2. Повреждения данных PWB EEPROM (U17)
2. Обратиться в сервис обслуживания
2. Повреждения данных PWB EEPROM (U17)
2. Обратиться в сервис обслуживания
2. Повреждение провода между платой PWB (YC30) и интерфесным разъемом устройства подачи, либо разъем подключен неправильно.
3. Неисправен кабель между PF основной PWB и подачей бумаги, либо разъем не вставлен. Плата PF неисправна.
4. Неисправность control PWB
2. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.
3. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден.Заменить печатную плату.
4. Заменить плату управления PWB.
2. Неисправность в системе управления факсом PWB
2. Заменить плату управления факсом PWB
2. Отсоединена батарея.
2. Визуально проверить и при необходимости исправить.
2. Неисправен привод основного двигателя.
3. Неисправен двигатель.
4. Неисправность control PWB
2. Проверьте плавность вращения роликов и шестерней. При необходимости смажьте. Убедитесь в отсутсвии разрывов передач.
3. Заменить.
4. Заменить.
2. Неисправность FFC между control PWB (YC6) и сканера WPB (YC103) или неправильная установка FCC.
3. Неисправность датчика исходного положения.
4. Неисправность кабеля между двигателем ISU и сканером PWB (YC104) или разъем вставлен неправильно.
2. Переставить FFC. Проверить на разрыв, при необходимости заменить.
3. Заменить датчик.
4. Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля.
2. Повреждения FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).
3. Неисправен кабель между CCD PWB (YC3) и LED приводом PWB (YC1) либо разъем не подключен.
4. Неисправен кабель между LED приводом PWB (YC2) и лампой экспонирования.
5. Лампа экспонирования вышла из строя.
6. Неисправен светодиодный привод.
2. Заменить блок сканера.
3. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.
4. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.
5. Заменить лампу.
6. Заменить привод.
2. Лампа экспонирования вышла из строя.
3. Неисправность CCD PWB
4. Неисправность control PWB
2. Заменить лампу.
3. Заменить CCD PWB
4. Заменить control PWB
2. Неисправность CCD PWB.
3. Неисправность control PWB
2. Заменить CCD PWB
3. Заменить control PWB
2. Неисправен блок лазерного сканера.
3. Неисправность control PWB
2. Заменить блок сканера.
3. Заменить control PWB
2. Неисправен блок лазерного сканера.
2. Заменить блок сканера.
2. Плохой контакт в местах подключения нагревателя термоблока.
3. Термисторы фьюзера установлены неправильно.
4 . Срабатывает термореле
5. Нагреватель фьюзера установлен неправильно
6. Выход из строя термо-элемента
2. Проверьте контакты.
3. Заменить блок закрепления
4. Заменить блок закрепления
5. Заменить блок закрепления
6. Заменить блок закрепления
2. Неисправен шлейф термистора
3. Термистор установлен некорректно
4. Срабатывает термореле
Заменить блок закрепления
2. Дефект соединения между источником питания PWB (YC103) и PWB высокого напряжения (YC201)
3. Неисправен источник питания PWB
4. Неисправность control PWB
2. Переподключите коннектор
3. Заменить источник питания
4. Заменить control PWB
2. Неисправен датчик отработки
3. Неисправность control PWB
2. Замените датчик.
3. Заменить control PWB
4. Очистите драм юнит (инструкция по очистке бункера отработанного тонера)
2. Неисправность панели управления
3. Неисправность control PWB
2. Замените панель.
3. Заменить control PWB
2. Неисправность платы расширения памяти (DIMM)
2. Замените плату расширения (DIMM)
2. Неисправность control PWB
2. Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB
Ошибки Kyocera ECOSYS M2030dn
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- Rep Power
- 16
Kyocera FS6525 error code F000
I have kyocera fs6525 machine it shows f000 machine failure…please help
Can I get firmware of this machine..pls send link..pleaseeeeeeeemail : athirsha2006@yahoo.com
Re: Kyocera FS6525 error code F000
Originally Posted by athirsha
I have kyocera fs6525 machine it shows f000 machine failure…please help Can I get firmware of this machine..pls send link..pleaseeeeeee
email : athirsha2006@yahoo.comare you a kyocera cert tech?
Re: Kyocera FS6525 error code F000
Originally Posted by athirsha
I have kyocera fs6525 machine it shows f000 machine failure…please help
Can I get firmware of this machine..pls send link..pleaseeeeeeeemail : athirsha2006@yahoo.com
Doubt that upgrading the firmware is going to solve your problem. The F0000 is a communications problem between the control panel and the the main PCB, you could try re-seating all the connectors on the control panel, but I have had a couple of these and replacing the main pcb solved the issue. Hope this helps.
