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когда я пиххаю модель в assetsminecraftmodelsitem с названием netherite_helmet заменяется только модель в инвенторе а не когда она одета на игрока она обычная
как можно это исправить ?
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22 часа назад, dikoamit сказал:
когда я пиххаю модель в assetsminecraftmodelsitem с названием netherite_helmet заменяется только модель в инвенторе а не когда она одета на игрока она обычная
как можно это исправить ?
Вот где текстуры 3д моделей брони: .minecraftresourcepacksназвание ресурспакаassetsminecrafttexturesmodelsarmor ( ты просто не туда кидал, там через папку текстур в модэлс заходить надо )
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3D Броню в ресурс-паке никак не сделать. Только в моде, или через тыкву
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В 20.10.2022 в 15:05, dikoamit сказал:
когда я пиххаю модель в assetsminecraftmodelsitem с названием netherite_helmet заменяется только модель в инвенторе а не когда она одета на игрока она обычная
как можно это исправить ?
Нельзя они в разных папках лежат.
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Обновлено: 09.02.2023
Я здесь новичок, пытаюсь разобраться сам, но не понимаю, куда нужно положить текстуру для своей брони и как указать её в коде.
Броня готова, текстура для каждого Item’а отдельно есть, всё работает, но на игроке броню не видно (собственно потому что я не знаю, как это сделать).
У меня всё равно не работает
Может быть я что-то не так указал?
P.S. Заметил, что местами перепутал, но всё равно не работает
а дак ты у тебя assets.minecraft <- папка а указываешь ты на assets.RainbowCraft_ID
Нет (наверно), самая обычная текстура. И да, кстати, это может зависеть от самой текстуры, если криво нарисовал, например?
Я, вроде, всё исправил, а оно всё равно не работает.
Я даже файлы на всякий случай переименовал (и для красоты) и перепроверил всё дважды.
Это может быть из-за самой текстуры?
А какой размер у обеих твоих текстур?
Он должен быть кратен 64×32. (64×32/128×64/256×128/512×256 и т.д)
Теперь вопрос, который я, наверно, должен был задать в самом начале. Эта функция (getArmorTexture) должна где-то вызываться?
@DJ_RTyTb Зачем тебе ее вызывать если она сама вызывается? это 1
2. Ты положил текстуры в обычный пакет minecraft, Если у тебя текстура указана как «test:textures/armor/0.jpg» то текстура будет расположена по пути /assets/test/textures/armor/0.jpg
Кому то не мешает хотябы туториалы посмотреть и понять как вообще майнкрафт текстуру достает и как ее правильно задать
Ну, я так и думал, что она сама вызывается, просто ничего не работает, и я уже решил проверить и это.
Насчёт пути я уже понял, спасибо. Я всё исправил, но всё по-прежнему не работает. (да, я знаю, что где-то у меня по-любому ошибка, и виноват всё равно я)
А туториалов по поводу брони я не нашёл (а те, которые нашёл, были на другую версию). Не исключено, что я и искал криво, хотя на это я потратил уже два дня.
Хорошая новость! Проблема решена! Помимо неправильного пути к файлу, что вы подметили (спасибо), у меня было ещё 2 ошибки:
1. Я указал неправильный индекс материала брони (или как это называется), который указывался в инициализации Item’ов (я думал, что изначально их 5, от 0 до 4, а их всего 4);
2. Я забыл указать «.jpg» в названии, которое я изменил в процессе редактирования файлов.
Всем спасибо за помощь!
DJ_RTyTb, по сути их 5, но в java все отсчеты чисел принято начинать с 0.
Советую, создавать свои файлы ресурсов, а не пользоваться майнкрафтерскими, стандартными.(Может быть баг, если в 2ух разных модах указана папка minecraft, и название брони вдруг будет одинаковое.)
Создай свой пакет — resources/assets/modid/textures
Текстуры и модель
Начнём с сложного, а именно модели и текстуры. Создаём в папке models -> item 4 файла с названиями [ _].json и пишем в них то же самое что и в моделях предметов. Теперь текстуры брони как предмета с таким же названием кидаем в папку textures -> items. Сейчас же создаём 2 png файла с названиями [ _layer_1].jpg & [ _layer_2].jpg в папке №4. Первая картинка отвечает за верхнюю броню, это шлем и нагрудник, пример будет в самом низу. Вторые текстуры же отвечают за поножи и ботинки. Ну всё! Это было самое сложное, лично для меня
Нужно создать 1 файл в папке №1, с названием BasicArmor и таким кодом:
public class BasicArmor extends ItemArmor
public BasicArmor(String unlocalizedName, ArmorMaterial material, int renderIndex, EntityEquipmentSlot slot) super(material, renderIndex, slot);
Теперь заходим в главный класс предметов и пишем public static ArmorMaterial MATERIAL = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial(«MATERIAL», «modid:material», durability , new int[] , enchantibylity , SoundEvents.sound );
Так мы регистрируем новый материал для брони под названием MATERIAL, далее регистрация текстуры, durability — прочность. Вычисляется по формуле
durability * 11 для шлема
durability * 16 для кирасы
durability * 15 для трусов
durability * 13 ботинки
Durability уже существующих бронь:
5 кожаная
15 железо и кольчуга
7 золото
33 алмазная броня
Защита уже существующих бронь:
new int[] для кожи (7 в общем)
new int[] кольчуга (12 в общем)
new int[] железо (15 в общем)
new int[] золото (11 в общем)
new int[] а что ещё осталось? (20 в общем — не используйте больше!!)
enchantibylity это зачаруемость. Макс 30.
