connection timeout.
    • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
    • Check the network password again and retry.
    • If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
    • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
    • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.


  • The Switch is unable to complete a match-making process.
    • Try again.
    • Test your internet connection.
    • Power cycle your gateway.
    • If this does not work, try updating your gateway’s firmware.
    • If the above fails, contact Nintendo Support.

2160-0103 / 2306-0520 / 2618-0006 / 2618-0201 / 2618-0516

  • Joining an online match, starting/completing the match-making process, or completing a match has failed. This is very likely a connection issue.
    • Restart the console.
    • Check the connection.
    • Try a manual DNS alternate.
    • Try power cycling your home network.


  • Connecting to an online service has failed. This is likely a connection timeout issue.
    • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
    • Check the network password again and retry.
    • Try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
    • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
    • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.


  • The Switch is unable to link a new Nintendo account to the console. This is usually due to a DNS error or general connection timeout.
    • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
    • Check the network password again and retry.
    • If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
    • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
    • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.

2124-8006 / 2137-8006

  • A download cannot be completed. Usually, this is caused by connection timeout.
    • Check DNS settings.
    • Restart the console.
    • Run through internet troubleshooting:
      • If this does not work, manually enter an alternate DNS.
      • If the above does not work, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
      • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
      • Try connecting to an alternate wireless band as the last step.
    • Contact Nintendo Support if problems persist.


  • Sign-in to either the Account or eShop has failed. The connection may also be an issue.
    • Restart the console.
    • Check connection signal. Then attempt regular activity again.
    • If the above fails, contact Nintendo Support.


  • Downloads cannot be completed. This is because of an internet issue, likely a timeout.
  • Check internet connection.
  • Troubleshoot internet issues:
    • Power cycle the home network.
    • Move any objects blocking the Switch or router.
    • If able, connect to another wireless band.
  • For wired connection troubleshooting:
    • Restart network devices.
  • If all the above fails, try updating the router’s firmware.


  • Nintendo sign-in has failed. This is due to poor internet speeds or wireless issues.
    • Check internet speed.
    • Troubleshoot internet issues:
      • Power cycle the home network.
      • Move any objects blocking the Switch or router.
      • If able, connect to another wireless band.


  • This is an error code associated with a connection timeout or DNS error. It could also be a weak signal or slow internet.
    • Check internet connection.
    • Restart the Switch.
    • Enter a different DNS.
    • Run through internet troubleshooting:
      • Move any objects blocking the Switch (if wireless).
      • If the above does not work, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the wireless router.
      • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
      • Try connecting to an alternate wireless band as the last step.


  • A connection test cannot be completed.
    • Check internet connection.
    • Make sure you are connecting to the right network.


  • Nintendo Switch cannot connect to an online service. This is possible due to issues with the DNS.
    • Restart the console.
    • Check the DNS settings.
    • Try power cycling your home network.
    • Manually enter an alternate DNS.
    • Test the internet connection.


  • The Parental Controls app cannot connect to the internet. The internet is not detected, likely due to a timeout.
    • Restart the Switch.
    • Check internet connection.
    • Power cycle home network.
    • Use a different network.

Related: 8 Best JRPGs on Nintendo Switch 2020

Maintenance and Server Issues


  • There is a service outage preventing connection to the Nintendo eShop.
    • Wait and try again later.


  • The Switch is unable to join an online match. This is due to too many players.
    • Wait and try and join a match later.


  • The Switch will not create a credit card purchase. This is likely due to maintenance or server issues.
    • Wait and try again later.


  • The Switch will not connect to an online service. This is likely due to maintenance or server issues.
    • Wait and try again later.


  • Twitter uploads cannot be completed. This is likely due to maintenance or server issues.
    • Wait and try again later.

2124-5119 / 2124-5249

  • Nintendo Account Services is experiencing server issues or undergoing maintenance.
    • Wait and try again later.


  • The Nintendo eShop is experiencing maintenance.
    • Wait and try again later.


  • Facebook sign-in cannot be completed.
    • Restart the console.
    • If the problem persists, it may be may server issues. Try again later.

2124-5002 / 2124-5200

  • Sign-in to a pre-existing Nintendo Account has failed. This specific code determines this is an outage on Nintendo’s side.
    • Wait and try again later.

2813-0009 / 2813-1400 / 2813-6835 / 2813-9804 /2813-9712

  • There is a temporary service issue with the Nintendo eShop. It may have also timed out due to inactivity.
    • If inactivity, relaunch the store.
    • Wait and try again later.

2811-7503, 2811-7504

  • There is a network outage to the Nintendo eShop.
    • Wait and try again later.

2816-0700 / 2817-0700

  • A maintenance error is popping up on general application use.
    • Wait again and try later.


2002-2049-2002-2064 /2002-4690 / 2002-6201 / 2016-0247 / 2016-0602 / 2016-0641

  • An error code while downloading software or updating a game has occurred. The MicroSD is likely at fault.
    • Reset and check the MicroSD.
    • Make sure data isn’t corrupted.
    • Remove and reinsert MicroSD
    • If the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.
    • If all of the tips above do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.

2002-2001 /2016-0390 / 2205-0123

  • The MicroSD card cannot be accessed.
    • Reset and check the MicroSD.
    • Remove and reinsert MicroSD
    • If the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.
    • If all of the tips above do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.

2002-4517 / 2002-4641-2002-4660 /2002-4741-2002-4760 / 2002-0007-2002-0008 /2002-4683

  • Software for or from the eShop cannot be downloaded. This is a MicroSD issue.
    • If a MicroSD is not being used, restart the console.
    • Check for software updates.
    • Remove and reinsert MicroSD
    • If the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.
    • If all of the tips above do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.

2002-4301-2002-4463 / 2002-3005 /2002-3500-2002-3999 / 2002-0001 /2016-0601 / 2101-0001 / 2107-0445

  • A MicroSD error has occurred while playing a game powering the Switch on (or waking from sleep mode).
    • Restart the Switch.
    • Check for software updates.
    • Remove and reinsert MicroSD
    • If the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.
    • If all of the tips above do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.

2002-1002 / 2002-2629-2002-2669

  • A game cannot download or start. This will happen with a MicroSD.
    • Check for software updates.
    • Remove and reinsert MicroSD
    • If the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.
    • If all of the tips above do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.


  • The MicroSD cannot be recognized.
    • Check for software updates.
    • Remove and reinsert MicroSD
    • If the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.
    • If all do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.


  • There is an issue with the MicroSD and it is preventing downloads.
    • Make sure the system is up to date.
    • Find a new MicroSD or Repair the current MicroSD.
    • If repairs fail and there is no other MicroSD for use, try downloading the software on the Switch system for later use.


These sets of ranges tend to have the same meaning within their group. Make sure to search the specific code if these general tips do not help.

