Make error 127 linux

make: *** [generate] Error 127 Maybe you will get the following error when you try to work with a go operator-sdk project you cloned from GitHub. Here we see that simply the bin directory with the needed controller-gen , kustomize and setup-envtest files, wasn’t created by operator-sdk commands. This blog post does address that […]


  1. make: *** [generate] Error 127
  2. 1. Fast solution
  3. 2. Reproduce the problem
  4. Step 1: Clone a GO operator-sdk project from GitHub
  5. Step 2: Run make generate and get the error
  6. Step 3: Verify operator-sdk version
  7. 3. Fix the problem for now
  8. Step 1: Uninstall operator-sdk we installed with brew
  9. Thread: Getting error 127
  10. Getting error 127
  11. Re: Getting error 127
  12. Re: Getting error 127
  13. Re: Getting error 127
  14. Re: Getting error 127
  15. Thread: makefile problem (error 127)
  16. makefile problem (error 127)
  17. Re: makefile problem (error 127)
  18. Getting «Build Error 127» when updating #2837
  20. Background
  21. Your environment
  22. Steps to reproduce
  23. Expected behaviour
  24. Actual behaviour
  25. openssl: make[1]: *** [test_des] Error 127 on Bash on Windows #292

make: *** [generate] Error 127

Maybe you will get the following error when you try to work with a go operator-sdk project you cloned from GitHub.

Here we see that simply the bin directory with the needed controller-gen , kustomize and setup-envtest files, wasn’t created by operator-sdk commands.

This blog post does address that topic for a macOS operating system and is structured in following sections:

  1. Fast solution
  2. Reproduce the problem
  3. Fix the problem

1. Fast solution

In short words we need just to copy the bin directory from an existing operator-sdk project we have on our machine and past it into the cloned project and it will work for our cloned project.

But we will have problems, when we create new projects with that installation setup using brew install operator-sdk .
(even when this is my preferred way 😦 because I want to avoid FATA[0009] failed to create API: unable to run post-scaffold tasks of “”: exit status 2)

2. Reproduce the problem

We are using the currently available operator SDK version 19.1.0 which we installed using brew as described in the operator-sdk documentation.

Step 1: Clone a GO operator-sdk project from GitHub

Step 2: Run make generate and get the error

As we will see, there are files and bin folder missing.

bin/controller-gen: No such file or directory

Step 3: Verify operator-sdk version

Ensure you have operator-sdk version: «v1.19.1» installed.

3. Fix the problem for now

We are using an Operator SDK version that worked before, in my case I used 18.0.0 successfully some time ago. As far as I remember, golang version 1.17.6 was related to operator-sdk 18.0.0 version.

Note: If you want to install an older Operator SDK version with brew, that won’t work as there is only one brew formulae, as I found out. I hope that the brew installation will be fixed in the future.

So, we will do the following sequence to fix the problem:

  1. Uninstall the operator-sdk we installed with brew
  2. Install operator-sdk 18.0.0 using the binaries and install golang in version go 1.17.6
  3. Verify does the creation of a new operator project now include the bin and the related files

Step 1: Uninstall operator-sdk we installed with brew

Follow the steps outlined in one of my blog posts, but only for uninstalling. The current version of the operator-sdk in brew is 1.19.1 .


Thread: Getting error 127

Thread Tools

Getting error 127

generating Makefile
root@jeevan-Aspire-V7-482PG:/home/jeevan/Downloads/FLASH4.2.1# cd object
root@jeevan-Aspire-V7-482PG:/home/jeevan/Downloads/FLASH4.2.1/object# make
Calculating dependencies
./ —generateINTERMEDIATElines -ggdb -c -O2 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -Wuninitialized -I/usr/local/hdf5/include -DH5_USE_16_API -ggdb -c -O2 -Wuninitialized -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 *.f *.f90 *.F90 *.F
./ -I/usr/local/hdf5/include -DH5_USE_16_API -ggdb -c -O2 -Wuninitialized -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 *.c
rm -f
/usr/local/mpich2//bin/mpif90 -ggdb -c -O2 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -Wuninitialized -DMAXBLOCKS=1000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8 -DNZB=1 -DN_DIM=2 Burn_interface.F90
make: /usr/local/mpich2//bin/mpif90: Command not found
Makefile:115: recipe for target ‘Burn_interface.o’ failed
make: *** [Burn_interface.o] Error 127

Can anyone help me with this error. It has been killing me for days

Re: Getting error 127

Well, it’s expecting to find a MPI-enabled (parallel) Fortran compiler (mpif90) in /usr/local/mpich2/bin — is there one? if not where is it?

Perhaps take a step back and tell us what software you are trying to build and what preliminary steps (installing prerequisites, configuring build tools etc.) you have taken

Re: Getting error 127

I am trying to insall a software named FLASH code. It has the following prerequisites:

1. F 90 and C compiler
2. Installed copy of Message-Passing interface (MPI)
3. HDF5
4. Parallel net CDF
5. GNU gmake
6. Python

# which mpif90

I havesuccessfully installed all the prerequisite software. The location of the mpif90 is shown as above. What can I do to run the program successfully. Thank you in advance.

Last edited by jeevan3; January 28th, 2015 at 07:25 PM .

