Mail error 554

554 Email Error 2 Minutes, 35 Seconds to Read A 554 email error is sometimes thought of as a catch-all of email errors. It is generally used when there is a generic delivery failure that another email error code doesn’t directly define a problem for. Some mail servers also use a 554 error even […]


  1. 554 Email Error
  2. Example bounce-back message
  3. Common variations of the 554 email error
  4. Resolving a 554 email error bounceback
  5. 52 Comments
  6. ИСПРАВЛЕНИЕ: отказ в доступе к реле 554 5.7.1 Ошибка в Outlook (решена)
  7. Как исправить ошибку Relay Access Denied в почте.
  8. Шаг 1. Проверьте настройки почтового сервера и учетные данные.
  9. Шаг 2. Включите аутентификацию пользователя SMTP Безопасное соединение.
  10. Шаг 3. Проверьте настройки электронной почты у своего провайдера электронной почты Сканирование на вирусы.
  11. Шаг 4. Проверьте, включен ли ваш почтовый сервер или домен в списки СПАМ (БЛОК). *
  12. Steps to fix SMTP error ‘554 permanent problems with the remote server’
  13. 554 SMTP error – General definition
  14. Error ‘554 permanent problems with the remote server’ – Causes and Fixes
  15. 1) Sender IP blacklisted
  16. 2) Sender flagged as Spam
  17. 3) Bad DNS records
  18. 4) Recipient errors
  19. Conclusion
  21. 4 Comments

554 Email Error

2 Minutes, 35 Seconds to Read

A 554 email error is sometimes thought of as a catch-all of email errors. It is generally used when there is a generic delivery failure that another email error code doesn’t directly define a problem for.

Some mail servers also use a 554 error even if there is a specific error code that defines what went wrong already.

You should receive a bounce-back message from the server with a variation of email error 554 in the subject, and the body should contain your original message that you attempted to deliver.

Example bounce-back message

Common variations of the 554 email error

  • 554 5.7.0 Message Size Violation
  • 554 5.7.1 Message blocked due to spam content in the message
  • 554 5.7.1 [P4] Message blocked due to spam content in the message.
  • 554 5.7.1 : Relay access denied
  • 554 5.7.9 Message not accepted for policy reasons. See
  • 554 RLY:B1
  • 554 delivery error: dd This user doesn’t have a account
  • 554 Denied (Mode: normal)
  • 554 Invalid recipient
  • 554 Malformed mail denied!
  • 554 Message is not RFC compliant; missing “Date” header
  • 554 Message not allowed – [PH01] Email not accepted for policy reasons. Please visit [120]
  • 554 Message permanently rejected
  • 554 Message refused
  • 554 no valid recipients, bye
  • 554 rejected due to spam content
  • 554 rejected due to virus
  • 554 : Relay access denied
  • 554 Sorry, no mailbox here by that name.
  • 554 Spam detected
  • 554 Spam violation, the content of your e-mail contains illegal characters, re-sent after examination
  • 554 Transaction Failed Spam Message not queued.554 Virus found, message permanently rejected (#5.3.0)
  • Resolving a 554 email error bounceback

    Because errors in the 554 series don’t always bounceback for a common reason, they could be either a hard or soft bounce. To better understand soft and hard bounces, and general email bounceback errors you can read why does email bounce, bounceback, or error?

    In our example bounce-back error above the reason the message has failed is because an auto-reply was trying to be sent to an account that didn’t exist. So the mail server responded back with a 554 Invalid recipient error.

    InMotion Hosting contributors are highly knowledgeable individuals who create relevant content on new trends and troubleshooting techniques to help you achieve your online goals!

    This post is probably outdated, but I have recieved a 554 Error not listed above, what could it mean?

    It sent me this.

    “The response from the remote server was:

    554 delivery error: dd Requested mail action aborted”

    Unfortunately, this is not enough information to advise how to resolve the issue. I recommend reviewing your Exim (mail server) logs to determine more details. If you are a customer of InMotion Hosting, you should contact our Support for further assistance.

    I keep getting this email. It has been for months now. I think it was to do with sending an originla email to a wrong email address and dont know how to make it to stop.

    Any help its greatly appreicated! Thanks!

    It looks like that bounce back is being caused by spam being sent from that address to a gmail account or being forwarded from that account to somewhere else so it looks like the spam is coming from your email.

    We have the same problem lately, with using acy mailing pro for our newsletters:

    Only yahoo accounts are affected and do not accept although we always have a perfect 9/10 or even 10/10 points in spam testing (from 7/10 it is OK to send your emails).

    The bounce message is as follows:

    We are happy to help troubleshoot your returned email, but the details did not post correctly. Please repost your bounce message without any formatting. This should allow it to display successfully.

    Thank you,

    When I try to send an email to someone using a GWAVA email server, I receive this failed return mail:

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Mail Delivery Subsystem [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 11:02 AM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Returned mail: response error

    The original message was received at Tue, 24 Oct 2017 10:49:30 -0500

    —– The following addresses had permanent fatal errors —–

    —– Transcript of session follows —–

    .. while talking to

    I advise submitting this message to our Live Support team. They can verify your account and look more closely at server logs.

    hi guys , hope you can help me with this problem : here i sent a mail to my other mail account so i’m sure the address is ok. i can only recive mails if i send one from alex2k4 to alex2k4 which is the account


    ИСПРАВЛЕНИЕ: отказ в доступе к реле 554 5.7.1 Ошибка в Outlook (решена)

    «Ошибка сервера: отказ в доступе к ретрансляции 554 5.7.1» в Outlook возникает по двум основным причинам. Первая причина в том, что ваш сервер исходящей почты (SMTP) не позволяет отправлять электронные письма без аутентификации пользователя, а другая причина в том, что ваш адрес электронной почты помечен в списках спама как источник спама.

    Это руководство содержит инструкции по устранению следующей ошибки после отправки электронного письма: «Ваше сообщение не достигло некоторых или всех предполагаемых получателей. Следующие получатели не могут быть достигнуты. Ошибка сервера: 554 5.7.1 Relay Access Denied»

    Как исправить ошибку Relay Access Denied в почте.

    Чтобы точно определить причину ошибки Relay Access Denied 554 5.7.1 и устранить проблему, выполните указанные ниже действия.