2110-1000 — 2110-1999

  • An error code within this range means the Switch cannot connect to the wireless or wired network. Usually, the error occurred before, not as a timeout.
    • Try power cycling your gateway.
    • Place the Switch in a DMZ in gateway settings. Within those settings, forward ports to the Switch.
    • Restart the console.

2110-2000 — 2110-2899 / 2110-2900 — 2110-2999 / 2110-3000 — 2110-3999

  • An error code in this range means a connection was not made to a wireless or wired network. This error usually occurs during the action, such as a connection loss. The connection loss also could have occurred while obtaining the IP address.
    • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
    • Check the network password again and retry.
    • If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
    • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
    • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.

2618-0501, 2618-0502 / 2306-0501, 2306-0502

  • This error occurs when the Switch fails to join an online match.
    • Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
    • Check the network password again and retry.
    • If the above doesn’t work, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
    • If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
    • If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.

2124-0200 — 2124-0269

  • The user is attempting to use an online game feature while not logged in.
    • Log in to the intended Nintendo account.


These error codes are for specific video game titles.


  • The Splatoon 2 Global Testfire demo will not launch.
    • The demo sessions for this game are no longer available.


  • An online match in Arms will not connect.
    • Check your internet connection and try again.


  • Ultra Street Fighter 2 Online will not connect.
    • Check for a software update on the game.
    • If this doesn’t work, check the internet connection.

Want to read more about Nintendo? Read Best Switch Multiplayer Games on Pro Game Guides.

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The whole world is going digital. Well not going to lie, but I honestly used to love those big midnight game launches. Where people used to take their camping gear and wait patiently for their anticipated game. And games used to live up to the hype as well.

You have come a long way from that. Hardly there is any line or anticipation to wait in the queue for games. And to be honest, they don’t even live the hype anymore.

Anyways you can now pre-load your game and play it right away and sometimes even before the launch! All you have to do is buy the game digitally. And just like the physical store, the Nintendo e-shop has its own problems.

What is error code 2813 6561 on Nintendo Switch?

Nintendo switch Error code 2813-6561 occurs when you enter the wrong redeem code or a Nintendo eShop card redeemed from a different area. The issue may also occur while redeeming a download code intended for use inside a game, not in the shop.

It is quite common to have these problems while going through the Nintendo Eshop. Not just Nintendo, you will run it to these problems even if you use the PlayStation Store or the Microsoft Xbox store.

And it can be pretty frustrating. So as a lifelong Nintendo fan, I will write this guideline so that you don’t have to run into these problems in the future!

So keep reading till the end to get your desired fix.nintendo-switch-error-code-2813

Follow our guide on Can a Nintendo Switch Be Blacklisted.

Why is the Nintendo Switch Code not Working?

Your Nintendo switch might not be working because the code may have already been redeemed, or your geographical location is not matching the store location. Also, if the Nintendo Server is down, you might face this issue as well.

Now you may ask, why are you getting error code 2813-0055?

Either the download code has expired, or the item you’re trying to redeem hasn’t been made available for purchase on the Nintendo eShop yet; if you see this error code, It’s possible that separate software releases will go on sale at various times throughout the day on their respective release dates.

So you have to make sure that the item you are trying to redeem from the shop is available in your area and at your regional time. For example, if you are in the US and the content has already been released in Australia, you still have to wait till morning for your regional unlock of the item.

Check the game’s page on the Nintendo Switch eShop to see if it contains any add-ons or additional content. As long as the material is still available for purchase, you may use your download code to access that content.

All you have to do is go through our latest Long Do Nintendo Switch Charge Last.

When inputting a download code on the Nintendo Switch, it’s possible to miss a few characters. After filling in the code, if you see an error message, just review it to make sure you’ve entered the information properly.

Alternatively, the coupon may not be redeemable in your area. The Nintendo eShop settings for your area might possibly be wrong. If you recently changed your region in the Nintendo eShop and failed to revert to the old setting, this might happen to you.

It’s possible that the issue occurs even if you’ve entered the code properly and it’s for the right area, but you still can’t redeem the download code. To find out, look at the invoice, the game’s packaging, or any documentation that comes with the code.

On the other hand, if there is an outage going on in your area, your transaction might fail. So check your internet connection before jumping into other solutions. Also, if the Nintendo switch servers are down, you might see the problem as well. You can see if the servers are down or not by going to the official site of Nintendo.

Here’s a complete guide on how to solve Nintendo Switch Error Code 2137-8056.

Error code 2813 is all related to the Nintendo e-shop. Mostly appears when you try to redeem a game or DLC content. Also, when you are trying to buy or download something, this error code can also appear.

There are a lot of sub error codes under 2813. However, the fixes of them are quite similar. But for clarity, I will explain what these error codes mean.

Error Code-2813-0998:This error number indicates that the Nintendo eShop is not currently available in your country/region. Find out more at Nintendo eShop and Theme Shop Availability.

Error code-2813-0065: This code may appear while downloading a code from the Nintendo eShop for Nintendo Switch. Like error code 2813-0055, this indicates that you or another user on the console has already bought the program for the download code.

If you don’t see the program, it may have been downloaded and archived. To fix this, the individual who downloaded the material must redownload the program. Because if you didn’t buy the DLC, you can’t control what happens to it.

Error code-2813-0988: This code indicates an eShop problem. This issue may prevent you from connecting to the eShop. Nintendo is doing the necessary maintenance on their shop. Sadly, you will be unable to troubleshoot this problem number.

Error code- 2813-2470: The problem number 2813-2470 indicates that the card-issuing corporation has declined your transaction. Account identity verification issue is the most probable reason. This might be due to incorrect card information, insufficient money, or a bank alert.

Well, now that we know about the error codes, let’s get into troubleshooting.

Check our separate post for Is Nintendo Switch Worth It.

Here are the steps to fix Nintendo Switch error code 2813:

1. Check the Region

As I have said multiple times already, you cannot redeem a game or code if you are not in the right region. If you have bought or gotten a gift that is for Nintendo USA, then you cannot use the code in Canada.

Now yes, you cannot change your Nintendo switch account region. So if you really want to redeem the code, then you can open a new account for that game and set the available region for that code. If you have made a new account try putting the code again in your account, I am sure it will work.

Check our separate post on how you can fix the Nintendo Switch Controller Not Charging.

2. Change Device Region

Yes, you cannot change your account region; however, you can change your device region. Nintendo eshop wants the account region and the device region to be in the same place. So any dissimilarities in the region will lead up to an error.

Here are the steps to change the device region in Nintendo:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Scroll down to system settings.
  3. Navigate to the system.
  4. Select region.
  5. Change the region.change-the-region-nintendo

Now change the device region according to your account. But if your content is from an entirely different region, you have to make a new account. Make sure to keep that in mind.

Have some time to spare? Quickly check out our epic guide on how to Fix a Water Damaged Nintendo Switch.

3. Check Server Status

If your regional internet connection is down or if the Nintendo server is down, then you will see the error code more frequently. So check the Nintendo server status before jumping into other solutions.


