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- Шандор
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- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
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- Mishel01
- эксперт
- Сообщения: 8413
- Зарегистрирован: 01:10 — 10.01.11
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- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
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- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
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- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
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- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
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- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
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- Шандор
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- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
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- Mishel01
- эксперт
- Сообщения: 8413
- Зарегистрирован: 01:10 — 10.01.11
- Баллы репутации: 1
- Шандор
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- Сообщения: 17
- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
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- Шандор
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- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
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Re: Kyocera FS 6525 MFP код ошибки 6050 Помогите пожалуйста!
Mishel01 » 21:59 — 28.10.16
Вот и я об этом как раз: после поста от 20 октября вы можете ждать сколько угодно — надеюсь, понятно, почему.
Правды в вашем наезде — 0,00%, а ваше личное мнение тут мало кого интересует — тоже, надеюсь, понятно, почему.
Простите, а вы много тут успели напомогать? Что-то как-то незаметно было.
- Mishel01
- эксперт
- Сообщения: 8413
- Зарегистрирован: 01:10 — 10.01.11
- Баллы репутации: 1
- Шандор
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- Сообщения: 17
- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
- Баллы репутации: 0
- Шандор
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- Сообщения: 17
- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
- Баллы репутации: 0
- Шандор
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- Сообщения: 17
- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
- Баллы репутации: 0
- Шандор
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- Сообщения: 17
- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
- Баллы репутации: 0
- Шандор
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- Сообщения: 17
- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
- Баллы репутации: 0
- Mishel01
- эксперт
- Сообщения: 8413
- Зарегистрирован: 01:10 — 10.01.11
- Баллы репутации: 1
- Шандор
- новичок
- Сообщения: 17
- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
- Баллы репутации: 0
- Шандор
- новичок
- Сообщения: 17
- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
- Баллы репутации: 0
- Mishel01
- эксперт
- Сообщения: 8413
- Зарегистрирован: 01:10 — 10.01.11
- Баллы репутации: 1
- Шандор
- новичок
- Сообщения: 17
- Зарегистрирован: 22:34 — 18.10.16
- Баллы репутации: 0
- Mishel01
- эксперт
- Сообщения: 8413
- Зарегистрирован: 01:10 — 10.01.11
- Баллы репутации: 1
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Код ошибки | Описание ошибки | Причина ошибки |
0030 | FAX control PWB system error Processing with the fax software was disabled due to a hardware problem. |
Defective FAX control PWB. |
0060 | Engine PWB type error | Defective engine sub PCB. |
0070 | FAX control PWB incompatible detection error Abnormal detection of FAX control PWB incompatibility In the initial communication with the FAX control PWB, any normal communication command is not transmitted. |
Defective FAX software Defective FAX control PWB. |
0100 | Backup memory device error | Defective flash memory. |
0120 | MAC address data error For data in which the MAC address is invalid. |
Defective main PWB. Defective flash memory. Defective engine PWB. |
0130 | Backup memory read/write error (main PWB) | Defective flash memory. Defective main PWB. |
0140 | Backup memory data error (main PWB) | Defective flash memory. Defective main PWB. |
0150 | Backup memory read/write error (engine PWB) Detecting engine PWB EEPROM communication error. |
Improper installation engine PWB EEPROM. Defective engine PWB. Device damage of EEPROM. |
0160 | Backup memory data error (engine PWB) | Defective flash memory. Defective engine PWB. |
0170 | Billing counting error A checksum error is detected in the main and engine backup memories for the billing counters. |
Data damage of EEPROM. Defective PWB. |
0180 | Machine number mismatch Machine number of main and engine does not match. |
Data damage of EEPROM. |
0320 | I/O CPU communication error A communication error is detected 10 times in succession. |
Defective PWB. |
0630 | DMA error DMA transmission of image data does not complete within the specified period of time. | Poor contact in the connector terminals. Defective main PWB. |
0800 | Image processing error JAM05 is detected twice. |
Defective main PWB. |
0830 | FAX control PWB flash program area checksum error A checksum error occurred with the program of the FAX control PWB. |
Defective FAX software. Defective FAX control PWB. |
0840 | Faults of RTC The time is judged to go back based on the comparison of the RTC time and the current time or five years or more have passed. |
The battery is disconnected from the main PWB. Defective main PWB. |
