Код ошибки kernel mode heap corruption

Ошибка «Kernel Mode Heap Corruption» на синем экране в Windows 10 часто возникает при запуске приложений, которые интенсивно используют ресурсы процессора.

Синий экран с кодом остановки «Kernel Mode Heap Corruption» в Windows 10 может возникнуть при запуске игр и приложений, которые начинают интенсивно использовать ресурсы процессора. Ошибка очень распространена и не указывает на серьезные проблемы с операционной системой. Но в последнее время возникают случаи, когда синий экран BSOD возникает снова и снова при выполнении одного и того же действия, которое первоначально вызвало ошибку.


  • 1 Причины ошибки
  • 2 Удаление несовместимых приложений
  • 3 Проверка драйверов на наличие ошибок
  • 4 Обновление драйверов
  • 5 Проверка оперативной памяти
  • 6 Запуск восстановления системы

Причины ошибки

Синий экран Kernel_Mode_Heap_Corruption может возникнуть по ряду причин.

Устаревшие драйвера видеокарты. Часто причиной этой ошибки являются поврежденные или устаревшие графические драйвера. Поэтому, когда запускаем игру или «тяжелое» приложение сталкивается с синим экраном.

Поврежденные системные файлы. Для решения проблемы можно запустить утилиту проверки системных файлов sfc /scannow или Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth из командной строки, запущенной от имени администратора.

Несовместимое программное обеспечение. После установки несовместимого приложения может возникнуть конфликт с ОС. Если приложение вносит изменения в системные параметры, Windows может аварийно прекратить работу и выбросить синий экран.

Аппаратные ошибки. При возникновении ошибок в работе оперативной памяти или в случае ее неисправности, Windows не сможет правильно взаимодействовать с устройством и аварийно прерывает работу.

Перейдем к решениям, но для начала войдите в систему с учетной записью администратора и проверьте подключение к интернету.

Удаление несовместимых приложений

Очень часто синий экран с кодом Kernel_Mode_Heap_Corruption возникает по причине программного конфликта. Некоторые приложения могут внести изменения в основные параметры, что приведет к нестабильной работе Windows. Поэтому сначала нужно их определить. Это могут быть программы, установленные перед появлением ошибки или при запуске которых, отображается синий экран.

Откройте окно «Выполнить» нажатием на клавиши Windows + R, наберите команду appwiz.cpl и подтвердите ее выполнение на Enter.

Отобразится список всех программ, установленных на компьютере. Если уверены, что ошибка появилась после установки последней программы, отсортируйте список по дате, кликните на ней правой кнопкой мыши и выберите «Удалить».

Когда синий экран возникает при запуске определенной программы, также найдите ее в списке и удалить.

Проверка драйверов на наличие ошибок

Драйвера являются основными компонентами, которые взаимодействуют между операционной системой и оборудованием. Если они повреждены, то будете сталкиваться с многочисленными ошибками, в частности, с Kernel_Mode_Heap_Corruption. Поэтому попробуем их обновить до последней сборки.

Прежде чем перейти к решению, сделайте точку восстановления на случай возникновения ошибок в работе утилиты.

Откройте строку поиска клавишами Windows + S и наберите «командная строка». Кликните на найденный результат правой кнопкой мыши и выберите «Запуск от имени администратора».

В окне командной строки наберите команду:


Выберите «Создать стандартные настройки»и нажмите Далее.

Затем выберите «Автоматически выбирать все драйверы, установленные на этом компьютере» и нажмите «Готово». Подтвердите перезагрузку компьютера.

После перезагрузки сразу начнется проверка. При обнаружении неисправных их нужно обновить, выполнив следующие шаги.

Обновление драйверов

Если какие-то драйвера оказались неисправными в ходе проверки предыдущим решением, обновите их вручную до последней версии.

Первое, что нужно сделать, загрузить требуемые драйвера с официального сайта в указанную папку на диске и запустить их установку.

Откройте окно «Выполнить» (Win + R), впишите команду devmgmt.msc для входа в «Диспетчер устройств». В случае повреждения драйверов видеокарты, разверните вкладку «Видеоадаптеры», кликните правой кнопкой мыши на ней и выберите «Обновить».

Выберите второй вариант обновления вручную.

Затем нажмите на кнопку «Обзор», перейдите в папку с загруженными драйверами. Следуйте инструкциям до завершения установки.

Обновите все устройства, драйверы которых были повреждены и перезагрузите компьютер. Если продолжаете сталкиваться с ошибкой Kernel_Mode_Heap_Corruption перейдите к следующему способу.

Проверка оперативной памяти

Ошибка также может возникнуть из-за неполадок планок памяти. Перед запуском теста ОЗУ, нужно извлечь планки из слотов, и аккуратно протереть контакты ластиком. Затем вернуть их обратно, проверить плотность контакта и фиксацию защелок. Проверьте также размещение планок (например, нужно использовать 1 и 3 слот, если на материнской плате есть 2 модуля оперативной памяти).

Для проверки памяти загрузите программу MemTest86+ с официального сайта. Установите флешку и запустите установку программы. Имейте в виду, что при создании загрузочного диска для memtest все содержимое флешки будет удалено.

Переключите в БИОС приоритет на загрузку системы с USB-накопителя. После загрузки запустите проверку ОЗУ. Модули оперативной памяти будут протестированы в несколько циклов.

Запуск восстановления системы

Если не удалось устранить ошибку Kernel_Mode_Heap_Corruption перечисленными способами, попробуйте вернуть Windows в предыдущее состояние до возникновения синего экрана.

Нажмите Windows + S для вызова строки системного поиска, введите «восстановление» и кликните на найденный результат.

Перейдите в настройки восстановления, затем на вкладке «Защита системы» нажмите кнопку «Восстановить».

На первом экране нажмите на кнопку «Далее». На следующем отметьте флажком «Показать другие точки». Выберите точку восстановления, которая была создана до появления сбоя системы Kernel_Mode_Heap_Corruption.

На экране подтверждения нажмите кнопку «Готово».

После начнется процесс восстановления. При успешном завершении проверьте, возникает ли ошибка.

Have you encountered Kernel Mode Heap Corruption Error on your PC? If so, you can read this post, in which MiniTool offers you 8 methods to solve this error. Please read on to get them.

Hello, I get BSOD’s (Kernel mode heap corruption) when playing ark at random times. The last time it happened was at the end of a cave when trying to loot the artifact. I have tried doing a driver rollback, updating various drivers. I’d love any suggestions. — www.reddit.com

Some users reported that they had encountered Kernel Mode Heap Corruption BSOD when they were using their computers normally or performing some CPU or GPU intensive activity.


The causes for the KERNEL_MODE_HEAP-CORRUPTION error are various, including outdated graphics drivers, corrupt system files, conflicts with unstable software, and hardware issues. Then, how to solve Kernel Mode Heap Corruption BSOD? Please read the following content.

Back up or Rescue Data Before Repairing BSOD

If you are facing Kernel Mode Heap Corruption Windows 10, you can take solutions mentioned below to repair your computer. However, before you performing these solutions, I recommend you to back up or rescue data first, in case important data experiences secondary damage during the repairing process.

If your computer can boot into Windows normally after this BSOD, you can transfer your important data to a safe place, or back up them through Copy Partition Wizard feature of MiniTool Partition Wizard. 

Buy Now

Copy Partition Wizard

If your computer can’t boot up when encountering this error, you should rescue your important data via a USB flash drive. To do that, I recommend you to use Data Recovery feature of MiniTool Partition Wizard. As for detailed data recovery steps, please refer to this post: A Step-by-Step Tutorial on How to Use a Flash Drive on PC.

use Data Recovery

Fix 1. Check Event Viewer

When you encounter any error on Windows, the first thing you should do is checking Event Viewer. Event Viewer is a component built into the Microsoft Windows NT operating system that allows you to view all events of your computer as a system administrator. This helps solve computer problems.

However, this method can only be used when the computer can boot into Windows or Safe Mode. If your computer can’t enter Windows normally, please follow the steps below to enter Safe Mode first:

  • Boot into WinRE through two consecutive failed attempts to start Windows or an installation media.
  • Navigate to Troubleshoot > Advanced options after you enter WinRE.
  • Click Startup Settings and press F5 key to choose Enable Safe Mode with Networking option, thus booting into Safe Mode.

choose Enable Safe Mode with Networking option

After booting into Windows or Safe Mode, please refer to the following steps to check Event Viewer:

Step 1: Press «Windows + R» keys simultaneously and then type «eventvwr» into the Run box. Then, hit Enter key to open Event Viewer.

Step 2: Navigate to Windows Logs > System to find the log about Kernel Mode Heap Corruption BSOD.

Tip: To find the corresponding log, you can scroll down the System box directly, or use Filter Current Log feature.

Step 3: After finding the log, you should pay attention to the log description because it may indicate the cause of the problem. Additionally, you should also note Source and Event ID information, which may also help you to solve this problem.

check Event Viewer

After checking Windows log, you can solve the problem accordingly. However, it’s possible that you still don’t know how to solve this problem because the description doesn’t tell you what you should do. If so, you can try the following methods.

