Kicked packet flooding player tick как исправить

Packet flooding player tick rust что это

Обновлено: 08.02.2023

Хостинг игровых серверов

Добрый вечер господа! Столкнулся с двумя проблемами при настройке сервера. Буду очень рад, если местные эксперты помогут хотя бы с одной из них. Думаю сталкивался с ней не только я.

Версия сервера: devblog 203

1) Кикает с ошибкой Disconnected — (Packet Flooding: Player Tick)
Описание ситуации: стою, настраиваю плагин — прохожу мимо объекта (в моём случае это был шкаф), после чего просто вылет с данной надписью:

Подозреваю, что дело в самом оксиде, я очень хотел бы ошибаться на этот счет..

2) В чем суть второй ошибки?
Вылетаю с данной надписью:

Захожу вновь на сервер, получаю это:

При этом, двигаться не могу! Помогает только kill.

Смотрю на это все и понимаю, что с оксидом точно что-то не так
Ребята, выручайте.


Добрый вечер господа! Столкнулся с двумя проблемами при настройке сервера. Буду очень рад, если местные эксперты помогут хотя бы с одной из них. Думаю сталкивался с ней не только я.

Версия сервера: devblog 203

1) Кикает с ошибкой Disconnected — (Packet Flooding: Player Tick)
Описание ситуации: стою, настраиваю плагин — прохожу мимо объекта (в моём случае это был шкаф), после чего просто вылет с данной надписью:
Посмотреть вложение 3953

Подозреваю, что дело в самом оксиде, я очень хотел бы ошибаться на этот счет..

2) В чем суть второй ошибки?
Вылетаю с данной надписью:
Посмотреть вложение 3952
Захожу вновь на сервер, получаю это:
Посмотреть вложение 3950
При этом, двигаться не могу! Помогает только kill.

Смотрю на это все и понимаю, что с оксидом точно что-то не так
Ребята, выручайте.

Disconnected: Packet Flooding: Player Tick

New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast

Something very similar to this actually just happened to me.

24 hours before this there were rumors of this particular server getting DDOS attacked. So I signed in to reset decay on the 10x server I play just for raid-fun, and I hear people rocketing my shit to death.

Now, when I opened my door after hearing what I thought to be people rocketing directly through my base, they had went straight for the loot, ignored loot rooms and 4 people were all standing in the one missing foundation looting stashes. Because of this, I actually killed all 4 of them and got a chance to see their bodys.

Rockets. Rockets. Rockets. Rockets. The rockets which stacked to 10, they had stacks, and stacks, of rockets. I know its a 10x server but were talking 150 rockets on Each person

They blew a direct line to the foundation, blew down, and left after that. No TC, no loot rooms.

Packet flooding player tick rust что это

Группа в режиме ликвидации

Группа в режиме ликвидации

Группа в режиме ликвидации запись закреплена

Разбор Полётов

Почему иногда всех (Kicked: Packet Flooding: Player Tick)?

Администрация сервера следит за этим процессом, в скором времени придут необходимые обновления и «кикание» полностью исчезнет.

Packet flooding player tick rust что это

Im writing this post now in desperation as I have had this issue for a while now and it hurt’s my community pretty bad atm.

I get pretty often «Packet Flooding: Player Tick» on my server/s and everyone get’s kicked emptying the server. I have always thought it have been network related as I host the server from my own apartment. Things such as the network getting a spike or something similar, I have 300 mbit/s in upload.

So my thoughts are now that it must be a plugin or plugins that cause the server to freeze for a short time causing everyone to get kicked. My question is if there is a way or method to find out what is causing these kicks / freezes / spikes?

i7-4770k (Delided) 3.5-4.2 GHZ

3x 120 GB SSD’s (All server’s are spread out on each disk to give each server more writing speed)

Usually it happens when the server lags or network and server processes all rust packets at once. Search for «Calling XXX on plugin XXX took XXms» messages (warnings) in the console.
Usually it happens when the server lags or network and server processes all rust packets at once. Search for «Calling XXX on plugin XXX took XXms» messages (warnings) in the console.

Anyway to check logs? As scrolling in the server console will freeze / crash the server.

