Код ошибки rugby call of duty warzone

Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 — бесплатная игра, в которой вы можете отправиться на карту с небольшим отрядом, чтобы выжить в масштабном матче королевской

Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 — бесплатная игра, в которой вы можете отправиться на карту с небольшим отрядом, чтобы выжить в масштабном матче королевской битвы. Поскольку это онлайн-игра, есть несколько проблем, с которыми вы можете столкнуться при попытке играть. Один из них связан с кодом ошибки, известным как Rugby, и он может случаться с вами относительно часто. Вот что вам нужно знать о том, как исправить код ошибки Rugby в Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0.

Что такое код ошибки Rugby в Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0

Эта ошибка возникает, когда вы пытаетесь подключиться к игровому серверу и хотите совершить покупку в магазине. К сожалению, серверы немного перегружены, потому что тысячи игроков пытаются одновременно подключиться к игре, что перегружает серверы Activision, пытающиеся поддерживать игру. Это часто может происходить в начале сезона и когда многие игроки пытаются купить новый боевой пропуск или один из новых скинов, которые теперь доступны в магазине.

Связанный: Почему Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 заблокирован? Ответил

Наша лучшая рекомендация — отойти от игры и подождать, пока серверы успокоятся. Они могут быть слишком перегружены, и лучшее, что вы можете сделать, это подождать, пока игроки перестанут пытаться подключиться так много, и дождаться лучшего времени. Возможно, стоит посетить страницу серверов Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 на веб-сайте поддержки Activision, чтобы узнать, как они работают и есть ли какие-либо известные проблемы. Вы также можете убедиться, что ваша транзакция не прошла. Если это так, и вы не получили ни одного из приобретенных вами предметов, обязательно обратитесь в службу поддержки Activision для Warzone 2.0, чтобы узнать, можете ли вы получить возмещение в магазине или отправить предметы в свой профиль.

Помимо ожидания, пока серверы успокоятся, вы мало что можете сделать с этим кодом ошибки. Мы призываем игроков, у которых были транзакции без каких-либо товаров, отправленных в их профиль Call of Duty, обратиться в службу поддержки Activision, чтобы убедиться, что все предметы были отправлены на правильные учетные записи.

New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….

Original story (published on April 22, 2021) follows:

Season 3 for Call of Duty Warzone and Cold War is finally here and gamers around the world are rushing to purchase the new Battle Pass.

The new season brings a truckload of new content to keep players glued to the game. However, it seems that things aren’t off to a good start.

Many Call of Duty: Warzone players are taking to social platforms such as Twitter to seek help regarding the error code ‘RUGBY’ that keeps popping up when trying to purchase COD points or the Battle Pass.



I can’t buy the Season 3 Battlepass on PC…..Says Error Code: RUGBY when trying to purchase…. (Source)

Trying to purchase cod points in Warzone right now and I’m getting denied before even getting to the purchase screen. (Source)

Hello Good People, i am unable to purchase the battlepass for season 3 post today’s update for Warzone. Error Code: RUGBY (Source)

Reports of the error have been flooding Twitter since season 3 hit the game. A Call of Duty: Warzone streamer on Twitch even highlighted the RUGBY error code that popped up while trying to purchase the Battle Pass.

Unfortunately, neither Activision nor Raven Software has acknowledged the problem that has been popping up for several hours.

Although it seems that an individual has found a temporary workaround for the problem that requires players to purchase COD points from Cold War and then open up Warzone to purchase the Battle Pass.



Whatever the case, we’ll post an update when there are any further developments regarding the RUGBY error code that’s appearing when purchasing COD points or the Battle Pass on Call of Duty: Warzone season 3.

Unfortunately, that isn’t the only problem Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Warzone players are dealing with.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone error code 664640 during login

Some Modern Warfare and Warzone players are reporting that they are getting an error code 664640 pop up when logging in or loading the game.

Here’s a screenshot of the problem shared by a user on Twitter:


Click/tap to enlarge image

The issue appears to have been around for several days but there’s still no official response on the matter.

Nevertheless, in case you’ve been running into the error code 664640 when loading or logging into Call of Duty: Modern Warfare or Warzone, then you can try out these general troubleshooting steps.

– Disable the firewall
– Make sure there’s enough free storage space
– Use a custom DNS provide such as Google DNS or Open DNS
– Update your console to the latest version

We hope these steps help you fix the issue. If you think that was all, well, you’re wrong. Many Call of Duty: Cold War players are also getting a “Bravo 433 destructive gator” error when logging in. Head here for more details on it.

