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Advanced member Статус: Не в сети |
Здесь обсуждаются и выбираются материнские платы под процессоры AMD Socket AM4 (Matisse, Picasso, Summit Ridge, Raven Ridge, Pinnacle Ridge и Bristol Ridge) Ссылка 1 -> Процессоры AMD Ryzen 3000-й серии (MatisseZen27nmAM4) DRAM Calculator for Ryzen™ -> Процессоры AMD Ryzen 2000-й серии (Pinnacle RidgeZen+12nmAM4) #15690750 Краткий справочник (он же FAQ, Frequently Asked Question(s) — часто задаваемые вопросы) BIOS MODS для ZEN / ZEN+ Моддинг биоса для Ryzen При обсуждении просьба соблюдать правила как Конференции, так и раздела «Материнские платы». Не искажайте наименования торговых марок, в т.ч. не переиначивайте иностранные марки и название опций в BIOS на русский. Это затрудняет поиск полезной информации, в т.ч. решения проблемы, аналогичной вашей, т.к. поисковый движок не обрабатывает искажения — это невозможно технически. Да, Х370 и X370 выглядят одинаково, но попробуйте вбить в поиск оба этих варианта.
Это лишь некоторые варианты. Скажите, вы, опытные люди, сумеете в нужный момент вспомнить их все? Догадаетесь перебрать их все? А каково новичку? Для серьёзного (напряжения 1.35-1.45 В, частота 3.8 и выше) разгона под любыми нагрузками топовых Ryzen плату смотрим в ценовом диапазоне от $150-200. Платы в пределах примерно $100-150 в таких условиях жить будут, но при наличии частых продолжительных нагрузок практически всем потребуется направленный обдув цепей питания процессора. Выбор и обсуждение материнских плат AMD Socket AM4 (Matisse, Picasso, Summit Ridge, Raven Ridge, Pinnacle Ridge и Bristol Ridge) #14764921 (ASUS Prime B350M-A — $89). Выбор и обсуждение материнских плат AMD Socket AM4 (Matisse, Picasso, Summit Ridge, Raven Ridge, Pinnacle Ridge и Bristol Ridge) #16830207 . Такие платы больше годятся для Ryzen с четырьмя физическими ядрами (шесть в разгоне при 1.4 В — уже риск). Нагрев, о котором говорится в большинстве случаев, обычно достигается под синтетическими тестами. В реальной жизни Вы такого рода нагрузку практически не встретите и нагрев будет ниже. Но тут другое: у мосфетов действительно рабочая температура указывается до ~125-150°, но КПД-то с нагревом падает! Мосфет может работать, но нужный ток — уже не выдавать. Так что когда в синтетике греется более 100° C и для стабильной работы нужен обдув — вот тут уже повод задуматься, ибо и в реале будет 70-80, что довольно нежелательно. Последний раз редактировалось James_on 20.08.2020 12:41, всего редактировалось 30 раз(а). |
Реклама | |
Партнер |
bigmotor |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
M19-LeXeR писал(а): нормально для oem плашек?? bb2 латенси 70 ни в какие ворота |
Remarc |
Advanced member Статус: Не в сети |
bigmotor писал(а): латенси 70 ни в какие ворота потому что там power down mode в enable |
aleksei123321 |
Заблокирован Статус: Не в сети |
наверн нубский вопрос конеш,но как узнать,поддерживает-ли биос NVMe 1.3 ? я подозреваю,что должен,но чет ни разу в этом не уверен |
AndreyHiTech |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
aleksei123321 писал(а): наверн нубский вопрос конеш,но как узнать,поддерживает-ли биос NVMe 1.3 ? Нубский ответ Последний раз редактировалось AndreyHiTech 17.03.2019 12:03, всего редактировалось 3 раз(а). |
Telrond |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
Мать msi x470 gaming plus. 1. Вопрос, чтотза версия? На оф сайте такой не нашел. 2. В последней добавлены офсеты для cpu? Добавлено спустя 10 минут 8 секунд: Kovsh писал(а): На мси оффсет только завезли С какой версии биоса завезли? Последний раз редактировалось Telrond 17.03.2019 12:48, всего редактировалось 1 раз. |
aleksei123321 |
Заблокирован Статус: Не в сети |
AndreyHiTech писал(а): Скорее всего в самих устройствах должна быть поддержка нужного nvme протокола это само собой,там это указано, а вот на счет поддержки моей платой nvme я чет не найду. по идее плата должна тоже поддерживать nvme,иначе скорости не будут соответствовать |
1usmus |
Куратор темы Статус: Не в сети |