Re: Getting error 127

You will need to figure out where the /usr/local/mpich2//bin/ path is coming from, I think

It may be hard-wired into the makefile, or (if the source package uses GNU autoconf) it may be deriving it from a ./configure script in which case look for a command-line option that allows you to override the default

Re: Getting error 127

I make changes to the the Path of mpif90 in the make file and it worked. Thank you so much


Thread: makefile problem (error 127)

Thread Tools

makefile problem (error 127)

And everything works fine with it. When I try to add a new target «remake» which should essentially execute «clean» first and then «run», I get error 127.

I tried to switch «run» for «$(APP)» and got the same error. As far as I understand make executes the clean instruction, and then go on to execute the second (either run, whose first line is $(APP), or $(APP)). The problem, I think, is that it searches for a file named $(APP) instead of executing the target $(APP).

From a more general point of view, my real problem is that sometimes my program needs to change some macro value, which means to rewrite a certain header, and to recompile itself, but make does not care if an header has been modified, it only recompiles if a source has been. Also, I do not want to call «system()» twice from my program (C++), I would like to learn to do things more elegantly, which is why I want to create the «remake» target.

Last edited by Dirich; May 7th, 2013 at 01:22 PM .

Re: makefile problem (error 127)

I think the problem with how you’re trying to do it is that ‘run’ is a target, not an action — you could possibly achieve the same effect by using a recursive make

but there may be a better way using an additional phony target — I’m not a makefile expert (there are one or two on here though — so hopefully they will chime in)

I don’t really understand your second question — however there’s nothing to stop you having header files as well as source files as prerequisites for your build targets


Getting «Build Error 127» when updating #2837


I am attempting to upgrade my installed version of LND and getting this error:

Your environment

version of lnd lnd version 0.5.2-99-beta commit=v0.5.1-beta-814- g2a652455aaea661b147b6adca0ff51edcd268508

which operating system ( uname -a on *Nix)
Ubuntu 16.04.6 x86_64

version of btcd , bitcoind , or other backend

Steps to reproduce

Tell us how to reproduce this issue. Please provide stacktraces and links to code in question.

To update your version of lnd to the latest version run the following commands:

Expected behaviour

I expect to be update to update LND without error message.

Actual behaviour

I get the error message indicated above.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

The go binary is not in your PATH .

@wpaulino why isn’t it? I followed the instructions exactly as written in this repo.

Check your PATH , you may have installed Go in a slightly different directory. Also you can do which go to find where it’s pointing to atm.

As @Roasbeef suggested, use the following command to check your path setting:

I also use Ubuntu so I know the struggle when configuring the Go. If all the above not working, I suggest you remove and install Go again, directly installing tar package. Installation guide here. Following is tested and worked perfectly fine on my Ubuntu 18.04


openssl: make[1]: *** [test_des] Error 127 on Bash on Windows #292

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

@rwhogg What it means «build-error»?

@ginolon it’s the label we add for when a formula does not build correctly.

Is openssl actually usable? I.e. is this just an extra error message or does openssl not work?

I’m afraid I personally cannot debug this problem as I don’t have access to a Windows machine to test with.

openssl doesn’t work. And I can’t install git with brew and many others packages. Why that error? Can I install previous version? Can I skip the make test phase?

To skip the test, run brew install openssl —without-test .

You can install a previous version by using git to checkout an earlier version of openssl.rb if you’d like.

To provide us with some more information, can you run brew gist-logs openssl (on the current version of openssl) please?

Running Linuxbrew on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) has not yet been tested. There will probably be some fixes required. We’re happy to help if you’re up for the necessary troubleshooting.

This error message make[1]: *** [test_des] Error 127 means that make was not able to find the command test_des .

Do you happen to know if there’s a program where I can apply for a free developer’s license of Windows Subsystem for Linux to run in Virtualbox? I don’t have access to a Windows device.

Ok dear @rwhogg, it worked without-test, but many other errors below:

$ brew list makedepend openssl patchelf pkg-config xz zlib iouser@DESKTOP-4DIVL3A:

$ brew doctor Your system is ready to brew.»>

here it is what you ask (brew gist-logs openssl):

and here what strange is coming on my PC:

and then if I try to install something else:

That’s a strange error. I would ask the upstream developers of openssl if it makes sense to them.

I’m glad that the —without-test workaround worked for openssl.

Not sure about this error either. Please report brew gist-logs curl .

Do you happen to know if there’s a program where I can apply for a free developer’s license of Windows Subsystem for Linux to run in Virtualbox? I don’t have access to a Windows device.

Did Microsoft ever get back to you about that? Last I heard, when you asked them it was awaiting moderation.

No, I haven’t heard back from them. The public forum may not have been the right channel to ask, but I’m not sure what the right channel is.

As for the above errors, I’m thinking something like files in /tmp not being executable, but brew doctor checks for that and hasn’t reported any problems.