0870 | FAX control PWB to main PWB high capacity data transfer error High-capacity data transfer between the FAX control PWB and the main PWB of the machine was not normally performed even if the data transfer was retried the specified times. |
Improper installation FAX control PWB. Defective FAX control PWB or main PWB. |
0920 | Fax file system error The backup data is not retained for file system abnormality of flash memory of the FAX control PWB. |
Defective FAX control PWB. |
1010 | Lift motor error After cassette 1 is inserted, lift sensor does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected four times successively. |
Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective drive transmission system of the lift motor. Defective lift motor. Defective engine PWB. |
1020 | PF lift motor error (paper feeder) After cassette 2 is inserted, PF lift sensor 1 does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected four times successively. |
Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective drive transmission system of the PF lift motor 1. Defective PF lift motor 1. Defective PF main PWB. |
1030 | PF lift motor error (paper feeder) After cassette 3 is inserted, PF lift sensor 2 does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected four times successively. |
Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective drive transmission system of the PF lift motor 2. Defective PF lift motor 2. Defective PF main PWB. |
1800 | Paper feeder communication error A communication error is detected 10 times in succession. |
Improper installation paper feeder. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective engine PWB. Defective PF main PWB. |
1900 | Paper feeder EEPROM error When writing the data, the write data and the read data is not continuously in agreement 5 times. |
Defective PF main PWB. Device damage of EEPROM. |
2000 | Main motor steady-state error Stable OFF is detected for 1 s continuously after main motor stabilized. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective drive transmission system of the main motor. Defective main motor. Defective engine PWB. |
2010 | Main motor drive error The main motor is not stabilized within 2 s after driving starts. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective drive transmission system of the main motor. Defective main motor. Defective engine PWB. |
2600 | PF drive motor error (paper feeder) When the PF drive motor is driven, error signal is detected continuously for 1 s. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective drive transmission system of the PF drive motor. Defective PF drive motor. Defective PF main PWB. |
3100 | ISU home position error The home position is not correct when the power is turned on or at the start of copying using the table. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective home position sensor. Defective ISU motor. Defective CCD PWB. Defective engine PWB. |
3200 | Exposure lamp error When input value at the time of exposure lamp illumination does not exceed the threshold value between 5 s. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective exposure lamp. Defective CCD PWB. Defective main PWB. |
3500 | Communication error between scanner and ASIC An error code is detected 3 times in succession. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective CCD PWB. Defective main PWB. |
3600 | Scanner sequence error | Defective main PWB or engine PWB. |
4000 | Polygon motor synchronization error The polygon motor is not stabilized within 10 s after driving starts. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective polygon motor. Defective engine PWB. |
4010 | Polygon motor steady-state error Stable OFF is detected for 1 s continuously after polygon motor stabilized. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective polygon motor. Defective engine PWB. |
4100 | BD initialization error BD is not detected within 1 s after polygon motor stabilized. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective APC PWB. Defective BD PWB. Defective main PWB. |
4700 | VIDEO ASIC device error | Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective main PWB or engine PWB. |
6000 | Broken fuser heater wire The detected temperature of fuser thermistor does not reach the specified temperature (ready indication temperature) after the fuser heater has been turned on continuously for 60 s in warming up. The fusing temperature at 7 seconds and 20 seconds since fuser temperature control has occurred differs by 43°C/109.4°F or less. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Deformed connector pin. Defective triac. Fuser thermostat triggered. Broken fuser heater wire. Defective engine PWB. |
6000 6020 6030 6050 |
Broken fuser heater wire Abnormally high fuser thermistor temperature Broken fuser thermistor wire Abnormally low fuser thermistor temperature |
Deformed connector pin. Defective triac. |
6020 | Abnormally high fuser thermistor temperature The fuser thermistor detects a temperature higher than 230°C/446°F continuously for 40 ms. High fuser temperature signal detects a temperature of 255°C/491°F continuously for 40 ms. |
Deformed connector pin. Defective triac. Shorted fuser thermistor. Defective engine PWB. |
6030 | Broken fuser thermistor wire A/D value of the fuser thermistor exceeds 251 bit continuously for 7 s during warming up. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Deformed connector pin. Defective triac. Defective fuser thermistor. Defective engine PWB |
6050 | Abnormally low fuser thermistor temperature As the stable temperature has reached the second time, the decrease in the fuser thermistor temperature of 60°C/140°F or greater is detected for one second. |
Deformed connector pin. Defective triac. Defective fuser thermistor Defective fuser heater. Defective engine PWB. |
