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Сегодня расскажем про замечательную игру Flippy Knife на Андроид и IOS и поделимся советами как заработать много денег, а в начале коротко пробежимся по основным режимам игры. В самой игре не придется никого резать и побеждать, наши первые помощники это выдержка ловкость и память. И если вам захочется отвлечься или приятно скоротать время — идем на Плей Маркет и устанавливаем Флиппи Найф.
А для тех, кто не хочет печалиться когда сел телефон и запустить игру на компьютере, рекомендуем прочесть: Как запустить игру Flippy Knife на ПК.

Flippy Knife обзор основных режимов

Игра предлагает разные уровни, в каждом из которых присутствуют свои нюансы. На данный момент разработчики детально проработали четыре игровых режима, коротко расскажем о каждом из них и дадим небольшие советы.

Режим игры «Пень»

Режим игры пень представляет собой следующее: находясь на небольшой поляне вам необходимо с помощью свайпа метать ножи вверх, что бы они совершили как можно больше вращений и после этого втыкались в пенёк. В таком случае каждое вращение будет приносить вам монеты. Успешная серия из восьми попаданий даст дополнительный бонус.

Flippy Knife режим игры пень

Flippy Knife режим игры пень

Режим Дом

В этом режиме необходимо перекидывать нож с полки на полку и таким образом перемещаться по локации. Так же по всему дому разбросаны монетки, которые необходимо собирать, а на каждой 8й полке вас ожидает бонусный сундук. Для успешного прохождения необходимо что бы нож «втыкался» в каждую следующую полку.

Режим игры дом

Режим игры дом

Режим игры Лес

В начале раунда появляется дрон с призом и улетает вверх, наша задача «подниматься» выше цепляясь за деревья по бокам экрана и попытаться догнать дрон. Используйте вашу меткость, точный расчет и скорость что бы подниматься быстрее, с опытом будет получаться быстрее.

Режим игры Лес

Режим игры Лес

Режим Тир

На поляне ножик, а слева расположена мишень, необходимо кидать свайпом и втыкать ножичек в мишень, после каждого броска мишень перемещается вдоль дерева. Со временем она начнет просто ездить вверх-вниз. Количество заработанных монет и бонусов зависит от того насколько ближе к центру мишени вы попадаете. Попав в нее 8 раз подрят вы получите бонусный сундук.

Режим игры Тир

Режим игры Тир

Кроме всего прочего в игре огромное количество метательных ножей, есть мечи, топоры. Все они отличаются размерами, весом и имеют свою «физику».

Flippy Knife как получить много денег

Мы не приветствуем использование взломанных игр и софта, по этому дадим общие рекомендации по игре.

Ежедневные подарки и бонусы

Это старый прием разработчиков мобильных приложений, заходите, играйте каждый день, ежедневные награды будут увеличиваться и Flippy Knife не осталась в сторонк. Заходите каждый день и зарабатывайте монетки, игровую амуницию и бонусы, при заходе 15 дней подряд вам удастся поднять 7600 игровых монет.

Просмотр рекламного контента

Реклама всем порядком надоела и эта «фишка» присутсвует и здесь. При неудачном броске, что бы не начинать прохождение уровня заново мы советуем пожертвовать этим и просмотреть рекламу, затем продолжайте иать с момента остановки и старайтесь собрать бонусы, старайтесь делать максимальные «комбо».

Общие рекомендации

Цены за вращение ножей у каждого метательного снаряда разная, в любом случае в игровом режиме «пень» старайтесь сделать как можно больше оборотов и берите топоры и сабли с максимальной ценой за оборот.
Если монетки нужны срочно идите в режим «Тир» и набирайте комбо для открытия сундука — 8 попаданий и он ваш.

Устанавливайте рекорды

За каждый установленный и побитый рекорд на игровых локациях вы получите 50 золотых монет. Следите за своими достижениями, при открытии нового достижения на вкладке «награды» так же выдается 50 игровых монет.

Секрет на добычу монет

Бесплатные монеты можно получить если просмотреть рекламный ролик в пункте «Реклама». Обычно дают 999 монет при первом показе, при последующих просмотрах доступной в наличии рекламы вы заработаете 100 монет. Такая опция появляется и становится доступной единоразово в несколько дней.

Что бы просматривать рекламу телефон должен быть подключен к интернету.

Купить отдельно монеты пока нет возможности, для покупки доступны различные наборы редких ножей.


Надеюсь теперь вы знаете как в Flippy Knife получить много денег используя различные игровые режимы, секреты и собирая бонусы. Не рекомендуем вам устанавливать взломанные версии и получать бесконечные деньги, это не принесет особого удовольствия, а на телефон могут проникнуть вирусные программы вшитые в код.

В чем еще вам лгут российские политики

Это не война, это только спецоперация

Война — это вооруженный конфликт, цель которого — навязать свою волю: свергнуть правительство, заставить никогда не вступить в НАТО, отобрать часть территории. Обо всем этом открыто заявляет Владимир Путин в каждом своем обращении. Но от того, что он называет войну спецоперацией, меньше людей не гибнет.

Россия хочет только защитить ЛНР и ДНР

Российская армия обстреливает города во всех областях Украины, ракеты выпускали во Львов, Ивано-Франковск, Луцк и другие города на западе Украины.

На карте Украины вы увидите, что Львов, Ивано-Франковск и Луцк — это больше тысячи километров от ЛНР и ДНР. Это другой конец страны.

Как получить error knife kat

Это места попадания ракет 25 февраля. За полтора месяца их стало гораздо больше во всей Украине.

Центр Украины тоже пострадал — только первого апреля российские солдаты вышли из Киевской области. Мы не понимаем, как оккупация сел Киевской области и террор местных жителей могли помочь Донбасу.

Мирных жителей это не коснется

Это касается каждого жителя Украины каждый день.

Тысячам семей пришлось бросить родные города. Снаряды попадают в наши жилые дома.

Как получить error knife kat

Это был обычный жилой дом в Тростянце, в Сумской области. За сотни километров от так называемых ЛНР и ДНР.

