На чтение 2 мин. Просмотров 103 Опубликовано 20.04.2021
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – ролевая игра в жанре экшн, разработанная Bethesda Game Studios и изданная Bethesda Softworks. Он был выпущен для всех платформ в ноябре 2011 года и является продолжением The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Сообщается, что с момента выпуска до ноября 2016 года было продано 30 миллионов копий игры. SKYUI – это удобный для ПК мод пользовательского интерфейса Skyrim, который предлагает гораздо лучший пользовательский интерфейс благодаря многочисленным модам.
Но многие пользователи сообщают об ошибке «SkyUI Error code 5», которая появляется во время игры. Ошибка возникает при попытке открыть меню навыков, карты и избранного. Хотя проблема кажется критической, на самом деле это не так. Проблему можно легко решить, выполнив несколько простых исправлений, упомянутых в статье ниже. Однако, прежде чем мы перейдем к этому, давайте посмотрим, что потенциально может вызвать проблему.
Что вызывает Ошибка «Код ошибки SkyUI 5»?
Мы исследовали эту конкретную проблему, изучив различные отчеты пользователей и стратегии, которые они использовали для устранения или обхода проблемы. Согласно нашим отчетам, конкретный конфликт вызывает этот конкретный код ошибки:
- Интерфейсный режим 60 кадров в секунду: Интерфейсный режим 60 кадров в секунду заставляет интерфейс работать со скоростью 60 кадров в секунду. По умолчанию интерфейс работает со скоростью 30 кадров в секунду. Однако этот мод часто вызывает конфликт с меню навыков, карты и избранного.
Теперь, когда у вас есть базовое понимание причины проблемы, мы будем теперь двигайтесь вперед к поиску жизнеспособного решения на основе проверенных отзывов.
Удаление мода
Поскольку мы знаем, что интерфейсный мод 60 FPS вызывает проблему, мы будем удаление этого мода
- Перейдите в
- Выберите 60 Fps Interface Mod , это должен быть файл .zip.
- Удалить мод
- Теперь Удалите SkyUI и переустановите
- Также убедитесь, что ваш Skyrim Script Extender обновлен до последней версии (2.0.5)
Это должно полностью устранить ошибку «SkyUI Error Code 5». Если это все еще не решает вашу проблему, переустановка игры – единственный вариант.
EDIT: FIXED BY REMOVING «CraftingMenu.swf» from Data/Interface folder.
I recently reinstalled the entire game (after full uninstall: remove game folders, documents folders, appdata, everything) and moved to Vortex from NMM. I installed around 200 mods and started the game, and haven’t been able to run SkyUI even once. It shows the «CraftingMenu» or «MessageBox» errors. I even deleted the *.swf files from Data/Interface and re-downloaded SkyUI, but I still can’t get it to work. I reinstalled SKSE64 as well. I use BethINI (potato laptop) and some forums suggested to unlock the 60 fps thing. I did. I tried in both FullScreen and Borderless Windowed mode. I even started a new game, and still can’t get rid of the SkyUI Error Code 5. Please help .
Here’s my load order organized by LOOT (and whatever Vortex does, since I don’t understand much about how that works either):
6 6 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
7 7 LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm
9 9 TravellersOfSkyrim.esm
12 c Lore Weapon Expansion — Daedric Crescent.esp
13 d Lore Weapon Expansion — Goldbrand.esp
14 e Lore Weapon Expansion — Relics of the Crusader.esp
16 10 Gildergreen Regrown.esp
17 11 Audio Overhaul Skyrim.esp
18 12 Immersive Sounds — Compendium.esp
19 13 SoundsofSkyrimComplete.esp
20 14 Palaces Castles Enhanced.esp
21 15 Castle Volkihar Rebuilt.esp
22 16 HearthfireGuardsAndFortifications.esp
23 17 Summermyst — Enchantments of Skyrim.esp
24 18 The Great Cities — Minor Cities and Towns.esp
25 19 Cutting Room Floor.esp
26 1a AnotherSortingMod_2017-SSE.esp
28 1c Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp
29 1d MoreBanditCamps.esp