И осталась добавленная в 1.9 фича — звуковой эффект при надевании.
Теперь добавляем эти вещи как предметы такими командами:
public static Item MHelmet;
public static Item MChestplate;
public static Item MLeggings;
public static Item MBoots;
Дело за предпоследним:
GameRegistry.registerItem(MHelmet = new BasicArmor(«material_helmet», MATERIAL, 1, EntityEquipmentSlot.HEAD), «material_helmet»);
GameRegistry.registerItem(MChestplate = new BasicArmor(«material_chestplate», MATERIAL, 1, EntityEquipmentSlot.CHEST), «material_chestplate»);
GameRegistry.registerItem(MLeggings = new BasicArmor(«material_leggings», MATERIAL, 2, EntityEquipmentSlot.LEGS), «material_leggings»);
GameRegistry.registerItem(MBoots = new BasicArmor(«material_boots», MATERIAL, 1, EntityEquipmentSlot.FEET), «material_boots»);
Теперь вот это в ItemRenderRegisterer
Всё. У вас должно было всё выйти и если мы зайдём в игре в вкладку в креативе, мы увидим наши предметы. Но если всё же есть проблемы пишите мне в ЛП. С радостью вам отвечу!
Как изменить текстуру брони в майнкрафт
Просто хорошие люди
Звание: Где-то рядом с нами
Это реализуемо с помощью OptiFine Custom Item Textures (сокращённо — CIT).
В пакете ресурсов переходим в путь assets/minecraft, создаём папку optifine. В папке optifine создаём папку cit. Теперь нам нужно создать несколько текстовых файлов в формате properties:
1) Для предметов брони полицейского:
2) Для моделей брони полицейского:
3) Для предметов брони пожарного:
4) Для моделей брони пожарного:
Перейдём к настройке этих предметов и моделей. Во всех файлах предметов policeman (шапки, туники, штаны и ботинки) используем следующий синтаксис:
Где minecraft:leather_helmet — идентификатор кожаной шапки (для туники используем chestplate вместо helmet, для штанов — leggings, для ботинков — boots).
В texture.leather_helmet, texture.leather_helmet_overlay и policeman_helmet также заменяем helmet на нужную часть брони для каждой из четырёх частей.
transparent_item — ссылка на абсолютно прозрачную текстуру предмета брони, предназначенной для окрашивания (я предполагаю, что текстуры, нарисованные вами, уже окрашены).
3949738 — цвет брони, окрашенной синим красителем (можете заменить на другой цвет, если хотите).
То же самое проделываем для fireman, заменяя все policeman на fireman, а 3949738 (синий краситель) — на 11546150 (красный краситель).
Далее — настройка моделей. В обоих файлах policeman_layer_*.properties (1 и 2) используем следующий синтаксис:
В файле layer_2 заменим все три единицы на 2.
То же самое проделываем для fireman, заменяя все policeman на fireman, а 3949738 (синий краситель) — на 11546150 (красный краситель).
Свойства CIT настроены, теперь время для текстур. Все текстуры необходимо положить в ту же папку с файлами properties (assets/minecraft/optifine/cit):
policeman_helmet.jpg — текстура предмета шапки полицейского
policeman_chestplate.jpg — текстура предмета туники полицейского
policeman_leggings.jpg — текстура предмета штанов полицейского
policeman_boots.jpg — текстура предмета ботинков полицейского
fireman_helmet.jpg — текстура предмета шапки пожарного
fireman_chestplate.jpg — текстура предмета туники пожарного
fireman_leggings.jpg — текстура предмета штанов пожарного
fireman_boots.jpg — текстура предмета ботинков пожарного
policeman_layer_1.jpg — текстура первой части брони полицейского
policeman_layer_2.jpg — текстура второй части брони полицейского
fireman_layer_1.jpg — текстура первой части брони пожарного
fireman_layer_2.jpg — текстура второй части брони пожарного
Нам нужно создать текстуру для брони. Чтобы сделать текстуру как показано ниже, зайдите в корневую папку .minecraft —> version —> файл 1.12.2.jar (открыть с помощью WinRar) и идём по пути: 1.12.2.jarassetsminecrafttexturesmodelsarmor и выбираем любой слот кроме chainmail_layer_1 и в Photoshop или в Paint перерисовываем по своему вкусу.
