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- First time with QT: error: QQmlApplicationEngine: No such file or directory
Thread: First time with QT: error: QQmlApplicationEngine: No such file or directory
5th December 2018, 00:49
First time with QT: error: QQmlApplicationEngine: No such file or directory
Hi there everyone. I am new here.
I am using a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ with the Raspbian Stretch version of Linux. I will be using QT 5.7.1. I am starting up a simple blank GUI application. I get the following issue:
/home/pi/QTProgramming/QT_Test02/main.cpp:2: error: QQmlApplicationEngine: No such file or directory
The red underlined portion of the main.cpp file is #include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
I have searched for this error many times on the Google search engine and came up with no solution. It is probably because I just don’t now this application yet. Please let me know what I can do to get past this.
— daverzx1 ( Dave )
19th December 2018, 09:16
Re: First time with QT: error: QQmlApplicationEngine: No such file or directory
Originally Posted by daverzx1
/home/pi/QTProgramming/QT_Test02/main.cpp:2: error: QQmlApplicationEngine: No such file or directory
Does your QMake PRO file contain this?
QT += qml
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
In recent documentation every class has this information at the top of its page: QQmlApplicationEngine
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Я работаю над проектом Qt, основанным на cmake. Версия Qt — 5.7, Ubuntu 14.04. Я получаю ошибку:
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/main.qml:-1 File not found
CMakeLists.txt это:
qt5_wrap_ui(UI_HEADERS ${UI_FILES})
qt5_add_resources(RESOURCE_FILES ../resources/resources.qrc)
if (WIN32)
if (MSVC)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${WINDOWS_RES_FILE}
COMMAND rc.exe /fo ${WINDOWS_RES_FILE} resources.rc
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${WINDOWS_RES_FILE}
COMMAND windres.exe resources.rc ${WINDOWS_RES_FILE}
find_package( PythonLibs 2.7 REQUIRED )
include_directories( ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
find_package( Boost COMPONENTS python REQUIRED )
if (UNIX)
elseif (WIN32)
Дерево вывода проекта:
|-- build
| |-- CMakeCache.txt
| |-- CMakeFiles
| | |-- 3.6.0-rc4
| | | |-- CMakeCCompiler.cmake
| | | |-- CMakeCXXCompiler.cmake
| | | |-- CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_C.bin
| | | |-- CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_CXX.bin
| | | |-- CMakeSystem.cmake
| | | |-- CompilerIdC
| | | | |-- a.out
| | | | `-- CMakeCCompilerId.c
| | | `-- CompilerIdCXX
| | | |-- a.out
| | | `-- CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp
| | |-- cmake.check_cache
| | |-- CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake
| | |-- CMakeOutput.log
| | |-- CMakeRuleHashes.txt
| | |-- CMakeTmp
| | |-- feature_tests.bin
| | |-- feature_tests.c
| | |-- feature_tests.cxx
| | |-- Makefile2
| | |-- Makefile.cmake
| | |-- Progress
| | | |-- 1
| | | |-- 11
| | | |-- 2
| | | |-- 3
| | | `-- count.txt
| | |-- progress.marks
| | |-- TargetDirectories.txt
| | `-- uninstall.dir
| | |-- build.make
| | |-- cmake_clean.cmake
| | |-- DependInfo.cmake
| | `-- progress.make
| |-- cmake_install.cmake
| |-- CTestTestfile.cmake
| |-- ecm_uninstall.cmake
| |-- Makefile
| |-- source
| | |-- __
| | | `-- resources
| | | `-- resources.qrc.depends
| | |-- CMakeFiles
| | | |-- CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake
| | | |-- progress.marks
| | | |-- tutifruti_automoc.dir
| | | | |-- AutogenInfo.cmake
| | | | |-- AutomocOldMocDefinitions.cmake
| | | | |-- build.make
