Как исправить ошибку 3032 xsolla

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I was doing some research and since Roblox uses Xsolla to make payments. I found a reason. It says here

  • 3032: Sorry, the payment cannot be completed now. Please try again later or contact Xsolla Customer Support.

  • This error may appear when your account is blocked on our system. Please check your account for previous chargebacks and contact us to resolve this issue.

But I still dont get why. Does anyone now how to find previous chargebacks? If so how?

level 1

Hello. Please, contact us at help.xsolla.com. We will be happy to solve your issue.

level 2

That doesn’t fucking help. They want a screenshot from my mom’s bank account, that’s so fucking stupid.

level 2

this bug has happened to me on every account for years, Roblox changed to stripe for idk how long, but then it went back to xsolla which is broken

level 2

shut yo dumbass up it doesnt work yall are fucking scammers

level 2

Shut the fuck up. I contacted you guys and all responses are bot-like. Every single time I contacted customer services i got the same copy and pasted message telling me you can’t do anything. Anyway I reached out to roblox, many people are unhappy with Xsolla and with the amount of complaints roblox are getting about your crappy management hopefully they’ll choose another site to manage their payments.

level 2

Because Xsolla fucking sucks and is stupid af.

level 1

same ive been getting that to idk what to fucking do bruh ;(

level 2

this shit is fucking rigged it still dosen’t work xsolla is a fucking bitch ass nigga

level 1

its happening to me too, and only one ONE specific account which is my main one, i can get robux on any other account except my main one

level 2

they dont even tell you why too its so irritating

level 1

ive had this issue for months now xsolla can lick my nuts

level 1

Its such a stupid problem, I’ve had my account since 2013, never tried to buy anything on it until just today. Been trying to buy robux for the last 4 hours and I finally contacted support. They just told me my account was blocked from making purchases for «online fraud» and «abnormal payments» and it could not be unlocked no matter what.

level 2

I just encountered this error today, they gave me the same bs just pay through paypal if you can because it worked for me.

level 1

I don’t have any, what do I do?

level 1

same, i got blocked from fucking nowhere

level 1

This is why Xsolla sucks and roblox sould use something better

level 1

bruh this fucking dumb ass shit dick hole bitch is sutch a scam

level 1

i got it too but from Ni No Kuni Cross World. This game using xsolla too and i got banned after i paid them 1,200$ ( all i paid is around 5,500$ )
and yes fck babka reply like a bot ( that’s so fcking stupid )

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Getting this message when trying to get the game. I’ve played for about a month with a copy bought from a G2A » merchant» all was fine, my payment went through, roughly the same amount as the standard version, but a few days ago the launcher said Buy the game instead of play. Asked them for a refund, got it, and I’d like to get the game from here. Been trying all day today.

3032: Sorry, the payment cannot be completed now. Please try again later or contact Xsolla customer support

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Getting this message when trying to get the game. I’ve played for about a month with a copy bought from a G2A » merchant» all was fine, my payment went through, roughly the same amount as the standard version, but a few days ago the launcher said Buy the game instead of play. Asked them for a refund, got it, and I’d like to get the game from here. Been trying all day today.


Sounds Like you got Scammed with a Trial Key / Giveaway Key that was Sold and shouldn’t of been..

Possibly a Fraudulent Purchased Key by the Buyer from G2A.

You will sadly need Re-purchase the game Directly through G2A.

XShit-olla can sometimes really suck….

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  • 1 month later…



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I’m getting the same issue today and the payment option I tried was debit card. Which the card definitely is valid.

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  • 4 weeks later…



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Xsolla really does suck. There seems to be so many problems with it, I was trying to upgrade with the sale these past few days, but I can’t do that if their service doesn’t even let me pay their overpriced fees. They are sketchy as it is.

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  • 2 months later…



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ive tried to buy it for a week and had a 3032 error every time, contacted support multiple times. xsolla is wank

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xsolla is the worst. Trying to contact them and get actual help is almost impossible. Been trying to purchase the game for a while now and doesn’t work.

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  • 4 weeks later…



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Same problem here.  I hope they can resolve sometime in the near future.  Also I’ve tried every option almost on multiple different devices, same error, 3032.

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15 hours ago, RegullarGuy said:

Same problem here.  I hope they can resolve sometime in the near future.  Also I’ve tried every option almost on multiple different devices, same error, 3032.

