Как изменить mtu openvpn

OpenVPN is an open source VPN daemon. Contribute to OpenVPN/openvpn development by creating an account on GitHub.

This link options section covers options related to the connection between
the local and the remote host.

--bind keywords

Bind to local address and port. This is the default unless any of
--proto tcp-client , --http-proxy or --socks-proxy are used.

If the optional ipv6only keyword is present OpenVPN will bind only
to IPv6 (as opposed to IPv6 and IPv4) when a IPv6 socket is opened.


Allow remote peer to change its IP address and/or port number, such as
due to DHCP (this is the default if --remote is not used).
--float when specified with --remote allows an OpenVPN session
to initially connect to a peer at a known address, however if packets
arrive from a new address and pass all authentication tests, the new
address will take control of the session. This is useful when you are
connecting to a peer which holds a dynamic address such as a dial-in
user or DHCP client.

Essentially, --float tells OpenVPN to accept authenticated packets
from any address, not only the address which was specified in the
--remote option.

--fragment args

Valid syntax:

fragment max
fragment max mtu

Enable internal datagram fragmentation so that no UDP datagrams are sent
which are larger than max bytes.

If the mtu parameter is present the max parameter is
interpreted to include IP and UDP encapsulation overhead. The
mtu parameter is introduced in OpenVPN version 2.6.0.

If the mtu parameter is absent, the max parameter is
interpreted in the same way as the --link-mtu parameter, i.e.
the UDP packet size after encapsulation overhead has been added in,
but not including the UDP header itself.

The --fragment option only makes sense when you are using the UDP
protocol (--proto udp).

--fragment adds 4 bytes of overhead per datagram.

See the --mssfix option below for an important related option to

It should also be noted that this option is not meant to replace UDP
fragmentation at the IP stack level. It is only meant as a last resort
when path MTU discovery is broken. Using this option is less efficient
than fixing path MTU discovery for your IP link and using native IP
fragmentation instead.

Having said that, there are circumstances where using OpenVPN’s internal
fragmentation capability may be your only option, such as tunneling a
UDP multicast stream which requires fragmentation.

--keepalive args

A helper directive designed to simplify the expression of --ping and

Valid syntax:

keepalive interval timeout

Send ping once every interval seconds, restart if ping is not received
for timeout seconds.

This option can be used on both client and server side, but it is enough
to add this on the server side as it will push appropriate --ping
and --ping-restart options to the client. If used on both server and
client, the values pushed from server will override the client local

The timeout argument will be twice as long on the server side. This
ensures that a timeout is detected on client side before the server side
drops the connection.

For example, --keepalive 10 60 expands as follows:

if mode server:
    ping 10                    # Argument: interval
    ping-restart 120           # Argument: timeout*2
    push "ping 10"             # Argument: interval
    push "ping-restart 60"     # Argument: timeout
    ping 10                    # Argument: interval
    ping-restart 60            # Argument: timeout
--link-mtu n

DEPRECATED Sets an upper bound on the size of UDP packets which are sent between
OpenVPN peers. It’s best not to set this parameter unless you know what
you’re doing.

Due to variable header size of IP header (20 bytes for IPv4 and 40 bytes
for IPv6) and dynamically negotiated data channel cipher, this option
is not reliable. It is recommended to set tun-mtu with enough headroom

--local host Local host name or IP address for bind. If specified, OpenVPN will bind
to this address only. If unspecified, OpenVPN will bind to all
--lport port Set local TCP/UDP port number or name. Cannot be used together with
--nobind option.
--mark value Mark encrypted packets being sent with value. The mark value can be
matched in policy routing and packetfilter rules. This option is only
supported in Linux and does nothing on other operating systems.
--mode m Set OpenVPN major mode. By default, OpenVPN runs in point-to-point mode
(p2p). OpenVPN 2.0 introduces a new mode (server) which
implements a multi-client server capability.
--mssfix args

Valid syntax:

mssfix max [mtu]

mssfix max [fixed]


Announce to TCP sessions running over the tunnel that they should limit
their send packet sizes such that after OpenVPN has encapsulated them,
the resulting UDP packet size that OpenVPN sends to its peer will not
exceed max bytes. The default value is 1492 mtu. Use 0
as max to disable mssfix.

If the mtu parameter is specified the max value is interpreted
as the resulting packet size of VPN packets including the IP and UDP header.
Support for the mtu parameter was added with OpenVPN version 2.6.0.

If the mtu parameter is not specified, the max parameter
is interpreted in the same way as the --link-mtu parameter, i.e.
the UDP packet size after encapsulation overhead has been added in, but
not including the UDP header itself. Resulting packet would be at most 28
bytes larger for IPv4 and 48 bytes for IPv6 (20/40 bytes for IP header and
8 bytes for UDP header). Default value of 1450 allows OpenVPN packets to be
transmitted over IPv4 on a link with MTU 1478 or higher without IP level
fragmentation (and 1498 for IPv6).

If the fixed parameter is specified, OpenVPN will make no attempt
to calculate the VPN encapsulation overhead but instead will set the MSS to
limit the size of the payload IP packets to the specified number. IPv4 packets
will have the MSS value lowered to mssfix — 40 and IPv6 packets to mssfix — 60.

if --mssfix is specified is specified without any parameter it
inherits the parameters of --fragment if specified or uses the
default for --mssfix otherwise.

The --mssfix option only makes sense when you are using the UDP
protocol for OpenVPN peer-to-peer communication, i.e. --proto udp.

--mssfix and --fragment can be ideally used together, where
--mssfix will try to keep TCP from needing packet fragmentation in
the first place, and if big packets come through anyhow (from protocols
other than TCP), --fragment will internally fragment them.

--max-packet-size, --fragment, and --mssfix are designed to
work around cases where Path MTU discovery is broken on the network path
between OpenVPN peers.

The usual symptom of such a breakdown is an OpenVPN connection which
successfully starts, but then stalls during active usage.

If --fragment and --mssfix are used together, --mssfix will
take its default max parameter from the --fragment max option.

Therefore, one could lower the maximum UDP packet size to 1300 (a good
first try for solving MTU-related connection problems) with the
following options:

--tun-mtu 1500 --fragment 1300 --mssfix

If the max-packet-size size option is used in the configuration
it will also act as if mssfix size mtu was specified in the

--mtu-disc type

Should we do Path MTU discovery on TCP/UDP channel? Only supported on
OSes such as Linux that supports the necessary system call to set.