This must be the maincause I think.. But I never thought BetterChat would be a performance issue..

I think it’s more like BetterChat calling it’s own hooks manually causes it. @LaserHydra

This was right before everyone got kicked at around 18:15.. But it didnt call any hooks? Could it be TebexDonate plugin? It makes me wanna think it’s network issue like it spiked.. But if it was network issues everyone should of get kicked on the other servers aswell which they didnt.

18:14 [Warning] [Tebex Donate] Attempting to process commands in the queue.
18:14 [Warning] [Tebex Donate] There are no online commands that need to be processed!
18:14 [Info] [Better Chat] [Loyal] [VIP+] Gustav Ahr | (/3: i wanna raid him so much
18:14 [Info] [Better Chat] [Loyal] [VIP+] Gustav Ahr | (/3: he door camped me so many times
18:15 [Warning] [Tebex Donate] Attempting to log all stored connection events.
18:15 [Warning] [Tebex Donate] Attempting to process commands in the queue.
18:15 [Warning] [Tebex Donate] There are no online commands that need to be processed!
18:15 [Warning] [Tebex Donate] Successfully logged all stored connection events!
18:15 [Info] [Better Chat] [Loyal] [VIP+] Gustav Ahr | (/3: lag :D
18:15 [Info] [Better Chat] [Loyal] rikardrules: lag
18:15 [Info] [Better Chat] [Regular] Xeno: lag
18:15 [Info] [Better Chat] [New] OberstLynild: .
18:15 [Info] [Better Chat] [Beast] Mjew: wtf

I mean if the warnings are from Better Chat then there is a plugin that uses Better Chat a lot or you just have way too many Better Chat plugins.
I mean if the warnings are from Better Chat then there is a plugin that uses Better Chat a lot or you just have way too many Better Chat plugins.

I have the following betterchat related plugins:

BetterSay.cs (not sure if this one is related to betterchat).

So if I got you right, I should remove some of these?


Please check what other plugins you have installed which might use Better Chat. While Better Chat obviously has some overhead over vanilla chat, I don’t see a reason it alone would take 2 seconds to process, without something else playing a part in that.

Just to not entirely eliminate that thought though, how many Better Chat groups do you have?

EDIT: I see you just now already posted a list of your Better Chat addons. Please see if you can figure out if you have anything else which modified the chat in any way.


Please check what other plugins you have installed which might use Better Chat. While Better Chat obviously has some overhead over vanilla chat, I don’t see a reason it alone would take 2 seconds to process, without something else playing a part in that.

Just to not entirely eliminate that thought though, how many Better Chat groups do you have?

EDIT: I see you just now already posted a list of your Better Chat addons. Please see if you can figure out if you have anything else which modified the chat in any way.

Nothing else is modifying the chat, no more plugins what I know of.

I also checked my BetterChat.json in the data folder, I have around 15 ish better chat groups.


We mean any plugin that works WITH BetterChat can cause it.

Not any other chat plugin itself.

I have now disabled alot of demanding plugins and enabled performance mode on some other plugins aswell.. Removed about 5-10 of them, including some sisters to BetterChat like bettermentions.cs etc etc. I will see how it goes and let it run for a few days.

Happend again, everyone got kicked from flooding.

I have now checked the history of the two recent masskicks. What they both have in common is that TebexDonate plugin execute the commands causing it to freeze.

18:15 [Warning] [Tebex Donate] Attempting to log all stored connection events.
18:15 [Warning] [Tebex Donate] Attempting to process commands in the queue.
18:15 [Warning] [Tebex Donate] There are no online commands that need to be processed!
18:15 [Warning] [Tebex Donate] Successfully logged all stored connection events!
18:15 [Info] [Better Chat] [Loyal] [VIP+] Gustav Ahr | (/3: lag :D
18:15 [Info] [Better Chat] [Loyal] rikardrules: lag
18:15 [Info] [Better Chat] [Regular] Xeno: lag
18:15 [Info] [Better Chat] [New] OberstLynild: .
18:15 [Info] [Better Chat] [Beast] Mjew: wtf < —————- !!After «wtf» everyone got kicked!!