Положим наши текстуры по пути:
Запускаем игру, выдаём себе броню и надеваем.
В данном разделе вы научитесь создавать броню с моделью, т.е. не такую как мы в статье выше делали, а именно с моделью.
Создадим модель брони. Это можно сделать с помощью CubikStudio (Временно не рекомендуется, так как модели криво экспортируются) | Qubble | Tabule.
Пример моей брони:
Если вы хотите, чтобы части брони двигались вместе с игроком, нужно делать привязку к родителю. К примеру мы хотим чтобы наш шлем вращался вместе с головой, значит
Чем больше переменных элемента брони, тем больше привязок к родителю!
Добавим в наш класс ItemMagicArmor метод getArmorModel().
Перейдём в класс ItemsRegister и создадим переменную armorModels.
Добавим в метод register() такой код:
Если вы хотите добавить текстуру к своей броне, то вам нужно создать метод в ItemMagicArmor:
Заходим в игру и надеваем нашу броню из прошлого урока.
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Aug 15, 2019
I’m making a texture pack and I want to know if there is a way to change the model of armor with optifine. For example, you have a leather helmet and it’s all normal, but if you rename it «straw hat» it will look like the farmer villager’s straw hat, brim and all. Is this possible or upcoming? Thanks!
Aug 15, 2019
Also, can you extend the armor model past what would normally be acceptable? For example if I were to add a long extension off of the helmet that would go into the chestplate’s designated area, but still moved with the head?
Aug 16, 2019
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You can make an item model and place that item on your head with /replaceitem instead.
KittenKatja ♥
Aug 16, 2019
Custom armor CEM has been on sp614x’s to-do list since 2017. You can see here that he says it is possible but since marking it an enhancement and adding the to-do tag the issue hasn’t changed: https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/issues/561 So, the simple answer to your question is: not yet, and we’re unsure when we may be able to. With 1.14.4 out and with a stable release, this may be a good time to ask about Trident CEM/CIT and CEM implementation for the armor. Keeping an eye on the optifine discord, github and checking the changelogs in the documents is a pretty solid way of determining if what you want it do is currently possible or not.
Aug 16, 2019
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Custom armor CEM has been on sp614x’s to-do list since 2017. You can see here that he says it is possible but since marking it an enhancement and adding the to-do tag the issue hasn’t changed: https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/issues/561 So, the simple answer to your question is: not yet, and we’re unsure when we may be able to. With 1.14.4 out and with a stable release, this may be a good time to ask about Trident CEM/CIT and CEM implementation for the armor. Keeping an eye on the optifine discord, github and checking the changelogs in the documents is a pretty solid way of determining if what you want it do is currently possible or not.
Modded: Not Yet.
Vanilla: Yes.
KittenKatja ♥
Aug 17, 2019
Modded: Not Yet.
Vanilla: Yes.
I was answering the OP’s question- which was specifically if you could alter the armor model and use optifine’s CEM to have a full farmer brim when named in an anvil: The answer to that question is «No.» While it is true that you can model an item model and then use an administrative command to insert that item into an inventory slot that isn’t even remotely close to what was being asked. What you’re describing is decorative and requires operator status in a world to accomplish, anvil naming armor to change the appearance can be done by anyone with an anvil and the armor is still armor- not some random item in an armor slot. If you’ve managed to use /replaceitem to create functional armor variations I would be very interested to see what you’ve come up with.
Aug 17, 2019
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As you know, attribute modifiers can hold armor and armor toughness, which is part of the armor system, applying this on a regular item, it can give the same result without it ever breaking, however since it’s only an item, unequipping means no return, so add the enchant curse of binding as well, since curse of binding will add a glint effect onto the item, it is unavoidable, except adding a blank glint texture, but then all enchanted items will appear without the enchanting glint.
/replaceitem entity @s armor.head minecraft:stick{CustomModelData:3301,display:{Name:'[«»,{«text»:»Farmer’s Hat»,»color»:»gold»,»italic»:»false»}]’,Lore:[«Made by KittenKatja»]},AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:»generic.armor»,Name:»meow»,Amount:2.0f,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:69,UUIDMost:69,Slot:»head»},{AttributeName:»generic.armorToughness»,Name:»meow»,»Amount:3.0f,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:69,UUIDMost:69,Slot:»head»}],Enchantments:[{id:»binding_curse»,lvl:1}],HideFlags:3} 1
How about fusing vanilla with CIT? Renaming instead CustomModelData, the item can change it’s model, too, and it can even be an item worn on the head, right?
KittenKatja ♥
Aug 17, 2019
Would that work without admin commands though? That’s clever, and I can see how it would function, but if you are simply playing on a server and don’t have operator permissions would you be able to access the textures? Lots of packs use CIT to swap the armor texture just so people can have a little variety on their armor stands and in their inventory: it’s totally survival friendly. Your command would certainly seem to meet my challenge of function armor variations but it requires operator commands that people would only have in SSP with cheats enabled or as the owner of a server they are playing on which makes it not very survival friendly. I kind of like the idea of trying to merge vanilla with CIT to try to make a survival friendly variation but everything I can think of would require commands which makes it far less versatile than optifine adding support for armor CEM.