6400 | Zero-cross signal error While fuser heater control is performed, the zero-cross signal is not input within 3 s. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector Defective power source PWB or engine PWB. |
7800 | Broken external thermistor wire The thermistor output value is 0.3 V or less. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective temperature sensor. |
7810 | Short-circuited external thermistor wire The thermistor output value is 3 V or more. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective temperature sensor. |
7900 | Drum unit EEPROM error No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective drum unit. |
7910 | Developer unit EEPROM error No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective developer unit. |
8030 | Tray upper limit detection problem (document finisher) When the tray elevation motor raises a tray, the ON status of the tray upper limit sensor is detected. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective tray upper limit sensor, paper surface sensor 1/2. Defective DF main PWB. |
8040 | Belt problem (document finisher) The belt sensor does not turn on/off within specified time of the belt solenoid turning on. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective belt sensor. Defective belt solenoid. Defective DF main PWB. |
8140 | Tray elevation motor problem (document finisher) The tray low limit sensor or paper surface sensor 1/2 cannot be detected to be on within 10 s since the tray elevation motor is activated. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. The tray elevation motor malfunctions. Defective tray lower limit sensor, paper surface sensor 1/2. Defective DF main PWB. |
8210 | Stapler problem (document finisher) Jam 7012 or 7023 is indicated. |
Defective connector cable of staple or poor contact in the connector. The stapler is blocked with a staple. The stapler is broken Defective DF main PWB. |
8320 | Adjustment motor 2 problem (document finisher) The adjustment sensor 2 does not turn on/off within specified time of the adjustment motor 2 turning on. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective adjustment sensor 2. Defective adjustment motor 2. Defective DF main PWB. |
8330 | Adjustment motor 1 problem (document finisher) The adjustment sensor 1 does not turn on/off within specified time of the adjustment motor 1 turning on. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective adjustment sensor 1. Defective adjustment motor 1. |
8350 | Roller motor problem (document finisher) The roller sensor does not turn on/off within specified time of the roller motor turning on. |
Defective DF main PWB. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective roller sensor. Defective roller motor. Defective DF main PWB. |
8360 | Slide motor problem (document finisher) The slide sensor does not turn on/off within specified time of the slide motor turning on. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective slide sensor. Defective slide motor. Defective DF main PWB. |
8460 | EEPROM problem (document finisher) Reading from or writing to EEPROM cannot be performed. |
Defective EEPROM or DF main PWB. |
8800 | Document finisher communication error A communication error is detected 10 times in succession. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector Defective DF main PWB. Defective engine PWB. |
8830 | Bridge communication error (document finisher) A communication error is detected 10 times in succession. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective bridge PWB. Defective engine PWB. |
8990 | Document finisher communication error | Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective DF main PWB. Defective bridge PWB. |
9000 | Document processor communication error A communication error is detected 10 times in succession. |
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective DP main PWB. |
9060 | DP EEPROM error Read and write data does not match. Data in the specified area of the backup memory does not match the specified values. | Defective DP main PWB. Device damage of EEPROM. |
9500 | BRU communication error | IPU PWB error |
9510 | BRU PWB error | IPU PWB error |
9520 | BRU PWB data error | IPU PWB error |
F000 | Main PWB — operation panel PWB communication error | Defective main PWB. Defective operation panel PWB. |
F010 | Main PWB checksum error | Defective main PWB. |
F040 | Main PWB — print engine communication error | Defective main PWB. Defective engine PWB. |
F050 | Print engine ROM checksum error | Defective engine PWB. |
- Code: 0030
- Description: FAX control PWB system error
Processing with the fax software was disabled due to a hardware problem. - Causes: Defective FAX control PWB.
- Remedy: Replace the fax control PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 0060
- Description: Engine PWB type error
- Causes: Defective engine sub PCB.
- Remedy: Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 0070
- Description: FAX control PWB incompatible detection error
Abnormal detection of FAX control PWB incompatibility In the initial communication with the FAX control PWB, any normal communication command is not transmitted. - Causes: Defective FAX software
Defective FAX control PWB. - Remedy: Defective FAX software. Install the fax software.
Defective FAX control PWB. Replace the fax control PWB and check for correct operation
- Code: 0100
- Description: Backup memory device error
- Causes: Defective flash memory.
- Remedy: Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 0120
- Description: MAC address data error
For data in which the MAC address is invalid. - Causes: Defective main PWB.
