Как изменить настройки модов майнкрафт

За что отвечает папка config в майнкрафт

Обновлено: 09.02.2023

В этой части мы поговорим о: аргументах запуска сервера, настройке server.properties, конфигурации Bukkit.

Начнем с самого главного — server.properties. Он включает себя настройки самого сервера и некоторые геймплейные фичи.

Мы не рассматриваем все фичи, а только лишь которые стоят по-умолчанию. Подробнее здесь.

Этот конфиг вы уже можете поставить к себе на сервер и настроить под себя.

Теперь о аргументах запуска. Они не особо важны, если у вас все прописано в конфиге, однако мы рассмотрим самые важные.

Все аргументы пишутся без скобок.

Следующее — конфиг Bukkit. Помните, что конфиг использует язык YAML, а значит из-за лишнего пробела может не заработать.

Я настоятельно рекомендую не копировать к себе конфиг с комментариями, иначе могут быть ошибки.

Итак, на сегодня все. В следующей части мы поговорим об конфигурации Spigot и самых важных плагинах. Да, знаю, немного скучновато, может и не понятно. Но я писал гайд, расчитывая на пользователей, которые настроены серьезно и обладают хотя-бы базовыми знаниями игры.

о конфигурационном файле minecraft

Ядерная (атомная) бомба — самый мощный тип взрывчатки в Industrial Craft2. Поражает огромную площадь, при этом уничтожая 75% выпавших блоков. Аналогичным эффектом обладает взрыв ядерного реактора при перегреве, однако реактор бьёт больше вглубь, чем на радиус. Активируется только сигналом красного камня или любым переключателем. Время до детонации чуть дольше, чем у обычного ТНТ. На слабых компьютерах взрыв ядерной бомбы может понизить количество кадров. Даже на мощных компьютерах большое количество взрываемых ядерных бомб вызовет лаги.

Параметр 35.0 является стандартной мощностью взрыва бомбы. Можно выставить значение на свой вкус, но с увеличением мощности усиливаются лаги на сервере, вплоть до его падения. Оптимальным является параметр 80.0-100.0.

Начиная с версии 1.106, взрыв ядерной бомбы оставляет после себя заражённую радиацией область. К любому игроку или мобу, зашедшему в неё, будут применены эффекты отравления и голода.

Внутриигровое изменение конфига

Я захотел создать свой конфиг, чтобы игроки могли изменять характеристики у предметов, механизмов и т.д.. Всё получилось, но вот проблема, изменять конфиг можно было только в самом файле конфига, а в игре, кнопка Config была неактивна. (как много слова конфиг)
На форуме я не нашёл туториала по этой теме, поэтому после того как я разобрался в этой теме я и решил написать данный тутор, для будущих поколений так сказать.

Сам тутор
Начнём с прочтения Перевод — Аннотации конфигурации
После создаём класс Configs (название на ваш выбор)

[Гайд] Как установить сборку на Minecraft? Установка модпаков

[Гайд] Как установить сборку на Minecraft? Установка модпаков

Сборка, или клиент майнкрафт с модами это набор модов, файлы их настройка + могут быть текстуры, карты, шейдеры которые идут в комплекте.

Иногда, достаточно просто взять все моды и закинуть в папку mods, установить Minecraft Forge и все будет работать.

Качественные сборки содержат не только моды, а еще и их настройки, измененные крафты, квесты, параметры которые позволяют «совместить или сбалансировать» некоторые моды. Обычно, все настройки модов хранятся в папке .minecraftconfig.

Разные лаунчеры имеют разный функционал, многие умеют устанавливать версии с Minecraft Forge или Optifine, некоторые умеют запускать игру из любой указанной вами папки.
В данном гайде речь пойдет о установке в стандартную папку .minecraft

Если вы хотите рабочую сборку, то следуйте нескольким правилам:
1) Удалите уберите все свои моды перед установкой.
2) Удалите уберите все файлы из папки .minecraftconfig
3) Внимательно читайте инструкцию по установке для каждой сборки, там могут быть дополнительные шаги.
4) Используйте либо рекомендуемую автором версию ForgeFabricдругой загрузчик, либо если версия не указана — самую последнюю.

Для начала вам необходимо установить Minecraft необходимой версии, запустить, проверить, что все работает и все окей, вы знаете где находится папка .minecraft, что такое лаунчер, что такое Forge итд.

