Kyocera error 7000

Kyocera TASKalfa 250ci Manual Online: Codes C7000 - C7104. 2JZ/2JX/2JV/2H7-1 Code Contents C7000 Toner motor problem Poor contact in the After driving of the toner motor starts, the connector termi- error signal is not at the H level for 500 nals. ms continuously. Broken the gear.




Toner motor problem

After driving of the toner motor starts, the

error signal is not at the H level for 500

ms continuously.


Toner container motor error

The rated speed achievement signal

does not turn to L within 2 s since toner

container motor is activated.

The rated speed achievement signal is

at the H level for 1 s continuously after

toner container motor is stabilized.


Toner sensor K problem

Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944

or more continued for 3 s.


Toner sensor C problem

Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944

or more continued for 3 s.


Toner sensor M problem

Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944

or more continued for 3 s.


Toner sensor Y problem

Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944

or more continued for 3 s.




Check procedures/corrective measures

Poor contact in the

Check the connection of connector YC26 on

connector termi-

the engine PWB and the connector of the


toner motor, and the continuity across the

connector terminals. Repair or replace if


Broken the gear.

Check visually and replace the gear if nec-


Defective toner

Run maintenance item U135 and check if

motor M/C/Y/K.

the toner motor operates. If not, replace the

toner motor.

Defective engine

Replace the engine PWB and check for cor-


rect operation.

Poor contact in the

Check the connection of connector YC26 on

connector termi-

the engine PWB and the connector on the


toner container motor, and the continuity

across the connector terminals. Repair or

replace if necessary.

Defective drive

Check if the rollers and gears rotate

transmission sys-

smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and


gears. Check for broken gears and replace if


Defective toner

Run maintenance item U030 and check if

container motor.

the toner container motor operates when

YC26-A7 (remote signal) on the engine

PWB goes low. If not, replace the toner con-

tainer motor.

Defective engine

Run maintenance item U030 and check if


YC26-A7 (remote signal) on the engine

PWB goes low. If not, replace the engine


Defective develop-

Replace the developing unit K (see page 1-

ing unit K.


Defective PWB.

Replace the main front PWB or engine PWB

and check for correct operation.

Defective develop-

Replace the developing unit C (see page 1-

ing unit C.


Defective PWB.

Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB

and check for correct operation.

Defective develop-

Replace the developing unit M (see page 1-

ing unit M.


Defective PWB.

Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB

and check for correct operation.

Defective develop-

Replace the developing unit Y (see page 1-

ing unit Y.


Defective PWB.

Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB

and check for correct operation.


Kyocera FS3040MFP and FS3140MFP C7000 Error Code

Kyocera FS3040MFP and FS3140MFP C7000 Error Code Instructions

Below you will find the service manual information for the Kyocera FS3040MFP and FS3140MFP C7000 Error Code along with additional details to explain what can cause the problem and followed by solutions that might help you fix it. If I have additional information from past experiences I will try to add it. 
Kyocera FS3040MFP and FS3140MFP C7000 Error Code

Service Manual Instructions for the Kyocera FS3040MFP and FS3140MFP C7000 Error Code

7000 Toner motor lock error 
Description :
During driving the toner motor, a motor over current signal is detected for 5 s.
Causes :
Lump of toner inside toner container.
Defective drive transmission system of the toner motor.
Defective toner motor.
Defective engine PWB.

Solutions :
Replace the toner container.
Replace the developing unit
Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation

Remember, not every error is exactly the same. What fixes the Kyocera FS3040MFP and FS3140MFP C7000 Error Code one time might not solve it the next time. While the information above comes from the service manual and generally should get your machine up and running, sometimes other factors might be in play.

If you are reading this article and have experience with this error and would like to contribute please leave a comment below. Or, if you have read this article and have additional questions then ask. If I have experience with the issue then I will respond.