Fix 2. Update, Roll Back, or Reinstall the Graphics Card Driver

If you encounter KERNEL_MODE_HEAP-CORRUPTION error while starting the game or any graphic intensive application, the culprit usually should be the outdated or corrupt graphics card driver. For example, some users report that their Crash Dump Analysis files indicate it is nvlddmkm.sys (a graphics card driver) that causes the Kernel Mode Heap Corruption BSOD.

Therefore, you should try updating the graphics card driver. If this method fails, you can then try rolling back it. If this method still fails, you should try reinstalling a new graphics card driver.

Similarly, the above methods can only be used when your computer can enter Windows or Safe Mode. As for how to perform them, please refer to the following steps:

Step 1: Press «Windows + X» keys and then select Device Manager in the pop-up menu.

Step 2: Expand the Display adapters and right-click on the graphics card driver listed under it. Then, follow ways below to update, roll back, or reinstall the graphics card driver:

  • To update the driver, you should click Update driver directly and then choose Search automatically for updated driver software.
  • To roll back the driver, you should click Properties, skip to the Driver tab, and then click Roll Back Driver and OK button.
  • To reinstall a new driver, you should download the newest driver from the manufacturer’s website first, and then you can click Uninstall device to uninstall the current driver. Finally, you should open the newly-downloaded driver folder and double-click the setup file to install it.

update, roll back, or reinstall the graphics card driver

Fix 3. Run Driver Verifier Manager

If the above method fails to solve Kernel Mode Heap Corruption Windows 10, you can run Driver Verifier to see whether there are other problematic drivers, because it’s also possible that this BSOD is caused by other problematic drivers.

The Driver Verifier is a tool included with Microsoft Windows, which can monitor and highlight illegal function calls or actions that may cause system corruption due to the driver. With it, you can identify problematic drivers.

Similarly, this method is only available when your computer can enter Windows or Safe Mode. As for how to run it, please refer to the following steps:

Step 1: Open Driver Verifier Manager through the following two ways:

  • Press «Windows + X» keys simultaneously, and then choose Windows PowerShell (Admin). Type the command «verifier» and hit Enter key to open Driver Verifier Manager.
  • Type «cmd» into the Windows search box and then right-click on Command Prompt app to choose Run as administrator. After that, type the command «verifier» and hit Enter key to open Driver Verifier Manager.

open Driver Verifier Manager

Step 2: Check Create standard settings and click Next button. Then, check Automatically select all drivers installed on this computer and click Finish button. After that, Windows will scan for the errors in the drivers and reboot your computer.

Automatically select all drivers installed on this computer

Step 3: After the reboot, Windows will display the drivers that have errors. Then, you need to follow Fix 2 to update, roll back, or reinstall them.

Fix 4. Check for Incompatible Software

If you get the error after installing a new app or when you’re trying to launch a certain program, such as a video game, it’s very possible that the Kernel Mode Heap Corruption BSOD is caused by a software conflict. If your computer can enter Windows or Safe Mode, here are two ways to get rid of the software conflict.

If the software conflict occurs because it’s too old and just compatible with Windows 7/8, you can solve the BSOD by running the program in compatibility mode through the following steps:

  • Right-click the software icon on the desktop and then choose Open file location.
  • Right-click on the program executable file and select Properties.
  • Skip to Compatibilitytab and check the box next to Run this program in compatibility mode for. Then, click OK button to save changes.

run program in compatibility mode

If the software conflict is caused by other factors, you should uninstall the incompatible program through the following steps:

  • Press «Windows + R» keys simultaneously to call out Run
  • Type “cpl” into the Run dialogue box and press Enter to open Programs and Features window.
  • Right-click the incompatible application and click Uninstall.

uninstall applications

Fix 5. Check RAM

Memory problem is another reason behind this stop error. To solve this issue, you should identify and fix RAM problems on your PC through Memory Diagnostic. Similarly, this method is only available when your computer can enter Windows or Safe Mode. Please follow the steps below to check RAM:

Step 1: Type «memory diagnostic» in the Windows search box. Then, double-click the best-matched icon for Windows Memory Diagnostic.

Step 2: Choose Restart now and check for problems.

Windows Memory Diagnostic

Step 3: Your computer will restart and diagnose the memory. Once the diagnosis process is completed, the computer will boot up automatically. Then, you need to view the diagnosis report in Event Viewer through the following steps:

  • Open Event Viewer.
  • Navigate to Windows Logs > System.
  • Click Filter Current Log in the right box.
  • In the Event sources box, choose MemoryDiagnostics-Results and then click OK button to display all result logs of the memory test.
  • Double-click the latest result log to see whether the diagnosis is passed.

If the diagnosis is not passed, you should take measures according to the diagnosis result description.

Fix 6. Run SFC or DISM

When the Kernel Mode Heap Corruption BSOD occurs, you should run SFC or DISM to check whether it is corrupt system files that cause the BSOD problem.

System File Checker is a tool built in Windows to replace damaged, lost, or changed system files with good system files. In addition, it can be used even if the computer can’t boot into Windows or Safe Mode. Please follow the steps below to run it:

Step 1: Open Command Prompt through the following two ways:

  • When your PC can’t enter Windows or Safe Mode: Enter WinRE and then navigate to Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Command Prompt.
  • When your PC can enter Windows or Safe Mode: Type «cmd» in Windows search box and right-click the Command Prompt Then, select Run as administrator.

Step 2: Type «sfc /scannow» and press the Enter key. Then, wait until the procedure ends.

DISM is a better tool that can restore corrupt system files. Usually, if SFC fails to repair system files, you can run DISM. However, it is only available when your computer can boot into Windows or Safe Mode. Please follow the steps below to run it:

Step 1: Boot into Windows or Safe Mode and then run Command Prompt as administrator.

Step 2: Type the following commands one by one and hit Enter.

  • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
  • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

Fix 7. Check Slots of the Graphics Card and the Memory

Another cause for the KERNEL_MODE_HEAP-CORRUPTION error is that you have inserted the graphics card or the memory bank into a wrong slot. If so, you should check your motherboard manual and insert it back into the correct lane.

Fix 8. Perform System Restore

If all the above methods don’t work for you, you can try performing System Restore to revert your computer’s state to that of a good point in time. As for how to do that, please refer to the following post:

Here is an article offering you 8 methods to solve Kernel Mode Heap Corruption error. You can try these methods and hope they can help you.Click to Tweet

Bottom Line

Can these methods help you solve the error? Do you have any doubt about these methods? Please leave a comment below or contact us via [email protected]. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Kernel Mode Heap Corruption FAQ

❄️ How do you fix heap corruption?

  1. Check Event Viewer.
  2. Update, Roll Back, or Reinstall the Graphics Card Driver.
  3. Run Driver Verifier Manager.
  4. Check for Incompatible Software.
  5. Check RAM.
  6. Run SFC or DISM.
  7. Check Slots of the Graphics Card and the Memory.
  8. Perform System Restore.

❄️ What is kernel mode heap corruption?

Kernel mode is one of operation modes computer, which allows the computer to have full access to all hardware and make the machine run its any instructions.

Heap corruption occurs when a program damages the allocator’s view of the heap. This error may cause a memory leak where some memory isn’t returned to the heap and is inaccessible to the program afterward, or it may cause a memory fault, usually within the allocator itself.

Have you encountered Kernel Mode Heap Corruption Error on your PC? If so, you can read this post, in which MiniTool offers you 8 methods to solve this error. Please read on to get them.

Hello, I get BSOD’s (Kernel mode heap corruption) when playing ark at random times. The last time it happened was at the end of a cave when trying to loot the artifact. I have tried doing a driver rollback, updating various drivers. I’d love any suggestions. — www.reddit.com

Some users reported that they had encountered Kernel Mode Heap Corruption BSOD when they were using their computers normally or performing some CPU or GPU intensive activity.


The causes for the KERNEL_MODE_HEAP-CORRUPTION error are various, including outdated graphics drivers, corrupt system files, conflicts with unstable software, and hardware issues. Then, how to solve Kernel Mode Heap Corruption BSOD? Please read the following content.

Back up or Rescue Data Before Repairing BSOD

If you are facing Kernel Mode Heap Corruption Windows 10, you can take solutions mentioned below to repair your computer. However, before you performing these solutions, I recommend you to back up or rescue data first, in case important data experiences secondary damage during the repairing process.

If your computer can boot into Windows normally after this BSOD, you can transfer your important data to a safe place, or back up them through Copy Partition Wizard feature of MiniTool Partition Wizard. 

Buy Now

Copy Partition Wizard

If your computer can’t boot up when encountering this error, you should rescue your important data via a USB flash drive. To do that, I recommend you to use Data Recovery feature of MiniTool Partition Wizard. As for detailed data recovery steps, please refer to this post: A Step-by-Step Tutorial on How to Use a Flash Drive on PC.

use Data Recovery

Fix 1. Check Event Viewer

When you encounter any error on Windows, the first thing you should do is checking Event Viewer. Event Viewer is a component built into the Microsoft Windows NT operating system that allows you to view all events of your computer as a system administrator. This helps solve computer problems.