Aug 17, 2019
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The only way to have it in multiplayer survival is the /hat command, that swaps the hand item with the head slot item, but CustomModelData is still unaccessible, where as CIT or CEM is available and I heard, that models can be linked, too.
KittenKatja ♥
Aug 18, 2019
Yeah, I was kinda afraid of that. I still prefer the optifine methods for due to that survival-friendly nature although your option seems like it would be excellent for inserting custom weapons and armor into an adventure map or minigame far beyond a simple retexture/remodel of what already exists which neither CIT nor CEM can accomplish. If he wanted to simply change the armor texture CIT would have him ready to go right now but wanting that full brim like on the farmers hat would require CEM alterations to the model which optifine doesn’t support yet. Thanks for the info, it’s been enlightening.
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Aug 15, 2019
I’m making a texture pack and I want to know if there is a way to change the model of armor with optifine. For example, you have a leather helmet and it’s all normal, but if you rename it «straw hat» it will look like the farmer villager’s straw hat, brim and all. Is this possible or upcoming? Thanks!
Aug 15, 2019
Also, can you extend the armor model past what would normally be acceptable? For example if I were to add a long extension off of the helmet that would go into the chestplate’s designated area, but still moved with the head?
Aug 16, 2019
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You can make an item model and place that item on your head with /replaceitem instead.
KittenKatja ♥
Aug 16, 2019
Custom armor CEM has been on sp614x’s to-do list since 2017. You can see here that he says it is possible but since marking it an enhancement and adding the to-do tag the issue hasn’t changed: https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/issues/561 So, the simple answer to your question is: not yet, and we’re unsure when we may be able to. With 1.14.4 out and with a stable release, this may be a good time to ask about Trident CEM/CIT and CEM implementation for the armor. Keeping an eye on the optifine discord, github and checking the changelogs in the documents is a pretty solid way of determining if what you want it do is currently possible or not.
Aug 16, 2019
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Custom armor CEM has been on sp614x’s to-do list since 2017. You can see here that he says it is possible but since marking it an enhancement and adding the to-do tag the issue hasn’t changed: https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/issues/561 So, the simple answer to your question is: not yet, and we’re unsure when we may be able to. With 1.14.4 out and with a stable release, this may be a good time to ask about Trident CEM/CIT and CEM implementation for the armor. Keeping an eye on the optifine discord, github and checking the changelogs in the documents is a pretty solid way of determining if what you want it do is currently possible or not.
Modded: Not Yet.
Vanilla: Yes.
KittenKatja ♥
Aug 17, 2019
Modded: Not Yet.
Vanilla: Yes.
I was answering the OP’s question- which was specifically if you could alter the armor model and use optifine’s CEM to have a full farmer brim when named in an anvil: The answer to that question is «No.» While it is true that you can model an item model and then use an administrative command to insert that item into an inventory slot that isn’t even remotely close to what was being asked. What you’re describing is decorative and requires operator status in a world to accomplish, anvil naming armor to change the appearance can be done by anyone with an anvil and the armor is still armor- not some random item in an armor slot. If you’ve managed to use /replaceitem to create functional armor variations I would be very interested to see what you’ve come up with.
Aug 17, 2019
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As you know, attribute modifiers can hold armor and armor toughness, which is part of the armor system, applying this on a regular item, it can give the same result without it ever breaking, however since it’s only an item, unequipping means no return, so add the enchant curse of binding as well, since curse of binding will add a glint effect onto the item, it is unavoidable, except adding a blank glint texture, but then all enchanted items will appear without the enchanting glint.
/replaceitem entity @s armor.head minecraft:stick{CustomModelData:3301,display:{Name:'[«»,{«text»:»Farmer’s Hat»,»color»:»gold»,»italic»:»false»}]’,Lore:[«Made by KittenKatja»]},AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:»generic.armor»,Name:»meow»,Amount:2.0f,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:69,UUIDMost:69,Slot:»head»},{AttributeName:»generic.armorToughness»,Name:»meow»,»Amount:3.0f,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:69,UUIDMost:69,Slot:»head»}],Enchantments:[{id:»binding_curse»,lvl:1}],HideFlags:3} 1
How about fusing vanilla with CIT? Renaming instead CustomModelData, the item can change it’s model, too, and it can even be an item worn on the head, right?
KittenKatja ♥
Aug 17, 2019
Would that work without admin commands though? That’s clever, and I can see how it would function, but if you are simply playing on a server and don’t have operator permissions would you be able to access the textures? Lots of packs use CIT to swap the armor texture just so people can have a little variety on their armor stands and in their inventory: it’s totally survival friendly. Your command would certainly seem to meet my challenge of function armor variations but it requires operator commands that people would only have in SSP with cheats enabled or as the owner of a server they are playing on which makes it not very survival friendly. I kind of like the idea of trying to merge vanilla with CIT to try to make a survival friendly variation but everything I can think of would require commands which makes it far less versatile than optifine adding support for armor CEM.
