Как изменить музыку майнкрафт на свою

Привет, ребятки! Сегодня я поделюсь с Вами своим опытом и отвечу на вопрос, написанный в названии темы. Давайте без лишних предисловий приступим сразу к делу. Для начала качаем песню, которую хотим поставить на пластинку. Конкретные сайты для скачивания советовать не буду, их полно да и лучше бы ...

Привет, ребятки!

Сегодня я поделюсь с Вами своим опытом и отвечу на вопрос, написанный в названии темы. Давайте без лишних предисловий приступим сразу к делу.

Для начала качаем песню, которую хотим поставить на пластинку.

Конкретные сайты для скачивания советовать не буду, их полно да и лучше бы обойтись без лишних ссылок, мало ли что. ???? Лично я просто зашла в поисковик гугл и ввела «Скачать музыку онлайн» и нашла подходящий мне удобный сайт.
Вводим название песни в строку поиска, слушаем предложенные варианты и скачиваем нужное.


Песня скачалась! Чудно!

Для удобства я перекинула песню на рабочий стол.


Теперь заходим в поисковик гугл и пишем «Конвертер песен в формат OGG». Выбираем сайт, любой. Заходим. Загружаем песенку и конвертируем (преобразовываем) ее.


Нужно немного подождать. На сайте, который я выбрала, после конвертации файл скачивается автоматически. Удобно!

А вот и она! Наша песня в измененном формате.


Половину работы сделали.
Теперь немного теории.

В майнкрафте есть 12 пластинок, которые называются:


Берем из этого списка название пластинки, песню на которой хотите заменить. Допу-у-устим, я хочу заменить пластинку с названием strad . Я переименовываю свою песню с измененным форматом в strad.ogg


Теперь нужен базовый ресурс-пак, который можно будет скачать по ссылочке ниже. Единственное, что он меняет, это песни на пластинках. То есть это такой ресурс-пак, который, по сути, создаете Вы сами для себя.


Скачанную папку кидаем по этому пути C:UsersИмяAppDataRoaming.exclientсерверresourcepacks

Открываем папку и все подпапки до упора, пока не зайдете в пустую папку records

(Ex-Craft Musicassetsminecraftsoundsrecords)
Именно в папку records кидаем переименованную strad.ogg


Всё. Заходим в игру, открываем список ресурс-паков. Находим наш, применяем его.


Если не поменялась музыка / не отображается ресурс-пак

Если у Вас не отображается ресурс-пак в списке, то просто разархивируйте его.

Если и после этого не отображается, то перетащите папку Ex-Music из архива в папку с ресурспаками так, чтобы при открытии папки Ex-Music сразу была папка assets и еще два файла. 

(Для этого открываете разархивированную папку Ex-Music, затем снова Ex-Music (да, папка в папке) и ищете Ex-Music, в которой лежат assets и два файла. Эту Ex-Music перетягиваете в C:UsersИмяAppDataRoaming.exclientсерверresourcepacks)

Если не поменялась музыка

Откройте архив.

Если Вы увидели такую картину:


Значит при переименовывании песен не нужно дописывать .ogg

Переименуйте все песни.

В итоге должно выглядеть так:


Заходим в игру, берем «перезаписанную» пластинку и наслаждаемся. ????

Теперь Вы знаете и умеете чуточку больше. Приятной игры! ????


Tutorial: How to add Custom music to Minecraft: With pre-made template.
(Currently works with version 1.8, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19)

Hello there, my name is Stubbs, and I’ve put together this tutorial for you. I have compiled all necessary files into one zip folder, so that you avoid having to make new folders, make typos. etc. I hope you will enjoy this tutorial, and find it useful. Feedback is appreciated.
[Template] How To Add Custom Music - 1.19! (1.18, 1.17, 1.16.4, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13, 1.12, 1.8)

Step. 1
Choose version & Open converter site:

First you need the songs that you want in Minecraft. Preferably as .mp3 files. After having them ready, click on the link below to open up the website: Online-converter.com — We will be using this site to convert the .mp3 files, into .ogg files.

