Как изменить видимость репозитория на github

You can choose who can view your repository.

About repository visibility changes

Organization owners can restrict the ability to change repository visibility to organization owners only. For more information, see «Restricting repository visibility changes in your organization.»

We recommend reviewing the following caveats before you change the visibility of a repository.

Making a repository private

  • GitHub will detach public forks of the public repository and put them into a new network. Public forks are not made private.
  • If you’re using GitHub Free for personal accounts or organizations, some features won’t be available in the repository after you change the visibility to private. Any published GitHub Pages site will be automatically unpublished. If you added a custom domain to the GitHub Pages site, you should remove or update your DNS records before making the repository private, to avoid the risk of a domain takeover. For more information, see «GitHub’s products and «Managing a custom domain for your GitHub Pages site.»
  • GitHub will no longer include the repository in the GitHub Archive Program. For more information, see «About archiving content and data on GitHub.»
  • GitHub Advanced Security features, such as code scanning, will stop working. For more information, see «About GitHub Advanced Security.»

Making a repository public

  • GitHub will detach private forks and turn them into a standalone private repository. For more information, see «What happens to forks when a repository is deleted or changes visibility?»
  • If you’re converting your private repository to a public repository as part of a move toward creating an open source project, see the Open Source Guides for helpful tips and guidelines. You can also take a free course on managing an open source project with GitHub Skills. Once your repository is public, you can also view your repository’s community profile to see whether your project meets best practices for supporting contributors. For more information, see «Viewing your community profile.»
  • The repository will automatically gain access to GitHub Advanced Security features.

For information about improving repository security, see «Securing your repository.»

Changing a repository’s visibility

  1. On GitHub.com, navigate to the main page of the repository.

  2. Under your repository name, click
    Repository settings button

  3. Under «Danger Zone», to the right of to «Change repository visibility», click Change visibility.
    Change visibility button

  4. Select a visibility.

    Dialog of options for repository visibility

  5. To verify that you’re changing the correct repository’s visibility, type the name of the repository you want to change the visibility of.

  6. Click I understand, change repository visibility.

    Confirm change of repository visibility button

Further reading

  • «About repositories»

Сведения об изменении видимости репозитория

Владельцы организации могут разрешить изменять видимость репозитория только себе. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Ограничение на изменение видимости репозитория в организации.

Перед изменением видимости репозитория рекомендуется ознакомиться с приведенными ниже предупреждениями.

Преобразование репозитория в частный

  • GitHub отсоединит общедоступные вилки общедоступного репозитория и поместит их в новую сеть. Общедоступные вилки не становятся частными.
  • Если вы используете GitHub Free для личных учетных записей или организаций, некоторые функции станут недоступными после изменения видимости репозитория на частную. Публикация всех сайтов GitHub Pages будет автоматически отменена. Если вы добавили личный домен для сайта GitHub Pages, следует удалить или обновить записи DNS, прежде чем делать репозиторий частным, чтобы избежать захвата домена. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделах Продукты GitHub и Управление личным доменом для сайта GitHub Pages.
  • Репозиторий на GitHub больше не будет включаться в GitHub Archive Program. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Сведения об архивации содержимого и данных на GitHub.
  • Функции GitHub Advanced Security, такие как code scanning, перестанут работать. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Сведения о GitHub Advanced Security.

Преобразование репозитория в общедоступный

  • GitHub отсоединит частные вилки и превратит в отдельный частный репозиторий. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Что происходит с вилками при удалении репозитория или изменении видимости?
  • Если частный репозиторий преобразуется в общедоступный в рамках создания проекта с открытым кодом, ознакомьтесь с руководствами по открытому коду, чтобы получить полезные советы и рекомендации. Вы также можете пройти бесплатный курс по управлению проектом с открытым кодом в GitHub Skills. После того как репозиторий станет общедоступным, вы также сможете просмотреть его профиль в сообществе, чтобы узнать, соответствует ли проект рекомендациям для поддержки участников. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Просмотр профиля в сообществе.
  • Репозиторий автоматически получит доступ к функциям GitHub Advanced Security.