Итак народ, настало время поделиться с вами частицей информации о новых процессорах и что будет доступно для них на 470тых. Valhalla Common Options: Soc Miscellaneous Control: BIXBY Common Options Local APIC Mode: MCA error thresh enable MCA error thresh count SMU and PSP Debug Mode Xtrig7 Workaround PPIN Opt-in [COLOR=»Red»]CCD/Core/Thread Enablement[/COLOR] or * CCD Control: or * CCD Control: Core control: Link: System probe filter PSP error injection support NUMA nodes per socket: 1TB remap: DRAM map inversion: ACPI Common RAS ECC Configuration Security Memory MBIST XFR Enhancement: SMU Common Options NTB Common Options В переводе на простой язык что мы имеем: 1) Новый контроллер памяти с частичной коррекцией ошибок для не-ECC памяти Информация достоверна на 100% Последний раз редактировалось 1usmus 17.03.2019 12:58, всего редактировалось 2 раз(а). |
ivanvatnikov |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
На B450 тоже должны завезти? Наверно, новые процы отыквят старые, если смогут память на высокой частоте тянуть. |
AndreyHiTech |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
aleksei123321 писал(а): по идее плата должна тоже поддерживать nvme,иначе скорости не будут соответствовать та не та плата не знаю https://www.asus.com/ru/Motherboards/RO … pDesk_QVL/ нашел это — https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/S … 170522.pdf и в этом — NVMe Configuration BIOS Setup — «Pass». Значит поддерживает. |
1usmus |
Куратор темы Статус: Не в сети |
ivanvatnikov Добавлено спустя 42 секунды: Добавлено спустя 51 секунду: |
taurintown |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
1usmus |
1usmus |
Куратор темы Статус: Не в сети |
taurintown |
taurintown |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
1usmus |
Prof |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
taurintown писал(а): Ну, меня больше Taichi X370 интересует. скорее всего 30-40% не будет функций вот и все по с равнению с х570 |
1usmus |
Куратор темы Статус: Не в сети |
taurintown |
Tarkus100 |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
Telrond писал(а): С какой версии биоса завезли? Вроде последние 3. Последние 2 точно, ставь A7 — не ошибешься. Хотя наличие оффсета на твоем бета биосе мог бы посмотреть и сам |
M19-LeXeR |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
Remarc писал(а): потому что там power down mode в enable спасибо)) теперь 65.7 но новый биос лично для моей платы дал хороший разгон. раньше выше 3200 не мог завести |
Tarkus100 |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
1usmus писал(а): 6) Обновленный Core Control имеет симметричную конфигурацию активных ядер. Возможно, в конфигурации на 2 чиплета , каждый чиплет получит по одному каналу памяти, чтобы минимизировать задержку доступа к памяти. Узким местом будет 1 канал на 8 ядер, если вы используете систему в состоянии по умолчанию. Думаю первые процы видимо будут иметь один чиплет на 8 ядер, а не два 4+4. И что, это будет одноканал? 1usmus писал(а): Если будет 6 ядер, я думаю проблем не возникнет. 6 ядер точно не разнесут по двум чиплетам (3+3) — тогда в чем разница с одним каналом на чиплет 8 ядер? Последний раз редактировалось Tarkus100 17.03.2019 14:59, всего редактировалось 1 раз. |
gadpaw |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
zen -> inferno Когда наступит paradise? |
Tarkus100 |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
ivanvatnikov писал(а): Наверно, новые процы отыквят старые, если смогут память на высокой частоте тянуть. Mне главное, чтоб не отыквились старые матери. Последний раз редактировалось Tarkus100 17.03.2019 15:08, всего редактировалось 1 раз. |
Кто сейчас на конференции |
Сейчас этот форум просматривают: mortens, nedov13 и гости: 15 |
Вы не можете начинать темы Вы не можете отвечать на сообщения Вы не можете редактировать свои сообщения Вы не можете удалять свои сообщения Вы не можете добавлять вложения |
- Звідки: Днепр
09.05.2019 18:31
эх, хотя бы 8 ядерники до 4.5-4.7 дотянули. Осталось найти причину зачем мне нужен 8 ядерник
09.05.2019 18:34
Если 16 ядерный проц работает на частотах почти таких же как 1700х райзен, то я с нетерпением буду ждать характеристики восмиядерника. Надеюсь что утечка будет правдой
Отправлено спустя 43 секунды:
Зачем зачем — для игр конечно) зачем себе то врать)
Отправлено спустя 4 минуты 42 секунды:
походу синие минусаторы налетели)
- Звідки: д.Чмаровка
09.05.2019 18:42
WhiteFallen:Зачем зачем — для игр конечно) зачем себе то врать)
Не судите по себе людей. Может быть коллега подумывает взять 8-ми ядерник для новой авки?