-.MP3 to .OGG Converter

Choose the .mp3 files and click on the «Start Conversion» button. Wait until the files have been converted and download them from the website. Please check that you are able to rename or move the files downloaded. If you can’t do this, please restart your computer, and the files will be moveable again.

[Template] How To Add Custom Music - 1.19! (1.18, 1.17, 1.16.4, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13, 1.12, 1.8)

Drag the .ogg files onto your desktop. Please note that you can have up to 14 different songs in Minecraft, because there are 14 different discs.

Next is to choose which version of Minecraft Java Edition you want to use. All the downloads are .ZIP folders containing the folders and files required to change the music in Minecraft.

List of available downloads:
— Notice: 1.16 only works for 1.16 and 1.16.1 — Any other version of 1.16 needs to be the 1.16.4 resources.
— Notice: 1.18 has been updated to be compatible with both 1.18.1 and 1.18.2, if you have the old version (pre 12/03/22), you may encounter errors.

[Template] How To Add Custom Music - 1.19! (1.18, 1.17, 1.16.4, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13, 1.12, 1.8)
1.8 Resources — Java Edition

1.12 Resources — Java Edition

1.13 Resources — Java Edition

1.14 Resources — Java Edition

1.15 Resources — Java Edition

1.16 Resources — Java Edition

1.16.4 Resources — Java Edition

1.17 Resources — Java Edition

1.18 Resources — Java Edition

1.19 Resources — Java Edition

Once you have downloaded the version you want, move on to step. 2

Step. 2
Placing the .ogg files in the right folder:

Open the Resources Java (The .ZIP folder) you downloaded, and drag the folder inside that ZIP, onto your desktop. From there, open the folders in the following order:

  1. Open: Resources Java (version)
  2. Open: assets
  3. Open: minecraft
  4. Open: sounds
  5. Open: records

Keep the ‘records’ folder open. Mark all the .ogg files on your desktop, and drag them into the ‘records’ folder. When you have done that, move on to step. 3

Step. 3
Renaming .ogg files, and adding the music to Minecraft:

Now you need to rename the .ogg files. You can have up to 14 different songs in Minecraft. Naming the .ogg file after one of the discs, which are shown in the picture below, or available in a .txt document inside the ‘records’ folder — will make that song play, when the disc you renamed it to, is put into a jukebox.

To rename a file, right click on the file and find the button labeled: «Rename». Then type in one of the Disc names.
NOTICE: Type all the names in small letters. Do not use letters in CAPS.

When all the .ogg files have been renamed to a specific disc: Boot up your Minecraft and do the following:

  1. Open: Options
  2. Open: Resourcepacks
  3. Click: Open Resourcepack Folder

This will open up a new folder. Go to your desktop and find the Resources Java (version) folder, and drag that folder into the newly opened one. This will add the Resources Java to your list of Texture-packs. Turn the texture-pack on in the game, and then go kill a few creepers by getting a skeleton to shoot them. Obtain a disc, craft a jukebox, and now you will be able to listen to your custom music, in Minecraft.

The «open resourcepack folder» button is not available in Minecraft Java v. 1.8 — Therefor you have to do it in the following way: Click on the Windows button and find search menu. Then in search type in the following:

(Notice: This will not be the programs name, if your PC’s language is not set to EN (English) )

Open the Run program and type in:


Click enter and open the following folders:

    1. Open: .minecraft
    2. Open: Resourcepacks

Go to your desktop and find the Resources Java (version) folder, and drag that folder into the newly opened one. This will add the Resources Java to your list of Texture-packs. Turn the texture-pack on in the game, and then go kill a few creepers by getting a skeleton to shoot them. Obtain a disc, craft a jukebox, and now you will be able to listen to your custom music, in Minecraft.

That’s it!
If you have any questions, leave them in the comment section below and I will answer them as best I can.