Сведения о повышении безопасности репозитория см. в разделе Защита репозитория.

Изменение видимости репозитория

  1. На GitHub.com перейдите на главную страницу репозитория. 1. Нажмите Параметры под именем репозитория.
    Кнопка параметров репозитория
  2. В разделе «Опасная зона» справа от элемента «Изменение видимости репозитория» нажмите кнопку Изменить видимость.
    Кнопка "Изменить видимость"
  3. Выберите видимость.
    Диалоговое окно с параметрами видимости репозитория
  4. Чтобы убедиться в том, что вы изменяете видимость правильного репозитория, введите его имя.
  5. Щелкните Я понимаю, изменить видимость репозитория.
    Кнопка для подтверждения изменения видимости репозитория

Дополнительные материалы

  • Сведения о репозиториях

Есть приватный репозиторий на GitHub. Хочу сделать его публичным для публикации на GitPages. Как это можно сделать?

CrazyElf's user avatar


62.4k5 золотых знаков19 серебряных знаков47 бронзовых знаков

задан 10 фев 2020 в 8:55

Konstantin_SH's user avatar


2,7652 золотых знака15 серебряных знаков35 бронзовых знаков

Справа в меню зайти в настройки «Settings» затем вкладка «Options» и в самом низу «Make this repository public».

В разделе Settings > General в самом низу находим группу Danger Zone и выбираем Change visibility > Make public.

Более подробно здесь

Spatz's user avatar


4,30623 золотых знака21 серебряный знак24 бронзовых знака

ответ дан 10 фев 2020 в 8:58

WTFisGoingOn's user avatar


Добавлю, что сейчас оно переехало влево.

Настройки — Основные — Уровень доступа, доп. функции проекта, разрешения — Видимость проекта — «Публичный».

0xdb's user avatar


51.3k194 золотых знака56 серебряных знаков227 бронзовых знаков

ответ дан 17 мар 2021 в 16:38

Art Molados's user avatar


«Settings» затем вкладка «Options» и в самом низу
«Change repository visibility»
This repository is currently public.

ответ дан 13 июн 2021 в 10:55

YaFox's user avatar


title intro redirect_from versions topics shortTitle

Setting repository visibility

You can choose who can view your repository.







fpt ghes ghae ghec






Repository visibility

About repository visibility changes

Organization owners can restrict the ability to change repository visibility to organization owners only. For more information, see «Restricting repository visibility changes in your organization.»

{% ifversion ghec %}

Members of an {% data variables.enterprise.prodname_emu_enterprise %} can only set the visibility of repositories owned by their personal account to private, and repositories in their enterprise’s organizations can only be private or internal. For more information, see «About {% data variables.product.prodname_emus %}.»

{% endif %}

We recommend reviewing the following caveats before you change the visibility of a repository.

{% ifversion ghes or ghae %}

{% warning %}

Warning: Changes to the visibility of a large repository or repository network may affect data integrity. Visibility changes can also have unintended effects on forks. {% data variables.product.company_short %} recommends the following before changing the visibility of a repository network.

  • Wait for a period of reduced activity on {% data variables.location.product_location %}.

  • Contact your {% ifversion ghes %}site administrator{% elsif ghae %}enterprise owner{% endif %} before proceeding. Your {% ifversion ghes %}site administrator{% elsif ghae %}enterprise owner{% endif %} can contact {% data variables.contact.contact_ent_support %} for further guidance.

{% endwarning %}

{% endif %}

Making a repository private

{% ifversion fpt or ghes or ghec %}

  • {% data variables.product.product_name %} will detach public forks of the public repository and put them into a new network. Public forks are not made private.{% endif %}
    {%- ifversion ghes or ghec or ghae %}
  • If you change a repository’s visibility from internal to private, {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} will remove forks that belong to any user without access to the newly private repository. {% ifversion fpt or ghes or ghec %}The visibility of any forks will also change to private.{% elsif ghae %}If the internal repository has any forks, the visibility of the forks is already private.{% endif %} For more information, see «What happens to forks when a repository is deleted or changes visibility?»
    {%- endif %}

