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The square sun is falling towards the horizon, and it’s a matter of seconds before you realize you’re not going to get back to your base in time. But wait — you can save yourself! You can set the time to day!
Open your world in Minecraft and make sure the cheats are on. By default, cheats are disabled in a Survival world, while they’re automatically enabled in a Creative world.
Open the cheat console. Press the / key, sometimes said to be the ? key. You can also press T and enter in a forward slash manually, but pressing / puts it in automatically.
Type the command. To set the time to day, type «time set 1» or «time set day». The final command should look like either
/time set 1
or/time set day
, otherwise the game won’t recognize it as a command. -
Hit Enter. Once the processing is done, the game will change to day.
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How do you make flint and steel?
To make a flint and steel, you need an iron ingot and a piece of flint. You can get flint from breaking gravel blocks, and you get iron from mining iron ore and smelting it in a furnace or blast furnace. Once you have those items, open a crafting table or your inventory crafting and place the flint and iron ingot in any space there. The placement does not matter.
Can we do this without commands?
No, it is impossible to change the time in Minecraft manually without using commands or other cheats. Without them, you need to just wait for the time you want.
Would sleeping in a bed be the quickest way to set the time to day in MInecraft?
Sleeping in a bed would work for setting the time to day. Depending on the time it takes for you to type out the command, it may or may not be the quickest way.
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The square sun is falling towards the horizon, and it’s a matter of seconds before you realize you’re not going to get back to your base in time. But wait — you can save yourself! You can set the time to day!
Open your world in Minecraft and make sure the cheats are on. By default, cheats are disabled in a Survival world, while they’re automatically enabled in a Creative world.
Open the cheat console. Press the / key, sometimes said to be the ? key. You can also press T and enter in a forward slash manually, but pressing / puts it in automatically.
Type the command. To set the time to day, type «time set 1» or «time set day». The final command should look like either
/time set 1
or/time set day
, otherwise the game won’t recognize it as a command. -
Hit Enter. Once the processing is done, the game will change to day.
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How do you make flint and steel?
To make a flint and steel, you need an iron ingot and a piece of flint. You can get flint from breaking gravel blocks, and you get iron from mining iron ore and smelting it in a furnace or blast furnace. Once you have those items, open a crafting table or your inventory crafting and place the flint and iron ingot in any space there. The placement does not matter.
Can we do this without commands?
No, it is impossible to change the time in Minecraft manually without using commands or other cheats. Without them, you need to just wait for the time you want.
Would sleeping in a bed be the quickest way to set the time to day in MInecraft?
Sleeping in a bed would work for setting the time to day. Depending on the time it takes for you to type out the command, it may or may not be the quickest way.
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Ограничения | Оператор |
Первое появление | 1.3.1 (12w16a) PE Alpha 0.16.0 (PE Alpha 0.16.0 build 1) |
Задаёт или возвращает время.
- Использование
- Java Edition
time add <время>
time set (day|midnight|night|noon|<время>)
time query <day|daytime|gametime>
- Bedrock Edition
time set <amount: int>
time set <time: TimeSpec>
time add <amount: int>
time query <day|daytime|gametime>
- Аргументы
— устанавливает время;add
— добавляет время;query
— запрашивает время с помощью значения, возвращает полученный результат.
- время (BE: amount: int)
- Время в игровых тактах, которое необходимо установить/добавить.
(BE: time: TimeSpec)- Предопределённое числовое значение времени.
day 1000 midnight 18000 night 13000 noon 6000 sunset[только для Bedrock Edition] 12000 sunrise[только для Bedrock Edition] 23000
- Результат
- Не выполняется, если неверно указаны аргументы.
- В случае успеха:
— устанавливает текущее игровое время на указанное время (day
= 1000,night
= 13000).add
— добавляет время к текущему игровому времени.query gametime
— возвращает возраст мира в игровых тактах.query daytime
— возвращает количество игровых тактов с рассвета текущего дня.query day
— возвращает возраст мира в игровых днях.
- Примеры
- Установка времени на 1000:
time set 1000
илиtime set day
- Добавление одного игрового дня ко времени:
time add 24000
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В данной статье используются материалы из статьи «Команды консоли/time» с вики-сайта Minecraft Wiki, расположенного на Фэндоме, и они распространяются согласно лицензии Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0. Авторы статьи.