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The only way to have it in multiplayer survival is the /hat command, that swaps the hand item with the head slot item, but CustomModelData is still unaccessible, where as CIT or CEM is available and I heard, that models can be linked, too.
KittenKatja ♥
Aug 18, 2019
Yeah, I was kinda afraid of that. I still prefer the optifine methods for due to that survival-friendly nature although your option seems like it would be excellent for inserting custom weapons and armor into an adventure map or minigame far beyond a simple retexture/remodel of what already exists which neither CIT nor CEM can accomplish. If he wanted to simply change the armor texture CIT would have him ready to go right now but wanting that full brim like on the farmers hat would require CEM alterations to the model which optifine doesn’t support yet. Thanks for the info, it’s been enlightening.
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public String getArmorTexture(ItemStack stack, Entity entity, int slot,
String type) {
return slot == 2 ? "modid:textures/models/layer_2" // путь до текстуры штанов
: "modid:textures/models/layer_1"; // путь до текстуры остальной брони
У меня всё равно не работает
Может быть я что-то не так указал?
P.S. Заметил, что местами перепутал, но всё равно не работает
а дак ты у тебя assets.minecraft <- папка а указываешь ты на assets.RainbowCraft_ID
Нет (наверно), самая обычная текстура. И да, кстати, это может зависеть от самой текстуры, если криво нарисовал, например?
public String getArmorTexture(ItemStack stack, Entity entity, int slot,
String type) {
return slot == 2 ? "minecraft:textures/models/layer_2" // путь до текстуры штанов
: "minecraft:textures/models/layer_1"; // путь до текстуры остальной брони
Я, вроде, всё исправил, а оно всё равно не работает…
Я даже файлы на всякий случай переименовал (и для красоты) и перепроверил всё дважды.
Это может быть из-за самой текстуры?
А какой размер у обеих твоих текстур?
Он должен быть кратен 64×32. (64×32/128×64/256×128/512×256 и т.д)
Теперь вопрос, который я, наверно, должен был задать в самом начале. Эта функция (getArmorTexture) должна где-то вызываться?
@DJ_RTyTb Зачем тебе ее вызывать если она сама вызывается? это 1
2. Ты положил текстуры в обычный пакет minecraft, Если у тебя текстура указана как «test:textures/armor/0.png» то текстура будет расположена по пути /assets/test/textures/armor/0.png
Кому то не мешает хотябы туториалы посмотреть и понять как вообще майнкрафт текстуру достает и как ее правильно задать
Ну, я так и думал, что она сама вызывается, просто ничего не работает, и я уже решил проверить и это.
Насчёт пути я уже понял, спасибо. Я всё исправил, но всё по-прежнему не работает. (да, я знаю, что где-то у меня по-любому ошибка, и виноват всё равно я)
А туториалов по поводу брони я не нашёл (а те, которые нашёл, были на другую версию). Не исключено, что я и искал криво, хотя на это я потратил уже два дня.
Хорошая новость! Проблема решена! Помимо неправильного пути к файлу, что вы подметили (спасибо), у меня было ещё 2 ошибки:
1. Я указал неправильный индекс материала брони (или как это называется), который указывался в инициализации Item’ов (я думал, что изначально их 5, от 0 до 4, а их всего 4);
2. Я забыл указать «.png» в названии, которое я изменил в процессе редактирования файлов.
Всем спасибо за помощь!
Последнее редактирование: 2 Ноя 2019
DJ_RTyTb, по сути их 5, но в java все отсчеты чисел принято начинать с 0.
Советую, создавать свои файлы ресурсов, а не пользоваться майнкрафтерскими, стандартными.(Может быть баг, если в 2ух разных модах указана папка minecraft, и название брони вдруг будет одинаковое.)
Создай свой пакет — resources/assets/modid/textures
У меня 4 это уже мой пользовательский материал, который работает.
Получается, что с 0 до 3 — базовые. (Может быть, я криво объяснил, что за индекс, но он у меня так работает)
А по поводу ресурсов спасибо, я учту.
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Mar 30, 2017
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I only see an option to change the chain, gold, iron, diamond, and default brown leather armor’s texture, but not the option to change, for example, lime dyed leather armor’s texture. Is it even possible to do so?
Mar 30, 2017
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The leather armor should have 4 textures. 2 that are white and then another 2 that are the overlays which should be brown. You can edit the white texture but you have to keep it white. As for the overlays, you can make those blank if you don’t want them or change them to another texture as well. Hope this helped, if you have more questions, please ask.
So basically what I’m trying to do is is have 10 different armor sets all set to 10 different minecraft skins (set as a separate armor overlay for each skin), would there be anyway to do this? Considering from what I’m aware I only have 5 different armor sets to work with.