Если автор указал на какой версии Forge его сборка проверялась, то установите именно ее, либо можете установить более новую версию.

  1. Установите Minecraft нужной версии + Forge (или другой загрузчик) указанной версии, либо последней.
  2. Проверьте, что версия игры с необходимой версий Forge (или другой загрузчик) запускается без модов.
  3. Скопируйте папки из сборки (mods, config итд) в .minecraft (объедините папки).
  4. Запускайте версию игры с Forge которую вы установили.
  • assets
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  1. Удалитеуберите все содержимое папки .minecraft (папку saves с мирами можно оставить).
  2. Скопируйте все содержимое сборки (все папки и файлы) внутри своей папки .minecraft
  3. Проверьте лаунчер, там могла появиться новая версия игры (если в клиенте есть папка versions)
  4. Попробуйте запустить эту версию игры.
  5. Если версия не запускается, либо ее нет вообще, установите Forge (или другой загрузчик) указанной или последней версии и запустите.

Внутри архива .exe файл, или сама сборка скачивается в виде .exe.
Значит автор создал установщик для данной сборки.

Установка данной сборки
Необходимо запустить скачанный файл, он установится подобно обычной программе или игры, предложит вам «установить или распаковать» игру в какую-то папку, в этой папке вы найдете все те же папки вроде mods, config, assets. Что с ними делать читайте выше.

[GUIDE] Настройка конфигов — Forge

[GUIDE] Настройка конфигов - Forge

Эта новость специально для Mollner On. Эта новость поможет ему делать уже более хорошие сборки. Пример: JEI. Прошу не кидаться тапочками, помидорами, бананами и подобному.

[GUIDE] Настройка конфигов - Forge

1. Заходим в Minecraft и нажимаем «Модификации» (в 1.9 и ниже — «Mods»)

[GUIDE] Настройка конфигов - Forge

2. После, видим странное меню, но всё просто. Нам нужна кнопочка «Config».

[GUIDE] Настройка конфигов - Forge

3. Тут по труднее, мы видим несколько кнопок. Начнём разбираться.
3.1 Красный — сама настройка.
3.2 Зелёный — поднастройка, т. е. подраздел. При переходи туда, вы можете настроить больше.
3.3 Жёлтый — применяет это ко ВСЕМУ моду.
3.4 Фиолетовый — отменить действие.
3.5 Голубой — Установить по умолчанию.

[GUIDE] Настройка конфигов - Forge

4. Если текст наклонён, то это значит что вы этот конфиг уже изменили.

Вот и всё, думаю гайд вам показался полезным. Спасибо за просмотр данной статьи!

Решение проблем, если что-то не запускается и не работает:

    Сборка не запускается, после нажатия на играть ничего не происходит или вылетает лаунчер.
    Причины: — данная версия игры (например 1.15.2 с Minecraft Forge 1.15.2-31.1.46 ) создана в другом лаунчере, часто они не умеют запускать версии друг друга.
    Установите такую-же версию вручную используя установщик Forge

2) Вы пытаетесь запустить сборку на не подходящей версии Forge, слишком старой или новой.

Часто лаунчеры устанавливаются Forge или Optifine слишком старых версий, установите самые новые версии.

3) У вас не хватает оперативной памяти для всех модов, многие сборки требуют 2, 4, и даже 6 гб оперативной памяти. В настройках лаунчера должно быть выставлено достаточное количество оперативной памяти, попробуйте увеличить.

4) Вы установили версию Forge+optifine и пытаетесь запустить сборку у которой Optifine уже находится в папке mods

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  • #1

    Nov 19, 2012


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    I an making a LotR advenure map,but I need a ring to use. I figured I would use the invisibiliy ring from the rings mod, but that makes enimies ignore you. I want all the enimies exept the ringwraiths to ignore me. I am making ringwraiths in a seprate mod, but I need some help. Baisiclyy what I’m asking is how do you edit an already created mod? Help me or I’ll stab you with my sword!! :WSWORD: :steve_rage:

    I reject your reality and substitute my own. Adam Savage, Mythbuster.

  • #2

    Nov 19, 2012

    I don’t help people who threaten me with violence.

  • #4

    Nov 20, 2012


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    JD-GUI is really good for being able to easily decompile and get a look into a compile .class file. The Minecraft stuff will still be obfuscated, but the mod’s code generally won’t be, and you can usually get a good idea on how someone did something. It’s not illegal, but if you just copy someone’s code without their permission it could violate their copyright, and as Tspro said it’s immoral. However, seeing how someone did something, then writing your own code to do something similar is fine.