@sjackman, Here its is brew gist-logs curl :

Here’s the relevant line:
I’m afraid I can’t say what’s going on there without hands-on access to the machine. I would suggest contacting the upstream curl developers. I believe that they’re quite responsive.
As a total shot in the dark, try brew install zsh curl

patchelf: cannot execute binary file

Please report patchelf —version and ldd $(which patchelf)


I am trying to install shc on Ubuntu 18.04

tar xvfz shc-3.8.9.tgz
cd shc-3.8.9

But receive the following error:

cc -Wall  shc.c -o shc
make: cc: Command not found
makefile:31: recipe for target 'shc' failed
make: *** [shc] Error 127

The makefile:

# Makefile

INSTALL_PATH = /usr/local

# For SCO
CFLAGS = -b elf -O -D_SVID

# For IRIX
CFLAGS = -xansi -fullwarn -O3 -g0

# For Solaris
CFLAGS = -fast -xO4 -s -v -Xa

# For HPUX
CFLAGS = -Wall -O -Ae

# For OSF1
CFLAGS = -w -verbose -fast -std1 -g0

# For GNU C compiler
CFLAGS = -Wall # -O6 -pedantic

#SHELL = /bin/sh

SHCFLAGS = -v -T # Add -T option to allow binary to be traceable

all: shc ask_for_test

shc: shc.c
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $@.c -o $@

    @echo '***  �Do you want to probe shc with a test script?'
    @echo '***  Please try...   make test'

test: make_the_test ask_for_strings

make_the_test: match.x
    @echo '***  Running a compiled test script!'
    @echo '***  It must show files with substring "sh" in your PATH...'
    ./match.x sh

match.x: shc match
    @echo '***  Compiling script "match"'
    CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" ./shc $(SHCFLAGS) -f match

    @echo '***  �Do you want to see strings in the generated binary?'
    @echo '***  Please try...   make strings'

strings: make_the_strings ask_for_expiration

make_the_strings: match.x
    @echo '***  Running: "strings -n 5 'match.x'"'
    @echo '***  It must show no sensible information...'
    strings -n 5 match.x

    @echo '***  �Do you want to probe expiration date?'
    @echo '***  Please try...   make expiration'

expiration: til_yesterday ask_for_install

til_yesterday: shc match
    @echo '***  Compiling "match" to expired date'
    CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" ./shc $(SHCFLAGS) -vv -e `date "+%d/%m/%Y"` -f match
    @echo '***  Running a compiled test script!'
    @echo '***  It must fail showing "./match.x: has expired!"'

    @echo '***  �Do you want to install shc?'
    @echo '***  Please try...   make install'

install: shc
    @echo '***  Installing shc and shc.1 on '$(INSTALL_PATH)
    @echo -n '***   �Do you want to continue? '; read ANS; case "$$ANS" in y|Y|yes|Yes|YES) ;; *) exit 1;; esac;
    install -c -s shc $(INSTALL_PATH)/bin/
    install -c -m 644 shc.1 $(INSTALL_PATH)/man/man1/

    rm -f *.o *~ *.x.c

cleanall: clean
    rm -f shc *.x

I have no idea how to fix this error. Can anyone help?

mature's user avatar


3,7199 gold badges29 silver badges64 bronze badges

asked Nov 22, 2018 at 17:24


cc is an alias for the GNU C compiler (gcc). You can install it as follows:

 sudo apt install gcc

If, for some reason, the gcc compiler is already installed, but the symbolic link /usr/bin/cc is missing, you can also do:

 make CC=gcc

answered Nov 22, 2018 at 18:07

Peter Selinger's user avatar


sudo apt install build-essential

This will install a C compiler (providing the cc command) as well as other tools that you may need for building software from source.

answered Nov 22, 2018 at 19:39

Mark's user avatar


5724 silver badges13 bronze badges

make: *** [generate] Error 127

Maybe you will get the following error when you try to work with a go operator-sdk project you cloned from GitHub.

Here we see that simply the bin directory with the needed controller-gen , kustomize and setup-envtest files, wasn’t created by operator-sdk commands.

This blog post does address that topic for a macOS operating system and is structured in following sections:

  1. Fast solution
  2. Reproduce the problem
  3. Fix the problem

1. Fast solution

In short words we need just to copy the bin directory from an existing operator-sdk project we have on our machine and past it into the cloned project and it will work for our cloned project.

But we will have problems, when we create new projects with that installation setup using brew install operator-sdk .
(even when this is my preferred way 😦 because I want to avoid FATA[0009] failed to create API: unable to run post-scaffold tasks of “”: exit status 2)

2. Reproduce the problem

We are using the currently available operator SDK version 19.1.0 which we installed using brew as described in the operator-sdk documentation.

Step 1: Clone a GO operator-sdk project from GitHub

Step 2: Run make generate and get the error

As we will see, there are files and bin folder missing.

bin/controller-gen: No such file or directory

Step 3: Verify operator-sdk version

Ensure you have operator-sdk version: «v1.19.1» installed.

3. Fix the problem for now

We are using an Operator SDK version that worked before, in my case I used 18.0.0 successfully some time ago. As far as I remember, golang version 1.17.6 was related to operator-sdk 18.0.0 version.

Note: If you want to install an older Operator SDK version with brew, that won’t work as there is only one brew formulae, as I found out. I hope that the brew installation will be fixed in the future.

So, we will do the following sequence to fix the problem:

  1. Uninstall the operator-sdk we installed with brew
  2. Install operator-sdk 18.0.0 using the binaries and install golang in version go 1.17.6
  3. Verify does the creation of a new operator project now include the bin and the related files

Step 1: Uninstall operator-sdk we installed with brew

Follow the steps outlined in one of my blog posts, but only for uninstalling. The current version of the operator-sdk in brew is 1.19.1 .


