If you have played the previous titles in the Black Ops series from Treyarch, you would be familiar with similar error codes. The Black Ops Cold War error code Negative 345 Blazing Gator is the error that’s keeping players from enjoying the latest Black Ops title. Needleless to say, if you’re encountering the error, you need to fix it to resolve the error. From early reports and previous experience, we think the error code has to do with the ports allowed on your modem or router. One of the solutions to fix the Negative 345 Blazing Gator is to open the right ports for the game. Fortunately, we have simpler solution to resolve the issue. Stick around and we will debrief you on the issue so you can continue the mission.
Fix Black Ops Cold War Error Negative 345 Blazing Gator
Attempting to repair the game files and restart the system will be ineffective to resolve the error because that’s not the cause. The error message clearly starts the cause of the error. Here is what it reads, “Cannot connect to Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War online services. The servers may be undergoing maintenance, or you may be experiencing a network interruption, Please try again later. Error Code: ABC_-_EFGHIJKLM…Negative 345 Blazing Gator.” You have the option to retry or play offline mode. Retry does not help the situation.
As stated in the error message, you should first check if the servers are actually down for maintenance. If they are wait for the maintenance to be over and the error should resolve on its own.
However, at the moment there is a slim chance that the servers could be down, which points to the fact that there is a problem with your network hardware that’s preventing the game from connecting to the servers. If it’s a problem with the ports, the permanent solution is to port forward, but if that’s too complicated or you would like a simpler solution, simply use a mobile device to play the game.
That’s all you need to do and hopefully the Black Ops Cold War Error Code Negative 345 Blazing Gator is gone for good. If not, here is a link to Activation with more troubleshooting steps. Try them before you contact support because they will direct you through the same process.
Harsh Clif
He is caught in a loop between writing about games and playing them. It’s a vicious cycle. Although he’s biased towards PC, you can occasionally find him on the PS5. He does not own an Xbox Consoles but plans on getting one soon.
Код ошибки abc 345 negative blazing gator
Игроки Call of Duty на Xbox сообщают об ошибке при попытке запуска игры. Ошибка говорит о том, что сервер не работает, выдает код ошибки и останавливает лаунчер, мешая пользователю играть в игру. Ошибка гласит Code Negative 345 Silver Wolf.
Следуйте этому руководству, чтобы устранить эту ошибку на консоли Xbox.
Как мне решить Call of Duty Black Ops 4 с кодом ошибки 345 Silver Wolf?
1. Port Forward Call of Duty
Получить IP-адрес Xbox
Порт вперед на вашем роутере
Hard Reset Xbox Console
Мы много писали о проблемах многопользовательской игры в Xbox Live. Проверьте эти руководства для получения дополнительной информации.
2. Используйте мобильную точку доступа
Эта ошибка также может возникнуть, если у вас дома две консоли, и у обоих игроков установлена игра Call of Duty. Похоже, что CoD не может обрабатывать две консоли, играющие в одну и ту же игру по одному соединению WiFi, что приводит к этой ошибке.
3. Используйте VPN
Несколько пользователей сообщили, что использование VPN с их Xbox помогло им устранить ошибку. Настройка VPN для Xbox не так проста, как на ПК.
Вы можете найти онлайн руководство по настройке VPN для Xbox. Читайте нашу статью Хотите использовать VPN на вашем Xbox One S? Вот 5 наших любимых, чтобы найти лучший VPN для вашей консоли Xbox.
How to fix Black Ops Cold War “Negative 345 Blazing Gator” error
A regular error that pops up in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is the “Negative 345 Blazing Gator” message. It’s a common occurrence for some players, and we’ve got a couple of tricks that have helped to solve it before.
For all the high and lows that come with online multiplayer, a resounding downside has to be the issue of internet connection and matchmaking stability. Whether you’re dominating a game or having an off-day, the last thing anyone wants to see is a disconnection screen or some other error message.
CoD: Cold War has recently been dealing with the Bravo 433 Destructive Gator error code and the Negative 345 Blazing Gator is another problem that existed in the game since day one.
Here are some potential solutions to the error in Black Ops Cold War.