Here are the steps to check Nintendo server status:

  1. Go to your browser.
  2. Search for Nintendo server status.
  3. Log in with your Nintendo account credentials.
  4. Check for errors in online service status.

If you see any error, then you can just chill. Wait for the server to come back online, and then try again to redeem your code. But if the servers are up and running, then diagnose if your internet connection is working fine or not. You can call your ISP to check in with the issue.

So, let’s get started by getting the latest problem fixing Nintendo Switch Not Reading SD Card.

4. Restart your Nintendo Switch

These errors can pop up if there is any glitch with the system. These minor glitches will go away most of the time if you just reboot the device.

Here are the steps to restart the Nintendo switch:

  1. Go home.
  2. Press the power button.
  3. Hold the power button for 5 secs.
  4. Select power options.
  5. Restart the device.power-button-nintendo-switch

After the device restarts, go to the Nintendo shop and try to redeem your code. Hopefully, it will work.

If you are still getting this error code, it might be because your account verification failed. You can delete your credit card information and re-enter it again. Also, you might check-in if you are entering the code correctly.

Also, check out our separate post on Nintendo Switch Error Code 2110-3127.

Final Thoughts

Digital shops are dependent on the internet and on servers. So having glitches and server maintenance are quite common when it comes to buying or redeeming something digitally.

Hopefully, you can fix your issues with this guideline. And if you have more queries, you can always reach us.

Возможные решения:

  1. Повторно введите свои данные или попробуйте использовать другую кредитную или дебетовую карту.
  2. В качестве альтернативы вы можете добавить средства с помощью карт Nintendo eShop Card или PayPal.

Соответственно, как мне исправить интернет-магазин, недоступный в моей стране? Как исправить ошибку Nintendo eShop, которая в настоящее время недоступна в вашей стране

  1. Установите страну вашего устройства Nintendo Switch. Зайдите в «Настройки», затем «Система» и «Выберите регион». …
  2. Теперь откройте Nintendo eShop. Отсюда вам будет предложено ввести регион, выберите Соединенные Штаты в качестве своего региона.
  3. Как только вы окажетесь в Nintendo eShop.

Далее, как исправить код ошибки 2813 2470?

Что делать: если вы пытаетесь использовать сохраненную информацию о кредитной карте, удалите сохраненную информацию о кредитной карте, а затем повторите попытку после повторного ввода информации.

Как избавиться от ограничений интернет-магазина? Выполните эти шаги

  1. Выберите Системные настройки в меню HOME.
  2. Прокрутите вниз, чтобы выделить «Родительский контроль», затем выберите «Изменить настройки».
  3. Введите PIN-код родительского контроля для системы. …
  4. Нажмите кнопку X (Сброс), чтобы удалить настройки родительского контроля и PIN-код.
  5. Выберите OK, чтобы вернуться к системным настройкам.

В связи с этим, как исправить код ошибки 2813 в Nintendo eShop? Примечание. Этот код ошибки может указывать на проблему с используемой кредитной картой.

Код ошибки: 2813-0119

  1. Перезапустите Nintendo eShop и повторите попытку позже.
  2. Попробуйте использовать другую кредитную или дебетовую карту.
  3. В качестве альтернативы вы можете пополнить счет с помощью предоплаченных карт Nintendo eShop или использовать PayPal.

Что такое код ошибки 2813 6561 на коммутаторе Nintendo?

В большинстве случаев эта ошибка указывает на то, что код загрузки или код на карте Nintendo eShop Card был введен неправильно или предназначался для Nintendo eShop другого региона.

Почему не работает Nintendo eShop?

Выключите Nintendo Switch, включите его снова и попробуйте снова подключиться к Интернету. Попробуйте подключиться к Интернету с помощью другой беспроводной сети. Убедитесь, что вы установили последнее обновление системы. Убедитесь, что другие устройства могут получить доступ к Интернету, находясь в той же сети.

Как исправить код ошибки 2002?

Поддерживаемый Square Enix способ исправить код ошибки 2002 — просто выйти из системы, подождать несколько минут и попытаться снова войти в систему. Биться головой о стену и пытаться вернуться без предварительного выхода из системы, похоже, не сработает, так что не делайте этого.

Как исправить код ошибки 2813 0055?

Почему моя карта Nintendo не работает?

Убедитесь, что вы правильно вводите номер с карты Nintendo eShop. Если ошибка повторяется, это может свидетельствовать о задержке активации определенных карт. Пожалуйста, подождите 24 часа, прежде чем повторить попытку, а затем уточните у продавца, у которого была приобретена карта, правильно ли она активирована.

Почему моя кредитная карта не работает на Nintendo Switch?

Если в вашем регионе существует интернет-магазин Nintendo Switch, кредитные карты, выпущенные в вашем регионе, не будут работать в интернет-магазине другого региона. (Например, кредитные карты, выпущенные для США, будут работать только в интернет-магазине Nintendo Switch для Северной Америки.)

3DS мертва?

На этой неделе Nintendo подтвердила, что прекратила производство всех текущих моделей семейства портативных игровых систем 3DS, что завершает жизненный цикл платформы через девять лет.

Почему Nintendo eShop недоступен в моем регионе?

Nintendo eShop — это интернет-магазин для игроков Nintendo 3DS и Wii U. К сожалению, он доступен не во всех странах из-за проблем с лицензированием. Это затрудняет работу тех, кто часто путешествует за границу, берет с собой свою консоль Nintendo, но больше не может получить доступ к интернет-магазину при подключении к Интернету.

Как долго длится обслуживание сервера ACNL?

Согласно странице состояния, как сетевые службы Animal Crossing: New Horizons, так и служба NookLink в мобильном приложении Nintendo Switch Online будут отключены для выполнения технического обслуживания примерно на два часа, начиная с 4:55 по тихоокеанскому времени / 7:55 по восточному времени и заканчивая в 7:00 по тихоокеанскому времени / 10:00

Что такое код ошибки 2002 2060 на коммутаторе Nintendo?

Как исправить мой код Nintendo Switch 2005 0003?

Что делать

  1. Переустановите карту microSD. Выключите консоль, затем извлеките и снова вставьте карту microSD.
  2. Попробуйте другую карту microSD.
  3. Отформатируйте карту microSD.
  4. Извлеките карту microSD и попробуйте загрузить программное обеспечение в системную память.

Как узнать, повреждены ли данные моего коммутатора Nintendo?

Чтобы проверить наличие поврежденных данных на консоли, выполните следующие действия:

  1. В меню HOME выберите Системные настройки.
  2. Прокрутите вниз параметры слева и выберите Управление данными.
  3. С правой стороны выберите «Управление программным обеспечением».
  4. Выберите Ракетную лигу.
  5. Выберите Проверить наличие поврежденных данных.

Как мне изменить регион своего интернет-магазина?

Как сбросить настройки Nintendo eShop?