Тысячи мирных людей ранены или погибли. Подсчитать точные цифры сложно — огромное количество тел все еще под завалами Мариуполя или лежат во дворах небольших сел под Киевом.

Российская армия обстреливает пункты гуманитарной помощи и «зеленые коридоры».

Как получить error knife kat

Во время эвакуации мирного населения из Ирпеня семья попала под минометные обстрелы — все погибли.

Среди убитых много детей. Под обстрелы уже попадали детские садики и больницы.

Мы вынуждены ночевать на станциях метро, боясь обвалов наших домов. Украинские женщины рожают детей в метро, подвалах и бомбоубежищах, потому что в роддомы тоже стреляют.

Как получить error knife kat

Это груднички, которых вместо теплых кроваток приходится размещать в подвалах. С начала войны Украине родилось больше 15 000 детей. Все они еще ни разу в жизни не видели мирного неба.

В Украине — геноцид русскоязычного народа, а Россия его спасает

В нашей компании работают люди из всех частей Украины: больше всего сотрудников из Харькова, есть ребята из Киева, Днепра, Львова, Кропивницкого и других городов. 99% сотрудников до войны разговаривали только на русском языке. Нас никогда и никак не притесняли.

Но теперь именно русскоязычные города, Харьков, Мариуполь, Россия пытается стереть с лица земли.

Как получить error knife kat

Это Мариуполь. В подвалах и бомбоубежищах Мариуполя все еще находятся сто тысяч украинцев. К сожалению, мы не знаем, сколько из них сегодня живы

Украинцы сами в себя стреляют

У каждого украинца сейчас есть брат, коллега, друг или сосед в ЗСУ и территориальной обороне. Мы знаем, что происходит на фронте, из первых уст — от своих родных и близких. Никто не станет стрелять в свой дом и свою семью.

Украина во власти нацистов, и их нужно уничтожить

Наш президент — русскоговорящий еврей. На свободных выборах в 2019 году за него проголосовало три четверти населения Украины.

Как у любой власти, у нас есть оппозиция. Но мы не избавляемся от неугодных, убивая их или пришивая им уголовные дела.

У нас нет места диктатуре, и мы показали это всему миру в 2013 году. Мы не боимся говорить вслух, и нам точно не нужна ваша помощь в этом вопросе.

Украинские семьи потеряли полтора миллиона родных, борясь с нацизмом во время Второй мировой. Мы никогда не выберем нацизм, фашизм или национализм как наш путь. И нам не верится, что вы сами можете всерьез так думать.

Это месть за детей Донбасса

Российские СМИ любят рассказывать о кровожадных украинских детоубийцах. Но «распятый мальчик в трусиках» и «мальчик — мишень для ракет ВСУ» — это легенды, придуманные российскими пропагандистами. Нет ни единого доказательства подобным страшилкам, только истории с государственных российских телеканалов.

Однако допустим, что ваши солдаты верят в эти легенды. Тогда у нас все равно появляется вопрос: зачем, мстя за детей Донбасса, они убивают детей Донбасса?

Как получить error knife kat

8 апреля солдаты рф выпустили две ракеты в вокзал Краматорска, где четыре тысячи украинцев ждали эвакуационные поезда. Ракетным ударом российские солдаты убили 57 человек, из которых 5 — дети. Еще 16 детей были ранены. Это дети Донбасса.

На одной из ракет остались остатки надписи «за детей».

Как получить error knife kat

Сразу после удара российские СМИ сообщили о выполненном задании, но когда стало известно о количестве жертв — передумали и сказали, что у рф даже нет такого оружия.

Это тоже ложь, вот статья в российских СМИ про учения с комплексом Точка-У. Рядом скриншот из видео с военным парадом, на котором видна Точка-У.

Как получить error knife kat

Еще один фейк, который пытались распространить в СМИ: «выпущенная по Краматорску ракета принадлежала ВСУ, это подтверждает ее серийный номер». Прочитайте подробное опровержение этой лжи.

Посмотрите на последствия удара. Кому конкретно из этих людей мстили за детей Донбасса?

Если бы Россия не напала на Украину, Украина бы напала на Россию

Нет, не напала бы.

Посмотрите, в скольких войнах участвовала и сколько войн развязала Россия за 30 лет:

  • 1992–1993 — Россия оккупировала Приднестровье
  • 1992–1993 — Россия спровоцировала Абхазскую войну
  • 1994–1996 — Первая русско-чеченская война
  • 1999–2009 — Вторая русско-чеченская война
  • 2008 — Российско-грузинская война
  • 2015–2022 — Вторжение России в Сирию
  • 2014–2022 — Российско-украинская война

Украина за 30 лет не начала ни одну войну. Мы защищали отобранные россией территории, но никогда не развязывали войны.

Украинцы сами хотят в Россию

Это неправда, мы не хотим быть частью России. Мы суверенная страна с большой историей. Мы хотим развиваться так, как это видим МЫ, а не диктатор из соседней страны.

Посмотрите на захваченный Херсон, из которого оккупанты пытаются сделать ХНР:

Как получить error knife kat

Люди выходят на митинги против российских оккупантов, в них стреляют, бросают светошумовые гранаты. Но на следующий день люди выходят вновь.

Россия начала войну, чтобы не подпустить НАТО к своим границам

Четыре страны, которые входят в НАТО, уже граничат с Россией: Латвия, Литва, Эстония и Польша.

Украина не входит в НАТО. Более того, в середине февраля канцлер Германии подчеркнул, что в обозримом будущем нашу страну и не планируют принимать в НАТО.

На нашей территории нет баз НАТО и нет американских биолабораторий.

Путин использует НАТО как страшилку для россиян, но при этом в 2000 году он сам планировал присоединить Россию к альянсу.

Вновь, если вы не верите нам, украинской стороне, проверьте информацию в независимых международных СМИ:

Как Путин оправдывает вторжение в Украину. Фактчекинг DW (Deutsche Welle)

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K.A.T. is multiplayer Free-for-All deathmatch game, featuring a variety of weapons.
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There are currently no running experiences.


Knives are weapons in KAT that kill instantly by throwing or by melee. There are many different types of knives in the game.

The first knife you get when you start the game is the Default Knife, which ragdolls the player when killed.