    You could also work together with the rings mod author, and see if there’s a way you could use his mod as-is, while allowing Ringwraiths to ignore the invisability. That way you bring more traffic to his mod, and don’t have to write the ring/invisibility code yourself.

  • #5

    Nov 20, 2012


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    Thank you Plecks and Tspro. I think I will try using JD-GUI since I am just 9 :P I don’t have a way of getting in touch with the mod author.
    If the mod is open source i will try looking at that too. Now just for fun I’m gonna light you three on fire. :VV: TEEHEE

    I reject your reality and substitute my own. Adam Savage, Mythbuster.

  • #6

    Nov 20, 2012


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    I downloaded it and it is open source. There is a folder called «source (for modders)».I opened it and there are 2 java files.
    I asked my dad and he said to open them with notepad. I did, but I dont know java :P
    It was gobbledegoop to me.

    So I opened ItemRingInvisible.class in JD-GUI and got gobbledeegoop again. If anyone can help me find what I need that would be nice. This is what I got in JD-GUI.

    import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;

    public class ItemRingInvisible extends yr
    public ItemRingInvisible(int par1)
    this.bR = 1;

    public aan a(aan par1ItemStack, xd par2World, yw par3EntityPlayer)
    return par1ItemStack;

    public boolean e(aan par1ItemStack)
    return true;

    public fo f(aan par1ItemStack)
    return fo.d;

    Last edited by smpsh: Nov 20, 2012

    I reject your reality and substitute my own. Adam Savage, Mythbuster.

  • #7

    Nov 20, 2012

    JD-GUI is really good for being able to easily decompile and get a look into a compile .class file. The Minecraft stuff will still be obfuscated, but the mod’s code generally won’t be, and you can usually get a good idea on how someone did something. It’s not illegal, but if you just copy someone’s code without their permission it could violate their copyright, and as Tspro said it’s immoral.

    Change «could» to «definitely would,» unless the mod is open source, as the smpsh said. And if it is open source, you have to follow the terms yourself unless the mod author gives you a special license to do otherwise. Doesn’t appear to be an issue here, but just clarifying for other people who are reading.

  • #8

    Nov 20, 2012


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    Use eclipse, Its the Modders most favorite Java Editing Program.
    Go to the tutorials section, they may have some info there.
    Also, class files dont help you need the Raw java files to edit the mob’s Entity files.
    If you dont know any coding, I wouldn’t bother doing this If I were you, request someone to do it…
    Its not «Gobldegoop» its Java coding…It may look like Just a bunch of Numbers, Letters, and brackets to you but to a coders eye that’s like a language…

    Hope I helped!

    Last edited by cikl: Nov 20, 2012

  • #9

    Nov 20, 2012


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    cikl I will try eclipse, thanks

    I reject your reality and substitute my own. Adam Savage, Mythbuster.

  • #11

    Nov 20, 2012


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    I reject your reality and substitute my own. Adam Savage, Mythbuster.

  • #12

    Nov 20, 2012

    What are your questions? Maybe I can help you with it?

  • #13

    Nov 21, 2012


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    You know what, I think Ill just get some help. Will anyone help me make this mod?

    I reject your reality and substitute my own. Adam Savage, Mythbuster.

  • #14

    Nov 21, 2012

    I will. That is what I’m offering I have been coding for a while now. I cant make huge mods like Divine RPG and such but I can make a mod That people enjoy. So PM me and we can talk about what to do.

  • #15

    Nov 21, 2012


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    source files are .java, the .class files are the compiled code, they’re not meant to be readable. Like the people above said, you can use JD-GUI or something else to decompile but that would violate the mod owner’s copyright.

    If you downloaded MCP and Eclipse and followed those instructions, take a look at the Enderman’s source file (EntityEnderman.java), specifically the method shouldAttackPlayer. You can change the block id from «pumpkin» to whatever id your ring is. Hope this helps!

  • #16

    Nov 21, 2012

    So PM me if you are still interested in me helping you create a simple/moderate skill level mod.

  • #17

    Nov 21, 2012

    If you don’t know java, why would you ask about editing an already existing mod? Plus, just because a mod is open-source does not mean you can use the code exactly or even the texture. Look at how to do basic coding and learn actual java before you go and try to learn to mod, because that’s much harder and more annoying to do. For your original question, just decompile minecraft using MCP and find the potion of invisibility, and look how that works.