09.05.2019 18:44
WhiteFallen:Зачем зачем — для игр конечно) зачем себе то врать)
Не судите по себе людей. Может быть коллега подумывает взять 8-ми ядерник для новой авки?
Так эксиносы уже давно есть, но там все печально до сих пор
09.05.2019 18:57
наращивание ядер — это такое своеобразное занятие для закомплексованнвх компухтершиков, чтобы показать мамке какой у них крутой комп?
Marc Crass
- Звідки: из Владимиро-Суздальского княжества
09.05.2019 19:01
Ты же «пел» полгода назад, что 16 ядер не будет?!
09.05.2019 19:01
KimRomik:наращивание ядер — это такое своеобразное занятие для закомплексованнвх компухтершиков, чтобы показать мамке какой у них крутой комп?
Согласен, пойду куплю себе ещё один i5 6-7 поколения, а то разбирают как пирожки
09.05.2019 19:01
KimRomik:наращивание ядер — это такое своеобразное занятие для закомплексованнвх компухтершиков, чтобы показать мамке какой у них крутой комп?
твой конфиг это сборка хозяина жизни и альфача?
Marc Crass
- Звідки: из Владимиро-Суздальского княжества
09.05.2019 19:02
KimRomik:наращивание ядер — это такое своеобразное занятие для закомплексованнвх компухтершиков, чтобы показать мамке какой у них крутой комп?
Больше ядер — больше выхлоп от ПК, на котором люди деньги зарабатывают, а не в дотку режутся!
09.05.2019 19:06
Marc Crass:Больше ядер — больше выхлоп от ПК, на котором люди деньги зарабатывают, а не в дотку режутся!
не для всіх завдань)
- спойлер
- Звідки: Kyiv
09.05.2019 19:12
Marc Crass:… больше выхлоп от ПК, на котором люди деньги зарабатывают, а не в дотку режутся!
В фанатских холиварах под любой новостью владельцы таких ПК не метаются виртуальными какашками в идеологических противников, а именно деньги зарабатывают. А вот контингент, который «в дотку» — он более типичный представитель таких «боев» в комментах.
09.05.2019 19:17
Надеюсь наращивание частот и ядер пойдет на пользу и амд выйдет на уровень интела 8-9 поколения в играх.
- Звідки: Харків Україна
09.05.2019 19:42
Marc Crass:
Ты же «пел» полгода назад, что 16 ядер не будет?!