Getting «Build Error 127» when updating #2837


john-light commented Mar 24, 2019


I am attempting to upgrade my installed version of LND and getting this error:

Your environment

version of lnd lnd version 0.5.2-99-beta commit=v0.5.1-beta-814- g2a652455aaea661b147b6adca0ff51edcd268508

which operating system ( uname -a on *Nix)
Ubuntu 16.04.6 x86_64

version of btcd , bitcoind , or other backend

Steps to reproduce

Tell us how to reproduce this issue. Please provide stacktraces and links to code in question.

To update your version of lnd to the latest version run the following commands:

Expected behaviour

I expect to be update to update LND without error message.

Actual behaviour

I get the error message indicated above.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

wpaulino commented Mar 25, 2019

The go binary is not in your PATH .

john-light commented Mar 25, 2019

@wpaulino why isn’t it? I followed the instructions exactly as written in this repo.

Roasbeef commented Mar 25, 2019

Check your PATH , you may have installed Go in a slightly different directory. Also you can do which go to find where it’s pointing to atm.

isdanni commented Apr 18, 2019

As @Roasbeef suggested, use the following command to check your path setting:

I also use Ubuntu so I know the struggle when configuring the Go. If all the above not working, I suggest you remove and install Go again, directly installing tar package. Installation guide here. Following is tested and worked perfectly fine on my Ubuntu 18.04


Eclipse Make Error 127

Это мой первый раз, когда я использую Eclipse и мое первое программирование в среде linux. Поэтому я мог бы опубликовать некоторую полу-бесполезную информацию, но я просто пытаюсь дать то, что когда-либо детали могут.

Проблема: Я пытаюсь создать проект, и у меня возникают следующие ошибки и предупреждения.

Вопрос:. Что мне нужно было сделать или получить, чтобы начать работать с С++ в linux, в среде IDE? Исправление ошибки было бы здорово, но вышеизложенное было моей основной целью.

IDE Info:

Информация о ОС:

Ошибки (1 элемент)

Предупреждения (2 элемента)

Исходный код

Сгенерированный файл Makefile

ИЗМЕНИТЬ Пробовал запустить gcc -E -P -v -dD/home/xoorath/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.cdt.make.core/specs.cpp ‘

2 ответа

Простое решение. Оказывается, у меня не было g++. Я установил gcc, и perhapse кто-то здесь знает разницу, если так не стесняйтесь просвещать меня.

Мне нужно было войти в консоль и сделать следующее

Ниже приведены значения, возвращаемые make.

0 — если все make файлы были успешно проанализированы, и никаких объектов, которые были построены, не удалось 1 — если использовался флаг -q, и make определяет, что цель должна быть перестроена 2 — если возникли какие-либо ошибки.

и любые номера ошибок формы,

‘[foo] Ошибка NN ‘[Foo] описание сигнала Эти ошибки на самом деле не делают ошибок. Они означают, что программа, которая вызывается в качестве части рецепта, возвращает код ошибки не-0 ( «Ошибка NN» ), который интерпретирует как сбой, или он выходил каким-то другим ненормальным способом (с сигналом какого-то типа).

Если к сообщению не добавлено *, то подпроцесс завершился неудачно, но правило в make файле было префикс-специального символа, поэтому make игнорирует ошибку.

Итак, здесь случай make, возвращающий значение 127, возвращается оболочкой не из make. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к странице руководства bash.


openssl: make[1]: *** [test_des] Error 127 on Bash on Windows #292


ghost commented May 15, 2016

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

ghost commented May 15, 2016

@rwhogg What it means «build-error»?

rwhogg commented May 15, 2016 •

@ginolon it’s the label we add for when a formula does not build correctly.

Is openssl actually usable? I.e. is this just an extra error message or does openssl not work?

I’m afraid I personally cannot debug this problem as I don’t have access to a Windows machine to test with.

ghost commented May 15, 2016

openssl doesn’t work. And I can’t install git with brew and many others packages. Why that error? Can I install previous version? Can I skip the make test phase?

rwhogg commented May 15, 2016 •

To skip the test, run brew install openssl —without-test .

You can install a previous version by using git to checkout an earlier version of openssl.rb if you’d like.

To provide us with some more information, can you run brew gist-logs openssl (on the current version of openssl) please?

sjackman commented May 15, 2016

Running Linuxbrew on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) has not yet been tested. There will probably be some fixes required. We’re happy to help if you’re up for the necessary troubleshooting.

sjackman commented May 15, 2016

This error message make[1]: *** [test_des] Error 127 means that make was not able to find the command test_des .

sjackman commented May 15, 2016 •

Do you happen to know if there’s a program where I can apply for a free developer’s license of Windows Subsystem for Linux to run in Virtualbox? I don’t have access to a Windows device.

ghost commented May 15, 2016

Ok dear @rwhogg, it worked without-test, but many other errors below:

$ brew list makedepend openssl patchelf pkg-config xz zlib iouser@DESKTOP-4DIVL3A:

$ brew doctor Your system is ready to brew.»>

here it is what you ask (brew gist-logs openssl):

and here what strange is coming on my PC:

and then if I try to install something else:

sjackman commented May 15, 2016

That’s a strange error. I would ask the upstream developers of openssl if it makes sense to them.

sjackman commented May 15, 2016

I’m glad that the —without-test workaround worked for openssl.