That said, as we await further details regarding the aforementioned issues, let us know whether or not Call of Duty should bring back Modern Warfare Battle Pass in Warzone by voting in our poll here.

Update 1 (April 26)

06:19 pm (IST): A Redditor has shared a potential fix for the error code ‘RUGBY’ that has been bothering players since the new season went live. Check it out below:



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Последняя новинка в популярнейшей серии из коллекции Activision Blizzard – Warzone 2.0 – внезапно стала доступна в Steam для учётных записей РФ и РБ с самого момента своего выхода без каких-либо ограничений. Игра не требует практически никаких «танцев с бубном», как ранее вышедшая Diablo: Immortal – нужно будет на несколько секунд включить VPN. Вместе с этим, платная версия Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II всё ещё остаётся под запретом как в Steam, так и в Battle.net.:cut:

Для того, чтобы скачать игру, зайдите под своей учётной записью Steam и через поиск в магазине найдите «Call of Duty®: Warzone™ 2.0». Перейдите на страницу с игрой и перед тем, как нажать «загрузить игру» включите VPN в любом доступном регионе – только после этого начните загрузку игры; в противном случае, кнопка загрузки не будет работать. Как только загрузка игры началась, вы можете отключать VPN и продолжать загрузку в штатном режиме. После её завершения, вы без проблем можете играть в бесплатный Warzone 2.0, но от вас сперва попросят принять несколько соглашений, создать учётную запись Activision и привязать двухфакторную аутентификацию – для этого придётся установить приложение Authenticator на свой мобильный телефон и сканировать QR-код, представленный внутри игры.


На данный момент нет никаких предпосылок, что Activison станет блокировать Warzone 2.0 для России или Беларуси, но если вы в определённом будущем планируете опробовать Warzone или новый режим DMZ, то рекомендуем сейчас записать игру в свою библиотеку и скачать её – после этого у вас попросту не смогут просто так отобрать доступ к игре в Steam; только за серьёзную провинность внутри игры.

Важно отметить, что эта бесплатная игра всё ещё недоступна для просмотра/загрузки для учётных записей Battle.net из РФ/РБ – её попросту нет в списке доступных игр, а кнопка загрузки через магазин не работает. Приобретать никакие позиции за реальные деньги нельзя даже за средства на кошельке Steam – у всех позиций нет региональной цены из-за недоступности страницы с платной игрой. Приобрести внутриигровую валюту невозможно – цена указана в долларах, а при попытке приобрести её вылезает код ошибки «RUGBY». Если на вашей учётной записи Activision остались внутриигровые монеты, только в этом случае вы сможете приобрести боевой пропуск.

Since the release of Call Of Duty: Warzone there have been a number of errors and bugs that crop up in the game. For the most part, the game runs fairly smooth and the developers have quickly jumped on most of the game-breaking issues.

But there are still some that appear now and then to ruin a player’s experience. While this list is by no means comprehensive it does go over some of the most common errors players see in the game and how to resolve them.

Updated April 27th, 2021 by Ben Baker: With continued updates, expansions, and new seasons, a lot of content gets added, changed, and removed from the core game. With all of these adjustments going on, it’s understandable that every now and then something is going to break and cause issues for a percentage of the player base. Since this article’s release, the game has undergone a few changes that have unfortunately added a few more game breaking errors. Here’s what’s going on and the best way to deal with these new issues.

14 Dev Error 5476

Call of Duty Warzone Dev Error 5476

This error seems to have popped up shortly after season 2 came online. The error prevents players from being able to join multiplayer, which is a major problem given this is an entirely multiplayer-based game. Thankfully, for many players, there is a relatively easy fix.

It seems that changing the Calling Car and Emblem will start triggering this error. Players have reported that switching these, preferably to something that existed before Season 2, will solve the problem. If the problem persists, then fully reinstalling the game should help. This will ensure that new content is added properly.

13 Gunner Side Error

Call of Duty Warzone Gunner Side Error

This is the latest error that seems to be affecting quite a few players right now. This error prevents players from being able to access multiplayer. The bad thing about this error is that it seems to come at random, and no one’s sure what’s triggering it. However, it does appear to occur more often on consoles.

While it’s most likely an issue that Activision needs to fix, there are some things that seem to help. Players should restart the game, restart their router, and try using an ethernet cable instead of WiFi. If the problem persists, then players can modify their QoS and change the NAT type, though a guide is recommended for this. If the problem is still there, then a Scan and Repair via Battle.net, updating the game Drivers, and Rebuilding the Database in Safe Mode often does the trick.