20:14 [Warning] [Tebex Donate] Attempting to log all stored connection events.
20:14 [Warning] [Tebex Donate] Successfully logged all stored connection events!
20:15 [Warning] [Tebex Donate] Attempting to process commands in the queue.
20:15 [Warning] [Tebex Donate] There are no online commands that need to be processed!
20:15 [Info] [Better Chat] [Settled] Gnagster Jaffar byn!: WOW < —————- !!After «WOW» everyone got kicked!!

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Im writing this post now in desperation as I have had this issue for a while now and it hurt’s my community pretty bad atm.

I get pretty often «Packet Flooding: Player Tick» on my server/s and everyone get’s kicked emptying the server. I have always thought it have been network related as I host the server from my own apartment. Things such as the network getting a spike or something similar, I have 300 mbit/s in upload.

But today I can exclude my thoughts about it being a network issue. Because when everyone got kicked on my #2 server for Ticket flooding noone got kicked or noticed any lags what so ever on my #1 and #3 server and yet they are hosted on the same dedicated box and network.

So my thoughts are now that it must be a plugin or plugins that cause the server to freeze for a short time causing everyone to get kicked. My question is if there is a way or method to find out what is causing these kicks / freezes / spikes?

i7-4770k (Delided) 3.5-4.2 GHZ

3x 120 GB SSD’s (All server’s are spread out on each disk to give each server more writing speed)

Anyway to check logs? As scrolling in the server console will freeze / crash the server.

11:53 [Warning] Calling ‘OnPlayerChat’ on ‘BetterChat v5.2.1’ took 2032ms
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [Pro] ☪ Mr.Khan ☪: lagg
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [New] FDF: +
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [Settled] ШАмпунь #MAGICRUST: yes
11:53 [Warning] Calling ‘OnPlayerChat’ on ‘BetterChat v5.2.1’ took 817ms
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [New] Doxx: yepp
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [Settled] Xeno: a lot of lag
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [New] PseUdOnFiRe: yes
11:53 [Warning] Calling ‘OnPlayerChat’ on ‘BetterChat v5.2.1’ took 254ms
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [Regular] xJustGoAway: lag wtfd
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [Pro] ☪ Mr.Khan ☪: lagg
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [Pro] ☪ Mr.Khan ☪: fix it pls
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [New] patrol: цеа
11:53 [Warning] Calling ‘OnPlayerChat’ on ‘BetterChat v5.2.1’ took 158ms
11:53 [Info] [Discord Extension] Discord ratelimit reached. (Ratelimit info: remaining: 0, limit: 5, reset: 1579431236, time now: 1579431232
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [New] patrol: wtf
11:53 [Warning] Calling ‘OnPlayerChat’ on ‘BetterChat v5.2.1’ took average 1454ms
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [Regular] Mac Daddy: not now man
11:53 [Warning] Calling ‘OnPlayerChat’ on ‘BetterChat v5.2.1’ took 1235ms
11:54 [Info] [Better Chat] [Regular] szucsu: lag
11:54 [Info] [Better Chat] [New] patrol: lags

This must be the maincause I think.. But I never thought BetterChat would be a performance issue..


Packet flooding client command раст что делать

Im writing this post now in desperation as I have had this issue for a while now and it hurt’s my community pretty bad atm.

I get pretty often «Packet Flooding: Player Tick» on my server/s and everyone get’s kicked emptying the server. I have always thought it have been network related as I host the server from my own apartment. Things such as the network getting a spike or something similar, I have 300 mbit/s in upload.

But today I can exclude my thoughts about it being a network issue. Because when everyone got kicked on my #2 server for Ticket flooding noone got kicked or noticed any lags what so ever on my #1 and #3 server and yet they are hosted on the same dedicated box and network.

So my thoughts are now that it must be a plugin or plugins that cause the server to freeze for a short time causing everyone to get kicked. My question is if there is a way or method to find out what is causing these kicks / freezes / spikes?

i7-4770k (Delided) 3.5-4.2 GHZ

3x 120 GB SSD’s (All server’s are spread out on each disk to give each server more writing speed)

Anyway to check logs? As scrolling in the server console will freeze / crash the server.