Valid types:

no Never send DF (Don’t Fragment) frames

maybe Use per-route hints

yes Always DF (Don’t Fragment)

--mtu-test To empirically measure MTU on connection startup, add the --mtu-test
option to your configuration. OpenVPN will send ping packets of various
sizes to the remote peer and measure the largest packets which were
successfully received. The --mtu-test process normally takes about 3
minutes to complete.
--nobind Do not bind to local address and port. The IP stack will allocate a
dynamic port for returning packets. Since the value of the dynamic port
could not be known in advance by a peer, this option is only suitable
for peers which will be initiating connections by using the --remote
--passtos Set the TOS field of the tunnel packet to what the payload’s TOS is.
--ping n

Ping remote over the TCP/UDP control channel if no packets have been
sent for at least n seconds (specify --ping on both peers to
cause ping packets to be sent in both directions since OpenVPN ping
packets are not echoed like IP ping packets). When used in one of
OpenVPN’s secure modes (where --secret, --tls-server or
--tls-client is specified), the ping packet will be
cryptographically secure.

This option has two intended uses:

  1. Compatibility with stateful firewalls. The periodic ping will ensure
    that a stateful firewall rule which allows OpenVPN UDP packets to
    pass will not time out.
  2. To provide a basis for the remote to test the existence of its peer
    using the --ping-exit option.

When using OpenVPN in server mode see also --keepalive.

--ping-exit n

Causes OpenVPN to exit after n seconds pass without reception of a
ping or other packet from remote. This option can be combined with
--inactive, --ping and --ping-exit to create a two-tiered
inactivity disconnect.

For example,

openvpn [options...] --inactive 3600 --ping 10 --ping-exit 60

when used on both peers will cause OpenVPN to exit within 60 seconds if
its peer disconnects, but will exit after one hour if no actual tunnel
data is exchanged.

--ping-restart n

Similar to --ping-exit, but trigger a SIGUSR1 restart after
n seconds pass without reception of a ping or other packet from

This option is useful in cases where the remote peer has a dynamic IP
address and a low-TTL DNS name is used to track the IP address using a
service such as https://www.nsupdate.info/ + a dynamic DNS client such as

If the peer cannot be reached, a restart will be triggered, causing the
hostname used with --remote to be re-resolved (if --resolv-retry
is also specified).

In server mode, --ping-restart, --inactive or any other type of
internally generated signal will always be applied to individual client
instance objects, never to whole server itself. Note also in server mode
that any internally generated signal which would normally cause a
restart, will cause the deletion of the client instance object instead.

In client mode, the --ping-restart parameter is set to 120 seconds
by default. This default will hold until the client pulls a replacement
value from the server, based on the --keepalive setting in the
server configuration. To disable the 120 second default, set
--ping-restart 0 on the client.

See the signals section below for more information on SIGUSR1.

Note that the behavior of SIGUSR1 can be modified by the
--persist-tun, --persist-key, --persist-local-ip and
--persist-remote-ip options.

Also note that --ping-exit and --ping-restart are mutually
exclusive and cannot be used together.

  Run the --ping-exit / --ping-restart timer only if we have a
remote address. Use this option if you are starting the daemon in listen
mode (i.e. without an explicit --remote peer), and you don’t want to
start clocking timeouts until a remote peer connects.
--proto p

Use protocol p for communicating with remote host. p can be
udp, tcp-client, or tcp-server. You can also
limit OpenVPN to use only IPv4 or only IPv6 by specifying p as
udp4, tcp4-client, tcp4-server or udp6,
tcp6-client, tcp6-server, respectively.

The default protocol is udp when --proto is not specified.

For UDP operation, --proto udp should be specified on both peers.

For TCP operation, one peer must use --proto tcp-server and the
other must use --proto tcp-client. A peer started with
tcp-server will wait indefinitely for an incoming connection. A peer
started with tcp-client will attempt to connect, and if that fails,
will sleep for 5 seconds (adjustable via the --connect-retry option)
and try again infinite or up to N retries (adjustable via the
--connect-retry-max option). Both TCP client and server will
simulate a SIGUSR1 restart signal if either side resets the connection.

OpenVPN is designed to operate optimally over UDP, but TCP capability is
provided for situations where UDP cannot be used. In comparison with
UDP, TCP will usually be somewhat less efficient and less robust when
used over unreliable or congested networks.

This article outlines some of problems with tunneling IP over TCP:

There are certain cases, however, where using TCP may be advantageous
from a security and robustness perspective, such as tunneling non-IP or
application-level UDP protocols, or tunneling protocols which don’t
possess a built-in reliability layer.

--port port TCP/UDP port number or port name for both local and remote (sets both
--lport and --rport options to given port). The current default
of 1194 represents the official IANA port number assignment for OpenVPN
and has been used since version 2.0-beta17. Previous versions used port
5000 as the default.
--rport port Set TCP/UDP port number or name used by the --remote option. The
port can also be set directly using the --remote option.
--replay-window args

Modify the replay protection sliding-window size and time window.

Valid syntaxes:

replay-window n
replay-window n t

Use a replay protection sliding-window of size n and a time window
of t seconds.

By default n is 64 (the IPSec default) and t is
15 seconds.

This option is only relevant in UDP mode, i.e. when either --proto
is specified, or no --proto option is specified.

When OpenVPN tunnels IP packets over UDP, there is the possibility that
packets might be dropped or delivered out of order. Because OpenVPN,
like IPSec, is emulating the physical network layer, it will accept an
out-of-order packet sequence, and will deliver such packets in the same
order they were received to the TCP/IP protocol stack, provided they
satisfy several constraints.

  1. The packet cannot be a replay (unless --no-replay is
    specified, which disables replay protection altogether).
  2. If a packet arrives out of order, it will only be accepted if
    the difference between its sequence number and the highest sequence
    number received so far is less than n.
  3. If a packet arrives out of order, it will only be accepted if it
    arrives no later than t seconds after any packet containing a higher
    sequence number.

If you are using a network link with a large pipeline (meaning that the
product of bandwidth and latency is high), you may want to use a larger
value for n. Satellite links in particular often require this.