Negative 345 Blazing Gator error code in CoD: Cold War
Unfortunately at this time, Activision has no official solution for the error. Despite repeated complaints from users affected by the issue, it still hasn’t officially been acknowledged and fixed.
However, with how long the error code has been an issue, players have explored multiple avenues to try and overcome this problem.
The general consensus is that the problem is linked to Call of Duty and your own personal internet connection.
Here are some of the best methods to try out and hope it does the trick:
If none of these work then there isn’t much else to recommend until Treyarch and Activision are able to offer a complete solution. The error is another in a long list of problems with Cold War at present including a lack of Sniper Rifle flinch and a broken Naplalm Scorestreak.
Once an official fix is hopefully provided, we’ll be sure to update this page.
Image Credits: Activision / Treyarch
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
When are Black Ops Cold War Zombie camos coming to Warzone?
Black Ops Cold War fans have been desperate for Zombies weapon camos to come to Warzone, so when will they be arriving? More information has arrived.
Weapon camos unlocked in Black Ops Cold War Zombies aren’t available to use in Warzone. Still, with the Warzone Zombie camos found in the game files and the developers stated that they are working on adding them, they will hopefully arrive soon.
Warzone Season 4 has continued and expanded Warzone‘s integration with Black Ops Cold War, adding new weapons and expanding the story bridging between both games concerning Stich, Adler, and Verdansk.
However, a plethora of Zombies personalization content still hasn’t been included, like the exciting camos that have been very popular among the community.
When Black Ops Cold War first integrated with Warzone in December 2020, fans who had grinded for the Cold War Zombies Mastery Camos, Golden Viper, Plague Diamond, and Dark Aether were disappointed that they weren’t available in Warzone and had not been given a concert timetable on when they would be added to the Call of Duty battle royale.
Activision acknowledged this omission, saying that “Zombies Calling Cards, weapon camos, reticles, and Onslaught Blueprints” would not be available at the start of Season 1. In Season 2, these still aren’t available to players but have reportedly been found in the game files.
Call of Duty leaker ZestyCODLeaks tweeted on March 5 that “all of the BOCW Zombies camos are in Warzone, including Mastery Camos like Plague Diamond & Dark Aether.”
This reveal led to plenty of discussion in the community, as players wanted to be given more information on when these Warzone Zombie camos would be arriving, if at all.
Luckily, the community got some more information regarding the addition of these Warzone Zombie camos when Raven Software commented on the topic back in April 2021.
When are Zombie camos available in Warzone?
We previously reported back in April 2021 that Raven Software’s Creative Director Amos Hodge confirmed that the development studio was working on bringing the Warzone Zombie camos to the game.
However, Hodge only focused on the Dark Aether camo and explained that the reasoning for why it was taking some time for Raven to add the Warzone Zombie camos is because of the differences in how some weapons look and feel once those camos are applied.
Unfortunately, Hodge did not provide a specific timetable for when players can expect to see Warzone Zombie camos finally make their debut in the Call of Duty battle royale, so players can only wait until more information is made available regarding the release date of these cosmetic items.
We will update this article with any further information regarding Warzone Zombie camos when it is made available. For more Warzone, check out how a new cheat is letting hackers crash games, and stay tuned for future news and guides.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
Black Ops Cold War players call for major change to Trophy System
The Trophy System is extremely powerful in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, and some players are now calling for a major change to be made to it.
The Trophy System item has become a staple in the past few Call of Duty games, as the piece of equipment helps players lock down objective points thanks to its ability to destroy enemy projectiles. However, some Black Ops Cold War players feel the current version of the Trophy System is a tad too good at this job.
Players can use plenty of items when duking it out in the world of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, with one of the most popular being the Trophy System. This piece of equipment is essential in securing objectives, as it destroys enemy projectiles like grenades.
However, the Call of Duty community has noticed that the current iteration of this piece of equipment is extremely powerful. It destroys many items that you may not realize, such as the arrows from the R1 Shadowhunter and knives from the Ballistic Knife.
This wide range of coverage has led some community members to make a major change to the Cold War Trophy System and what it can defend against.