11:53 [Warning] Calling ‘OnPlayerChat’ on ‘BetterChat v5.2.1’ took 2032ms
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [Pro] ☪ Mr.Khan ☪: lagg
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [New] FDF: +
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [Settled] ШАмпунь #MAGICRUST: yes
11:53 [Warning] Calling ‘OnPlayerChat’ on ‘BetterChat v5.2.1’ took 817ms
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [New] Doxx: yepp
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [Settled] Xeno: a lot of lag
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [New] PseUdOnFiRe: yes
11:53 [Warning] Calling ‘OnPlayerChat’ on ‘BetterChat v5.2.1’ took 254ms
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [Regular] xJustGoAway: lag wtfd
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [Pro] ☪ Mr.Khan ☪: lagg
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [Pro] ☪ Mr.Khan ☪: fix it pls
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [New] patrol: цеа
11:53 [Warning] Calling ‘OnPlayerChat’ on ‘BetterChat v5.2.1’ took 158ms
11:53 [Info] [Discord Extension] Discord ratelimit reached. (Ratelimit info: remaining: 0, limit: 5, reset: 1579431236, time now: 1579431232
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [New] patrol: wtf
11:53 [Warning] Calling ‘OnPlayerChat’ on ‘BetterChat v5.2.1’ took average 1454ms
11:53 [Info] [Better Chat] [Regular] Mac Daddy: not now man
11:53 [Warning] Calling ‘OnPlayerChat’ on ‘BetterChat v5.2.1’ took 1235ms
11:54 [Info] [Better Chat] [Regular] szucsu: lag
11:54 [Info] [Better Chat] [New] patrol: lags

This must be the maincause I think.. But I never thought BetterChat would be a performance issue..


Kicked for packet flooding

Krazy J

all players get kicked from server for the below reason, and server becomes unresponsive, but doesn’t crash.

Reason: Kicked: Packet Flooding

Wulf Community Admin

Plugins do not send packets to the server, so it’s unlikely to be a plugin.

This is an attempt to stop the recent exploit known as the «DOS» attack. It’s when the player sends a shed load of RPC messages or some shit. The result was a laggy server that was similar to a DDOS attack.

That kick is there to prevent the server from lagging.

Krazy J

This is an attempt to stop the recent exploit known as the «DOS» attack. It’s when the player sends a shed load of RPC messages or some shit. The result was a laggy server that was similar to a DDOS attack.

That kick is there to prevent the server from lagging.

cause really, I have 2 servers and its only having on one of them.

cause really, I have 2 servers and its only having on one of them.

Krazy J

I figured out why we’re getting packet flooding kicks. Building Grades 0.3.9 is causing it, If the building it a huge build and you use the up or down command. You get lag, then get kicked for packet flooding, and then it up or downs the build.

EDIT: apparently when my admin used /remove all to delete a huge base on the second server it kicked everyone for packet flooding also. so Im guessing those plugins when the build is really huge sets that packet flood kick somehow

Those plugins are known to cause lag. /up is only for admins really, but can be assigned to players but isn’t really reccomended imo.

You don’t use /remove all for large bases, you use /remove structure.

Krazy J

Those plugins are known to cause lag. /up is only for admins really, but can be assigned to players but isn’t really reccomended imo.

You don’t use /remove all for large bases, you use /remove structure.

› Genocide

I got kicked from my server for packet flood, just sitting idle in my little admin base. which seems very odd. The last commands i had run were vanish and noclip, a few minutes before I got kicked.


I recently upgraded my internet connection and the hardware for the server and am now having issues with players being kicked due to Packet Flooding. I am trying to populate this server but noone is going to stay around if they keep getting kicked due to this. Is there some way to fix this?

Attached Files:

packet flooding client command раст что делать



We’re getting it too. packet flooding client command раст что делатьI read somewhere that it occurs when an action happens to close together to cause spam. Like the invalid attacks that some bullets send off. Too many of those causes it to do it as a «dDoS prevention method.» I’m wondering if there’s a way to disable that. It’s a maxflood convar.
[DOUBLEPOST=1498240523][/DOUBLEPOST]This is from Devblog 115:

Server Flooding Protection
André Straubmeier
Players have to send a bunch of info, like their position, in regular intervals to the server and there are certain situations and exploits that can flood the server with those types of messages. While we can and should address those on the client, I also added a second layer of protection to the server this week. Players that send too many ticks in a short period of time are now automatically kicked. Server owners can adjust that threshold with the maxflood convar, but the default value seemed to give plenty of room to account for any connection quality fluctuations.