However, this method can only be used when the computer can boot into Windows or Safe Mode. If your computer can’t enter Windows normally, please follow the steps below to enter Safe Mode first:

  • Boot into WinRE through two consecutive failed attempts to start Windows or an installation media.
  • Navigate to Troubleshoot > Advanced options after you enter WinRE.
  • Click Startup Settings and press F5 key to choose Enable Safe Mode with Networking option, thus booting into Safe Mode.

choose Enable Safe Mode with Networking option

After booting into Windows or Safe Mode, please refer to the following steps to check Event Viewer:

Step 1: Press «Windows + R» keys simultaneously and then type «eventvwr» into the Run box. Then, hit Enter key to open Event Viewer.

Step 2: Navigate to Windows Logs > System to find the log about Kernel Mode Heap Corruption BSOD.

Tip: To find the corresponding log, you can scroll down the System box directly, or use Filter Current Log feature.

Step 3: After finding the log, you should pay attention to the log description because it may indicate the cause of the problem. Additionally, you should also note Source and Event ID information, which may also help you to solve this problem.

check Event Viewer

After checking Windows log, you can solve the problem accordingly. However, it’s possible that you still don’t know how to solve this problem because the description doesn’t tell you what you should do. If so, you can try the following methods.

Fix 2. Update, Roll Back, or Reinstall the Graphics Card Driver

If you encounter KERNEL_MODE_HEAP-CORRUPTION error while starting the game or any graphic intensive application, the culprit usually should be the outdated or corrupt graphics card driver. For example, some users report that their Crash Dump Analysis files indicate it is nvlddmkm.sys (a graphics card driver) that causes the Kernel Mode Heap Corruption BSOD.

Therefore, you should try updating the graphics card driver. If this method fails, you can then try rolling back it. If this method still fails, you should try reinstalling a new graphics card driver.

Similarly, the above methods can only be used when your computer can enter Windows or Safe Mode. As for how to perform them, please refer to the following steps:

Step 1: Press «Windows + X» keys and then select Device Manager in the pop-up menu.

Step 2: Expand the Display adapters and right-click on the graphics card driver listed under it. Then, follow ways below to update, roll back, or reinstall the graphics card driver:

  • To update the driver, you should click Update driver directly and then choose Search automatically for updated driver software.
  • To roll back the driver, you should click Properties, skip to the Driver tab, and then click Roll Back Driver and OK button.
  • To reinstall a new driver, you should download the newest driver from the manufacturer’s website first, and then you can click Uninstall device to uninstall the current driver. Finally, you should open the newly-downloaded driver folder and double-click the setup file to install it.

update, roll back, or reinstall the graphics card driver

Fix 3. Run Driver Verifier Manager

If the above method fails to solve Kernel Mode Heap Corruption Windows 10, you can run Driver Verifier to see whether there are other problematic drivers, because it’s also possible that this BSOD is caused by other problematic drivers.

The Driver Verifier is a tool included with Microsoft Windows, which can monitor and highlight illegal function calls or actions that may cause system corruption due to the driver. With it, you can identify problematic drivers.

Similarly, this method is only available when your computer can enter Windows or Safe Mode. As for how to run it, please refer to the following steps:

Step 1: Open Driver Verifier Manager through the following two ways:

  • Press «Windows + X» keys simultaneously, and then choose Windows PowerShell (Admin). Type the command «verifier» and hit Enter key to open Driver Verifier Manager.
  • Type «cmd» into the Windows search box and then right-click on Command Prompt app to choose Run as administrator. After that, type the command «verifier» and hit Enter key to open Driver Verifier Manager.

open Driver Verifier Manager

Step 2: Check Create standard settings and click Next button. Then, check Automatically select all drivers installed on this computer and click Finish button. After that, Windows will scan for the errors in the drivers and reboot your computer.

Automatically select all drivers installed on this computer

Step 3: After the reboot, Windows will display the drivers that have errors. Then, you need to follow Fix 2 to update, roll back, or reinstall them.

Fix 4. Check for Incompatible Software

If you get the error after installing a new app or when you’re trying to launch a certain program, such as a video game, it’s very possible that the Kernel Mode Heap Corruption BSOD is caused by a software conflict. If your computer can enter Windows or Safe Mode, here are two ways to get rid of the software conflict.

If the software conflict occurs because it’s too old and just compatible with Windows 7/8, you can solve the BSOD by running the program in compatibility mode through the following steps:

  • Right-click the software icon on the desktop and then choose Open file location.
  • Right-click on the program executable file and select Properties.
  • Skip to Compatibilitytab and check the box next to Run this program in compatibility mode for. Then, click OK button to save changes.

run program in compatibility mode

If the software conflict is caused by other factors, you should uninstall the incompatible program through the following steps:

  • Press «Windows + R» keys simultaneously to call out Run
  • Type “cpl” into the Run dialogue box and press Enter to open Programs and Features window.
  • Right-click the incompatible application and click Uninstall.

uninstall applications

Fix 5. Check RAM

Memory problem is another reason behind this stop error. To solve this issue, you should identify and fix RAM problems on your PC through Memory Diagnostic. Similarly, this method is only available when your computer can enter Windows or Safe Mode. Please follow the steps below to check RAM:

Step 1: Type «memory diagnostic» in the Windows search box. Then, double-click the best-matched icon for Windows Memory Diagnostic.

Step 2: Choose Restart now and check for problems.

Windows Memory Diagnostic

Step 3: Your computer will restart and diagnose the memory. Once the diagnosis process is completed, the computer will boot up automatically. Then, you need to view the diagnosis report in Event Viewer through the following steps:

  • Open Event Viewer.
  • Navigate to Windows Logs > System.
  • Click Filter Current Log in the right box.
  • In the Event sources box, choose MemoryDiagnostics-Results and then click OK button to display all result logs of the memory test.
  • Double-click the latest result log to see whether the diagnosis is passed.

If the diagnosis is not passed, you should take measures according to the diagnosis result description.

Fix 6. Run SFC or DISM

When the Kernel Mode Heap Corruption BSOD occurs, you should run SFC or DISM to check whether it is corrupt system files that cause the BSOD problem.

System File Checker is a tool built in Windows to replace damaged, lost, or changed system files with good system files. In addition, it can be used even if the computer can’t boot into Windows or Safe Mode. Please follow the steps below to run it:

Step 1: Open Command Prompt through the following two ways:

  • When your PC can’t enter Windows or Safe Mode: Enter WinRE and then navigate to Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Command Prompt.
  • When your PC can enter Windows or Safe Mode: Type «cmd» in Windows search box and right-click the Command Prompt Then, select Run as administrator.

Step 2: Type «sfc /scannow» and press the Enter key. Then, wait until the procedure ends.

DISM is a better tool that can restore corrupt system files. Usually, if SFC fails to repair system files, you can run DISM. However, it is only available when your computer can boot into Windows or Safe Mode. Please follow the steps below to run it:

Step 1: Boot into Windows or Safe Mode and then run Command Prompt as administrator.

Step 2: Type the following commands one by one and hit Enter.

  • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
  • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

Fix 7. Check Slots of the Graphics Card and the Memory

Another cause for the KERNEL_MODE_HEAP-CORRUPTION error is that you have inserted the graphics card or the memory bank into a wrong slot. If so, you should check your motherboard manual and insert it back into the correct lane.

Fix 8. Perform System Restore

If all the above methods don’t work for you, you can try performing System Restore to revert your computer’s state to that of a good point in time. As for how to do that, please refer to the following post:

Here is an article offering you 8 methods to solve Kernel Mode Heap Corruption error. You can try these methods and hope they can help you.Click to Tweet

Bottom Line

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Kernel Mode Heap Corruption FAQ

❄️ How do you fix heap corruption?

  1. Check Event Viewer.
  2. Update, Roll Back, or Reinstall the Graphics Card Driver.
  3. Run Driver Verifier Manager.
  4. Check for Incompatible Software.
  5. Check RAM.
  6. Run SFC or DISM.
  7. Check Slots of the Graphics Card and the Memory.
  8. Perform System Restore.

❄️ What is kernel mode heap corruption?

Kernel mode is one of operation modes computer, which allows the computer to have full access to all hardware and make the machine run its any instructions.

Heap corruption occurs when a program damages the allocator’s view of the heap. This error may cause a memory leak where some memory isn’t returned to the heap and is inaccessible to the program afterward, or it may cause a memory fault, usually within the allocator itself.

Вы можете столкнуться с ошибкой на синем экране BSOD «Kernel Mode Heap Corruption» в Windows 10 при обычной работе за компьютере или когда ваш ПК испытывает нагрузку на оборудование как CPU, GPU или RAM. Ошибка может быть вызвана из-за поврежденного или устаревшего драйвера видеокарты, поврежденных системных файлов, проблемы с оборудованием как ОЗУ, или сама программа или игра является конфликтующей с вашей операционной системой. Разберем, как исправить ошибку Kernel_Mode_Heap_Corruption на синем экране в Windows 10.

Kernel Mode Heap Corruption

1. Проверка системных файлов

Системные файлы могут вызывать ряд ошибок, в том числе и Kernel Mode Heap Corruption. Откройте командную строку от имени администратора и введите команды по очереди. Эти две команды найдут отсутствующие или поврежденные системные файлы, и автоматически исправят их.