Not sure about this error either. Please report brew gist-logs curl .

rwhogg commented May 15, 2016

Do you happen to know if there’s a program where I can apply for a free developer’s license of Windows Subsystem for Linux to run in Virtualbox? I don’t have access to a Windows device.

Did Microsoft ever get back to you about that? Last I heard, when you asked them it was awaiting moderation.

sjackman commented May 15, 2016

No, I haven’t heard back from them. The public forum may not have been the right channel to ask, but I’m not sure what the right channel is.

sjackman commented May 15, 2016

As for the above errors, I’m thinking something like files in /tmp not being executable, but brew doctor checks for that and hasn’t reported any problems.

ghost commented May 15, 2016

@sjackman, Here its is brew gist-logs curl :

sjackman commented May 16, 2016 •

Here’s the relevant line:
I’m afraid I can’t say what’s going on there without hands-on access to the machine. I would suggest contacting the upstream curl developers. I believe that they’re quite responsive.
As a total shot in the dark, try brew install zsh curl

ghost commented May 19, 2016

sjackman commented May 26, 2016

patchelf: cannot execute binary file

Please report patchelf —version and ldd $(which patchelf)



I am trying to make a program (hisat2) from the source code through Ubuntu. When I do, I get an error 127 and it says the following:

/bin/sh: 1: /usr/bin/g++: not found
Makefile:273: recipe for target 'hisat2-build-s' failed
make: *** [hisat2-build-s] Error 127

The folder with g++.exe is already added to path. I am a newbie so I was wondering if someone can guide me.

  • ubuntu
  • make
  • g++

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asked May 15, 2020 at 0:04

student's user avatar




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Use the Ubuntu hisat2 package.

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answered May 16, 2021 at 14:40

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Jeff Schaller

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Ubuntu 12.04

000@1000:~/dd/dir320$ make kernel_menuconfig
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/000/dd/dir320/target/linux'
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/000/dd/dir320/target/linux/brcm47xx'
if [ -s "/home/000/dd/dir320/build_dir/linux-brcm47xx/linux-" ]; then (cd "/home/000/dd/dir320/build_dir/linux-brcm47xx/linux-"; if quilt --quiltrc=- next >/dev/null 2>&1; then quilt --quiltrc=- push -a; else quilt --quiltrc=- top >/dev/null 2>&1; fi ); fi
make[2]: *** [/home/000/dd/dir320/build_dir/linux-brcm47xx/linux-] Error 127
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/000/dd/dir320/target/linux/brcm47xx'
make[1]: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/000/dd/dir320/target/linux'
make: *** [kernel_menuconfig] Ошибка 2
что  делать?  кто нить знает?

Пользователь решил продолжить мысль 30 Июня 2012, 16:59:41:

проблема решена  не хватала пакета quilt.

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  • make Error 127

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  1. Thomas Suedbroecker’s Blog
  2. I want to share my experience in the cloud development area.
  3. make: *** [generate] Error 127
  4. 1. Fast solution
  5. 2. Reproduce the problem
  6. Step 1: Clone a GO operator-sdk project from GitHub
  7. Step 2: Run make generate and get the error
  8. Step 3: Verify operator-sdk version
  9. 3. Fix the problem for now
  10. Step 1: Uninstall operator-sdk we installed with brew
  11. Getting «Build Error 127» when updating #2837
  13. john-light commented Mar 24, 2019
  14. Background
  15. Your environment
  16. Steps to reproduce
  17. Expected behaviour
  18. Actual behaviour
  19. wpaulino commented Mar 25, 2019
  20. john-light commented Mar 25, 2019
  21. Roasbeef commented Mar 25, 2019
  22. isdanni commented Apr 18, 2019
  23. Thread: makefile problem (error 127)
  24. makefile problem (error 127)
  25. Re: makefile problem (error 127)
  26. Thread: makefile problem (error 127)
  27. makefile problem (error 127)
  28. Re: makefile problem (error 127)
  29. Makefile install error 127 when running MINGW64 #722
  31. bennycode commented Oct 15, 2021
  32. What are the steps to reproduce this issue?
  33. What happens?
  34. What were you expecting to happen?
  35. What versions of software are you using?
  36. sobolevn commented Oct 15, 2021 •
  37. bennycode commented Oct 15, 2021
  38. sobolevn commented Oct 15, 2021
  39. bennycode commented Oct 15, 2021
  40. sobolevn commented Oct 15, 2021
  41. sobolevn commented Oct 15, 2021
  42. bennycode commented Oct 15, 2021
  43. sobolevn commented Oct 15, 2021 •
  44. bennycode commented Oct 15, 2021
  45. sobolevn commented Oct 15, 2021
  46. bennycode commented Oct 15, 2021
  47. sobolevn commented Oct 15, 2021
  48. bennycode commented Oct 19, 2021

Thomas Suedbroecker’s Blog

make: *** [generate] Error 127

Maybe you will get the following error when you try to work with a go operator-sdk project you cloned from GitHub.

Here we see that simply the bin directory with the needed controller-gen , kustomize and setup-envtest files, wasn’t created by operator-sdk commands.