Mar 30, 2017
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So basically what I’m trying to do is is have 10 different armor sets all set to 10 different minecraft skins (set as a separate armor overlay for each skin), would there be anyway to do this? Considering from what I’m aware I only have 5 different armor sets to work with.
I’ve seen a minigame map with a resource pack that had more than 5, but I’m not sure how they did it, I even opened the resource pack and looked at it but couldn’t figure it out.
Mar 30, 2017
So basically what I’m trying to do is is have 10 different armor sets all set to 10 different minecraft skins (set as a separate armor overlay for each skin), would there be anyway to do this? Considering from what I’m aware I only have 5 different armor sets to work with.
So are these actually going to be armor that you put on or part of the skin itself?
Mar 30, 2017
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So are these actually going to be armor that you put on or part of the skin itself?
Mar 30, 2017
Sorry for this wall of text
So there is a way to do this with Optifine using CIT (Custom Item Textures)
So let’s say you wanted to have multiple leather helmets. Leather armor has an id of 298.
Again, let’s say you wanted 2 different leather helmets. You would need a couple files for this
You would need a folder in the resourcepack called mcpatcher. This folder is located in the «Minecraft» folder in the resourcepack.
In that folder, you need another folder named «cit» and in those you can make a folder called «leather_armor» and in that one you could make one called (Example) knight and another named dragon. In both of those folders you should make 4 more folders named boots, leggings, chestplate, and helmet. (IMPORTANT: none of these can have a capitalized letter for the name. it will not work)
First of all, you would need the item texture for both of these. (What would display in your inventory)
Let’s say you want one that looks like knights armor and another that looks like dragon scale.
You could make two 16×16( varies depending on what size you want. Default is 16) helmet items. One can be called «leather_helmet_knight.png» and another could be called «leather_helmet_dragon.png». You would place the knight one in the knight helmet folder and the dragon in the dragon helmet folder.Let’s start off with the knight. You have an item texture named leather_helmet_knight.png. This should be in the folder: mcpatcher/cit/leather_armor/knight/helmet.
Now you want the armor which you would normally find in the models/armor folder. Here just make your texture, make the full texture anyway, not just the helmet. Name it for example «helmet_armor_knight.png»
You now want two .properties text files (Just make a notepad but save it as .properties). You can name one «armor.properties» and the other «item.properties»
In the armor.properties you would want:type=armor
matchItems=298 (*This is where you would change the id depending on what piece of armor and type of armor it is*)
nbt.display.Name=Knight’s Helmet (*This is where it would get its texture. This is depending on what it is named in an anvil. It has to this name exactly*)
source=./leather_helmet.png (*I’m even still confuse on what this does exactly, but just leave it like this and it should work*)
texture.leather_layer_1=./helmet_armor_knight.png (*this is the name of the armor file*)Then for the item.properties you would want:
matchItems=298 (*Same as above, the id of the armor*)
texture=leather_helmet_knight.png (*The name of the item file*)
weight=100 (*Just tells it to use this texture 100% of the time if it is named what is on the line below*)
nbt.display.Name=ipattern:Knight’s HelmetAnd it would be the same for the «dragon scale leather armor» but in another folder and the texture locations and names are different.
So a blank one for both would be:
texture.[*armor goes here*]=type=item
nbt.display.Name=ipattern:Quote from Alvoria:
For the «source=» line you should use the simplified version of the path since for some reason MCPatcher (In this case optifine) doesn’t always understand the full path. This assumes that the armor textures are in the same folder as the config file. The same goes for the «texture.diamond_…» part: it needs a path but not a full one.Link to optifine’s official explanation: https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/blob/master/OptiFineDoc/doc/cit_single.properties
Please ask if you have another question. I do not know what they did in the video. You can link the video/resourcepack in here and I may be able to find out what they did. Sorry if there are any typos/grammatical errors.
Mar 30, 2017
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Sorry for this wall of text
So there is a way to do this with Optifine using CIT (Custom Item Textures)
So let’s say you wanted to have multiple leather helmets. Leather armor has an id of 298.
Again, let’s say you wanted 2 different leather helmets. You would need a couple files for this
You would need a folder in the resourcepack called mcpatcher. This folder is located in the «Minecraft» folder in the resourcepack.
In that folder, you need another folder named «cit» and in those you can make a folder called «leather_armor» and in that one you could make one called (Example) knight and another named dragon. In both of those folders you should make 4 more folders named boots, leggings, chestplate, and helmet. (IMPORTANT: none of these can have a capitalized letter for the name. it will not work)
First of all, you would need the item texture for both of these. (What would display in your inventory)
Let’s say you want one that looks like knights armor and another that looks like dragon scale.
You could make two 16×16( varies depending on what size you want. Default is 16) helmet items. One can be called «leather_helmet_knight.png» and another could be called «leather_helmet_dragon.png». You would place the knight one in the knight helmet folder and the dragon in the dragon helmet folder.Let’s start off with the knight. You have an item texture named leather_helmet_knight.png. This should be in the folder: mcpatcher/cit/leather_armor/knight/helmet.