Community member Tsuikyit_The_VIP took to the official subreddit for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and explained their thought that the Cold War Trophy System should only counter lethal and tactical equipment.
They then list all of the projectiles that the piece of equipment currently destroys, and it is a long one.
They go on to state that they believe the equipment should “tweaked to only counter thrown equipment and a bit of a grey area with the War Machine and M79, with the R1 and Ballistic Knife being left alone and unaffected by this.”
Some other community members agreed that they feel the Cold War Trophy System currently counters too many items in the first-person shooter.
Others stated that they enjoy it destroying the nails shot from the Nail Gun, as it is a powerful way to get rid of enemy Trophy Systems quickly by making them use up all of their power quickly.
It remains to be seen if Treyarch will make any changes to the things that this piece of equipment can counter, but community feedback can lead to major changes in the game, as we have seen in the past.
For Black Ops Cold War, check out everything you need to know about the upcoming Season 4 Reloaded update and stay tuned for future news and guides.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
When is Cold War Season 4 Reloaded mid-season update? Mauer der Toten release date
There will be a Cold War Season 4 mid-season Reloaded update, here’s its possible start date and info on Mauer der Toten Zombies.
https://quoramarketing. com/fix-black-ops-cold-war-error-negative-345-blazing-gator/
https://ru. compbs. com/xbox-error-code-negative-345-silver-wolf-black-ops-4
https://charlieintel. com/how-to-fix-black-ops-cold-war-negative-345-blazing-gator-error/98985/
If you have played the previous titles in the Black Ops series from Treyarch, you would be familiar with similar error codes. The Black Ops Cold War error code Negative 345 Blazing Gator is the error that’s keeping players from enjoying the latest Black Ops title. Needleless to say, if you’re encountering the error, you need to fix it to resolve the error. From early reports and previous experience, we think the error code has to do with the ports allowed on your modem or router. One of the solutions to fix the Negative 345 Blazing Gator is to open the right ports for the game. Fortunately, we have simpler solution to resolve the issue. Stick around and we will debrief you on the issue so you can continue the mission.
Attempting to repair the game files and restart the system will be ineffective to resolve the error because that’s not the cause. The error message clearly starts the cause of the error. Here is what it reads, “Cannot connect to Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War online services. The servers may be undergoing maintenance, or you may be experiencing a network interruption, Please try again later. Error Code: ABC_-_EFGHIJKLM…Negative 345 Blazing Gator.” You have the option to retry or play offline mode. Retry does not help the situation.
As stated in the error message, you should first check if the servers are actually down for maintenance. If they are wait for the maintenance to be over and the error should resolve on its own.
However, at the moment there is a slim chance that the servers could be down, which points to the fact that there is a problem with your network hardware that’s preventing the game from connecting to the servers. If it’s a problem with the ports, the permanent solution is to port forward, but if that’s too complicated or you would like a simpler solution, simply use a mobile device to play the game.
- Use your mobile hotspot to connect your system to the game servers. This simple fix has worked for a lot of players as reported by them on Reddit.
- If there is a problem with the router, the Negative 345 Blazing Gator could also go away with a simple restart of the router/modem. We suggest you reset the router by removing all power cords, pressing down on the power button after removing the power cord and starting the network device as normal after the above steps.
- Another possible solution is to Stop the IP helper service on Windows. It may be messing with your network settings stopping the game from connecting to the server. It’s another solution that’s been proven to work for quite a few users. Here is how you achieve it.
- Press Windows + R and type services.msc
- Locate IP Helper, right-click, and select Stop
- You can also try using a VPN to play the game. A user has reported that the problem does not appear after you use a VPN. We suggest that you try ExpressVPN.
- Finally, if nothing has worked, you may have to fort forward. You may refer to this post to port forward.
That’s all you need to do and hopefully the Black Ops Cold War Error Code Negative 345 Blazing Gator is gone for good. If not, here is a link to Activation with more troubleshooting steps. Try them before you contact support because they will direct you through the same process.
