Kyocera error cf000

Модератор: vetal

Модератор: vetal

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Сообщение 9999 » Сб дек 19, 2020 2:07 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Часто встречаю рекомендацию при различных проблемах разных устройств — обновить прошивку, но не понимаю какой смысл? У прошивки есть контрольная сумма. Если целостность прошивки нарушена — CRC не совпадает и аппарат не проходит процедуру её начальной загрузки. Если целостность не нарушена — она должна работать по умолчанию как и раньше. Любая. Не?

В моем случае загрузка то проходит, то нет. Как замена ПО на это может повлиять? Если проблема в ПО, ну обновлю, ну будет так же то совпадать, то нет. Смысл?

Анализируя то, что народ в инете пишет про эту ошибку больше всего кажется, что это аппаратная проблема с форматером, но не хочется экспериментировать за собственные деньги приобретая новый и обнаружить что дело не в нем. Поэтому решил спросить здесь, у коллективного разума.

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Сообщение oldman_lbt » Сб дек 19, 2020 3:01 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑С прошивками вроде как верная мысль — но на практике они ломаются внутри, как данные на жестком диске.
Вроде все есть — загрузка аппарата, а потом битый байт и глюк при скане допустим…

Так что совет по обновлению прошивки — это не всегда истина, но также вполне себе рабочий вариант по исправлению
проблемы. Если темы читать подряд — то такие встречаются периодически — прошивка помогла.

Вот с просторов:

Критическая ошибка. Может появляться в результате нестабильного питания в сети или ВЧ наводок в сети питания.
Попробуйте изменить место питания аппарата (другая фаза). Если в сети уверены, то обращайтесь в СЦ.

Еще с просторов:

Проблема решена. Как оказалось на материнскую плату попала жидкость. Ил из-за моих кривых рук. Или в процессе чистки аппарата менеджером по уборке с помощью спрея. В результате возникла окись. При чистке платы некоторые элементы пришлось удалить. И потом восстановить. Аппарат снова в работе.

ИТОГО: смотреть не БП сам, а розетки в помещении. Ну и плата форматирования(главная/материнка) тоже должна быть осмотрена и изучена.

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Сообщение 9999 » Сб дек 19, 2020 5:08 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑

Покупать предварительно их не обязательно.

Это как? У меня нет такой на подмену для проверки.

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Сообщение 9999 » Сб дек 19, 2020 5:13 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑

oldman_lbt писал(а):С прошивками вроде как верная мысль — но на практике они ломаются внутри, как данные на жестком диске.
Вроде все есть — загрузка аппарата, а потом битый байт и глюк при скане допустим…

Если в прошивке меняется хоть один бит — изменится CRC. Это обнаружится загрузчиком на стадии инициализации. По крайней мера так должно быть.

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Сообщение a65rivn » Вс дек 20, 2020 7:46 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑

9999 писал(а):Где взять дамп прошивки?

Надо Вам завтра позвонить по бесплатному номеру в тех.поддержку(8800……4) и Вам вышлют прошивку и даже ссылку на видео, как это делается. Нужно будет тока серийный номер аппаратика и свое мыло по телефону передать.

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  1. 04-13-2016


    adycrs is offline

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    Exclamation CF000 on multiple Kyocera FS-1135

    None of these machines have DIMM installed, so the DIMM contacts solution can’t be aplied. Also can’t be a bad firmware because some time just starts and is good to go. Can someone confirm that is all about bad contacts on some wire between mainboard and panel? Can be identified and localized…?

  2. 04-13-2016


    Re: CF000 on multiple Kyocera FS-1135

    CF000: Control PWB — Operation panel PWB communication error

  3. 04-13-2016


    lees is offline

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    Re: CF000 on multiple Kyocera FS-1135

    We have seen generic toner cartridges cause this code on other models. Not sure why this happens, but it might be a place to start.

  4. 04-14-2016


    adycrs is offline

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    Re: CF000 on multiple Kyocera FS-1135

    10X for your quick suggestions, but the question still remains: why and what? Why should be the cartridge (?) if 10 seconds later, after few power on / off — the printer is fully working ? I just replace the cartridge with an original one from another machine and nothing! And again, why should be the cable responsible for this situation, or bad contact on either PWB if nothing gets moved or touched except the power button? … It very annoying ! On both sides of the cable I bend every pin aside to force them to make contact better then default position … And still nothing ! ! Anyway, i’ll keep trying !

  5. 04-15-2016


    adycrs is offline

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    Re: CF000 on multiple Kyocera FS-1135

    Thanks to some russian guys from an known tech forum, I just find out that these issues is related to bad firmware. I have in my possesion some other machines branded by Utax which have an moddified firmware, and yes, none of them have these kind of problems! And to say no more words — I just count down the necessary time for every machine to start up, to intialize, and suprise > the FS-1135MFP has a very short time for every step — ADF, lamp, main engine and so on…, is acting like a machine with a cut down firmware trying to skip some of the steps . . . I’ll keep you in touch!