| | | | |-- cmake_clean.cmake
| | | | |-- DependInfo.cmake
| | | | |-- depend.internal
| | | | |-- depend.make
| | | | `-- progress.make
| | | `-- tutifruti.dir
| | | |-- __
| | | | `-- vendor
| | | | `-- material
| | | | `-- src
| | | | `-- core
| | | |-- build.make
| | | |-- cmake_clean.cmake
| | | |-- CXX.includecache
| | | |-- DependInfo.cmake
| | | |-- depend.internal
| | | |-- depend.make
| | | |-- flags.make
| | | |-- link.txt
| | | `-- progress.make
| | |-- cmake_install.cmake
| | |-- CTestTestfile.cmake
| | |-- defines.h
| | |-- Makefile
| | |-- moc_main_window.cpp
| | |-- qrc_resources.cpp
| | |-- tutifruti_automoc.cpp
| | |-- tutifruti_automoc.dir
| | | `-- vendor
| | | `-- material
| | | `-- src
| | | |-- core
| | | | |-- moc_device.cpp
| | | | `-- moc_units.cpp
| | | `-- moc_plugin.cpp
| | `-- ui_main_window.h
| `-- tests
| |-- CMakeFiles
| | |-- CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake
| | `-- progress.marks
| |-- cmake_install.cmake
| |-- CTestTestfile.cmake
| |-- defines.h
| `-- Makefile
|-- cmake
| |-- FindCaffe.cmake
| |-- FindSWORD.cmake
| `-- LibFindMacros.cmake
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- CMakeLists.txt.user
|-- Licence.rtf
|-- README.md
|-- resources
| |-- icons
| | |-- action_home.svg
| | |-- action_list.svg
| | |-- action_search.svg
| | |-- action_settings.svg
| | |-- file_cloud_done.svg
| | |-- icons.qrc
| | |-- maps_place.svg
| | |-- navigation_check.svg
| | `-- social_school.svg
| `-- resources.qrc
|-- source
| |-- assets
| | |-- assets.qrc
| | |-- book-open-page.svg
| | `-- book-open.svg
| |-- backend
| | |-- biblechapter.cpp
| | |-- biblechapter.h
| | |-- bible.cpp
| | |-- bible.h
| | |-- biblemanager.cpp
| | |-- biblemanager.h
| | |-- CMakeLists.txt
| | |-- module.cpp
| | |-- module.h
| | |-- plugin.cpp
| | |-- progress.h
| | `-- promise.h
| |-- CMakeLists.txt
| |-- cpp
| |-- icons
| | |-- action_home.svg
| | |-- action_list.svg
| | |-- action_search.svg
| | |-- action_settings.svg
| | |-- file_cloud_done.svg
| | |-- icons.qrc
| | |-- maps_place.svg
| | |-- navigation_check.svg
| | `-- social_school.svg
| |-- icons.yml
| |-- main.cpp
| |-- python
| | |-- data
| | | |-- external
| | | |-- interim
| | | |-- processed
| | | `-- raw
| | |-- docs
| | | |-- commands.rst
| | | |-- conf.py
| | | |-- getting-started.rst
| | | |-- index.rst
| | | |-- make.bat
| | | `-- Makefile
| | |-- LICENSE
| | |-- Makefile
| | |-- models
| | |-- notebooks
| | |-- README.md
| | |-- references
| | |-- reports
| | | `-- figures
| | |-- requirements.txt
| | |-- src
| | | |-- data
| | | | `-- make_dataset.py
| | | |-- features
| | | | `-- build_features.py
| | | |-- __init__.py
| | | |-- models
| | | | |-- predict_model.py
| | | | `-- train_model.py
| | | `-- visualization
| | | `-- visualize.py
| | `-- tox.ini
| `-- qml
| |-- components
| | |-- BibleView.qml
| | |-- Placeholder.qml
| | `-- VerseDelegate.qml
| |-- main.qml
| |-- qml.qrc
| `-- ui
| |-- HomeTab.qml
| `-- SettingsPage.qml
|-- tests
| |-- CMakeLists.txt
| |-- defines.h.cmake
| `-- example_tests.cpp.example
|-- text.txt
|-- vendor
| |-- CMakeLists.txt
| `-- material
| |-- CHANGELOG.md
| |-- demo
| | |-- BottomSheetDemo.qml
| | |-- ButtonDemo.qml
| | |-- CheckBoxDemo.qml
| | |-- ColorPaletteDemo.qml
| | |-- CustomIconsDemo.qml
| | |-- DatePickerDemo.qml
| | |-- demo.pro
| | |-- demo.qmlproject
| | |-- demo.qrc
| | |-- DialogDemo.qml
| | |-- FormsDemo.qml
| | |-- icons
| | | |-- action_account_circle.svg
| | | |-- action_autorenew.svg
| | | |-- action_delete.svg
| | | |-- action_language.svg
| | | |-- action_settings.svg
| | | |-- alert_warning.svg
| | | |-- communication_email.svg
| | | |-- content_add.svg