  • sfc /scannow

Проверка и восстановление файлов

2. Проверка драйверов на наличие ошибок

Какой именно драйвер отвечает за ошибку сложно сказать без анализа. Мы же будем анализировать все драйверы оборудования в системе. Запустите командную строку от имени администратора и введите команду:

  • verifier
  • В появившимся окне «Создать стандартные параметры«.
  • Далее «Автоматически выбирать все драйверы установленные на этом компьютере«.

Когда Windows перезагрузится, она проанализирует все драйверы, установленные на вашем компьютере, на наличие проблем. Если Проблемы будут обнаружены, то вы получите уведомление об этом.

Ввод команды verifier

3. Обновить драйверы

Если выше способом обнаружился какой-либо драйвер, то его необходимо обновить до последней версии. Нажмите Win+R и введите devmgmt.msc, чтобы попасть быстро в диспетчер устройств. Определите какое устройство вызывает ошибку Kernel Mode Heap Corruption (выше метод), раздвиньте список и нажмите по нему правой кнопкой мыши, после чего выберите «Обновить драйвер«. Далее следуйте рекомендациям на экране.

Вы также можете зайти на сайт производителя оборудования и скачать вручную последнюю версию драйвера.

обновить видео драйвер

4. Диагностика ОЗУ

В первую очередь убедитесь, что оперативная планка у вас вставлена правильно. Также следует достать её из компьютера и продуть слоты от пыли. Еще один момент, если у вас 4 слота на материнской плате для RAM планок, то попробуйте вставить планки в 1 и 3 слот.


Это сложно сделать в ноутбуке, так как многие боятся его разбирать. По этой причине можно запустить диагностику ОЗУ. Нажмите Win+R и введите mdsched.exe, после чего следуйте рекомендациям на экране. Если будут программные ошибки, то инструмент попытается автоматически исправить их, после чего ошибка Kernel Mode Heap Corruption в Windows 10 устраниться.

Диагностика ОЗУ mdsched exe

Смотрите еще:

  • SFC и DISM: Проверка и Восстановление системных файлов в Windows
  • Проверка плохих драйверов с Windows Driver Verifier
  • Как удалить, отключить, откатить и обновить драйверы устройств в Windows 10/8/7
  • Диагностика ошибок синего экрана смерти BSOD Window
  • Как проверить оперативную память на ошибки в Windows

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Если вы долгое время пользовались Windows, скорее всего, вы столкнулись с синим экраном смерти (BSOD). KERNEL_MODE_HEAP_CORRUPTION – это ошибка, которая приводит к BSOD из-за ее критического характера. Ошибка вызвана несколькими причинами, такими как устаревшие или неисправные драйверы, утечки памяти и сбои оборудования.

Вот несколько методов, которые могут помочь устранить ошибку синего экрана повреждения кучи режима ядра в Windows 10.

1. Обновите или откатите драйверы

Наиболее частой причиной BSOD, таких как повреждение кучи режима ядра, является ошибка драйвера. Теперь это могут быть устаревшие драйверы или неисправные новые драйверы. К счастью, Windows позволяет пользователям управлять всеми драйверами с помощью диспетчера устройств .

Как обновить драйверы в Windows 10

Windows автоматически загружает и устанавливает последние версии драйверов, но если вы используете лимитное соединение или отключили Центр обновления Windows, это может быть не так. Пользователи могут вручную обновить драйверы с помощью диспетчера устройств.

  1. Нажмите Windows Key + R, чтобы запустить команду «Выполнить». Введите в текстовое поле devmgmt.msc и нажмите Enter.
  2. В диспетчере устройств перейдите к необходимому устройству и разверните меню.
  3. Теперь щелкните устройство правой кнопкой мыши и выберите « Обновить драйвер» .
  4. Выберите Автоматический поиск обновленного программного обеспечения драйвера, и Windows автоматически загрузит драйвер.
  5. Перезагрузите компьютер.

Хотя в каталоге Microsoft обычно есть самые последние версии драйверов, лучше дважды проверить драйвер на веб-сайте производителя. Если версии драйверов не совпадают, пользователи могут загрузить последнюю версию драйвера с веб-сайта.

  1. Выполните шаги один, два и три из раздела выше.
  2. В приглашении к обновлению нажмите « Искать на моем компьютере драйверы» .
  3. Найдите загруженный драйвер и нажмите Далее.
  4. Дайте Windows установить драйвер, затем перезагрузитесь.

Как откатить драйверы в Windows 10

Иногда обновленный драйвер может работать нестабильно и отображать синий экран. К счастью, Windows сохраняет копию предыдущей версии драйвера на случай непредвиденных ситуаций. Вот как выполнить откат драйверов в Windows 10.

  1. Нажмите Windows Key + R и введите devmgmt.msc в диалоговом окне «Выполнить».
  2. В диспетчере устройств найдите нужное устройство и разверните меню.
  3. Щелкните нужный драйвер правой кнопкой мыши и выберите « Свойства» .
  4. На вкладке Драйвер нажмите Откатить драйвер .
  5. Windows автоматически переустановит старую версию драйвера.

2. Исправить поврежденные системные файлы

Системные файлы могут быть повреждены во время обновлений или внезапного отключения электроэнергии при записи файлов на диск. В Windows есть две основные функции для решения этой проблемы: DISM и SFC.

Восстановить образ системы с помощью DISM

DISM – это встроенный в Windows инструмент для восстановления образов дисков. Пользователям рекомендуется запускать DISM до SFC для более тщательного и эффективного процесса восстановления.

  1. В строке поиска меню Пуск введите cmd и щелкните правой кнопкой мыши Командная строка> Запуск от имени администратора .
  2. В консоли введите Dism / Online / Cleanup-image / Scanhealth и нажмите Enter.
  3. После этого введите Dism / Online / Cleanup-image / Restorehealth и нажмите Enter.
  4. Подождите, пока Windows завершит процесс.

Восстановление системных файлов с помощью SFC

SFC расшифровывается как System File Checker и соответствует своему названию, он находит и исправляет поврежденные системные файлы. Помимо эффективности, он также прост в использовании:

  1. В строке поиска меню Пуск введите cmd и щелкните правой кнопкой мыши Командная строка> Запуск от имени администратора .
  2. В консоли введите sfc / scannow и нажмите Enter.
  3. Подождите, пока процесс завершится, затем перезагрузите компьютер.

3. Выполните чистую загрузку.

Чистая загрузка – это эффективный способ диагностировать множество ошибок Windows. В нем компьютер загружается с отключенным всем сторонним ПО. Это может помочь вам сузить круг возможных причин появления синего экрана повреждения кучи режима ядра.

Кроме того, вы можете посмотреть, как выполнить чистую загрузку и диагностировать распространенные ошибки в Window 10.

Как очистить загрузку вашего ПК

  1. Нажмите Windows Key + R, чтобы открыть команду «Выполнить». Введите msconfig и нажмите Enter.
  2. В окне « Конфигурация системы» перейдите на вкладку « Службы ».
  3. На вкладке «Служба» установите флажок « Скрыть все службы Microsoft» .
  4. Теперь проверьте все службы, перечисленные в окне, и нажмите Отключить все .
  5. Примените настройки и закройте конфигурацию системы .
  6. Нажмите CTRL + Shift + ESC, чтобы запустить диспетчер задач .
  7. Щелкните вкладку « Автозагрузка ».
  8. Щелкните каждое приложение, а затем нажмите Отключить .
  9. После этого нажмите ОК и перезагрузите компьютер.

Когда ваш компьютер загрузится, все сторонние приложения будут отключены. Используйте свой компьютер как обычно. Если определенное действие привело к срабатыванию синего экрана раньше, повторите его и посмотрите, вызывает ли оно ошибку.

Опять же, для вашего компьютера может потребоваться больше времени, чем обычно, но если он вообще не выйдет из строя, лучше всего удалить все недавно установленные приложения, так как они могут мешать вашей системе.

Если вы недавно обновили компьютерное оборудование, убедитесь, что оно совместимо и правильно установлено. Неисправная ОЗУ также может вызвать проблему. Поэтому лучше проверить наличие проблем с памятью. Средство диагностики памяти Windows может помочь обнаружить и устранить распространенные проблемы с памятью на вашем компьютере.

Как запустить диагностику памяти Windows

  1. Нажмите Windows Key + R, чтобы запустить команду «Выполнить». Введите mdsched.exe и нажмите Enter.
  2. В окне диагностики памяти Windows нажмите « Перезагрузить сейчас» и проверьте наличие проблем . Этот вариант рекомендуется.
  3. Подождите, пока Windows завершит определение и устранение проблем с памятью.

Другие исправления, которые стоит попробовать

  1. Убедитесь, что все оборудование установлено правильно. Лучше еще раз проверить и убедиться, что все вновь установленные компоненты плотно прилегают.
  2. Проверьте компоненты на предмет перегрева.
  3. Попробуйте переключить слоты при использовании двух модулей RAM.
  4. Переключитесь с двухканальной памяти на одноканальную или наоборот.