The only way to resolve this issue is to contact Xsolla at support@xsolla.com or in their live chat at https://xsolla.com/gamer-support/

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  • 2 weeks later…



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I get this error after I bought the game from a third party so now Xsolla has blocked the account from future purchases

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On 3/2/2020 at 5:02 PM, Stan464 said:

Getting this message when trying to get the game. I’ve played for about a month with a copy bought from a G2A » merchant» all was fine, my payment went through, roughly the same amount as the standard version, but a few days ago the launcher said Buy the game instead of play. Asked them for a refund, got it, and I’d like to get the game from here. Been trying all day today.


Sounds Like you got Scammed with a Trial Key / Giveaway Key that was Sold and shouldn’t of been..

Possibly a Fraudulent Purchased Key by the Buyer from G2A.

You will sadly need Re-purchase the game Directly through G2A.

XShit-olla can sometimes really suck….

Why would you tell him to purchase directly through G2A?
If you read this, only buy direct from escapefromtarkov.com.
 XSolla aren’t the best but they have 24 hr support that will sort your crap out. Use their live chat not email.

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  • 5 months later…



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The live chat is horrible. They just keep asking you to wait so they can pull up the wrong info. Juliete was claiming that I have a dispute back from 12/26/2020 when I didnt even start ETF until Jan 26th. I gave her my receipt number as proof and she still couldnt look it up. THen she claims the dispute was for Roblox and I DONT EVEN OWN THE GAME. How could I have a dispute for a game I have never played before I even started playing ETF on Jan 26th?

Can you please get me in touch with someone who is not a bot? I have tried emailing as well. 

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4 hours ago, phatgchau said:

Can you please get me in touch with someone who is not a bot? I have tried emailing as well. 

I don’t think there is someone from Xsolla here to help you.

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  • 9 months later…



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im getting error code 3032 when trying to buy the game. i used to own it then refunded it does that have anything to do with it?

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  • 3 weeks later…



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I am trying to buy the game error 3032 tried to contact Xsolla via their customer support couldn’t make a ticket because I didn’t have a transaction ID Obviously I don’t have one because I CANT BUY THE GAME tried emailing them no response so I guess I can not buy Tarkov If a Tarkov dev is reading this PLEASE change payment system Xsolla does not work 

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On 8/10/2020 at 7:16 AM, LordZyxx said:

xsolla is the worst. Trying to contact them and get actual help is almost impossible. Been trying to purchase the game for a while now and doesn’t work.

BROO HAD THE SAME ISSUE GO DM THEIR TWITTER AND THEY WILL FIX IT INSTANTLY NO MORE WAITING 800000  years for an email back @XsollaSupport is the twitter

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Hello, I recently been trying to play supporter pack but i get this error with Xsolla : 3032: Sorry, the payment cannot be completed now

I contacted support already, their reply :
Hey there,

Thank you for contacting Support.

I’ve taken a look at these purchases and it appears that they are failing on the payment providers end, as such you may need to contact them directly so that they can look into this with you»

tried a different browser ( firefox + chrome ) and no ad-blocker.

Thank you.

Last bumped on Jan 13, 2020, 10:36:41 PM


Posted by
on Jan 13, 2020, 9:27:15 PM

What’s your question? You contacted support, and they told you the payment provider won’t release the funds. Speak to your bank, Steam, however you tried to make the payment.


Posted by
on Jan 13, 2020, 10:36:08 PM

Same shit on me. I dont believe its provider problem.
You get already the error on clicking at paypal payment button, bevor paypal login. Tried different credit cards(providers)….
always the same result !3032!

Last edited by crazycrash on Jan 13, 2020, 10:39:07 PM


Posted by
on Jan 13, 2020, 10:36:41 PM

Aspirant Supporter

Abyssal Lich Supporter

Hello, I recently been trying to play supporter pack but i get this error with Xsolla : 3032: Sorry, the payment cannot be completed now

I contacted support already, their reply :
Hey there,

Thank you for contacting Support.

I’ve taken a look at these purchases and it appears that they are failing on the payment providers end, as such you may need to contact them directly so that they can look into this with you»

tried a different browser ( firefox + chrome ) and no ad-blocker.

Thank you.

Last bumped on Jan 13, 2020, 10:36:41 PM


Posted by
on Jan 13, 2020, 9:27:15 PM

What’s your question? You contacted support, and they told you the payment provider won’t release the funds. Speak to your bank, Steam, however you tried to make the payment.