Defective flash memory.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Defective flash memory. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 0130
- Description: Backup memory read/write error (main PWB)
- Causes: Defective flash memory.
Defective main PWB. - Remedy: Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 0140
- Description: Backup memory data error (main PWB)
- Causes: Defective flash memory.
Defective main PWB. - Remedy: Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 0150
- Description: Backup memory read/write error (engine PWB)
Detecting engine PWB EEPROM communication error. - Causes: Improper installation engine PWB EEPROM.
Defective engine PWB.
Device damage of EEPROM. - Remedy: Improper installation engine PWB EEPROM. Check the installation of the EEPROM and remedy if necessary.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
Device damage of EEPROM. Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: 0160
- Description: Backup memory data error (engine PWB)
- Causes: Defective flash memory.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 0170
- Description: Billing counting error
A checksum error is detected in the main and engine backup memories for the billing counters. - Causes: Data damage of EEPROM.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Data damage of EEPROM. Contact the Service Administrative Division.
Defective PWB. Replace the main PWB or the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 0180
- Description: Machine number mismatch
Machine number of main and engine does not match. - Causes: Data damage of EEPROM.
- Remedy: Data damage of EEPROM. Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: 0320
- Description: I/O CPU communication error
A communication error is detected 10 times in succession. - Causes: Defective PWB.
- Remedy: Defective PWB. Replace the main PWB or the engine PWB and check for correct operation.(see page 1- 5-33,1-5-34)
- Code: 0800
- Description: Image processing error
JAM05 is detected twice. - Causes: Defective main PWB.
- Remedy: Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation(see page 1-5-33).
- Code: 0830
- Description: FAX control PWB flash program area checksum error
A checksum error occurred with the program of the FAX control PWB. - Causes: Defective FAX software.
Defective FAX control PWB. - Remedy: Defective FAX software. Install the fax software.
Defective FAX control PWB. Replace the FAX control PWB.
- Code: 0840
- Description: Faults of RTC
The time is judged to go back based on the comparison of the RTC time and the current time or five years or more have passed. - Causes: The battery is disconnected from the main PWB.
Defective main PWB. - Remedy: The battery is disconnected from the main PWB. Check visually and remedy if necessary
Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 0870
- Description: FAX control PWB to main PWB high capacity data transfer error
High-capacity data transfer between the FAX control PWB and the main PWB of the machine was not normally performed even if the data transfer was retried the specified times. - Causes: Improper installation FAX control PWB.
Defective FAX control PWB or main PWB. - Remedy: Improper installation FAX control PWB. Reinstall the FAX control PWB.
Defective FAX control PWB or main PWB. Replace the FAX control PWB or main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 0920
- Description: Fax file system error
The backup data is not retained for file system abnormality of flash memory of the FAX control PWB. - Causes: Defective FAX control PWB.
- Remedy: Replace the FAX control PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 1010
- Description: Lift motor error
After cassette 1 is inserted, lift sensor does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected four times successively. - Causes: Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette.
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective drive transmission system of the lift motor.
Defective lift motor.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Check to see if the bottom plate can move smoothly and repair it if any problem is found.
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Lift motor and engine PWB (YC1)
Defective drive transmission system of the lift motor. Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective lift motor. Replace the lift motor.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 1020
- Description: PF lift motor error (paper feeder)
After cassette 2 is inserted, PF lift sensor 1 does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected four times successively. - Causes: Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette.
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective drive transmission system of the PF lift motor 1.
Defective PF lift motor 1.
Defective PF main PWB. - Remedy: Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Check to see if the bottom plate can move smoothly and repair it if any problem is found.
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF lift motor 1 and PF main PWB (YC4)
Defective drive transmission system of the PF lift motor 1. Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective PF lift motor 1. Replace the PF lift motor 1.
Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
- Code: 1030
- Description: PF lift motor error (paper feeder)
After cassette 3 is inserted, PF lift sensor 2 does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected four times successively. - Causes: Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette.
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective drive transmission system of the PF lift motor 2.
Defective PF lift motor 2.
Defective PF main PWB. - Remedy: Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Check to see if the bottom plate can move smoothly and repair it if any problem is found.
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF lift motor 2 and PF main PWB (YC7)
Defective drive transmission system of the PF lift motor 2. Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective PF lift motor 2. Replace the PF lift motor 2.
Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
- Code: 1800
- Description: Paper feeder communication error
A communication error is detected 10 times in succession. - Causes: Improper installation paper feeder.