Готово и присыпано

Ошибка синего экрана, вызванная повреждением кучи в режиме ядра, может показаться пугающей и вызвать у пользователей панику, но такие сбои встречаются чаще, чем вы думаете. Чаще всего проблема решается запуском упомянутых выше диагностических утилит.

Но перед внесением этих изменений обязательно создайте точку восстановления системы. Желательно, чтобы Windows создавала его ежедневно.


Просмотров: 16793

При загрузке операционной системы, при запуске программы или игры, при работе с настройками самой Windows 10 пользователи могут столкнуться с синим экраном смерти Kernel Mode Heap Corruption, который может возникать по различным причинам. Среди них стоит выделить: повреждение драйверов видеокарты, неполадки с ОЗУ и процессором, конфликт программ и игр с файлами операционной системы, повреждение системных файлов. Поскольку единой причины, которая бы могла вызвать ошибку Kernel Mode Heap Corruption в Windows 10 нет, то решение неполадки усложняется.

Читайте также: Как решить синий экран смерти 0x00000162: KERNEL AUTO BOOST INVALID LOCK RELEASE?

Исправление синего экрана Kernel Mode Heap Corruption в Windows 10

В первую очередь, если на вашем ПК с Windows 10 появился синий экран смерти с кодом Kernel Mode Heap Corruption, стоит провести проверку системы на вирусы. Для этого нужно использовать антивирус с актуальными вирусными базами или бесплатную лечащую утилиту Dr.Web Curelt, которая просканирует Windows 10 на вредоносные объекты.

Если по результатам проверки вирусов не было обнаружено, стоит проверить операционную систему на целостность файлов. Для этого в командной строке с правами Администратора нужно ввести такие команды (по очереди):

  • sfc /scannow

Если на ПК будут повреждены системные файлы или файлы загрузчика, то данные утилиты их восстановят. Если же проблем не было обнаружено, то следующим шагом должна быть проверка драйверов видеокарты. Для этого нужно открыть Диспетчер устройств (Win+R, devmgmt.msc) и развернуть ветку «Видеоадаптеры». Нажимаем на значке названия видеокарты правой кнопкой мыши и выбираем «Обновить драйвера».

Далее выбираем «Выполнить поиск драйверов на этом компьютере». Указываем путь к ранее загруженному драйверу.

Позволяем системе обновиться.

ВАЖНО! Драйвера для видеокарты стоит загружать только с официальной страницы производителя оборудования в соответствии с версией и разрядностью Windows 10.

Если после обновления драйверов и перезагрузки операционной системы ошибка KERNEL MODE HEAP CORRUPTION не исчезла, то проблема может крыться в другом драйвере. Чтобы определить, какое ПО вызвало ошибку, стоит проанализировать установленные драйвера. Для этого пригодиться инструмент Verifier. Для его запуска нужно открыть командную строку с правами Администратора и ввести verifier. Далее нужно поставить отметку «Создать стандартные параметры».

Далее ставим отметку «Автоматически выбрать все драйвера, установленные на этом компьютере». После того, как компьютер перезагрузиться, утилита проанализирует установленные драйвера. Если какое-то ПО сбоит, то при загрузке ПК появится об этом уведомление. Далее, по ситуации, нужно переустановить драйвер или откатить его до более раннего состояния.

Также на зарубежных форумах пользователи указывали, что ошибка Kernel Mode Heap Corruption в Windows 10 может появиться из-за проблем с оперативной памятью. Для проверки ОЗУ нужно нажать «Win+R» и вводим «mdsched.exe». Появится небольшое окно. Нужно выбирать «Выполнить проверку и перезагрузку (рекомендуется)».

ПК перезагрузиться и на синем экране вы увидите процесс проверки ОЗУ. Ожидаем его завершения. Смотрим результаты.

Для более глубокой проверки можно использовать программу MemTest86. Её нужно записать на флешку или диск и запустить из-под Windows, то есть выставить в BIOSе приоритетность загрузки с носителя.

Система перезагрузиться. Нужно запустить проверку ОЗУ. При этом необходимо, чтобы утилита выполнила несколько проходов программой. Проверка может занять несколько часов.

После проверки ОЗУ нужно также проверить температуру процессора на перегрев и жесткий диск на наличие или отсутствие битых секторов. Для первой цели подойдет программа AIDA64, а для второй – Victoria HDD.

В случае, если ошибок с ОЗУ, жестким диском, процессором не обнаружено, стоит обратить внимание на установленный софт. Нужно удалить последнюю установленную или обновленную программу и перезагрузить ПК. Если ошибка исчезла, то софт можно переустановить, только внести в исключение антивируса и инсталлировать с правами Администратора.

Если же исправить ошибку Kernel Mode Heap Corruption вышеуказанными способами не удалось, стоит откатить систему до более раннего состояния или воспользоваться установочным диском.

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The KERNEL_MODE_HEAP_CORRUPTION bug check has a value of 0x0000013A. This indicates that the kernel mode heap manager has detected corruption in a heap.








The KERNEL_MODE_HEAP_CORRUPTION bug check has a value of 0x0000013A. This indicates that the kernel mode heap manager has detected corruption in a heap.

This topic is for programmers. If you are a customer who has received a blue screen error code while using your computer, see Troubleshoot blue screen errors.


Parameter Description

Type of corruption detected- see list below

2 Address of the heap that reported the corruption
3 Address at which the corruption was detected
4 Reserved

Parameter 1 — Type of heap corruption

0x3 : A corrupt entry header was detected.

0x4 : Multiple corrupt entry headers were detected.

0x5 : A corrupt entry header in a large allocation was detected.

0x6 : A corruption was detected with features consistent with a buffer overrun.

0x7 : A corruption was detected with features consistent with a buffer underrun.

0x8 : A free block was passed to an operation that is only valid for busy blocks.

0x9 : An invalid argument was specified for the current operation.

0xA : An invalid allocation type was detected.

0xB : A corruption was detected with features consistent with a use-after-free error.

0xC : The wrong heap was specified for the current operation.

0xD : A corrupt free list was detected.

0xE : The heap detected list corruption in a list other than the free list.

0xF : A free block was passed to an operation that is only valid for busy blocks.

0x10 : The heap detected invalid internal state during the current operation. This is usually the result of a buffer overflow.

0x11 : The heap detected invalid internal state during the current operation. This is usually the result of a buffer overflow.

0x12 : The heap detected invalid internal state during the current operation. This is usually the result of a buffer overflow.

0x13 : The heap API was passed a NULL heap handle. Look at the call stack and to determine why a bad handle was supplied to the heap.

0x14 : The requested heap allocation is larger then the current allocation limit.

0x15 : In the process of performing a commit request, it was determined that the request would exceed the current commit limit.

0x16 : In the process of checking the size of the given VA Manager allocation, it was determined that the query was invalid.


The !analyze debug extension displays information about the bug check and can be helpful in determining the root cause.

The !heap extension displays heap usage information, controls breakpoints in the heap manager, detects leaked heap blocks, searches for heap blocks, or displays page heap information.

Kernel Mode heap corruption is a BSOD-type error with bug check value 0x0000013A. This blue screen error usually occurs due to corrupted device drivers, obsolete graphics card, memory issues, or malfunctioning hardware. A few users recently encounter this bug after performing an in-place upgrade on their devices.

Well, in this guide, we present detailed information on how the Stop Error 0x13A occurs in the first place. Besides, we also discussed eight solutions that help in getting rid of the KERNEL_MODE_HEAP_CORRUPTION bug. Let’s explore the workarounds in detail –


How to Fix BSOD Error 0x13A in Windows 10

To solve the KERNEL_MODE_HEAP_CORRUPTION Error 0x0000013A, try the following suggestions –

Boot Windows 10 into Safe Mode

Since you are getting the Blue Screen, you won’t be able to log into Windows normally. So, you need to first boot into Safe Mode then perform the below workarounds. Only a handful of Windows 10 programs and services run on this mode preventing any kind of conflicts from third-party apps. 

Here are the essential steps to enter Safe Mode –

  • Press the Power button for 5 seconds and wait till it shuts down successfully. 
  • Repeat this process for 2-3 times until the Preparing Automatic Repair screen comes into view.
  • Let the system diagnoses this error for a few seconds thereafter click Advanced options.
  • On the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE), go to – Troubleshoot > Advanced options.
  • Hit Startup Settings on the next screen followed by the Restart button.

When Windows reboots, press F5 to boot into Safe Mode with Networking.

Safe Mode

Note: Selecting “Safe Mode with Networking” is essential to fix black or blue screen issues. If not, this won’t connect to the Internet causing problems in troubleshooting the actual problem.

Check Event Viewer

Knowing the reasons that might have lead to the bug at hand provides an opportunity to solve the BSOD error correctly. Interestingly, the system contains a log of all bugs and errors that ever occur on Windows 10. One can access the Windows log at Event Viewer containing information like Source and Event ID

Now that you are already inside the Safe boot, use the below guideline to get the Windows log file –

  • Use Win + S shortcut to start the Search UI.
  • Type “event viewer” in the text field, and click the top result.
  • Select Windows Logs > System on the left column.
  • In the mid-section, scroll down and locate the log titled “Kernel Mode Heap corruption“.
  • Once you find this file, double-click the same to read the description.