12 Error Code 8192

Call Of Duty Warzone Car Explosion (8192)

Error Code 8192 is probably the most troublesome right now. This Error Code typically means the player cannot connect to the game due to an issue with the server. This usually happens after a patch or major update comes out.

Unfortunately, there’s very little the player can do. It’s often a server or software problem that requires Activision to fix. Players simply need to be aware this can happen after a major update and be patient for Activision to resolve it.

11 Error Code Goldflake

Call of Duty Warzone Error Goldflake

Error Code Goldflake most often appears when the player is waiting to join a match or after getting kicked from a match for whatever reason. The Error Code itself will state the problem is related to the Network Service.

Many players have stated that simply clearing the device’s cache will solve this problem. It’s likely the cache is cluttered with a large number of items or particularly nasty ones, and it’s bogging down connection to the game’s servers.

10 Error hk:’s

Call of Duty Warzone Error hk

Error hk:’s will often have a string of numbers behind them that vary, but they all mean relatively the same thing. This error appears when players are randomly kicked from an online match. At this time, there’s no explanation for why this error occurs.

Sometimes clearing out the device cache can resolve this issue and allow the player to get back to the game. If the player has cleared the cache and this still appears it means there’s an issue with the server and the player will have to wait for it to be resolved.

9 Error Code 262146 & 270338

Call of Duty Warzone Error 262146

These codes mean that the game is having trouble connecting to the servers. There are a number of fixes the player can try to resolve the issue. The first is to simply log out of the game and go back in. If that doesn’t work turning off the device, letting it sit for a few seconds, and starting back up again can work.

If that doesn’t do the trick, players can restart their router or modem the same way they did with the device. The last thing players can try is a bit extreme, but resetting to factory settings can do the trick. This does mean making sure data is saved on a cloud and waiting for everything to download after. Unfortunately, if even this doesn’t do the trick it means there’s an issue with the servers.

8 Dev Error 6036

Call of Duty Warzone Error 6036

This issue typically occurs if the player is on a PC. This sometimes happens after an update has installed, especially if there was a problem or hiccup in the process.

In these cases forcing the game to reinstall the update can resolve the issue. It’s recommended to follow a more detailed guide to do this properly. If this doesn’t work then sometimes the player can clear their cache and that should take care of the problem.

7 Warzone Server Queue

Call of Duty Warzone Server Queue

Another issue that commonly appears on the PC is what happens when too many players are on the servers. It could also be that an update or issue with the servers has caused the number of available servers to drop and those that are working have bogged down.

Unfortunately, there’s not much the player can do and they’ll simply have to keep trying to join matches. If the problem persists then the player will likely have to wait for traffic to die down or servers to become fixed. Playing early in the morning or outside of high traffic times like 6 p.m. to midnight can prevent this error from appearing.

6 Warzone Connection Failed

Call of Duty Connection Failed

This issue occurs across all devices and means the device is having trouble connecting to servers. If it’s a server outage then there’s not much the player can do. If it isn’t, then it could be an issue with the local network.

Restarting both the device and the router/modem can often take care of this problem. If this doesn’t work and there isn’t a server outage, then it’s likely an issue with the internet provider.

5 Store Unavailable & PlayStation Plus Unavailable

Call of Duty Warzone Store Unavailable

These issues tend to go hand in hand for PlayStation users. It means the game is having trouble connecting to the Store or PlayStation Plus. This is most likely to happen after updates that introduced multiple Add Ons.

These updates often require the Add Ons to function properly and crashes if they aren’t there. Players can check the PlayStation Store tab to make sure they all downloaded correctly. If this doesn’t solve the issue, then it’s something Activision or Sony needs to handle.

4 Error Code ce-34878-0

Call of Duty Error ce

This is a general error code that often means the game or the PlayStation needs to be updated or there’s something about the settings causing an issue. The most common fix is to update the game if it needs it. However, if that doesn’t work, then updating the device’s software and restarting should do the trick.

If these steps don’t work, then sometimes disconnecting any attached PS Cameras, restart the device, and disable any settings related to facial recognition. If that doesn’t work then sometimes it’s because of a new hard drive or if the player is running the game externally. Putting the old hard drive back in and running things internally is the only solution in this case.

3 Dev Error 6345

Call of Duty Warzone Dev Error 6345

This is an issue that appears for PC users and signifies an issue with the game’s software. Running the game’s built-in scan and repair feature should do the trick. If this doesn’t work, then making sure the device and its drivers are updated might be required.