30 1e SkyHavenTempleRestored.esp
31 1f Beasts of Tamriel.esp
34 22 Settlements Expanded SE.esp
36 24 HGF_WindstadMinePatch.esp
37 25 OpulentThievesGuild.esp
38 26 Immersive Hold Borders SE.esp
39 27 Thunderchild — Epic Shout Package.esp
40 28 Fort(ified) Dawnguard.esp
42 2a MrissiTailOfTroubles.esp
44 2c Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
45 2d Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
46 2e Immersive Weapons.esp
47 2f Populated Lands Roads Paths Legendary.esp
48 30 WACCF_Armor and Clothing Extension.esp
49 31 SkyrimsUniqueTreasures.esp
50 32 WACCF_ImmersiveWeapons_Patch.esp
51 33 WeightLessTrueAll.esp
52 34 ZIA_Complete Pack_V4.esp
53 35 DBM_WACCF_Patch.esp
55 37 Immersive Encounters.esp
58 3a Lore Weapon Expansion.esp
60 3c WACCF Unique Uniques Patch.esp
61 3d PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp
63 3f TSR_TeldrynSerious.esp
64 40 Run For Your Lives.esp
67 43 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp
68 44 3dnpc — Overhual.esp
69 45 AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp
72 48 HGF_HeljarchenFarmPatch.esp
74 4a DBM_HelgenReborn_Patch.esp
76 4c HGF_Followers_CompatibilityPatch.esp
78 4e SexLab-AmorousAdventures.esp
81 51 ApothecaryInventoryRebuildDLC.esp
85 55 JRMoonpathtoElsweyrPatch.esp
86 56 Immersive Patrols II.esp
91 5b STR_AFP_CompatibilityPatch.esp
96 60 DBM_Vigilant_Patch.esp
97 61 ThievesGuildLadder.esp
100 64 PCE — 3DNPC Patch.esp
101 65 PCE — No Custom Music patch.esp
102 66 PCE — USSEP+CRF Patch.esp
103 67 PCE — Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch.esp
104 68 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
105 69 Equippable Tomes.esp
106 6a Map Markers Complete.esp
107 6b middenexpandedlitesse.esp
109 6d Dawnguard&VolkiharArtifactsQuests.esp
110 6e AK- Boethiah Alternate.esp
111 6f AK- Namira for Good Guys.esp
112 70 Andromeda — Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp
114 72 Audio Overhaul Skyrim — Immersive Sounds Patch.esp
115 73 BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp
116 74 Better Skill and Quest Books Names SE.esp
117 75 BCS_BSQBN _Patch.esp
120 78 Bijin Warmaidens.esp
122 7a Celtic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE.esp
123 7b NirShor-MusicalLore.esp
124 7c Celtic Music in Skyrim — Combat.esp
125 7d Celtic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE_Dungeon.esp
126 7e Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp
127 7f Chesko_WearableLantern.esp
128 80 Cloaks — Dawnguard.esp
129 81 Cloaks — USSEP Patch.esp
130 82 DBM_ArsMetallica_Patch.esp
131 83 DBM_ImmersiveCreatures_Patch.esp
132 84 DBM_Cloaks_Patch.esp
137 89 DBM_Namira_Patch.esp
138 8a DBM_OBIS_Patch.esp
139 8b Faction Crossbows.esp
140 8c PrvtIRoyalArmory.esp
141 8d DBM_RoyalArmory_Patch.esp
142 8e DBM_RSChildren.esp
143 8f DBM_ZimsImmersiveArtifacts_Patch.esp
144 90 DiverseDragonsCollectionSE.esp
146 92 Easy lockpicking.esp
147 93 Enchanting Freedom.esp
151 97 nwsFollowerFramework.esp
154 9a Grass FPS Booster.esp
155 9b HearthfireMultiKid.esp
156 9c HearthFire Display Case Fix.esp
157 9d HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp
158 9e Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp
159 9f icepenguinworldmapclassic.esp
160 a0 Immersive Encounters — RS Children Patch.esp
161 a1 ImmersiveWeaponsCrafting.esp
162 a2 Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp
163 a3 InigoPerkPointGiver.esp
164 a4 SPTDiverseGuardsSkyrimSE.esp
165 a5 USSEP-Immersive Weapons Patch.esp
166 a6 IW_BijinIND_Patch.esp
169 a9 LrsamwaysExpandedSkyrimWeaponry.esp
170 aa Lucien-MoonandStar-Patch.esp
171 ab Lucien-Moonpath-Patch.esp
172 ac MoonAndStar_ImmersionPatch.esp
173 ad MoonAndStar_RSC_Patch.esp
174 ae more plants all extra.esp
175 af Move it Dammit — Less Wait Time.esp
176 b0 My Home Is Your Home.esp
178 b2 OBIS SE — Immersive Weapons Patch.esp
179 b3 OBIS SE Patrols Addon.esp