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective engine PWB.
Defective PF main PWB. - Remedy: Improper installation paper feeder. Follow installation instruction carefully again.
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF main PWB (YC3) and engine PWB (YC20)
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
- Code: 1900
- Description: Paper feeder EEPROM error
When writing the data, the write data and the read data is not continuously in agreement 5 times. - Causes: Defective PF main PWB.
Device damage of EEPROM. - Remedy: Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
Device damage of EEPROM. Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: 2000
- Description: Main motor steady-state error
Stable OFF is detected for 1 s continuously after main motor stabilized. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective drive transmission system of the main motor.
Defective main motor.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Main motor and engine PWB (YC16)
Defective drive transmission system of the main motor. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective main motor. Replace the main motor.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 2010
- Description: Main motor drive error
The main motor is not stabilized within 2 s after driving starts. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective drive transmission system of the main motor.
Defective main motor.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Main motor and engine PWB (YC16)
Defective drive transmission system of the main motor. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective main motor. Replace the main motor.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 2600
- Description: PF drive motor error (paper feeder)
When the PF drive motor is driven, error signal is detected continuously for 1 s. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective drive transmission system of the PF drive motor.
Defective PF drive motor.
Defective PF main PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF drive motor and PF main PWB (YC2)
Defective drive transmission system of the PF drive motor. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective PF drive motor. Replace the PF drive motor.
Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
- Code: 3100
- Description: ISU home position error
The home position is not correct when the power is turned on or at the start of copying using the table. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective home position sensor.
Defective ISU motor.
Defective CCD PWB.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Home position sensor and engine PWB (YC13)
Defective home position sensor. Replace the home position sensor.
Defective ISU motor. Replace the ISU motor.
Defective CCD PWB. Replace the image scanner unit.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 3200
- Description: Exposure lamp error
When input value at the time of exposure lamp illumination does not exceed the threshold value between 5 s. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective exposure lamp.
Defective CCD PWB.
Defective main PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. LED PWB and main PWB (YC112) CCD PWB and main PWB (YC113)
Defective CCD PWB. Defective exposure lamp. Replace the image scanner unit.
Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 3500
- Description: Communication error between scanner and ASIC
An error code is detected 3 times in succession. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective CCD PWB.
Defective main PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. CCD PWB and main PWB (YC113)
Defective CCD PWB. Replace the image scanner unit.
Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 3600
- Description: Scanner sequence error
- Causes: Defective main PWB or engine PWB.
- Remedy: Replace the main PWB or the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 4000
- Description: Polygon motor synchronization error
The polygon motor is not stabilized within 10 s after driving starts. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective polygon motor.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Laser scanner unit and engine PWB (YC11)
Defective polygon motor. Replace the laser scanner unit.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 4010
- Description: Polygon motor steady-state error
Stable OFF is detected for 1 s continuously after polygon motor stabilized. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective polygon motor.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Laser scanner unit and engine PWB (YC11)
Defective polygon motor. Replace the laser scanner unit.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 4100
- Description: BD initialization error
BD is not detected within 1 s after polygon motor stabilized. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective APC PWB.
Defective BD PWB.
Defective main PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. BD PWB and APC PWB (YC1) APC PWB (YC2) and main PWB (YC103)
Defective BD PWB. Defective APC PWB. Replace the laser scanner unit.
Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 4700
- Description: VIDEO ASIC device error
- Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective main PWB or engine PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Main PWB (YC105) and engine PWB (YC17)
Defective main PWB or engine PWB. Replace the main PWB or the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 6000
- Description: Broken fuser heater wire
The detected temperature of fuser thermistor does not reach the specified temperature (ready indication temperature) after the fuser heater has been turned on continuously for 60 s in warming up. The fusing temperature at 7 seconds and 20 seconds since fuser temperature control has occurred differs by 43°C/109.4°F or less. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Deformed connector pin.
Defective triac.
Fuser thermostat triggered.
Broken fuser heater wire.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Fuser heater and power source PWB (YC102) Fuser unit and engine PWB (YC7)
Broken fuser heater wire. Fuser thermostat triggered. Reinsert the fuser unit.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 6020
- Description: Abnormally high fuser thermistor temperature
The fuser thermistor detects a temperature higher than 230°C/446°F continuously for 40 ms. High fuser temperature signal detects a temperature of 255°C/491°F continuously for 40 ms. - Causes: Deformed connector pin.