Nintendo eShop перезапустится».

Возможные решения

  1. Выберите Системные настройки в меню HOME.
  2. Прокрутите вниз и выберите Система.
  3. Снова прокрутите вниз и выберите «Параметры форматирования».
  4. Выберите Сбросить кеш.
  5. Выберите пользователя, для которого вы хотите сбросить кеш, а затем нажмите «Сброс» для подтверждения.

Как исправить код ошибки 2137 8006?


  1. Перезапустите консоль Nintendo Switch.
  2. Вручную введите альтернативный DNS.
  3. Переместите консоль Nintendo Switch ближе к беспроводному маршрутизатору.
  4. Выключите и снова включите домашнюю сеть.
  5. Отодвиньте все металлические предметы или электронные устройства от консоли Nintendo Switch и беспроводного маршрутизатора.

Что означает код ошибки 2101 0001 в Nintendo Switch?

2101-0001 — ошибка на шине i2c. Этот код ошибки может быть вызван тем, что пользователь неправильно вставил кабель (под странным углом). Этот код ошибки может быть вызван неисправными аксессуарами, такими как поврежденный зарядный кабель или док-станция.

Можно ли использовать дебетовую карту Visa в интернет-магазине?

В интернет-магазине Nintendo (NTDOY) представлены цифровые игры и другой контент для консоли Switch культовой игровой компании. Хотя пользователи по-прежнему могут использовать кредитную или дебетовую карту для совершения покупок в интернет-магазине, PayPal предоставляет еще один вариант.

Как разрешить покупки на Nintendo Switch?

Нажмите на учетную запись Nintendo, для которой вы хотите управлять ограничениями. Нажмите на каждый параметр, который вы хотите изменить: «Расходы/покупки» в Nintendo Switch eShop и на веб-сайте Nintendo. Установите флажок, чтобы отключить возможности покупок и автоматического продления на Nintendo Switch И через My Nintendo Store.

Почему я не могу купить В-баксы на Nintendo Switch?

Карты V-Bucks необходимо использовать на веб-сайте Epic Games. Их нельзя активировать на устройстве на Nintendo Switch. Учетная запись Nintendo необходима, чтобы выкупить вашу карту В-баксов для использования на Nintendo Switch. Если у вас нет учетной записи Nintendo, вы можете создать учетную запись Nintendo.

DS все еще производятся?

На этой неделе Nintendo подтвердила, что прекратила производство всех текущих моделей портативных игровых систем семейства 3DS, что завершает жизненный цикл платформы через девять лет. Точно так же игры для DS все еще делаются? Ни один из крупных разработчиков их до сих пор не делает.

2DS все еще создается?

Nintendo 2DS — портативная игровая консоль производства Nintendo. … Nintendo 2DS была снята с производства в Японии в 2019 году, а в остальном мире — в 2020 году.

Как долго прослужит 3DS eShop?

Неизбежное закрытие интернет-магазина Nintendo 3DS назревало давно, и поэтому неудивительно, что он закрывается в марте 2023 года. Вместе с его закрытием в пустоту исчезнет большой выбор игр, с тех пор их нельзя будет купить в цифровом виде.

В какой стране доступен Nintendo Switch eShop?

Nintendo eShop: доступен в США, Канаде, Мексике, Аргентине, Бразилии, Чили, Колумбии и Перу.

Имеет ли значение регион Nintendo Switch?

Регион консолей Nintendo Switch заблокирован? Нет. Консоли не привязаны к региону (кроме китайских консолей). Так что консоли любого региона (кроме Китая) могут играть в игры любых регионов.

Что произойдет, если я поменяю регион на коммутаторе?

Баланс вашей учетной записи Nintendo eShop не переносится, когда вы меняете страну, на которую настроена ваша учетная запись Nintendo. Вам нужно будет использовать оставшиеся средства на балансе вашей учетной записи Nintendo, прежде чем вы сможете изменить страну.

Похоже, Nintendo Switch Pro не появится магазинах. Консоль должны были создать, но производитель отказался от дальнейшей работы и сосредоточился на преемнике.

В последнем эпизоде подкаста DF Direct Weekly специалисты Digital Foundry рассказали, что несколько анонимных разработчиков обратились к ним по поводу Switch Pro. По словам информаторов, Nintendo действительно должна была работать над улучшенным дизайном, основанным предположительно на платформе Tegra 239, но в итоге проект прервали и забросили.

По данным редакции, следующей консолью Nintendo должна стать Switch 2, а не Switch Pro. Но не стоит ожидать релиза в 2023 году. Хотя, с одной стороны, может показаться удивительным, что Nintendo не использует популярность Switch для быстрого выпуска нового устройства, глядя на историю компании, такой подход можно понять.

Предполагается, что Nintendo может несколько опасаться перехода на новое поколение, и источником этих опасений стало фиаско системы Wii U, которая была выпущена вскоре после своего предшественника-блокбастера, но столкнулась с рядом проблем и не добилась успеха на рынке. Возможно, японская компания опасается повторения ситуации и предпочтёт менее инновационный дизайн для преемника Switch.

Nintendo E Shop в России и получаем бесплатную подписку. Ошибка 2813-0999

Источник: ixbt.games

Код ошибки Nintendo Switch 2137-7503 исправить

Код ошибки Nintendo Switch 2137-7503 исправить


И Nintendo Switch , и Switch Lite полагаются на онлайн-сервисы для доставки игр игрокам. Однако проблемы с сетью могут привести к проблемам с подключением, таким как код ошибки 2137-7503. Это довольно распространенная ошибка, которая появляется, когда системе не удается подключиться к Nintendo eShop. Не волнуйтесь, вы не потеряли доступ ни к одной из приобретенных игр или сохраненным данным. Вот что вызывает код ошибки Switch 2137-7503 и что вам нужно сделать, чтобы решить эту проблему.

Как исправить код ошибки Nintendo Switch 2137-7503

Код ошибки 2137-7503 появляется, когда ваша система Nintendo Switch не может получить доступ к онлайн-сервисам. По данным службы поддержки Nintendo, код ошибки 2137-7503 обычно вызван перебоями в обслуживании, отключением серверов или большим количеством пользователей в сети Switch.

Другими словами, этот код появляется, когда онлайн-инфраструктура Nintendo Switch неисправен. Возможно, некоторые службы испытывают перебои во время планового технического обслуживания. Однако этот код также может означать, что Switch eShop или игровые серверы временно отключены либо из-за локальных сбоев, либо из-за притока пользователей в сеть.

К счастью, вам ничего не нужно делать, чтобы исправить код ошибки 2137-7503. Вместо этого вам следует просто подождать и попытаться подключиться снова позже. Этот код ошибки исчезнет, ​​как только онлайн-сервисы Nintendo вернутся в рабочее состояние.