Posted by
on Jan 13, 2020, 10:36:08 PM

Same shit on me. I dont believe its provider problem.
You get already the error on clicking at paypal payment button, bevor paypal login. Tried different credit cards(providers)….
always the same result !3032!

Last edited by crazycrash on Jan 13, 2020, 10:39:07 PM


Posted by
on Jan 13, 2020, 10:36:41 PM

Aspirant Supporter

Abyssal Lich Supporter

В интернете есть множество гайдов и статей, как эффективно и “правильно” покупать кристаллы сотворения в Genshin Impact, а именно, сделать аккаунт в EGS с указанием такой страны аккаунта как Украина. В таком случае цена на кристаллы сотворения будет существенно ниже, и игрок сможет экономить при покупке. Так как я сам стал играть в игру, я решил воспользоваться “правильным” способом, чтобы сделать покупку более выгодной. Тем более что я где-то читал интервью с разработчиками, которые якобы заявляли о том, что им без разницы, из какой страны игроки проводят оплату, они не обращают внимание на разницу в цене.

Вам могут заблокировать аккаунт за покупки с VPN в Genshin Impact

Опасность пришла, откуда не ждали. 

При попытке в очередной раз купить кристаллы браузер мне стал выдавать ошибку на этапе ввода данных карты оплаты. Сначала я списал это на ошибку системы, но через день озадачился повторением ошибки и решил разобраться. 

Ошибка 3032 Genshin Impact

Ошибка 3032 Genshin Impact

Не секрет, что платежи из России при попытке экономии идут через платежный шлюз Xsolla, одного из операторов, которые не прекратили работу с пользователями в России, в частности, благодаря им можно покупать игры в Epic Games Store. В лицензионном соглашении Xsolla указано:

(ii) Вы обязуетесь не использовать IP-прокси или другие методы для сокрытия места вашего проживания, будь то для обхода географических ограничений на игровой контент, покупки по ценам, не применимым к вашему географическому региону, или для любых других целей. В противном случае, мы можем приостановить ваш доступ к приобретенному Программному обеспечению.

Я написал в поддержку Xsolla, где сотрудник мне разъяснил, что мой аккаунт нарушил условия лицензионного соглашения и был заблокирован. Увы, но восстановлению аккаунт не подлежит, т.е., видимо, и мои карты были добавлены в блок-лист. Заблокирован не аккаунт в игре, а аккаунт, через который проходят платежи, и все, что с ним связано, а именно, телефонный номер, номера карт и т.д.

Данным сообщением хотел предупредить игроков о данной возможности. Множество статей и видео рассказывают о том, что оплачивая через ВПН, вы получите только плюсы, а о минусах никто не говорит. Вам, видимо, могут не только заблокировать возможность оплаты, но и как указано, “Приостановить доступ к приобретенному программному обеспечению”, т.е. к аккаунту.

Из плюсов могу отметить очень приятного сотрудника поддержки, который внятно и доходчиво объяснил мне, что случилось и что привело к этой ситуации.

Ночью мне пришло письмо от Xsolla, его содержание ниже.

Вам могут заблокировать аккаунт за покупки с VPN в Genshin Impact

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4 февраля в 15:00


Коллеги, добрый день!

Хотел сегодня сделать предзаказ GTA Trilogy в Rockstar Game Launcher, но при попытке оплаты любым способом (банковской картой, Сбер, МТС, etc.) выдаёт ошибку: «3032: К сожалению, в данный момент оплата невозможна. Попробуйте повторить попытку позже или обратитесь в службу поддержки Xsolla.» Через сайт в браузере аналогичную ошибку выдаёт.

Письмо в техподдержку отправил, ответа пока не получил. В Инете пишут, что их ТП может неделю морозиться. Кто сталкивался с этим, как победить?

UPD1: попробовал через VPN (USA) — выдаёт ту же ошибку. А через TOR, выдаёт ошибку, дескать продукт недоступен в вашем регионе! :-(

UPD2: связался с их техподдержкой через чат, ответили, что их служба безопасности обнаружила нетипичное поведение при оплате, поэтому возможность заблокировали и ничем помочь не могут!

UPD3: зарегал новую учётку в Rockstar, вошёл под ней в RGL, выбрал способ оплаты Сбер — открылось окно в браузере, отменил, решил оплатить картой — выдаёт теперь ту же ошибку 3032! Способ оплаты Сбер теперь тоже не проходит. Видимо, новую учётку также оперативно заблокировали :-(

UPD4: ответили письмом из ТП Xsolla:

Следующий платёж прошёл успешно!

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