| | | |-- content_create.svg
| | | |-- content_forward.svg
| | | |-- device_access_alarm.svg
| | | |-- file_file_download.svg
| | | |-- icons.qrc
| | | |-- image_color_lens.svg
| | | |-- image_edit.svg
| | | |-- maps_place.svg
| | | |-- navigation_arrow_drop_down.svg
| | | `-- social_share.svg
| | |-- icons.yml
| | |-- images
| | | |-- balloon.jpg
| | | |-- go-last.color.svg
| | | |-- list-add.color.svg
| | | |-- weather-pouring.svg
| | | `-- weather-sunset.svg
| | |-- ListItemsDemo.qml
| | |-- main.cpp
| | |-- main.qml
| | |-- PageStackDemo.qml
| | |-- ProgressBarDemo.qml
| | |-- RadioButtonDemo.qml
| | |-- SidebarPage.qml
| | |-- SliderDemo.qml
| | |-- SubPage.qml
| | |-- SwitchDemo.qml
| | |-- TextFieldDemo.qml
| | |-- TimePickerDemo.qml
| | `-- TypographyDemo.qml
| |-- deploy_key.enc
| |-- documentation
| | |-- images
| | | `-- buttons.png
| | |-- material.qdoc
| | `-- material.qdocconf
| |-- fonts
| | |-- fonts.qrc
| | |-- MaterialFontLoader.qml
| | |-- qmldir
| | `-- roboto
| | |-- Roboto-BlackItalic.ttf
| | |-- Roboto-Black.ttf
| | |-- Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf
| | |-- Roboto-Bold.ttf
| | |-- RobotoCondensed-BoldItalic.ttf
| | |-- RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf
| | |-- RobotoCondensed-Italic.ttf
| | |-- RobotoCondensed-LightItalic.ttf
| | |-- RobotoCondensed-Light.ttf
| | |-- RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf
| | |-- Roboto-Italic.ttf
| | |-- Roboto-LightItalic.ttf
| | |-- Roboto-Light.ttf
| | |-- Roboto-MediumItalic.ttf
| | |-- Roboto-Medium.ttf
| | |-- Roboto-Regular.ttf
| | |-- Roboto-ThinItalic.ttf
| | `-- Roboto-Thin.ttf
| |-- icons
| | |-- core_icons.qrc
| | |-- navigation_arrow_back.svg
| | |-- navigation_chevron_left.svg
| | |-- navigation_chevron_right.svg
| | |-- navigation_close.svg
| | |-- navigation_menu.svg
| | `-- navigation_more_vert.svg
| |-- icons.yml
| |-- material.pri
| |-- qml-material.pro
| |-- qpm.json
| |-- README.md
| |-- scripts
| | |-- build_docs.sh
| | |-- deploy.sh
| | |-- icons.py
| | |-- lint.sh
| | |-- make_awesome.py
| | |-- normalize_imports.sh
| | `-- qrc.py
| |-- src
| | |-- components
| | | |-- ActionButton.qml
| | | |-- Card.qml
| | | |-- components.qrc
| | | |-- DatePicker.qml
| | | |-- IconButton.qml
| | | |-- OverlayLayer.qml
| | | |-- OverlayView.qml
| | | |-- ProgressCircle.qml
| | | |-- Scrollbar.qml
| | | |-- Snackbar.qml
| | | |-- ThinDivider.qml
| | | |-- TimePicker.qml
| | | |-- Tooltip.qml
| | | `-- Wave.qml
| | |-- controls
| | | |-- Action.qml
| | | |-- Button.qml
| | | |-- CheckBox.qml
| | | |-- controls.qrc
| | | |-- Label.qml
| | | |-- ProgressBar.qml
| | | |-- RadioButton.qml
| | | |-- Slider.qml
| | | |-- Switch.qml
| | | |-- Tab.qml
| | | `-- TextField.qml
| | |-- core
| | | |-- AwesomeIcon.qml
| | | |-- awesome.js
| | | |-- core.qrc
| | | |-- device.cpp
| | | |-- device.h
| | | |-- FontAwesome.otf
| | | |-- Icon.qml
| | | |-- Ink.qml
| | | |-- MaterialAnimation.qml
| | | |-- Object.qml
| | | |-- Palette.qml
| | | |-- PlatformExtensions.qml
| | | |-- ThemePalette.qml
| | | |-- Theme.qml
| | | |-- units.cpp
| | | |-- units.h
| | | |-- UnitsHelper.qml
| | | |-- utils.js
| | | `-- View.qml
| | |-- extras
| | | |-- AutomaticGrid.qml
| | | |-- CircleImage.qml
| | | |-- CircleMask.qml
| | | |-- ColumnFlow.qml
| | | |-- extras.qrc
| | | |-- Image.qml
| | | `-- qmldir
| | |-- listitems
| | | |-- BaseListItem.qml
| | | |-- CMakeLists.txt
| | | |-- Divider.qml
| | | |-- listitems.qrc
| | | |-- qmldir
| | | |-- SectionHeader.qml
| | | |-- SimpleMenu.qml
| | | |-- Standard.qml
| | | |-- Subheader.qml
| | | `-- Subtitled.qml
| | |-- material.qrc
| | |-- plugin.cpp
| | |-- plugin.h
| | |-- popups