    Шаг 1. Проверьте настройки почтового сервера и учетные данные.

    Прежде всего, убедитесь, что вы правильно ввели имя сервера исходящей электронной почты (SMTP), имя пользователя и пароль в приложении электронной почты (Outlook, Thunderbird и т. Д.). *

    * Примечание. Если ошибка «Relay Access Denied» возникла без причины (например, если вы работали без проблем до вчерашнего дня), продолжите работу и включите «SMTP-аутентификацию» (шаг 2).

    (Настройки учетной записи электронной почты Outlook)

    Шаг 2. Включите аутентификацию пользователя SMTP Безопасное соединение.

    Чтобы избежать спамеров, многие почтовые серверы запрещают ретранслировать электронные письма без предварительной аутентификации пользователя. Итак, продолжите и включите аутентификацию SMTP и безопасное соединение в настройках сервера исходящей почты.

    1. От файл меню, выберите Настройки аккаунта *

    * В Outlook 2007, 2003, перейдите на инструменты > учетные записи.

    2. Дважды щелкните по своей учетной записи электронной почты, где вы столкнулись с ошибкой «Relay Access Denied», чтобы запустить его свойства.

    3. щелчок Больше настроек.

    4. Выберите Исходящий сервер вкладка и проверьтеМой исходящий сервер (SMTP) требует аутентификациивариант.

    5. Затем выберите продвинутый и укажите следующие параметры для сервера исходящей почты.

      1. Порт исходящего сервера (SMPT): 465
      2. Тип шифрования: SSL

    6. щелчок хорошо а потом Тестовые настройки аккаунта.

    7. Если тест пройден успешно, нажмите следующий и закройте настройки учетной записи электронной почты. Наконец, попробуйте отправить электронное письмо, чтобы узнать, устранена ли ошибка «Relay Access Denied». *

    * Примечание. Если тест не пройден или вы продолжаете получать сообщение об ошибке «Relay Access Denied 554 5.7.1», снова откройте дополнительные настройки, но на этот раз укажите следующие параметры. **

      1. Порт исходящего сервера (SMPT): 587
      2. Тип шифрования: TLS или STARTTLS

    Шаг 3. Проверьте настройки электронной почты у своего провайдера электронной почты Сканирование на вирусы.

    Если вы по-прежнему получаете сообщение об ошибке «Отказано в доступе к ретрансляции», после применения вышеуказанных шагов и настроек обратитесь к своему поставщику электронной почты, чтобы проверить, что информация об учетной записи ( Пароль) и настройки для зашифрованного соединения SMTP (Порт Тип шифрования) правильный.

    Кроме того — но очень важно — проверьте ваш компьютер и все остальные компьютеры в сети на наличие возможных вредоносных программ. Для выполнения этой задачи выполните все шаги из этого Руководства по быстрому сканированию и удалению вредоносных программ для ПК.

    Шаг 4. Проверьте, включен ли ваш почтовый сервер или домен в списки СПАМ (БЛОК). *

    * Примечание: последний шаг по устранению ошибки «Relay Access Denied» в основном касается доменов компании. Владельцы почтового сервера.

    A. Если у вас есть адрес электронной почты, который является частью домена компании (например,, и вы получаете сообщение об ошибке «Relay Access Denied»:

    1. Перейдите к следующему адресу электронной почты, проверяющему сайты:


    2. Введите доменное имя компании (например, «») или свой полный адрес электронной почты (например, в поле поиска и нажмите Проверка черного списка.

    B. Если вы являетесь владельцем сервера исходящей почты и ваши конечные пользователи получают ошибку «Relay Access Denied», убедитесь, что ваш почтовый сервер не занесен в черный список. Для этого:

    1. Перейдите к следующему адресу электронной почты, проверяющему сайты:


    2. В поле поиска введите имя сервера исходящей почты (например, «») и нажмите Проверка черного списка.

    Это оно! Дайте мне знать, если это руководство помогло вам, оставив свой комментарий о вашем опыте. Пожалуйста, любите и делитесь этим руководством, чтобы помочь другим.


    Steps to fix SMTP error ‘554 permanent problems with the remote server’

    Email errors are difficult to deal with, particularly if there is no specific information about the error.

    One such error is “554 permanent problems with the remote server“.

    At Bobcares, we help customers resolve email errors as part of our Server Support Services for web hosts.

    Today, we’ll discuss the top 4 reasons for this error and how we fix them.

    554 SMTP error – General definition

    In the email bounce back message, website owners often see a vague error code like 554.

    What’s does this 554 error code mean? A confusing query, always.

    554 error code means that the receiving server sees something in the From or To Headers of the message, that it doesn’t like.

    This can be caused by a spam filter identifying your machine as a relay, or as a machine not trusted to send emails from your domain.

    Error ‘554 permanent problems with the remote server’ – Causes and Fixes

    Now, we have a general idea of 554 SMTP errors.

    Let’s now move on to the main reasons for the error “554 permanent problems with the remote server” and how our Server Support Engineers fix them.

    1) Sender IP blacklisted

    One of the main reasons for this error is the poor reputation of the sender’s IP address.

    The IP address of the sender can usually be blacklisted because of continuous spam instances, open relays, etc.

    Consequently, the mail server IP will be blacklisted by major spam monitoring systems like SpamHaus, DNSSBL, SORBS, etc.

    Major email providers like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail monitor the reputation of the IPs before accepting the connection, and if any problems are noted, they will reject the emails.

    How we fix?

    Firstly, our Server Support Engineers check and ensure that the IP address of the sender doesn’t appear in any of the RBLs. Online tools like comes handy here.

    And if the IP is blacklisted, we identify the source of the spam, fix it, take preventive measures and finally submit delist request to the RBLs.

    At Bobcares, we always take necessary steps to secure the server and to prevent outgoing spam. Some of the main things we do are setting outgoing limits, disable pop before smtp, etc.

    2) Sender flagged as Spam

    The recipient server sometimes uses custom blacklists or filters that use strict rules for monitoring the incoming messages.

    So, the emails that violate these rules will be blocked at the recipient end.

    For example, if the message body contains spam words or sender trying to send to more addresses allowed at one time, the recipient filter will considers it as suspicious and blocks the connection.

