Как предательство может изменить человека

Все изменилось в тот самый момент, когда вас предал тот, кто обещал защищать. Тот, кто вместо этого причинил вам боль. Тот, кто позволил другим людям причинить вам боль. ...

Все изменилось в тот самый момент, когда вас предал тот, кто обещал защищать. Тот, кто вместо этого причинил вам боль. Тот, кто позволил другим людям причинить вам боль.

Вы не всегда были такой.

Ваше тело не было покрыто острыми иглами, сердце не было опутано колючей проволокой… Вы не всегда были отстраненной, холодной и постоянно настороже.

Были времена, когда картина вашей жизни состояла сплошь из пастельных тонов… Когда ваше сердце знало, что такое любовь, а доверие буквально струилось в каждом движении.

Времена, когда ваши дни были наполнены счастьем и невинностью. Когда ваши яркие глаза смотрели на мир с надеждой и восхищением.

А потом все изменилось — в тот самый момент, когда вас предал кто-то, кого вы любили. Кто-то, кому вы доверяли. Кто-то, кто должен был вас защитить, кто обещал это делать. Кто-то, кто вместо этого причинил вам боль. Кто-то, кто позволил другим людям причинить вам боль.

Мало что способно разбить наше сердце на столь же мелкие осколки так, как боль, вызванная предательством. Эта боль невероятна, она рассекает вам грудь, вырывает из него сердце и бросает его на землю. И вам даже не хочется поднимать его — нет, вам хочется оставить его на земле истекать кровью, пока оно совершенно не опустеет, и вам больше не придется испытывать эту боль. Никогда. Но вы не можете. Вы знаете, что это не выход, что вы должны продолжать идти дальше. И вы поднимаете свое сердце с грязной земли и вкладываете его назад в пустую грудь.

Вот только сердце, которое вы вложили назад, уже далеко не то, что раньше. Оно изранено, истерзано, сплошь покрыто шрамами. Оно больше не ищет любви — вместо этого оно стремится лишь защитить себя от боли предательства.

Сердце, испытавшее предательство, изменяется навеки.

Вы не только оказываетесь неспособны снова довериться кому бы то ни было, вы еще и начинаете смотреть на каждого нового человека в вашей жизни с подозрением, недоверием и страхом… Вы не доверяете всему окружающему вас миру в целом, так как убедились на собственном опыте, что он способен выжать из вас все соки, а после выбросить, как что-то ненужное.

Ваше сердце пристально смотрит по сторонам, словно часовой на посту, отчаянно желая доказать, что оно право, отталкивая от вас новых людей. Оно выискивает в них малейшие трещинки и недочеты, стремясь убедить вас в том, что и они тоже недостойны вашего доверия. Оно убеждено, что окружено врагами, и пытается убедить в этом вас. Оно чувствует необходимость всегда опережать на шаг или два всех, кто пытается причинить вам зло.

Оно смотрит на доброту и альтруизм с подозрением, так как уже давно убедилась, что в этом мире не бывает бесплатных завтраков, даже если вы не сразу понимаете, что вам придется за них отдать. Ваше сердце отрицает доброту, смотрит на нее с цинизмом, отказывается ее принимать. Оно скорее позволит вам страдать в одиночку, чем примет доброту, делающую вас хотя бы чуточку уязвимее.

Ваше сердце больше не уверено даже в том, достойно ли оно само доверия, и потому оно клянется никогда не опускать защиты. Клянется окружить себя непроницаемым барьером, быть жестким и сильным. Никогда ничего не хотеть. Никогда ни в чем не нуждаться. Никогда никому не доверять. Эти клятвы становятся краеугольными камнями в фундаменте крепости, которую ваше сердце выстраивает вокруг себя, тем, на чем держатся ее стены.

Оно уже давно оставило надежды на то, что кто-то ее защитит, и вместо этого старается всегда защищать себя само. Оно становится рабом своей независимости, своей обособленности. Здесь, в своей крепости, оно в безопасности. Здесь, за ее крепкими стенами, оно может оставаться отстраненным, холодным.

Здесь ваше сердце может позволить себе ничего не чувствовать.

Потому что предательство показало вашему сердцу, как это опасно — чувствовать. Чего-то хотеть, в ком-то нуждаться. Желать любви, отношений, связи с другими людьми. И ваше сердце решило — никогда больше! Оно должно отринуть все свои чувства и желания, омертвив себя.