Re: Kyocera FS6525 error code F000
Originally Posted by Santander
Doubt that upgrading the firmware is going to solve your problem. The F0000 is a communications problem between the control panel and the the main PCB, you could try re-seating all the connectors on the control panel, but I have had a couple of these and replacing the main pcb solved the issue. Hope this helps.
I saw that when I googled the issue…
BUT i wanted to see if he even had a clue to research problems…
People laugh when I say » Google CAN be Your Friend «
- Rep Power
- 16
Re: Kyocera FS6525 error code F000
Originally Posted by Phil B.
are you a kyocera cert tech?
no sir
Re: Kyocera FS6525 error code F000
A C-F000 code can occur if your memory module is missing or bad.
Trusted Tech
50+ Posts
- Rep Power
- 10
Re: Kyocera FS6525 error code F000
Originally Posted by darry1322
A C-F000 code can occur if your memory module is missing or bad.
I had one. It was the control board.
Sent from my XT1635-01 using Tapatalk
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Все современные копировальные аппараты, мфу и принтеры Kyocera имеют возможность диагностировать все узлы устройства в режиме запуска и во время работы аппарата. По этому, если во время включения или во время работы произошел сбой, то техника Kyocera сможет сообщить о наличии ошибки.
В большинстве случаев у аппаратов Kyocera код ошибки отображается на дисплее, в остальных случаях тип ошибки зависит от последовательности и количества миганий индикаторов.
Если Ваш копировальный аппарат, МФУ или принтер Kyocera выдал на дисплее некий код, то узнать причину, описание возникновения ошибки, а так же в каком узле аппарата стоит искать проблему, Вы можете в этом разделе выбрав интересующую модель из списка.
Но диагностика не решит проблему сбоя аппарата, для этого лучше обратиться к профессиональным и опытным сервисным специалистам компании Kyomart! Позвоните нам по телефону
8 (343) 288-23-45 или отправьте запрос на электронную почту: sales@kyomart.ru , и мы обязательно свяжемся с Вами в кратчайшие сроки.
Processing with the fax software was disabled due to a hardware problem.
Abnormal detection of FAX control PWB incompatibility In the initial communication with the FAX control PWB, any normal communication command is not transmitted.
Defective FAX control PWB.
For data in which the MAC address is invalid.
Defective flash memory.
Defective engine PWB.
Defective main PWB.
Defective main PWB.
Detecting engine PWB EEPROM communication error.
Defective engine PWB.
Device damage of EEPROM.
Defective engine PWB.
A checksum error is detected in the main and engine backup memories for the billing counters.
Defective PWB.
Machine number of main and engine does not match.
A communication error is detected 10 times in succession.
JAM05 is detected twice.
A checksum error occurred with the program of the FAX control PWB.
Defective FAX control PWB.
The time is judged to go back based on the comparison of the RTC time and the current time or five years or more have passed.
Defective main PWB.
High-capacity data transfer between the FAX control PWB and the main PWB of the machine was not normally performed even if the data transfer was retried the specified times.
Defective FAX control PWB or main PWB.
The backup data is not retained for file system abnormality of flash memory of the FAX control PWB.
After cassette 1 is inserted, lift sensor does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected four times successively.
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective drive transmission system of the lift motor.
Defective lift motor.
Defective engine PWB.
After cassette 2 is inserted, PF lift sensor 1 does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected four times successively.
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective drive transmission system of the PF lift motor 1.
Defective PF lift motor 1.
Defective PF main PWB.
After cassette 3 is inserted, PF lift sensor 2 does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected four times successively.
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective drive transmission system of the PF lift motor 2.
Defective PF lift motor 2.
Defective PF main PWB.
A communication error is detected 10 times in succession.
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective engine PWB.
Defective PF main PWB.
When writing the data, the write data and the read data is not continuously in agreement 5 times.
Device damage of EEPROM.
Stable OFF is detected for 1 s continuously after main motor stabilized.
Defective drive transmission system of the main motor.
Defective main motor.
Defective engine PWB.
The main motor is not stabilized within 2 s after driving starts.
Defective drive transmission system of the main motor.
Defective main motor.
Defective engine PWB.
The rated speed signal detected the stability OFF continuously for 1 s after the developer motor K stabilizes.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective motor.
Defective PWB.
The rated speed signal detected the stability OFF continuously for 1 s after the developer motor YCM stabilizes.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective motor.
Defective PWB.
Developer motor K is not stabilized within 2 s since the motor is activated.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective motor.
Defective PWB.
Developer motor YCM is not stabilized within 2 s since the motor is activated.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective motor.
Defective PWB.
The rated speed signal detected the stability OFF continuously for 1 s after the fuser motor stabilizes.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective motor.