«Is it possible to add completely new discs with custom music as well?»
YES! It was recently made possible to do without mods via a Datapack created by PMC member: Bertiecrafter — You can check out his tutorial on the subject right here: [​Create Custom Music Discs] + [​Custom Music Disc Framework]

«How do I change the background music of Minecraft?»

— I recently released a tutorial that explains this in detail, using the same Resources Pack that you have used for this tutorial — Meaning! These two tutorials are compatible with each other! You can check it out here: How to Change Background Music in Minecraft (The Easy Way)

«My pack is red and does not work when I turn it on.»

— If your pack shows up in red inside the ‘Resourcepack selection menu’, that means you have either downloaded the wrong version (Look at Step. 1) or you are playing on the wrong version of the game. Double-check this first, otherwise, leave a comment and I will help you.

«I tried to get this to work for 1.16.3, but the pack did not work.»
— You have most likely downloaded the Resources Java 1.16 ZIP file, instead of the 1.16.4. — 1.16 of the Resources Java only support version 1.16 to 1.16.1 of Minecraft Java Edition, while you need to download the Resources Java 1.16.4, if you want to get it to work on version 1.16.3 of Minecraft Java Edition.

«When I move the texture pack to the game, it never shows up in-game-«
— There are three problems which can cause this:
1. You have misplaced the Resources Java folder in the old «Texturepack» folder.
2. You have unpacked the files inside the Resourcepacks folder (See picture below as an example) — To fix this, create a folder with any name, and put all the files into that folder.

3. Double-check that the Resources Java folder contains both of the essential files:
— assets
— pack.mcmeta

If one of these files are missing, then download one of the Resource Java folders, of course for the version of the game that you have made the dysfunctional pack, and copy/paste the missing files over. This should solve the issue.

«Everything is .ogg and named properly and some work others dont.»
— Double check that you have not used any capital letters in the naming process. If a .ogg file is named anything with a capital letter in it, then it won’t register in the game, and the music won’t play. Remember: everything needs to be small letters, otherwise it won’t work.

If you’re still having trouble: feel free to leave a comment or send me your files. I’ll take a look at it and see what I can do :)
If it is urgent, please add me on Discord: Sleeves#0658 and send me a copy of your files.

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  1. Пора версий Minecraft 1.7 ознаменовала себя большими нововведениями в игре. Новая генерация, Realms, новые предметы.
    В новой версии добавили музыку в меню — приятную, от C418. Это дало возможность менять её на свою.
    Простая подмена в папке assets игры ничего не даёт — лаунчер видит, что хэш не совпадает и начинает перекачивать её.
    Казалось бы — на этом всё. Но есть другой, рабочий способ — изменение 1.7.x.jar, соответствующий версии клиента:

    1. Берём нашу музыку и конвертируем в .ogg
    2. Переименовываем её в menu1.ogg, menu2.ogg, menu3.ogg или menu4.ogg (Только эти 4 названия! Другие названия игрой восприниматься не будут)
    3. Заходим в наш исполняемый файл игры через архиватор (WinRAR, 7-Zip, etc.)
    4. Удаляем папку META-INF, чтобы игра не вылетала при отрицательном результате по проверке оригинальности файлов.
    5. Заходим в папку assetsminecraft
    6. Создаём папку soundsmusicmenu
    7. В неё закидываем нашу музыку
    8. Вот собственно и всё.

  2. Быстрая раскрутка сервера Minecraft

  3. Bonedon

    Активный участник

    Я думал это каждый нуб знает :I

  4. Не у каждого нуба найдутся прямые руки, чтобы понять как открыть архиватором .jar-файл.

  5. Bonedon

    Активный участник

  6. Insafka16

    Активный участник

    Имя в Minecraft:

    Соглашусь. Я думал, что это каждый знает.
    Только посоветуй нубам, нормальные конвертер. Некоторые, и этого не могут сделать.