List of Knives (WIP, The old version is below this one.)

If you have any unlisted knives, please take a picture of it (preferably cropped) in your inventory and add it here! Anything with TBA needs a cropped picture

If a knife does not have a cropped picture, you are free to replace it with one.





Dark Epic Crate Item Dearest Gratitude Unique Shop (1,000 gems) Fury Legendary Crate Item Frying Pan Rare Crate Item Golden Wrench Unique Shop (1,000 gems) Hell Knife Epic Shop (666 gems) Ice Knife Rare Shop (Requires Level 12)

Lovestruck Common Shop(Requires Level 2) Rune Dagger Epic Shop(145 Gems) Sanic Knife Epic Shop(800 gems) Short Circuit Common Shop(Requires Level 2) Shovel Rare Shop(50 Gems, Currently Unavailable) Skittles Knife Rare Shop(Requires Level 10) Skylark Unique Crate Item Snake Attack Common Shop(Requires Level 3) Spookshot Rare Shop(10 Gems, Currently Unavailable) Stock Knife Stock None, You equip it when you have no other knife equipped Tanto Common Crate Item Tombstoner Rare, Currently Epic Rarity now Shop(100 Gems, Currently Unavailable) Watermelon Common Crate Item Wrench Rare Shop(Requires Level 30)

Knives (Old Version)

Tombstoner: Upon killing a player, a tombstone will appear replacing their body.

Stock Knife: Upon killing a player, they will drop to the ground with no effect, the knife model is Bombo’s Survival Knife. It is the first knife you unlock upon joining the game.

Lovestruck: Upon killing a player, hearts will appear around them.

Roadkill: Upon killing a player, they will get flung while a horn sound effect plays.

Venom Shank: Upon killing a player, their arms and head turn green, while their torso and legs turn brown. Similar to a Zombie. Zombie Slayer Upon killing a player they will drop to the ground with no effect, has a lot of value just reskin of tanto knife Short Circuit: Upon killing a player, they will ragdoll and shake.

Snake Attack: Upon killing a player, they will ragdoll and shake while a sound effect similar to roblox’s Snake Sniperwill play.

The Knockout: Upon killing a player, they will get flung, while the John Cena theme song plays.

Cuthead: Upon killing a player, they ragdoll while the Cuphead death sound plays

Ban Hammer: When Killed, The player Will explode and say »BANNED» in a shedletsky like voice and get flung to a near place where someone else is.Its most expensive knife. You need over 9,000 rubies.

Icy Knife:When Killed, The player will ragdoll and become the player «teaism» aka «IcyTea.

Shard Knives: Player Will Turn Into Cubes Any Color. Similar To Skittles Knife, But The Cubes Are Bigger.

Bone Knife: When Killed, Player Will ragdoll and become a skeleton then will proceed to make a sound. -THIS KNIFE IS NOT FOR SALE_

Reaper Knife: Energy Knife Effect But darker

Energy Knife: When Killed, Player Will Become Their darkish Soul With Small Particles Surrounding The Dead Player.

Wrench: When Killed, One of the death scream of medic a tf2 class will play from the PIayer.

Chaos Knife: When killed, the victim has an random kill effect, since the knife has all kill effects on the game.

Mirror Knife: When killed, the victim will become the killer. This knife is now only obtainable by trading

Null: will blink in or out of reality or will mix kill effects for a second with the effects being golden wrench,sanic knife, crecondo ,and error knife these will mix into a strange glitched effect


Easter Eggs

There are some easter eggs in KAT.


Easter Eggs

Toad on a crate.

The Toad is an easter egg in Mercy/Skyline Map, it could be found in one of the rooms on the roof, it is sitting on a crate.

Entrance to the room where the Toad is in.

Appearance: The Toad has a chunky body, dirty brown skin, normal toad/frog pose, faded yellow eyes, and a black pupil.

Where To Find: it is in the red brick room in Mercy/Skyline near 2 cones, 1 cinderblock, a barrel, and a ladder. There are 2 doors leading in but this is the main door in. There are stairs and a green dumpster behind this picture. The Toad crate is between the 2 doors.

Closet Cave

The insides of the Closet Cave.

The Closet Cave is a cave inside of Castle, it is located inside once of the closets.

The Closet Cave‘s closet entrance.

Appearance: The Closet Cave has an outside closet that has a brown color and a lighter brown color just like the other closets in Castle 2. The inside is a cave held by wooden planks, the cave has a rocky wall and bumpy ground full of sand, there is also a statue of a transparent Bloxy held on a smooth stone with a yellow outline and on the left side of the smooth stone there is a picture. (It is assumed that when KAT/fierzaa earns a Bloxy the Bloxy will no longer be transparent.)

Where To Find: The cave is inside a closet close to an entrance by the docks and by the farthest entrance with a wall blocking a yard.

Vladimr Putin

Laughing Man is a picture in the Kingdom Map

Appearance: The Laughing Man that shows the same guy laughing 6 times with a different pose, he is shown to have a tuxedo suit with a black tie and a almost bald head.

Where To Find: The Laughing Man can be found in one of the houses in Kingdom, he is inside a house by the far right side of the castle being 2 stories.

Admin Knife

For the full Admin Knife page click here.

The Admin Knife is a Knife Ability that is free but is based on luck to get it.

Appearance: The Admin Knife looks to be a normal Stock Knife floating inside a windowed box with a green button saying Click For Admin Knife

Where To Find: The Admin Knife can be found at the bottom area of the map Classic with a door that leads to an obby then to the Admin Knife Room

The door to get Admin Knife


Minesweeper is a gamemode/map in KAT.

Appearance: Minesweeper is a clothed area with gray and blue cloth and white stone surrounding the blue cloth, hitting the blue cloth with a laser or a beam will make it numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 to spawn or green cloth or a red bomb. On the far side of the screen you can see cloth with numbers, green cloth and blue

cloth on it. Where To Find: To get to Minesweeper you would need a private server then you would need the private server owner to say !map Minesweeper, it will then say the round ends and you spawn on the map.