    Similarly, major email providers such as Yahoo have a number of best practices to send bulk emails, email sending limits, etc. If any of these rules are breached, the message is blocked.

    And, users see errors like 554 permanent problems with the remote server.

    How we fix?

    Our Server Support Engineers first analyze the nature of the message sent. If we note unsupported file format, spam contents, etc. in the message, we suggest the customer to remove it and send again.

    And, if it’s a valid message, then the sender domain must be whitelisted at the recipient end to allow mail flow.

    3) Bad DNS records

    Likewise, recipient server can reject emails because of the bad DNS records of the sender domain.

    The recipient server usually checks the DNS records such as RDNS(PTR), SPF, DKIM, etc. to verify the sender, and emails will be rejected if any discrepancies are noted in these records.

    Result is users see errors like 554 permanent problems with the remote server.

    Now, let’s take a look at these 4 records in detail.

    a) RDNS(PTR) record

    Reverse DNS or PTR records translates sending IP address into it’s domain name.

    This ensures that the IP address is linked to a real domain name.

    In addition to that, it confirms that emails don’t come from dial up connections or dynamic IPs that are common methods used by spammers.

    Many email providers such as Yahoo, Gmail, etc. block emails from servers with a bad RDNS record or no RDNS records.

    b) SPF record

    Many email providers use SPF(Sender Policy Framework) record to prevent spammers from sending unauthorized emails from their domain.

    In other words, SPF record contains server IP addresses that can send emails on behalf of the domain. And, if the email doesn’t originate from any of these IPs, it will reject that email. In this way, it fight against email spoofing.

    However, we’ve seen cases where the mail server IP has changed and this new IP address hasn’t been added to the SPF record.

    As a result, the recipient sees the mails originate from a server that is not added in the SPF record and hence rejects the email.

    c) DKIM record

    Similarly, DKIM(Domain Keys Identified Mail) records sign your emails in a way that allows the recipient server to check whether the sender is valid or not.

    If there are no DKIM records, some mail servers reject the emails considering the sender as fake.

    d) DMARC record

    Like SPF and DKIM, DMARC(Domain Message Authentication Reporting & Conformance) records also help the recipient server to verify the authenticity of the sender by validating that an email originates from the specified source.

    Sometimes, a missing DMARC record can lead to email rejections.

    How we fix?

    Firstly, our Support Engineers cross check the DNS records such as PTR, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, etc. of the sender domain.

    And, if any mismatch is found, we’ll immediately correct it by making the required changes in the records.

    At Bobcares, we always make sure to configure critical email records like PTR, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, etc. to ensure reliable email deliveries.

    4) Recipient errors

    Another reason for the error is the problems at the recipient mail server.

    This can be caused by incorrect MX record of the recipient domain, disabled/suspended domain, and more.

    How we fix?

    Our Support Engineers check the recipient domain and it’s MX records with the below command.

    Further, we check the connection to the recipient mail server with the following command.

    If we notice missing MX entries or connectivity problems, this must be corrected at the recipient end.


    In short, ‘554 permanent problems with the remote server’ can happen due to bad DNS records, poor IP reputation and more. Today, we’ve discussed the top 4 reasons for this error and how our Server Support Engineers fix them.


    Never again lose customers to poor server speed! Let us help you.

    Our server experts will monitor & maintain your server 24/7 so that it remains lightning fast and secure.

    Not receving mails and complaint from sender that mail is bouncing
    showing Error 554

    If you are still facing the issue, We may need to check the error logs to find out more details on this.
    We’ll be happy to talk to you on chat (click on the icon at right-bottom).


    Email errors are difficult to deal with, particularly if there is no specific information about the error.

    One such error is “554 permanent problems with the remote server“.

    At Bobcares, we help customers resolve email errors as part of our Server Support Services for web hosts.

    Today, we’ll discuss the top 4 reasons for this error and how we fix them.

    554 SMTP error – General definition

    In the email bounce back message, website owners often see a vague error code like 554.

    What’s does this 554 error code mean? A confusing query, always.

    554 error code means that the receiving server sees something in the From or To Headers of the message, that it doesn’t like.

    This can be caused by a spam filter identifying your machine as a relay, or as a machine not trusted to send emails from your domain.

    Error ‘554 permanent problems with the remote server’ – Causes and Fixes

    Now, we have a general idea of 554 SMTP errors.

    Let’s now move on to the main reasons for the error “554 permanent problems with the remote server” and how our Server Support Engineers fix them.

    1) Sender IP blacklisted

    One of the main reasons for this error is the poor reputation of the sender’s IP address.

    The IP address of the sender can usually be blacklisted because of continuous spam instances, open relays, etc.

    Consequently, the mail server IP will be blacklisted by major spam monitoring systems like SpamHaus, DNSSBL, SORBS, etc.

    Major email providers like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail monitor the reputation of the IPs before accepting the connection, and if any problems are noted, they will reject the emails.

    How we fix?

    Firstly, our Server Support Engineers check and ensure that the IP address of the sender doesn’t appear in any of the RBLs. Online tools like comes handy here.

    And if the IP is blacklisted, we identify the source of the spam, fix it, take preventive measures and finally submit delist request to the RBLs.

    At Bobcares, we always take necessary steps to secure the server and to prevent outgoing spam. Some of the main things we do are setting outgoing limits, disable pop before smtp, etc.

    2) Sender flagged as Spam

    The recipient server sometimes uses custom blacklists or filters that use strict rules for monitoring the incoming messages.

    So, the emails that violate these rules will be blocked at the recipient end.

    For example, if the message body contains spam words or sender trying to send to more addresses allowed at one time, the recipient filter will considers it as suspicious and blocks the connection.

    Similarly, major email providers such as Yahoo have a number of best practices to send bulk emails, email sending limits, etc. If any of these rules are breached, the message is blocked.

    And, users see errors like 554 permanent problems with the remote server.

    How we fix?

    Our Server Support Engineers first analyze the nature of the message sent. If we note unsupported file format, spam contents, etc. in the message, we suggest the customer to remove it and send again.

    And, if it’s a valid message, then the sender domain must be whitelisted at the recipient end to allow mail flow.