  7. Free Audio Converter от DVDVideoSoft.

  8. Кстати — это точно должен знать каждый, но всё-таки — можно сделать ресурс-пак с музыкой для меню, не меняя jar. Но это уже немного сложнее.
    Зато потом будет возможность менять музыку, переключая паки.

    Это только высказывания. Я думаю, что это точно все знают :)



    Имя в Minecraft:

    Зачем велосипед если есть проще.

  10. Ну музыка в меню ок.. А как пластинки свои сделать? ))

  11. Искать путь к трекам и также сымитировать в архиве игры.

  12. .minecraftresourcesstreaming
    1. Ищешь нужную музыку
    2. Меняешь на .Mus вроде.
    3. Перейменовываешь на любой из тех, что есть в папке.
    4. Копируешь с заменой

  13. Это связано со стримом через Twitch.

  14. Ну типо эта папка связана с сервисом связки Minecraft’а с twitch.tv. Только я не понял как.
    Как стрим связан с музыкой. Откуда в той папке музыка?

  15. Я не смотрел что в этой папке. Я просто по предоставленному названию подумал, что это для стриминга.

    Господи :confused:
    Может хватит сидеть на устаревших версиях Minecraft?
    Папки .minecraftresources на последних версиях уже нет.

  16. А еще на старых версиях не было поддержки твитча :D

  17. Согласен. На старых версиях были .far файлы.

  18. Нет, эта папка была там давно, там всегда были пластинки.

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How To Add Custom Background Music To Minecraft

Hello! This post is aimed at helping you add custom background music to your minecraft experience. Note that this is not replacing music files, as has been the traditional method of doing it, but instead, adding your own music to play in random rotation with the default minecraft music. I searched quite a bit and found fractured methods of replacing files and adding in custom sounds to use with command blocks, but was unable to find a clear and straightforward method of adding in custom background music without replacing files (and being limited to those amount that are included with minecraft). Therefore, I decided to make this in the hopes I can help someone else who also enjoys customizing their background music experience. I wasn’t totally sure where to post this, but since it has to do with resource packs, I decided to put it here. If it’s better suited elsewhere, please move as appropriate. 

If there’s enough desire/if this text tutorial is too confusing, I can certainly make a video, too.


Things you will need:

Minecraft 1.7.9 (unsure if this works in prior versions, as this is the version I’m using)

— Music files in .ogg (or access to online converter/audacity, etc)

Part One: Get Your Stuff Together

Step 1) Find your music files you wish to add as background music. Check the file type: if they are .ogg files, perfect, skip to step 3! If not, there’s the extra step of converting them.

Step 2) Converting your files to .ogg can be done in a few different ways. If you have a lot of files you want to convert, I highly recommend using Audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net). It’s free and works great for batch converting. However, if you don’t wish to use it (or only have a couple you need to convert), there are many free online audio converters. Those can be found with a simple google search (or here http://audio.online-…/convert-to-ogg).

To convert your files using Audacity, first download and open it. Then, go to File->Import->Audio. You can then select multiple files (by using shift) and when you are done selecting the files you wish to convert, click Open. Audacity will take some time importing your files. Once it is finished, go to File->Export Multiple (if only exporting one file, simply choose export). In the box that comes up, under «Export format» select «Ogg Vorbis Files.» Then click on Options and you’ll see a slider. Drag it so the number in the middle shows a 2 or a 3. This is done to reduce the file size of the converted audio, and there is little to no noticeable difference in the exported audio. Then click OK.

Lastly, click Export and you will be prompted to edit the Metadata of the files you are exporting. You can ignore this or fill it out, that is up to you. Either way, you will need to click OK for each file. Once you have gone through all the files, Audacity will export them which may take awhile depending on how many you selected.

If you are using an online converter, simply select the file you wish to convert and make sure you have .OGG selected as the output. For the website I linked, select «Choose File» and pick the file you wish to convert. Then simply select Convert File.


if you have WAV or AIFF files or any other audio file that has a large file size, I highly recommend you use Audacity as it will take quite awhile to upload the large files.

Once you have your files converted, you can move onto step 3.