Packet flooding client command раст что делать

packet flooding client command раст что делать

packet flooding client command раст что делать

packet flooding client command раст что делать

packet flooding client command раст что делать

packet flooding client command раст что делать

packet flooding client command раст что делать

i have had that happen as well, with using ethernet and having 200/10 internet speed.

needless to say everyone on the server including admins/mods as well got kicked and seen that same message.

either something with rust server coding or could be someone ddosing people/servers, who knows.

packet flooding client command раст что делать

i have had that happen as well, with using ethernet and having 200/10 internet speed.

needless to say everyone on the server including admins/mods as well got kicked and seen that same message.

either something with rust server coding or could be someone ddosing people/servers, who knows.


Kicked for packet flooding


Krazy J

server.maxtickspersecond «300»
server.maxtickspersecond «1500»

those are defaults.


Ace 13

My server is has zero plugins (not even Oxide) installed and every now and then, all my players get kicked for the following message:
«Disconnected: Player Flooding: Player Tick»

This in turn affects my player base quite negatively.

Deleted 2

I’m getting this exact same isue happens to me every 10 minutes. I run a heavily modded server in my opinion I have roughly 60 plugins.

This appears to have fixed my problem

Ace 13

I’m getting this exact same isue happens to me every 10 minutes. I run a heavily modded server in my opinion I have roughly 60 plugins.

This appears to have fixed my problem

Deleted 2


just started up a server for a LAN event in town and iv added 20 or so mods and set them all up but when people try to connect half of them get the «packet flooding error» and half of them have no trouble at all. i would very much appreciate some help on this. iv got the server set up on a friends server pc with very good internet, static ip and all the works but i still cant figure out why its doings this to only half the players who connect.

Ace 13

dream 8

Try to close the fast edit mode in the server side properties ?


Reason: Kicked: Packet Flooding: Player Tick
how fix that?

Rusty Craft

Some players are keep disconnecting when a new player(First joiner) come in to the server other players are keep disconnecting and i do not have any error log about it. i do use ConnectMessages plugin and also ConnectionDatabase i don’t know what plugins are causing this problem. Any ideas?


If no error logs it could be just client based

Rusty Craft

if i have 55 players are online 20 of them are instantly disconnecting whenever a NewPlayer is connected.


Yup, I’ve been watching console for many hours today and I can confirm. Regardless of how many are online, if someone who hasn’t joined the server since wipe joins in, it packet floods and kicks most everyone except the one who is logging in.

Nothing has changed in my plugins, hardware, or network since the update yesterday and now Ive been wrestling with this. It’s losing me players as I have no fix or info I can base off. No errors in console or logs other than the packet flood tick rate kick.

I have even gone through any plugins that might effect player onjoin but I cant isolate any specific plugin currently.


  1. @Wulf,

    What do you know about this? and if you do know can ya maybe tell me how to fix it. My host says it may be a plugin corrupted or something ?

    all players get kicked from server for the below reason, and server becomes unresponsive, but doesn’t crash.

    Reason: Kicked: Packet Flooding


  2. Wulf

    Community Admin

    Plugins do not send packets to the server, so it’s unlikely to be a plugin.

  3. This is an attempt to stop the recent exploit known as the «DOS» attack. It’s when the player
    sends a shed load of RPC messages or some shit. The result was a laggy server that was similar to a DDOS attack.

    That kick is there to prevent the server from lagging.

  4. was there an exploit fix update to fix this ?

    cause really, I have 2 servers and its only having on one of them.

  5. The kicks are the method to prevent it, so yes.

  6. I figured out why we’re getting packet flooding kicks. Building Grades 0.3.9 is causing it, If the building
    it a huge build and you use the up or down command. You get lag, then get kicked for packet flooding, and then it up or downs the build.