180 b4 PassiveWeaponEnchantmentRecharging.esp
181 b5 PCE — Marked Droppable Barenziah Stones.esp
184 b8 RaceMenuPlugin.esp
185 b9 Realistic-Voice.esp
186 ba RichMerchantsSkyrim_x10.esp
187 bb RSC 3DNPC Patch.esp
190 be RSC MoonAndStar Patch.esp
191 bf RSC Settlements Expanded SE Patch.esp
193 c1 RSChildren — CRF Patch.esp
194 c2 sandboxcylinderheight.esp
195 c3 Settlements Expanded SE — RS Children Patch.esp
199 c7 ThievesGuildLadder_Patch_OTG.esp
200 c8 ToneyCraftingResource.esp
201 c9 TravellersOfSkyrim — Dragonborn and Bags and Pouches Addon.esp
202 ca TravellersOfSkyrim — Vanilla.esp
203 cb UNP Vanilla Outfits.esp
204 cc UnreadBooksGlow.esp
205 cd Vigilant Voiced.esp
208 d0 Imperious — Races of Skyrim.esp
209 d1 AKA_LeftHandRings_Patch.esp
210 d2 Immersive Citizens — AI Overhaul.esp
211 d3 SOS_ImmersiveCitizens_Patch.esp
212 d4 PCE — Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch.esp
213 d5 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
215 d7 BUVARP IW Patch.esp
216 d8 DBM_BUVARP_Patch.esp
217 d9 PCE — RDO Patch.esp
218 da RDO — CRF + USSEP Patch.esp
219 db Alternate Start — Live Another Life.esp
220 dc PCE — Live Another Life Patch.esp
221 dd Alternate Start — New Beginnings.esp
222 de Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul.esp
254 FE 0 CACO_SkyrimImmersiveCreaturesSE_Patch.esp
254 FE 1 CACO_Moonpath_Patch.esp
254 FE 2 CACO_GrayCowl_Patch.esp
254 FE 3 CACO_USSEP_Patch.esp
223 df DBM_CACO_Patch.esp
254 FE 4 Inigo_CACO_Patch.esp
224 e0 Ordinator — Perks of Skyrim.esp
225 e1 Apocalypse — Magic of Skyrim.esp
226 e2 Apocalypse — Cheat Chests.esp
227 e3 Apocalypse — Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp
228 e4 Multiple Enchantments — Ordinator Patch.esp
254 FE 5 CACO_Ordinator_Patch.esp
229 e5 Open Cities Skyrim.esp
230 e6 AFP_OC_CompatibilityPatch.esp
231 e7 DBM_OpenCities_Patch.esp
232 e8 PCE — Open Cities Patch.esp
233 e9 SOS_OpenCities_Patch.esp
234 ea Immersive Encounters — Open Cities Patch.esp
235 eb ThievesGuildLadder_Patch_OSC.esp
236 ec Immersive Citizens — OCS patch.esp
237 ed WACCF_BashedPatchLvlListFix.esp
СОВЕТУЕМ: Нажмите здесь, чтобы исправить ошибки Windows и оптимизировать производительность системы
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim — ролевая видеоигра, разработанная Bethesda Game Studios и выпущенная Bethesda Softworks. Он был выпущен для всех платформ в ноябре 2011 года и является продолжением The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Сообщалось, что с момента ее выпуска до ноября 2016 года было продано 30 миллионов копий игры. SKYUI — это дружественный для ПК мод для Skyrim, который предлагает гораздо лучший пользовательский интерфейс благодаря своей бесчисленной моде.
SkyUI Код ошибки 5
Но многие пользователи сообщают об ошибке «SkyUI Error code 5», которая появляется во время игры. Ошибка возникает при попытке открыть меню навыков, карты и избранного. Хотя проблема звучит критически, на самом деле это не так. Эта проблема может быть легко решена путем применения некоторых простых исправлений, которые упомянуты в статье ниже. Однако, прежде чем мы углубимся в это, давайте посмотрим, что может стать причиной проблемы.
Что вызывает ошибку «SkyUI Error Code 5»?
Мы исследовали эту конкретную проблему, просмотрев различные пользовательские отчеты и стратегии, которые они использовали для исправления или обхода проблемы. Основываясь на наших отчетах, конкретный конфликт вызывает этот конкретный код ошибки:
- Мод интерфейса 60 к / с: мод интерфейса 60 к / с заставляет интерфейс работать на скорости 60 к / с. По умолчанию интерфейс работает со скоростью 30 кадров в секунду. Тем не менее, этот мод часто вызывает конфликт с навыком, картой и меню избранного.
Теперь, когда у вас есть общее представление о причине проблемы, мы теперь будем двигаться к поиску жизнеспособного решения на основе проверенной обратной связи.