Step 3) First off, let’s rename the files to something a bit more simple. Rename the files so the filename is only one word (or so it contains no spaces). It could be as simple as “mcbg1” or “minecraftmusic1” or whatever you want, just as long as there are no spaces.

Step 4) Now create a folder called “My Resource Pack” or whatever you want to call it. Inside that folder, create another folder called “assets” inside of which you will make another folder called “minecraft” and then inside of that folder make the folder called “sounds” and inside of that folder make the folder called “music” and finally (after all of the folder-ception) make a folder called “game”

Step 5) Drag all of your .ogg sound files you want as background music into that last folder you named “game.”

Step 6) Navigate back to your minecraft folder. You can do this if you have the newest launcher by opening minecraft, clicking on the button “Edit Profile” then clicking on “Open Game Dir”

Step 7) In your minecraft folder, navigate to the folder called “resourcepacks.” Now drag the folder-ception thing you made in step 4 called “My Resource Pack” into that folder.

Step 8) Now things might start to get a bit confusing. Inside of “My Resource Pack” you will want to put a file called “pack.mcmeta”. This is so the game can recognize your resource pack and have it be selectable in game. Open your text editing application and copy/paste this into it:

	  "description":"My Resource Pack"

Then save it as “pack” and make the file extension .mcmeta after the file is saved. Make sure this is inside of your “My Resource Pack” folder and not inside the “assets” folder. You can change the text in the code that says “My Resource Pack” to say anything you want.

Part Two: Make Your Music Play

Step 1) So here we get more confusing. In order for Minecraft to recognize your .ogg files and play them in game, you will need to create a file called “sounds.json” which will be placed inside the assets/minecraft folder, just outside of the “sounds” folder. To do this, open the website http://www.jsoneditoronline.org and you’ll see a bunch of text up there. Hit the “clear” button on the top right side of the page. I suggest using this website because it will show you if there are errors and it keeps the formatting nice.

Step 2) Now to make the JSON code. For your convenience, it is located here and you can basically just copy/paste it into the editor in your web browser. However, notice that the first and last curly bracket may already be in the editor, so if you receive an error, make sure there isn’t a duplicate set of curly brackets. Note that when you have an open curly bracket, you must have a closed curly bracket as well to end the section.

    "music.game": {
	    "category": "music",
	    "sounds": [
			    "name": "music/game/FILENAME",
			    "stream": true
			    "name": "music/game/FILENAME",
			    "stream": true
			    "name": "music/game/FILENAME",
			    "stream": true

Step 3) Now, check for any duplicate brackets or anything. If there is an error, there will be a red X on the left side of the editor. At this point, if you’re error free, you can continue.

Step 4) Rename where it says “FILENAME” in the code to the names of your music files that are located in your music/game folder. However, do not add the file extension. I do not know if it will work if you do or not, but I mirrored this off of the file that Minecraft uses to access it’s own sound and music files.

Step 5) If you have less than three files to add, you can delete extra sets of

			    "name": "music/game/FILENAME",
			    "stream": true

which may or may not have a comma after the last curly bracket.


The comma located at the end of the curly bracket can cause an error if there is a comma and it is the last file listed. If it is the last file listed, delete the comma after the curly bracket. If you have more than three files you wish to add, copy and paste the above code, however make sure you add a comma after the last curly bracket. Think of it like a list that is separated by commas. You wouldn’t have a comma after the last item in the list.

Step 6) Finished? If so, awesome! Now check again for any errors, and if you are error free, click the “save” button in the top right corner of the page. It will download the JSON file you just made. Locate it and rename it to “sounds.json”.

Step 7) Navigate back to your My Resource Pack/assets/minecraft folder and put your sounds.json file in there, so it is outside of the “sounds” folder, but inside of the minecraft folder. For clarity, your folder structure should look like this.