    EDIT: apparently when my admin used /remove all to delete a huge base on the second server it kicked everyone for packet flooding also. so Im guessing those plugins when
    the build is really huge sets that packet flood kick somehow

    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2017
  7. Those plugins are known to cause lag. /up is only for admins really, but can be assigned to players but
    isn’t really reccomended imo…

    You don’t use /remove all for large bases, you use /remove structure.

  8. yeah I know they cause lag, which in fact before I changed hosts and before the update. They worked just fine. I never knew about /remove structure so thanks for that
    info :)

  9. I got kicked from my server for packet flood, just sitting idle in my little admin base… which seems very odd.
    The last commands i had run were vanish and noclip, a few minutes before I got kicked.

  10. I recently upgraded my internet connection and the hardware for the server and am now having issues with players
    being kicked due to Packet Flooding. I am trying to populate this server but noone is going to stay around if they keep getting kicked due to this. Is there some way to fix

    Attached Files:

    • postonforums.jpg
  11. We’re getting it too. :( I read somewhere that it occurs when an action happens to close together to cause spam. Like the invalid attacks that some bullets send off.
    Too many of those causes it to do it as a «dDoS prevention method.» I’m wondering if there’s a way to disable that. It’s a maxflood convar.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1498240523][/DOUBLEPOST]This is from Devblog 115:

    Server Flooding Protection

    Players have to send a bunch of info, like their position, in regular intervals to the server and there are certain situations and exploits
    that can flood the server with those types of messages. While we can and should address those on the client, I also added a second layer of protection to the server this week.
    Players that send too many ticks in a short period of time are now automatically kicked. Server owners can adjust that threshold with the maxflood convar, but the default value
    seemed to give plenty of room to account for any connection quality fluctuations.

  12. They also did this on the latest update. This is why they’re being kicked. There should be commands
    somewhere to change it from 300 back to 1000.

    Lowered maxtickspersecond to 300 (from 1000)
    Increased maxpacketspersecond to 1500 (from 1000)

  13. maxtickspersecond and maxpacketspersecond are the commands…

  14. Thanks guys this was very informative. I have set the maxtickspersecond to 1500. We will see how that does. In
    any event I now know how to adjust it. Thanks again I think this may have solved my issue.

  15. Hello I have the problem that is on my Vanilla servers, someone has an idea how I can fix the problem?

  16. Guys such a problem on the server. People play where that 1 hour or min 30 passes and everyone kicks from the
    server and writes Kicked: Packet Flooding Player Tick. Maybe someone knows how to solve this problem.

  17. did this work for you guys? we tried but things got super laggy

  18. Then your server specs are likely the cause for the lag, I recommend upgrading your server or upgrading your resources with your shared host.

  19. I just started experiencing this same issue. Any suggestions or resolutions?


by Vlad Constantinescu

Vlad might have a degree in Animal Husbandry and Livestock Management, but he’s currently rocking anything software related, ranging from testing programs to writing in-depth reviews about them…. read more

Updated on October 6, 2022

  • Rust is a survival game where you have to craft your way through victory and avoid exposing yourself to hazards such as other players, wild animals, thirst, hunger, or even cold.
  • Since it’s an online game, Rust faces the same technical challenges as other similar games. Namely: high ping, jitter, and the dreaded packet loss.
  • Check out our best VPNs to play Rust to improve ping and gameplay.
  • Visit our Gaming Hub to discover many more awesome reviews, guides, and news.

Fix packet loss in Rust

When it first came out, Rust was completely something else. I mean, you woke up naked somewhere on an island and held a rock. Making your way through wild animals, environmental hazards, and malevolent other players, you had to survive.

Rust allows you to build shelters, and craft a lot of items to help you in your adventures such as clothes, weapons, and food. Well, you don’t craft food, but you’ll need some sort of heat source to prepare it.

The point is, Rust can be equal parts enjoyable and frustrating. Aside from players who managed somehow to find automated weapons and keep fragging you, there are some other, more technical issues that might make you hate your Rust experience.

Packet loss. You can’t escape the dreaded packet loss, even on the remote island that Rust throws you on. And the worst part is that this phenomenon can really make the difference between finding shelter in time or losing everything to a classic rock-bludgeoning.