If you run OpenVPN at --verb 4, you will see the message
«PID_ERR replay-window backtrack occurred [x]» every time the maximum sequence
number backtrack seen thus far increases. This can be used to calibrate

There is some controversy on the appropriate method of handling packet
reordering at the security layer.

Namely, to what extent should the security layer protect the
encapsulated protocol from attacks which masquerade as the kinds of
normal packet loss and reordering that occur over IP networks?

The IPSec and OpenVPN approach is to allow packet reordering within a
certain fixed sequence number window.

OpenVPN adds to the IPSec model by limiting the window size in time as
well as sequence space.

OpenVPN also adds TCP transport as an option (not offered by IPSec) in
which case OpenVPN can adopt a very strict attitude towards message
deletion and reordering: Don’t allow it. Since TCP guarantees
reliability, any packet loss or reordering event can be assumed to be an

In this sense, it could be argued that TCP tunnel transport is preferred
when tunneling non-IP or UDP application protocols which might be
vulnerable to a message deletion or reordering attack which falls within
the normal operational parameters of IP networks.

So I would make the statement that one should never tunnel a non-IP
protocol or UDP application protocol over UDP, if the protocol might be
vulnerable to a message deletion or reordering attack that falls within
the normal operating parameters of what is to be expected from the
physical IP layer. The problem is easily fixed by simply using TCP as
the VPN transport layer.

--replay-persist file

Persist replay-protection state across sessions using file to save
and reload the state.

This option will keep a disk copy of the current replay protection state
(i.e. the most recent packet timestamp and sequence number received from
the remote peer), so that if an OpenVPN session is stopped and
restarted, it will reject any replays of packets which were already
received by the prior session.

This option only makes sense when replay protection is enabled (the
default) and you are using either --secret (shared-secret key mode)
or TLS mode with --tls-auth.

--session-timeout n

Raises SIGTERM for the client instance after n seconds since
the beginning of the session, forcing OpenVPN to disconnect.
In client mode, OpenVPN will disconnect and exit, while in server mode
all client sessions are terminated.

This option can also be specified in a client instance config file
using --client-config-dir or dynamically generated using a
--client-connect script. In these cases, only the related client
session is terminated.

--socket-flags flags

Apply the given flags to the OpenVPN transport socket. Currently, only
TCP_NODELAY is supported.

The TCP_NODELAY socket flag is useful in TCP mode, and causes the
kernel to send tunnel packets immediately over the TCP connection without
trying to group several smaller packets into a larger packet. This can
result in a considerably improvement in latency.

This option is pushable from server to client, and should be used on
both client and server for maximum effect.


This macro sets the TCP_NODELAY socket flag on the server as well
as pushes it to connecting clients. The TCP_NODELAY flag disables
the Nagle algorithm on TCP sockets causing packets to be transmitted
immediately with low latency, rather than waiting a short period of time
in order to aggregate several packets into a larger containing packet.
In VPN applications over TCP, TCP_NODELAY is generally a good
latency optimization.

The macro expands as follows:

if mode server:
    socket-flags TCP_NODELAY
    push "socket-flags TCP_NODELAY"
--max-packet-size size

This option will instruct OpenVPN to try to limit the maximum on-write packet
size by restricting the control channel packet size and setting --mssfix.

OpenVPN will try to keep its control channel messages below this size but
due to some constraints in the protocol this is not always possible. If the
option is not set, the control packet maximum size defaults to 1250.
The control channel packet size will be restricted to values between
154 and 2048. The maximum packet size includes encapsulation overhead like
UDP and IP.

In terms of --mssfix it will expand to:

mssfix size mtu

If you need to set --mssfix for data channel and control channel maximum
packet size independently, use --max-packet-size first, followed by a
--mssfix in the configuration.

In general the default size of 1250 should work almost universally apart
from specific corner cases, especially since IPv6 requires a MTU of 1280
or larger.


For some time now I’ve systematically used an OpenVPN-connection whenever I was using an untrusted WLAN (at hotels, restaurants, etc.). And so should you: Whether or not a hotel’s WLAN is WPA-encrypted has no influence on its trustworthyness. After all, are you really sure that among all of the connected users there’s not a single bored teen that’s having fun sniffing your passwords or doing a man-in-the-middle-attack through a few taps on his smartphone? (Yes, it’s that easy!)

And here’s the problem: You’ve set up your own OpenVPN-Server following one of the many detailed Howto guides available online and now that you’re actually abroad your VPN is failing miserably: The VPN-client connects just fine, but even the simplest webbrowsing has weird issues or doesn’t work at all. The most frequent cause (besides an overly restrictive firewall) is a problematic MTU-setting.

Here’s what it may look like in the logs:

MTU issue (OpenVPN for Android)

If you just want a quick’n’dirty solution that works perfectly fine (at least in my limited experience), simply change your OpenVPN’s transport protocol from the default UDP to TCP. (i.e. change «proto udp» to «proto tcp» on client and server. Better yet, have two server instances running, one for UDP and one for TCP.)

For various technical reasons (page referenced by the official manual!), such a setup is not recommended (TCP-over-TCP, reduced bandwidth), but in practice it works remarkably well “due to all kinds of magic related to mssfix” (as it’s “explained” on the OpenVPN-bugtracker, issue 375)

MTU you say?

MTU stands for Maximum Transmission Unit and represents the maximum size an IP packet can have before it must be fragmented, i.e. split up. And IP-fragmentation,  even though it’s part of the IP specifications, is a feature you’ll want to avoid whenever possible. (And that’s completely independent of your using OpenVPN or not. It applies generally to any kind of IP-based traffic.) Fragmentation entails security issues, performance penalities and transmission issues. It’s obvious that on the path a given IP packet travels to its destination, it’s the smallest encountered MTU that determines whether the packet has to be fragmented. This is the so-called Path-MTU. (The expected value is 1500; this corresponds to the MTU of regular ethernet or wifi connections. Problems arise when Path-MTU is less than 1500.)

In order to detect Path-MTU most IP packets are actually transmitted with the «Don’t Fragment»-bit set. This leaves an intermediate router with an MTU less than the packet’s length no choice but to drop it. It notifies the sender by means of a special ICMP message (Destination unreachable: fragmentation needed and DF set). The sender can then progressively scale down the size of the packets it emits. (This reduces throughput, since the headers are of a fixed size and the actual payload decreases.) In essence, this process is known as Path-MTU Discovery (PMTUD).