  • #18

    Nov 21, 2012

    Char I know that is why i offered to help him.

  • #19

    Nov 21, 2012

    Still, try to learn java so that you at least have a basis of understanding instead of just asking people to make you something. ;) OP, understand that you do need the mod author’s permission in order to publish the mod, even if it is open source; if you use the texture and the code, you must acknowledge that it is the author’s original note. :)

  • #20

    Nov 21, 2012

    Yes that is true but when I said help him I’m implying we will start from scratch so he can learn how java works. Also Perfect Circles Exist.

  • #21

    Nov 21, 2012

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  • #1

    Nov 19, 2012


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    I an making a LotR advenure map,but I need a ring to use. I figured I would use the invisibiliy ring from the rings mod, but that makes enimies ignore you. I want all the enimies exept the ringwraiths to ignore me. I am making ringwraiths in a seprate mod, but I need some help. Baisiclyy what I’m asking is how do you edit an already created mod? Help me or I’ll stab you with my sword!! :WSWORD: :steve_rage:

    I reject your reality and substitute my own. Adam Savage, Mythbuster.

  • #2

    Nov 19, 2012

    I don’t help people who threaten me with violence.

  • #4

    Nov 20, 2012


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    JD-GUI is really good for being able to easily decompile and get a look into a compile .class file. The Minecraft stuff will still be obfuscated, but the mod’s code generally won’t be, and you can usually get a good idea on how someone did something. It’s not illegal, but if you just copy someone’s code without their permission it could violate their copyright, and as Tspro said it’s immoral. However, seeing how someone did something, then writing your own code to do something similar is fine.

    You could also work together with the rings mod author, and see if there’s a way you could use his mod as-is, while allowing Ringwraiths to ignore the invisability. That way you bring more traffic to his mod, and don’t have to write the ring/invisibility code yourself.

  • #5

    Nov 20, 2012


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    Thank you Plecks and Tspro. I think I will try using JD-GUI since I am just 9 :P I don’t have a way of getting in touch with the mod author.
    If the mod is open source i will try looking at that too. Now just for fun I’m gonna light you three on fire. :VV: TEEHEE

    I reject your reality and substitute my own. Adam Savage, Mythbuster.

  • #6

    Nov 20, 2012


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    I downloaded it and it is open source. There is a folder called «source (for modders)».I opened it and there are 2 java files.
    I asked my dad and he said to open them with notepad. I did, but I dont know java :P
    It was gobbledegoop to me.

    So I opened ItemRingInvisible.class in JD-GUI and got gobbledeegoop again. If anyone can help me find what I need that would be nice. This is what I got in JD-GUI.

    import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;

    public class ItemRingInvisible extends yr
    public ItemRingInvisible(int par1)
    this.bR = 1;

    public aan a(aan par1ItemStack, xd par2World, yw par3EntityPlayer)
    return par1ItemStack;

    public boolean e(aan par1ItemStack)
    return true;

    public fo f(aan par1ItemStack)
    return fo.d;

    Last edited by smpsh: Nov 20, 2012

    I reject your reality and substitute my own. Adam Savage, Mythbuster.

  • #7

    Nov 20, 2012

    JD-GUI is really good for being able to easily decompile and get a look into a compile .class file. The Minecraft stuff will still be obfuscated, but the mod’s code generally won’t be, and you can usually get a good idea on how someone did something. It’s not illegal, but if you just copy someone’s code without their permission it could violate their copyright, and as Tspro said it’s immoral.

    Change «could» to «definitely would,» unless the mod is open source, as the smpsh said. And if it is open source, you have to follow the terms yourself unless the mod author gives you a special license to do otherwise. Doesn’t appear to be an issue here, but just clarifying for other people who are reading.

  • #8

    Nov 20, 2012


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    Use eclipse, Its the Modders most favorite Java Editing Program.
    Go to the tutorials section, they may have some info there.
    Also, class files dont help you need the Raw java files to edit the mob’s Entity files.
    If you dont know any coding, I wouldn’t bother doing this If I were you, request someone to do it…
    Its not «Gobldegoop» its Java coding…It may look like Just a bunch of Numbers, Letters, and brackets to you but to a coders eye that’s like a language…

    Hope I helped!

    Last edited by cikl: Nov 20, 2012

  • #9

    Nov 20, 2012


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    cikl I will try eclipse, thanks

    I reject your reality and substitute my own. Adam Savage, Mythbuster.