  6. 05-30-2016


    adycrs is offline

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    Cool Re: CF000 on multiple Kyocera FS-1135

    FINALLY I DID IT!!! I have requested through some Kyocera dealer a new firmware for these printers with no succes, so, after multiple search over internet and with my best friend google I finally found the firmware on these website ! Grab the correct firmware as soon as possible, either for 1130MFP or 1135MFP or BLA BLA BLA, use NetView from Kyocera website / Network Print Monitor v5.5.0513 from Utax, connect your printer using LAN cable, open Network Print Monitor, right click on printer — choose Advanced then go to Device Network Settings, on login page use Admin as user/password then close de window with OK or Cancel. Now right click again on selected printer, go to Advanced and choose these time Upgrade firmware! Next window after warning messages choose as flash firmware file with NWDL name on it, and voila ! You now have a new and working printer!!!
    If anyone need more help on these steps, please let me know! SUCCES ! ! !

  7. 05-31-2016


    adycrs is offline

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    Thumbs up Re: CF000 on multiple Kyocera FS-1135

    If anyone find this helpfull please use Thanks button, also I wish that this thread to be market as SOLVED, … for me was a real success!

  8. 06-01-2016


    Re: CF000 on multiple Kyocera FS-1135

    Quote Originally Posted by adycrs
    View Post

    None of these machines have DIMM installed, so the DIMM contacts solution can’t be aplied.Also can’t be a bad firmware because some time just starts and is good to go. Can someone confirm that is all about bad contacts on some wire between mainboard and panel? Can be identified and localized…?

    Well great you get the machine up and running . Above you were doubting firmware would fix the issue. So firmware updates does solve issues and would be a logical step to do in these modern machines. If you look at a kyocera firmware update bulletin, you would see the number of fixes it list and sometime the list can be long. I suspect this would be similar in other brands.


  9. 06-01-2016


    adycrs is offline

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    Re: CF000 on multiple Kyocera FS-1135

    I did doubt regarding bad firmware before because, except russian peopple from, nobody else pointed the finger at! And about firmware description I don’t have acces to official support site on kyocera to get such information…, so my doubts about was reasonable I think!



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Ремонт МФУ Kyocera при ошибке

28 октября 2016

Многофункциональные устройства Kyocera TASKalfa, FS, ECOSYS и KM известны своей продуктивностью и надёжностью. Но это не означает, что на протяжении всего срока эксплуатации их характеристики гарантируют отсутствие необходимости ремонта и надлежащего обслуживания. Очень часто оргтехника помогает в решении проблем тем, что выдаёт на дисплей код ошибки, которая остановила работу аппарата. Ремонт МФУ Kyocera при ошибке не всегда получится произвести дома или в офисе, но это в любом случае ускорит процесс подачи заявки для вызова мастера сервисного центра. Ремонт МФУ Куосера с выездом становится всё популярнее, благодаря тому, что это наиболее удобный вариант оперативной починки оборудования повседневного пользования.

Многофункциональное устройство Куосера может выдавать коды ошибок на свой дисплей в случае возникновения неисправности. Чтобы сориентироваться в цифрах, предлагаем Вам набор самых распространённых из них:

• E-0007 – требуется установить новый картридж с тонером, так как используемый блок израсходован.
• C 7990 – бункер отработанного тонера заполнен, нужно очистить блок барабана.
• C 3100 – требуется разблокировать сканер переводом фиксатора в рабочее положение.
• F248 – принтеру трудно обработать изображение, так как в задании на печать, скорее всего, присутствуют спецсимволы, перезагрузите устройство.
• C 2810 – проблема с мотором отработки.
• E-0001 – устройством замечен неоригинальный картридж с тонером, можно сбросить одновременным нажатием Стоп/Сброс и кнопкой у индикаторов, с удерживанием на 5 секунд.
• 1101 – необходимо проверить правильность указанного имени сервера SMTP или хоста.
• C 6000 – произошёл сбой в работе узла закрепления.
• CF000 – присутствует нестабильность или наводок в сети питания.
• J-0511 – удалите застрявшую бумагу под задней крышкой.
• E-0008 – нужно закрыть переднюю или заднюю крышки.

Настроить мфу kyocera 
Ремонт МФУ Kyocera при ошибке возможен даже своими руками при внимательном и аккуратном подходе. Изучите характеристики и инструкции к модели оборудования Куосера, установите причину неполадки и определите, насколько сложно осуществить починку самостоятельно. Если работа требует профессионального подхода специалистов, то, не раздумывая несите многофункциональное устройство в сервис-центр или вызывайте мастера с выездом в офис или на дом.