The log details the exact cause that has generated the BSOD Error 0x13A. Usually, this error arises owing to below three reasons – 

  1. Corrupted Graphics Driver
  2. Software/Hardware Error
  3. Memory Issues

1] Check Graphics Drivers for issues

If you encounter the BSOD error 0x13A just after starting a heavy game, this problem might lie inside the graphics driver. A corrupted or obsolete graphics driver often causes the KERNEL_MODE_HEAP-CORRUPTION error on Windows 10. To fix this, you must try updating the existing graphics card driver. 

Note: In case the update process fails, you may use the rollback feature. If this method fails as well, uninstall the graphics driver, restart the device, then reinstall the graphics card back.

  • Make a right-click on the Windows icon and select Device Manager.
  • Click “>” next to the display adapters and right-click again on the available graphics card.
  • Now, select the correct option depending upon what are you trying to do with this. 

For Example

  1. Update: Hit update driver option then choose “Search automatically for updated driver software“.
  2. Roll Back: Click Properties, switch to the Driver tab and hit Roll back driver.
  3. Reinstall a New Driver: Click uninstall device then visit the manufacturer’s Site to download the latest version of the uninstalled graphics card. When the download completes, double-click the setup file to start the installation.

2] Run Driver Verifier Manager

Driver Verifier Manager is a great tool to discover the problematic drivers on Windows 10. So, if you are still getting the Kernel Mode Heap Corruption 0x0000013A error, you should run this tool to check the obsolete device drivers. Here’s how to perform this task –

  • Launch Windows PowerShell (Admin).
  • On the elevated console, type “verifier“, and hit Enter.

Open Verifier using PowerShell 0x0000013A

  • Subsequently, mark the “Create Standard Settings” checkbox followed by Next.


  • Now, mark “Automatically select all drivers installed on this computer” and hit Finish.


  • The system prompts to “Restart PC” so as to start scanning for any corrupted or damaged drivers.
  • After the reboot, Windows will display a list of drivers that are found to have some errors. 

You may now re-follow method #2 to update, rollback, or uninstall-reinstall the above-displayed device drivers.

3] Run Blue Screen Troubleshooter

This is another interesting tool designed to help users fixing BSOD-type errors on Windows 10. Isn’t it great that one can address the blue screen issue possibly by running a simple troubleshooter? Indeed, this is an easy way to resolve different Stop Error codes on Windows 10 PC. Here’s how to use this tool –

  • First of all, browse to the below path –

Win + I > Update & Security > Troubleshoot

  • Click to reveal the Blue Screen box and hit Run the troubleshooter.

Blue Screen Troubleshooter

4] Perform Disk Cleanup

The presence of unnecessarily stored cache, log files, Windows Prior Installation files, and other irrelevant data may also cause the 0x0000013A error. To solve this, perform a disk Cleanup on Windows 10.

5] Run CHKDSK Utility

If the BSOD error 0x0000013A still persists, this must be due to hardware-related issues. To check whether this indeed is the case or not, run the CHKDSK command-line on the Windows Console. All you need is to follow these easy steps –

  • Get access to the Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
  • Near the blinking cursor, type the command – chkdsk C: /f /r /x
  • Hit the Enter key on your keyboard to initiate a disk check.
  • This probably won’t run and prompts doing this when the system reboots. 
  • Type “Y” and press Enter again. 


  • Now, restart Windows 10 to finally initiate the disk check.

When this completes scanning, Windows 10 OS loads containing a list of bugs and errors that it encountered.

For Desktop Users Only

In case running the CHKDSK command doesn’t reveal any issue, we suggest unplugging all the HDD cables, clean for possible dirt, re-attach the connecting wires, and start Windows. 

Many a time, following this simple procedure, fixes BSOD Errors on Windows 10 PC.

6] Repair Missing or Damaged System Files

The presence of corrupted data inside Windows 10 may also lead to different bugs and errors. Kernel Mode Heap Corruption Error 0x0000013A is one such bug. System File Checker is an in-built tool by Microsoft that can replace corrupted, lost, or missing DLL files. One can use this utility program even when you are not able to boot into Windows normally. Here’s how to proceed –

Case 1: When you can’t enter Windows or Safe Mode

  • Enter WinRE then follow Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt.

Case 2: When you can enter Windows or Safe Mode

  • Use Win + R  to start Run, type cmd, and jointly press Ctrl+Shift+Enter keys.
  • Now that you have entered Windows Console, type “sfc/scannow” and hit Enter.

SFC Scannow

  • Wait for the SFC to find and repair corrupted DLL files. Usually, this takes 10-15 minutes.
  • Once over, Restart PC to incorporate the above changes.

Sign back into Windows and check whether you still encounter the BSOD Error 0x0000013A or it has been fixed. 

7] Look for Memory Issues

Having a bad RAM slot is another faulty reason that may erupt the KERNEL_MODE_HEAP_CORRUPTION error. This situation may arise due to sudden power surge, excessive heating, or simply motherboard issues. So, you must consider the “Memory issues” as a possibility and try fixing them (if possible). Here’s how to check for bad memory issues on Windows 10 –

  • Hit the Start Menu and start typing “memory” in the search box.
  • Click the well-matching result to enter Windows Memory Diagnostic.
  • Choose to Restart now and check for problems

Windows Memory Diagnostics

Note: Make sure to save any ongoing process on the computer.

  • The system reboots and checks for any memory issues on the computer.
  • After scanning for memory problems successfully, the device restarts with a list of all “detected issues”.

Tip: You may also use the Event viewer to view the complete diagnosis report. 

  • Use the Filter current log available at the right side on the Event Viewer. 


  • Scroll down and Select MemoryDiagnostics-Results using the Event sources drop-down menu. 

Kernel Mode Heap Corruption 0x0000013A

  • Hit OK to view all result logs of the recently performed memory test. 
  • Now, double-click the latest result to see whether the diagnosis passed or not.

In case, the diagnosis doesn’t pass, you need to take appropriate measures to solve the persisting memory issues.

8. Use System Restore Points 

If none of the above solutions work to resolve the 0x0000013A error, use restore points to revert back PC to an earlier state when everything was working pretty normal. In case, you haven’t created any system backup, clean install Windows 10. 

That’s it, if you have any queries or suggestions related to this article, ping us in the comment section.

Tip: If you are facing update, activation, or driver issues on your Windows PC, try RESTORO PC Repair Tool. This software will scan your device for potential issues and resolve them automatically.

Encountering a blue screen error on Windows can be frustrating, especially if you’re in the middle of something. This will cause you to lose all progress of what you’re working on and can even corrupt files on your computer. Windows has a long list of BSOD errors, and some of them have been tackled on this website, including:

  • Netwsw00.Sys BSOD Error
  • LGBusEnum.sys BSOD Error
  • Ndistpr64.sys BSOD Error
  • Dxgmms2.sys BSOD Error

This is just a short list of what can go wrong in Windows 10/11. In this article, we’ll discuss another BSOD error that is commonly encountered by Windows users: the Kernel Mode Heap Corruption Blue Screen on Windows 10/11.

What Is the Windows 10/11 Blue Screen Kernel Mode Heap Corruption?

Old BSODThe KERNEL_MODE_HEAP_CORRUPTION bug check has a value of 0x0000013A. This indicates that the kernel mode heap manager has detected corruption in a heap.

Kernel Mode Heap Corruption is one of the stop codes presented by Windows when you run into a ‘blue screen error of death’ BSOD error. As is the case with other codes, ‘Kernel Mode Heap Corruption’ is created uniquely to help users identify the problems triggering system crashes. Usually, the error is caused by driver issues (especially graphics card drivers) or software conflicts, but it may also be caused by hardware malfunction.

People have encountered the Kernel Mode Heap Corruption error in different situations. Some said the error happened on startup of Windows 10/11, while others the moment of launching specific programs such as a video game.

In the kernel mode operation of your computer, programs have unrestricted access to the foundational hardware components. When a kernel mode heap corruption occurs, it means a flaw in a running program’s code has modified the contents of a data heap. This also means that the allocator’s handle of the heap has been affected.

Some possible outcomes are critical memory faults within the allocator itself and memory leaks, where some parts of the memory become inaccessible in the future.

What causes Kernel Mode Heap Corruption Blue Screen in Windows 10/11?

The error occurs mostly when a PC is overloaded or used over a long period. Most often, it has to do with the system drivers of a computer. However, users have identified many other conditions that cause the issue.

  • Hardware Malfunctions – A faulty hardware component in your computer, such as a corrupt RAM, can trigger the error.
  • Driver Problems – According to reports by several Windows 10/11 users, the issue started after they updated their system drivers. In this case, all you need to do is to undo the updates. It’s also possible that the drivers might already be outdated.
  • Software Compatibility Issues – Compatibility problems between specific software in your PC can lead to unstable system behaviors, causing the BSOD error.
  • System Graphics Card – It might be that you attempted to open some graphics-intensive software too heavy for your graphics card to support.
  • Corrupt Files – If there are corrupt files in your system, they can also trigger the Kernel mode heap corruption problem. Note that you must diagnose the cause of the issue using the in-built Event viewer.