не было такого
вот краткое ревью что в Zen2
https://www.techpowerup.com/253954/amd- … g-tweaking
вот перечень опций которые подъедут в Zen2
- спойлер
- Valhalla Common Options:
* Performance
* Core Watchdog:
1) Core Watchdog Timer Enable
2) Core Watchdog Timer Interval
3) Core Watchdog Timer SeveritySoc Miscellaneous Control:
* ABL Console Out ControlBIXBY Common Options
Local APIC Mode:
1) xAPIC
2) x2APIC
3) AutoMCA error thresh enable
1) False
2) TrueMCA error thresh count
SMU and PSP Debug Mode
1) Disabled
2) Enabled
3) AutoXtrig7 Workaround
1) Auto
2) No Workaround
3) Bronze Workaround
4) Silver WorkaroundPPIN Opt-in
1) Disabled
2) Enabled
3)AutoCCD/Core/Thread Enablement
* CCD Control:
1) Auto
2) 2 CCDs
3) 3 CCDs
4) 4 CCDs
5) 6 CCDsor
* CCD Control:
1) Auto
2) 2 CCDs
3) 3 CCDs
4) 4 CCDsor
* CCD Control:
1) Auto
2) 1 CCDsCore control:
1) Auto
2) TWO (1 + 1)
3) FOUR (2 + 2)
4) SIX (3 + 3)Link:
CAKE CRC perf bounds Control
CAKE CRC perf bounds
4-link xGMI max speed
3-link xGMI max speedSystem probe filter
PSP error injection support
NUMA nodes per socket:
1) NPS0
2) NPS1
3) NPS2
4) NPS4
5) Auto1TB remap:
1) Do not remap
2) Attempt
3) AutoDRAM map inversion:
1) Disabled
2) Enabled
3) AutoACPI
*ACPI SRAT L3 Cache As NUMA Domain
* ACPI SLIT Distance Control
* ACPI SLIT remote relative distance
* ACPI SLIT virtual distance
* ACPI SLIT same socket distance
* ACPI SLIT remote socket distance
* ACPI SLIT local SLink distance
* ACPI SLIT remote SLink distance
* ACPI SLIT local inter-SLink distance
* ACPI SLIT remote inter-SLink distanceCommon RAS
* DRAM Post Package Repair
* RCD Parity
* DRAM Address Command Parity Retry
* Max Parity Error Replay
* Write CRC Enable
* DRAM Write CRC Enable and Retry Limit
* Max Write CRC Error Replay
* Disable Memory Error InjectionECC Configuration
* DRAM UECC RetrySecurity
* Chipselect Interleaving:
1) Disabled
2) Auto
Address Hash CS
Address Hash RmMemory MBIST
* MBIST Test Mode:
1) Interface Mode
2) Data Eye Mode
3) Both
4) Auto
* MBIST Per Bit Slave Die Reporting
1) Disabled
2) Enabled
3) Auto
* Pattern Select
2) SSO
3) Both
* Pattern Length
* Aggressor Channel
* Aggressor Static Lane Control
* Aggressor Static Lane Select Upper 32 bits
* Aggressor Static Lane Select Lower 32 Bits
* Aggressor Static Lane Select ECC
* Aggressor Static Lane Value
* Target Static Lane Control
* Target Static Lane Select Upper 32 bit
* Target Static Lane Select Lower 32 Bits
* Static Lane Select ECC
* Target Static Lane Value
* Data Eye Type:
1) 1D Voltage Sweep
2) 1D Timing Sweep
3) 2D Full Data Eye
4) Worst Case Margin Only
* Worst Case Margin Granularity
* Read Voltage Sweep Step Size
* Read Timing Sweep Step Size
* Write Voltage Sweep Step Size
* Write Timing Sweep Step SizeXFR Enhancement:
1) FCLK Frequency
2) MEMCLK Frequency
a) Auto
+ precision boost overrideSMU Common Options
* CLDO_VDDP Control
* EfficiencyModeEn
* Package Power Limit Control
* DF Cstates
* Fixed SOC Pstate
* CPPCNTB Common Options
* Link Speed : Gen 4
Востаннє редагувалось 09.05.2019 19:46 користувачем 1usmus, всього редагувалось 1 раз.
09.05.2019 19:43
Меньше трёх недель до анонса и ни одной толковой утечки.
По-прежнему трудно верить, что будут 16 ядер. 32 потока для мейнстрима на двухканале выглядят очень сомнительной идеей. Особенно учитывая слабый КП у процов на ам4.