    3) Bad DNS records

    Likewise, recipient server can reject emails because of the bad DNS records of the sender domain.

    The recipient server usually checks the DNS records such as  RDNS(PTR), SPF, DKIM, etc. to verify the sender, and emails will be rejected if any discrepancies are noted in these records.

    Result is users see errors like 554 permanent problems with the remote server.

    Now, let’s take a look at these 4 records in detail.

    a) RDNS(PTR) record

    Reverse DNS or PTR records translates sending IP address into it’s domain name.

    This ensures that the IP address is linked to a real domain name.

    In addition to that, it confirms that emails don’t come from dial up connections or dynamic IPs that are common methods used by spammers.

    Many email providers such as Yahoo, Gmail, etc. block emails from servers with a bad RDNS record or no RDNS records.

    b) SPF record

    Many email providers use SPF(Sender Policy Framework) record to prevent spammers from sending unauthorized emails from their domain.

    In other words, SPF record contains server IP addresses that can send emails on behalf of the domain. And, if the email doesn’t originate from any of these IPs, it will reject that email. In this way, it fight against email spoofing.

    However, we’ve seen cases where the mail server IP has changed and this new IP address hasn’t been added to the SPF record.

    As a result, the recipient sees the mails originate from a server that is not added in the SPF record and hence rejects the email.

    c) DKIM record

    Similarly, DKIM(Domain Keys Identified Mail) records sign your emails in a way that allows the recipient server to check whether the sender is valid or not.

    If there are no DKIM records, some mail servers reject the emails considering the sender as fake.

    d) DMARC record

    Like SPF and DKIM, DMARC(Domain Message Authentication Reporting & Conformance) records also help the recipient server to verify the authenticity of the sender by validating that an email originates from the specified source.

    Sometimes, a missing DMARC record can lead to email rejections.

    How we fix?

    Firstly, our Support Engineers cross check the DNS records such as PTR, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, etc. of the sender domain.

    And, if any mismatch is found, we’ll immediately correct it by making the required changes in the records.

    At Bobcares, we always make sure to configure critical email records like PTR, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, etc. to ensure reliable email deliveries.

    4) Recipient errors

    Another reason for the error is the problems at the recipient mail server.

    This can be caused by incorrect MX record of the recipient domain, disabled/suspended domain, and more.

    How we fix?

    Our Support Engineers check the recipient domain and it’s MX records with the below command.

    dig MX

    Further, we check the connection to the recipient mail server with the following command.

    telnet 25

    If we notice missing MX entries or connectivity problems, this must be corrected at the recipient end.


    In short, ‘554 permanent problems with the remote server’ can happen due to bad DNS records, poor IP reputation and more. Today, we’ve discussed the top 4 reasons for this error and how our Server Support Engineers fix them.


    Never again lose customers to poor server speed! Let us help you.

    Our server experts will monitor & maintain your server 24/7 so that it remains lightning fast and secure.


    var google_conversion_label = «owonCMyG5nEQ0aD71QM»;

    Если отправка сообщений через SMTP не удается, SMTP сервер сообщает код ошибки, по нему можно определить, в чем проблема и как ее исправить. Наиболее распространенные ошибки указаны в списке ниже.

    Код ошибки




    Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable.

    Требуемые почтовые действия, не предприняты: почтовый ящик недоступен (например, почтовый ящик занят).

    Сервер не может получить доступ к почтовому ящику для доставки сообщения. Это может быть вызвано процессом чистки мертвых адресов на сервере, почтовый ящик может быть поврежден, или почтовый ящик может находиться на другом сервере, который в настоящее время не доступен. Также сетевое соединение могло быть разорвано во время отправки, или удаленный почтовый сервер не хочет принимать почту с вашего сервера по некоторым причинам (IP-адрес, черные списки и т.д.). Повторная попытка отправки письма на этот почтовый ящик может оказаться успешной.


    Requested action aborted: local error in processing.

    Требуемое действие прерывалось: ошибка в обработке.

    Эта ошибка, как правило, возникает из-за перегрузки вашего Интернет провайдера или через ваш SMTP-релей отправлено слишком много сообщений. Следующая попытка отправить письмо может оказаться успешной.


    Syntax error, command unrecognized.

    Синтаксическая ошибка, неправильная команда (Это может включать ошибки типа слишком длинная командная строка).

    Ваш антивирус/брандмауэр блокирует входящие/исходящие соединения SMTP. Вам следует настроить антивирус/брандмауэр для решения проблемы.


    Syntax error in parameters or arguments.

    Синтаксическая ошибка в параметрах или переменных.

    Недопустимые адреса электронной почты или доменное имя почтового адреса. Иногда указывает на проблемы соединения.


    Bad sequence of commands or this mail server requires authentication.

    Неправильная последовательность команд.

    Повторяющая ошибка 503 может свидетельствовать о проблемах соединения. Отклик 503 SMTP-сервера чаще всего является показателем того, что SMTP-сервер требует аутентификации, а Вы пытаетесь отправить сообщение без аутентификации (логин + пароль). Проверьте Общие настройки, чтобы убедиться в правильности настроек SMTP-сервера.


    The host server for the recipient’s domain name cannot be found (DNS error).

    У одного из серверов на пути к серверу назначения есть проблема с DNS-сервером либо адрес получателя не верный. Проверьте адрес получателя на правильность доменного имени (орфографические ошбки в доменном имени или несуществующее доменное имя).


    Address type is incorrect or authentication required.

    Убедитесь, что адрес электронной почты получателя верный, не содержит ошибок. Затем попробуйте повторно отправить сообщение. Другой причиной может быть то, что SMTP-сервер требует аутентификации, а Вы пытаетесь отправить сообщение без аутентификации (обычно аутентификация ESMTP, логин + пароль). Проверьте Общие настройки, чтобы убедиться в правильности настроек SMTP-сервера.


    The Recipient’s mailbox cannot receive messages this big.

    Размер сообщения (сообщение + все его вложения) превышает ограничения по размеру на сервере получателя. Проверьте размер сообщения, которое Вы подготовили для отправки, в частности, размер вложений, возможно, стоит разбить сообщения на части.


    Access denied.