Все современные копировальные аппараты, мфу и принтеры Kyocera имеют возможность диагностировать все узлы устройства в режиме запуска и во время работы аппарата. По этому, если во время включения или во время работы произошел сбой, то техника Kyocera сможет сообщить о наличии ошибки.

В большинстве случаев у аппаратов Kyocera код ошибки отображается на дисплее, в остальных случаях тип ошибки зависит от последовательности и количества миганий индикаторов.
Если Ваш копировальный аппарат, МФУ или принтер Kyocera выдал на дисплее некий код, то узнать причину, описание возникновения ошибки, а так же в каком узле аппарата стоит искать проблему, Вы можете в этом разделе выбрав интересующую модель из списка.

Но диагностика не решит проблему сбоя аппарата, для этого лучше обратиться к профессиональным и опытным сервисным специалистам компании Kyomart! Позвоните нам по телефону
8 (343) 288-23-45 или отправьте запрос на электронную почту: , и мы обязательно свяжемся с Вами в кратчайшие сроки.

Код ошибки

Описание ошибки

Причина ошибки


FAX control PWB system error
Processing with the fax software was disabled due to a hardware problem.

Defective FAX PWB.


FAX PWB incompatible detection Error
Abnormal detection of FAX PWB incompatibility In the initial communication with the FAX PWB, any normal communication command is not transmitted.

Defective fax software. Defective FAX PWB.


Backup memory device error

Defective flash memory. Defective main PWB.


MAC address data error
For data in which the MAC address is invalid.

Defective flash memory. Defective engine PWB.


Backup memory read/write error

Defective flash memory. Defective control PWB.


Backup memory data error

Defective flash memory. Defective control PWB.


Control PWB EEPROM error
Detecting control PWB EEPROM (U17) communication error.

Improper installation control PWB EEPROM (U17). Defective control PWB. Data damage of control PWB EEPROM (U17).


Billing counting error

Defective control PWB. Data damage of control PWB EEPROM (U17).


Machine number mismatch
Machine number of main and engine does not match.

Data damage of control PWB EEPROM (U17).


Paper feeder communication error
Communication error between control PWB and optional paper feeder.

Improper installation paper feeder. Defective harness between control PWB (YC30) and paper feeder interface connector, or improper connector insertion. Defective control PWB. Defective harness between PF main PWB (YC5) and paper feeder interface connector, or improper connector insertion.


FAX PWB flash program area checksum error
A checksum error occurred with the program of the FAX PWB.

Defective fax software. Defective FAX PWB.


Faults of RTC
The time is judged to go back based on the comparison of the RTC time and the current time or five years or more have passed.

Defective control PWB. The battery is disconnected from the control PWB.


FAX PWB to control PWB high capacity data transfer problem
High-capacity data transfer between the FAX PWB and the control PWB of the machine was not normally performed even if the data transfer was retried the specified times.

Improper installation FAX PWB. Defective FAX PWB or control PWB.


Fax file system error
The backup data is not retained for file system abnormality of flash memory of the FAX PWB.

Defective FAX PWB. Defective PF paper feed motor drive transmission system. Defective PF main motor. Defective control PWB.


Lift motor error
During driving the lift motor, a motor overcurrent signal is detected for 5 s. This error is detected five times successively.

Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective drive transmission system of the lift motor. Defective lift motor. Defective engine PWB or connect-R PWB.


Main motor error
The main motor ready input is not given for 2 s during the main motor is ON.

Defective harness between main motor (CN1) and control PWB (YC17), or improper connector insertion. Defective drive transmission system of the main motor. Defective main motor. Defective control PWB.


Drum motor steady-state error
The drum motor ready input is not given for 2 s during the drum motor is ON.

Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective drive transmission system of the drum motor. Defective drum motor. Defective engine PWB.


ISU home position error

Defective FFC between CCD PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC8). Defective FFC between control PWB (YC6) and scanner PWB (YC103), or improper FFC insertion. Defective home position sensor. Defective harness between ISU motor and scanner PWB (YC104), or improper connector insertion. Defective ISU motor.