| | | |-- BottomActionSheet.qml
| | | |-- BottomSheet.qml
| | | |-- Dialog.qml
| | | |-- Dropdown.qml
| | | |-- InputDialog.qml
| | | |-- MenuField.qml
| | | |-- Popover.qml
| | | |-- PopupBase.qml
| | | |-- popups.qrc
| | | `-- TimePickerDialog.qml
| | |-- qmldir
| | |-- src.pro
| | |-- styles
| | | |-- ApplicationWindowStyle.qml
| | | |-- ButtonStyle.qml
| | | |-- CheckBoxStyle.qml
| | | |-- CMakeLists.txt
| | | |-- ProgressBarStyle.qml
| | | |-- qmldir
| | | |-- RadioButtonStyle.qml
| | | |-- SliderStyle.qml
| | | |-- styles.qrc
| | | |-- SwitchStyle.qml
| | | |-- TextFieldStyle.qml
| | | |-- ToolBarStyle.qml
| | | `-- ToolButtonStyle.qml
| | `-- window
| | |-- ActionBar.qml
| | |-- ApplicationWindow.qml
| | |-- AppTheme.qml
| | |-- MainView.qml
| | |-- NavigationDrawerPage.qml
| | |-- NavigationDrawer.qml
| | |-- Page.qml
| | |-- PageSidebar.qml
| | |-- PageStack.qml
| | |-- Sidebar.qml
| | |-- TabBar.qml
| | |-- TabbedPage.qml
| | |-- Toolbar.qml
| | |-- Window.qml
| | `-- window.qrc
| |-- styles_demo
| | |-- main.qml
| | `-- Makefile
| |-- tests
| | |-- icons
| | | |-- action_alarm.svg
| | | |-- action_search.svg
| | | |-- action_settings.svg
| | | |-- content_add.svg
| | | `-- icons.qrc
| | |-- icons.yml
| | |-- tests.cpp
| | |-- tests.pro
| | |-- tst_actionbar.qml
| | |-- tst_card.qml
| | `-- tst_pagestack.qml
| `-- vendor.cmake
`-- win
|-- appicon.ico
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- installer.cmake.nsi
|-- installer.cmake.wxs
|-- qt.conf
`-- resources.rc
Как убрать эту ошибку из проекта?
Ты можешь использовать QDirIterator
перепроверить, какие ресурсы содержит приложение. Например в main()
QDirIterator it(":/", QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
while (it.hasNext())
qDebug() << it.next();
Не зная, как обработка ресурсов Qt работает с CMake, я бы сказал, что следующие строки выглядят как преступник.
qt5_add_resources(RESOURCE_FILES ../resources/resources.qrc)
Почему один .qrc
добавлено с qt5_add_resources()
тогда как остальные добавляются в SOURCES
Другие решения
Других решений пока нет …
Lucas Danzinger
Hello again, I’m in the process of learning QT and building a simple ArcGIS driven app. The entire time I’ve been working on it, I periodically attempt to run my app and it gives me back something like the below in application output:
ArcGIS.Runtime.Core: void __cdecl QmlUtils::registerTypes(const char *) ArcGIS.Runtime
ArcGIS.Runtime.Plugin: void __cdecl ArcGISRuntimePlugin::initializeEngine(class QQmlEngine *,const char *) ArcGIS.Runtime
ArcGIS.Runtime.Core: void __cdecl QmlUtils::initializeRuntimeLicense(void) Invalid clientId QVariant(QString, «39DN») status 1
ArcGIS.Runtime.Core: void __cdecl QmlUtils::initializeImageProvider(class QQmlEngine *)
ArcGIS.Runtime.Core: void __cdecl QmlUtils::initializeImageProvider(class QQmlEngine *) Setting global image provider QVariant(void*, 0x29ce2d516f0)
ArcGIS.Extras.Plugin: void __cdecl ArcGISExtrasPlugin::registerTypes(const char *) ArcGIS.Extras
ArcGIS.Extras.Plugin: void __cdecl ArcGISExtrasPlugin::registerTypes(const char *) Registering Singleton Types
ArcGIS.Extras.Core: void __cdecl TkTypes::registerTypes(const char *) ArcGIS.Extras
ArcGIS.Extras.Plugin: void __cdecl ArcGISExtrasPlugin::initializeEngine(class QQmlEngine *,const char *) ArcGIS.Extras
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
C:projectsQtbuild-Test-Desktop_Qt_5_5_1_MSVC2013_64bit-DebugdebugTest.exe exited with code -1
It never gives an actual error of any useful variety, it always just says «exited with code 1», and usually that line is preceded by «QqmlApplicationEngine failed to load component». This always seems to happen in the middle of the ArcGIS initializers.