Оно твердо решило просыпаться каждое утро лишь с одной целью и стремлением — стремлением убить свою душу, жадную до общения с другими людьми. Уничтожить ваши желания на корню прежде, чем они уничтожат вас. Ваше сердце просто не может позволить себе чего-то хотеть, ведь это слишком опасно, слишком рискованно, и может привести к тому, что его снова ранят.

Вот как ваше сердце решило остаться в безопасности — оно просто отказывается когда-либо в будущем поддаваться на соблазн любви.

Вот только проблема в том, что ваше сердце было создано для любви. Было создано для близости. Но теперь оно считает любую близость своим кровным врагом, и наихудшей угрозой в мире. Для того, чтобы между вами и кем-то еще смогла расцвести близость, ваше сердце должно быть хотя бы чуточку уязвимым. Хотя бы немножко.

Чуточку приоткрыть свою душу, выпустив наружу собственные желания, в надежде, что из-за них вам не придется снова столкнуться с предательством. Из всех желаний сердце считает самым опасным желание близости, поэтому оно отворачивается от него в первую очередь, выбирая жизнь без надежды на любовь, на близость, на единство с другим человеком.

Предательство изменило ваше сердце. Оно оставило на его поверхности уродливые шрамы.

Оно сделало его бессильным, беспомощным, уязвимым, израненным, поврежденным, разбитым на осколки. Ваше сердце больше не хочет и не может кому-то довериться. Оно больше не верит в доброту, скрытую в сердцах большинства людей. Больше не верит, что достойно быть любимым, достойно того, чтобы его кто-то оберегал.

Оно устало жить, постоянно ожидая удара, ожидая, что его вновь предадут и сделают ему больно. Оно больше не хочет любви, больше не знает, как любить. Оно лишилось чувств, сделало себя невосприимчивым к собственным желаниям и почти убедило вас в том, что это состояние нормально.

Ведь теперь… теперь вы в безопасности. Теперь вы, наконец, все контролируете. Никто больше не может причинить вам боль.

Вот только вы одиноки. Очень, очень одиноки. И в этом и есть парадокс предательства.

Вы безумно боитесь новых отношений… Хотя именно они способны исцелить ваше сердце.

Дорогое сердце, тебе хочется быть в безопасности, и я отлично это понимаю.

Но кроме безопасности тебе нужно кое-что еще… И куда больше безопасности. Тебе нужна любовь.

Единственный путь к настоящему исцелению лежит через любовь. Вы должны набраться смелости разрушить непробиваемые стены вашей крепости. Да, она защищала вас от опасности. Но вы слишком долго сидели в ней в полном одиночестве. Наедине с собою и вооружившись до зубов. Пришло время сложить оружие. В вашем случае это станет не поражением, но окончанием войны.

Любить — значит рисковать. Рисковать, что кто-то сделает вам больно. Рисковать, что кто-то снова вас предаст. Но вы должны пойти на этот риск, чтобы, наконец, полностью исцелиться.

Ваше сердце научилось, как стремиться к безопасности, как выживать.

Теперь же ему нужно снова научиться любить.

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It hurts when someone betrays your trust. Whether you’ve been betrayed by a family member or your best friend, a romantic partner or a co-worker, you can take some concrete steps to deal with the breach of trust, to start the healing process and feel better.

  1. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 1


    Feel your emotions. When you have been betrayed, you may be overcome with anger, grief, and humiliation. Holding in your painful feelings can have negative effects on your health and your relationships. When you have learned of a betrayal, take time to name the emotion without judgment.[1]
    This will enable you to work through it without turning it on yourself or others.

    • It may help to write through your feelings. If you keep a diary or journal, try writing down exactly how you feel. If you don’t keep a diary, write yourself a letter. You can also write a letter to the person or people who betrayed you, but wait a week before you decide to send it.[2]
    • Suppressing painful feelings can lead to health problems such as chronic pain, sleep deficiency, and even heart disease.[3]
  2. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 2


    Take time to yourself. It can be difficult to deal with betrayal when the person or people who have betrayed you are always nearby. If you were betrayed by a partner or a friend, ask them to give you space while you come to terms with what has happened. You might want to go away for a while. If you live with a partner who has betrayed you, you might want to ask them to find somewhere else to stay for a while, or to sleep in a different room.[4]

    • If the person who betrayed you is far away, take a break from correspondence. Tell them you will get in contact again when you feel ready to talk. If it feels helpful, set a date.
    • Disconnect from social media. Take a break from websites that give you unwanted information about the people who hurt your feelings.