Exposure lamp error
The exposure lamp is not turned on.

Defective FFC between scanner PWB (YC103) and control PWB (YC6), or improper FFC insertion. Defective FFC between CCD PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC8). Defective harness between CCD PWB (YC3) and inverter PWB (YC101), or improper connector insertion. Defective harness between inverter PWB (YC102) and exposure lamp, or improper connector insertion. Defective exposure lamp. Defective inverter PWB. Defective control PWB.


AGC error
After AGC, correct input is not obtained at CCD.

Defective FFC between CCD PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC8). Defective exposure lamp. Defective CCD PWB. Defective control PWB.


Communication error between scanner and ASIC
An error code is detected.

Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective CCD PWB. Defective main PWB.


Polygon motor (laser scanner unit) error
The polygon motor ready input is not given for 6 s during the polygon motor is ON.

Defective harness between polygon motor and control PWB (YC10), or improper connector insertion. Defective laser scanner unit. Defective control PWB.


BD error (laser scanner unit) error

BD sensor does not detect laser beam due to condensation on the polygon mirror. Defective laser scanner unit. Defective control PWB.


VIDEO ASIC device error
Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively.

Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective main PWB or engine PWB.


VIDEO ASIC device error
Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively.

Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective main PWB or engine PWB.


Main charger high-voltage error
Five pages have been printed with the main charger output short-circuited.

Drum unit installed incorrectly. Engine PWB installed incorrectly. Defective engine PWB.


Broken fuser heater wire
The temperature does not reach 100°C/212°F after the fuser heater has been turned on continuously for 30 s. The temperature does not rise by 1°C/1.8°F after the fuser heater lamp has been turned on continuously for 15 s during warm-up or at standby.(Only when the detection temperature is less than 200°C.)

Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Fuser thermostat triggered. Broken fuser heater wire.


Abnormally high fuser thermistor temperature
Fuser thermistor detects abnormally temperature.

Shorted fuser thermistor. Defective control PWB.


Broken fuser thermistor wire
Input from fuser thermistor is 0 (A/D value).

Poor contact in the fuser thermistor connector terminals. Broken fuser thermistor wire. Fuser thermistor installed incorrectly. Fuser thermal cutout triggered. Fuser heater lamp installed incorrectly. Broken fuser heater lamp wire.


Abnormally high fuser thermistor 1 temperature
The temperature of the fuser thermistor 1 detects 255°C/491°F or more continuously for 3 s.

Shorted fuser thermistor 1. Defective engine PWB.


Broken fuser thermistor 1 wire
average AD value input from fuser thermistor 1 for 1.8 seconds is less than one.

Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Broken fuser thermistor 1 wire. Fuser thermostat triggered. Broken fuser heater wire.


Zero cross signal error
The zero cross signal does not reach the control PWB for specified time.

Defective harness between high voltage PWB (YC202) and control PWB (YC23), or improper connector insertion. Defective connection between power source PWB (YC103) and high voltage PWB (YC201). Defective power source PWB. Defective control PWB.


Toner motor lock error
During driving the toner motor, a motor overcurrent signal is detected for 5 s.

Lump of toner inside toner container. Defective drive transmission system of the toner motor. Defective toner motor. Defective engine PWB.


Drum unit non- installing error The drum unit is not installed or not installed properly. The drum PWB EEPROM does not communicate normally.

The drum unit is not installed. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective drum PWB EEPROM. Defective engine PWB.


BRU communication error

IPU PWB error


BRU PWB error

IPU PWB error


BRU PWB data error

IPU PWB error


Main PWB — operation panel PWB communication error

Defective main PWB. Defective operation panel PWB.


Main PWB checksum error

Defective main PWB.


Main PWB RAM checksum error

Defective main memory (RAM) on the main PWB. Defective expanded memory (DIMM).