To know more about the cause of the error, follow the guide below:

Press the Windows logo + R keys and hit Enter to open the Run dialog box.

  1. Type “eventvwr” (no quotes) in the Run dialog box and hit Enter.
  2. In the Event viewer window, navigate Windows logs>System.
  3. In the System window, find the Kernel Mode Heap Corruption BSOD log from the list table.
  4. Read the log description displayed under General and Details. The log should describe the cause of the issue, particularly the Event ID and Source information.

Getting the KERNEL_MODE_HEAP_CORRUPTION blue-screen error? Don’t panic – you’re not alone. This is a fairly common error, and it’s usually not very hard to resolve. Here are several ways to fix this error:

Method 1: Boot Windows 10/11 into Safe Mode.

Windows Advanced Boot OptionsSince you are getting the Blue Screen, you won’t be able to log into Windows normally. So, you need to first boot into Safe Mode then perform the below workarounds. Only a handful of Windows 10/11 programs and services run on this mode preventing any kind of conflicts from third-party apps.

Here are the steps to enter Safe Mode:

  1. Press the Power button for 5 seconds and wait till it shuts down successfully.
  2. Repeat this process for 2-3 times until the Preparing Automatic Repair screen comes into view.
  3. Let the system diagnose this error for a few seconds thereafter click Advanced options.
  4. On the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE), go to – Troubleshoot > Advanced options.
  5. Hit Startup Settings on the next screen followed by the Restart button.
  6. When Windows reboots, press F5 to boot into Safe Mode with Networking.

Selecting “Safe Mode with Networking” is essential to fix black or blue screen issues. If not, this won’t connect to the Internet causing problems in troubleshooting the actual problem.

Method 2: Roll back your graphics card drivers.

Some Windows users have reported that they experienced this ‘blue screen of death (BSOD)’ error right after an update of their graphics card drivers (or a Windows Update). If that’s when you got the error, you should restore your video driver to a previous version to secure the stability of your hardware device. Here’s how to do it:

  1. On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and R at the same time to invoke the Run dialog box. Then type devmgmt.msc into the box and click OK.
  2. In the Device Manager window, double-click on the Display adapters node to expand its drop-down list.
  3. Right-click on your video card and select Properties from the context menu.
  4. Go to the Driver tab and select Roll Back Driver.
  5. If the Roll Back Driver option is grayed out, that means there’s no driver to roll back to. In this case you’ll have to try other fixes.
  6. Choose one of the reasons based on your own situation and click Yes.
  7. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

After you restore your video driver to a previous version, verify if the ‘Kernel Mode Heap Corruption’ error still persists. If it does, try the next fix, below.

Method 3: Update your device drivers.

Uninstall device driverThe Kernel Mode Heap Corruption error may be caused by an outdated or corrupt device driver. If you’re not sure whether all your device drivers (especially graphics card drivers) are up-to-date, you should check.

You can do this in Windows Device Manager, one device at a time. But this takes a lot of time and patience, and if any of your drivers do happen to be out of date, you’ll need to manually update them, which is difficult and risky. If you don’t have the time, patience or computer skills to update your device drivers manually, you can do it automatically with Outbyte Driver Updater.

This will automatically recognize your system and find the correct drivers for it. You don’t need to know exactly what system your computer is running, you don’t need to risk downloading and installing the wrong driver, and you don’t need to worry about making a mistake when installing. Driver Updater takes care of everything.

Method 4: Check graphics card for problems

As we’ve mentioned earlier the leading cause are drivers, and the graphics card is among the drivers that cause this error. So we need to first identify if there are problems with your display drivers before proceeding with any other troubleshoot. Here are the steps to follow in order to confirm that:

  1. Open the Run dialogue by typing Windows + R.
  2. In the dialogue box, you should type msc and hit enter or press OK.
  3. The device manager will open and you should expand Display Adapters.
  4. Identify your video card and right-click on it to check for updates.
  5. When updates are installed the driver will be repaired automatically.
  6. Windows will search for updates if available and will download the update packs and install them.
  7. Alternatively, you can check the driver website to see if there are updates available, you can then download manually from the driver site and run the updates on your PC to install them. This should be your option when you receive update error which can happen sometimes.
  8. After installing updates, you should restart your PC and see if the problem is resolved.

Method 5: Run Driver Verifier Manager.

Driver Verifier Manager is a great tool to discover the problematic drivers on Windows 10/11. So, if you are still getting the Kernel Mode Heap Corruption 0x0000013A error, you should run this tool to check the obsolete device drivers. Here’s how to perform this task –

  1. Launch Windows PowerShell (Admin).
  2. On the elevated console, type “verifier“, and hit Enter.
  3. Open Verifier using PowerShell 0x0000013A
  4. Subsequently, mark the “Create Standard Settings” checkbox followed by Next.
  5. 0x0000013A
  6. Now, mark “Automatically select all drivers installed on this computer” and hit Finish.
  7. 0x0000013A
  8. The system prompts to “Restart PC” so as to start scanning for any corrupted or damaged drivers.
  9. After the reboot, Windows will display a list of drivers that are found to have some errors.
  10. You may now update, rollback, or uninstall-reinstall the above-displayed device drivers.

Method 6: Run the Windows BSOD Troubleshooter (For Windows version earlier than 1809).

The Blue Screen (BSOD) troubleshooter interprets the bugcheck codes, and tells you if the blue screen crash was caused by:

  • Faulty hardware
  • Failing disk drive
  • Malware
  • Memory failure
  • Services
  • Device drivers

Unfortunately, the Blue Screen troubleshooter is no longer available starting with Windows 10 version 1809. But if you’re running an earlier version, these are the steps to use this tool:

  1. Open the Control Panel (icons view), and click/tap on the Troubleshooting icon.
  2. Click/tap on the View all link at the top left in Troubleshooting.
  3. Right click or press and hold on the Blue Screen troubleshooter, and click/tap on Run as administrator.
  4. Click/tap on the Advanced link.
  5. Check the Apply repairs automatically box, and click/tap on Next.
  6. The troubleshooter will now start detecting problems you may have with blue screen errors.
  7. If problems were identified, then follow any given instructions to continue troubleshooting.
  8. If no problems were identified, then you could click/tap on View detailed information to see the troubleshooting report.

You can also use the “Troubleshoot blue screen errors” at Microsoft. Just go to the Troubleshoot blue screen errors web page at Microsoft and follow the steps to answer questions to troubleshoot your blue screen error.

Method 7: Run Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool.

DirectX Diagnostic ToolThe Windows Memory Diagnostic tool will check to see if there’s a problem with your Random Access Memory (RAM):

  1. On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and R at the same time to invoke the Run dialog box. Type mdsched.exe and hit Enter.
  2. Select either Restart now and check for problems (recommended) to check your memory straight away, or Check for problems the next time I start my computer if you want to keep working and do the memory check later.
  3. Remember to save your work before clicking Restart now and check for problems (recommended). It will reboot your computer instantly.
  4. When the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool actually runs, you’ll see the following screen that indicates the number of passes it’s doing, along with how far it has progressed.

If you don’t see any errors here, that means the memory in your computer is fine. Otherwise you should replace your RAM or simply contact the hardware manufacturer for assistance.

Method 8: Repair corrupted system files.

Sometimes this blue-screen error is caused by corrupt system files. To repair them, there are two things you should do:

  • Scan with System File Checker
  • Scan with dism.exe

To scan with System File Checker, follow the instructions below:

System file checker (sfc) is a Windows utility that identifies and repairs corrupted system files:Command Prompt

  1. On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and R at the same time to open the Run dialog box. Type cmd and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to run Command Prompt as administrator.
  2. When Windows asks for permission to make changes to your device, click Yes.
  3. In the Command Prompt, type the following command (note that there’s a space between sfc and /): sfc /scannow
  4. After you finish entering the command, hit Enter on your keyboard. Then the sfc tool will begin to scan all system files and repair the corrupted or missing ones.
  5. Wait until the verification process completes. Then restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

If you continue to experience the Kernel Mode Heap Corruption Error, try running dism.exe as described below.

To scan with dism.exe:

  1. On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and R at the same time to open the Run dialog box. Type cmd and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to run Command Prompt as administrator.
  2. If prompted for consent, click Yes.
  3. In Command Prompt, type the following command (note that there’s a space to the left of each slash “/”): dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
  4. After that, hit Enter on your keyboard. Then the DISM tool will begin to scan for any problems and try to fix them.

Wait for the process to complete. Then, reboot your computer and see whether the Kernel Mode Heap Corruption error reoccurs.

Method 9: Resolve any software conflicts.

Another possible culprit for your Kernel Mode Heap Corruption error is a software conflict. This is particularly likely if you get the error after installing a new app or when you’re trying to launch a certain program, such as a video game.

There’s no quick way to pinpoint which applications are conflicting. You have to fully shut down every unnecessary program (including any associated background processes) and wait to see whether the error reoccurs.