We tested the game using the following VPNs

What is packet loss in Rust?

Packet loss happens whenever packets that you send or receive never make it to their destination. With Rust, it’s no different. Aside from the environment in which the leak occurs (i.e. the Rust game server), the behavior is quite the same.

If you’ve never experienced it before, consider yourself lucky. However, packet loss is a nasty piece of work and can further cause problems such as high ping/latency, game freeze, jitter, and even connection timeouts.

VPN Rust game

And when it comes to Rust, disconnecting from the game server means waiting a lot if you want to get back.

What causes packet loss in Rust?

Regardless of where it occurs, packet loss is usually caused by the same factors. The most common one is network congestion and is more often than not out of your control. Meaning that if you’re not a network administrator, there’s little you can do about it.

Other reasons might include improper network management, outdated or faulty equipment, and software/hardware malfunctions. If your ISP throttles your bandwidth, for instance, you will likely experience packet loss.

How to fix packet loss in Rust?

1. Use a VPN

  1. Download Private Internet AccessPrivate Internet Access
  2. Install it on your computer
  3. Launch it and log into your PIA account
  4. Connect to the server of your choice
  5. Launch Rust
  6. Check if the issue still persists

Private Internet Access is an excellent all-round VPN service brought to you by Kape Technologies. It can cover a lot of ground in terms of securing your connection, boosting your online privacy, circumventing geoblocking, and even improving packet loss.

Private Internet Access

Private Internet Access

Leaking packets in Rust? Try PIA to solve this issue.

Note that using a VPN with Rust, in this case, will only work if the packet leaks occur on your ISP’s side or if the ISP throttles your connection. Thus, it won’t work if the leaks occur on your side or on the game servers.

Nevertheless, we recommend using a VPN, as it can boost your connection’s security, and sometimes even improve your ping.

2. Troubleshoot your connection manually

  1. Use our guide to help you perform a pathping test
  2. Locate the hops that are leaking packets on your connection
  3. Depending on your test results, take any of the following measures:
    • Replace/repair/upgrade/check/update any faulty components of your home network
    • Try using a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi packet leaks are more common)
    • Call your ISP if you notice packet leaks on their side of the connection
    • Ask your ISP to call the network distribution company if you notice something off there
    • Contact Rust’s support crew (or the server owner) if the packet leaks occur there

We remind you that network congestion is often the cause of packet loss. In this case, your safest bet would be switching servers or waiting for the packet loss issue to solve itself. Also, try avoiding peak hours if you have a favorite server.

Rust packet loss can be fixed sometimes

All things considered, if you’re experiencing packet loss in Rust, there might be a thing or two you can do. Our advice would be to isolate the issue and make sure it doesn’t happen on your side of the connection.

If it does, replace any faulty component of your network as necessary. If not, try using a VPN or contacting the party at fault and ask them (nicely) if they can alleviate the situation.

Last, but not least, although a VPN might not work with packet loss 100% of the time, it’s still a wise thing to invest in. A trustworthy VPN can provide you with online privacy, a secure connection, geo-restriction bypassing, and even improving ping.

Your connection is not secure — websites you visit can find out your details:

  • Your IP
  • Your IP Address:

Companies can sell this information, alongside your location and internet provider name, and profit from it by serving targeted ads or monitoring your data usage.

We recommend Private Internet Access, a VPN with a no-log policy, open source code, ad blocking and much more; now 79% off.

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by Vlad Constantinescu

Vlad might have a degree in Animal Husbandry and Livestock Management, but he’s currently rocking anything software related, ranging from testing programs to writing in-depth reviews about them…. read more

Updated on October 6, 2022

  • Rust is a survival game where you have to craft your way through victory and avoid exposing yourself to hazards such as other players, wild animals, thirst, hunger, or even cold.
  • Since it’s an online game, Rust faces the same technical challenges as other similar games. Namely: high ping, jitter, and the dreaded packet loss.
  • Check out our best VPNs to play Rust to improve ping and gameplay.
  • Visit our Gaming Hub to discover many more awesome reviews, guides, and news.