Defective PWB.
Fuser motor is not stabilized within 2 s since the motor is activated.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective motor.
Defective PWB.
The rated speed signal detected the stability OFF continuously for 1 s after the conveying motor stabilizes.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective motor.
Defective PWB.
Conveying motor is not stabilized within 2 s since the motor is activated.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective motor.
Defective PWB.
When the PF drive motor is driven, error signal is detected continuously for 1 s.
Defective drive transmission system of the PF drive motor.
Defective PF drive motor.
Defective PF main PWB.
When the TC belt motor is driven, error signal is detected continuously for 1 s.
Defective drive transmission system of the PF drive motor.
Defective PF drive motor.
Defective PF main PWB.
The home position is not correct when the power is turned on or at the start of copying using the table.
Defective home position sensor.
Defective ISU motor.
Defective CCD PWB.
Defective engine PWB.
When input value at the time of exposure lamp illumination does not exceed the threshold value between 5 s.
Defective exposure lamp.
Defective CCD PWB.
Defective main PWB.
An error code is detected 3 times in succession.
Defective CCD PWB.
Defective main PWB.
The polygon motor is not stabilized within 10 s after driving starts.
Defective polygon motor.
Defective engine PWB.
The rated speed signal detected the stability OFF continuously for 1 s after the polygon motor (K) stabilizes.
Defective motor
Defective PWB.
The rated speed signal detected the stability OFF continuously for 1 s after the polygon motor (С) stabilizes.
Defective motor
Defective PWB.
The rated speed signal detected the stability OFF continuously for 1 s after the polygon motor (M) stabilizes.
Defective motor
Defective PWB.
The rated speed signal detected the stability OFF continuously for 1 s after the polygon motor (Y) stabilizes.
Defective motor
Defective PWB.
Stable OFF is detected for 1 s continuously after polygon motor stabilized.
Defective polygon motor.
Defective engine PWB.
Polygon motor (K) is not stabilized within 10 s since the motor is activated.
Defective motor.
Defective PWB.
Polygon motor (C) is not stabilized within 10 s since the motor is activated.
Defective motor.
Defective PWB.
Polygon motor (M) is not stabilized within 10 s since the motor is activated.
Defective motor.
Defective PWB.
Polygon motor (Y) is not stabilized within 10 s since the motor is activated.
Defective motor.
Defective PWB.
BD is not detected within 1 s after polygon motor stabilized.
Defective APC PWB.
Defective BD PWB.
Defective main PWB.
When the LSU cleaning motor is driven, an error signal is detected continuously for 1 s.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective motor. Defective PWB.
Defective main PWB or engine PWB.
A communication error is detected 10 times in succession.
Defective PWB.
The detected temperature of fuser thermistor does not reach the specified temperature (ready indication temperature) after the fuser heater has been turned on continuously for 60 s in warming up. The fusing temperature at 7 seconds and 20 seconds since fuser temperature control has occurred differs by 43°C/109.4°F or less.
Deformed connector pin.
Defective triac.
Fuser thermostat triggered.
Broken fuser heater wire.
Defective engine PWB.
Abnormally high fuser thermistor temperature Broken fuser thermistor wire Abnormally low fuser thermistor temperature
Defective triac.
The fuser thermistor detects a temperature higher than 230°C/446°F continuously for 40 ms. High fuser temperature signal detects a temperature of 255°C/491°F continuously for 40 ms.
Defective triac.
Shorted fuser thermistor.
Defective engine PWB.
A/D value of the fuser thermistor exceeds 251 bit continuously for 7 s during warming up.
Deformed connector pin.
Defective triac.
Defective fuser thermistor.
Defective engine PWB
As the stable temperature has reached the second time, the decrease in the fuser thermistor temperature of 60°C/140°F or greater is detected for one second.
Defective triac.
Defective fuser thermistor
Defective fuser heater.
Defective engine PWB.
The fuser temperature exceeds 200 °C/392 °F for 1 s.
Defective IH PWB.
Defective fuser thermistor.
Defective engine PWB.
Deformed connector pin.
Defective IH PWB.
Defective fuser thermistor.
Defective engine PWB.
The fuser temperature lower than 30 °C/86 °F is detected continuously for 1 s.
Defective fuser thermistor
Defective fuser heater.
Defective engine PWB.
Fuser thermistor 1 does not reach 50° C/122 °F even after20 s during warming up. The detected temperature of fuser thermistor1 does not reach the specified temperature (ready indication temperature) for 20 s in warming up after reaching 50° C/122 °F.
Deformed connector pin.
Fuser thermostat triggered.
Broken fuser heater wire.
Defective engine PWB.
The fuser temperature exceeds 240 °C/464 °F for 1 s
Deformed connector pin.
