Is it possible to reverse a stepper motor’s direction of rotation by changing the polarities of its wires?
I’m asking because I have two stepper motors connected to one single driver and mounted on one axle, and I would like to spin the axle from both sides so one motor would have to spin clockwise and the other one counterclockwise.
18k4 gold badges59 silver badges103 bronze badges
asked May 27, 2013 at 6:21
(Your bipolar 4 wire motor?) Current through 1a, 1b coils will turn the rotor so it is aligned as shown above. Turn on the current (in the appropriate direction) the rotor turns clockwise (half step) between 1a, 2a. Turn off the current to 1a, 1b and the rotor turns clockwise (another half step) to align with 2a, 2b. Reversing the direction of the current in the coils produces motion in the same direction. To change direction you need to reverse the current in one set of coils only. At the moment the two motors are connected in parallel and turn in the same direction. Swap ONE of the coil pairs over and you should be able to get the two motors turn in the opposite direction with the same drive signal.
answered May 27, 2013 at 16:53
JIm DeardenJIm Dearden
18.7k28 silver badges40 bronze badges
Here’s a timing diagram of a stepper motor:
As you can see, you have to do the following for one step:
- Both clock lines are default high
- Bring CLK A low
- Bring CLK B low
- Bring CLK A high
- Bring CLK B high
When you want to step the other way around, you have to do this:
- Both clock lines are default high
- Bring CLK B low
- Bring CLK A low
- Bring CLK B high
- Bring CLK A high
Therefore, you can just swap the clock lines. You can also invert the polarity of the lines (high <=> low). Unfortunately, I can’t see anything specific to your setup because you didn’t give specific information.
Also see this website for more information.
answered May 27, 2013 at 6:27
Short answer: Yes, just reverse the connections to one winding and the motor will go the other way.
answered Jun 29, 2013 at 0:55
You can also connect the A coil of one motor to the B coil of the other and vice versa. You’d connect:
answered Sep 8, 2017 at 23:11
Is it possible to reverse a stepper motor’s direction of rotation by changing the polarities of its wires?
I’m asking because I have two stepper motors connected to one single driver and mounted on one axle, and I would like to spin the axle from both sides so one motor would have to spin clockwise and the other one counterclockwise.
18k4 gold badges59 silver badges103 bronze badges
asked May 27, 2013 at 6:21
(Your bipolar 4 wire motor?) Current through 1a, 1b coils will turn the rotor so it is aligned as shown above. Turn on the current (in the appropriate direction) the rotor turns clockwise (half step) between 1a, 2a. Turn off the current to 1a, 1b and the rotor turns clockwise (another half step) to align with 2a, 2b. Reversing the direction of the current in the coils produces motion in the same direction. To change direction you need to reverse the current in one set of coils only. At the moment the two motors are connected in parallel and turn in the same direction. Swap ONE of the coil pairs over and you should be able to get the two motors turn in the opposite direction with the same drive signal.
answered May 27, 2013 at 16:53
JIm DeardenJIm Dearden
18.7k28 silver badges40 bronze badges
Here’s a timing diagram of a stepper motor:
As you can see, you have to do the following for one step:
- Both clock lines are default high
- Bring CLK A low
- Bring CLK B low
- Bring CLK A high
- Bring CLK B high
When you want to step the other way around, you have to do this:
- Both clock lines are default high
- Bring CLK B low
- Bring CLK A low
- Bring CLK B high
- Bring CLK A high
Therefore, you can just swap the clock lines. You can also invert the polarity of the lines (high <=> low). Unfortunately, I can’t see anything specific to your setup because you didn’t give specific information.
Also see this website for more information.
answered May 27, 2013 at 6:27
Short answer: Yes, just reverse the connections to one winding and the motor will go the other way.
answered Jun 29, 2013 at 0:55
You can also connect the A coil of one motor to the B coil of the other and vice versa. You’d connect:
answered Sep 8, 2017 at 23:11
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