Part 3: Enjoying

Step 1) Open up your minecraft game and go into options. Click resource packs, locate your resource pack, and click on it to add it to the right column called Selected Resource Packs. Then click done.
Step 2) Start up your game and play! Note that you may not notice the new music immediately because it will play randomly. If you want to make sure it worked and was added in, you can load a world, run around for a minute and wait for music to play. If it isn’t your new music, save and quit, then reload and repeat until you hear your music. Otherwise, just play and enjoy like normal!

I hope that this tutorial has been helpful and as clear as a text tutorial can be. If you have any questions or if something is unclear, please let me know and I’ll do what I can to help you out!

Zipped Resource Pack folder structure — http://goo.gl/E5gVmz
pack.mcmeta — http://goo.gl/1UAIBH
sounds.json — http://goo.gl/HWTe2l

How To Add Custom Background Music To Minecraft

Hello! This post is aimed at helping you add custom background music to your minecraft experience. Note that this is not replacing music files, as has been the traditional method of doing it, but instead, adding your own music to play in random rotation with the default minecraft music. I searched quite a bit and found fractured methods of replacing files and adding in custom sounds to use with command blocks, but was unable to find a clear and straightforward method of adding in custom background music without replacing files (and being limited to those amount that are included with minecraft). Therefore, I decided to make this in the hopes I can help someone else who also enjoys customizing their background music experience. I wasn’t totally sure where to post this, but since it has to do with resource packs, I decided to put it here. If it’s better suited elsewhere, please move as appropriate. 

If there’s enough desire/if this text tutorial is too confusing, I can certainly make a video, too.


Things you will need:

Minecraft 1.7.9 (unsure if this works in prior versions, as this is the version I’m using)

— Music files in .ogg (or access to online converter/audacity, etc)

Part One: Get Your Stuff Together

Step 1) Find your music files you wish to add as background music. Check the file type: if they are .ogg files, perfect, skip to step 3! If not, there’s the extra step of converting them.

Step 2) Converting your files to .ogg can be done in a few different ways. If you have a lot of files you want to convert, I highly recommend using Audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net). It’s free and works great for batch converting. However, if you don’t wish to use it (or only have a couple you need to convert), there are many free online audio converters. Those can be found with a simple google search (or here http://audio.online-…/convert-to-ogg).

To convert your files using Audacity, first download and open it. Then, go to File->Import->Audio. You can then select multiple files (by using shift) and when you are done selecting the files you wish to convert, click Open. Audacity will take some time importing your files. Once it is finished, go to File->Export Multiple (if only exporting one file, simply choose export). In the box that comes up, under «Export format» select «Ogg Vorbis Files.» Then click on Options and you’ll see a slider. Drag it so the number in the middle shows a 2 or a 3. This is done to reduce the file size of the converted audio, and there is little to no noticeable difference in the exported audio. Then click OK.

Lastly, click Export and you will be prompted to edit the Metadata of the files you are exporting. You can ignore this or fill it out, that is up to you. Either way, you will need to click OK for each file. Once you have gone through all the files, Audacity will export them which may take awhile depending on how many you selected.

If you are using an online converter, simply select the file you wish to convert and make sure you have .OGG selected as the output. For the website I linked, select «Choose File» and pick the file you wish to convert. Then simply select Convert File.


if you have WAV or AIFF files or any other audio file that has a large file size, I highly recommend you use Audacity as it will take quite awhile to upload the large files.

Once you have your files converted, you can move onto step 3.

Step 3) First off, let’s rename the files to something a bit more simple. Rename the files so the filename is only one word (or so it contains no spaces). It could be as simple as “mcbg1” or “minecraftmusic1” or whatever you want, just as long as there are no spaces.

Step 4) Now create a folder called “My Resource Pack” or whatever you want to call it. Inside that folder, create another folder called “assets” inside of which you will make another folder called “minecraft” and then inside of that folder make the folder called “sounds” and inside of that folder make the folder called “music” and finally (after all of the folder-ception) make a folder called “game”

Step 5) Drag all of your .ogg sound files you want as background music into that last folder you named “game.”