Main PWB — engine PWB communication error

Defective main PWB. Defective engine PWB.


Main PWB — scanner communication error

Defective main PWB.


Engine ROM checksum error

Defective engine PWB.


Scan engine ROM checksum error

Defective engine PWB.

Принтеры Kyocera всегда покоряли своей надежностью и неприхотливостью. К сожалению, информация, об ошибке выдаваемая на дисплей  имеет недружелюбную форму.  В очередной раз после установки картриджа в аппарат на дисплее принтера высветилась  ошибка call service7000:0285540.  Для того что бы понимать, что делать в такой ситуации, нужно прежде всего расшифровать код ошибки (вот интересно где по мнению представителей Kyocera пользователи найдут расшифровку кода ошибки?).
Ошибка  call service7000: — это ошибка подкачки тонера в блок DV (девелопер-юнит) или как написано в сервис-мануале  «Toner motor lock error A motor over-current signal is detected continuously for 5 seconds since the toner motor is activated». Вторая часть ошибки   0285540 —  это счетчик пробега блока DV (девелопер-юнит) на момент появления ошибки.
Причины возникновения ошибки:
1) В 90% случаях возникновение этой ошибки происходит при неправильной установки тубы с тонером.  Для устранения этой неисправности  достаточно вытащить и снова ставить тубу. Если изначально туба была вставлена неправильно, то вытаскиваться она будет с великим трудом 🙂
2) Повреждение шестерен или других частей в тубе или в  девелопер-юните участвующих в процессе подкачки тонера.  Необходимо провести визуальный осмотр на предмет повреждения и заменить тубу или девелопер-юнит.
3) Неисправна плата  engine PWB — замену этой платы можно произвести только сервисным центром.

P.S. В нашем случае была виновата не правильно установленная туба с тонером





Toner motor problem

After driving of the toner motor starts, the

error signal is not at the H level for 500

ms continuously.


Toner container motor error

The rated speed achievement signal

does not turn to L within 2 s since toner

container motor is activated.

The rated speed achievement signal is

at the H level for 1 s continuously after

toner container motor is stabilized.


Toner sensor K problem

Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944

or more continued for 3 s.


Toner sensor C problem

Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944

or more continued for 3 s.


Toner sensor M problem

Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944

or more continued for 3 s.


Toner sensor Y problem

Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944

or more continued for 3 s.




Check procedures/corrective measures

Poor contact in the

Check the connection of connector YC26 on

connector termi-

the engine PWB and the connector of the


toner motor, and the continuity across the

connector terminals. Repair or replace if


Broken the gear.

Check visually and replace the gear if nec-


Defective toner

Run maintenance item U135 and check if

motor M/C/Y/K.

the toner motor operates. If not, replace the

toner motor.

Defective engine

Replace the engine PWB and check for cor-


rect operation.

Poor contact in the

Check the connection of connector YC26 on

connector termi-

the engine PWB and the connector on the


toner container motor, and the continuity

across the connector terminals. Repair or

replace if necessary.

Defective drive

Check if the rollers and gears rotate

transmission sys-

smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and


gears. Check for broken gears and replace if


Defective toner

Run maintenance item U030 and check if

container motor.

the toner container motor operates when

YC26-A7 (remote signal) on the engine

PWB goes low. If not, replace the toner con-

tainer motor.

Defective engine

Run maintenance item U030 and check if


YC26-A7 (remote signal) on the engine

PWB goes low. If not, replace the engine


Defective develop-

Replace the developing unit K (see page 1-

ing unit K.


Defective PWB.

Replace the main front PWB or engine PWB

and check for correct operation.

Defective develop-

Replace the developing unit C (see page 1-

ing unit C.


Defective PWB.

Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB

and check for correct operation.

Defective develop-

Replace the developing unit M (see page 1-

ing unit M.


Defective PWB.

Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB

and check for correct operation.