/die is a command in KAT that can be accessed without admin commands. If you look at patrick he did not die from the explosion so the command wont kill anyone but yourself.

Appearance: The command when used makes you explode into pieces and red dust comes out similar to Self-Destruct.

Where To Find: You cannot find it, but you can say /die to trigger the command.

Murder Maps Hidden Rooms

In Murder there are 2 hidden rooms known so far. If your to hide in one of them turn off your spectate counter so people cant spectate you to use that map next time your playing Murder.

Fake Sewage Wall

When playing the Alley map you can stumble upon the hidden room in the sewers.

Appearance: The outside of the room is inside a blocked off sewer area with a broken brick wall that leads into a room with a sleeping bag, a chair and a lantern.

Where To Find: When spawning in go to the parking lot area, then go to the sewer area with the cracked wall then proceed to walk into it.

Fake Stair Wall

When playing the Studio Map you can stumble upon a hidden room under stairs.

Appearance: The setting outside the room is a large area at the room area there is moss and bushes there with a cracked wall, inside the room is nothing except a square block saying Gesaffelstein.

Where To Find: When spawning in go to the main lobby area then go under the stairs then you will see a cracked wall with moss over it then run into it.


Mystery Crates

Black Market Mystery Crate #1 (Contrabrand)

Mystery Crate #1 (Rare)

«mystery crates are gambling inside a cube.»



Mystery Crates are items that could be bought in the shop or found in Murder mode maps, if you double tap a crate in your inventory then it will take you to a screen with a spinner with a list of items you have unboxed and shadowed items not unboxed yet.


  • Mystery Crate
    • Cost: 59 robux
    • Type: Crate
    • Tier: Stock
    • Obtained: Find in Murder Maps/Trade
  • Mystery Crate #1
    • Type: Crate
    • Tier: Rare
    • Obtained: Buy/Trade
  • BM Mystery Crate #1
    • Type: Crate
    • Tier: Contrabrand
    • Obtained: Buy/Trade


Mystery Crates have gray edges on each corner of the crate with 3 screws on each of them making each crate have 72 screws, each side has a brown spline making each crate have 12 splines then it has a light brown board covering each side making each crate have 6 boards then 4 of the boards have a black knife graffiti (not bottom or top boards.)


  • The Mystery Crates are the 1st item to have 3 rarities at once being Stock, Rare and Contraband.
  • Each rarity has a different description.
  • There are 3 ways you can get Mystery Crates (without trading)
  • 1# You can get Stock Mystery Crates while playing murder and finding them scattered around the map.
  • 2# Buying a Rare Mystery Crate from the Featured Selection of the Shop for 49 Robux.
  • 3# Buying Contraband Mystery Crates at The Black Market illegally in the weekends (The Creator Of KAT’s timezone) for Gems.
  • NOTE: Black Market now rarely comes back and not every weekend. Also the game could be created in any timezone, so it’s not broken if you know it’s back and it’s not there.

Image of a Mystery Crate in a Murder Map. (Stock)


Обновлено: 10.02.2023

Details: Quote »i see myself in the mirror but i can’t see the efforts of this knife» — DuckPannel The Mirror Knife is a knife rewarded to the original players that got 100 levels in KAT. When killing a player, the knife will make a glass breaking sound and will turn the player to the user’s avatar. A silverish color with abstract art on the blade. Tier: Unique Type: Knife … kat mirror knife value

I got the mirror knife in kat (read desc) — YouTube

All Knives In Kat Roblox And Their Values — YouTube

How to change the name of your knife on KAT (roblox) — …

Details: About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators how rare is mirror knife

KAT Roblox Wiki Fandom

Details: KAT ( Knife Ability Test) is a player-vs-player deathmatch Roblox game developed by Fierzaa. Its objective is to kill targets and other players for rubies. The game utilizes elements from Murder Mystery 2 and The Mad Murderer, including knives, guns, and map styles. It has added in Trading And cool Powers. It also has a currency called Gems. kat knife rarity

Knives Knife Ability Test Wiki Fandom

Details: Knives are weapons in KAT that kill instantly by throwing or by melee. There are many different types of knives in the game. The first knife you get when you start the game is the Default Knife, which ragdolls the player when killed. Tombstoner: Upon killing a player, a tombstone will appear replacing their body. Stock Knife: Upon killing a player, they will drop to the ground with no effect kat knife values list

Mirror knife! Roblox Kat! eBay

Details: Mirror knife! Roblox Kat! Once you purchase the item please send me a message with your username so I can add you on Roblox, Thank you! Back to home page Return to top. More to explore : Roblox TV, Movie & Video Games Action Figures, Roblox Plastic TV, … kat value list

Official K.A.T Trello

Details: Mirror Knife Frostbite Lost And Soul Flambe Sacrifice Reaper R6 Chicken Leg of Doom Shop Knives. Knife Roblox Knife Pool Time Hamburger Knife Sand dune MLG Pickle Knife Butterfly Danger Clown Silverfang Binary Cat Knife Technolyze Piano-Breaker Banana Scream Karambit Shop Revolvers. Revolver Rusted

Roblox Kat Rarest Knife : Kat Small Gameplay! (Roblox

Details: The mirror knife is a knife rewarded to the original players that got 100 levels in kat. Latest commit f97ca36 feb 2, 2018 history. Hopefully this video helped answer any questions about the reaper kn. Utilize that solidarity to gain new weapons! This is just a test of the spam knife so you can know what is spam knife ability and how’s its op

Details: Kat God/ Spam + Shotgun. a guest. Jun 10th, 2018. 14,592. Never. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up , it unlocks many cool features! text 0.58 KB.

Details: Spam Script [KAT] Xowwx222YT. Nov 27th, 2018. 8,552. Never. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up , it unlocks many cool features! text 0.36 KB.