  • Code: 0100
  • Description: Backup memory device error
  • Remedy: Defective flash memory. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
    Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0120
  • Description: MAC address data error For data in which the MAC address is invalid.
  • Remedy: Defective flash memory. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
    Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0130
  • Description: Backup memory read/write error (main PWB)
  • Remedy: Defective flash memory. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
    Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0140
  • Description: Backup memory data error (main PWB)
  • Remedy: Defective flash memory. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
    Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0150
  • Description: Backup memory read/write error (engine PWB) Detecting engine PWB EEPROM communication error.
  • Remedy: Improper installation engine PWB EEPROM. Check the installation of the EEPROM and remedy if necessary.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
    Device damage of EEPROM. Contact the Service Administrative Division.
  • Code: 0160
  • Description: Backup memory data error (engine PWB)
  • Remedy: Defective EEPROM. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0170
  • Description: Billing counting error A checksum error is detected in the main and engine backup memories for the billing counters.
  • Remedy: Data damage of EEPROM. Contact the Service Administrative Division.
    Defective PWB. Replace the main PWB or the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0190
  • Description: Backup memory device error (engine PWB)
  • Remedy: Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 0800
  • Description: Image processing error JAM010x is detected twice.
  • Remedy: Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operations page 1-5-22).
  • Code: 0840
  • Description: Faults of RTC Unable to communicate with the RTC device normally. The RTC data is mismatched due to dead battery or shortcircuit with the metal part.
  • Remedy: Other RTC device failure due to dead battery or short-circuit with the metal part. Restart the main unit and set the correct time from the operation panel. Repair it if the battery comes off from the main PWB.
    Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 1010
  • Description: Lift motor error (60/55/50 ppm model only) After cassette 1 is inserted, lift sensor does not turn on within 10 s. This error is detected five times successively.
  • Remedy: Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Check to see if the bottom plate can move smoothly and repair it if any problem is found.
    Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Lift motor and engine PWB (YC13)
    Defective drive transmission system of the lift motor. Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective lift motor. Replace the lift motor.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 1020
  • Description: PF lift motor 1 error (paper feeder) After cassette 2 is inserted, PF lift sensor 1 does not turn on. This error is detected four times successively.
  • Remedy: Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Check to see if the bottom plate can move smoothly and repair it if any problem is found.
    Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF lift motor 1 and PF main PWB (YC7)
    Defective drive transmission system of the PF lift motor. Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective PF lift motor. Replace the PF lift motor 1.
    Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1030
  • Description: PF lift motor 2 error (paper feeder) After cassette 3 is inserted, PF lift sensor 2 does not turn on. This error is detected four times successively.
  • Remedy: Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Check to see if the bottom plate can move smoothly and repair it if any problem is found.
    Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF lift motor 2 and PF main PWB (YC7)
    Defective drive transmission system of the PF lift motor. Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective PF lift motor. Replace the PF lift motor 2.
    Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1040
  • Description: PF lift motor 3 error (paper feeder) After cassette 4 is inserted, PF lift sensor 3 does not turn on. This error is detected four times successively.
  • Remedy: Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Check to see if the bottom plate can move smoothly and repair it if any problem is found.
    Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF lift motor 3 and PF main PWB (YC7)
    Defective drive transmission system of the PF lift motor. Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective PF lift motor. Replace the PF lift motor 3.
    Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1050
  • Description: PF lift motor 4 error (paper feeder) After cassette 5 is inserted, PF lift sensor 4 does not turn on. This error is detected four times successively.
  • Remedy: Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette. Check to see if the bottom plate can move smoothly and repair it if any problem is found.
    Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF lift motor 4 and PF main PWB (YC7)
    Defective drive transmission system of the PF lift motor. Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective PF lift motor. Replace the PF lift motor 4.
    Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1140
  • Description: BPF lift motor upward error (Bulk paper feeder) BPF lift maximum sensor does not turn on. The lock signal of the motor is detected continuously three times.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. BPF lift motor and BPF main PWB (YC4)
    Defective drive transmission system of the motor. Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective BPF lift motor. Replace the BPF lift motor.
    Defective BPF main PWB. Replace the BPF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1150
  • Description: BPF lift motor downward error (Bulk paper feeder) BPF lift minimum sensor does not turn on. The lock signal of the motor is detected continuously three times. When detecting an overcurrent detection signal.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. BPF lift motor and BPF main PWB (YC4)
    Defective drive transmission system of the motor. Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective BPF lift motor. Replace the BPF lift motor.
    Defective BPF main PWB. Replace the BPF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1800
  • Description: Paper feeder 1 communication error A communication error is detected 10 times in succession.
  • Remedy: Improper installation paper feeder. Follow installation instruction carefully again.
    Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF main PWB (YC3) and engine PWB (YC22)
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
    Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1810
  • Description: Paper feeder 2 communication error A communication error is detected 10 times in succession.