Удаление Мод
Так как мы знаем, что 60 FPS Interface Mod вызывает проблему, мы будем удалять этот мод
- Перейдите к
NexusModManager / Skyrim / Mods
- Выберите 60 Fps Interface Mod, это должен быть ZIP-файл
- Удалить мод
- Теперь удалите SkyUI и переустановите его
- Кроме того, убедитесь, что ваш Skyrim Script Extender обновлен до последней версии (2.0.5)
Это должно полностью устранить ошибку «SkyUI Error Code 5». Если это по-прежнему не решает вашу проблему, то переустановка игры является единственным вариантом.
Mods rarely come without problems as they interact with other mods and SkyUI is no exception. Using mods that affect menus can cause it to display a SkyUI error code 5 message, and dealing with this error can often be an annoying task.
This guide will help you work on this issue by attempting to let you know what this error code means, what can cause it and how you can fix it.
SkyUI was Skyrim was uploaded in 2011, not too long after the game itself was released. It has since grown with the game and continued to be one of the highest priorities on most people’s mod lists.
SkyUI is one of the most popular Skyrim mods out there today. It uses Skyrim script extender to increase the available functionality of the menus of Skyrim.
Read our full guide on how to install SkyUI for Skyrim SE – it may have answers to any additional problems you are having.
Since Skyrim was created for multiple platforms, a lot of the menus in the game were optimized in a way that would work well with all systems. While the user interface of these menus and inventory lists is usable in this state, it is can make navigation a bit of a pain.
The SkyUI mod makes changes to the UI of these menus and inventory lists to give them a feature-rich panel that is much easier to navigate on a PC. It also gives them customizable hot-key groups and searches options.
Even with all the features listed above, the most common reason for its use is still its Mod Configuration Menu.
MCM is used by many other mods to let you access customizable features that are difficult to directly implement into the game.
What is SkyUI error code 5?
Depending on the mod setup you are using, mods may sometimes be overriding skyUI. This generally causes an error message to show up that informs you about Skyui error code 5 (One of many SkyUI errors).
When Does SkyUI error code 5 occur?
As mentioned in the error message, SkyUI error code 5 usually occurs due to an incompatible menu file. This message is most frequently seen when players try to access their, inventory, spells, charms, and favorites menu.
The appearance of this error code generally means that another file’s functions are interfering with that of SKyUI. The files that cause this to happen are usually map and inventory mods that alter common files.
In addition to this, there are a few other reasons that could explain why this error occurs like the absence of a master file and an outdated version of SkyUI. Using a mod to increase the maximum frame rate of the game could also result in this problem.
Solutions to SkyUI error code 5
The solutions to fix SkyUI error code 5 can vary from situation to situation depending on what is causing this error. If one of these solutions doesn’t work for you, you can try the rest until you find one that does.
The best and most popular method of dealing with this error includes reinstalling SkyUI. This will let SkyUI override the other file and more importantly, install the latest version of SkyUI- which is what the message suggests.
If that does not work, deleting the corrupted files that is cause the problem from the data interface folder may fix things for you. The name of the file can usually be found in the error message with a .swf extension.
Find the Data folder in the SkyUI directory (Or Skyrim Directory) and locate ‘Interface’. You can then find the file name from the error and cut it out. Make sure it create a backup interface folder in advance in cause this causes other problems.
You will have to choose between giving SkyUI and the other mod control over the menu file. If you are okay with the way things are and just want to turn of the warning and error messages, you can do so in the MCM menu otions.
If you are using a mod that increases the frame rate cap further than what interface runs on, try to uninstall the mod and note any differences it may have caused. You can also try uninstalling mods that you know alter the same files that SkyUI does,
SkyUI error code 5 can be an annoying issue to deal with at times as its source could vary. Fortunately, the solutions listed above should help you deal with this problem fairly easily. You find more information about other error codes here.
Did this guide help you solve the issue? Do you have any other tips? Let us know in the comment section below.
Are you facing SkyUI Error Code 5? Want to get rid of it quickly? This article is for you, I know it’s very frustrating when you are mentally ready to play but suddenly you experience the error. It creates a terrible situation when you are not able to handle it.
The upside?
Here, I’m going to show you easy solutions to fix SkyUI Error Code 5. But before we search for solutions, let’s talk a little bit about SkyUi and find out what causes SkyUI Error Code 5. Let’s get started.
What is SkyUi?
SkyUI is a formal User Interface modification program for Skyrim with lots of modern and developed features. It provides a menu to configure modifications. This mod utilizes The Elder Scroll 5 Skyrim.
SkyUI is the most reasonable mod User interface for Skyrim. SkyUI makes the user interface more manageable to use.
It can be handled with the mouse as well as keyboard, with minimum wasteful accessible screen space.
What are the Reasons Behind Error Code 5?
Though Skyrim provides good quality of game due to its numerous mods. Somehow, many users of this game complain about the SkyUI Error Code 5.