MiniTool News Center
- How to Fix Cold War Error Code Bravo 345 Blazing Gator in PC
By Vera | Follow |
Last Updated July 15, 2022
What is the error code Bravo 345 Blazing Gator? How to fix this issue if you run into it when playing Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War? It is easy to handle and you can read this article, MiniTool will show you some simple fixes to solve the issue. Try them!
Negative/Bravo 345 Blazing Gator Error Code Cold War
Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War is a popular first-person shooter video game and you can play it on many platforms. However, according to reports, some issues always happen on your PC, like other video games. In our previous post, we show you an error code called Yorker 43 Good Wolf or error code 887a0005.
Today, we will show you another error code: Bravo 345 Blazing Gator. Sometimes you see Negative 345 Blazing Gator. It indicates the issue of internet connection, telling you that you cannot connect to online services.
So, if you confront the error code Bravo 345 Blazing Gator when playing Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War on your computer, what should you do to get rid of the trouble? Here, MiniTool collects several fixes that prove to be working, and now let’s try them one by one.
Solutions to Cold War Error Code Bravo 345 Blazing Gator
Check the Game Server Status
Sometimes the error code is related to the server status, so you can go to check if it is down. Just go to this page of Activision Online Services to have a check. If all platforms are online, try another troubleshooting fix.
Restart Your Router
This is the way you should try. It can help to clear the DNS cache and make a new IP address, which may be helpful to fix Call of Duty error code Bravo 345 Blazing Gator.
- Unplug the power cord from the router.
- After at least 30 seconds, plug the power cord back in.
- Visit a page to check the network connection.
To know more information about this operation, refer to our previous post — How to Restart a Router and Modem Properly.
Then, go to play Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War and see if the error code still appears. If yes, continue the fix.
Update Black Ops Cold War
Make sure you install the latest version of Black Ops Cold War and have the latest patch. This is because the update may include a bug fix like Negative 345 Blazing Gator.
To do this work on your PC, launch the Battle.net client, then the update may download automatically without any further prompting. If not, close the client and open it to re-begin downloading.
Use a VPN
Some players have removed the error Bravo 345 Blazing Gator by using a VPN, so you can also have a shot. With a VPN, you won’t worry about firewall configurations or NAT settings since the VPN can take care of those.
On the market, there are many famous VPNs and we recommend using NordVPN, ExpressVPN, SurfShark VPN, etc. Just get one to try to see if you can properly play Black Ops Cold War.
These are the common ways to fix Cold War Bravo 345 Blazing Gator. Just try them. In addition, some other ways may be helpful, for example, update the network driver, change DNS settings, or use a mobile phone hotspot (this is a temporary fix that can drain a ton of data and may not be reliable). Hope you can play your game smoothly after trying these methods.
About The Author
Position: Columnist
Vera is an editor of the MiniTool Team since 2016 who has more than 5 years’ writing experiences in the field of technical articles. Her articles mainly focus on disk & partition management, PC data recovery, video conversion, as well as PC backup & restore, helping users to solve some errors and issues when using their computers. In her spare times, she likes shopping, playing games and reading some articles.
- To fix black ops cold war negative 345 error ( COD) – Verify server status
- Check for game updates
- Troubleshoot the router
- Restart your Network
- Change DNS settings
Are you getting the Negative 345 error when playing the Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War? This problem has come and gone ever since the game was released last year SO you’re not the only one experiencing it. We’ve collected some information about this problem for the past several months and below are the solutions that you can try to fix it.
How to fix Black Ops Cold War Negative 345 error?
Fixing the Negative 345 Blazing Gator error can either be easy, or totally out of your control depending on the real cause. Below are the solutions that you can try if you can no longer go online with your Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War game.
VD — Disabled
Fix 1 :- Check for game updates
If you’re getting the Negative 345 Blazing Gator error, the first thing that you want to do is to close the game and check if there’s any update that needs to be installed. Even the minor updates for Black Ops Cold War can be big SO be sure to install them first before trying the game again.
Fix 2 :- Verify server status.
If there’s no available updates, or if the game is already running the latest version, the next good thing that you want to do is to check the status of the game servers. You can do that by going to the official Activation server status page. Sometimes, Call Of Duty servers are taken offline due to maintenance while at other times, service interruption occurs due to unexpected issues.