- Звідки: Киев
09.05.2019 19:43
Fulkrum:эх, хотя бы 8 ядерники до 4.5-4.7 дотянули. Осталось найти причину зачем мне нужен 8 ядерник
Найдешь, дай знать
— 96 — BIOS Setup
Parameter Description
SEV-ES ASID Space Limit
Space limit control for SEV-ES ASIDs.
Options available: Auto/Manual. Default setting is Auto.
Streaming Stores Control
Enable/Disable the Streaming Stores functionality.
Options available: Auto, Enabled, Disabled. Default setting is Auto.
Local APIC Mode
Sets the Local APIC Mode.
Options available: Auto, xAPIC, x2APIC. Default setting is Auto.
ACPI_CST C1 Decaration
Determines whether or not to declare the C1 state to the OS..
Options available: Auto, Enabled, Disabled. Default setting is Auto.
MCA error thresh enable
Enable MCA error thresholding.
Options available: Auto, False, True. Default setting is Auto.
SMU and PSP Debug Mode
When this option is enabled, specic uncorrected errors detected by the
PSP FW or SMU FW will hand and not reset the system.
Options available: Auto, Enabled, Disabled. Default setting is Auto.
Xtrig7 Workaround
Options available: Auto, No Workaround, Bronze Workaround, Sliver
Workaround. Default setting is Auto.
PPIN Opt-in
Enable/Disable the PPIN feature.
Options available: Auto, Enabled, Disabled. Default setting is Auto.
SNP Memory (RMP Table)
Enabled: Enter system memory is covered.
Options available: Auto, Enabled, Disabled, Custom.
Default setting is Auto.
Control secure memory encryption enable.
Options available: Auto, Enabled, Disabled.
Default setting is Auto.
Action on BIST Failure
Action to take when a CCD BIST failure is detected.
Options available: Auto, Do nothing, Down-CCD.
Default setting is Auto.
Fast Short REP MOVSB
Default is 1, cab be set to zero for analysis purpose as long as OS supports
Options available: Enabled, Disabled.
Default setting is Enabled.
Enhanced REP MOVSB/
Default is 1, cab be set to zero for analysis purpose as long as OS supports
Options available: Enabled, Disabled.
Default setting is Enabled.
Allows REP-MOV/STOS to use non-caching streaming stores for large
Options available: Enabled, Disabled.
Default setting is Enabled.
Override of X3D technology.
Options available: Auto, Disable, 1 stack, 2 stack, 4 stack.
Default setting is Auto.
IBS hardware work around
Set if using IBS execution sampling without software workaround for
erratum 1,285. May impac performance..
Options available: Enabled, Auto.
Default setting is Enabled.
Valhalla Common Options:
* Performance
* Core Watchdog:
1) Core Watchdog Timer Enable
2) Core Watchdog Timer Interval
3) Core Watchdog Timer Severity
Soc Miscellaneous Control:
* ABL Console Out Control
BIXBY Common Options
Local APIC Mode:
1) xAPIC
2) x2APIC
3) Auto
MCA error thresh enable
1) False
2) True
MCA error thresh count
SMU and PSP Debug Mode
1) Disabled
2) Enabled
3) Auto
Xtrig7 Workaround
1) Auto
2) No Workaround
3) Bronze Workaround
4) Silver Workaround
PPIN Opt-in
1) Disabled
2) Enabled
CCD/Core/Thread Enablement
* CCD Control:
1) Auto
2) 2 CCDs
3) 3 CCDs
4) 4 CCDs
5) 6 CCDs
* CCD Control:
1) Auto
2) 2 CCDs
3) 3 CCDs
4) 4 CCDs
* CCD Control:
1) Auto
2) 1 CCDs
Core control:
1) Auto
2) TWO (1 + 1)
3) FOUR (2 + 2)
4) SIX (3 + 3)
CAKE CRC perf bounds Control
CAKE CRC perf bounds
4-link xGMI max speed
3-link xGMI max speed
System probe filter
PSP error injection support
NUMA nodes per socket:
1) NPS0
2) NPS1
3) NPS2
4) NPS4
5) Auto
1TB remap:
1) Do not remap
2) Attempt
3) Auto
DRAM map inversion:
1) Disabled
2) Enabled
3) Auto
*ACPI SRAT L3 Cache As NUMA Domain
* ACPI SLIT Distance Control
* ACPI SLIT remote relative distance