Now you want the armor which you would normally find in the models/armor folder. Here just make your texture, make the full texture anyway, not just the helmet. Name it for example «helmet_armor_knight.png»
You now want two .properties text files (Just make a notepad but save it as .properties). You can name one «armor.properties» and the other «item.properties»
In the armor.properties you would want:Then for the item.properties you would want:
And it would be the same for the «dragon scale leather armor» but in another folder and the texture locations and names are different.
So a blank one for both would be:
Quote from Alvoria:
For the «source=» line you should use the simplified version of the path since for some reason MCPatcher (In this case optifine) doesn’t always understand the full path. This assumes that the armor textures are in the same folder as the config file. The same goes for the «texture.diamond_…» part: it needs a path but not a full one.Link to optifine’s official explanation: https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/blob/master/OptiFineDoc/doc/cit_single.properties
Please ask if you have another question. I do not know what they did in the video. You can link the video/resourcepack in here and I may be able to find out what they did. Sorry if there are any typos/grammatical errors.
Thank you so much for writing all that up to help me!
I am curious though, this is all possible without optifine, right? Or atleast players without optifine will still be able to see the different textures when the resource pack is equipped?
Mar 31, 2017
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This method is optifine only. The other players would have to have this exact resourcepack and optifine (Lot’s of players use optifine, but if not it’s really easy to get anyway. All you really have to do is go to optifine.net click the download page, find your version, click the think that says mirror and it downloads. Then just double click the downloaded file and it installs and is done just like that.). This is the only method that I can currently think of which is possible. If you could link a video (if there is one) or the resource pack to the minigame I could analyze it and try to figure out if they did something different. But yes sorry, this is only Optifine
Yeah, if you don’t mind, that’d be very helpful because I’m trying to get it published to realms and if it requires optifine then it most likely wouldn’t get accepted.
That’s the video for the map and resource pack. When I played it I had the resource pack off and the two different armor stands had green and regular leather armor, then with it on the armor stands had two different minecraft skins, so I’m sure it’s possible, but I’m not sure how.
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Mar 30, 2017
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I only see an option to change the chain, gold, iron, diamond, and default brown leather armor’s texture, but not the option to change, for example, lime dyed leather armor’s texture. Is it even possible to do so?
Mar 30, 2017
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The leather armor should have 4 textures. 2 that are white and then another 2 that are the overlays which should be brown. You can edit the white texture but you have to keep it white. As for the overlays, you can make those blank if you don’t want them or change them to another texture as well. Hope this helped, if you have more questions, please ask.
So basically what I’m trying to do is is have 10 different armor sets all set to 10 different minecraft skins (set as a separate armor overlay for each skin), would there be anyway to do this? Considering from what I’m aware I only have 5 different armor sets to work with.
Mar 30, 2017
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So basically what I’m trying to do is is have 10 different armor sets all set to 10 different minecraft skins (set as a separate armor overlay for each skin), would there be anyway to do this? Considering from what I’m aware I only have 5 different armor sets to work with.
I’ve seen a minigame map with a resource pack that had more than 5, but I’m not sure how they did it, I even opened the resource pack and looked at it but couldn’t figure it out.
Mar 30, 2017
So basically what I’m trying to do is is have 10 different armor sets all set to 10 different minecraft skins (set as a separate armor overlay for each skin), would there be anyway to do this? Considering from what I’m aware I only have 5 different armor sets to work with.
So are these actually going to be armor that you put on or part of the skin itself?
Mar 30, 2017
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So are these actually going to be armor that you put on or part of the skin itself?
Mar 30, 2017
Sorry for this wall of text
So there is a way to do this with Optifine using CIT (Custom Item Textures)
So let’s say you wanted to have multiple leather helmets. Leather armor has an id of 298.
Again, let’s say you wanted 2 different leather helmets. You would need a couple files for this
You would need a folder in the resourcepack called mcpatcher. This folder is located in the «Minecraft» folder in the resourcepack.
In that folder, you need another folder named «cit» and in those you can make a folder called «leather_armor» and in that one you could make one called (Example) knight and another named dragon. In both of those folders you should make 4 more folders named boots, leggings, chestplate, and helmet. (IMPORTANT: none of these can have a capitalized letter for the name. it will not work)
First of all, you would need the item texture for both of these. (What would display in your inventory)
Let’s say you want one that looks like knights armor and another that looks like dragon scale.
You could make two 16×16( varies depending on what size you want. Default is 16) helmet items. One can be called «leather_helmet_knight.png» and another could be called «leather_helmet_dragon.png». You would place the knight one in the knight helmet folder and the dragon in the dragon helmet folder.Let’s start off with the knight. You have an item texture named leather_helmet_knight.png. This should be in the folder: mcpatcher/cit/leather_armor/knight/helmet.