  • #11

    Nov 20, 2012


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    I reject your reality and substitute my own. Adam Savage, Mythbuster.

  • #12

    Nov 20, 2012

    What are your questions? Maybe I can help you with it?

  • #13

    Nov 21, 2012


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    You know what, I think Ill just get some help. Will anyone help me make this mod?

    I reject your reality and substitute my own. Adam Savage, Mythbuster.

  • #14

    Nov 21, 2012

    I will. That is what I’m offering I have been coding for a while now. I cant make huge mods like Divine RPG and such but I can make a mod That people enjoy. So PM me and we can talk about what to do.

  • #15

    Nov 21, 2012


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    source files are .java, the .class files are the compiled code, they’re not meant to be readable. Like the people above said, you can use JD-GUI or something else to decompile but that would violate the mod owner’s copyright.

    If you downloaded MCP and Eclipse and followed those instructions, take a look at the Enderman’s source file (EntityEnderman.java), specifically the method shouldAttackPlayer. You can change the block id from «pumpkin» to whatever id your ring is. Hope this helps!

  • #16

    Nov 21, 2012

    So PM me if you are still interested in me helping you create a simple/moderate skill level mod.

  • #17

    Nov 21, 2012

    If you don’t know java, why would you ask about editing an already existing mod? Plus, just because a mod is open-source does not mean you can use the code exactly or even the texture. Look at how to do basic coding and learn actual java before you go and try to learn to mod, because that’s much harder and more annoying to do. For your original question, just decompile minecraft using MCP and find the potion of invisibility, and look how that works.

  • #18

    Nov 21, 2012

    Char I know that is why i offered to help him.

  • #19

    Nov 21, 2012

    Still, try to learn java so that you at least have a basis of understanding instead of just asking people to make you something. ;) OP, understand that you do need the mod author’s permission in order to publish the mod, even if it is open source; if you use the texture and the code, you must acknowledge that it is the author’s original note. :)

  • #20

    Nov 21, 2012

    Yes that is true but when I said help him I’m implying we will start from scratch so he can learn how java works. Also Perfect Circles Exist.

  • #21

    Nov 21, 2012

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In this article, we will look at how to find and edit JSON and CFG config files for Minecraft mods. JSON and CFG are the two most commonly used formats for modded configuration files.


  1. Finding Configuration Files
    1. Finding Configs Using Multicraft
    2. Finding Configs Using FTP
  2. Editing Configuration Files
    1. Editing with Multicraft
    2. Editing with FTP
  3. Modded Minecraft Config File Types
    1. CFG File Type Overview
    2. JSON File Type Overview
    3. Zenscript Overview
  4. File Type rules
    1. CFG Rules
    2. JSON Rules
  5. Further Reading & External Links

Finding Config Files With Multicraft

Multicraft is set to look for configuration files in the locations where they would normally be put and put them all in one spot for easy searching, you can find steps below on how to search all of the config files that Multicraft finds:

  1. Log into Multicraft
  2. In the Files section of the side menu on the left, select Config Files.
    Multicraft Config Files Menu Entry
  3. You can filter the files by using the search boxes above each column, if you want to find a configuration for a specific mod, you can search the mod name in the Description column of the config file list.

Finding Config Files With FTP

This section is only for users who are familiar with how to use FTP to: Upload and Download Files with FTP

Config files for mods are most commonly located in the config folder of your server. When mods don’t use this location the config file can be hard to find, most mod authors will typically tell you where the config file is on the main page for the mod, check to see if it indicates there if you can’t find the config in this folder.

Editing Configuration Files


Sticky Piston

Before you edit any configuration files, stop your server and take a backup of the world.

Editing Config Files with Multicraft

  1. Click the name of the file you would like to edit in the file list of the Config Files menu in Multicraft.
  2. Edit the config however you want
  3. At the bottom of the page hit Save when you are done.

Editing Config Files with FTP

Editing files downloaded with FTP can be done in any editor, we highly recommend using Notepad++ which can be downloaded for free from:
Notepad++ Downloads

Editing configuration files can be confusing because the text will not be highlighted to help you know what means what and it is much easier to break something. For this reason we highly recommend editing configuration files through Multicraft.

Modded Minecraft Config File Types

CFG File Type Overview

A config properties file is a type of file that makes data easier for humans to read. This is the format that most mods will use for their configurations. Below you can find an example of what cfg data looks like.