If this error still appears, then Battle.net could need an update. Disabling anything that could block a connection, like an antivirus software or safety settings, could do it. If this doesn’t work, then fully reinstalling the game might be needed.

2 Error Code 6 & DIVER

Call of Duty Error Code 6 Diver

This issue occurs when there’s an issue connecting to the servers or an update hasn’t properly installed. It’s a fairly new problem, but players have claimed that some solutions will work. The simplest is to restart the router.

If playing on the PC, disabling the Firewall might be required or making sure Warzone and Battle.net have the correct permissions. Some players claim that using standard WiFi for updates can lead to corrupted files and downloading the data with cellular data can do the trick. Worst case scenario fully reinstalling Call Of Dutycan work.

1 Error Code 0x80131500

Call of Duty Warzone Microsoft Store Starter Pack (0x801)

This error appears for Xbox users and signifies an issue connected with the Microsoft Store. This often happens when trying to download an update. Unfortunately, there isn’t much the player can do as it’s an issue with the Microsoft Store.

Supposedly updating Xbox’s software and restarting the router can do the trick, but this hasn’t been confirmed. Odds are waiting for the issue to be resolved by Microsoft is required.

NEXT: 5 Ways Call Of Duty Has Influenced Gaming (& 5 Games That Influenced COD)

Since the release of Call Of Duty: Warzone there have been a number of errors and bugs that crop up in the game. For the most part, the game runs fairly smooth and the developers have quickly jumped on most of the game-breaking issues.

But there are still some that appear now and then to ruin a player’s experience. While this list is by no means comprehensive it does go over some of the most common errors players see in the game and how to resolve them.

Updated April 27th, 2021 by Ben Baker: With continued updates, expansions, and new seasons, a lot of content gets added, changed, and removed from the core game. With all of these adjustments going on, it’s understandable that every now and then something is going to break and cause issues for a percentage of the player base. Since this article’s release, the game has undergone a few changes that have unfortunately added a few more game breaking errors. Here’s what’s going on and the best way to deal with these new issues.

14 Dev Error 5476

Call of Duty Warzone Dev Error 5476

This error seems to have popped up shortly after season 2 came online. The error prevents players from being able to join multiplayer, which is a major problem given this is an entirely multiplayer-based game. Thankfully, for many players, there is a relatively easy fix.

It seems that changing the Calling Car and Emblem will start triggering this error. Players have reported that switching these, preferably to something that existed before Season 2, will solve the problem. If the problem persists, then fully reinstalling the game should help. This will ensure that new content is added properly.

13 Gunner Side Error

Call of Duty Warzone Gunner Side Error

This is the latest error that seems to be affecting quite a few players right now. This error prevents players from being able to access multiplayer. The bad thing about this error is that it seems to come at random, and no one’s sure what’s triggering it. However, it does appear to occur more often on consoles.

While it’s most likely an issue that Activision needs to fix, there are some things that seem to help. Players should restart the game, restart their router, and try using an ethernet cable instead of WiFi. If the problem persists, then players can modify their QoS and change the NAT type, though a guide is recommended for this. If the problem is still there, then a Scan and Repair via Battle.net, updating the game Drivers, and Rebuilding the Database in Safe Mode often does the trick.

12 Error Code 8192

Call Of Duty Warzone Car Explosion (8192)

Error Code 8192 is probably the most troublesome right now. This Error Code typically means the player cannot connect to the game due to an issue with the server. This usually happens after a patch or major update comes out.

Unfortunately, there’s very little the player can do. It’s often a server or software problem that requires Activision to fix. Players simply need to be aware this can happen after a major update and be patient for Activision to resolve it.

11 Error Code Goldflake

Call of Duty Warzone Error Goldflake

Error Code Goldflake most often appears when the player is waiting to join a match or after getting kicked from a match for whatever reason. The Error Code itself will state the problem is related to the Network Service.

Many players have stated that simply clearing the device’s cache will solve this problem. It’s likely the cache is cluttered with a large number of items or particularly nasty ones, and it’s bogging down connection to the game’s servers.

10 Error hk:’s

Call of Duty Warzone Error hk

Error hk:’s will often have a string of numbers behind them that vary, but they all mean relatively the same thing. This error appears when players are randomly kicked from an online match. At this time, there’s no explanation for why this error occurs.

Sometimes clearing out the device cache can resolve this issue and allow the player to get back to the game. If the player has cleared the cache and this still appears it means there’s an issue with the server and the player will have to wait for it to be resolved.