{%- ifversion fpt %}

  • If you’re using {% data variables.product.prodname_free_user %} for personal accounts or organizations, some features won’t be available in the repository after you change the visibility to private. Any published {% data variables.product.prodname_pages %} site will be automatically unpublished. If you added a custom domain to the {% data variables.product.prodname_pages %} site, you should remove or update your DNS records before making the repository private, to avoid the risk of a domain takeover. For more information, see «{% data variables.product.company_short %}’s products and «Managing a custom domain for your {% data variables.product.prodname_pages %} site.»
    {%- endif %}

{%- ifversion fpt or ghec %}

  • {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} will no longer include the repository in the {% data variables.product.prodname_archive %}. For more information, see «About archiving content and data on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}.»
  • {% data variables.product.prodname_GH_advanced_security %} features, such as {% data variables.product.prodname_code_scanning %}, will stop working{% ifversion ghec %} unless the repository is owned by an organization that is part of an enterprise with a license for {% data variables.product.prodname_advanced_security %} and sufficient spare seats{% endif %}. {% data reusables.advanced-security.more-info-ghas %}
    {%- endif %}

{%- ifversion ghes %}

  • Anonymous Git read access is no longer available. For more information, see «Enabling anonymous Git read access for a repository.»
    {%- endif %}

{% ifversion ghes or ghec or ghae %}

Making a repository internal

  • Any forks of the repository will remain in the repository network, and {% data variables.product.product_name %} maintains the relationship between the root repository and the fork. For more information, see «What happens to forks when a repository is deleted or changes visibility?»

{% endif %}

{% ifversion fpt or ghes or ghec %}

Making a repository public

  • {% data variables.product.product_name %} will detach private forks and turn them into a standalone private repository. For more information, see «What happens to forks when a repository is deleted or changes visibility?»{% ifversion fpt or ghec %}
  • If you’re converting your private repository to a public repository as part of a move toward creating an open source project, see the Open Source Guides for helpful tips and guidelines. You can also take a free course on managing an open source project with [{% data variables.product.prodname_learning %}]({% data variables.product.prodname_learning_link %}). Once your repository is public, you can also view your repository’s community profile to see whether your project meets best practices for supporting contributors. For more information, see «Viewing your community profile.»
  • The repository will automatically gain access to {% data variables.product.prodname_GH_advanced_security %} features.

For information about improving repository security, see «Securing your repository.»{% endif %}

{% endif %}

Changing a repository’s visibility

{% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %}
{% data reusables.repositories.sidebar-settings %}
3. Under «Danger Zone», to the right of to «Change repository visibility», click Change visibility.
Change visibility button
4. Select a visibility.
{% ifversion fpt or ghec %}
Dialog of options for repository visibility{% else %}
Dialog of options for repository visibility{% endif %}
5. To verify that you’re changing the correct repository’s visibility, type the name of the repository you want to change the visibility of.
6. Click I understand, change repository visibility.
{% ifversion fpt or ghec %}
Confirm change of repository visibility button{% else %}
Confirm change of repository visibility button{% endif %}

Further reading

  • «About repositories»
title intro redirect_from versions topics shortTitle

Setting repository visibility

You can choose who can view your repository.







fpt ghes ghae ghec






Repository visibility

About repository visibility changes

Organization owners can restrict the ability to change repository visibility to organization owners only. For more information, see «Restricting repository visibility changes in your organization.»

{% ifversion ghec %}

Members of an {% data variables.enterprise.prodname_emu_enterprise %} can only set the visibility of repositories owned by their personal account to private, and repositories in their enterprise’s organizations can only be private or internal. For more information, see «About {% data variables.product.prodname_emus %}.»

{% endif %}

We recommend reviewing the following caveats before you change the visibility of a repository.

{% ifversion ghes or ghae %}

{% warning %}

Warning: Changes to the visibility of a large repository or repository network may affect data integrity. Visibility changes can also have unintended effects on forks. {% data variables.product.company_short %} recommends the following before changing the visibility of a repository network.

  • Wait for a period of reduced activity on {% data variables.location.product_location %}.