А пока вы можете зайти на официальную страницу статуса сервера Nintendo, чтобы узнать, что вызывает прерывание работы сервиса. Сбои в работе Nintendo eShop являются основной причиной появления кода ошибки 2137-7503, а также кодов 2137-7500, 2811-7503, 2813-0002 и, возможно, ряда других.

Опять же, единственное решение для кода ошибки Switch 2137 -7503 доподождите, пока Nintendo решит проблемы с сервером. Если проблема не исчезнет после восстановления онлайн-сервисов, возможно, вам потребуется устранить неполадки с подключением Wi-Fi коммутатора. В противном случае не стесняйтесь обращаться в службу поддержки Nintendo.

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Источник: task1.info

Контроллер Nintendo Switch Pro не обнаружен или не подключается

На контроллерах Nintendo Switch Pro есть огромные кнопки, которые привлекают множество геймеров. Однако, согласно некоторым сообщениям, контроллер Switch Pro не обнаружен или не подключается. В этой статье мы подробно поговорим об этой проблеме и посмотрим, что нужно сделать, чтобы решить эту проблему легко.

Контроллер Switch Pro не обнаружен или не подключается

Контроллер Nintendo Switch Pro не обнаружен или не подключается

Если контроллер Switch Pro не обнаружен или не подключается к вашему ПК с Windows, вот несколько решений, которые могут помочь вам решить проблему.

  1. Перезагрузите контроллер и ПК
  2. Попробуйте другой порт USB
  3. Отключить от коммутатора
  4. Запустите средство устранения неполадок оборудования и устройств или Bluetooth.
  5. Используйте BetterJoyForCemu

Поговорим о них подробно.

Программы для Windows, мобильные приложения, игры — ВСЁ БЕСПЛАТНО, в нашем закрытом телеграмм канале — Подписывайтесь:)

1]Перезагрузите контроллер и ПК.

Начнем с перезапуска контроллера. Это решение будет работать для вас, если контроллер глючит и вызывает проблемы. Если перезапуск контроллера не работает, перезагрузите компьютер и проверьте. Когда ваш компьютер запускается, он пытается обнаружить подключенные периферийные устройства. Если перезагрузка не помогает, проверьте следующее решение.

2]Попробуйте другой порт USB

Вы также можете попробовать переключить USB-порт, так как здесь может быть виноват порт. Итак, подключите контроллер к другому порту и посмотрите, определяется ли он. USB-порты очень долговечны, но со временем они, как правило, собирают пыль или мусор, время от времени изнашиваются и т. д. Если подключение к другому порту помогло вам, используйте его или обратитесь к техническому специалисту и получите порт отремонтировали.

3]Отключить от коммутатора

Довольно часто приходится переключаться между Nintendo Switch и ПК. Проблема, с которой сталкиваются многие пользователи, заключается в том, что когда они пытаются подключить контроллер к своему ПК, он подключается к Nintendo Switch через Bluetooth. Чтобы решить эту проблему, вам нужно перейти в «Настройки коммутатора», перейти к «Контроллеры и датчики», прокрутить вниз и выбрать Отключите контроллеры. Будет сказано, что подключены только 2 контроллера.

Теперь нажмите и удерживайте маленькую кнопку на контроллере и подключите его к компьютеру. Это должно сделать работу за вас.

Если вы используете беспроводное соединение, обязательно выключите переключатель перед подключением контроллера к ПК.

4]Запустите средство устранения неполадок оборудования и устройств или Bluetooth.

Внутренний микрофон отсутствует

Далее, давайте попробуем поручить какую-нибудь работу вашему компьютеру. Если вы подключаетесь с помощью проводов, используйте средство устранения неполадок оборудования и устройств, а для беспроводного соединения следует использовать средство устранения неполадок Bluetooth.

Устранение неполадок оборудования и устройств

Чтобы запустить средство устранения неполадок оборудования и устройств, откройте командную строку от имени администратора и выполните следующую команду.

msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic

Теперь следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы продолжить обновление.

Устранение неполадок Bluetooth

Если вы Windows 11 пользователя, выполните предписанные шаги, чтобы запустить средство устранения неполадок Bluetooth.

  1. Открытым Настройки.
  2. Идти к Система > Устранение неполадок > Другие средства устранения неполадок.
  3. Нажмите «Выполнить», расположенную рядом с Bluetooth.

Windows 10 пользователи могут выполнить следующие действия, чтобы запустить средство устранения неполадок.

  1. Запуск Настройки.
  2. Нажмите на Обновление и безопасность > Устранение неполадок > Дополнительные средства устранения неполадок.
  3. Выбирать Bluetooth и нажмите Запустить средство устранения неполадок.

Надеюсь, он сделает эту работу за вас.

Если ничего не работает, используйте этот обходной путь. Имейте в виду, что это не исправление, а обходной путь, который сработал для нескольких пользователей и должен помочь вам. BetterJoyForCemu — стороннее программное обеспечение. Это приложение позволит контроллеру работать с Cemu, эмулятором консоли Wii U. Вам не нужно устанавливать Cemu, чтобы запустить эмулятор, единственное, что вам нужно сделать, это установить приложение и подключить контроллер.

Итак, выполните указанные шаги, чтобы установить и запустить приложение.

  • Посещать github.com для загрузки ZIP-файла.
  • Теперь извлеките его куда-нибудь и откройте извлеченную папку.
  • Запуск ! Устанавливаем драйвера в папку Drivers с правами администратора.
  • Затем откройте приложение BetterJoyForCemu.
  • Нажмите на маленькую стрелку, чтобы открыть Дополнительные параметры или Конфигурация.
  • Убедись, что ShowAsXInput включен.

Надеюсь, это поможет вам.

Почему мой контроллер Switch Pro не подключается?

Чтобы соединить коммутатор Switch Pro Controller с вашей системой, вам нужно нажать и удерживать маленькую кнопку рядом с USB-кабелем в течение 5-10 секунд. Это позволит вашему компьютеру обнаружить устройство Bluetooth в своем диапазоне и подключиться к нему. Причина, по которой большинство людей не могут выполнить сопряжение своих контроллеров, заключается в том, что они не нажимают кнопку перед началом процесса. Если проблема по-прежнему не работает, проверьте решения, упомянутые здесь, чтобы решить проблему.

Как заставить мой коммутатор распознавать мой контроллер Pro?

Маленькая кнопка на вашем контроллере, расположенная рядом с портом USB, должна быть нажата, чтобы коммутатор распознал контроллер. Если этого не сделать, ваша консоль не распознает, что контроллер Switch Pro запущен и работает.

Также проверьте: USB-геймпад не распознается или не работает в Windows 11/10.

Контроллер Switch Pro не обнаружен или не подключается

Программы для Windows, мобильные приложения, игры — ВСЁ БЕСПЛАТНО, в нашем закрытом телеграмм канале — Подписывайтесь:)

Источник: zanz.ru

Как исправить код ошибки 2137-7504 на Nintendo Switch

Game News Weekend

Некоторые владельцы Nintendo Switch столкнулись с кодом ошибки 2137-7504 при попытке подключиться к Nintendo eShop. Ошибка не позволяет некоторым игрокам получить доступ к своим интернет-магазинам и не позволяет им загружать игры, которые у них уже есть.