  3. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 3


    Do not rush a life-changing decision. Betrayal can turn your world upside down. When you have lost the trust you had for someone, you may be tempted to cut them out of your life entirely. Wait before you make any big decisions, such as filing for divorce, changing your job, or denouncing someone publicly, as your feelings may change.[5]

  4. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 4


    Avoid retaliating. If you feel in danger of physically harming yourself or others, immediately seek professional help.[6]
    There is no positive revenge. Revenge in the heat of the moment is something that you will come to regret later. Time spent calculating a deliberate revenge is time spent at the expense of your own emotional healing.[7]

  5. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 5


    Find someone you can speak with frankly. Discussing the betrayal with someone you trust can be healing. A good friend or a therapist can help you clear your head and decide what steps to take. Remember that one betrayal doesn’t mean that you can’t trust anyone. You might even come to trust the person who betrayed you.

  6. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 6


    Take care of yourself. Physical health will help you through an emotional time. Try to eat well every day and get a full night’s sleep. Exercise will boost your mood and help you sleep. If you don’t have a regular exercise routine, try going for a brisk half-hour walk each day.[8]

  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 7


    Try to forgive. Forgiveness does not mean that you are condoning the act of betrayal. It means that you are choosing to move on from feelings of resentment. Forgiveness can lead to empathy and compassion for those who have betrayed you. It can also lead to a greater sense of personal peace.[9]

    • Forgiveness can have a positive effect on your health and wellbeing. Choosing to forgive a betrayal can lower your blood pressure, improve your heart health, and diminish anxiety and depression.[10]
  2. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 8


    Let go of negative feelings. Focus on yourself instead of on the person who hurt you. Tell yourself you are not interested in letting the betrayal control your life or your happiness. When a negative thought comes to you, do not suppress it. Instead, greet it and tell it to leave. When it comes back, acknowledge and release it again.[11]

    • If you are having trouble letting go of the negative feelings, return to your method of self-care. Try visiting a meditation or yoga class for help releasing your negative thoughts.[12]
  3. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 9


    State your forgiveness, at least to yourself. To forgive is an act of self-care. You do not have to voice it to anyone else. If you feel like sharing your new mindset, you can tell the person or people who betrayed you that you have forgiven them. If you are unable or unwilling to resume contact, stating your forgiveness to yourself can help you move on from the pain of betrayal.[13]

    • If you would like to share your forgiveness without confronting those who betrayed you, write a letter. If you find yourself growing angry as you write, keep the letter and try again when your anger has ebbed.
  4. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 10


    Forgive without rebuilding. You can forgive the person who betrayed you without rebuilding your relationship. Some betrayals of trust mean the end of a relationship. If the betrayal involved partner or child abuse, it is unlikely that trust could or should be restored. To forgive doesn’t mean that you think the act was right or justifiable in any way.[14]

    • If the person who has betrayed you has died or refuses contact, it will not be possible to rebuild a relationship. You will have to move forward into forgiveness without their help.[15]
  5. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 11


    Keep trying. If you are having trouble moving on, remember that forgiveness is a process. Big betrayals can define your life for a while, and it makes sense that they have to be forgiven multiple times. Even a small incident might need to be remembered occasionally before it stops hurting. Remind yourself that forgiveness is the goal.[16]

  6. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 12


    Express your experience of the betrayal. Once you have named your own emotions, you can express them to the person who has betrayed you. State your experience of the betrayal without trying to influence the reaction of the person or people who betrayed you. [17]
    Start your sentences with «I» rather than with «You.»

    • Practice saying it plainly: «I felt betrayed when you repeated something I told you in confidence.» This will be easier for the person who let you down to understand than an accusatory statement such as «You betrayed my trust when you shared something I told you in confidence.»
    • Try writing a letter first. If you think your writing better expresses your feelings, you can read it aloud to the person who betrayed you, or ask that it be read before talking.
  2. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 13


    Ask for an apology. If you have decided to continue your relationship with the person who has betrayed you, you will need to know that they are ready to rebuild. If the person who has betrayed you is not ready to admit that they hurt you, or attempts to blame you for their actions, it is not yet time to rebuild trust.[18]

    • «I» statements can help in this case, too. «I would really love to know that you understand why I am hurt.» «I would appreciate an apology from you: it would mean a lot to me.»
  3. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 14


    Reflect together on what happened. When all parties have agreed to rebuild trust, speak frankly and calmly about the hurtful events. Don’t dwell on the parts that are hurtful, but make sure you share an understanding of what happened, why it happened, and why it hurt.[19]