The error happens, whenever users try to open favourite inventory and maps. You get the message of SkyUI error 5. This situation seems critical but trust me it’s not.
Now let’s find out the reasons and solutions.
Reason 1: Overriding SkyUI
The main cause of SkyUI Error Code 5 could be a file, which is overriding SkyUI.
Therefore, the user should check out the warnings in MCM as well as in the Data interface folder to reveal any corrupt file.
Reason 2: No Master File
The second reason for SkyUI Error Code 5 is, it may be SkyUI has no master file. That’s why the error code 5 occurs. When users try to open the game and move on towards the mods menu. SkyUi gets down.
Reason 3: The 60 fps Interface Mod
The 60 fps interface mod compels the interface which runs 60 fps. But the fact is that it’s original run 30 fps.
Simple Solutions to fix the SkyUi Error Code 5
In the above content, we have discussed possible main causes of SkyUi error code 5. Now, we will move on towards the solutions of the SkyUI Error Code 5.
Solution 1: Overriding SkyUi
As it is said before that if a user installs maps and inventory mods then he should check out the warning in MCM as well as the data interface folder to find out the corrupt file.
If you find any loose or corrupt files then delete those files.
Solution 2: Cut off the file from MCM
If anything goes wrong in MCM, and you find any disturbing files there in MCM, Then follow the steps to fix it.
- Go to the SkyUi directory
- Click on the Data folder and from there move on to Interface
- Find out the file name that was shown in error messages.
- Cut off the file from the interface folder
- Make a backup interface folder anywhere on PC/laptop, and paste the interface backup in that folder
Note: you can delete that file, the choice is yours, but we highly recommend making a backup instead of deleting it.
Solution 3: Uninstall the Mod
As it is explained that this error may be the cause of the 60 FPS interface so here are the following steps to uninstall the mod.
1. Go to originally runs Interface Mod. It must be a zip file
2. From there delete the mod
3. After deleting the SkyUi, reinstall it
4. And update the latest version of Skyrim Script Extender
Check out if the above methods don’t work, then you have the last option that is to reinstall the game. In this way, you can fix the error.
I hope you have tackled this issue easily with this article. Share your experience with us in the comment section.
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I’ll offer you some solutions in this article for the Skyui error code 5. The causes of the issue will also be revealed to you. To fix the problem, adhere to the step-by-step tutorial.
Skyrim must be known to you all. There is a chance that if you are familiar with Skyrim, you are also familiar with SkyUI. Skyrim’s user interface is known as SkyUI. This is utilized to run numerous sophisticated systems.
Due to the large number of mods available, Skyrim has millions of users. The SkyUI error code 5 in this game is one of its weaknesses, though. Let’s now examine SkyUI error code 5 and potential causes of this problem.
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What is Sky UI?
One of the Mods that helps you advance your PC gaming experience is called Sky UI. It also provides its users with a wealth of functions.
As the name suggests, SkyUI is a user interface for Skyrim. This user interface has a number of advanced tools for creation as well as a menu for configuration. In essence, Skyrim’s gaming mods are the reason it has so many users. It makes it prettier to look at and easier to operate with a keyboard and mouse.
It is one of the most logical mod user interfaces if you use this to recreate the entire interface in SkyUI. Additionally, there isn’t much room on the screen, which raises the game’s quality, and an even more amazing function is accessible.
The menus for crafting, captivating, and smithing have been updated in version 5, along with additional improvements and a rich panel that improves the search feature, sorting choices, and extended data columns. However, it is faultless.
Many Users have problems like SKYUI error 5, a common fault that is simple to fix. The most typical symptom of this mistake is an error message that reads “SKYUI error code 5 and incompatible objects” when you play and open your favorite game’s inventory, spells, or spells. A fresh install can resolve the problem.
Features of Sky UI
Some of the notable features of Sky UI are;
- You will have a simple user interface, gamepad functionality, and quick keyboard navigation with Sky UI.
- Japanese, Czech, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Italian, German, French, and other languages are among the many languages it supports.
- Additionally, you can adjust all of its characteristics to your preferences. For instance, you don’t need to use the magic menu to access the Active effects.
However, occasionally you could experience some difficulties using the Sky UI on your device.
It is a widespread problem that affects many people. Knowing the causes of the error is all that is required. These days, a lot of people are talking about this problem. Let’s examine the reasons why.
Possible Causes of SkyUI error Code 5
When you install maps and numerous mods, this problem occurs. Your files get corrupt as a result. You must remove the mod that is creating the issue in order to save your files. These causes are explained in detail below.
- Disabled master Document
- Port Mod of 60 FPS
- Another program overriding SkyUI.