Код ошибки, в частности, означает, что серверы Nintendo eShop или Switch Online в настоящее время не работают. Проблема не связана ни с чем на стороне игрока — это проблема на серверах Nintendo. Если вы столкнулись с этой проблемой, Вы ничего не можете сделать, чтобы это исправить. Придется подождать, пока Nintendo сама починит это на своем конце.

Связанный: Лучшие праздничные подарки для фанатов покемонов

Отключение серверов — не редкость, так как подобные вещи происходят постоянно. Техническое обслуживание серверов обычно помогает решить эту проблему, поэтому компании часто добровольно выключают серверы для их ремонта. Однако некоторые проблемы остаются незамеченными и в конечном итоге приводят к сбою серверов.

Часто это происходит, когда большая группа людей пытается получить доступ к серверу одновременно, перегружая серверы и вызывая их сбой. Хотя в этом случае неизвестно, что вызвало отключение сервера и получение игроками кода ошибки 2137-7504.

Продолжайте проверять руководства по играм Pro, чтобы узнать, когда Nintendo исправит код ошибки 2137-7504, а чтобы узнать больше о Nintendo, прочитайте другие статьи, такие как Лучшие праздничные подарки Nintendo Switch.

Источник: gnw.su

The whole world is going digital. Well not going to lie, but I honestly used to love those big midnight game launches. Where people used to take their camping gear and wait patiently for their anticipated game. And games used to live up to the hype as well.

You have come a long way from that. Hardly there is any line or anticipation to wait in the queue for games. And to be honest, they don’t even live the hype anymore.

Anyways you can now pre-load your game and play it right away and sometimes even before the launch! All you have to do is buy the game digitally. And just like the physical store, the Nintendo e-shop has its own problems.

What is error code 2813 6561 on Nintendo Switch?

Nintendo switch Error code 2813-6561 occurs when you enter the wrong redeem code or a Nintendo eShop card redeemed from a different area. The issue may also occur while redeeming a download code intended for use inside a game, not in the shop.

It is quite common to have these problems while going through the Nintendo Eshop. Not just Nintendo, you will run it to these problems even if you use the PlayStation Store or the Microsoft Xbox store.

And it can be pretty frustrating. So as a lifelong Nintendo fan, I will write this guideline so that you don’t have to run into these problems in the future!

So keep reading till the end to get your desired fix.nintendo-switch-error-code-2813

Follow our guide on Can a Nintendo Switch Be Blacklisted.

Why is the Nintendo Switch Code not Working?

Your Nintendo switch might not be working because the code may have already been redeemed, or your geographical location is not matching the store location. Also, if the Nintendo Server is down, you might face this issue as well.

Now you may ask, why are you getting error code 2813-0055?

Either the download code has expired, or the item you’re trying to redeem hasn’t been made available for purchase on the Nintendo eShop yet; if you see this error code, It’s possible that separate software releases will go on sale at various times throughout the day on their respective release dates.

So you have to make sure that the item you are trying to redeem from the shop is available in your area and at your regional time. For example, if you are in the US and the content has already been released in Australia, you still have to wait till morning for your regional unlock of the item.

Check the game’s page on the Nintendo Switch eShop to see if it contains any add-ons or additional content. As long as the material is still available for purchase, you may use your download code to access that content.

All you have to do is go through our latest Long Do Nintendo Switch Charge Last.

When inputting a download code on the Nintendo Switch, it’s possible to miss a few characters. After filling in the code, if you see an error message, just review it to make sure you’ve entered the information properly.

Alternatively, the coupon may not be redeemable in your area. The Nintendo eShop settings for your area might possibly be wrong. If you recently changed your region in the Nintendo eShop and failed to revert to the old setting, this might happen to you.

It’s possible that the issue occurs even if you’ve entered the code properly and it’s for the right area, but you still can’t redeem the download code. To find out, look at the invoice, the game’s packaging, or any documentation that comes with the code.

On the other hand, if there is an outage going on in your area, your transaction might fail. So check your internet connection before jumping into other solutions. Also, if the Nintendo switch servers are down, you might see the problem as well. You can see if the servers are down or not by going to the official site of Nintendo.

Here’s a complete guide on how to solve Nintendo Switch Error Code 2137-8056.

Error code 2813 is all related to the Nintendo e-shop. Mostly appears when you try to redeem a game or DLC content. Also, when you are trying to buy or download something, this error code can also appear.

There are a lot of sub error codes under 2813. However, the fixes of them are quite similar. But for clarity, I will explain what these error codes mean.

Error Code-2813-0998:This error number indicates that the Nintendo eShop is not currently available in your country/region. Find out more at Nintendo eShop and Theme Shop Availability.

Error code-2813-0065: This code may appear while downloading a code from the Nintendo eShop for Nintendo Switch. Like error code 2813-0055, this indicates that you or another user on the console has already bought the program for the download code.

If you don’t see the program, it may have been downloaded and archived. To fix this, the individual who downloaded the material must redownload the program. Because if you didn’t buy the DLC, you can’t control what happens to it.

Error code-2813-0988: This code indicates an eShop problem. This issue may prevent you from connecting to the eShop. Nintendo is doing the necessary maintenance on their shop. Sadly, you will be unable to troubleshoot this problem number.

Error code- 2813-2470: The problem number 2813-2470 indicates that the card-issuing corporation has declined your transaction. Account identity verification issue is the most probable reason. This might be due to incorrect card information, insufficient money, or a bank alert.

Well, now that we know about the error codes, let’s get into troubleshooting.

Check our separate post for Is Nintendo Switch Worth It.

Here are the steps to fix Nintendo Switch error code 2813:

1. Check the Region

As I have said multiple times already, you cannot redeem a game or code if you are not in the right region. If you have bought or gotten a gift that is for Nintendo USA, then you cannot use the code in Canada.

Now yes, you cannot change your Nintendo switch account region. So if you really want to redeem the code, then you can open a new account for that game and set the available region for that code. If you have made a new account try putting the code again in your account, I am sure it will work.

Check our separate post on how you can fix the Nintendo Switch Controller Not Charging.

2. Change Device Region

Yes, you cannot change your account region; however, you can change your device region. Nintendo eshop wants the account region and the device region to be in the same place. So any dissimilarities in the region will lead up to an error.

Here are the steps to change the device region in Nintendo:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Scroll down to system settings.
  3. Navigate to the system.
  4. Select region.
  5. Change the region.change-the-region-nintendo

Now change the device region according to your account. But if your content is from an entirely different region, you have to make a new account. Make sure to keep that in mind.

Have some time to spare? Quickly check out our epic guide on how to Fix a Water Damaged Nintendo Switch.