Unfortunately, PMTUD often fails due to a misconfigured firewall dropping those precious ICMP messages. Another reason is the possibly suboptimal handling of PMTUD by OpenVPN itself. But I’m not entirely sure of that. (See this bug report or read up about the Linux-only —mtu-disc setting. Feel free to comment.)

And that’s when the OpenVPN’s various MTU-related configuration directives come into play. I won’t go in all the gory details (I’m no networking expert either…), but I’ll try my best to sum up the sometimes contradicting or incorrect information I could find.

All of the following is strictly for the case you’re using the recommended UDP as transport protocol. (link-mtu and tun-mtu are also valid for TCP as transport protocol, but normally they’re not needed in this case.)

My objective is to derive a setup that’s (hopefully) compatible with a wide range of clients (at least Linux, Windows and the two major Android clients).

On to the first step:


Actually I read the fine manual for you and here’s the summary:

—link-mtu n

Sets an upper bound on the size of UDP packets which are sent between OpenVPN peers. It’s best not to set this parameter unless you know what you’re doing.

—tun-mtu n

Take the TUN device MTU to be n and derive the link MTU from it (default=1500). In most cases, you will probably want to leave this parameter set to its default value.

The MTU (Maximum Transmission Units) is the maximum datagram size in bytes that can be sent unfragmented over a particular network path. OpenVPN requires that packets on the control or data channels be sent unfragmented.

MTU problems often manifest themselves as connections which hang during periods of active usage. It’s best to use the --fragment and/or --mssfix options to deal with MTU sizing issues.

—fragment max

Enable internal datagram fragmentation so that no UDP datagrams are sent which are larger than max bytes.

The max parameter is interpreted in the same way as the —link-mtu parameter, i.e. the UDP packet size after encapsulation overhead has been added in, but not including the UDP header itself. […]

It should also be noted that this option is not meant to replace UDP fragmentation at the IP stack level. It is only meant as a last resort when path MTU discovery is broken. Using this option is less efficient than fixing path MTU discovery for your IP link and using native IP fragmentation instead. Having said that, there are circumstances where using OpenVPN’s internal fragmentation capability may be your only option, such as tunneling a UDP multicast stream which requires fragmentation.

—mssfix max

Announce to TCP sessions running over the tunnel that they should limit their send packet sizes such that after OpenVPN has encapsulated them, the resulting UDP packet size that OpenVPN sends to its peer will not exceed max bytes. The default value is 1450.

The max parameter is interpreted in the same way as the --link-mtu parameter, i.e. the UDP packet size after encapsulation overhead has been added in, but not including the UDP header itself. […]

--mssfix and --fragment can be ideally used together, where --mssfix will try to keep TCP from needing packet fragmentation in the first place, and if big packets come through anyhow (from protocols other than TCP), --fragment will internally fragment them. […] If --fragment and --mssfix are used together, --mssfix will take its default max parameter from the --fragment max option.

Therefore, one could lower the maximum UDP packet size to 1300 (a good first try for solving MTU-related connection problems) with the following options:
--tun-mtu 1500 --fragment 1300 --mssfix

So, it’s not THAT complicated after all? In order to adapt to a smaller MTU, I’ll just set --tun-mtu to some smaller value, e.g. 1300?

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. What I haven’t told you about are the various restrictions.

Caveats, restrictions, limitations, compatibility issues…

OpenVPN can’t set or modify the MTU on Windows

Quoting the official documentation:

Currently on Windows, the only way to change the TAP-Windows MTU is to go to the adapter advanced properties and do it manually. Because of this, the easiest choice is to leave the TAP-Windows MTU setting at “1500” and tell OpenVPN on both sides of the connection to use an MTU of “1500” with the config option:

tun-mtu 1500

If you then need to lower the MTU because of fragmentation or router problems, use something like

fragment 1400

to lower OpenVPN’s tunnel carrier UDP packet size to “1400”.

That’s the reason why older versions of OpenVPN (before the Windows-port) simply used --link-mtu 1300, but newer ones no longer take this route… If you want the broadest possible compatibility, you’ll always manually specify --tun-mtu 1500 even if it’s a fictitious value.

Limitations of the official Android client

Ok, then I’ll set mssfix and fragment on client and server and be done with it?

Not quite.

Neither configuration directive is supported by the official OpenVPN client for Android, “OpenVPN Connect”!

fragment — The fragment directive is not supported due to the complexity it adds to the OpenVPN implementation and the fact that it is usually better to leave fragmentation up to the lower-level transport protocols. Note as well that the client does not support connecting to a server that uses the fragment directive.

mssfix — This directive will be added in a future release. Since the functionality of mssfix can be achieved on either the client or server side, specifying it on the server side will enable it even if the client doesn’t support the directive.


Do note that the mssfix limitation is not applicable to the excellent “OpenVPN for Android” by Arne Schwabe. (I’m not sure about fragment support, but mssfix definitely works!)

Server limitations

All of the clients connecting to the same server instance must share the same tun-mtu and fragment settings.


Considering all of the above, I see only one possibility that comes close to a one-size-fits-all approach and that’s setting mssfix 1300 and leaving all of the other settings at their default values: tun-mtu 1500, no fragmentation. Do note that mssfix can’t be pushed to clients (or at least it fails on OpenVPN for Android). The following snippet is included in both the client and server config files:

proto udp
dev tun
tun-mtu 1500
mssfix 1300
# no fragment setting :-/

Even though these settings should be compatible with a wide array of clients, they’re not perfect: only TCP-traffic (through the UDP-tunnel) is taken care of. As soon as the client device emits UDP packets that are too large (once encrypted and encapsulated), packet loss is still a possibility. This is entirely dependent of the traffic you generate. The good news is that most «stuff» is TCP-based (web browsing, e-mail, streaming audio/video, etc.), whereas UDP is mainly used for some «management protocols» such as DNS, DHCP and similar. Usually these UDP packets are rather small, hence unproblematic. It’s the exceptions that might prove problematic: realtime video applications (think Skype or Facetime), NFS, some types of online games. In these cases, there’s probably no way around enabling OpenVPN’s internal fragmentation routines and avoiding incompatible clients.