Defective develop-

Replace the developing unit Y (see page 1-

ing unit Y.


Defective PWB.

Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB

and check for correct operation.


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  1. 02-19-2014


    c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci

    based on technical bulletin 6 c7000 is supply toner motor error… its the toner motor above the developer cleaner combo color motor set and developer cleaner combo black set

    question…. how do I get it out of the machine and where exactly is it… ???

    I opened the back of the machine… unlatched the swivel that has the board and hard drive on it… opened up and no motor… just a board… I decided to go in from the front… but decided to check the parts and service manuals… from the parts manual… it looks like you remove it from the back… but not really sure where it is because I don’t see it… this is the motor labeled as E in the technical bulletin…

    any guidance would be helpful…

    Sad To Say I Don’t Have a Life
    I do this stuff on the weekends too

  2. 02-19-2014


    Tonerkiller is offline

    Field Supervisor

    500+ Posts

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    Re: c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci

    From what I remember you get to from the front. But with this model you always take the back cover off and make sure that all the motors are turning at predrive.

  3. 02-19-2014


    Re: c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci

    ok… so you open the front bay door…
    take out the waste toner bucket
    take out the four screws…
    pop off the contraption that supplies toner and collects waste toner…
    thats where I am stuck…

    I can futz around and figure it out… but I am just curious if anyone’s done it… so they can give me an idea of whats next…

    I don’t want to futz around with this machine too much because…. its so easy to mess up the cables in this machine and the cables can give you so much bleepin error codes…

    and concerning the repair… customer is going to junk the machine… but I am really curious how to actually get to the toner supply motor…

    Sad To Say I Don’t Have a Life
    I do this stuff on the weekends too

  4. 02-19-2014


    Re: c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci

    The toner motors are accessed from below the top exit tray/print engine top cover. They’re mounted to the front side of the rear frame. =^..^=

    If you’d like a serious answer to your request:
    1) demonstrate that you’ve read the manual
    2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
    3) if you’re going to ask about jams include the jam code.
    4) if you’re going to ask about an error code include the error code.
    5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

    blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=

  5. 02-19-2014


    Re: c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci

    well once you got the toner supply unit off you’ll see the two front pwb boards…those gotta come out….the top inner cover has to come out….the black guides for the toner cartridges have to come out…then the inner back cover as well…that should get you where you need to be…the motor in there is the same or similar to the dev cleaning motors if I recall….it’s not really hard…just a lot of crap to get to it…

    «In a cruel and evil world, being cynical can allow you to get some entertainment out of it.»

  6. 02-20-2014


    Re: c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci

    bleep bleep…. sounds like bleep bleep…. my marriage…. bleep… frackin… bleep… bleep….

    ok… I have calmed down…

    great googly moogly….


    I appreciate… the information…

    thanks again…

    Sad To Say I Don’t Have a Life
    I do this stuff on the weekends too

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Toner motor problem

After driving of the toner motor starts, the

error signal is not at the H level for 500

ms continuously.


Toner container motor error

The rated speed achievement signal

does not turn to L within 2 s since toner

container motor is activated.

The rated speed achievement signal is

at the H level for 1 s continuously after

toner container motor is stabilized.


Toner sensor K problem

Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944

or more continued for 3 s.


Toner sensor C problem

Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944

or more continued for 3 s.


Toner sensor M problem

Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944

or more continued for 3 s.


Toner sensor Y problem

Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944

or more continued for 3 s.




Check procedures/corrective measures

Poor contact in the

Check the connection of connector YC26 on

connector termi-

the engine PWB and the connector of the


toner motor, and the continuity across the

connector terminals. Repair or replace if


Broken the gear.

Check visually and replace the gear if nec-


Defective toner

Run maintenance item U135 and check if

motor M/C/Y/K.

the toner motor operates. If not, replace the

toner motor.

Defective engine

Replace the engine PWB and check for cor-


rect operation.