  • Remedy: Improper installation paper feeder. Follow installation instruction carefully again.
    Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF main PWB (YC3) and engine PWB (YC22)
    Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1820
  • Description: Paper feeder 3 communication error A communication error is detected 10 times in succession.
  • Remedy: Improper installation paper feeder. Follow installation instruction carefully again.
    Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF main PWB (YC3) and engine PWB (YC22)
    Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1830
  • Description: Paper feeder 4 communication error A communication error is detected 10 times in succession.
  • Remedy: Improper installation paper feeder. Follow installation instruction carefully again.
    Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF main PWB (YC3) and engine PWB (YC22)
    Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1900
  • Description: Paper feeder 1/BPF paper feeder EEPROM error When writing the data, the write data and the read data is not in agreement.
  • Remedy: Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB or the BPF main PWB.
    Device damage of EEPROM. Replace the PF main PWB or the BPF main PWB.
  • Code: 1910
  • Description: Paper feeder 2 EEPROM error When writing the data, the write data and the read data is not in agreement.
  • Remedy: Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
    Device damage of EEPROM. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1920
  • Description: Paper feeder 3 EEPROM error When writing the data, the write data and the read data is not in agreement.
  • Remedy: Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
    Device damage of EEPROM. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 1930
  • Description: Paper feeder 4 EEPROM error When writing the data, the write data and the read data is not in agreement.
  • Remedy: Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
    Device damage of EEPROM. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 2000
  • Description: Main motor drive error The main motor is not stabilized within 2 s after driving starts.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Main motor and engine PWB (YC4)
    Defective drive transmission system of the main motor. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective main motor. Replace the main motor.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 2010
  • Description: Main motor steady-state error Stable OFF is detected for 2 s continuously after main motor stabilized.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Main motor and engine PWB (YC4)
    Defective drive transmission system of the main motor. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective main motor. Replace the main motor.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 2200
  • Description: Drum motor drive error (60/55/50 ppm model only) The drum motor is not stabilized within 2 s after driving starts.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Drum motor and engine PWB (YC4)
    Defective drive transmission system of the drum motor. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective drum motor. Replace the drum motor.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 2210
  • Description: Drum motor steady-state error (60/55/50 ppm model only) Stable OFF is detected for 2 s continuously after drum motor stabilized.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Drum motor and engine PWB (YC4)
    Defective drive transmission system of the drum motor. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective drum motor. Replace the drum motor.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 2330
  • Description: Fuser pressure release motor error (Over-current) The over-current detection signal of the motor is detected continuously twenty times.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Fuser pressure release motor and relay-L PWB(YC11) Relay-L PWB(YC3) and engine PWB(YC2)
    Defective drive transmission system of the fuser pressure release motor. Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective fuser pressure release motor. Replace the fuser pressure release motor.
    Defective PWB. Replace the relay-L PWB or engine PWB.
  • Code: 2340
  • Description: Fuser pressure release motor error (Timeout) The position detection sensor is not detected continuously for 30 s.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Fuser pressure release motor and relay-L PWB(YC11) Relay-L PWB(YC1) and engine PWB(YC2)
    Defective drive transmission system of the fuser pressure release motor. Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective fuser pressure release motor. Replace the fuser pressure release motor.
    Defective PWB. Replace the relay-L PWB or engine PWB.
  • Code: 2600
  • Description: PF drive motor 1 error (paper feeder 1) When the PF drive motor is driven, error signal is detected continuously for 2 s.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF drive motor 1 and PF main PWB (YC6)
    Defective drive transmission system of the PF drive motor. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective PF drive motor. Replace the PF drive motor 1.
    Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 2610
  • Description: PF drive motor 2 error (paper feeder 2) When the PF drive motor is driven, error signal is detected continuously for 2 s.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF drive motor 2 and PF main PWB (YC6)
    Defective drive transmission system of the PF drive motor. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective PF drive motor. Replace the PF drive motor 2.
    Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 2620
  • Description: PF drive motor 3 error (paper feeder 3) When the PF drive motor is driven, error signal is detected continuously for 2 s.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF drive motor 3 and PF main PWB (YC6)
    Defective drive transmission system of the PF drive motor. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective PF drive motor. Replace the PF drive motor 3.
    Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 2630
  • Description: PF drive motor 4 error (paper feeder 4) When the PF drive motor is driven, error signal is detected continuously for 2 s.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. PF drive motor 4 and PF main PWB (YC6)
    Defective drive transmission system of the PF drive motor. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushes and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
    Defective PF drive motor. Replace the PF drive motor 4.
    Defective PF main PWB. Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
  • Code: 4000
  • Description: Polygon motor synchronization error The polygon motor is not stabilized within 20 s after driving starts.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Polygon motor and engine PWB (YC15)
    Defective polygon motor. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 4200