  4. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 15


    Decide on your mutual goals. Find out whether or not you share the same desires for your relationship moving forward. Maybe you would both like things to return to how they were, or maybe you would like your relationship to take a different form. You might discover that you have different goals. Sometimes betrayal emerges from a relationship where one person has not been open with their needs.[20]

    • Positive change can come out of a reconciliation If you are work colleagues, for instance, you may need to work less together, or to work more closely on certain projects.[21]
  5. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 16


    Speak to a counselor together. If you are trying to recover from betrayal by a partner or another member of your family, you might want to visit a counselor together. Try to find a therapist who specializes in dealing with your particular situation. In cases of marital infidelity, seek a therapist who specializes in marital therapy.[22]

  6. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 17


    Be honest about the effects of the betrayal. Stay open with the person who betrayed you as you move forward. Share the fears that arise as a result of a betrayal, and listen to their fears in return. The best result of an unfortunate betrayal is a renewed commitment to a bond.[23]

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Article SummaryX

If you’ve been betrayed, make self-care a priority by letting yourself feel whatever emotions you’re feeling. Take a break from social media so your betrayer’s cute pictures aren’t in your face, and spend some time alone to let yourself heal. Then, when you feel ready, talk to a trusted friend or therapist. Take care of yourself physically, too, by eating well and getting a good night’s sleep. For more advice from our reviewer on recovering from betrayal through self-care, choosing forgiveness, and rebuilding trust, keep reading!

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It hurts when someone betrays your trust. Whether you’ve been betrayed by a family member or your best friend, a romantic partner or a co-worker, you can take some concrete steps to deal with the breach of trust, to start the healing process and feel better.

  1. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 1


    Feel your emotions. When you have been betrayed, you may be overcome with anger, grief, and humiliation. Holding in your painful feelings can have negative effects on your health and your relationships. When you have learned of a betrayal, take time to name the emotion without judgment.[1]
    This will enable you to work through it without turning it on yourself or others.

    • It may help to write through your feelings. If you keep a diary or journal, try writing down exactly how you feel. If you don’t keep a diary, write yourself a letter. You can also write a letter to the person or people who betrayed you, but wait a week before you decide to send it.[2]
    • Suppressing painful feelings can lead to health problems such as chronic pain, sleep deficiency, and even heart disease.[3]
  2. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 2


    Take time to yourself. It can be difficult to deal with betrayal when the person or people who have betrayed you are always nearby. If you were betrayed by a partner or a friend, ask them to give you space while you come to terms with what has happened. You might want to go away for a while. If you live with a partner who has betrayed you, you might want to ask them to find somewhere else to stay for a while, or to sleep in a different room.[4]

    • If the person who betrayed you is far away, take a break from correspondence. Tell them you will get in contact again when you feel ready to talk. If it feels helpful, set a date.
    • Disconnect from social media. Take a break from websites that give you unwanted information about the people who hurt your feelings.


  3. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 3


    Do not rush a life-changing decision. Betrayal can turn your world upside down. When you have lost the trust you had for someone, you may be tempted to cut them out of your life entirely. Wait before you make any big decisions, such as filing for divorce, changing your job, or denouncing someone publicly, as your feelings may change.[5]

  4. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 4


    Avoid retaliating. If you feel in danger of physically harming yourself or others, immediately seek professional help.[6]
    There is no positive revenge. Revenge in the heat of the moment is something that you will come to regret later. Time spent calculating a deliberate revenge is time spent at the expense of your own emotional healing.[7]

  5. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 5


    Find someone you can speak with frankly. Discussing the betrayal with someone you trust can be healing. A good friend or a therapist can help you clear your head and decide what steps to take. Remember that one betrayal doesn’t mean that you can’t trust anyone. You might even come to trust the person who betrayed you.

  6. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 6


    Take care of yourself. Physical health will help you through an emotional time. Try to eat well every day and get a full night’s sleep. Exercise will boost your mood and help you sleep. If you don’t have a regular exercise routine, try going for a brisk half-hour walk each day.[8]

  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 7


    Try to forgive. Forgiveness does not mean that you are condoning the act of betrayal. It means that you are choosing to move on from feelings of resentment. Forgiveness can lead to empathy and compassion for those who have betrayed you. It can also lead to a greater sense of personal peace.[9]

    • Forgiveness can have a positive effect on your health and wellbeing. Choosing to forgive a betrayal can lower your blood pressure, improve your heart health, and diminish anxiety and depression.[10]
  2. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 8