Defective triac.
Shorted fuser thermistor.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Shorted fuser thermistor. Replace the fuser unit.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 6030
- Description: Broken fuser thermistor wire
A/D value of the fuser thermistor exceeds 251 bit continuously for 7 s during warming up. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Deformed connector pin.
Defective triac.
Defective fuser thermistor.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Fuser heater and power source PWB (YC102) Fuser unit and engine PWB (YC7)
Defective fuser thermistor. Replace the fuser unit.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 6050
- Description: Abnormally low fuser thermistor temperature
As the stable temperature has reached the second time, the decrease in the fuser thermistor temperature of 60°C/140°F or greater is detected for one second. - Causes: Deformed connector pin.
Defective triac.
Defective fuser thermistor
Defective fuser heater.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Defective fuser heater. Defective fuser thermistor. Replace the fuser unit.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 6400
- Description: Zero-cross signal error
While fuser heater control is performed, the zero-cross signal is not input within 3 s. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector
Defective power source PWB or engine PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Power source PWB (YC4) and engine PWB (YC21)
Defective power source PWB or engine PWB. Replace the power source PWB or the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 7800
- Description: Broken external thermistor wire
The thermistor output value is 0.3 V or less. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective temperature sensor. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Temperature sensor and engine PWB (YC21)
Defective temperature sensor. Replace the temperature sensor.
- Code: 7810
- Description: Short-circuited external thermistor wire
The thermistor output value is 3 V or more. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective temperature sensor. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Temperature sensor and engine PWB (YC21)
Defective temperature sensor. Replace the temperature sensor.
- Code: 7900
- Description: Drum unit EEPROM error
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective drum unit. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Drum unit and engine PWB (YC15)
Defective drum unit. Replace the drum unit.
- Code: 7910
- Description: Developer unit EEPROM error
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective developer unit. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Developer unit and engine PWB (YC12)
Defective developer unit. Replace the developer unit.
- Code: 8030
- Description: Tray upper limit detection problem (document finisher)
When the tray elevation motor raises a tray, the ON status of the tray upper limit sensor is detected. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective tray upper limit sensor, paper surface sensor 1/2.
Defective DF main PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Tray upper limit sensor and DF main PWB (CN5) Paper surface sensor 1/2 and DF main PWB (CN6)
Defective tray upper limit sensor, paper surface sensor 1/2. Replace the sensor.
Defective DF main PWB. Replace the DF main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 8040
- Description: Belt problem (document finisher)
The belt sensor does not turn on/off within specified time of the belt solenoid turning on. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective belt sensor.
Defective belt solenoid.
Defective DF main PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Belt sensor and DF main PWB (CN10) Belt solenoid and DF main PWB (CN21)
Defective belt sensor. Replace the belt sensor.
Defective belt solenoid. Replace the belt solenoid.
Defective DF main PWB. Replace the DF main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 8140
- Description: Tray elevation motor problem (document finisher)
The tray low limit sensor or paper surface sensor 1/2 cannot be detected to be on within 10 s since the tray elevation motor is activated. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
The tray elevation motor malfunctions.
Defective tray lower limit sensor, paper surface sensor 1/2.
Defective DF main PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Tray elevation motor and DF main PWB (CN12)
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Tray lower limit sensor, and DF main PWB (CN5) Paper surface sensor 1/2 and DF main PWB (CN6)
The tray elevation motor malfunctions. Replace the tray elevation motor.
Defective tray lower limit sensor, paper surface sensor 1/2. Replace the sensor.
Defective DF main PWB. Replace the DF main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 8210
- Description: Stapler problem (document finisher)
Jam 7012 or 7023 is indicated. - Causes: Defective connector cable of staple or poor contact in the connector.
The stapler is blocked with a staple.
The stapler is broken
Defective DF main PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable of staple or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable.
The stapler is blocked with a staple. Remove the stapler cartridge, and check the cartridge and the stapling section of the stapler.
The stapler is broken. Replace the stapler and check for correct operation.
Defective DF main PWB. Replace the DF main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 8320
- Description: Adjustment motor 2 problem (document finisher)
The adjustment sensor 2 does not turn on/off within specified time of the adjustment motor 2 turning on. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective adjustment sensor 2.
Defective adjustment motor 2.
Defective DF main PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Adjustment motor 2 and DF main PWB (CN18) Adjustment sensor 2 and DF main PWB (CN7)
Defective adjustment sensor 2. Replace the adjustment sensor 2.
