Как изменить motd на сервере minecraft

Наверное вы все видели сервера с цветными названиями и значками, но не знаете как это сделать на своем сервере. Сегодня я вам расскажу....
  1. Наверное вы все видели сервера с цветными названиями и значками, но не знаете как это сделать на своем сервере. Сегодня я вам расскажу.

    значок 2.jpg

    Нам понадобится:
    1) Сайт по переводу unicode в java — http://itpro.cz/juniconv/
    2) Таблица цветов:


    3) Таблица символов: Пуск —>в поиске ввести «Таблица символов» —> символ для цветов §
    4) Сам значок: Нужен значок 64×64 пикселя, можно сделать в фотошопе или найти уже готовый.

    Теперь преступим:

    Заходим на сайт,выбираем UTF-8 text >> Java entities и вводим там свой текст в левом окошке, например — Мой сервер. И нажимаем конвертировать.
    Что получилось:

    u041Cu043Eu0439 u0441u0435u0440u0432u0435u0440

    Вставляем текст из правого окошка в — Папка с сервером —> файл server.properties —>строчка motd= ваш текст

    Теперь сделаем его цветным(салатовым):
    Вводим — §aМой сервер§a

    u00A7au041Cu043Eu0439 u0441u0435u0440u0432u0435u0440u00A7a

    Добавим разные цвета: (синий,зеленый,бирюзовый)

    Вводим -§1Мой§1 §2лучший§2 §3сервер§3


    u00A71u041Cu043Eu0439u00A71 u00A72u043Bu0443u0447u0448u0438u0439u00A72 u00A73u0441u0435u0440u0432u0435u0440u00A73

    Добавим символ(цветной) и перенесем на следующую строку( перенос осуществляется n) Чтобы убрать пробелы,просто их удалите:
    Вводим: §1Мой§1 §2лучший§2 §3сервер§3 /n §eКланы§e §7|§7 §bИгры§b §7|§7 §fСвадьбы§f


    u00A71u041Cu043Eu0439u00A71 u00A72u043Bu0443u0447u0448u0438u0439u00A72 u00A73u0441u0435u0440u0432u0435u0440u00A73 n u00A7eu041Au043Bu0430u043Du044Bu00A7e u00A77|u00A77 u00A7bu0418u0433u0440u044Bu00A7b u00A77|u00A77 u00A7fu0421u0432u0430u0434u044Cu0431u044Bu00A7f

    Теперь установим значок на сервер:
    Создаем картинку 64×64 пикселя(сохранить в формате png) или качаем из интернета готовую.

    Переименовать ее в server-icon и закинуть в папку с сервером, там где файл запуска.

    Перезагружаем сервер

    P.S: Значок можно поставить только на версию 1.7. и выше

    Чтобы сделать символ цветным: §7®§7
    Чтобы перенос был ровным: убрать пробелы перед n и после него

    Последнее редактирование: 11 окт 2014
  2. Быстрая раскрутка сервера Minecraft

  3. Для того, чтобы установить иконку или как говорят картинку сохраняете файл в формате .png и закидываете в папку с сервером. Вот и всё ставьте лайки :cool:

  4. OsipXD


    Имя в Minecraft:

    @micahlayton, не будет лайков :) Совсем. Ни одного.

  5. Извините за выражение (Fuck!)

  6. 74117


  7. Vladlen_198


    Имя в Minecraft:

    Забрал только список цветов так как мне лень такую делать :D

  8. Flubox

    Активный участник

  9. :D

  10. Спасибо, шикарный мануал. Все в кратце и содержательно. Как раз искал эту информацию. Автору жирный плюс!
    Добавлю, у кого сервер стоит за BungeeCord.
    Перенос строки — n (палочка повернута в другую сторону).
    Чтобы motd отображался корректно, нужно его брать в кавычки: motd = «».

  11. Dereku


    Имя в Minecraft:

    Не обязательно. Сервер для чтения конфига использует джавовский properties, т.е. всё что будет после ‘=’ будет идти в текст, будь то ‘ » ‘ или же ‘♣’ .

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When getting ready to join a Minecraft server, one of the first things players notice is the little description text on the server. This description is called the MOTD (Message of the Day) and this text normally provides a bit of information related to the server, i.g. Survival Hunger Games, Minigames Server, Down for Maintenance, etc. The MOTD can include colored/styled text and really adds some character to your server. Nearly all successful servers have a well set MOTD. By default, you may see the text as “New Minecraft Server”. This can very easily be changed on your server through the Apex Panel and we will be walking you through each step how.

How to change your Message of the Day

Making the MOTD

The MOTD does not have to be made using mctools, we just recommend using this as it helps set the proper color codes/text styles.

  1. Head to the mctools website or another similar one.
  2. In the first field, you can go ahead and type/format the MOTD how you would like.
  3. Once you make the MOTD, locate the “For the server.properties” file and copy the text.

Setting the MOTD

Spigot, Vanilla, Forge, and other regular server types

  1. Head to the Apex Panel and stop the server.
  2. To the left of the panel click on “Config Files”, then click “Server Settings”.
  3. Locate “Message of the Day” and paste the text from mctools.
  4. Scroll to the bottom and click on “Save”. Then head back to the main game panel page.
  5. Start the server back up.