  • Description: BD steady-state error When the value of Register BDSET is 1 after setting Register BDSET as one and passing by BD1 cycle.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. APC PWB(YC1) and engine PWB (YC16) APC PWB(YC2) and PD PWB(YC1)
    Defective PD PWB. Replace the laser scanner unit.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 5100
  • Description: Chager current error When the current value measured at the time of potential adjustment is less than 20 uA.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Chager unit and high voltage PWB High voltage PWB (YC101) and engine PWB (YC19)
    Defective high voltage PWB. Replace the high voltage PWB and check for correct operation.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 6000
  • Description: Broken fuser heater wire The detection temperature of fuser thermistor 2 is 100 °C/ 212°F or less after the fuser heater lamp has been turned on continuously for 30 s.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Fuser heater and power source PWB (YC2) Fuser thermistor and Fuser thermistor connect PWB(YC1 and YC2) Fuser thermistor connect PWB(YC3) and engine PWB (YC21)
    Deformed connector pin.
    Defective triac.
    Fuser thermostat triggered. Reinsert the fuser unit.
    Broken fuser heater wire. Reinsert the fuser unit.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 6020
  • Description: Abnormally high fuser thermistor 2 temperature The detection temperature of fuser thermistor 2 is higher than 235°C/455°F. In a heater-off state, the detection temperature of fuser thermistor 2 is higher than 195°C/383°F after the detection temperature of fuser thermistor 2 was 155°C/311°F or less.
  • Remedy: Deformed connector pin.
    Defective triac.
    Shorted fuser thermistor. Replace the fuser unit.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 6030
  • Description: Broken fuser thermistor 2 wire A/D value of the fuser thermistor 2 exceeds 1019 bit continuously for 4 s during warming up.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Fuser thermistor and fuser thermistor connect PWB(YC2) Fuser thermistor connect PWB(YC3) and engine PWB (YC21)
    Deformed connector pin.
    Defective triac.
    Defective fuser thermistor. Replace the fuser unit.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 6120
  • Description: Abnormally high fuser thermistor 1 temperature The detection temperature of fuser thermistor 1 is higher than 245°C/473°F. In a heater-off state, the detection temperature of fuser thermistor 1 is higher than 195°C/383°F after the detection temperature of fuser thermistor 1 was 155°C/311°F or less.
  • Remedy: Deformed connector pin.
    Defective triac.
    Shorted fuser thermistor. Replace the fuser unit.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 6130
  • Description: Broken fuser thermistor 1 wire A/D value of the fuser thermistor 1 exceeds 1019 bit continuously for 4 s during warming up.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Fuser thermistor and fuser thermistor connect PWB(YC1) Fuser thermistor connect PWB(YC3) and engine PWB (YC21)
    Deformed connector pin.
    Defective triac.
    Defective fuser thermistor.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 6400
  • Description: Zero-cross signal error While fuser heater control is performed, the zero-cross signal is not input within 2 s.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Power source PWB (YC3) and engine PWB (YC1)
    Defective power source PWB or engine PWB. Replace the power source PWB or the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 7100
  • Description: Toner sensor error Sensor output value of 930 or more continuously for 5 s.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Toner sensor and drum PWB (YC3) Drum connect PWB(YC2) and relay-L PWB (YC3) Relay-L PWB(YC1) and engine PWB (YC2)
    Defective toner sensor. Replace the developer unit.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 7400
  • Description: Developer unit non-installing error Sensor output value of 31 or less continuously for 5 s.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Toner sensor and drum PWB (YC3) Drum connect PWB(YC2) and relay-L PWB (YC3) Relay-L PWB(YC1) and engine PWB (YC2)
    Defective toner sensor. Replace the developer unit.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 7410
  • Description: Drum unit type mismatch error The drum PWB EEPROM does not communicate normally. Absence of the drum unit is detected.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Drum unit and drum connect PWB (YC1) Drum connect PWB(YC2) and relay-L PWB (YC3) Relay-L PWB(YC1) and engine PWB (YC2)
    Defective toner sensor. Replace the drum unit.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: 7800
  • Description: Broken external thermistor wire The average of thermistor output value of 93 or less.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Operation PWB (YC1) and engine PWB (YC17)
    Defective temperature sensor. Replace the operation PWB.
  • Code: 7810
  • Description: Short-circuited external thermistor wire The average of thermistor output value of 930 or more.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Operation PWB (YC1) and engine PWB (YC17)
    Defective temperature sensor. Replace the operation PWB.
  • Code: 7900
  • Description: Drum unit EEPROM error No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Drum unit and drum connect PWB (YC1) Drum connect PWB(YC2) and relay-L PWB (YC3) Relay-L PWB(YC1) and engine PWB (YC2)
    Defective drum unit. Replace the drum unit.
  • Code: F000
  • Description: Main PWB — operation PWB communication error
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Operation PWB(YC1) and engine PWB (YC17)
    Defective main PWB. Turn the main power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace main PWB.
    Defective operation PWB. Replace the operation PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: F000
  • Description: CF000 will be displayed if * notes progress is carried out for a definite period of time with a Welcome screen.The communication fault between Panel-Main boardsCommunication fault between Panel Core-Main Core Notes 2
  • Remedy: (1) Check the harness, and the connection state of a connector between Panel<=>Main boards, and perform an operation check. (2) Check contact of a DDR memory (extracting) and perform an operation check. If exchangeable, it will exchange and will perform an operation check. (3) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (4) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (5) Exchange a PanelMain board and perform an operation check. (6) It will get, if USBLOG is obtainable, and contact service headquarters. 1. Panel <=> Main IF (Engine PWB Relay) Main PWB: YC2 Engine PWB: YC20,YC30 Panel PWB: YC1 2. DDR memory Main PWB: YS1
  • Code: F010
  • Description: Main PWB checksum error
  • Remedy: Defective main PWB. Turn the main power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace main PWB.
  • Code: F020
  • Description: Main PWB RAM checksum error
  • Remedy: Defective main memory (RAM) in main PWB Turn the main power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace main PWB.
    Defective expended memory (DIMM) Replace the expansion memory (DIMM). Also in the case of the capacity besides specification, it displays.