    SMTP-сервер вашего провайдера, требует аутентификации, а Вы пытаетесь отправить сообщение без аутентификации (логин + пароль). Проверьте Общие настройки, чтобы убедиться в правильности настроек SMTP-сервера. Другой причиной может быть то, что ваш SMTP-сервер находится в черном списке сервера получателя. Или почтовый ящик получателя не существует.


    Username and Password not accepted.

    Проверьте настройки SMTP-сервера. Убедитесь в том, что логин и пароль введены правильно.


    Recipient Address Rejected – Access denied.

    Этот ответ почти всегда отправляется Антиспам фильтром на стороне получателя. Проверьте ваше сообщение соспам чекером или попросите получателя добавить вас в белый список.


    Mailbox unavailable.

    Требуемые действия, не предприняты: почтовый ящик недоступен (например, почтовый ящик, не найден, нет доступа).

    Отклик 550 SMTP-сервера означает, что емейл-адреса получателя нет на сервере. Свяжитесь с получателем устно, чтобы получить его емейл-адрес. 
    Ошибка 550 иногда может быть отправлена Антиспам фильтром. Другим случаем возврата отклика 550 может быть, когда сервер получателя не работает.


    Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation or size of the incoming message exceeds the incoming size limit.

    Требуемые почтовые действия прервались: превышено распределение памяти.

    Почтовый ящик получателя достиг своего максимально допустимого размера. Другим случаем возврата отклика 552 может быть, когда размер входящего сообщения превышает лимит указанный администратором сети.


    Requested action not taken – Mailbox name invalid.

    Требуемые действия, не предприняты: имя почтового ящика, недопустимо (например, синтаксис почтового ящика неправильный).

    Неверный адрес электронной почты получателя. Отклик 553 SMTP-сервера иногда возвращает почтовый сервер вашего Интернет провайдера. Это происходит, если у Вас нет подключения к Интернету у этого провайдера.


    Transaction failed.

    Передача данных не удалась

    Отклик 554 SMTP-сервера возвращает антиспам-фильтр в случае, если не нравится емейл-адрес отправителя, или IP-адрес отправителя, или почтовый сервер отправителя (к примеру, они находятся в RBL). Вам нужно либо попросить отправителя добавить Вас в белый список, либо Вы должны принять меры, чтобы Ваш IP-адрес или ISP сервер был удален из RBL (Realtime Blackhole List).

    A 554 email error is sometimes thought of as a catch-all of email errors. It is generally used when there is a generic delivery failure that another email error code doesn’t directly define a problem for.

    Some mail servers also use a 554 error even if there is a specific error code that defines what went wrong already.

    You should receive a bounce-back message from the server with a variation of email error 554 in the subject, and the body should contain your original message that you attempted to deliver.

    Example bounce-back message

    Return-path: <>
    Envelope-to: [email protected]
    Delivery-date: Sat, 13 Oct 2012 04:40:30 -0700
    Received: from mailnull by with local (Exim 4.77)
    id 1TN050-0007it-Dw
    for [email protected]; Sat, 13 Oct 2012 04:40:30 -0700
    X-Failed-Recipients: [email protected]
    Auto-Submitted: auto-replied
    From: Mail Delivery System

    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
    Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2012 04:40:30 -0700

    This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

    A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
    recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

    [email protected]
    SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<[email protected]>:
    host []: 554 Invalid recipient

    —— This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ——

    Return-path: <[email protected]>
    Received: from Admin by with local (Exim 4.77)
    (envelope-from <[email protected]>)
    id 1TN04y-0007iG-6d
    for [email protected]; Sat, 13 Oct 2012 04:40:28 -0700
    To: Recipient <[email protected]>
    X-Autorespond: Comments
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    X-Loop: Recipient group <[email protected]>
    Precedence: auto_reply
    X-Precedence: auto_reply
    From: “sender” <[email protected]>
    Subject: Auto Reply: Out of Office
    Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2012 04:40:28 -0700

    Common variations of the 554 email error

    • 554 5.7.0 Message Size Violation
    • 554 5.7.1 Message blocked due to spam content in the message
    • 554 5.7.1 [P4] Message blocked due to spam content in the message.
    • 554 5.7.1 : Relay access denied
    • 554 5.7.9 Message not accepted for policy reasons. See
    • 554 RLY:B1
    • 554 delivery error: dd This user doesn’t have a account
    • 554 Denied (Mode: normal)
    • 554 Invalid recipient
    • 554 Malformed mail denied!
    • 554 Message is not RFC compliant; missing “Date” header
    • 554 Message not allowed – [PH01] Email not accepted for policy reasons. Please visit [120]
    • 554 Message permanently rejected
    • 554 Message refused
    • 554 no valid recipients, bye
    • 554 rejected due to spam content
    • 554 rejected due to virus
    • 554 : Relay access denied
    • 554 Sorry, no mailbox here by that name.
    • 554 Spam detected
    • 554 Spam violation, the content of your e-mail contains illegal characters, re-sent after examination
    • 554 Transaction Failed Spam Message not queued.554 Virus found, message permanently rejected (#5.3.0)

    Resolving a 554 email error bounceback

    Because errors in the 554 series don’t always bounceback for a common reason, they could be either a hard or soft bounce. To better understand soft and hard bounces, and general email bounceback errors you can read why does email bounce, bounceback, or error?

    In our example bounce-back error above the reason the message has failed is because an auto-reply was trying to be sent to an account that didn’t exist. So the mail server responded back with a 554 Invalid recipient error.

    “554 email rejected due to security policies”, This can happen from time to time You just send an email, and it suddenly reflects.

    Commonly, the weave-back message gives you a have about the issue. Regardless, now and again it shows odd missteps that are difficult to grasp.

    One such mix-up is “554 message excused for procedure reasons”.

    Settling email issues is one of the typical tasks that we do every day as an element of our Server Support organizations for the web.

    Today, we’ll look at the best 3 purposes behind this error and how we fix them.

    ‘554 message excused for procedure reasons’ – What does this suggest?

    In a mail movement, the recipient server plays out a movement of checks to confirm the authenticity of the sender and the message.

    554 email rejected due to security policies”, In case the recipient server has questions about the sender’s realness or the sender’s message, it rejects such messages.

    Additionally, customers see the slip-up “554 messages excused for methodology reasons”.

    ‘554 message excused for technique reasons’ – Why and How to fix it?