The Mirror Roblox Wiki Fandom

Details: The Mirror — Roblox Horror Game. Video showing progession of the stages. Each stage represents the amount of illusion and distress in the player’s mind. As the player keeps staring at the mirror in dim light, which is required to progress the stages, more illusions …

Got both my dream items in K.A.T! : roblox

Details: 1.6k votes, 131 comments. 417k members in the roblox community. Roblox is a game creation platform/game engine that allows users to design their own …

Kat Codes May 2021 Roblox Game Codes

Details: <p>Kat Codes – The Kat Codes is available here for you to use. Get free bucks with these valid codes provided down below. Enjoy the Roblox game more with the following Kat Codes that we have! About The Game Incoming search terms:codigos de Katkat codesfree v bucks glitch map code 2021kat robloxcodes de kat robloxcodes for katcodigos de KAT!kat codekat price list heart breaker …

ROBLOX Reflecting Mirror System? — Scripting Support

Details: Greetings Programmers! I am attempting to achieve a system where your roblox avatar reflects the mirror, I’d assume using a ViewPorts, How would I go about actually making it function because I’ve searched throughout the ROBLOX Wiki and things but there is no related topics for such request. I have seen a similar system on a roblox game called ‘The Mirror Game’, It would be great if

Roblox Knife Mesh

Details: 3d Mesh Cs Go Karambit Knife Roblox 3d mesh cs go karambit knife roblox How To Make Your Own Mm2 Knife Roblox Tutorial Youtube roblox knife mesh , Gut Knife Safari Mesh Bs Video Gaming Gaming Accessories Game Gift Cards Accounts On Carousell Roblox Mesh List Weapon Items Meshes For Fighting Game Recruitment Devforum Roblox Default Knife Murder

Fierzaa Roblox Wiki Fandom

Details: Fierzaa is a Roblox game developer most known for creating Knife Ability Test This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article. Her name may be inspired from Berezaa. Her username is also similar to Frieza, a Dragon Ball Z character

Ban Hammer Roblox Wiki Fandom

Details: Ban Hammer is a gear that was published in the avatar shop by Roblox on May 5, 2009. It is gifted to a relatively small group of moderators on Roblox as well as users who have reported serious vulnerabilities in the site or engine or sometimes given to those who do significant voluntary work as

KAT! Codes — Oct 2021 — Roblox RTrack

Details: Submit, rate and find the best Roblox codes on RTrack Social or see details about this Roblox game. See up to date game codes for KAT!, updates and features, and the past Month’s ratings.

Roblox KAT! Codes (March 2021) in 2021 Roblox, Kat, Coding

Details: Roblox KAT! Codes give exciting in game rewards. We will be listing codes for KAT!. We will also tell you how you can redeem these codes to level up your character by getting rewards. Roblox KAT! Codes 2021 (Complete List) Below we are listing the codes. Use them to get rewards and other stuff. The code list that we are providing you is up to date.

KAT GUI Aimbot, ESP – Scripts – Roblox

Details: Download KAT GUI Aimbot, ESP Script For Roblox. Auto-Aim Corrector Fixes and stabilizes the sight in automatic mode. AimCorrector, auto-lock, and stabilizer sight, filter failure information. Operating principle: Constantly analyzes and normalizes points in the game space where you are aiming. Adds lead to the movement of your sight.

REQUEST Knife Ability Test ADMIN Knife Script — Kat Admin

Roblox Decal Ids & Spray Paint Codes list 2021 — Technobush

Details: Decal ids. Decal: Some design created on a special paper for durable transfer on to the another surface such as wall, plastic, glass or porcelain, etc. Roblox Decal Ids: It’s a unique code for different decal design. like Dragon: 136931266,Drake: 473973374,Bang!: 6013360,I <3 Ponies: 1234566,Spongebob Street Graffiti: 51812595,Universe: 1234562,Truck: 5961037,Finn and Jake: …

Music Coder — With 2 MILION+ Roblox Song IDs

Details: 1051512943: SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS (100,000+ sales) 160442087: shrek anthem . 152828706: Louis Vuitton — Original

Tacticool Mad Studios Wiki Fandom

Details: Tacticool is a tier 5 revolver skin in Mad Games. Tacticool is a revolver that uses an unique mesh, which is otherwise similar to other revolvers but has a nonfunctional scope attached. It has a smooth, black paint job and a brown grip with golden letter M. We heard people like no-scoping, so we added a scope on the gun for you to avoid using!

Discuss Everything About Knife Ability Test Wiki Fandom

Overseer ROBLOX Assassin! Wikia Fandom

Details: Overseer is an Exotic knife. The Overseer can be unboxed in the Sturdy case and the Elite case. It can also be crafted using 6 legendaries. It has 4 eyes on both sides of it 2 large ones and 2 smaller ones. It has a black handle with Green eyes down the side of it.



Welcome to the Knife Ability Test Wiki, otherwise known as K.A.T created by Fierzaa here you may find information about the game, feel free to check around, edit stubs, or add infomation.

Classic is a timed (estimated around 13 minutes)free-for-all game-mode where you use your knife and gun to kill everyone else.

Elimination is the same as Classic, but you only have one life. So if you die, you cannot respawn until the round is over, last.

Murder is a round where there’s innocents, a sheriff, and a murderer. The innocents have to work with the sheriff to decipher who is the murderer. The sheriff has to kill the murderer, avoiding death. The murderer has to kill everyone while avoid being shot by the sheriff. If the sheriff dies, an innocent can pick it up and avenge them. The round ends if everyone except the murderer is dead, the murderer dies or the timer runs out.

There are several skins and cosmetics you can get by unlocking a certain level, getting enough gems or paying for them with robux.

(This wiki is a work-in-progress. Contribution of any kind helps.)



Wiki Awards

Wiki award for Most Edits: User:TeamgameingYT (Total of 1006+ Edits)

Wiki award for Quotes: User:Duck Panel(Adding cool Quotes to Pages)

Wiki award for Organization: User:Kyoto Plazma (This is quite a mess. )

Wiki award for Most Active Commenter: User:LD9ev (No Comments Yet Be The First to Comment on *Page Name*)

Wiki award for Honorable Wiki Founder: User:Oddarz(Founded The KAT wiki but is currently Unactive)

Wiki award for Knife Ability Test Wiki Adopter: User:Robloxloverszzz(Adopted The KAT wiki and moderated it)

Wiki award for Moderation Team: Jebeehh de (ALL HAIL THE GOD MOD), Robloxloverzz (Leader), Duck Panel (Sysop), Kyoto Plazma (Content Moderator)


Всем привет. Думаю, хотя бы кто-то, но слышал или играл в КАТ, или Knife Ability Test. Думаю, суть игры объяснять не стоит. Просто кидаем ножи и получаем деньги. Ага. Сегодня я хочу затронуть проблему игроков. А их 2 типа: Френдли и Простые (либо трайхардеры)

Френдли — вымирающий вид игроков в КАТ, который просто паркурит с шариком, флексит, становится коробкоц и слушает хорошую и тихую музыку.