  • Code: F040
  • Description: Main PWB — print engine communication error
  • Remedy: Defective main PWB. Turn the main power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace main PWB.
    Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
  • Code: F050
  • Description: Print engine ROM checksum error
  • Remedy: Defective engine PWB. Turn the main power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace engine PWB.
  • Code: F15X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in an authentication device control section
  • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between authentication device <=>Main boards, and the connection situation of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. 1.Authentication device <=> Main IF Main PWB: YC6 Authentication device: IC card reader etc.
  • Code: F17X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a printer data control part
  • Remedy: (1) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (2) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (3) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters.
  • Code: F18X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a Video control section
  • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between Engine<=>Main boards, and the connection state of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (3) Exchange an Engine board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters.
  • Code: F1DX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting of the image memory Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (2) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (3) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters.
  • Code: F21X, F22X, F23X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in an image-processing part
  • Remedy: (1) Check contact of a DDR memory and perform an operation check. (2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters.
  • Code: F24X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the system Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Check contact of a DDR memory and perform an operation check. (2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters * F248 is the abnormalities of a printer process.In recurring by specific printer data, please give me cooperation at acquisition of capture data and USBLOG.
  • Code: F25X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a network management department
  • Remedy: (1) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (2) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (3) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * It may occur according to a visitor’s network environment
  • Code: F26X, F27X, F28X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the system Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (2) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (3) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters.
  • Code: F29X, F2AX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the system Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (2) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (3) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters.
  • Code: F2BX, F2CX, F2DX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a network control part
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters.(Depending on an analysis result, it is packet capture acquisition)
  • Code: F2EX, F2FX, F30X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a network control part
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters.(Depending on an analysis result, it is packet capture acquisition)
  • Code: F31X, F32X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a network control part
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters.(Depending on an analysis result, it is packet capture acquisition)
  • Code: F35X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the printing controlling Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters.
  • Code: F38X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the authentication authorized Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters.
  • Code: F3AX, F3BX, F3CX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters
  • Code: F3DX, F3EX, F3FX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters
  • Code: F40X, F41X, F42X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters
  • Code: F43X, F44X, F45X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters
  • Code: F46X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting of a printer rendering part
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange boards and perform an operation check. (2) the acquisition wish of USBLOG — carry out (Depending on the (2) case, it is print capture data acquisition)
  • Code: F47X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting of an image editing processing part
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters.
  • Code: F4DX, F4EX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters
  • Code: F4FX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the JOB Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters.
  • Code: F51X, F52X, F53X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a JOB execution part
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters
  • Code: F55X, F56X, F57X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a JOB execution part
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters
  • Code: F5FX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a service execution part
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters.
  • Code: F62X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a service execution part
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters.
  • Code: F63X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a device control section
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange a Main/Engine PWB and perform an operation check. (2) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters.
C0030 Системная ошибка в управлении факсом Обработка при помощи программного обеспечения факса была отключена из за проблем с оборудованием Неисправность в системе управления факсом PWB Заменить систему управления факсом PWB C0070 Обнаружена несовместимость платы управления PWB Обнаружена несовместимость при первичной инициализации системы управления факсом PWB. Никакие команды связи не проходят. Дефект программного обеспечения факса Установить программное обеспечение для факса C0100 Ошибка при резервном копировании памяти устройства Неисправна флеш память Заменить плату управления PWB C0120 Ошибка данных MAC адреса Неисправность в плате управления PWB Заменить плату управления PWB C0130 Ошибка чтения/записи при резервном копировании Неисправна флеш память Заменить плату управления PWB C0140 Ошибка при резервном копировании данных Неисправна флеш память Заменить плату управления PWB C0150 Ошибка EEPROM платы управления PWB Обнаружена ошибка связи PWB EEPROM (U17) Неправильная установка PWB EEPROM (U17) Проверить установку EEPROM (U17) и при необходимости исправить C0170 Ошибка счетчика 1. Неисправность control PWB.