Step 6) Navigate back to your minecraft folder. You can do this if you have the newest launcher by opening minecraft, clicking on the button “Edit Profile” then clicking on “Open Game Dir”

Step 7) In your minecraft folder, navigate to the folder called “resourcepacks.” Now drag the folder-ception thing you made in step 4 called “My Resource Pack” into that folder.

Step 8) Now things might start to get a bit confusing. Inside of “My Resource Pack” you will want to put a file called “pack.mcmeta”. This is so the game can recognize your resource pack and have it be selectable in game. Open your text editing application and copy/paste this into it:

	  "description":"My Resource Pack"

Then save it as “pack” and make the file extension .mcmeta after the file is saved. Make sure this is inside of your “My Resource Pack” folder and not inside the “assets” folder. You can change the text in the code that says “My Resource Pack” to say anything you want.

Part Two: Make Your Music Play

Step 1) So here we get more confusing. In order for Minecraft to recognize your .ogg files and play them in game, you will need to create a file called “sounds.json” which will be placed inside the assets/minecraft folder, just outside of the “sounds” folder. To do this, open the website http://www.jsoneditoronline.org and you’ll see a bunch of text up there. Hit the “clear” button on the top right side of the page. I suggest using this website because it will show you if there are errors and it keeps the formatting nice.

Step 2) Now to make the JSON code. For your convenience, it is located here and you can basically just copy/paste it into the editor in your web browser. However, notice that the first and last curly bracket may already be in the editor, so if you receive an error, make sure there isn’t a duplicate set of curly brackets. Note that when you have an open curly bracket, you must have a closed curly bracket as well to end the section.

    "music.game": {
	    "category": "music",
	    "sounds": [
			    "name": "music/game/FILENAME",
			    "stream": true
			    "name": "music/game/FILENAME",
			    "stream": true
			    "name": "music/game/FILENAME",
			    "stream": true

Step 3) Now, check for any duplicate brackets or anything. If there is an error, there will be a red X on the left side of the editor. At this point, if you’re error free, you can continue.

Step 4) Rename where it says “FILENAME” in the code to the names of your music files that are located in your music/game folder. However, do not add the file extension. I do not know if it will work if you do or not, but I mirrored this off of the file that Minecraft uses to access it’s own sound and music files.

Step 5) If you have less than three files to add, you can delete extra sets of

			    "name": "music/game/FILENAME",
			    "stream": true

which may or may not have a comma after the last curly bracket.


The comma located at the end of the curly bracket can cause an error if there is a comma and it is the last file listed. If it is the last file listed, delete the comma after the curly bracket. If you have more than three files you wish to add, copy and paste the above code, however make sure you add a comma after the last curly bracket. Think of it like a list that is separated by commas. You wouldn’t have a comma after the last item in the list.

Step 6) Finished? If so, awesome! Now check again for any errors, and if you are error free, click the “save” button in the top right corner of the page. It will download the JSON file you just made. Locate it and rename it to “sounds.json”.

Step 7) Navigate back to your My Resource Pack/assets/minecraft folder and put your sounds.json file in there, so it is outside of the “sounds” folder, but inside of the minecraft folder. For clarity, your folder structure should look like this.

Part 3: Enjoying

Step 1) Open up your minecraft game and go into options. Click resource packs, locate your resource pack, and click on it to add it to the right column called Selected Resource Packs. Then click done.
Step 2) Start up your game and play! Note that you may not notice the new music immediately because it will play randomly. If you want to make sure it worked and was added in, you can load a world, run around for a minute and wait for music to play. If it isn’t your new music, save and quit, then reload and repeat until you hear your music. Otherwise, just play and enjoy like normal!

I hope that this tutorial has been helpful and as clear as a text tutorial can be. If you have any questions or if something is unclear, please let me know and I’ll do what I can to help you out!

Zipped Resource Pack folder structure — http://goo.gl/E5gVmz
pack.mcmeta — http://goo.gl/1UAIBH
sounds.json — http://goo.gl/HWTe2l

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