  • Contact your {% ifversion ghes %}site administrator{% elsif ghae %}enterprise owner{% endif %} before proceeding. Your {% ifversion ghes %}site administrator{% elsif ghae %}enterprise owner{% endif %} can contact {% data variables.contact.contact_ent_support %} for further guidance.

{% endwarning %}

{% endif %}

Making a repository private

{% ifversion fpt or ghes or ghec %}

  • {% data variables.product.product_name %} will detach public forks of the public repository and put them into a new network. Public forks are not made private.{% endif %}
    {%- ifversion ghes or ghec or ghae %}
  • If you change a repository’s visibility from internal to private, {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} will remove forks that belong to any user without access to the newly private repository. {% ifversion fpt or ghes or ghec %}The visibility of any forks will also change to private.{% elsif ghae %}If the internal repository has any forks, the visibility of the forks is already private.{% endif %} For more information, see «What happens to forks when a repository is deleted or changes visibility?»
    {%- endif %}

{%- ifversion fpt %}

  • If you’re using {% data variables.product.prodname_free_user %} for personal accounts or organizations, some features won’t be available in the repository after you change the visibility to private. Any published {% data variables.product.prodname_pages %} site will be automatically unpublished. If you added a custom domain to the {% data variables.product.prodname_pages %} site, you should remove or update your DNS records before making the repository private, to avoid the risk of a domain takeover. For more information, see «{% data variables.product.company_short %}’s products and «Managing a custom domain for your {% data variables.product.prodname_pages %} site.»
    {%- endif %}

{%- ifversion fpt or ghec %}

  • {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} will no longer include the repository in the {% data variables.product.prodname_archive %}. For more information, see «About archiving content and data on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}.»
  • {% data variables.product.prodname_GH_advanced_security %} features, such as {% data variables.product.prodname_code_scanning %}, will stop working{% ifversion ghec %} unless the repository is owned by an organization that is part of an enterprise with a license for {% data variables.product.prodname_advanced_security %} and sufficient spare seats{% endif %}. {% data reusables.advanced-security.more-info-ghas %}
    {%- endif %}

{%- ifversion ghes %}

  • Anonymous Git read access is no longer available. For more information, see «Enabling anonymous Git read access for a repository.»
    {%- endif %}

{% ifversion ghes or ghec or ghae %}

Making a repository internal

  • Any forks of the repository will remain in the repository network, and {% data variables.product.product_name %} maintains the relationship between the root repository and the fork. For more information, see «What happens to forks when a repository is deleted or changes visibility?»

{% endif %}

{% ifversion fpt or ghes or ghec %}

Making a repository public

  • {% data variables.product.product_name %} will detach private forks and turn them into a standalone private repository. For more information, see «What happens to forks when a repository is deleted or changes visibility?»{% ifversion fpt or ghec %}
  • If you’re converting your private repository to a public repository as part of a move toward creating an open source project, see the Open Source Guides for helpful tips and guidelines. You can also take a free course on managing an open source project with [{% data variables.product.prodname_learning %}]({% data variables.product.prodname_learning_link %}). Once your repository is public, you can also view your repository’s community profile to see whether your project meets best practices for supporting contributors. For more information, see «Viewing your community profile.»
  • The repository will automatically gain access to {% data variables.product.prodname_GH_advanced_security %} features.

For information about improving repository security, see «Securing your repository.»{% endif %}

{% endif %}

Changing a repository’s visibility

{% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %}
{% data reusables.repositories.sidebar-settings %}
3. Under «Danger Zone», to the right of to «Change repository visibility», click Change visibility.
Change visibility button
4. Select a visibility.
{% ifversion fpt or ghec %}
Dialog of options for repository visibility{% else %}
Dialog of options for repository visibility{% endif %}
5. To verify that you’re changing the correct repository’s visibility, type the name of the repository you want to change the visibility of.
6. Click I understand, change repository visibility.
{% ifversion fpt or ghec %}
Confirm change of repository visibility button{% else %}
Confirm change of repository visibility button{% endif %}

Further reading

  • «About repositories»

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