    “554 email rejected due to security policies”, What about us by and by inspecting the main roles behind this error, and how do our Server Support Engineers fix them.

    1) Restrictions at the recipient end

    One of the ordinary purposes behind this error is the mail rules set at the recipient end.

    “554 email rejected due to security policies”, For example, the recipient server rejects messages in the going with conditions.

    • The IP address of the sender is recorded in the public RBLs.
    • Sender outperforms the limitation of the number of messages got from one IP address.
    • Email address or space may be recorded on the recipient’s blacklists.
    • Spam filer settings that square moving toward messages.

    Thusly, our Hosting Engineers check that the sender’s IP is recorded in open RBLs. Online devices like “” come supportive here.

    At whatever point recorded, we recognize the spam source and fix it. Similarly, we execute preventive measures and ultimately submit delist requests to the RBLs. A delist generally speaking takes around 24 to 48 hours.

    “554 email rejected due to security policies”, On the other hand, we change the mail interface IP address of the server to restore the email organization immediately.

    On the other hand, in case the recipient space has boycotted the sender, the sender region has to be whitelisted at the recipient end. Along these lines, we propose the customers contact the recipient end and white list the space at their end.

    We review the spam channel settings and the recipient server limits for moving toward messages. Additionally, “554 emails rejected due to security policies”, if fundamental, we’ll change these characteristics similarly.

    People Also Ask

    Question # 1: How do I fix Error 554 in Outlook?

    Answer: How to fix the problem:

    • In Outlook, go to “Tools” and select “Email Accounts”.
    • Click Next.
    • Select “More Settings”.
    • Select “Outgoing Server”.
    • Check “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication”.
    • Make sure that Use same setting as my incoming mail server is selected.
    • Click “OK”, then “Next”, then “Finish”.

    Question # 2: What is 554 relay access denied?

    Answer: Relay Accessed Denied is a common email error. It means that the server is not allowing an email to be sent to another mail server. The sender did not authenticate to the outgoing mail server. The recipient’s server has determined the sender’s server to be a source of spam, or that it had failed security checks.

    Question # 3: How do I fix Error 554?

    Answer: To resolve the issue:

    1. Double-click the time on the right-bottom corner of the computer.
    2. Check for the correct day, month and time.
    3. Make the necessary changes and click OK.
    4. Once completed, send an email to someone with a Yahoo email address. The mail should not be rejected anymore.

    Question # 4: What is a 550 email error?

    Answer: A “550 Authentication is required for relay” error indicates that your email server requires SMTP authentication to send outgoing mail, but the email client used to send email has not been authenticated with your username and password. Fortunately, resolving this error can be done quickly and easily.

    Question # 5: What does 554 delivery error mean?

    Answer:  554 error code means that the receiving server sees something in the From or To Headers of the message, that it doesn’t like. This can be caused by a spam filter identifying your machine as a relay, or as a machine not trusted to send emails from your domain.

    2) Suspicious message substance

    Moreover, customers will get this bungle if the substance of the message dismisses the email approaches of the provider.

    Huge email providers like Gmail, Yahoo, etc have serious methodologies on the substance of the messages. “554 email rejected due to security policies”, For example, antagonistic associations, poisonous associations, spam substance, awful header information, etc will be blocked.

    Accordingly, any messages that ignore these methodologies are excused by the recipient server. Additionally, customers see the error “554 messages excused for methodology reasons”.

    Here, is our Hosting Engineer’s overview of the message header information and the email content. “554 email rejected due to security policies”, If we find spam substances or malicious associations, we’ll prescribe customers to dispense with them and send them again.

    3) Bad DNS records

    The recipient server plays out explicit confirmation checks against the sender space to confirm the authenticity of the sender.

    All things considered, the recipient checks the DNS records like SPF, DKIM, DMARC, etc if, despite everything any frustration is found, “554 email rejected due to security policies”, it excuses the moving toward messages.

    What about we see how the recipient server uses these records to look at the character of the sender.

    a) SPF record

    Email providers use SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records to hold spammers back from sending unapproved messages.

    Accordingly, the SPF record contains the IP areas of the sender that can send messages for the space. “554 email rejected due to security policies”, Additionally, if an email begins from an IP address not recorded in the SPF record, the recipient server considers it questionable and rejects the mail.

    We’ve seen circumstances, where the space has been move or the mail IP of the space, has change. But, customers don’t revive the new IP address in the SPF records. Appropriately, recipient servers reject the messages.

    Additionally, “554 email rejected due to security policies”, customers see the error “554 message excused for system reasons”.

    b) DKIM record

    Also, DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) is another system use by email providers to hinder mocking.

    A high-level imprint is capture on each message. Thusly, the recipient server can choose whether the messages come from a considerable sender.

    “554 email rejected due to security policies”, In case the moving toward email can’t be confirmed against the sending space’s plan, that email will be excuse.

    c) DMARC record

    DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) record helps recipients with settling on a choice about the sending region’s reputations.

    With everything taken into account, DMARC record uses SPF and DKIM records to affirm messages are real. “554 email rejected due to security policies”, A message that doesn’t pass SPF or DKIM checks triggers the DMARC methodology.

    In this heap of cases, at first, our Hosting Engineers check the DNS records of the sender. Additionally, we guarantee that they are set precisely. In case a befuddle is found, we’ll rapidly carry out the fundamental enhancements in the record.

    Getting rid of a 554 email bounce back

    554 emails were reject due to security policies because 554 mistakes don’t always bounce back for the same reason, they can be either a hard or gentle bounce. Why does email bounce, bounce back, or error? can help you better understand mild and hard bounces, as well as typical email bounce back problems.

    The message failed in our example bounce-back error because an auto-reply was attempt to be sent to an account that did not exist. The mail server at responded with a 554 Invalid recipient error.