# this is a comment, it can be used to give information to the human only

# this is a direct value assignment
option_1_name = option_1_value

# This is a list of values
> option_2_name

JSON File Type Overview

JSON is another type of data file that some mods will use, this format is often harder for humans to be able to read as it does not allow the use of comments in most cases. JSON also has very strict rules for how it is written, and violating those rules can cause the server or mod not to start, or even cause the mod/server to behave in an unexpected way. Below you can see an example of valid JSON:

    "option_1_name": "option_1_value",
    "option_2_name": [
    "option_3_name": {
        "option_3.1_name": "option_3.1_value",
        "option_3.2_name": 9001,
        "option_3.3_name": 3.141

As you can see, without comments that can get hard to read depending on how complicated the configuration is, we always recommend verifying to make sure that any JSON you write is correct using the validator below:

Zenscript Overview

Very rarely, a mod will use a Zenscript file for it’s configuration, this article won’t discuss Zenscript, due to it being almost a full on programming language. Only a very small subset of mods will use this configuration file type, for information on how to edit Zenscript you can use the official documentation: Zenscript Documentation

File Type Rules

CFG Rules

CFG files have a fairly simple way of being written, below are the rules on which CFG files are written. Most mod configurations will have all the tags that they look for already in the file, along with a brief description in a comment about what happens, these rules will help you to understand what is happening in these files so you aren’t confused while modifying them.

  • To associate a single value to a tag name, you use tag_name = value (replacing tag_name with the name of the tag you’d like to use, and value with the value of it).
  • Comments begin with a # (hashtag) at the start of the line
  • If you want to associate multiple values to a single tag, you can do that by using:
    > tag_name

    Where the tag_name is usually set by the mod authors, if it is set, do not change it as the mod will be looking for that exact name. The values are slightly more forgiving, they may be changed to different values depending on the mod, the mod will often indicate what values are allowed in a comment before it or on a wiki.

JSON Rules

JSON is more strict in it’s writing than CFG, so you should be extra diligent while filling it in so as to make sure that no errors occur. Below are some of the more prominent rules in JSON, a full description can be found at the official JSON specification: JSON Specification

  • Comments are not supported by default. You may see some keys with a name like comment1 to indicate that the value is a comment, not all configs will try to use comments and just use a website documentation or help document inside of the folder instead.
  • Keys must be enclosed in double quotes ("), followed by a colon (:), then a value. Example: "key_name": "value" (note: not all values are enclosed in quotes, see the values list for more information)
  • Values can be one of the following types:
    • String: A series of characters inside of double quotes. In order for double quotes to be able to be in the string they must be escaped by putting a backslash () in front of it (Ex: "). (Ex: "This is a string, it can have anything in it. Like: 90187491ht3iou32nr83. If I wanted to "quote something" inside of the string, I'd need to escape those double quotations with a backslash")
    • Number: A number that can be a whole number (Ex: 42), a decimal number (Ex: 3.141), or a number represented in scientific notation (Ex: 9.001e+3)
    • Object: An object is a sub list of keys and values enclosed by a pair of curly brackets ({}). These objects will rarely need to be created by the user, this is usually something the mod creator will use just to group options better.
    • Array: An array is a list of values associated with that key enclosed by square brackets, the values that are within the array can be any of the value types in this list (including array). The values in an array are separated by a comma (,). Example: ["value_1", 42, 3.141, "value_4"]
    • Boolean: A boolean value indicates a true/false scenario, the only values that are considered boolean are true and false, and they must be spelt exactly like that, they cannot have uppercase letters, and are not enclosed in quotations. Example: "key_name": true
    • Null: null is a special value that denotes «nothing», some configs will use this as placeholder values until it is filled in.

    Note: JSON does not allow comments within it, meaning that if you find a JSON configuration where will likely be no help inside of the file. If a mod uses a JSON config, then they will often supply help documents either in the folder with the config or on the mod’s website.

  • Key/Value pairs must be enclosed in curly brackets ({}) and separated with a comma (,). Example: {"key_1": "value_1", "key_2": "value_2"}

JSON does not care about any spacing, so you can have it all on one line, or split across multiple lines and it will behave exactly the same way unless you broke a string by splitting across lines.

StickyPiston Support

If you have questions about this guide or any part of our Minecraft services, please open a support ticket and our dedicated team will be in touch.

Open Support Ticket

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