This blog post does address that topic for a macOS operating system and is structured in following sections:

  1. Fast solution
  2. Reproduce the problem
  3. Fix the problem

1. Fast solution

In short words we need just to copy the bin directory from an existing operator-sdk project we have on our machine and past it into the cloned project and it will work for our cloned project.

But we will have problems, when we create new projects with that installation setup using brew install operator-sdk .
(even when this is my preferred way 😦 because I want to avoid FATA[0009] failed to create API: unable to run post-scaffold tasks of “”: exit status 2)

2. Reproduce the problem

We are using the currently available operator SDK version 19.1.0 which we installed using brew as described in the operator-sdk documentation.

Step 1: Clone a GO operator-sdk project from GitHub

Step 2: Run make generate and get the error

As we will see, there are files and bin folder missing.

bin/controller-gen: No such file or directory

Step 3: Verify operator-sdk version

Ensure you have operator-sdk version: «v1.19.1» installed.

3. Fix the problem for now

We are using an Operator SDK version that worked before, in my case I used 18.0.0 successfully some time ago. As far as I remember, golang version 1.17.6 was related to operator-sdk 18.0.0 version.

Note: If you want to install an older Operator SDK version with brew, that won’t work as there is only one brew formulae, as I found out. I hope that the brew installation will be fixed in the future.

So, we will do the following sequence to fix the problem:

  1. Uninstall the operator-sdk we installed with brew
  2. Install operator-sdk 18.0.0 using the binaries and install golang in version go 1.17.6
  3. Verify does the creation of a new operator project now include the bin and the related files

Step 1: Uninstall operator-sdk we installed with brew

Follow the steps outlined in one of my blog posts, but only for uninstalling. The current version of the operator-sdk in brew is 1.19.1 .


Getting «Build Error 127» when updating #2837


I am attempting to upgrade my installed version of LND and getting this error:

Your environment

version of lnd lnd version 0.5.2-99-beta commit=v0.5.1-beta-814- g2a652455aaea661b147b6adca0ff51edcd268508

which operating system ( uname -a on *Nix)
Ubuntu 16.04.6 x86_64

version of btcd , bitcoind , or other backend

Steps to reproduce

Tell us how to reproduce this issue. Please provide stacktraces and links to code in question.

To update your version of lnd to the latest version run the following commands:

Expected behaviour

I expect to be update to update LND without error message.

Actual behaviour

I get the error message indicated above.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

The go binary is not in your PATH .

@wpaulino why isn’t it? I followed the instructions exactly as written in this repo.

Check your PATH , you may have installed Go in a slightly different directory. Also you can do which go to find where it’s pointing to atm.

As @Roasbeef suggested, use the following command to check your path setting:

I also use Ubuntu so I know the struggle when configuring the Go. If all the above not working, I suggest you remove and install Go again, directly installing tar package. Installation guide here. Following is tested and worked perfectly fine on my Ubuntu 18.04


Thread: makefile problem (error 127)

Thread Tools

makefile problem (error 127)

And everything works fine with it. When I try to add a new target «remake» which should essentially execute «clean» first and then «run», I get error 127.

I tried to switch «run» for «$(APP)» and got the same error. As far as I understand make executes the clean instruction, and then go on to execute the second (either run, whose first line is $(APP), or $(APP)). The problem, I think, is that it searches for a file named $(APP) instead of executing the target $(APP).

From a more general point of view, my real problem is that sometimes my program needs to change some macro value, which means to rewrite a certain header, and to recompile itself, but make does not care if an header has been modified, it only recompiles if a source has been. Also, I do not want to call «system()» twice from my program (C++), I would like to learn to do things more elegantly, which is why I want to create the «remake» target.

Last edited by Dirich; May 7th, 2013 at 01:22 PM .

Re: makefile problem (error 127)

I think the problem with how you’re trying to do it is that ‘run’ is a target, not an action — you could possibly achieve the same effect by using a recursive make

but there may be a better way using an additional phony target — I’m not a makefile expert (there are one or two on here though — so hopefully they will chime in)

I don’t really understand your second question — however there’s nothing to stop you having header files as well as source files as prerequisites for your build targets


Thread: makefile problem (error 127)

Thread Tools

makefile problem (error 127)

And everything works fine with it. When I try to add a new target «remake» which should essentially execute «clean» first and then «run», I get error 127.

I tried to switch «run» for «$(APP)» and got the same error. As far as I understand make executes the clean instruction, and then go on to execute the second (either run, whose first line is $(APP), or $(APP)). The problem, I think, is that it searches for a file named $(APP) instead of executing the target $(APP).

From a more general point of view, my real problem is that sometimes my program needs to change some macro value, which means to rewrite a certain header, and to recompile itself, but make does not care if an header has been modified, it only recompiles if a source has been. Also, I do not want to call «system()» twice from my program (C++), I would like to learn to do things more elegantly, which is why I want to create the «remake» target.

Last edited by Dirich; May 7th, 2013 at 01:22 PM .

Re: makefile problem (error 127)

I think the problem with how you’re trying to do it is that ‘run’ is a target, not an action — you could possibly achieve the same effect by using a recursive make

but there may be a better way using an additional phony target — I’m not a makefile expert (there are one or two on here though — so hopefully they will chime in)

I don’t really understand your second question — however there’s nothing to stop you having header files as well as source files as prerequisites for your build targets


Makefile install error 127 when running MINGW64 #722

What are the steps to reproduce this issue?