Bungeecord Proxy

  1. Head to the proxy page and stop the server.
  2. To the left of the panel, click on “FTP File Access” and login.
  3. Locate the “config” file and click on “Edit” to the right of it.
  4. Navigate to the “Motd=” setting and you can paste in the text. If you have a priority server set, you will need to set the “motd=” field under the “Servers” part of the config as well.
  5. Save the file and restart the proxy
  6. Common Issues

    MOTD still showing “New Minecraft Server”
    If the MOTD is still showing the default value, it’s likely that either the server was not restarted or the value set in the server settings was not saved. It could also be that you are running a network such as Bungeecord which if that’s the case you will need to set the MOTD from the config.yml instead of the server settings.

    Colors are not working
    Make sure to not use the & symbol for color-coding unless you are running Bungeecord. We highly recommend using the mctools website to make sure that the color codes are properly set.

All I want to do is post my Minecraft server on the main Minecraft Servers website but I don’t really know what to do with the code they gave me. Please help?

Unionhawk's user avatar


33.2k32 gold badges149 silver badges236 bronze badges

asked Jan 8, 2014 at 21:37

user66249's user avatar


The Message of the Day (motd) can be changed in the server.properties file. The line you’re looking for should be at the bottom: motd=A Minecraft Server. Just change that to whatever you want your message to be, though there seems to be a limit of 59 characters according to the wiki. You can also change the formatting using some standard formatting codes.

answered Jan 8, 2014 at 21:47

Unionhawk's user avatar


33.2k32 gold badges149 silver badges236 bronze badges

Go to your Minecraft server folder then open the server.properties file. If you scroll down at the bottom you should see something saying motd=(your motd). Replace that with the code they gave you and run the server.

John the Green's user avatar

answered Jan 8, 2014 at 22:02

Antp's user avatar


2981 gold badge3 silver badges11 bronze badges

Near the bottom of server.properties, you will see motd=A Minecraft Server

Change A Minecraft Server to whatever you want.

answered Jan 8, 2014 at 22:29

Timtech's user avatar


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All I want to do is post my Minecraft server on the main Minecraft Servers website but I don’t really know what to do with the code they gave me. Please help?

Unionhawk's user avatar


33.2k32 gold badges149 silver badges236 bronze badges

asked Jan 8, 2014 at 21:37

user66249's user avatar


The Message of the Day (motd) can be changed in the server.properties file. The line you’re looking for should be at the bottom: motd=A Minecraft Server. Just change that to whatever you want your message to be, though there seems to be a limit of 59 characters according to the wiki. You can also change the formatting using some standard formatting codes.

answered Jan 8, 2014 at 21:47

Unionhawk's user avatar


33.2k32 gold badges149 silver badges236 bronze badges

Go to your Minecraft server folder then open the server.properties file. If you scroll down at the bottom you should see something saying motd=(your motd). Replace that with the code they gave you and run the server.

John the Green's user avatar

answered Jan 8, 2014 at 22:02

Antp's user avatar


2981 gold badge3 silver badges11 bronze badges

Near the bottom of server.properties, you will see motd=A Minecraft Server

Change A Minecraft Server to whatever you want.

answered Jan 8, 2014 at 22:29

Timtech's user avatar


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What does changing the Message of the day mean?
When in the server list, the first thing players usually spot is what the message of the day is. By default, this is set to «A Minecraft Server». You can have anything from basic text to color-coded text in this box as it will help you stand out from other servers with ease.

What the default message of the day looks like:

Default MOTD

The first step is to go to Scalacube.com and log in to your account.

Scalacube login page

After this is done, go to «Servers», click on «Manage server».

Scalacube server page

Click on «Manage» again.

Scalacube manage page

The next step is to click on «Settings» on the left side of the page.

Scalacube Settings page

Locate «server.properties» and click on «Change».

Scalacube server.properties page

The method for changing the MOTD on a Proxy server is a little bit different, instead of changing “server.properties”, you change the “config.yml” file. If you have a priority server setup as well, you will need to set the “motd=” field under “Servers” too.

Scroll down until you find the option to change the Message of the day labeled as “motd=”

Scalacube motd location

Change it to a text chosen by you.

Additional Message of the day options can be chosen at websites that allow you to preview color codes and much more. One of those useful websites is MOTD Generator

Once your Message of the day has been chosen, click «Save» and wait for the process to complete.

Scalacube save button

Click «Back» and then «Manage».

Scalacube manage button

Click on «Reboot» for the changes to take effect.

Scalacube reboot button

Once we go back to the server list, we can now see that our MOTD has been changed to the one we need.

Scalacube changed text example

Congratulations! You now know How to change MOTD (Message of the day) on Scalacube.


  1. Log into your Scalacube control panel
  2. Go to Manage server > Manage > Settings > server.properties
  3. Locate motd= field and change it to your liking
  4. Save the changes and restart your server
  5. Connect to your Minecraft server

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