imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImVec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.65))
Вот так?
Attention! Thanks for your attention.
imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImVec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.65)) imgui.Button("Тест") imgui.PopStyleColor(1)
Вот так?
Да только в скобках 1 не надо
А голова чтобы думать, ноги чтобы ходить
Да только в скобках 1 не надо
а как сделать цвет активной (выделенной) кнопки и цвет при нажатии
а как сделать цвет активной (выделенной) кнопки и цвет при нажатии
А голова чтобы думать, ноги чтобы ходить
imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.ButtonHovered, imgui.ImVec4(0.25, 0.25, 0.26, 0.0))
imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.ButtonActive, imgui.ImVec4(0.25, 0.25, 0.26, 0.0))
Change color within text / colored text
I have enhanced the ImGui::TextUnformated() method to make it support arbitrary text color, underline, strikethrough, highlight, mask
I aslo add one demo for this feature.
The code for the demo is shown below.
The new TextUnformatted signature was changed to support this feature. The wrapped, disabled, and customization are newly added args with default values. So it should be compatible with existing code.
IMGUI_API void TextUnformatted(const char* text, const char* text_end = NULL, bool wrapped = false, bool disabled = false, const ImTextCustomization *customization = NULL);
IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Widgets/Text/Text Customization");
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Text Customization Simple"))
ImColor red(255, 0, 0, 255);
ImColor green(0, 255, 0, 255);
ImColor blue(0, 0, 255, 255);
ImColor yellow(255, 255, 0, 255);
ImColor brown(187, 126, 0, 255);
ImColor cyan(0, 255, 255, 255);
ImColor magenta(255, 0, 255, 125);
const char* text = "The quick red fox jumps over the green box.";
ImTextCustomization tc;
ImGui::Text("Color the whole text");
ImGui::TextUnformatted(text, NULL, true, false, &tc.Range(text).TextColor(green));
ImGui::Text("Color the sustring of the text");
ImGui::TextUnformatted(text, NULL, true, false, &tc.Clear().Range(text + 14, text + 17).TextColor(red).Range(text + 39, text + 42).TextColor(green));
ImGui::TextUnformatted(text, NULL, true, false, &tc.Clear().Range(text).Unerline());
ImGui::Text("Underline with color");
ImGui::TextUnformatted(text, NULL, true, false, &tc.Clear().Range(text).Unerline(blue));
ImGui::TextUnformatted(text, NULL, true, false, &tc.Clear().Range(text).Strkethrough());
ImGui::Text("Strikethrough with color");
ImGui::TextUnformatted(text, NULL, true, false, &tc.Clear().Range(text).Strkethrough(red));
ImGui::Text("Hilight the text with brown");
ImGui::TextUnformatted(text, NULL, true, false, &tc.Clear().Range(text).Highlight(brown));
ImGui::Text("Mask the text so it is not readable");
ImGui::TextUnformatted(text, NULL, true, false, &tc.Clear().Range(text+10, text+17).Mask());
ImGui::Text("Mask the text with color");
ImGui::TextUnformatted(text, NULL, true, false, &tc.Clear().Range(text+10, text+17).Mask(cyan));
ImGui::Text("Mask the text with semitransparent color");
ImGui::TextUnformatted(text, NULL, true, false, &tc.Clear().Range(text+10, text+28).Mask(magenta));
Those text styles are all with a text and can be combined as needed.
Here is another demo. It allows the user to adjust the ranges to apply a style and see the result.
The code is on Text Customization Branch
Any comments please let me know.
If it is possible I will create a pull request when ready. Thanks.