  1. Open Git Bash (MINGW64) on Windows 10 Pro
  2. Run git clone git-secret
  3. Run cd git-secret
  4. Run make build
  5. Run PREFIX=»/usr/local» make install

What happens?

Error 127 shows up:

What were you expecting to happen?

The git-secret tool should be installed successfully.

What versions of software are you using?

Operating system: MINGW64_NT-10.0-19042 BENNY-RYZEN 3.1.7-340.x86_64 2020-10-23 13:08 UTC x86_64 Msys (Windows 10 Pro)

git-secret path: no git-secret

git-secret version: no git-secret

git version: git version

Shell type and version: GNU bash, version 4.4.23(1)-release (x86_64-pc-msys)

gpg version: gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.25

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

This might be different on Win. Can you please try to use this command instead (make sure to use tabs for indentation, Makefile requires that):

Will this work for you?

I exchanged the lines of code but running make build still returns:

Try make git-secret

Ok, then the problem is in build , not in git-secret 🤔

For now, you can just replace make build with make git-secret . But, I will provide a fix right now! 👍

@bennycode please, reopen if that still does not work for you 🙏

Hi @sobolevn and thank you for taking immediate action. Unfortunately, I still cannot install git-secret .

Here is what I did:

1. Running git pull :

2. Running make git-secret :

3. Running make build :

4. Running PREFIX=»/usr/local» make install :

Am I holding it wrong? 🤔

Looks like it happens due to spaces in your path:

C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin/sh.exe ./utils/ «C:/Program Files/Git/usr/local»
/usr/bin/sh: C:/Program: No such file or directory

I am not sure what to do here 🤔

I will try to google some solutions. In the meantime can you try to create an alias for sh without spaces?

Thank you @sobolevn. I think I am beginning to understand what happens here. I am passing PREFIX=»/usr/local» to make install and /usr/local becomes «C:/Program Files/Git/usr/local» with MINGW64 on my machine.

The Makefile then executes $ ./utils/ «$$» where PREFIX is C:/Program Files/Git/usr/local . Since this is wrapped in quotation marks it should be okay. The assumption now is that SHELL resolves to C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin/sh.exe which seems to break. Would it help putting $ also in quotation marks?

@bennycode I don’t have any win system to test this, so you tell me 🙂

I tested it and actually it does the trick (find my PR here: #724)! 😀

Now we are one step further. 🥳

The errors I am receiving now are related to directory permissions (another Windows-specific issue):

Thanks a lot, @bennycode! Would you be interested in helping us setting up windows CI? 🙏

Hey @sobolevn, I am very happy that you haven’t let me down and that you want to create a pleasant user experience for Windows users. I will think about how to extend your CI setup to include Windows in the testing matrix. 💭

For now, I just want to confirm that I can install «git-secret» just fine when starting my Git Bash with administrator privileges (to get write permissions to «‘C:/Program Files/Git/usr/local»):

Here is everything that it takes:

Now that my problem is resolved, I am closing this issue. See you in another PR! 😀


Maybe you will get the following error when you try to work with a go operator-sdk project you cloned from GitHub.

Here we see that simply the bin directory with the needed controller-genkustomize and setup-envtest files, wasn’t created by operator-sdk commands.

This blog post does address that topic for a macOS operating system and is structured in following sections:

  1. Fast solution
  2. Reproduce the problem
  3. Fix the problem

1. Fast solution

In short words we need just to copy the bin directory from an existing operator-sdk project we have on our machine and past it into the cloned project and it will work for our cloned project.

But we will have problems, when we create new projects with that installation setup using brew install operator-sdk.
(even when this is my preferred way 😦 because I want to avoid FATA[0009] failed to create API: unable to run post-scaffold tasks of “”: exit status 2)

I created a GitHub issue.

2. Reproduce the problem

We are using the currently available operator SDK version 19.1.0 which we installed using brew as described in the operator-sdk documentation.

Step 1: Clone a GO operator-sdk project from GitHub

git clone
cd multi-tenancy-frontend-operator/frontendOperator

Step 2: Run make generate and get the error

  • Example output:

As we will see, there are files and bin folder missing. 

bin/controller-gen: No such file or directory

go: added v1.3.0
/multi-tenancy-frontend-operator/frontendOperator/bin/controller-gen object:headerFile="hack/boilerplate.go.txt" paths="./..."
bash: /Users/thomassuedbroecker/Downloads/dev/verify/multi-tenancy-frontend-operator/frontendOperator/bin/controller-gen: No such file or directory
make: *** [generate] Error 127

Step 3: Verify operator-sdk version

  • Example output:

Ensure you have operator-sdk version: "v1.19.1" installed.

operator-sdk version: "v1.19.1", commit: "079d8852ce5b42aa5306a1e33f7ca725ec48d0e3", kubernetes version: "v1.23", go version: "go1.18.1", GOOS: "darwin", GOARCH: "amd64"

3. Fix the problem for now

We are using an Operator SDK version that worked before, in my case I used 18.0.0 successfully some time ago. As far as I remember, golang version 1.17.6 was related to operator-sdk 18.0.0 version.