Getting OpenVPN right when confronted with non-standard networks can be cumbersome… At the same time it’s a very powerful tool that can be adapted to suit almost any secure tunneling needs.

Finding correct OpenVPN MTU and MSSFIX settings can really drive you batty. No really. It’s ridiculous how much trouble MTU settings can cause and how often people don’t realize that MTU is actually what’s causing the problem!

My Experience with OpenVPN MTU Problems

As many of you are aware, I run a ton of VPNs.  I use a combination of OpenVPN and/or WireGuard depending on what I am doing with it.  Generally I use pfSense as my firewall (although sometimes a Ubiquiti Dream Machine Pro).

Mostly, I run a VPN Between Friends and Family and I run a VPN to our new building, and all of these locations have AXIS security cameras that are recording to a combination of an onsite and remote Synology for video surveillance. This means there is a lot of UDP IP camera traffic traversing the VPN.

OpenVPN MTU issues with IP security cameras

In the beginning with only one or two cameras I noticed that there were frame drops, but it wasn’t really enough to matter or cause a significant degradation in the video feed.  But after I started to get 5, 6, or 7 cameras up I noticed things would degrade very quickly. UDP packets would get dropped like crazy, but TCP traffic would work perfectly.

So what gives?

TCP vs. UDP for OpenVPN

Before we get to fixing our OpenVPN MTU issues, let’s first take a minute to understand the difference between UDP and TCP. Trust me, this is worth understanding and it can have major impacts on your VPN’s overall performance.

TCP is an acronym for Transmission Control Protocol. UDP is an acronym for User Datagram Protocol.  While we’re not going to go into all of the gory detail of differences between these protocols there are a few things that are very important to understand.

First, TCP creates a session between two devices and checks to make sure the packet was delivered. If the a reply is not received within the limits of the defined TTL (time-to-live) the data will be retransmitted. This guarantees delivery even over unstable connections.

UDP on the other hand is session-less. It simply fires a packet down the wire and hopes for the best. If the other end never receives the data nothing happens, it is simply lost.

In the case of transmitting a file such as a word document, if a some of the data doesn’t arrive, the document will be corrupted and unreadable.  In the case of streaming music, you’ll just get some degraded sound quality for a second. This is why most file transfers used TCP and most streaming uses UDP.

OpenVPN Defaults to UDP for the Tunnel

Now it might come as a huge shocker to learn that OpenVPN (and most VPNs) use UDP for their tunnel! That’s crazy talk right?  What do you mean my VPN can lose data? Madness I say!

Well it actually makes perfect sense. If an application needs TCP, that TCP session will be tunneled inside the OpenVPN UDP transmission.  And if the application detects a packet didn’t make it… it will retransmit just like normal. The VPN doesn’t need to do it  There is no reason to tunnel TCP over a TCP tunnel! In fact doing so adds lots of overhead, can cause jitter and latency problems and a lot of other undesirable behavior.

In the case of UDP, if it was going to get lost outside the tunnel it will still get lost inside the tunnel.  If you’re having problems with lost packets, maybe the application should be using TCP.  Or maybe you have an OpenVPN MTU problem (we’re getting there).

You should never use TCP for the OpenVPN tunnel itself unless you have a specific technical challenge to overcome and you understand the greater impacts.

Understanding MTU

MTU is an acronym for Maximum Transmission Unit. Simply put, it defines the maximum size of a packet traversing the network. Anything bigger than this number must be broken into multiple packets. The default MTU for Ethernet is 1500 bytes. For two devices to properly communicate they need to know this number. If they transmit packets larger than 1500 bytes the packets will be discarded by one of the network devices.

In the case of OpenVPN MTU settings, its important to realize that we’re tunneling data and that the VPN overhead is going to take away some of our MTU!

So here’s the problem I here all of the time: “My OpenVPN works fine for TCP traffic, but UDP traffic is very buggy and only works sometimes.” Why is this? Because TCP has many mechanisms to deal with networks and it will lower its Maximum Segment Size (MSS) and try again (retransmit).  UDP being fire and forget will never know there was a problem and just keep firing those oversize packets into oblivion to be dropped by the VPN tunnel!

In my case this translated to SSH and web sessions working perfectly, but video streams and VoIP running over the tunnel would fail miserably, resulting is stuttering and choppy video and audio.

MTU Problems

Fixing OpenVPN MTU Issues

The first thing you need to do to fix your OpenVPN MTU problem is to figure out what your largest MTU actually is. You can do this using the ping command. “ping -f” tells ping not to fragment the packet under any circumstances. “ping -l” tells ping the packet size to use.

ping -f <IP of Device on other end of VPN> -l <MTU to test>
ping -f -l 1500

MTU size too large

And you can see in our case the pings failed because they were too large to pass through our VPN tunnel.  Keep trying the command over and over. Each time lower the packet size (-l) by 10 until the pings work.

OpenVPN MTU - largest size

You can see that in our case, we had to drop down to a 1450 byte packet to get data to cross the tunnel.

On both our client and server and server size I made the following Open VPN MTU change: –tun-mtu 1450;

You can make this change in pfSense’s OpenVPN in the Advanced Configuration portion as follows:

pfSense OpenVPN set MTU

What about MSSFIX for OpenVPN?

A lot of people will suggest setting MSSFIX to 40 bytes smaller and also including it in your statement, as some devices don’t properly learn MTU settings. MSSFIX is a workaround used when MTU path discovery is broken for some reason.

My advice, try the tun-mtu 1450 (or whatever your tunnel needs to be set to) without MSSFIX first and see if it resolves your issue first. Only add MSSFIX if absolutely necessary. Keep it simple.

If you do need MSSFIX, you can add it as follows: –tun-mtu 1450; –mssfix 1410; or in pfSense as follows:

Finding correct Setting correct MTU for OpenVPN and MSSFIX settings can really drive you batty. No really. It’s ridiculous how much trouble MTU settings can cause and how often people don’t realize that MTU is actually what’s causing the problem!

VPN connections can be sensitive to incorrect or low MTU set within your network, or on networks between you and your server. It is important that the correct MTU is set, to ensure fast and error-free VPN performance.