2. Повреждения данных PWB EEPROM (U17)

1. Заменить плату управления PWB.

2. Обратиться в сервис обслуживания

C0180 Номер аппарата не совпадает Основной номер и номер двигателя не совпадают 1. Основная PWB или PWB двигателя была заменена.

2. Повреждения данных PWB EEPROM (U17)

1. U004 Задать номер.

2. Обратиться в сервис обслуживания

C0420 Ошибка связи с системой подачи бумаги Ошибка коммуникации между платой PWB  и дополнительным устройством подачи бумаги 1. Неправильная установка устройства подачи бумаги

2. Повреждение провода между платой PWB (YC30) и интерфесным разъемом устройства подачи, либо разъем подключен неправильно.

3. Неисправен кабель между PF основной PWB и подачей бумаги, либо разъем не вставлен. Плата PF неисправна.

4. Неисправность control PWB

1. Еще раз внимательно прочитайте инструкцию по установке.

2. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.

3. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден.Заменить печатную плату.

4. Заменить плату управления PWB.

C0830 Ошибка контрольной суммы прошивки FAX control PWB Произошла ошибка контрольной суммы программы управления FAX control PWB 1. Дефект программного обеспечения факса.

2. Неисправность в системе управления факсом PWB

1. Установить программное обеспечение для факса.

2. Заменить плату управления факсом PWB

C0840 Неисправность RTС Расхождение во времени между RTC  и текущим пять и более лет. 1. Неисправность control PWB

2. Отсоединена батарея.

1. Заменить плату управления PWB.

2. Визуально проверить и при необходимости исправить.

C0870 Проблема передачи данных большой емкости между FAX control PWB и control PWB Не выполняется передача данных между FAX control PWB и control PWB, даже при повторе через заданный промежуток  Неправильная установка  FAX control PWB Переставить FAX control PWB C0920 Ошибка файловой системы факса Резервное копирование данных не производится по причине ошибки файловой системы флеш-памяти Неисправность в системе управления факсом PWB Заменить плату управления факсом PWB C2000 Ошибка главного двигателя Главный двигатель не выходит на готовность в течение 2 секунд после включения 1. Неисправен кабель между основным двигателем (CN1) и платой PWB (YC17) или разъем вставлен неправильно.

2. Неисправен привод основного двигателя.

3. Неисправен двигатель.

4. Неисправность control PWB

1. Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля.

2. Проверьте плавность вращения роликов и шестерней. При необходимости смажьте. Убедитесь в отсутсвии разрывов передач.

3. Заменить.

4. Заменить.

C2610 Ошибка дигателя устройства подачи бумаги Двигатель устройства подачи бумаги лотка 2 не выходит на готовность более чем через 2 секунды после включения. Неисправность кабеля между двигателем устройства подачи бумаги и control PWB (YC4).  Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля (Обратитесь к инструкции) C2620 Ошибка дигателя устройства подачи бумаги Двигатель устройства подачи бумаги лотка 3 не выходит на готовность более чем через 2 секунды после включения. Неисправность кабеля между двигателем устройства подачи бумаги и control PWB (YC4). Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля (Обратитесь к инструкции) C3100 Ошибка исходного положения ISU 1. Неисправность FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).

2. Неисправность FFC между control PWB (YC6) и сканера WPB (YC103) или неправильная установка FCC.

3. Неисправность датчика исходного положения.

4. Неисправность кабеля между двигателем ISU и сканером PWB (YC104) или разъем вставлен неправильно.

1. Заменить блок сканера ISU

2. Переставить FFC. Проверить на разрыв, при необходимости заменить.

3. Заменить датчик.

4. Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля.

C3200 Ошибка лампы экспозиции Лампа экспозиции не включается 1. Повреждения FFC между сканером PWB (YC103) и control PWB (YC6), либо некорректная установка FFC.

2. Повреждения FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).

3. Неисправен кабель между CCD PWB (YC3) и LED приводом PWB (YC1) либо разъем не подключен.

4. Неисправен кабель между LED приводом PWB (YC2) и лампой экспонирования.