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Fix 3 :- Troubleshoot the router
Error code Negative 345 Blazing gator may sometimes happen not because there’s a service disruption from Activision’s end but due to internet connection at your home being interrupted caused by an unresponsive router or network equipment.
If your Black Ops Cold War Negative 345 Blazing Gator error persists at this point, make sure that you power cycle the router or modem.
Network devices like modems and routers may require updates to their firmware in order to keep up with new changes. Be sure to check if your equipment needs updates at this time. If you don’t know how to do that, consult the documentation that came with your equipment, or contact your ISP.
Finally, you also want to make sure that your router is not blocking the ports needed to play the game online. The process of opening or disabling ports in a router is called port forwarding. If you have no idea how to do it, we suggest that you contact your Internet Service Provider or ISP.
Fix 4 :- Run a Speed Test for slow internet connection
Some Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War players claimed that a slow internet can lead to online multiplayer issues, particularly the Negative 345 Blazing Gator error message. Although I personally doubt this claim, having poor network performance at home is surely one of the sources of frustrations for a lot of players who plays online a lot.
To see if this is the reason for your particular problem, try run a speed test on your machine to get a general idea of your network performance. Typically, the game’s online multiplayer should be playable even when you only have 5 Mbps of both download and upload.
Anything slower than that though can lead to problems, including issues during online play.
Fix 5 :- Use Another Internet Network (wifi issue)
If the error code Negative 345 still persists at this time, try to check if you can fix it by using a different network. For example, if you have a strong mobile data connection on your phone, try creating a mobile hotspot and use it to test.
If the error goes away on mobile hotspot, then that’s an indication that you may have an issue with your home network, or with your ISP. To find out the real cause, contact your ISP SO they can help you troubleshoot.
What Does Black ops cold War Negative 345 error mean?
The Black Ops Cold War Negative 345 error is one of the online multiplayer errors that affects some players lately. The full error reads: “Cannot connect to Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War online services. The servers may be undergoing maintenance, or you may be experiencing a network interruption. Please try again later.
Error Code: A, B, C, – E, F, G, H, 1, J , K, L, M, –Q, R, S, – U, V, – X, Y.
Negative 345 Blazing Gator.”
This error prevents one from joining the online multiplayer of Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War SO it’s a serious issue that needs attention right away. It’s been reported by some PC and console (Xbox and PlayStation) players SO it can also potentially affect the crossplay aspect of the game.
Causes of Black Ops Cold War Negative 345 error
Although there is official word from Treyarch and Activision about this error, there are multiple possible causes. Let’s discuss each of them briefly below.
Server outage or maintenance.
The Negative 345 Blazing Gator error may show up due to issues outside your control, such as when the server suffers from overcapacity, outage, or if there’s scheduled maintenance while your game is underway. You should check the server status if the Negative 345 Blazing Gator error persists.
Router issues
Some online multiplayer issues for the Call Of Duty titles may have minor, superficial reason. Sometimes, all it takes to fix connection issues and errors like the Negative 345 Blazing Gator is by dealing with the router.
Network equipment like routers may sometimes stop responding if they’re left running for a long time. To prevent the router from freezing up, you want to make sure that you restart it once every few days.
Just like computers, your router also needs periodic firmware updates to keep its software environment in top shape.
It’s also possible that your router may be blocking the software ports that Activision needs. If you’ve recently made some changes in your router settings, especially if you tried port forwarding, be sure to check if you need to reopen ports to allow Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War to play online multiplayer.
Slow internet
Having a slow internet connection can be reason enough for having a connectivity issue. Make sure that you download and upload speeds are well above 5Mbps to ensure that you don’t encounter any Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War problems when playing online. Some Black Ops Cold War players have reported experiencing the Negative 345 Blazing Gator error due to their internet frequently cutting off, or being too slow.
The quality of your internet connection, which depends on your ISP’s infrastructure, can also affect your online multiplayer experience.
Some ISPs may intentionally throttle games to allocate bandwidth to other services in their network. A few may even block all gaming services in their network.