Until today, I just assumed that QT creator was terrible at detecting errors in my code, because the solution was always some mistake I’d made in regards to general QT Quick types. However, I am wondering now if it might be possible that it normally gives a real error message, and somehow ArcGIS SDK is hiding that from me?
This does not happen with any one specific error, it happens at least whenever I make a mistake with QML Types, like putting a Rectangle inside of a ListModel’s ListElement. Because it happens and gives the exact same error for almost every mistake I ever make, I have spent countless hours manually tracking down my mistakes over the course of this project.
It’s possible I’m using the wrong kit for my system or something, but unless I make a mistake like the one mentioned above, the application compiles and runs flawlessly on my desktop as well as my phone, so I don’t really know, maybe you can help me figure it out.
The ArcGIS portion of my app runs fine when I finally figure out what QML mistake I made and fix it.
I’m running QTQuick 2.4 and ArcGIS Runtime SDK 10.2.6
I’m building for Desktop Qt 5.5.1 MSVC2013 64bit, I’m on Windows 10, 64bit.
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 08.01.2016 Сообщений: 37 |
1 |
03.12.2016, 20:39. Показов 9516. Ответов 9
Для курсовой в целях
ознакомления, скачал исходники программы на qt (текстовый редактор). Но при запуске выдается ошибка «Ошибка: QApplication: нет такого файла или каталога, а за ним и другие классы для работы с формой тоже не подключены.
0 |
7275 / 6220 / 2833 Регистрация: 14.04.2014 Сообщений: 26,871 |
03.12.2016, 20:47 |
2 |
А для какой версии Qt эта программа? Там структура-то современная?
0 |
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 08.01.2016 Сообщений: 37 |
03.12.2016, 20:52 [ТС] |
3 |
nmcf, ничего особо примечательного кроме чрезмерного использования указателей. Для какой версии qt писали не знаю. Но залили в 2013. Да и важно ли это? Пока ругается только на QApplication
0 |
7275 / 6220 / 2833 Регистрация: 14.04.2014 Сообщений: 26,871 |
03.12.2016, 21:01 |
4 |
Разумеется, важно. Там pro-файл может быть другой.
0 |
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 08.01.2016 Сообщений: 37 |
03.12.2016, 21:22 [ТС] |
5 |
nmcf, ненавижу qt! Перезапустил creator и сейчас у него уже ошибка: Ок, вот: Код QWizard: No such file or directory #include <QWizard>
0 |
7275 / 6220 / 2833 Регистрация: 14.04.2014 Сообщений: 26,871 |
03.12.2016, 21:30 |
6 |
Покажи pro-файл и main().
0 |
Gadwil 0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 08.01.2016 Сообщений: 37 |
03.12.2016, 21:31 [ТС] |
7 |
nmcf, Код #------------------------------------------------- # # Project created by QtCreator 2013-10-10T16:01:30 # #------------------------------------------------- QT += core gui TARGET = TextEditor TEMPLATE = app SOURCES += main.cpp mainwindow.cpp printer.cpp texteditor.cpp wizard.cpp HEADERS += mainwindow.h printer.h texteditor.h wizard.h FORMS += mainwindow.ui main
0 |
7275 / 6220 / 2833 Регистрация: 14.04.2014 Сообщений: 26,871 |
03.12.2016, 21:34 |
8 |
0 |
0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 08.01.2016 Сообщений: 37 |
03.12.2016, 21:38 [ТС] |
9 |
nmcf, nmcf, да, это дало результат, но он теперь что то другое не видит. Может проще скачать старый компилятор?
0 |
7275 / 6220 / 2833 Регистрация: 14.04.2014 Сообщений: 26,871 |
03.12.2016, 21:39 |
10 |
Ты очистку проекта и запуск qmake выполнили перед сборкой? Там в меню это есть.
0 |