Symptoms of mistaken MTU

  • Incomplete page load of resources via HTTP over VPN
  • Slow VPN performance

TCP vs UDP for OpenVPN

Before we get to fixing our OpenVPN MTU issues, let’s first take a minute to recognize the difference between UDP and TCP. Trust me, this is really worth appreciation and it can have major impacts on your VPN’s average performance.

TCP is an acronym for Transmission Control Protocol. UDP is an acronym for User Datagram Protocol. While we’re no longer going to go into all of the gory element of variations between these protocols there are a few matters that are very vital to understand.

First, TCP creates a session between two gadgets and tests to make certain the packet used to be delivered. If the a reply is now not obtained inside the limits of the described TTL (time-to-live) the information will be retransmitted. This ensures shipping even over unstable connections.

UDP on the different hand is session-less. It sincerely fires a packet down the wire and hopes for the best. If the different give up by no means receives the information nothing happens, it is truly lost.

In the case of transmitting a file such as a phrase document, if a some of the data doesn’t arrive, the report will be corrupted and unreadable. In the case of streaming music, you’ll simply get some degraded sound best for a second. This is why most file transfers used TCP and most streaming makes use of UDP.

Understanding MTU

MTU is an acronym for Maximum Transmission Unit. Simply put, it defines the maximum size of a packet traversing the network. Anything better than this quantity have to be damaged into more than one packets. The default MTU for Ethernet is 1500 bytes. For two gadgets to communicate they want to recognize this number. If they transmit packets large than 1500 bytes the packets will be discarded with the aid of one of the community devices.

In the case of OpenVPN MTU settings, its necessary to comprehend that we’re tunneling records and that the VPN overhead is going to take away some of our MTU!

So here’s the trouble I right here all of the time: “My OpenVPN works pleasant for TCP traffic, however UDP site visitors is very buggy and solely works sometimes.” Why is this? Because TCP has many mechanisms to deal with networks and it will decrease its Maximum Segment Size (MSS) and attempt once more (retransmit). UDP being furnace and forget will in no way recognize there was once a trouble and simply hold firing these oversize packets into oblivion to be dropped via the VPN tunnel!

In my case this translated to SSH and web sessions working perfectly, however video streams and VoIP jogging over the tunnel would fail miserably, ensuing is stuttering and uneven video and audio.

Setting correct MTU for OpenVPN

click for zoom

Finding correct MTU

Discovering the correct MTU is very straightforward and can be achieved using ping, use the respective following commands (change www.devninja.net to suit)

for windows

ping -n 1 -l 1500 -f www.devninja.net

for Linux

ping -M do -s 1500 -c 1 www.devninja.net

for Mac OSX

ping -D -v -s 1500 -c 1 www.devninja.net

Once you have test and get time out. try decrease the 1500 value by 10 each time, until the ping succeeds. Once the ping succeeds, the value used is the MTU you should use.

Setting the MTU

OpenVPN requires a value called the MSS to be set. The MSS is the value for the MTU minus 40.

Eg. If your MTU is 1460, your MSS is 1420

MSS = MTU  - 40
MSS = 1460 - 40
MSS = 1420

To set the MSS for OpenVPN, in your OpenVPN configuration file (the file originally sent ending in .ovpn), add the following configuration line (replacing 1420 with the appropriate value).

mssfix 1420



System & Network Administrator Ninja

OpenVPN, Wireguard, L2TP/IPSec, SSTP, IKEv2, PPTP, or others. If you had the luxury of choosing, which VPN protocols would you use? Therein lies my problem. In my current use case, I must find a way to improve OpenVPN performance and throughput.

You may have been following my Linux home lab build. One of the most important decisions when building your home lab is selecting the proper router/firewall for your network. After many hours of research, online comparisons, reading reviews, and watching Youtube videos, I went with the Edgerouter 10x (ER-10x). Note: this article includes my affiliate links; however, I only link to hardware and services I’ve paid for and tested myself.

Last week, I figured out that it does not support Wireguard, at least not officially, as I recently discovered (my next to-do). This isn’t a knock on the ER-10x; it’s a remarkably capable router with many business-class features and, most important rock-solid stability.

That said, my VPN service provider of choice is ovpn.com. They have many locations, excellent performance, and offer dedicated IPs with open ports at $3/month. On routers, they support Wireguard or OpenVPN.

Optimizing OpenVPN: speed-tests
OpenVPN 2.4 internet speed test results using Google+M-Lab and wifiman.com.

The Edgerouter 10x is built on Debian Linux. This makes it a pleasure to work with because a lot of the functionality feels familiar. Over the past year, I’ve spent more time in the command line and less time using the GUI.

Setting up OpenVPN is one of those command-line-only features. However, after downloading the .ovpn file and setting it up on the router, I soon hit a crippling OpenVPN limitation. The CPU! The ER-10x features 880 MHz CPU cores, which is often overkill. However, in this case, OpenVPN performance is not very efficient as throughput largely depends on the CPU’s core speed.

On my first speed test, download speeds were around 15 Mbps download and 12 Mbps upload. I needed a solid 20 Mbps down for the IoT devices connected to a VLAN that uses that VPN connection.

My basic setup at home currently is: dual WAN with backup 4G LTE ISP auto-failover, VLANs for isolated Guest WiFI network, and IoT devices, both wired and wireless. For now, I’ll run with what I have; it works!

Improving OpenVPN Performance

my openvpn config: /config/user-data/ovpn.ovpn
OpenVPN config Screenshot from my Manjaro i3 SSH session with the router.

Note: I’ve already verified results when I initially set up everything a week ago using my Ubuntu server over higher LAN throughput with iperf. As the hardware/CPU limits are so low on the Edgerouter, the ISP tests were very much representative of those tests. If you are using OpenVPN in a hardware-restricted setup, try the following config tweaks. I’ll try to take the time and revisit this article with some redone iperf test results. If you have the time, you can share your test results in the comments section below or by email using the “contact” link.

My ISP download speed is just over 100 Mbps. In this part of the world, this is as good as it gets for under $200 per month. That said, even before this OpenVPN setup, the IoT devices on my home network were restricted to a maximum download of 20 Mbps. I am using an EdgeSwitch to limit wired connections’ bandwidth and the Unifi controller via Unifi APs to limit wireless bandwidth. These network restrictions ensure that one or more devices don’t gobble bandwidth.