For this, you need to:

  • Check to see if you have any software conflicts
  • Find out which programs are causing them
  • De-prioritize, disable and uninstall those programs

Check to see if you have any software conflicts

Close all programs. To do this, switch to the program, and close it as you normally would (e.g. by clicking the × at the top right of the program). End all unnecessary background processes by the following procedure:

  1. On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and X at the same time, then click Task Manager.
  2. On the Processes tab, select the program that you want to shut down from the list in Task Manager and click End task to force a close. (If it’s a program you’re using, e.g. Microsoft Word, make sure you save any unsaved work first.)
  3. Do not close any unfamiliar programs. If you mistakenly shut down the important system programs, that may bring about even more problems. Before you take the step, consult a technician or search for information about the program.
  4. Wait to see whether the error reoccurs:
  5. If the error DOES reoccur – It’s probably not caused by a software conflict.
  6. If the error does NOT reoccur – One or more of the programs you shut down is probably causing the error. Now you need to identify which program(s) caused the error, as described in the next step below.

Find out which programs are causing your conflicts

If closing all unnecessary programs stopped the error from reoccurring, you know that one of those programs was causing the error. Now you just need to figure out which one.

To do this, restart one of your programs, and wait to see if the error comes back. If it doesn’t, restart the next program, and wait for the error again. Then the next, and the next, and so on.

When the error eventually reoccurs, you know that the program you restarted most recently is a problem.

But bear in mind, it may not be the only problem. It may actually be conflicting with another program – one you restarted earlier – and that conflict is what’s causing the error.

If you don’t really need the offending program, you can just disable or uninstall it immediately, as described below. But if you do need the offending program, you should check if it’s conflicting with something else (because then you may be able to disable/uninstall the other program instead).

To do this, leave the offending program open, but shut down all other programs again. If the error reoccurs, you know the program is the sole cause. If the error doesn’t reoccur, you know the program is conflicting with another program. To figure out which one, restart each program again, one at a time, and wait for the error to come back.

When you find which programs are conflicting with each other, you can disable or uninstall the one you need the least.

De-prioritize, disable or uninstall conflicting programs

Once you identify the program(s) causing the conflict, you have three options:

  • Set the program’s priority to low
  • Permanently disable the program
  • Uninstall the program

If you don’t want to disable or uninstall the offending program, you can try de-prioritizing it first. This has resolved the error for some users. To de-prioritize the program:

  1. On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and R at the same time to invoke the Run dialog box. Type in taskmgr and hit Enter.
  2. Go to the Details tab. Scroll through the list until you find the process for which you want to change the priority. Right-click on that item and select Set priority > Low.
  3. Do not change the priorities for any programs that you’re not familiar with. If you mistakenly set the priority of a crucial system process to low, it may lead to system crashes, freezing or other critical problems.
  4. Click Change priority if prompted for permission.

To permanently disable the program:

  1. On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and X at the same time, then click Task Manager.
  2. On the Processes tab, select the program that you want to shut down from the list in Task Manager and click End task to force a close.
  3. If the program is also among the startup items, you should stop it from running at startup.
  4. On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and R at the same time to invoke the Run dialog box. Type in msconfig and hit Enter.
  5. Go to the Startup tab, and click Open Task Manager.
  6. Select the programs you don’t want to start when Windows starts, then click Disable.

To uninstall the program:

  1. On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and R at the same time. Type appwiz.cpl and press Enter.
  2. In Programs and Features, right-click on the program that you want to uninstall and click Uninstall.

If, after de-prioritizing, disabling or uninstalling conflicting programs the error reoccurs, try the other fixes below.

Method 10. Check for other issues such as overheating.

It’s not that easy to tinker with the hardware if you’re a computer newbie. You need to disassemble the computer chassis, look for problems in each separate component, and find ways to fix them – all by yourself. Merely thinking of it is horrible enough, not to mention putting it into practice. Anyway, if you don’t have much interest in learning the skills, you should contact a local technician for further help.

If you’ve checked for hardware issues, and you’re still getting the error, you still have one more fix to try – reinstall the Windows system.

Method 11: Reinstall your Windows system

If none of the fixes above work for you, you may need to reset or reinstall your Windows operating system.

Resetting Windows will revert your system to its initial state as if it’s your first time to turn on the computer. It removes all the apps that didn’t come with your PC, but you can decide whether to retain your personal data or not. Besides, you don’t need any external storage devices to perform the resetting, because Windows will complete the whole process by itself.

A clean install of Windows will erase everything (including all the apps you installed and your personal data) from the drive where your system is installed. You need an external storage device, e.g. a USB drive, to perform the clean install. Compared with the above option, clean install seems more complex, yet more impactful.

Listed below are some useful articles that teach you how to reset or reinstall Windows 10/11 step by step:

To reset your PC, follow these steps:

  1. Type settings in the search bar, and then choose Settings that comes up.
  2. Click on the Update & security icon.
  3. On the left side of the panel, choose Recovery. On the right side of the panel, choose Restart Now under the option Advanced startup.
  4. Choose Troubleshoot.
  5. Click Reset this PC.
  6. Click Remove everything. Please make sure you have backed up your important files and applications because they will be all gone once you complete the reset.
  7. If prompted to Insert media, you will need to insert your Windows 10/11 installation media or recovery drive to continue.
  8. If your computer has more than one drive partition on Windows 10/11 disk, you need to select to remove all files from only the Windows driver or from all drives.
  9. Click on either Just remove my files or Fully clean the drive accordingly. Please make sure that you have backed up your important personal files and software before you go any further.
    • Just remove my files will perform a quick format and it won’t take long. Your files might be recoverable by someone else since they are only marked as deleted. It is suggested that you choose this option if you are keeping your computer.
    • Fully clean the drive performs a secure erase to fully clean your drive and your files cannot be recovered easily. It could take hours to finish. It is suggested that you choose this option if you are recycling or selling your computer.
  10. Tab the Reset button for the reset to begin.
  11. Resetting will now start. It will take a while to finish and your computer will restart a few times during the process. Unless your computer ran into a server problem, or you know pretty well what you are doing, performing a reset on your work computer or home computer is not recommended.
  12. When finished, you will need to set up your personal preference. Then click Next.
  13. Click Accept.
  14. You could choose the Customize settings on the left side corner or Use express settings on the right corner to go to the next step. If you choose Customize settings, you could change the settings as you will.

After the settings, your computer will be good to go.

To perform a clean install of Windows 10/11, follow the steps here:

  1. First, you need to create an installation media using the Microsoft Media Creation Tool.
  2. Next, insert the installation media into your computer.
  3. With your USB drive or DVD inserted, restart your computer. Press a key for Boot Menu. The key to press for Boot Menu varies for different motherboards. Usually, the boot screen will show you which key to press. You can also read the manual for your motherboard to see what specific key to press for Boot Menu. Usually speaking, Acer is F12/ F9/ Esc, ASUS is F8/ Esc, Dell is F12, HP is Esc/ F9, Lenovo is F12/ F8/ F10 etc.
  4. Alternatively, you can also go to Use a device option in the Advanced startup options.
  5. Follow the path Start> Settings> Update & security> Recovery> Restart now button under Advanced startup.
  6. Then click Troubleshoot> Advanced options and you will see this page.
  7. Some users might not be able to see the Use a device option here. But we find that if the USB flash drive with the ISO files or the DVD disc is connected to the computer, you can boot from the device by clicking the Continue button.
  8. You will see the activation screen next. If you have installed Windows 10/11 on this computer, please choose I don’t have a product key. If you have never installed Windows 10/11 on this computer before, please type in your valid license key, which could be the key for Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1.
  9. Continue the clean install process normally until you see Which type of installation do you want? Choose Custom option to ensure that you are perform a clean install instead of and upgrade.
  10. Choose which partition you would like to install your system drive. If you have only one drive, just click Next to continue. If you have multiple drives, choose the primary partition and click Next.
  11. Then all you need to do is to wait with patience for the installation to end. Some might encounter a few reboots during the process.

Usually, your computer will be activated automatically once you have access to the Internet. If the activation is not happening, you can force an activation by running the following command.

  • Type cmd in the search box, then choose Command Prompt from the list of choices.
  • Type in the command slmgr.vbs /ato and press Enter key.

You might need to try this command a couple of times. If you see any errors, please reboot your computer and run this command again. Or you can just wait for Microsoft to help you activate your system automatically.

Wrapping Up

The Kernel Mode Heap Corruption Blue Screen on Windows 10/11 might be a familiar issue for most Windows users, but it doesn’t mean that it is less troublesome. In some cases, you won’t be able to boot normally so some troubleshooting methods won’t apply. So if you are faced with this BSOD, work your way down the list of solutions above until you find the one that works for you.

Vicrey Dharmdas | Author Softwaretested.com

Vic is a certified gadget freak who feels the need to surround himself with cutting-edge technology. And this passion has helped him a lot in creating content that informs and guides users on using and troubleshooting the latest technology. He is an avid researcher who is always hungry for the latest news and updates on the most cutting-edge technology.

Vic is the one in charge of keeping our website running smoothly and efficiently, to make sure that our readers have a wonderful experience while visiting the website. He’s good at troubleshooting errors and fixing Windows issues that come up either when playing games or working on the computer. 

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