Простые — говорить не стоит

Трайхардеры — бешеные существа, других слов нет. Выделяет то, что носятся и выносят всё, аннигилируют френдли и врубают такие басы, что уши истекают кровью.

И я решил запустить небольшой флеш-моб

Вопрос: Зачем? Ответ: Спасать мирных, которые хотят насладиться игрой — хорошо. В общем, суть вы уловили.

Details: Quote »i see myself in the mirror but i can’t see the efforts of this knife» — DuckPannel The Mirror Knife is a knife rewarded to the original players that got 100 levels in KAT. When killing a player, the knife will make a glass breaking sound and will turn the player to the user’s avatar. A silverish color with abstract art on the blade. Tier: Unique Type: Knife … kat value list

All Knives In Kat Roblox And Their Values — YouTube

KAT Roblox Wiki — Fandom

Details: KAT ( Knife Ability Test) is a player-vs-player deathmatch Roblox game developed by Fierzaa. Its objective is to kill targets and other players for rubies. The game utilizes elements from Murder Mystery 2 and The Mad Murderer, including knives, guns, and map styles. It has added in Trading And cool Powers. It also has a currency called Gems. kat value list 2021

Knives — Knife Ability Test Wiki

Details: Knives are weapons in KAT that kill instantly by throwing or by melee. There are many different types of knives in the game. The first knife you get when you start the game is the Default Knife, which ragdolls the player when killed. Tombstoner: Upon killing a player, a tombstone will appear replacing their body. Stock Knife: Upon killing a player, they will drop to the ground with no effect kat what are knife worth

[TUTORIAL] How to get the REAPER KNIFE in KAT — …

Details: Sadly, the knife is unavailable and it will probably stay that way until late October Hopefully this video helped answer any questions about the Reaper Kn how much is fury worth kat

Kat Value List — XpCourse

Details: KAT ( Knife Ability Test) is a player-vs-player deathmatch Roblox game developed by Fierzaa. Its objective is to kill targets and other players for rubies. The game utilizes elements from Murder Mystery 2 and The Mad Murderer, including knives, guns, and map styles. It has added in Trading And cool Powers. roblox kat value chart

Official K.A.T Trello

Details: Mirror Knife Frostbite Lost And Soul Flambe Sacrifice Reaper R6 Chicken Leg of Doom Shop Knives. Knife Roblox Knife Pool Time Hamburger Knife Sand dune MLG Pickle Knife Butterfly Danger Clown Silverfang Binary Cat Knife Technolyze Piano-Breaker Banana Scream Karambit Shop Revolvers. Revolver Rusted roblox kat value list 3.0

Details: Kat God/ Spam + Shotgun. a guest. Jun 10th, 2018. 14,592. Never. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up , it unlocks many cool features! text 0.58 KB.

Roblox Kat Rarest Knife : Kat Small Gameplay! (Roblox

Got both my dream items in K.A.T! : roblox

Details: 1.6k votes, 131 comments. 417k members in the roblox community. Roblox is a game creation platform/game engine that allows users to design their own …

Spam Script [KAT] — Pastebin

Details: Spam Script [KAT] Xowwx222YT. Nov 27th, 2018. 8,552. Never. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up , it unlocks many cool features! text 0.36 KB.

The Mirror — Roblox Wiki

Details: The Mirror — Roblox Horror Game. Video showing progession of the stages. Each stage represents the amount of illusion and distress in the player’s mind. As the player keeps staring at the mirror in dim light, which is required to progress the stages, more illusions …

Fury — Knife Ability Test Wiki

KAT! Codes — Oct 2021 — Roblox RTrack

Details: Submit, rate and find the best Roblox codes on RTrack Social or see details about this Roblox game. See up to date game codes for KAT!, updates and features, and the past Month’s ratings.

Skylark — Knife Ability Test Wiki

Roblox Knife Mesh

Details: 3d Mesh Cs Go Karambit Knife Roblox 3d mesh cs go karambit knife roblox How To Make Your Own Mm2 Knife Roblox Tutorial Youtube roblox knife mesh , Gut Knife Safari Mesh Bs Video Gaming Gaming Accessories Game Gift Cards Accounts On Carousell Roblox Mesh List Weapon Items Meshes For Fighting Game Recruitment Devforum Roblox Default Knife Murder

Kat Codes May 2021 — Roblox Game Codes

Details: <p>Kat Codes – The Kat Codes is available here for you to use. Get free bucks with these valid codes provided down below. Enjoy the Roblox game more with the following Kat Codes that we have! About The Game Incoming search terms:codigos de Katkat codesfree v bucks glitch map code 2021kat robloxcodes de kat robloxcodes for katcodigos de KAT!kat codekat price list heart breaker …

Fierzaa — Roblox Wiki

Details: Fierzaa is a Roblox game developer most known for creating Knife Ability Test This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article. Her name may be inspired from Berezaa. Her username is also similar to Frieza, a Dragon Ball Z character

KAT GUI Aimbot, ESP – Scripts — Script Forum, Acrual

Details: Download KAT GUI Aimbot, ESP Script For Roblox. Auto-Aim Corrector Fixes and stabilizes the sight in automatic mode. AimCorrector, auto-lock, and stabilizer sight, filter failure information. Operating principle: Constantly analyzes and normalizes points in the game space where you are aiming. Adds lead to the movement of your sight.