    Let go of negative feelings. Focus on yourself instead of on the person who hurt you. Tell yourself you are not interested in letting the betrayal control your life or your happiness. When a negative thought comes to you, do not suppress it. Instead, greet it and tell it to leave. When it comes back, acknowledge and release it again.[11]

    • If you are having trouble letting go of the negative feelings, return to your method of self-care. Try visiting a meditation or yoga class for help releasing your negative thoughts.[12]
  3. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 9


    State your forgiveness, at least to yourself. To forgive is an act of self-care. You do not have to voice it to anyone else. If you feel like sharing your new mindset, you can tell the person or people who betrayed you that you have forgiven them. If you are unable or unwilling to resume contact, stating your forgiveness to yourself can help you move on from the pain of betrayal.[13]

    • If you would like to share your forgiveness without confronting those who betrayed you, write a letter. If you find yourself growing angry as you write, keep the letter and try again when your anger has ebbed.
  4. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 10


    Forgive without rebuilding. You can forgive the person who betrayed you without rebuilding your relationship. Some betrayals of trust mean the end of a relationship. If the betrayal involved partner or child abuse, it is unlikely that trust could or should be restored. To forgive doesn’t mean that you think the act was right or justifiable in any way.[14]

    • If the person who has betrayed you has died or refuses contact, it will not be possible to rebuild a relationship. You will have to move forward into forgiveness without their help.[15]
  5. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 11


    Keep trying. If you are having trouble moving on, remember that forgiveness is a process. Big betrayals can define your life for a while, and it makes sense that they have to be forgiven multiple times. Even a small incident might need to be remembered occasionally before it stops hurting. Remind yourself that forgiveness is the goal.[16]

  6. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 12


    Express your experience of the betrayal. Once you have named your own emotions, you can express them to the person who has betrayed you. State your experience of the betrayal without trying to influence the reaction of the person or people who betrayed you. [17]
    Start your sentences with «I» rather than with «You.»

    • Practice saying it plainly: «I felt betrayed when you repeated something I told you in confidence.» This will be easier for the person who let you down to understand than an accusatory statement such as «You betrayed my trust when you shared something I told you in confidence.»
    • Try writing a letter first. If you think your writing better expresses your feelings, you can read it aloud to the person who betrayed you, or ask that it be read before talking.
  2. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 13


    Ask for an apology. If you have decided to continue your relationship with the person who has betrayed you, you will need to know that they are ready to rebuild. If the person who has betrayed you is not ready to admit that they hurt you, or attempts to blame you for their actions, it is not yet time to rebuild trust.[18]

    • «I» statements can help in this case, too. «I would really love to know that you understand why I am hurt.» «I would appreciate an apology from you: it would mean a lot to me.»
  3. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 14


    Reflect together on what happened. When all parties have agreed to rebuild trust, speak frankly and calmly about the hurtful events. Don’t dwell on the parts that are hurtful, but make sure you share an understanding of what happened, why it happened, and why it hurt.[19]

  4. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 15


    Decide on your mutual goals. Find out whether or not you share the same desires for your relationship moving forward. Maybe you would both like things to return to how they were, or maybe you would like your relationship to take a different form. You might discover that you have different goals. Sometimes betrayal emerges from a relationship where one person has not been open with their needs.[20]

    • Positive change can come out of a reconciliation If you are work colleagues, for instance, you may need to work less together, or to work more closely on certain projects.[21]
  5. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 16


    Speak to a counselor together. If you are trying to recover from betrayal by a partner or another member of your family, you might want to visit a counselor together. Try to find a therapist who specializes in dealing with your particular situation. In cases of marital infidelity, seek a therapist who specializes in marital therapy.[22]

  6. Image titled Deal With Betrayal Step 17


    Be honest about the effects of the betrayal. Stay open with the person who betrayed you as you move forward. Share the fears that arise as a result of a betrayal, and listen to their fears in return. The best result of an unfortunate betrayal is a renewed commitment to a bond.[23]

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Article SummaryX

If you’ve been betrayed, make self-care a priority by letting yourself feel whatever emotions you’re feeling. Take a break from social media so your betrayer’s cute pictures aren’t in your face, and spend some time alone to let yourself heal. Then, when you feel ready, talk to a trusted friend or therapist. Take care of yourself physically, too, by eating well and getting a good night’s sleep. For more advice from our reviewer on recovering from betrayal through self-care, choosing forgiveness, and rebuilding trust, keep reading!

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