3. Check Server Status

If your regional internet connection is down or if the Nintendo server is down, then you will see the error code more frequently. So check the Nintendo server status before jumping into other solutions.


Here are the steps to check Nintendo server status:

  1. Go to your browser.
  2. Search for Nintendo server status.
  3. Log in with your Nintendo account credentials.
  4. Check for errors in online service status.

If you see any error, then you can just chill. Wait for the server to come back online, and then try again to redeem your code. But if the servers are up and running, then diagnose if your internet connection is working fine or not. You can call your ISP to check in with the issue.

So, let’s get started by getting the latest problem fixing Nintendo Switch Not Reading SD Card.

4. Restart your Nintendo Switch

These errors can pop up if there is any glitch with the system. These minor glitches will go away most of the time if you just reboot the device.

Here are the steps to restart the Nintendo switch:

  1. Go home.
  2. Press the power button.
  3. Hold the power button for 5 secs.
  4. Select power options.
  5. Restart the device.power-button-nintendo-switch

After the device restarts, go to the Nintendo shop and try to redeem your code. Hopefully, it will work.

If you are still getting this error code, it might be because your account verification failed. You can delete your credit card information and re-enter it again. Also, you might check-in if you are entering the code correctly.

Also, check out our separate post on Nintendo Switch Error Code 2110-3127.

Final Thoughts

Digital shops are dependent on the internet and on servers. So having glitches and server maintenance are quite common when it comes to buying or redeeming something digitally.

Hopefully, you can fix your issues with this guideline. And if you have more queries, you can always reach us.

Leon Meyer

Вы получаете ошибку 2813-0998 на вашем Nintendo Switch? Если да, то вы пришли к правильной статье. Эта ошибка сопровождается сообщением «Nintendo eShop в настоящее время не может использоваться в вашей стране / регионе». К счастью, это очень легко исправить, как показано ниже.

Что вызывает ошибку 2813-0998 на Nintendo Switch?

Эта ошибка обычно появляется при попытке доступа к Nintendo eShop on Switch. Это признак того, что ваша учетная запись Nintendo пытается получить доступ к eShop в регионе, где он недоступен. В каждом регионе есть только ограниченное число стран, имеющих доступ к Nintendo eShop.

Что нужно сделать, чтобы исправить ошибку Nintendo Switch Code 2813-0998?

Исправить ошибку Nintendo Switch 2813-0998 просто. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это обновить свою учетную запись Nintendo, выбрав страну, которая поддерживает eShop, такую ​​как США или Япония. Для обновления вам понадобится второе устройство, например смартфон или компьютер с доступом в Интернет..

Как обновить регион вашего аккаунта Nintendo

Вы можете узнать, как обновить свой аккаунт, следуя инструкциям ниже.

На своем компьютере или смартфоне зайдите на account. nintendo. com и обязательно войдите в свою учетную запись Nintendo..

После того, как вы вошли в систему, выберите редактировать Нажмите кнопку в разделе «Профиль» и в разделе «Страна / регион проживания» выберите страну, например США, где доступен Nintendo eShop..

После выбора страны обязательно нажмите на Сохранить изменения кнопка.

Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку ПИТАНИЕ в верхней части консоли около 3 секунд. Затем выберите Варианты питания>Выключить.

Снова включите консоль и повторно введите учетные данные.

Что делать, если вы не можете войти?

В некоторых случаях при попытке входа в систему может отображаться ошибка типа 2124-8006. В этом случае вам может потребоваться устранить неполадки с подключением к Интернету или, в некоторых случаях, вручную изменить настройки DNS..

Проблемы со входом в учетные записи Nintendo встречаются редко, но если они возникают, их также легко исправить. Проблемы с учетной записью в основном вызваны неправильной настройкой сети или потерей интернет-соединения. В других случаях Nintendo Switch может работать некорректно или не сможет войти из-за медленного интернет-соединения..

Если вы по-прежнему испытываете ошибку 2813-0998 после того, как исчерпали все неисправности, вы можете обратиться в службу поддержки Nintendo..

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My credit card suddenly doesn’t work : NintendoSwitch

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Error Code: 2813-2470 | Support | Nintendo

What to Do: If you are attempting to use credit card information that was sa

ved, delete the saved credit card information and then try again after re-entering the information. If this occurs when not using saved credit card information, check the card information to ensure you are entering it correctly, including the name, billing address, and security code.

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s gamefaqs. gamespot. com For Nintendo Switch on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled «Eshop won’t accept my credit cards».

Nintendo Switch Family. Using & Troubleshooting; Games & Apps; Parental Cont

rols; Internet Connection; Nintendo Switch Online; Other Systems. Nintendo 3DS Family

Nintendo Support: Error Code: 2813-2470

What to do. If you are attempting to use credit card information that was sa

ved, delete the saved credit card information and then try again after re-entering the information. If this occurs when not using saved credit card information, check the card information to ensure you are entering it correctly, including the name, billing address, and security code.

My credit card suddenly doesn’t work : NintendoSwitch. Shop And Save at www.

reddit. com I had to call Nintendo support and explain everything so they could manually deactivate my account from Theivey McBelgium’s Switch. Even with Nintendo’s excellent customer service, it took a 45 minute phone call (including multiple holds) to resolve everything.

Apr 19, 2020 · My best advice for you is too contact Nintendo and tell th

em exactly what’s going on. If anyone can help you it’s them. Remember to give them as much information as possible.

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Hello, I had the problem of purchasing the Fighters Pass, not the game as a

whole. But was able to fix my issue by disconnecting my bank card from my PayPal account, than going back into the eShop, than attempting to purchase the content again.

Error Code: 2813-2400 | Nintendo Switch | Support | Nintendo

Dear visitor, Thank you for visiting the Nintendo website! You have been ran

domly chosen to take part in a brief survey. By taking a few minutes to share your thoughts and opinions, you will be helping us to improve our website.

Help needed! Eshop issues! : NintendoSwitch

Jokes aside, I’m from Pakistan and studying in China. I have US and Japan as

my profiles. If I want to buy a game, I look for cheapest store and just buy the gift card from Taobao. It’s very simple and easy, as soon as you buy a gift card, the Taobao shop sends you automated message with the code in it.

hi friends, in this video, i am explaining how to fix error code : 2813-0998

Nintendo Support: Error Code: 2813-0000

Verify that the country settings on your Nintendo Account are correct, then

restart your console by holding down the POWER Button for three seconds, then select Power Options followed by Restart; Start the Nintendo eShop, ensuring that the region of the Game News you are viewing matches the region settings on your Nintendo Account.

Oct 21, 2016 · «My Brother Accidentally Scratched Off Some Letters for Th

Nintendo Support: Error Code: 2813-1400

Nintendo Switch Online; Other Systems. Nintendo 3DS Family; Game & Watch; Cl

Mar 19, 2020 · Here’s how to Fix Nintendo Eshop Error 2813-0051. Learn mo

re?* https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=FKzLAjkSwTo Fix Followed user has left the game (Error Code 52.