Disabled Master Document
You will eventually run into these problems frequently if you don’t have a master document or the master document is disabled or the game’s manager mod’s Bethesda files have a problem. SKYUI is disabled if the user tries to play the game while navigating the mods menu. Whether the gamer has opted to employ sophisticated mods like an SKSE and SKYUI can be ascertained by a third-party manager.
SkyUI becomes low as a result. Have a master document for yourself at all times. It is the primary cause of the mistake.
60 FPS Mod
The 60 fps mod is changed to 30 fps. Major issues arise as a result with maps and other items. To have a seamless gaming experience, you must address these as these are the main causes of the problem.
Another program overriding SkyUI
A program overriding SKYUI is another frequent reason for SKYUI error code 5. Users should watch for warnings in MCM while installing map/inventory changes like QD Inventory SSE, Pastel Map Markers, etc.; if not, they should search the Data/Interface folders for any missing files. Either delete those files or identify the mod that put them there. Additionally, it will be helpful to disable the favorites menu in the settings’ mod manager area.
How To Fix SkyUI error Code 5
There are two methods in which you can employ to fix the skyUI error code 5.
- By Turning off the MCM
- By Reinstalling the Mod
Fix SkyUI error 5 by Turning off MCM
You are able to fix the error messages by turning off the MCM. To disable the MCM Menu, adhere to the instructions below.
- Select Data Folder from the Skyrim directory.
- The interface is visible; choose it.
- Any type of fault can be found on the path.
- Make a backup and cancel the file.
- Next, add the backup. You can choose to remove it instead of submitting the backup, though.
Fix SkyUI error 5 by Reinstalling the Mod
Re-installation the SkyUI mod program can also help in solving the issue. Follow the steps to re-install.
- In Skyrim, look for the 60 FPS Mod and choose it.
- Make it a zip file now.
- Reinstall the SkyUI after starting the Mod.
- Your re-installation procedure is complete and your SkyUI is ready to run again.
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Bonus Tips:
About SKSE
It is a Skyrim mod script modulator. Update frequently to receive the benefits.
Is SKSE safe?
SKSE is a really safe tool to use, I guess. All you need to do to benefit and ensure smooth functioning is update the tool periodically.
How To Fix SKSE error 5
- Find the directory and choose SKSE64.
- Make sure an administrator is selected on the compatibility.
- Save the recent activity.
How do I fix SkyUI error?
The best way to fix any SkyUI issue is to provide it administrator permissions. Property can be selected by right-clicking the program. Choose the Compatibility tab next. The option to run this program as an administrator should be checked. You can delete SKSE and reinstall it if it wasn’t installed properly.
Does SkyUI need SKSE?
SkyUI doesn’t necessarily need SKSE to work properly.
The most frequently reported error by gamers is the one just mentioned. I have offered solutions for the problem. Please adhere to the instructions for enjoyable gaming. Make certain you have frequent updates. I hope this article was able to provide a solution.
See how to install SkyUI in the video Below.
William Ramirez
Дата создания:
18 Сентябрь 2021
Дата обновления:
2 Февраль 2023
- Что вызывает ошибку «Код ошибки SkyUI 5»?
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim — это ролевая игра в жанре экшн, разработанная Bethesda Game Studios и изданная Bethesda Softworks. Он был выпущен для всех платформ в ноябре 2011 года и является продолжением The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Сообщается, что с момента выпуска до ноября 2016 года было продано 30 миллионов копий игры. SKYUI — это удобный для ПК мод пользовательского интерфейса для Skyrim, который предлагает гораздо лучший пользовательский интерфейс благодаря бесчисленному количеству модов.
Но многие пользователи сообщают об ошибке «Код ошибки SkyUI 5», которая появляется во время игры. Ошибка возникает при попытке открыть меню навыков, карты и избранного. Хотя проблема кажется критической, на самом деле это не так. Проблему можно легко решить, выполнив несколько простых исправлений, упомянутых в статье ниже. Однако, прежде чем мы перейдем к этому, давайте посмотрим, что потенциально может вызвать проблему.
Мы исследовали эту конкретную проблему, изучив различные отчеты пользователей и стратегии, которые они использовали для устранения или обхода проблемы. Согласно нашим отчетам, конкретный конфликт вызывает этот конкретный код ошибки:
- Интерфейсный мод 60 FPS: Мод интерфейса 60 fps заставляет интерфейс работать со скоростью 60 fps. По умолчанию интерфейс работает со скоростью 30 кадров в секунду. Однако этот мод часто вызывает конфликт с навыками, картой и меню избранного.
Теперь, когда у вас есть общее представление о причине проблемы, мы перейдем к поиску жизнеспособного решения на основе проверенных отзывов.