5. Лампа экспонирования вышла из строя.

6. Неисправен светодиодный привод.

1. Переустановите FFC. Проверьте целостность, при необходимости замените.

2. Заменить блок сканера.

3. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.

4. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.

5. Заменить лампу.

6. Заменить привод.

C3300 Ошибка AGC 1. Повреждения FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).

2. Лампа экспонирования вышла из строя.

3. Неисправность CCD PWB

4. Неисправность control PWB

1. Заменить блок сканера.

2. Заменить лампу.

3. Заменить CCD PWB

4. Заменить control PWB

C3500 Ошибка связи CPU — ASIC (CCD PWB) Обнаружен код ошибки 1. Повреждения FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).

2. Неисправность CCD PWB.

3. Неисправность control PWB

1. Заменить блок сканера (ISU).

2. Заменить CCD PWB

3. Заменить control PWB

C4000 Ошибка полигон-мотора (блока лазерного сканера) Полигон-мотор не выходит на готовность после 6 секунд после включения. 1. Поврежден кабель между полигон-мотором и control PWB (YC10) или разъем не вставлен.

2. Неисправен блок лазерного сканера.

3. Неисправность control PWB

1. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.

2. Заменить блок сканера.

3. Заменить control PWB

C4200 Ошибка BD  (блока лазерного сканера) 1. BD датчик не обнаруживает лазерный луч из-за скопления конденсата на зеркале.

2. Неисправен блок лазерного сканера.

1. Выключите питание машины минимум на 30 минут, затем снова включите, если это не помогает необходимо менять блок сканера.

2. Заменить блок сканера.

C6000 Выход из строя термо-элемента (фьюзера) Температура фьюзера не поднимается после включения устройства. 1. Плохой контакт клемм термистора фьюзера.

2. Плохой контакт в местах подключения нагревателя термоблока.

3. Термисторы фьюзера установлены неправильно.

4 . Срабатывает термореле

5. Нагреватель фьюзера установлен неправильно

6. Выход из строя термо-элемента

1. Проверьте контакты.

2. Проверьте контакты.

3. Заменить блок закрепления

4. Заменить блок закрепления

5. Заменить блок закрепления

6. Заменить блок закрепления

C6020 Слишком высокая температура фьюзера Термистор фьюзера обнаружил аномально высокую температуру. Пробой термистора фьюзера Заменить блок закрепления C6030 Поврежден шлейф термистора термоэлемента Значени на входе термистора равно 0 1. Плохой контакт в клеммах термистора.

2. Неисправен шлейф термистора

3. Термистор установлен некорректно

4. Срабатывает термореле

Проверить контакты

Заменить блок закрепления

C6400 Ошибка пересечения нуля Сигнал пересечения нуля не достигает контрольной платы за указанное время 1. Неисправен кабель между PWB высокого напряжения(YC202) и control PWB (YC23) или разъем не вставлен

2. Дефект соединения между источником питания PWB (YC103) и PWB высокого напряжения (YC201)

3. Неисправен источник питания PWB

4. Неисправность control PWB

1. Переподключите коннектор.Убедитесь что кабель не поврежден.

2. Переподключите коннектор

3. Заменить источник питания

4. Заменить control PWB

C7990 Бункер отработки переполнен Датчик тонера обнаружил, что бункер для отработки переполнен 1. Бункер отработки драм-юнита переполнен.

2. Неисправен датчик отработки

3. Неисправность control PWB

1. Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла замените драм-юнит.

2. Замените датчик.

3. Заменить control PWB

4. Очистите драм юнит (инструкция по очистке бункера отработанного тонера)

F000 Ошибка связи control PWB — панель управления PWB 1. Неисправность соединения панели управления PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC7).

2. Неисправность панели управления

3. Неисправность control PWB

1. Переподключите коннектор.Убедитесь что кабель не поврежден.

2. Замените панель.

3. Заменить control PWB

F020 Ошибка контрольной суммы RAM control PWB 1. Неисправность основной микросхемы памяти (ОЗУ) на главной плате управления PWB

2. Неисправность платы расширения памяти (DIMM)

1. Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB

2. Замените плату расширения (DIMM)

F040 Ошибка связи control PWB двигателя Обнаружена ошибка связи Неисправность control PWB Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB F041 Ошибка связи между гланой платой управления и платой управления сканером Обнаружена ошибка связи Неисправна главная плата управления или управления сканером Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB или scanner PWB F050 Ошибка контрольной суммы платы управления двигателем 1. Такие ошибки могут происходить при обновлении прошивки control PWB

2. Неисправность control PWB

1. Скачайте прошивку снова

2. Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB

F186 Ошибка управления видеоданными главной панели управления Неисправность control PWB Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB

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  • Kyocera error 7002
  • Kyocera error 7000
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