After installing Maya on Linux, the following error message appears when launching Maya from terminal::
Autodesk Maya 2018Licensing ErrorA licensing error occurred that Autodesk systems were not able to handle for you. Please contact Autodesk Customer Support for help in resolving this error.checkoutLicense: Failed to authorize license Maya has quit
The installation log located in /var/log/autodesk/Maya2018Installer.log may show an error message similar to:
2018-05-24 10:44:31:971 : Cleaning up / removing... ######################################## 2018-05-24 10:44:31:996 : Installing Autodesk Maya 2018 2018-05-24 10:44:32:965 : ######################################## 2018-05-24 10:44:32:983 : Updating / installing... 2018-05-24 10:44:49:111 : Registration failed with code: 25 2018-05-24 10:44:49:116 : Registration failed with code: 25
Product registration information is incomplete while installing.
To workaround this issue run the following commands to register Maya with the Autodesk licensing software:
/usr/autodesk/maya2018/bin/adlmreg -i N <productKey1> <productKey2> 2018.0.0.F <serialNum> /var/opt/Autodesk/Adlm/Maya2018/MayaConfig.pit
<productKey1> and <productKey2> are your product keys, and <serialNum> is your serial number.
- If Maya was purchased as part of a suite, enter the Maya product key as <productKey1>, and the suite product key as <productKey2>. Finally the Suite serial number as <serialNum>.
- If Maya was purchased by itself and there is only one product key, enter the Maya product key for both <productKey1> and <productKey2>. Finally the Maya serial number as <serialNum>.
This step updates the product information .pit file, which can be copied to other machines that have the same configuration if installing many instances of Maya.
These commands return a Registration succeeded message, and this should allow Maya to run using a network license.
If the problem continues uninstallreinstall Maya.
After installing Maya on Linux, the following error message appears when launching Maya from terminal::
Autodesk Maya 2018Licensing ErrorA licensing error occurred that Autodesk systems were not able to handle for you. Please contact Autodesk Customer Support for help in resolving this error.checkoutLicense: Failed to authorize license Maya has quit
The installation log located in /var/log/autodesk/Maya2018Installer.log may show an error message similar to:
2018-05-24 10:44:31:971 : Cleaning up / removing... ######################################## 2018-05-24 10:44:31:996 : Installing Autodesk Maya 2018 2018-05-24 10:44:32:965 : ######################################## 2018-05-24 10:44:32:983 : Updating / installing... 2018-05-24 10:44:49:111 : Registration failed with code: 25 2018-05-24 10:44:49:116 : Registration failed with code: 25
Product registration information is incomplete while installing.
To workaround this issue run the following commands to register Maya with the Autodesk licensing software:
/usr/autodesk/maya2018/bin/adlmreg -i N <productKey1> <productKey2> 2018.0.0.F <serialNum> /var/opt/Autodesk/Adlm/Maya2018/MayaConfig.pit
<productKey1> and <productKey2> are your product keys, and <serialNum> is your serial number.
- If Maya was purchased as part of a suite, enter the Maya product key as <productKey1>, and the suite product key as <productKey2>. Finally the Suite serial number as <serialNum>.
- If Maya was purchased by itself and there is only one product key, enter the Maya product key for both <productKey1> and <productKey2>. Finally the Maya serial number as <serialNum>.
This step updates the product information .pit file, which can be copied to other machines that have the same configuration if installing many instances of Maya.
These commands return a Registration succeeded message, and this should allow Maya to run using a network license.
If the problem continues uninstallreinstall Maya.
Arnold for 3ds Max
Rendering with Arnold in 3ds Max using the MaxtoA plug-in.
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177 Views, 2 Replies
05:21 AM
SERIALNUM render error MTOA 5
I get this error when batchrendering. Sometimes after 1 frame sometimes after 50 frames.
I know Arnold switched license version in MTOA 5, but single lics should work without any actions as I understands it?
- license
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06:06 AM
That’s not the actual problem, it’s just a symptom. Maya or Arnold crashed. Then tried to send an error report. The send failed, and that’s what pops up the Error Report.
// Stephen Blair
// Arnold Renderer Support
07:11 AM
@Stephen Blair ah, ok!
Reverting back to mtoa 4.2.4, resolve this issue for me. The scen is now rendering without errors.
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Запускаю значит MAya 6.5 и выходит фатал еррор attemting to save c:documen~…local~temp…
в чем проблема?
pred/tor, вы не пробовали прочпесть faq? Там достаточно подробно в самом начале написано — как раз для вас.
удали этот самый … в указанном Майей месте ручками.
У меня была такая фигня.
Она появляется потому что при инсталляции я забыл запустить Install License с указанием пути к aw.dat и соотвественно с активацией лицензии.
я удалял не помагает!
насчет licnese !объясните получше плиз!
а то не понимаю
я читал faq!там написано чтоб ставился нужна сетевуха все ок все указал все поставил а он всеравно ругается на attepting to save
Нет, вы не прочитали faq. Потому что если бы вы его прочитали — то наконец уже рассказали бы — что у вас за машина и OS.
а сорри!
машина p4 2600
radeon 9600se 128
2×256 mb ram ddr hynix
western digitall 120 gb
p4p800 asus mb
bp 400w
а OS win xp sp2
я вот думаю мож в ней проблема !
форматну мож и все пройдет!
а так в чем может быть проблема!помогите, жжот как хочеться в нее порендерить!
Угу, первый шаг — сменить драйвера…а второй — прочитать FAQ.
а то у меня дрова не оффициальные от какой-то NGO catalyst 5.7 оптимизированные!
все всем спасибо!
все хорошо .поменял дрова и все загрузилось все полетело!
спасибо за то что помогли решить проблему за 1 день!
насчет FAQ усек спасибо!
А дрова какие поставил? Официальные или Каталист?