Удаление мода
Поскольку мы знаем, что мод интерфейса 60 FPS вызывает проблему, мы удалим этот мод.
- Перейдите к
NexusModManager / Skyrim / Моды
- Выберите Интерфейсный режим 60 кадров в секунду это должен быть файл .zip
- Удалить мод
- Сейчас Удалить в SkyUI и Переустановить Это
- Также убедитесь, что ваш Расширитель сценариев Skyrim является обновлено до последней версии (2.0.5)
Это должно полностью устранить ошибку «Код ошибки SkyUI 5». Если это по-прежнему не решает вашу проблему, переустановка игры — единственный вариант.
SKYUI Error Code 5
Many users have asked for the best techniques that can fix the SKYUI Error Code 5. For those users, we came up with this post.
In this article, you will get all those details that are related to this problem. Based on our thorough research, we listed the tips and tricks given below.
Bethesda Game Studios is one of the well-known gaming companies and designed The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim game. It was published by the members of Bethesda Softworks in 2011.
Gamers can happily play this action video game on multiple platforms, such as MS Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Nintendo Switch.
In order to enhance the user interface and gaming performance of the Skyrim game, the developers are designed the SKYUI mod. But it troubles the user while playing the game. When you open the map or favorites menu or skill, you can see this SKYUI Error Code 5.
Until and unless you fix the problem, it won’t allow you to play the game. Thus, go through the following sections and get the techniques to resolve this issue.
Problem Overview
SKYUI makes the Skyrim game more effective. Though there are several mods, it is specifically designed for the Skyrim game to modify the look of its user interface.
It is designed in such a way that we can use it with our keyboard and mouse so that the desktop screen space is utilized fully. Though we can’t change the interface from scratch, we can change it wherever we want.
Regularly the developers of this SKYUI release the latest versions with many advanced features. It made modifications to different menu lists, such as Favorites Menu, Mod Configuration Menu, Map Menu, etc.
There are some drawbacks of this SKYUI Mod, and that’s why it causes the SKYUI Error Code 5. It shows this error code while playing the Skyrim game on our PCs.
Even the error appears at the time of accessing different menus, such as Map, Favorites, etc. The reasons why this SKYUI Error Code 5 occurs are as follows.
- 60 FPS Interface Mod
- File Overriding
- If there is no master file set, then this problem occurs.
- Faulty Internet Connection
- Older version of SKYUI
Now, you got to know why the SKYUI Error Code 5 occurs on your computer. Let’s check out the following sections to get in touch with the tricks to resolve it.
Related Problems
This section explains the problems that are related to SKYUI. Here, you can find different error codes of SKYUI, along with the solutions to fix them.
Basic Troubleshooting Steps
Now, we are going to offer the basic steps that you have to follow whenever you face the SKYUI Error Code 5 issue. These techniques may help you in resolving the problem.
Check your Internet Connection
For loading any website or web application, we need a better and stable internet connection. Either it may be Wi-Fi or Ethernet, it has to provide the network services uninterruptedly.
If there are any fluctuations or server crash issues of your network, then you won’t browse the internet or play online video games. So, the reason for showing SKYUI Error Code 5 might be an unstable internet connection.
Whenever you encounter this problem, immediately look after your router or Ethernet connection. If there is any problem, then fix them and launch the Skyrim game. Still, the SKYUI Error Code 5 occurs? Then move to the following techniques.
Check for the Latest Version SKYUI
Whether it is a device or an application, it has to be updated with the latest versions. The older versions are dangerous and cause many issues, crashes, and performance degradation of our PC.
The same will applies to the games also. In case if we are using older editions of the SKYUI mod, then it will not work properly. And we see the error message, like SKYUI Error Code 5.
The best remedy to overcome this problem is to check for the latest versions of SKYUI. If you find anything, then install them quickly. After that, rerun the Skyrim game and see the error is fixed or not.
Steps To Fix SKYUI Error Code 5 Issue
Have you not resolved the SKYUI Error Code 5 with the basic methods? Don’t worry! You have various other advanced techniques that can fix your problem.
- Step-1 : Uninstall the 60 FPS Interface Mod
- Step-2 : Overriding SKYUI
- Step-3 : Disable the Favorites Menu
- Step-4 : Cut Off the Files from MCM
- Step-5 : Clean uninstall & Reinstall the game
- Step 1
Uninstall the 60 FPS Interface Mod
In the above sections, we said that due to the 60 FPS Interface mod, this SKYUI Error Code 5. After installing this mod, it drives the game to run on 60 FPS. But you know what! The game’s interface was designed to run on 30 FPS.