    The 554 email error has a few different versions

    • Violation of Message Size 554 5.7.0
    • 554 5.7.1: The message was block because it included spam content.
    • #554 5.7.1: The message was block because it included spam.
    • 554 5.7.1: Relay access is denied 554 5.7.9: Message is not allow due to policy.
    • #554 delivery error: dd RLY: B1 554 There is no account for this user 554 Denied (Mode: normal)
    • 554 Incorrect recipient
    • #554 Malformed mail isn’t accepte!
    • 554 The message is not RFC compliant. The “Date” header is missing.
    • #554 Message is not permitted – [PH01] For policy reasons, email is not accepted.
    • 554 Permanently rejected message
    • #554 No valid receivers, 554 messages denied, bye
    • 554 owing to spam material, it was refuse
    • #554 Virus-related rejection
    • 554: Access to the relay is denied There is no mailbox with such a name here.
    • #554 Spam was discover.
    • 554 Spam violation; your e-mail contains illegal characters; re-sent after investigation
    • #554 Failed Transaction Spam The message has not been line up.
    • 554 (#5.3.0) Virus discovered, message permanently refused

    Email Error 554

    554 emails rejected due to security policies, a 554 email error is commonly seen as a catch-all for all types of email failures. It’s typically use when an email delivery issue occurs that isn’t clearly define by another email error number.

    Even if there is a precise error code that defines what went wrong. Some mail servers employ a 554 error.

    The server should send you a bounce-back message with the subject “554 email rejected due to security policies,” and the body should reflect the original message that you attempted to deliver.


    Thus, “554 messages excused for procedure reasons” email movement mix-up can happen on account of recipient server limits, and dreadful DNS records, to say the least. Today, “554 emails rejected due to security policies”, we’ve discussed the vital 3 purposes behind this screw-up and how our Server Support Engineers fix them.

    Read More

    550 permanent failures for one or more recipients blocked

    552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!

    Server-Sent Passive Reply with Unroutable Address Passive Mode Failed

    Email errors can be frustrating to deal with, especially when error codes like “SMTP 554 transaction failed” are not clear to the sender. 

    The 554 error indicates that the email didn’t go through. Simply put, the email transaction between the sender and receiver’s email was unsuccessful.

    So, what causes 554 errors? And, how do we fix them? Let’s dive in to find out.

    What Does SMTP Error 554 Mean?

    Generally, SMTP error 554 means there was an unsuccessful email transaction between the sending server and the receiving server.  This error is irreversible, and the server will not attempt to send the message again.

    Well, until you fix it.

    While this might be as a result of “permanent problems with remote server” due to your sending email server being blacklisted, it could also be because of bad DNS records.

    Often, a 554 error code is a blanket code for generic email delivery failure. It’s usually used when an email error code doesn’t explicitly identify a problem.

    In cases like these, the server sends you a bounce-back message with the variation of email error 554 as the subject and your original message in the body.

    Here’s what a 554 bounce-back message may look like:

    SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:

    <[email protected]>:host []: 554 Invalid recipient

    Other variations of the SMTP error 554 may include:

    • 554 Transaction Failed Spam Message not queued.554 Virus found, message permanently rejected (#5.3.0)
    • 554 rejected due to spam content
    • 554 Relay access denied
    • 554 Message not allowed – [PH01] Message rejected for policy reasons.

    As you can see, even when there’s a reason provided, it is mostly technical jargon. Not to worry, we’ll explore some of the complex causes for SMTP error 554 and how you can fix them.

    Causes of SMTP Error 554

    The following are some of the reasons for a 554 email error.

    Invalid Recipient Address or Errors

    SMTP email errors that come up as “invalid recipient address” might result from an incorrect email address or custom filters configured by the recipient. In extreme cases, the recipient’s address might have been suspended or disabled.

    Sometimes, the receiving mail server might pose a problem by having an incorrect MX record of the recipient’s domain. 

    Blacklisted IP Address

    The main reason for this error is a blacklisting of the sender IP. Some spam monitoring systems may blacklist the sender’s IP address because of spam issues or open relays.

    Major webmail service providers like Gmail, Outlook, and Zoho Mail check the reputation of IP addresses before accepting connections and rejects incoming emails if it detects any issues. 

    Consequently, monitoring systems like SORBS and DNSSBL blacklists the mail server IP address.

    Bad DNS Records

    Bad DNS records bring up errors like: “554 permanent problems with the remote server.” The receiving server can reject emails due to poor DNS records at the sender’s domain.

    Usually, the recipient’s server scans these DNS records DMARC, SPF, and DKIM for validation on the sender’s receiver. If there are any discrepancies, it rejects the incoming message and brings up a 554 error. 

    We’ll briefly discuss these records in a bit.

    SPF Record

    Email service providers use an SPF (Sender Policy Framework) record to curb unwanted emails from spammers’ domains. 

    To put it another way, the SPF record lists server IP addresses that can send emails on behalf of the domain. Thus, it rejects any email that doesn’t come from any of these IPs, preventing email spoofing.

    Though the sender’s mail server IP address changes in some cases, the SPF record may not have it listed in its records. 

    As a result, the receiving server bounces the incoming message because it can’t verify it.

    DKIM Record 

    DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) records, on the other hand, sign the emails in a way that helps the recipient server to verify whether or not the sender is legitimate.

    Some mail servers will reject emails if there are no DKIM records, assuming the sender is fake.

    DMARC Record

    DMARC (Domain Message Authentication Reporting & Conformance) records are similar to SPF and DKIM. 

    It assists the recipient server in verifying the sender’s authenticity by validating that an email comes from a designated source.

    A missing DMARC record can cause an unsuccessful email transaction.

    Sender Address Flagged as Spam

    Some email users use custom blacklist configurations to filter out spam words in incoming messages. So, emails with these words get bounced back at the recipient’s end.

    The same thing occurs when the sender tries to cross their email sending limits; recipient filters see these actions as suspicious and bounce the message.

    Email Violation Policy

    Email service providers all have email policies that users’ messages must follow. If a message doesn’t follow these policies, the email provider blocks it immediately.

    How to Fix SMTP Error 554 

    While you can fix some of the errors by yourself, other ones require technical expertise. Here’s how to fix some of the common causes for SMTP error 554.

    Fix: Invalid Recipient Address or Errors

    If you see an “Address not found” bounce message, then check carefully for misspelling words in the recipient’s address.

    If there are no typos, you can check with our support team to verify the domain name and know whether the recipient’s domain MX records are set correctly.

    Fix: Bad DNS Records

    When you purchase email hosting with us, we immediately verify the SPF, DKIM, or DMARC records upon request and make the required changes if needed.