My plan? Improve OpenVPN performance as much as possible to at least hit 20 Mbps download speeds, as you can see from the above before vs. after internet speed tests. (I’ve since disabled bandwidth restrictions on the OpenVPN VLAN).

After optimizing OpenVPN’s performance, the max up/down speed is just about what the previous limits were. Let’s look at how you can go from 15 Mbps to 20 Mbps internet download speed on an 880 MHz CPU core router.

OpenVPN server Location

Whether you are using NordVPN (awesome 24/7 customer support), OVPN (best dedicated IP VPN, in my opinion), or another VPN service, the first step should be selecting the VPN servers closest to you. In my case, its servers are located in South Miami. Not much to elaborate on here… Closer is generally faster. Still, you should test locations for yourself because not all servers perform equally. Some are under more load than others. Thankfully, OVPN shows load levels for VPN server locations.

Disable compression

If the CPU isn’t a bottleneck, then feel free to enable compression. On the Edgerouter, compression will use CPU resources leading to higher CPU usage. You can disable it with:

comp-lzo no ;deprecated - remove or use 'compress' without an algorithm

or recommended for OpenVPN version 2.4+:


Providing just compress without an algorithm is the equivalent of comp-lzo no which disables compression but enables the packet framing for compression.

Use UDP for better OpenVPN performance.

With OpenVPN, in most cases, UDP is faster than TCP. TCP packets are heavier, adding overhead. TCP also numbers packets in a sequence while UDP doesn’t. UDP uses very minimal headers making it less resource-intensive. Here’s the config line:

proto udp

Choosing the right Cipher

By default, OpenVPN uses Blowfish, a 128-bit cipher. Regarding the level of security you require, you will have to decide between better encryption vs. faster throughput with respect to CPU load. Again, especially with this 880 MHz CPU. If there’s no CPU bottleneck, I would recommend using AES-256-GCM. In my case, I’m using AES-128-CBC as it resulted in faster OpenVPN throughput.

cipher AES-128-CBC

Disable cipher negotiation

You can set ncp-disable (disable “negotiable crypto parameters”). This completely disables cipher negotiation and instead uses what’s specified by the cipher option discussed previously. As of OpenVPN 2.4, this is now deprecated. Also, read OpenVPN Cipher Negotiation (Quick reference).


Optimize TUN/TAP/UDP I/O writes

Set fast-io to optimize TUN/TAP/UDP I/O writes by avoiding a call to poll/epoll/select before the write operation.

“The purpose of such a call would normally be to block until the device or socket is ready to accept the write. Such blocking is unnecessary on some platforms which don’t support write blocking on UDP sockets or TUN/TAP devices. In such cases, one can optimize the event loop by avoiding the poll/epoll/select call, improving CPU efficiency by 5% to 10%. This option can only be used on non-Windows systems, when proto udp is specified, and when shaper is NOT specified.” – Source.

Set send/receive buffers

You can set the UDP socket send and receive buffer sizes. On OpenVPN 2.3.9+, this defaults to the operating system’s default (usually 64K).

Add to client config (bytes):

sndbuf 512000
rcvbuf 512000

Or, if you have access, set buffers in the server config:

sndbuf 512000
rcvbuf 512000
push "sndbuf 512000"
push "rcvbuf 512000"

Read more about fine-tuning these buffers here. These make a noticeable difference when tuned correctly.

Adjust client MTUs to match the OpenVPN server

You can use the following command to grep connection logs for ‘MTU’ mismatches. Use the warnings about size mismatch to adjust tun-mtu if necessary. My router defaults to 1500, which is also OpenVPN’s default, so there is no need to mess with it. Also, see warnings about adjusting tun-mtu and be sure to read about mssfix.

sudo cat /path/to/openvpn.log | grep WARNING

Which will display any warning like this:

WARNING: 'link-mtu' is used inconsistently, local='link-mtu 1500', remote='link-mtu 3000'

Set the transmit queue length

Set the TX queue length on the TUN/TAP interface. This defaults to the system OS, which in my case is 1000.

txqueuelen 2000

Default ovpn.com config (before)

dev tun
remote-cert-tls server
cipher aes-256-cbc
reneg-sec 0
resolv-retry infinite
verb 3
proto udp
route-delay 10

My improved OpenVPN performance config file. (After)

dev tun
remote-cert-tls server

proto udp
cipher aes-128-cbc

sndbuf 512000
rcvbuf 512000
txqueuelen 2000

reneg-sec 0
resolv-retry infinite
verb 3
route-delay 10

OpenVPN Performance – Conclusion

Often, even more so in work environments than at home, we are obliged to use technology, devices, software, and other tools we wouldn’t typically support. In these cases, we are still tasked with making things work, finding a workaround, and patching things up. Using OpenVPN on an Edgerouter feels a lot like that right now.

My next article should be the top five home and small business routers; what do you think? I would still include the Edgerouter 12, but I do have at least three others off the top of my head that I’m looking at next. For one, I’m interested in the Firewalla Gold, but at 2x the cost of the ER-12, it probably won’t make the list. Let’s discuss this later, yea? Please send me some suggestions to look into as well.

Published: Mar 24, 2021 | Last updated: July 18, 2022

Tags: performance, security, sysadmins

Есть сервер OpenVPN на убунте и клиенты на платформах Linux, Android и Win разных версий.

На nix и android проблем никаких, на большинстве win-машин тоже. Но есть несколько win-машин с такой проблемой: при подключении к vpn по началу все норм, но рандомно через какое-то время сайты (не все) перестают открываться. При этом на пинги продолжают отвечать. Бегло погуглив, пришел таки к выводу, что дело в MTU на конкретных машинах, но как я с ним не экспериментировал, рабочего результата так и не достиг.

MTU провайдера у этих машин 1492 (ADSL).