Now you want the armor which you would normally find in the models/armor folder. Here just make your texture, make the full texture anyway, not just the helmet. Name it for example «helmet_armor_knight.png»
You now want two .properties text files (Just make a notepad but save it as .properties). You can name one «armor.properties» and the other «item.properties»
In the armor.properties you would want:type=armor
matchItems=298 (*This is where you would change the id depending on what piece of armor and type of armor it is*)
nbt.display.Name=Knight’s Helmet (*This is where it would get its texture. This is depending on what it is named in an anvil. It has to this name exactly*)
source=./leather_helmet.png (*I’m even still confuse on what this does exactly, but just leave it like this and it should work*)
texture.leather_layer_1=./helmet_armor_knight.png (*this is the name of the armor file*)Then for the item.properties you would want:
matchItems=298 (*Same as above, the id of the armor*)
texture=leather_helmet_knight.png (*The name of the item file*)
weight=100 (*Just tells it to use this texture 100% of the time if it is named what is on the line below*)
nbt.display.Name=ipattern:Knight’s HelmetAnd it would be the same for the «dragon scale leather armor» but in another folder and the texture locations and names are different.
So a blank one for both would be:
texture.[*armor goes here*]=type=item
nbt.display.Name=ipattern:Quote from Alvoria:
For the «source=» line you should use the simplified version of the path since for some reason MCPatcher (In this case optifine) doesn’t always understand the full path. This assumes that the armor textures are in the same folder as the config file. The same goes for the «texture.diamond_…» part: it needs a path but not a full one.Link to optifine’s official explanation: https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/blob/master/OptiFineDoc/doc/cit_single.properties
Please ask if you have another question. I do not know what they did in the video. You can link the video/resourcepack in here and I may be able to find out what they did. Sorry if there are any typos/grammatical errors.
Mar 30, 2017
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Sorry for this wall of text
So there is a way to do this with Optifine using CIT (Custom Item Textures)
So let’s say you wanted to have multiple leather helmets. Leather armor has an id of 298.
Again, let’s say you wanted 2 different leather helmets. You would need a couple files for this
You would need a folder in the resourcepack called mcpatcher. This folder is located in the «Minecraft» folder in the resourcepack.
In that folder, you need another folder named «cit» and in those you can make a folder called «leather_armor» and in that one you could make one called (Example) knight and another named dragon. In both of those folders you should make 4 more folders named boots, leggings, chestplate, and helmet. (IMPORTANT: none of these can have a capitalized letter for the name. it will not work)
First of all, you would need the item texture for both of these. (What would display in your inventory)
Let’s say you want one that looks like knights armor and another that looks like dragon scale.
You could make two 16×16( varies depending on what size you want. Default is 16) helmet items. One can be called «leather_helmet_knight.png» and another could be called «leather_helmet_dragon.png». You would place the knight one in the knight helmet folder and the dragon in the dragon helmet folder.Let’s start off with the knight. You have an item texture named leather_helmet_knight.png. This should be in the folder: mcpatcher/cit/leather_armor/knight/helmet.
Now you want the armor which you would normally find in the models/armor folder. Here just make your texture, make the full texture anyway, not just the helmet. Name it for example «helmet_armor_knight.png»
You now want two .properties text files (Just make a notepad but save it as .properties). You can name one «armor.properties» and the other «item.properties»
In the armor.properties you would want:Then for the item.properties you would want:
And it would be the same for the «dragon scale leather armor» but in another folder and the texture locations and names are different.
So a blank one for both would be:
Quote from Alvoria:
For the «source=» line you should use the simplified version of the path since for some reason MCPatcher (In this case optifine) doesn’t always understand the full path. This assumes that the armor textures are in the same folder as the config file. The same goes for the «texture.diamond_…» part: it needs a path but not a full one.Link to optifine’s official explanation: https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/blob/master/OptiFineDoc/doc/cit_single.properties
Please ask if you have another question. I do not know what they did in the video. You can link the video/resourcepack in here and I may be able to find out what they did. Sorry if there are any typos/grammatical errors.
Thank you so much for writing all that up to help me!
I am curious though, this is all possible without optifine, right? Or atleast players without optifine will still be able to see the different textures when the resource pack is equipped?
Mar 31, 2017
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This method is optifine only. The other players would have to have this exact resourcepack and optifine (Lot’s of players use optifine, but if not it’s really easy to get anyway. All you really have to do is go to optifine.net click the download page, find your version, click the think that says mirror and it downloads. Then just double click the downloaded file and it installs and is done just like that.). This is the only method that I can currently think of which is possible. If you could link a video (if there is one) or the resource pack to the minigame I could analyze it and try to figure out if they did something different. But yes sorry, this is only Optifine
Yeah, if you don’t mind, that’d be very helpful because I’m trying to get it published to realms and if it requires optifine then it most likely wouldn’t get accepted.
That’s the video for the map and resource pack. When I played it I had the resource pack off and the two different armor stands had green and regular leather armor, then with it on the armor stands had two different minecraft skins, so I’m sure it’s possible, but I’m not sure how.
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