Ban Hammer Roblox Wiki — Fandom

Details: Ban Hammer is a gear that was published in the avatar shop by Roblox on May 5, 2009. It is gifted to a relatively small group of moderators on Roblox as well as users who have reported serious vulnerabilities in the site or engine or sometimes given to those who do significant voluntary work as

The Official Murder Mystery 2’s Value List — MM2 Values

Details: W e l c o m e t o M M 2 V a l u e s! Your official Murder Mystery 2 value list. MM2VALUES HIT OVER 1 MILLION UNIQUE VISITORS! To celebrate, we are holding a bunch of giveaways, including Shark Seeker! Make sure to join our Discord Server ( j o i n h e r e) and you subscribe to …

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Roblox – Kat Codes (June 2021) 1 - steamlists.com
Roblox – Kat Codes (June 2021) 1 — steamlists.com

About Roblox – Kat

We have a collection of active codes that you can use on Roblox Kat and information like Badges Lists you can get by playing and Shop Items including their prices.

Using codes from our list can help you get an extra boost as items on Kat for FREE!

Who created Roblox Kat?

Roblox Kat was created by developer Fierzaa and was first released on Jan 21, 2017.
Developer URL: https://www.roblox.com/users/85382088/profile/

How many visitors Roblox Kat have?

When we last update this post Roblox Kat has over 606,891,753 Visitors and 2,537,640 players added Kat to their favorite for now! Are you one of their followers?

And the last update for Roblox Kat was on Feb 13, 2021 (118 days ago).

How many players are playing Roblox Kat?

When we last update this post, Roblox Kat had over 6,627 players online, Roblox Kat has a huge amount of players playing when the last time we updated this post, are you one of them?.

Roblox – Kat Codes Lists (Active and Expired)

Let’s start now with the most important information on this post, Active Codes Lists (Including Expired Codes) that will help you get a FREE boost and items on Kat!

Roblox – Kat Active Codes List – (February 2023)

Here is the list of active codes we found on Roblox Kat, when using these codes write them exactly how they are on the list, or use copy and paste commands.

These codes are created by Fierzaa owner and developer of Roblox Kat and they are the only ones who can make new codes or deactivate codes.

Keep in mind, SteamLists.com can’t create new codes! We only give helpful information!

We are trying our best to keep the list active and when new codes are added to the game to add them as fast as possible on this list! Don’t forget to add us to Bookmark this way you can be one of the first players who will be able to use the new codes on Roblox Kat before they expire!

  • No Codes ( Still no codes available for Roblox Kat, check again soon when new codes come out we will update the list )

Roblox – Kat Codes (Expired and Out of Date) – (February 2023)

We keep tracking even on codes what was available before but now they were removed from Roblox Kat, this way if players want to see what codes were deactivated you can see them on this list below if you succeed to use these codes before they got deactivate (Expired) don’t worry about the rewards you will not lose them!

  • No Codes (No Expired Codes were found for now!)

What Badges Roblox Kat has?

Here we create a full list of active and removed badges that is available on Roblox Kat, these badges were created by developer Fierzaa SteamLists.com can’t create new Badges!

Active Badges on Roblox Kat Lists?

This is the list of Active Badges

Roblox Kat - Badge Meet an admin
  • Badge Name:
    Meet an admin
  • Badge Description:
    Awarded for playing with an admin!
  • Badge Created Date:
    May 15, 2017
  • Badge Last Updated Date:
    May 15, 2017
  • Won Yesterday:
    0 (Jun 10, 2021)
  • Won Ever:
    71457 (Till Jun 11, 2021)
  • Rarity:
    Meet an admin Badge is Impossible, the Rarity is 0% is just for the list?

Deactivate Badges on Roblox Kat Lists?

These Badges are not Active on Roblox Kat, some Badges were active before or they will be active in the future, but everything depends on the developer Fierzaa

Roblox Kat - Badge Scammed
  • Badge Name:
  • Badge Description:
    Scammed! -(I’ll think of a way to implement this again eventually)
  • Badge Created Date:
    May 13, 2017
  • Badge Last Updated Date:
    Dec 28, 2018
  • Won Yesterday:
    0 (Jun 10, 2021)
  • Won Ever:
    92 (Till Jun 11, 2021)
  • Rarity:
    Scammed Badge is Impossible, the Rarity is 0% is just for the list?
Roblox Kat - Badge Meet Fierzaa
  • Badge Name:
    Meet Fierzaa
  • Badge Description:
  • Badge Created Date:
    May 14, 2017
  • Badge Last Updated Date:
    Nov 01, 2017
  • Won Yesterday:
    0 (Jun 10, 2021)
  • Won Ever:
    2396 (Till Jun 11, 2021)
  • Rarity:
    Meet Fierzaa Badge is Impossible, the Rarity is 0% is just for the list?

What items on Shop Roblox Kat are available?

We create a full list with all the items you can find to buy on Roblox Kat, these items were added by Fierzaa and they are the only ones who can add or remove items from the shop.

Each item has a price too, this way if you want to buy now or in future, you can know the prices for them.

Prices on USD, GBP, or EUR are only estimates! When we create these values we focus on United States (America) Robux Real Money! (Each price is not included in the EXTRA Robux when you buy!)