Poor contact in the

Check the connection of connector YC26 on

connector termi-

the engine PWB and the connector on the


toner container motor, and the continuity

across the connector terminals. Repair or

replace if necessary.

Defective drive

Check if the rollers and gears rotate

transmission sys-

smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and


gears. Check for broken gears and replace if


Defective toner

Run maintenance item U030 and check if

container motor.

the toner container motor operates when

YC26-A7 (remote signal) on the engine

PWB goes low. If not, replace the toner con-

tainer motor.

Defective engine

Run maintenance item U030 and check if


YC26-A7 (remote signal) on the engine

PWB goes low. If not, replace the engine


Defective develop-

Replace the developing unit K (see page 1-

ing unit K.


Defective PWB.

Replace the main front PWB or engine PWB

and check for correct operation.

Defective develop-

Replace the developing unit C (see page 1-

ing unit C.


Defective PWB.

Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB

and check for correct operation.

Defective develop-

Replace the developing unit M (see page 1-

ing unit M.


Defective PWB.

Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB

and check for correct operation.

Defective develop-

Replace the developing unit Y (see page 1-

ing unit Y.


Defective PWB.

Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB

and check for correct operation.


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  1. 02-19-2014


    c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci

    based on technical bulletin 6 c7000 is supply toner motor error… its the toner motor above the developer cleaner combo color motor set and developer cleaner combo black set

    question…. how do I get it out of the machine and where exactly is it… ???

    I opened the back of the machine… unlatched the swivel that has the board and hard drive on it… opened up and no motor… just a board… I decided to go in from the front… but decided to check the parts and service manuals… from the parts manual… it looks like you remove it from the back… but not really sure where it is because I don’t see it… this is the motor labeled as E in the technical bulletin…

    any guidance would be helpful…

    Sad To Say I Don’t Have a Life
    I do this stuff on the weekends too

  2. 02-19-2014


    Tonerkiller is offline

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    Re: c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci

    From what I remember you get to from the front. But with this model you always take the back cover off and make sure that all the motors are turning at predrive.

  3. 02-19-2014


    Re: c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci

    ok… so you open the front bay door…
    take out the waste toner bucket
    take out the four screws…
    pop off the contraption that supplies toner and collects waste toner…
    thats where I am stuck…

    I can futz around and figure it out… but I am just curious if anyone’s done it… so they can give me an idea of whats next…

    I don’t want to futz around with this machine too much because…. its so easy to mess up the cables in this machine and the cables can give you so much bleepin error codes…

    and concerning the repair… customer is going to junk the machine… but I am really curious how to actually get to the toner supply motor…

    Sad To Say I Don’t Have a Life
    I do this stuff on the weekends too

  4. 02-19-2014


    Re: c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci

    The toner motors are accessed from below the top exit tray/print engine top cover. They’re mounted to the front side of the rear frame. =^..^=

    If you’d like a serious answer to your request:
    1) demonstrate that you’ve read the manual
    2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
    3) if you’re going to ask about jams include the jam code.
    4) if you’re going to ask about an error code include the error code.
    5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

    blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=

  5. 02-19-2014


    Re: c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci

    well once you got the toner supply unit off you’ll see the two front pwb boards…those gotta come out….the top inner cover has to come out….the black guides for the toner cartridges have to come out…then the inner back cover as well…that should get you where you need to be…the motor in there is the same or similar to the dev cleaning motors if I recall….it’s not really hard…just a lot of crap to get to it…

    «In a cruel and evil world, being cynical can allow you to get some entertainment out of it.»

  6. 02-20-2014


    Re: c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci

    bleep bleep…. sounds like bleep bleep…. my marriage…. bleep… frackin… bleep… bleep….

    ok… I have calmed down…

    great googly moogly….


    I appreciate… the information…

    thanks again…

    Sad To Say I Don’t Have a Life
    I do this stuff on the weekends too

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