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Настройка параметров стиля в ImGui
Настройка параметров стиля в ImGui
Если вы хотите изменить стиль ImGui меню не знаете какие параметры за что отвечают, решил перевести для вас параметры стилей ImGui через которые вы можете изменить помните то цвет в ImGui изменяется через float, соответственно максимальное значение 1.f знайте это
Как найти значение цвета rgb в типе данных float можно посмотреть тут:
Последнее редактирование: 11.05.2022
Я только что смотрел твое видео где ты показывал как сделал свой стиль xD
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ImGui theme color |
#1 |
greatR A God Join Date: Mar 2018
Reputation: 3384 Points: 8,612, Level: 10 Level up: 92%, 88 Points needed Activity: 2.5% Last Achievements |
ImGui theme color Designations of colors. Code: [ImGuiCol_Text] = The color for the text that will be used for the whole menu. [ImGuiCol_TextDisabled] = Color for "not active / disabled text". [ImGuiCol_WindowBg] = Background color. [ImGuiCol_PopupBg] = The color used for the background in ImGui :: Combo and ImGui :: MenuBar. [ImGuiCol_Border] = The color that is used to outline your menu. [ImGuiCol_BorderShadow] = Color for the stroke shadow. [ImGuiCol_FrameBg] = Color for ImGui :: InputText and for background ImGui :: Checkbox [ImGuiCol_FrameBgHovered] = The color that is used in almost the same way as the one above, except that it changes color when guiding it to ImGui :: Checkbox. [ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive] = Active color. [ImGuiCol_TitleBg] = The color for changing the main place at the very top of the menu (where the name of your "top-of-the-table" is shown. ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed = ImguiCol_TitleBgActive = The color of the active title window, ie if you have a menu with several windows , this color will be used for the window in which you will be at the moment. [ImGuiCol_MenuBarBg] = The color for the bar menu. (Not all sawes saw this, but still) [ImGuiCol_ScrollbarBg] = The color for the background of the "strip", through which you can "flip" functions in the software vertically. [ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrab] = Color for the scoll bar, ie for the "strip", which is used to move the menu vertically. [ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabHovered] = Color for the "minimized / unused" scroll bar. [ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabActive] = The color for the "active" activity in the window where the scroll bar is located. [ImGuiCol_ComboBg] = Color for the background for ImGui :: Combo. [ImGuiCol_CheckMark] = Color for your ImGui :: Checkbox. [ImGuiCol_SliderGrab] = Color for the slider ImGui :: SliderInt and ImGui :: SliderFloat. [ImGuiCol_SliderGrabActive] = Color of the slider, [ImGuiCol_Button] = the color for the button. [ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] = Color when hovering over the button. [ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] = Button color used. [ImGuiCol_Header] = Color for ImGui :: CollapsingHeader. [ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered] = Color, when hovering over ImGui :: CollapsingHeader. [ImGuiCol_HeaderActive] = Used color ImGui :: CollapsingHeader. [ImGuiCol_Column] = Color for the "separation strip" ImGui :: Column and ImGui :: NextColumn. [ImGuiCol_ColumnHovered] = Color, when hovering on the "strip strip" ImGui :: Column and ImGui :: NextColumn. [ImGuiCol_ColumnActive] = The color used for the "separation strip" ImGui :: Column and ImGui :: NextColumn. [ImGuiCol_ResizeGrip] = The color for the "triangle" in the lower right corner, which is used to increase or decrease the size of the menu. [ImGuiCol_ResizeGripHovered] = Color, when hovering to the "triangle" in the lower right corner, which is used to increase or decrease the size of the menu. [ImGuiCol_ResizeGripActive] = The color used for the "triangle" in the lower right corner, which is used to increase or decrease the size of the menu. [ImGuiCol_CloseButton] = The color for the button-closing menu. [ImGuiCol_CloseButtonHovered] = Color, when you hover over the button-close menu. [ImGuiCol_CloseButtonActive] = The color used for the button-closing menu. [ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg] = The color of the selected text, in ImGui :: MenuBar. [ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening] = The color of the "Blackout Window" of your menu. I rarely see these designations, but still decided to put them here. [ImGuiCol_Tab] = The color for tabs in the menu. [ImGuiCol_TabActive] = The active color of tabs, ie when you click on the tab you will have this color. [ImGuiCol_TabHovered] = The color that will be displayed when hovering on the table. [ImGuiCol_TabSelected] = The color that is used when you are in one of the tabs. [ImGuiCol_TabText] = Text color that only applies to tabs. [ImGuiCol_TabTextActive] = Active text color for tabs. |
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#2 |
T0b1 Supreme H4x0|2 Join Date: Oct 2016 Location: Germany
Reputation: 10474 Recognitions Points: 18,209, Level: 18 Level up: 28%, 1,091 Points needed Activity: 9.8% Last Achievements |
Okay, so most of the Colors are self-explanatory, ImGui has a documentation which explains the ones that are not that clear, this explanation contains Colors/Functions which dont even exist in default ImGui and some explanations are even wrong (e.g. «The color for the background of the «strip», through which you can «flip» functions in the software vertically» — like what is this explanation for a scrollbar and why does it even need an explanation?) |
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