Roblox Kat - Shop Item Spam Knife
  • Item Name:
    Spam Knife
  • Type:
  • Updated:
    Jan 12, 2020
  • Prices:
    • Robux:
    • USD:
      You need to Buy Robux for $99.99 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$1000 (Membership Bonus)
    • GBP:
      You need to Buy Robux for £92.99 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$1000 (Membership Bonus)
    • EUR:
      You need to Buy Robux for €99.99 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$1000 (Membership Bonus)
  • Description:
    Unlocks stupidly overpowered knife
    yes its expensive
  • Item URL:
Roblox Kat - Shop Item Shard Knives
  • Item Name:
    Shard Knives
  • Type:
  • Updated:
    Jan 12, 2020
  • Prices:
    • Robux:
    • USD:
      You need to Buy Robux for $2.99 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$30 (Membership Bonus)
    • GBP:
      You need to Buy Robux for £2.36 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$30 (Membership Bonus)
    • EUR:
      You need to Buy Robux for €2.70 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$30 (Membership Bonus)
  • Description:
    This gamepa*s unlocks all 5 Shard knives as well as the Rainbow Shard knife skin.
  • Item URL:
Roblox Kat - Shop Item Kill Effect Transfer
  • Item Name:
    Kill Effect Transfer
  • Type:
  • Updated:
    Jan 12, 2020
  • Prices:
    • Robux:
    • USD:
      You need to Buy Robux for $1.99 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$20 (Membership Bonus)
    • GBP:
      You need to Buy Robux for £1.57 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$20 (Membership Bonus)
    • EUR:
      You need to Buy Robux for €1.80 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$20 (Membership Bonus)
  • Description:
    By owning this the kill effect from your equipped knife gets used for your revolver!
  • Item URL:
Roblox Kat - Shop Item Shotgun Knife
  • Item Name:
    Shotgun Knife
  • Type:
  • Updated:
    Jun 30, 2020
  • Prices:
    • Robux:
    • USD:
      You need to Buy Robux for $3.99 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$40 (Membership Bonus)
    • GBP:
      You need to Buy Robux for £3.14 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$40 (Membership Bonus)
    • EUR:
      You need to Buy Robux for €3.60 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$40 (Membership Bonus)
  • Description:
    Unlocks the shotgun Knife Perk in shop.
  • Item URL:
Roblox Kat - Shop Item Dead Meme
  • Item Name:
    Dead Meme
  • Type:
  • Updated:
    Jan 12, 2020
  • Prices:
    • Robux:
    • USD:
      You need to Buy Robux for $0.49 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$0 (Membership Bonus)
    • GBP:
      You need to Buy Robux for £0.49 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$0 (Membership Bonus)
    • EUR:
      You need to Buy Robux for €0.44 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$0 (Membership Bonus)
  • Description:
    "There are good memes and there are bad memes.."
    "Why has god abandoned us?"
    (unlocks 1000 Degree Knife skin)
  • Item URL:
Roblox Kat - Shop Item MLG Bundle
  • Item Name:
    MLG Bundle
  • Type:
  • Updated:
    Dec 02, 2019
  • Prices:
    • Robux:
    • USD:
      You need to Buy Robux for $4.99 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$40 (Membership Bonus)
    • GBP:
      You need to Buy Robux for £4.59 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$40 (Membership Bonus)
    • EUR:
      You need to Buy Robux for €4.99 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$40 (Membership Bonus)
  • Description:
    Unlocks the MLG Knife, Illuminati knife particles, and the Doge pet.
  • Item URL:
Roblox Kat - Shop Item VIP
  • Item Name:
  • Type:
  • Updated:
    Jan 12, 2020
  • Prices:
    • Robux:
    • USD:
      You need to Buy Robux for $1.99 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$20 (Membership Bonus)
    • GBP:
      You need to Buy Robux for £1.57 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$20 (Membership Bonus)
    • EUR:
      You need to Buy Robux for €1.80 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$20 (Membership Bonus)
  • Description:
    Unlocks the coin cloud pet (I'll add this back soon), Australium knife texture,  a VIP chat tag and Chat Emotes!
  • Item URL:
Roblox Kat - Shop Item Tesla Knife
  • Item Name:
    Tesla Knife
  • Type:
  • Updated:
    Jan 12, 2020
  • Prices:
    • Robux:
    • USD:
      You need to Buy Robux for $9.99 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$80 (Membership Bonus)
    • GBP:
      You need to Buy Robux for £8.99 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$80 (Membership Bonus)
    • EUR:
      You need to Buy Robux for €9.99 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$80 (Membership Bonus)
  • Description:
    Unlocks the Tesla Knife Power in Shop!
  • Item URL:
Roblox Kat - Shop Item MVP
  • Item Name:
  • Type:
  • Updated:
    Jul 24, 2020
  • Prices:
    • Robux:
    • USD:
      You need to Buy Robux for $2.99 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$30 (Membership Bonus)
    • GBP:
      You need to Buy Robux for £2.36 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$30 (Membership Bonus)
    • EUR:
      You need to Buy Robux for €2.70 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$30 (Membership Bonus)
  • Description:
    Unlocks the MVP Chat tag and animated Chat Emotes.
  • Item URL:
Roblox Kat - Shop Item Spray
  • Item Name:
  • Type:
  • Updated:
    Jan 12, 2020
  • Prices:
    • Robux:
    • USD:
      You need to Buy Robux for $0.99 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$8 (Membership Bonus)
    • GBP:
      You need to Buy Robux for £0.71 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$8 (Membership Bonus)
    • EUR:
      You need to Buy Robux for €0.82 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$8 (Membership Bonus)
  • Description:
    Lets you spray any decal onto walls, using the a*setid!
  • Item URL:
Roblox Kat - Shop Item Radio
  • Item Name:
  • Type:
  • Updated:
    Jun 30, 2020
  • Prices:
    • Robux:
    • USD:
      You need to Buy Robux for $1.99 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$20 (Membership Bonus)
    • GBP:
      You need to Buy Robux for £1.57 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$20 (Membership Bonus)
    • EUR:
      You need to Buy Robux for €1.80 (Real Money Currency) and you gonna get EXTRA Robux R$20 (Membership Bonus)
  • Description:
    Unlocks access to the radio which allows you to play music in-game for everyone to hear!
  • Item URL:

Roblox Kat Description


+ New Gamemode, Murder! ★
+ 3 New Maps! (Hospital, The Office, Studio)
+ A Hidden Exclusive Halloween Knife.. 🎃
+ Many QoL Changes & Bugfixes.
+ New Taunts, Gear, Pets, and Knives!
+ Shotgun Revolver & Old Halloween Items are on-sale!
.. and more!

A big thank you to the awesome people that made this game possible: TrustMeImRussian, nettimato, Mii_BrawIer, GesaffeIstein, Rastamypasta, 2Hex, PastaFTW, Programmables and Locard!

We hope this post helped you to find more information about Roblox Kat and to get FREE items using the codes on our lists, we are trying our best to keep the list updated with new and fresh codes, so make sure you bookmark us and check us often for new codes.

If one code is not working, or a new code was already added on Roblox Kat and is not here on the list please let us know via comment so we can update the codes lists!

Enjoy and see you soon!

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  • All Roblox Posts List

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