Fuser thermostat triggered.
Broken fuser heater wire.
Defective engine PWB.
During warming up a hearter, fuser thermistor 2 detects a temperature of 100 °C/212 °F or higher and, fuser thermistor 1 detects a temperature of 37 °C/99 °F or lower.
Deformed connector pin.
Fuser thermostat triggered.
Broken fuser heater wire.
Defective engine PWB.
The fuser temperature lower than 100 °C/212 °F is detected continuously for 1 s during printing. The fuser temperature lower than 50 °C/122 °F is detected continuously for 1 s during pre-heating.
Deformed connector pin.
Fuser thermostat triggered.
Broken fuser heater wire.
Defective engine PWB.
While fuser heater control is performed, the zero-cross signal is not input within 3 s.
Defective power source PWB or engine PWB.
Absence of the fuser unit is detected.
Different type of the fuser unit is installed.
The belt was detected to stop for 1 s continuously during motor remote is on.
Defective IH belt.
Defective IH PWB.
Defective engine PWB.
Defective PWB.
Defective PWB.
Defective PWB.
Defective PWB.
Absence of the developing unit K is detected.
Different type of the developing unit is installed.
Defective PWB.
Absence of the developing unit C is detected.
Different type of the developing unit is installed.
Defective PWB.
Absence of the developing unit M is detected.
Different type of the developing unit is installed.
Defective PWB.
Absence of the developing unit Y is detected.
Different type of the developing unit is installed.
Defective PWB.
Absence of the drum unit K is detected.
Different type of the drum unit is installed.
Defective PWB.
Absence of the drum unit C is detected.
Different type of the drum unit is installed.
Defective PWB.
Absence of the drum unit M is detected.
Different type of the drum unit is installed.
Defective PWB.
Absence of the drum unit Y is detected.
Different type of the drum unit is installed.
Defective PWB.
Absence of the transfer belt unit is detected.
Different type of the transfer belt unit is installed.
Defective PWB.
Defective PWB.
Defective PWB.
When ID sensor 2 detected CTD is 500 or less.
Defective PWB.
When ID sensor 2 detected CTD is 500 or less.
Defective PWB.
When ID sensor 2 detected CTD is 500 or less.
Defective PWB.
When ID sensor 2 detected CTD is 500 or less.
Defective PWB.
Color registration correction was failed.
Defective PWB.
The thermistor output value is 0.3 V or less.
Defective temperature sensor.
The thermistor output value is 3 V or more.
Defective temperature sensor.
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively.
Defective drum unit.
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively.
Defective drum unit.
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively.
Defective drum unit.
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively.
Defective drum unit.
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively.
Defective drum unit.
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively.
Defective developer unit.
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively.
Defective developing PWB.
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively.
Defective developing PWB.
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively.
Defective developing PWB.
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively.
Defective developing PWB.
When the tray elevation motor raises a tray, the ON status of the tray upper limit sensor is detected.
Defective tray upper limit sensor, paper surface sensor 1/2.
Defective DF main PWB.
The belt sensor does not turn on/off within specified time of the belt solenoid turning on.
Defective belt sensor.
Defective belt solenoid.
Defective DF main PWB.
The tray low limit sensor or paper surface sensor 1/2 cannot be detected to be on within 10 s since the tray elevation motor is activated.
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
The tray elevation motor malfunctions.
Defective tray lower limit sensor, paper surface sensor 1/2.
Defective DF main PWB.
Jam 7012 or 7023 is indicated.
The stapler is blocked with a staple.
The stapler is broken
Defective DF main PWB.
The adjustment sensor 2 does not turn on/off within specified time of the adjustment motor 2 turning on.
Defective adjustment sensor 2.
Defective adjustment motor 2.
Defective DF main PWB.
The adjustment sensor 1 does not turn on/off within specified time of the adjustment motor 1 turning on.
Defective adjustment sensor 1.
Defective adjustment motor 1.
The roller sensor does not turn on/off within specified time of the roller motor turning on.
Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector.
Defective roller sensor.
Defective roller motor.
Defective DF main PWB.
The slide sensor does not turn on/off within specified time of the slide motor turning on.
Defective slide sensor.
Defective slide motor.
Defective DF main PWB.
Reading from or writing to EEPROM cannot be performed.
A communication error is detected 10 times in succession.
Defective DF main PWB.
Defective engine PWB.
A communication error is detected 10 times in succession.
Defective bridge PWB.
Defective engine PWB.
Defective DF main PWB.
Defective bridge PWB.
A communication error is detected 10 times in succession.
Defective DP main PWB.
Device damage of EEPROM.
Defective operation panel PWB.
Defective engine PWB.