Fix packet loss in Rust

When it first came out, Rust was completely something else. I mean, you woke up naked somewhere on an island and held a rock. Making your way through wild animals, environmental hazards, and malevolent other players, you had to survive.

Rust allows you to build shelters, and craft a lot of items to help you in your adventures such as clothes, weapons, and food. Well, you don’t craft food, but you’ll need some sort of heat source to prepare it.

The point is, Rust can be equal parts enjoyable and frustrating. Aside from players who managed somehow to find automated weapons and keep fragging you, there are some other, more technical issues that might make you hate your Rust experience.

Packet loss. You can’t escape the dreaded packet loss, even on the remote island that Rust throws you on. And the worst part is that this phenomenon can really make the difference between finding shelter in time or losing everything to a classic rock-bludgeoning.

We tested the game using the following VPNs

What is packet loss in Rust?

Packet loss happens whenever packets that you send or receive never make it to their destination. With Rust, it’s no different. Aside from the environment in which the leak occurs (i.e. the Rust game server), the behavior is quite the same.

If you’ve never experienced it before, consider yourself lucky. However, packet loss is a nasty piece of work and can further cause problems such as high ping/latency, game freeze, jitter, and even connection timeouts.

VPN Rust game

And when it comes to Rust, disconnecting from the game server means waiting a lot if you want to get back.

What causes packet loss in Rust?

Regardless of where it occurs, packet loss is usually caused by the same factors. The most common one is network congestion and is more often than not out of your control. Meaning that if you’re not a network administrator, there’s little you can do about it.

Other reasons might include improper network management, outdated or faulty equipment, and software/hardware malfunctions. If your ISP throttles your bandwidth, for instance, you will likely experience packet loss.

How to fix packet loss in Rust?

1. Use a VPN

  1. Download Private Internet AccessPrivate Internet Access
  2. Install it on your computer
  3. Launch it and log into your PIA account
  4. Connect to the server of your choice
  5. Launch Rust
  6. Check if the issue still persists

Private Internet Access is an excellent all-round VPN service brought to you by Kape Technologies. It can cover a lot of ground in terms of securing your connection, boosting your online privacy, circumventing geoblocking, and even improving packet loss.

Private Internet Access

Private Internet Access

Leaking packets in Rust? Try PIA to solve this issue.

Note that using a VPN with Rust, in this case, will only work if the packet leaks occur on your ISP’s side or if the ISP throttles your connection. Thus, it won’t work if the leaks occur on your side or on the game servers.

Nevertheless, we recommend using a VPN, as it can boost your connection’s security, and sometimes even improve your ping.

2. Troubleshoot your connection manually

  1. Use our guide to help you perform a pathping test
  2. Locate the hops that are leaking packets on your connection
  3. Depending on your test results, take any of the following measures:
    • Replace/repair/upgrade/check/update any faulty components of your home network
    • Try using a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi packet leaks are more common)
    • Call your ISP if you notice packet leaks on their side of the connection
    • Ask your ISP to call the network distribution company if you notice something off there
    • Contact Rust’s support crew (or the server owner) if the packet leaks occur there

We remind you that network congestion is often the cause of packet loss. In this case, your safest bet would be switching servers or waiting for the packet loss issue to solve itself. Also, try avoiding peak hours if you have a favorite server.

Rust packet loss can be fixed sometimes

All things considered, if you’re experiencing packet loss in Rust, there might be a thing or two you can do. Our advice would be to isolate the issue and make sure it doesn’t happen on your side of the connection.

If it does, replace any faulty component of your network as necessary. If not, try using a VPN or contacting the party at fault and ask them (nicely) if they can alleviate the situation.

Last, but not least, although a VPN might not work with packet loss 100% of the time, it’s still a wise thing to invest in. A trustworthy VPN can provide you with online privacy, a secure connection, geo-restriction bypassing, and even improving ping.

Your connection is not secure — websites you visit can find out your details:

  • Your IP
  • Your IP Address:

Companies can sell this information, alongside your location and internet provider name, and profit from it by serving targeted ads or monitoring your data usage.

We recommend Private Internet Access, a VPN with a no-log policy, open source code, ad blocking and much more; now 79% off.

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