Конфиг сервера:

local aaa.bbb.xxx.yyy
push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
tls-auth ta.key 0
crl-verify crl.pem
port 9852
proto udp
dev tun
ca ca.crt
cert server.crt
key server.key  # This file should be kept secret
dh dh2048.pem
ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt
keepalive 10 120
status openvpn-status.log
verb 3

Конфиг проблемного клиента:

remote aaa.bbb.xxx.yyy 9852
comp-lzo yes
dev tun
ping 10
proto udp
remote-cert-tls server
pkcs12 "c:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\vpn.work1.p12"
tls-auth "c:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\ta.key" 1
verb 3

Лог подключения с клиента (ip было лень уже замазывать):

C:Windowssystem32>"C:Program FilesOpenVPNbinopenvpn.exe" --config "c:Prog
ram FilesOpenVPNconfigmyvpnconfig.ovpn"
Wed Jul 29 09:23:16 2015 OpenVPN 2.3.7 x86_64-w64-mingw32 [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO]
[PKCS11] [IPv6] built on Jul  9 2015
Wed Jul 29 09:23:16 2015 library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.1p 9 Jul 2015, LZO 2.08
Enter Private Key Password:
Wed Jul 29 09:23:20 2015 WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memo
ry -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this
Wed Jul 29 09:23:20 2015 Control Channel Authentication: using 'c:Program Files
OpenVPNconfigta.key' as a OpenVPN static key file
Wed Jul 29 09:23:20 2015 Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit
message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication
Wed Jul 29 09:23:20 2015 Incoming Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit
message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication
Wed Jul 29 09:23:20 2015 Socket Buffers: R=[8192->8192] S=[8192->8192]
Wed Jul 29 09:23:20 2015 UDPv4 link local (bound): [undef]
Wed Jul 29 09:23:20 2015 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]
Wed Jul 29 09:23:20 2015 TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET],
sid=981eb7c4 1766a3de
Wed Jul 29 09:23:21 2015 VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=RU, ST=59, L=Orda, O=vpnorda.tk,
OU=OrdaVpnServer, CN=vpnorda.tk, name=EasyRSA, emailAddress=root@vpnorda.tk
Wed Jul 29 09:23:21 2015 Validating certificate key usage
Wed Jul 29 09:23:21 2015 ++ Certificate has key usage  00a0, expects 00a0
Wed Jul 29 09:23:21 2015 VERIFY KU OK
Wed Jul 29 09:23:21 2015 Validating certificate extended key usage
Wed Jul 29 09:23:21 2015 ++ Certificate has EKU (str) TLS Web Server Authenticat
ion, expects TLS Web Server Authentication
Wed Jul 29 09:23:21 2015 VERIFY EKU OK
Wed Jul 29 09:23:21 2015 VERIFY OK: depth=0, C=RU, ST=59, L=Orda, O=vpnorda.tk,
OU=OrdaVpnServer, CN=vpnorda.tk, name=EasyRSA, emailAddress=root@vpnorda.tk
Wed Jul 29 09:23:23 2015 Data Channel Encrypt: Cipher 'BF-CBC' initialized with
128 bit key
Wed Jul 29 09:23:23 2015 Data Channel Encrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1'
 for HMAC authentication
Wed Jul 29 09:23:23 2015 Data Channel Decrypt: Cipher 'BF-CBC' initialized with
128 bit key
Wed Jul 29 09:23:23 2015 Data Channel Decrypt: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1'
 for HMAC authentication
Wed Jul 29 09:23:23 2015 Control Channel: TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES2
56-SHA, 2048 bit RSA
Wed Jul 29 09:23:23 2015 [vpnorda.tk] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]10
Wed Jul 29 09:23:26 2015 SENT CONTROL [vpnorda.tk]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1)
Wed Jul 29 09:23:26 2015 PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,redirect-ga
teway def1 bypass-dhcp,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS,route 10.
8.0.0,topology net30,ping 10,ping-restart 120,ifconfig 1'
Wed Jul 29 09:23:26 2015 OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified
Wed Jul 29 09:23:26 2015 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modified
Wed Jul 29 09:23:26 2015 OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modified
Wed Jul 29 09:23:26 2015 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ip-win32 and/or --dhcp-option options
Wed Jul 29 09:23:26 2015 do_ifconfig, tt->ipv6=0, tt->did_ifconfig_ipv6_setup=0
Wed Jul 29 09:23:26 2015 open_tun, tt->ipv6=0
Wed Jul 29 09:23:26 2015 TAP-WIN32 device [Подключение по локаÐ
»ÑŒÐ½Ð¾Ð¹ сети 2] opened: \.Global{125CBAA8-B6E0-400C-A292-C8FEDA657477}.
Wed Jul 29 09:23:26 2015 TAP-Windows Driver Version 9.21
Wed Jul 29 09:23:26 2015 Notified TAP-Windows driver to set a DHCP IP/netmask of on interface {125CBAA8-B6E0-400C-A292-C8FEDA657477} [
DHCP-serv:, lease-time: 31536000]
Wed Jul 29 09:23:26 2015 Successful ARP Flush on interface [16] {125CBAA8-B6E0-4
Wed Jul 29 09:23:31 2015 TEST ROUTES: 2/2 succeeded len=1 ret=1 a=0 u/d=up
Wed Jul 29 09:23:31 2015 C:Windowssystem32route.exe ADD MASK 2
Wed Jul 29 09:23:31 2015 ROUTE: CreateIpForwardEntry succeeded with dwForwardMet
ric1=20 and dwForwardType=4
Wed Jul 29 09:23:31 2015 Route addition via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]
Wed Jul 29 09:23:31 2015 C:Windowssystem32route.exe ADD MASK 128.0.0.
Wed Jul 29 09:23:31 2015 ROUTE: CreateIpForwardEntry succeeded with dwForwardMet
ric1=20 and dwForwardType=4
Wed Jul 29 09:23:31 2015 Route addition via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]
Wed Jul 29 09:23:31 2015 C:Windowssystem32route.exe ADD MASK 128.0.
Wed Jul 29 09:23:31 2015 ROUTE: CreateIpForwardEntry succeeded with dwForwardMet
ric1=20 and dwForwardType=4
Wed Jul 29 09:23:31 2015 Route addition via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]
Wed Jul 29 09:23:31 2015 C:Windowssystem32route.exe ADD MASK 255.255
Wed Jul 29 09:23:31 2015 ROUTE: CreateIpForwardEntry succeeded with dwForwardMet
ric1=20 and dwForwardType=4
Wed Jul 29 09:23:31 2015 Route addition via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]
Wed Jul 29 09:23:31 2015 Initialization Sequence Completed

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