Thus, the error occurs whenever you open the Map, Favorites, and Skill Menus. That’s why we recommend the user to uninstall the 60 FPS Interface mod to fix the issue. For that, read and execute the below guidelines.
- Open the following path,
- NexusModManager -> Skyrim -> Mods.
- Now, identify the 60 FPS Interface Mod, which is in the compressed format.
- After that, remove the mod completely from the PC.
- Also, uninstall the SKYUI and reinstall it freshly from the official site.
- At the same time, install the latest versions of Skyrim Script Extender.
Finally, launch the game and see the SKYUI Error Code 5 is fixed or not.
- Step 2
Overriding SKYUI
Another major reason for the SKYUI Error Code 5 is a File Overriding SKYUI. In order to make changes, we install various Map or Inventory mods, namely, QD Inventory SSE and Pastel Map Markers.
At that time, we need to check the warnings in the MCM (Mod Configuration Menu). If not, you have to check for any loose files in the Data/Interface folder.
In order to fix this problem, simply delete all those files by using the below steps.
- Click the warning displayed in the Mod Configuration Menu to see these files. When you don’t locate any such files, then open the Data -> Interface folder of your Skyrim game.
- After that, remove all the files in that folder.
The users who have installed Map or Inventory Mods can only use this technique.
- Step 3
Disable the Favorites Menu
Many users have reported that they fixed this issue by disabling the Favorites menu. So, try out this method in order to get rid of SKYUI Error Code 5.
- Launch Steam on your PC and Go to the Settings.
- then navigate to the Mod Manager section.
- Find out the Favorites Menu and disable it.
- Now, check the SKYUI Error Code 5 is fixed or not.
- Step 4
Cut Off the Files from MCM
If none of the above helps you in fixing the issue, then apply this method. Check if there are any issues with the Mod Configuration Menu and find any such file that causes issues in MCM. If so, execute the following steps.
- Open the SKYUI directory on your PC.
- After that, select the Interface under the Data Folder.
- Check out the file name that was in the error message.
- Now, select that file and cut it from the Interface folder.
- Create a backup Interface folder on your desktop and paste that file. (You can directly delete the file, but keeping the backup copy helps you whenever required).
- Step 5
Clean uninstall & Reinstall the game
The final method that you left in order to resolve the issue is uninstalling and reinstall the Skyrim game.
- Open the Control Panel by executing the control panel command in the Run box.
- Click the Uninstall a Program placed under the Programs section.
- Select the Skyrim game and click the Uninstall option.
After that, remove all the files and folders associated with this game from your computer.
Now, click here to download the latest version of Skyrim from Bethesda. Complete the installation process by following the on-screen instructions. (Even you can download it from Steam).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How Do I Know If SKSE is Working?
Open the Console and Type the GetSKSEVersion. After that, press Enter. If you see any version number, then it means the Skyrim Script Extender is working perfectly. In case if it displays Command Not Found, then it is not working.
Can You Use SKYUI without SKSE?
We can run SKYUI without SKSE, but the problem is we will not get full access rights or functionalities. Simply we can’t use the Type Filter.
Under the Magic Menu, the Magic graphics can be seen behind the menu. In case if we run SKYUI with SKSE, then it will appear in the open space of the right-side screen. Like this, there are simple issues that we encounter while running SKYUI without SKSE.
Tips To Avoid SKYUI Error Code 5
- The users can avoid the occurrence of SKYUI error code 5 by using a perfect internet connection. We recommend the user connect the PC to wired internet instead of a Wi-Fi connection.
- Make sure that you have installed the SKYUI mod correctly because improper installation can lead to these kinds of issues.
- In addition to that, use the latest versions of SKYUI in order to escape from these error messages.
Contact Official Support
As we already said, it is not so difficult to resolve the SKYUI Error Code 5 on our PCs and gaming consoles. But it is hard to find the perfect methods that resolve this issue.
We browsed several official sites and forums and provided the above tricks. According to our evaluation, those are the best ways to get rid of the issue.
In case if you still face the problem, then it’s better to contact Bethesda. The authorized support team of Bethesda Game Studio will provide a way to fix this SKYUI Error Code 5.
In the end, you can solve the problem and play the Skyrim game without any issues.
Final Words: Conclusion
In my final thoughts, I would like to say that for the players who want to play an action role-playing video game, Skyrim is a perfect choice. Moreover, to modify the game’s appearance (user interface), we have the SKYUI mod.
So, we enhance the gaming performance by installing this SKYUI. That’s why we need to fix the SKYUI Error Code 5 as soon as possible. For that, apply the best methods listed in the above sections.
If you have any questions or didn’t understand anything about this article, just post a message by typing it below. Keep supporting us, and we will provide many other troubleshooting guides.