Nintendo Support: Error Code: 2813-0055

(For example, a code sold for use in Japan can only be redeemed with a Ninte

ndo Account and/or Nintendo eShop also set to Japan.) If you are attempting to use a download code from a different region (a European download code with a North American Nintendo Account, for example), the download code …

Nintendo Support: Error Code: 2813-0998

Once the country setting has been updated on your Nintendo Account to a coun

try where the Nintendo eShop is available, power off your console and then power it back on. You may need to re-enter your Nintendo Account login.

Error Code: 2813-0055 | Nintendo Switch | Support | Nintendo

(For example, a code sold for use in Japan can only be redeemed with a Ninte

ndo Account also set to Japan.) If you are attempting to use a download code from a different region (a European download code with a North American Nintendo Account, for example), the download code will not work.

Nintendo Support: Error Code: 2813-6561

Nintendo Switch Online; Other Systems. Nintendo 3DS Family; Game & Watch; Cl

17 votes, 20 comments. Is anyone else unable to buy anything? I finally got

around to buying a game, and it won’t let me, I tried instead to add …

Here’s how to Fix Error code 2813-6838 problem with your Nintendo eShop Card

. Learn more?* https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=5jAjh57LT3s Fix Installation error.

Date: March 29, 2019I have a serious problem! What the hell is this!? Now I

Error Code: 2813-1470 | Support | Nintendo

What to Do. If you are attempting to use credit card information that was sa

ved, delete the saved credit card information and then try again after re-entering the information. If this occurs when not using saved credit card information, check the card information to ensure you are entering it correctly, including the name, billing address, and security code.

About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy

Error Code: 2813-2410 | Nintendo Switch | Support | Nintendo

Thank you for visiting the Nintendo website! You have been randomly chosen t

o take part in a brief survey. By taking a few minutes to share your thoughts and opinions, you will be helping us to improve our website. Naturally, any information provided by you in this survey will be treated in confidence. Your Nintendo of Europe Team

Nope, cruddy home internet. I was able to redeem a code on it a few days ago

, even, so I don’t know why it took a crap suddenly if it’s on my end. n00bsaib0t posted. I’ve had issues with codes in the past, it is possible to call Nintendo customer support and have them redeem the code on your account for you.

Nintendo Support: Error Code: 2813-9712

Situation not resolved. If there is no maintenance or outage posted, and you

have experienced this issue for an extended amount of time, please contact us for additional assistance.

Error Code: 2813-2472 | Nintendo Switch | Support | Nintendo

Dear visitor, Thank you for visiting the Nintendo website! You have been ran

domly chosen to take part in a brief survey. By taking a few minutes to share your thoughts and opinions, you will be helping us to improve our website.

Nintendo Switch Error codes

You are unable to connect your Nintendo Switch console to a wireless network

Nintendo did a lot of things right with NH with added customisation and QoL

updates (bigger inventory, traversing your island without requiring a bridge or stairs, the internal house decoration system), but took out so much of the actual gameplay from previous entries that just can’t be ignored any more.

w leaving nintendo. com. au to an external web site. Nintendo Australia is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any external site.

Error Code: 2813-0009 | Nintendo Switch | Support | Nintendo

Dear visitor, Thank you for visiting the Nintendo website! You have been ran

domly chosen to take part in a brief survey. By taking a few minutes to share your thoughts and opinions, you will be helping us to improve our website.

Anyway TC, couldn’t find any solutions to that particular code online, all o

f the sites I found that referenced it didn’t have an answer, so I’d just contact Nintendo about it. I am Ace-of-Clubs, and I approve this message.

Error Code: 2813-0000 | Support | Nintendo

Verify that the country settings on your Nintendo Account are correct, then

restart your console by holding down the POWER Button for three seconds, then select «Power Options» > «Restart.»; Start the Nintendo eShop, ensuring that the region of the Game News you are viewing matches the region settings on your Nintendo Account.

Is Nintendo Switch Online down? Error Code 2813-9712 explained

Mar 18, 2020 · Every now and then the online services for the Nintendo Sw

itch, aptly titled Nintendo Switch Online, goes down for one reason or another. Is there anything you can do to fix it?

Error Code: 2813-0998 | Nintendo Switch | Support | Nintendo

Dear visitor, Thank you for visiting the Nintendo website! You have been ran

domly chosen to take part in a brief survey. By taking a few minutes to share your thoughts and opinions, you will be helping us to improve our website.

How To Fix Nintendo Switch Error Code 2813-0998 in 2021

Jul 03, 2020 · You can learn how to update your account by following the

Dec 25, 2017 · Nintendo has acknowledged that users may be experiencing d

Nintendo Switch eShop server error code 2813-0002 | Shacknews

Jul 30, 2019 · Kevin Tucker is a core component of Shacknews’ powerful gu

ide development team. For questions, concerns, tips, or to share constructive criticism, he can be …

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The information in this article can help you when you’re unable to make a purchase on the Nintendo eShop using a credit card and receive the error code 2813-2470. If you are attempting to use credit card information that was saved, delete the saved credit card information and then try again after re-entering the information.

There’s only a limited number of countries per region with access to Nintendo eShop. What to do to fix Nintendo Switch Error Code 2813-0998? The fix for Nintendo Switch error 2813-0998 is simple. All you have to do is to update your Nintendo account by selecting a country that supports eShop like the United States or Japan.

What is error code 2813-0002?

Nintendo Switch error code 2813-0002 appears when users are unable to connect to the Nintendo eShop. According to the official Nintendo support website, «this error indicates that there is likely a temporary service outage related to Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch.» If playback doesn’t begin shortly, try restarting your device.

What is the error code for Nintendo eShop?

You are unable to make a purchase on Nintendo eShop using a credit card and receive the error code 2813-2470. If you are attempting to use credit card information that was saved, delete the saved credit card information and then try again after re-entering the information.

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«There was an issue processing your transaction. Contact your card issuer for more information.»
After some trial and error, I know it isn’t a problem with my card (I can link it to my account on other regions), but with the eshop. After browsing a lot, I know this is a common problem (which sucks) and it can fix itself, but this could take anywhere from a few days to months. Last time I bought a game was a month ago, and by then I didn’t have any problem. Can’t contact nintendo as the support page doesn’t show any way to do so (at least not for my country). I have PayPal, but no option to pay with it on eshop. I also can’t buy on eshop’s website (no payment options are shown). I could change region and buy the game there, but I would be paying nearly double the price.

To be honest, I’m nearing insanity at this point, and the fact that this problem is just a random thing that can’t happen at any moment just makes all this worse (And what a moment it chose, yesterday was my birthday). I just want to throw my money at nintendo for SMT V.

Any recommendation besides calling? I heard the service for my language isn’t as good as the english one (and to be honest, I’m not confident enough to speak it).

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