Note: If you want to install an older Operator SDK version with brew, that won’t work as there is only one brew formulae, as I found out. I hope that the brew installation will be fixed in the future.

So, we will do the following sequence to fix the problem:

  1. Uninstall the operator-sdk we installed with brew
  2. Install operator-sdk 18.0.0 using the binaries and install golang in version go 1.17.6
  3. Verify does the creation of a new operator project now include the bin and the related files

Step 1: Uninstall operator-sdk we installed with brew

Follow the steps outlined in one of my blog posts, but only for uninstalling. The current version of the operator-sdk in brew is 1.19.1.

sudo go clean -cache
brew uninstall operator-sdk
brew uninstall go
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/Cellar/go
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
sudo rm -rf /Users/$YOUR_USER/go

Step 2: Install operator-sdk 18.0.0 and goland 1.17.6 using the binaries¶

Here we follow the related operator-sdk documentation.

1. Create a folder for your downloads

mkdir operator-sdk
cd operator-sdk

2. Set platform information

export ARCH=$(case $(uname -m) in x86_64) echo -n amd64 ;; aarch64) echo -n arm64 ;; *) echo -n $(uname -m) ;; esac)
export OS=$(uname | awk '{print tolower($0)}')

3. Download the binary for your platform

curl -LO ${OPERATOR_SDK_DL_URL}/operator-sdk_${OS}_${ARCH}

4. Install the release binary in your PATH

chmod +x operator-sdk_${OS}_${ARCH} && sudo mv operator-sdk_${OS}_${ARCH} /usr/local/bin/operator-sdk

5. Download go 1.17.6

6. Install go 1.17.6 using the downloaded file

7. Verify the installed operator-sdk and golang version

  • Example output:
operator-sdk version: "v1.18.0", commit: "c9c61b6921b29d731e64cd3cc33d268215fb3b25", kubernetes version: "1.21", go version: "go1.17.7", GOOS: "darwin", GOARCH: "amd64"

3. Confirm that creating a new operator project now contains the bin and associated files

Let us just create an example project problemfix.

Step 1: Create a new empty folder outside the cloned project¶

cd .. 
mkdir fixproblem
cd fixproblem

Step 2: Run operator-sdk init

operator-sdk init --domain --repo

  • Example output:
go: downloading v0.2.0
go: downloading v1.0.0-20141024135613-dd632973f1e7
go: downloading v1.1.0
Next: define a resource with:
$ operator-sdk create api

Step 2: Create an API¶

operator-sdk create api --group myproblemfix --version v1alpha1 --kind Myproblemfix --resource --controller

  • Example output:
Next: implement your new API and generate the manifests (e.g. CRDs,CRs) with:
$ make manifests

Step 3: Run make generate

make generate
make manifest
make build

Step 3: Verify the bin folder and the needed files were created¶

fixproblem % tree
├── Dockerfile
├── Makefile
├── api
│   └── v1alpha1
│       ├── groupversion_info.go
│       ├── myproblemfix_types.go
│       └── zz_generated.deepcopy.go
├── bin
│   ├── controller-gen
│   ├── kustomize
│   └── manager
├── config
│   ├── crd
│   │   ├── bases
│   │   │   └── myproblemfix.myproblemfix.net_myproblemfixes.yaml
│   │   ├── kustomization.yaml
│   │   ├── kustomizeconfig.yaml
│   │   └── patches
│   │       ├── cainjection_in_myproblemfixes.yaml
│   │       └── webhook_in_myproblemfixes.yaml
│   ├── default
│   │   ├── kustomization.yaml
│   │   ├── manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml
│   │   └── manager_config_patch.yaml
│   ├── manager
│   │   ├── controller_manager_config.yaml
│   │   ├── kustomization.yaml
│   │   └── manager.yaml
│   ├── manifests
│   │   └── kustomization.yaml
│   ├── prometheus
│   │   ├── kustomization.yaml
│   │   └── monitor.yaml
│   ├── rbac
│   │   ├── auth_proxy_client_clusterrole.yaml
│   │   ├── auth_proxy_role.yaml
│   │   ├── auth_proxy_role_binding.yaml
│   │   ├── auth_proxy_service.yaml
│   │   ├── kustomization.yaml
│   │   ├── leader_election_role.yaml
│   │   ├── leader_election_role_binding.yaml
│   │   ├── myproblemfix_editor_role.yaml
│   │   ├── myproblemfix_viewer_role.yaml
│   │   ├── role.yaml
│   │   ├── role_binding.yaml
│   │   └── service_account.yaml
│   ├── samples
│   │   ├── kustomization.yaml
│   │   └── myproblemfix_v1alpha1_myproblemfix.yaml
│   └── scorecard
│       ├── bases
│       │   └── config.yaml
│       ├── kustomization.yaml
│       └── patches
│           ├── basic.config.yaml
│           └── olm.config.yaml
├── controllers
│   ├── myproblemfix_controller.go
│   └── suite_test.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── hack
│   └── boilerplate.go.txt
└── main.go


With that we ensure you have a working version. Now you can try to install different operator-sdk binaries if they work with the golang 1.17.6 related to operator development.

I hope this was useful to you and let’s see what’s next?



#operatorsdk, #macos, #golang, #operators

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