Defective adjustment motor 2. Replace the adjustment motor 2.
Defective DF main PWB. Replace the DF main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 8330
- Description: Adjustment motor 1 problem (document finisher)
The adjustment sensor 1 does not turn on/off within specified time of the adjustment motor 1 turning on. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective adjustment sensor 1.
Defective adjustment motor 1. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Adjustment motor 1 and DF main PWB (CN18) Adjustment sensor 1 and DF main PWB (CN7)
Defective adjustment sensor 1. Replace the adjustment sensor 1.
Defective adjustment motor 1. Replace the adjustment motor 1.
Defective DF main PWB. Replace the DF main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 8350
- Description: Roller motor problem (document finisher)
The roller sensor does not turn on/off within specified time of the roller motor turning on. - Causes: Defective DF main PWB.
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective roller sensor.
Defective roller motor.
Defective DF main PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Roller motor and DF main PWB (CN20) Roller sensor and DF main PWB (CN11)
Defective roller sensor. Replace the roller sensor.
Defective roller motor. Replace the roller motor.
Defective DF main PWB. Replace the DF main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 8360
- Description: Slide motor problem (document finisher)
The slide sensor does not turn on/off within specified time of the slide motor turning on. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective slide sensor.
Defective slide motor.
Defective DF main PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Slide motor and DF main PWB (CN14) Slide sensor and DF main PWB (CN22)
Defective slide sensor. Replace the slide sensor.
Defective slide motor. Replace the slide motor.
Defective DF main PWB. Replace the DF main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 8460
- Description: EEPROM problem (document finisher)
Reading from or writing to EEPROM cannot be performed. - Causes: Defective EEPROM or DF main PWB.
- Remedy: Replace the DF main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 8800
- Description: Document finisher communication error
A communication error is detected 10 times in succession. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector
Defective DF main PWB.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Engine PWB (YC19) and DF relay PWB (YC2) DF relay PWB (YC3) and DF main PWB (CN1)
Defective DF main PWB. Replace the DF main PWB and check for correct operation.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 8830
- Description: Bridge communication error (document finisher)
A communication error is detected 10 times in succession. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective bridge PWB.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Engine PWB (YC19) and DF relay PWB (YC2) DF relay PWB (YC4) and bridge PWB (YC5)
Defective bridge PWB. Replace the bridge PWB and check for correct operation.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 8990
- Description: Document finisher communication error
- Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective DF main PWB.
Defective bridge PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable.
Defective DF main PWB. Replace the DF main PWB and check for correct operation.
Defective bridge PWB. Replace the bridge PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 9000
- Description: Document processor communication error
A communication error is detected 10 times in succession. - Causes: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective DP main PWB. - Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. DP main PWB and engine PWB (YC18)
Defective DP main PWB. Replace the DP main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 9060
- Description: DP EEPROM error Read and write data does not match. Data in the specified area of the backup memory does not match the specified values.
- Causes: Defective DP main PWB.
Device damage of EEPROM. - Remedy: Defective DP main PWB. Replace the DP main PWB and check for correct operation.
Device damage of EEPROM. Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: 9500
- Description: BRU communication error
- Causes: IPU PWB error
- Remedy: Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: 9510
- Description: BRU PWB error
- Causes: IPU PWB error
- Remedy: Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: 9520
- Description: BRU PWB data error
- Causes: IPU PWB error
- Remedy: Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: 9530
- Description: Machine No.backup error C
- Causes: IPU PWB error
- Remedy: Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: 9540
- Description: Machine No.backup error D
- Causes: IPU PWB error
- Remedy: Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: 9550
- Description: Machine No.backup error E
- Causes: IPU PWB error
- Remedy: Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: F000
- Description: Main PWB — operation panel PWB communication error
- Causes: Defective main PWB.
Defective operation panel PWB. - Remedy: Defective main PWB. Turn the main power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace main PWB.
Defective operation panel PWB. Replace the operation panel PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: F010, F011, F012, F013
- Description: Main PWB checksum error
- Causes: Defective main PWB.
- Remedy: Turn the main power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace main PWB.
- Code: F040
- Description: Main PWB — print engine communication error
- Causes: Defective main PWB.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Defective main PWB. Turn the main power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace main PWB.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: F050
- Description: Print engine ROM checksum error
- Causes: Defective engine PWB.
- Remedy: Turn the main power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace engine PWB.