    Fix: Spam and Blacklisted IP Address

    There are multiple ways to go about fixing this error. But the easiest way is having your address delisted from public Reputation Block Lists (RBLs).

    Various web tools make it possible to check for blacklisted sender IP addresses and create a delist request. This delisting process can take a couple of days, so hang on.

    Another way is to upgrade your email account to enjoy pro spam protection and robust storage and bandwidth.

    Fix: Email Violation Policy

    Bad headers, spam contents, offensive links, or malicious attachments go against some email providers or ISP’s policy. 

    Endeavor to rid your messages of these to avoid error messages like: “554 Message not allowed – [PH01] Message rejected for policy reasons.”

    In Summary

    SMTP error 554 can occur for the various reasons we listed above. 

    Avoid sending spam contents, have your DNS records checked, and ensure to stick to your providers’ email policies, and you’re golden.

    Если вы не используете сервис рассылки для отправки писем, они могут не попасть во «Входящие» получателей из-за SMTP ошибок. Отправляйте письма через SMTP сервис SendPulse. Мы предлагаем чистые IP адреса, надежные серверы, SPF и DKIM записи, чтобы повысить доставляемость ваших рассылок. А узнать о значениях и причинах SMTP ошибок вы можете в этой статье.

    Код ошибки — это зашифрованная комбинация чисел, которая требует объяснения. Чтобы понять, почему ваше письмо не может быть отправлено, обязательно нужно знать значение кода ошибки.

    Код SMTP ошибок состоит из 3 цифр, каждая из которых имеет свое значение.

    Первая цифра указывает на то, был ли принят и обработан ваш запрос.

    Существует 5 значений для первой цифры кода SMTP ошибки

    1. Сервер принял команду, но не предпринял никаких действий, так как ожидает подтверждения на выполнение запрашиваемых действий.
    2. Действие было успешно выполнено и сервер готов принимать новую команду.
    3. Сервер принял команду, но для её завершения требуется дополнительная информация.
    4. Возник временный сбой. Если не последует изменений при повторении команды, попробуйте ещё раз.
    5. Сервер столкнулся с неустранимой ошибкой, ваша команда не будет обработана.

    Если код начинается с цифры 2 — ваша команда успешно обработана, если с 4 — есть временный сбой, с 5 — постоянный сбой. В последнем случае ваши письма не будут отправлены, пока вы не устраните ошибку.

    Существует 4 значения для второй цифры кода SMTP ошибки

    1. Синтаксическая ошибка.
    2. Информационный ответ (запрос информации, например, помощь).
    3. Обозначает состояние подключения.
    4. Обозначает состояние почтового сервера или почтовой системы.

    Последняя цифра в коде несет более подробную информацию о статусе доставки.

    Самые важные коды SMTP ошибок

    214 — Ответ на запрос информации о том, как работать с сервером, описание нестандартных команд, полезное только для человека.

    220 — Готов к работе.

    221 — Служба обслуживает заключительный канал передачи данных.

    250 — Запрашиваемое почтовое действие успешно завершено.

    251 — Получатель не местный, но сервер переотправит письмо.

    252 — Почтовый ящик не может быть верифицирован сервером, но он будет осуществлять попытки доставить письмо.

    354 — Начинайте ввод сообщения. Оно должно заканчиваться точкой на новой строке.

    421 — Сервер недоступен, канал связи будет закрыт.

    422 — Размер письма превышает лимит входящих сообщений получателя.

    442 — Почтовый сервер начал доставлять письмо, но подключение было прервано во время передачи.

    450 — Запрашиваемое действие не было выполнено, почтовый ящик был недоступен. Он может быть временно занят.

    451 — Запрашиваемое действие было прервано, локальная ошибка во время обработки.

    452 — Запрашиваемое действие не выполнено: недостаточно места в системе.

    500 — Синтаксическая ошибка, потому что серверу не удалось распознать команду. Это может быть слишком длинная командная строка.

    501 — Синтаксическая ошибка в параметрах или аргументах. Это может быть неправильный адрес электронной почты.

    502 — Команда нереализована. Она валидна, но не активирована вашим провайдером.

    503 — Неверная последовательность команд, почтовый сервер требует аутентификацию.

    504 — Параметр команды не реализован.

    510 — Неверный адрес электронной почты. Адреса ваших получателей могут содержать ошибки.

    512 — Домен получателя не найден или не существует.

    513 — Неверный адрес электронной почты. Может содержать ошибки, или сервер требует аутентификацию.

    515 — Неверный адрес электронной почты.

    521 — Почтовый ящик не принимает письма.

    523 — Размер письма превышает лимит почтового ящика получателя.

    530 — Требуется аутентификация, или сервер получателя добавил вас в черный список. Это может быть и неверный адрес электронной почты.

    531 — Почтовая система заполнена.

    534 — Недостаточно надежный механизм аутентификации.

    535 — Ошибки аутентификации.

    541 — Почтовый ящик получателя отметил ваше письмо как спам.

    550 — Запрашиваемые действия не выполнены, потому что почтовый ящик недоступен. Команда могла быть отклонена политикой безопасности, или почтовый ящик не был найден.

    551 — Нелокальный пользователь или неверный адрес электронной почты.

    552 — Запрашиваемое действие прервано из-за превышения дискового пространства.

    553 — Запрашиваемое действие не выполнено, возможна синтаксическая ошибка в имени почтового ящика.

    554 — Передача данных не удалась. Так случается, если сервер получателя считает ваше письмо спамом, находит ваш IP адрес в черном списке, или сам добавляет его в свой черный список.

    555 — Адрес электронной почты не был опознан сервером.

    SMTP для email рассылок

    Забудьте об SMTP ошибках! Мы позаботимся о технической стороне рассылок, чтобы вы могли сконцентрироваться на маркетинговой стратегии.  

    • Выделенный IP адрес не позволит попадать в черные списки, ведь репутация отправителя будет зависеть только от вас.
    • Криптографические подписи DKIM и SPF помогут подтвердить подлинность вашего домена и минимизируют количество писем, попадающих в спам.

    Мы оставляем свои подписи на всех исходящих сообщениях по умолчанию, что улучшает доставляемость писем.

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    Обновлено: 02.12.2020

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