9 Error Code 262146 & 270338

Call of Duty Warzone Error 262146

These codes mean that the game is having trouble connecting to the servers. There are a number of fixes the player can try to resolve the issue. The first is to simply log out of the game and go back in. If that doesn’t work turning off the device, letting it sit for a few seconds, and starting back up again can work.

If that doesn’t do the trick, players can restart their router or modem the same way they did with the device. The last thing players can try is a bit extreme, but resetting to factory settings can do the trick. This does mean making sure data is saved on a cloud and waiting for everything to download after. Unfortunately, if even this doesn’t do the trick it means there’s an issue with the servers.

8 Dev Error 6036

Call of Duty Warzone Error 6036

This issue typically occurs if the player is on a PC. This sometimes happens after an update has installed, especially if there was a problem or hiccup in the process.

In these cases forcing the game to reinstall the update can resolve the issue. It’s recommended to follow a more detailed guide to do this properly. If this doesn’t work then sometimes the player can clear their cache and that should take care of the problem.

7 Warzone Server Queue

Call of Duty Warzone Server Queue

Another issue that commonly appears on the PC is what happens when too many players are on the servers. It could also be that an update or issue with the servers has caused the number of available servers to drop and those that are working have bogged down.

Unfortunately, there’s not much the player can do and they’ll simply have to keep trying to join matches. If the problem persists then the player will likely have to wait for traffic to die down or servers to become fixed. Playing early in the morning or outside of high traffic times like 6 p.m. to midnight can prevent this error from appearing.

6 Warzone Connection Failed

Call of Duty Connection Failed

This issue occurs across all devices and means the device is having trouble connecting to servers. If it’s a server outage then there’s not much the player can do. If it isn’t, then it could be an issue with the local network.

Restarting both the device and the router/modem can often take care of this problem. If this doesn’t work and there isn’t a server outage, then it’s likely an issue with the internet provider.

5 Store Unavailable & PlayStation Plus Unavailable

Call of Duty Warzone Store Unavailable

These issues tend to go hand in hand for PlayStation users. It means the game is having trouble connecting to the Store or PlayStation Plus. This is most likely to happen after updates that introduced multiple Add Ons.

These updates often require the Add Ons to function properly and crashes if they aren’t there. Players can check the PlayStation Store tab to make sure they all downloaded correctly. If this doesn’t solve the issue, then it’s something Activision or Sony needs to handle.

4 Error Code ce-34878-0

Call of Duty Error ce

This is a general error code that often means the game or the PlayStation needs to be updated or there’s something about the settings causing an issue. The most common fix is to update the game if it needs it. However, if that doesn’t work, then updating the device’s software and restarting should do the trick.

If these steps don’t work, then sometimes disconnecting any attached PS Cameras, restart the device, and disable any settings related to facial recognition. If that doesn’t work then sometimes it’s because of a new hard drive or if the player is running the game externally. Putting the old hard drive back in and running things internally is the only solution in this case.

3 Dev Error 6345

Call of Duty Warzone Dev Error 6345

This is an issue that appears for PC users and signifies an issue with the game’s software. Running the game’s built-in scan and repair feature should do the trick. If this doesn’t work, then making sure the device and its drivers are updated might be required.

If this error still appears, then Battle.net could need an update. Disabling anything that could block a connection, like an antivirus software or safety settings, could do it. If this doesn’t work, then fully reinstalling the game might be needed.

2 Error Code 6 & DIVER

Call of Duty Error Code 6 Diver

This issue occurs when there’s an issue connecting to the servers or an update hasn’t properly installed. It’s a fairly new problem, but players have claimed that some solutions will work. The simplest is to restart the router.

If playing on the PC, disabling the Firewall might be required or making sure Warzone and Battle.net have the correct permissions. Some players claim that using standard WiFi for updates can lead to corrupted files and downloading the data with cellular data can do the trick. Worst case scenario fully reinstalling Call Of Dutycan work.

1 Error Code 0x80131500

Call of Duty Warzone Microsoft Store Starter Pack (0x801)

This error appears for Xbox users and signifies an issue connected with the Microsoft Store. This often happens when trying to download an update. Unfortunately, there isn’t much the player can do as it’s an issue with the Microsoft Store.

Supposedly updating Xbox’s software and restarting the router can do the trick, but this hasn’t been confirmed. Odds are waiting for the issue to be resolved by Microsoft is required.

NEXT: 5 Ways Call Of Duty Has Influenced Gaming (& 5 Games That Influenced COD)

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