* ACPI SLIT virtual distance
* ACPI SLIT same socket distance
* ACPI SLIT remote socket distance
* ACPI SLIT local SLink distance
* ACPI SLIT remote SLink distance
* ACPI SLIT local inter-SLink distance
* ACPI SLIT remote inter-SLink distance
Common RAS
* DRAM Post Package Repair
* RCD Parity
* DRAM Address Command Parity Retry
* Max Parity Error Replay
* Write CRC Enable
* DRAM Write CRC Enable and Retry Limit
* Max Write CRC Error Replay
* Disable Memory Error Injection
ECC Configuration
* Chipselect Interleaving:
1) Disabled
2) Auto
Address Hash CS
Address Hash Rm
Memory MBIST
* MBIST Test Mode:
1) Interface Mode
2) Data Eye Mode
3) Both
4) Auto
* MBIST Per Bit Slave Die Reporting
1) Disabled
2) Enabled
3) Auto
* Pattern Select
2) SSO
3) Both
* Pattern Length
* Aggressor Channel
* Aggressor Static Lane Control
* Aggressor Static Lane Select Upper 32 bits
* Aggressor Static Lane Select Lower 32 Bits
* Aggressor Static Lane Select ECC
* Aggressor Static Lane Value
* Target Static Lane Control
* Target Static Lane Select Upper 32 bit
* Target Static Lane Select Lower 32 Bits
* Static Lane Select ECC
* Target Static Lane Value
* Data Eye Type:
1) 1D Voltage Sweep
2) 1D Timing Sweep
3) 2D Full Data Eye
4) Worst Case Margin Only
* Worst Case Margin Granularity
* Read Voltage Sweep Step Size
* Read Timing Sweep Step Size
* Write Voltage Sweep Step Size
* Write Timing Sweep Step Size
XFR Enhancement:
1) FCLK Frequency
2) MEMCLK Frequency
a) Auto
+ precision boost override
SMU Common Options
* CLDO_VDDP Control
* EfficiencyModeEn
* Package Power Limit Control
* DF Cstates
* Fixed SOC Pstate
NTB Common Options
* Link Speed : Gen 4
Just to update on my latest stability testing. I am now at the following on my 5800x B550-F with 1801 bios:
Core | curve offset w/pbo +0, scaler x2. |
0 (perf #3/4) | -15 |
1 (perf #4/5) | -15 |
2 (perf #5/6) | -10 |
3 (perf #1/1) | 10 |
4 (perf #7/8) | -30 |
5 (perf #6/7) | -20 |
6 (perf #1/2) | 3 |
7 (perf #2/3) | -5 |
The above curve was tested +200, scaler x1, with both p95 and testmem5 running on a single core at a time.
Compared to my earlier settings, I had to add a little more voltage to cores 5 & 6 after testing with Testmem5 at +200. Also core 7 was not p95 stable at -10. I don’t know if cores 5&6 were 100% stable at these settings on p95 either, but what I found was that Testmem5 runs the clocks higher than the p95 setting I have been using since it uses less power. It seems like it is worth testing both.
With this curve setting, TM5 is holding ~4900 MHz on most cores. Given that, I have backed off the +200 and put it back to +0. This makes no noticeable difference to the benchmarks I have run so far, and I have more confidence everything is going to remain stable now. I also upped scaler to x2 since that seems to be the default in this BIOS, but I’m still not sure if this setting makes any difference on my configuration.
My conclusion here is that AMD has already tuned these things pretty close to the limit out of the box. So there is very little to gain from trying to add higher clock.
Adding some curve offset helps with multi-core loads, but the difference is not huge, and it is quite difficult to properly test for stability when you do this.
In short, be careful when setting a curve offset, or even just adding pbo boost override, since it is very difficult to test each core individually for stability at all possible clocks.
One last hurrah for bios 3003 before i update to a bios with AMD AM4 AGESA V2 PI and support for Nvidia smart access memory.
Cold air benching with EK custom waterloop+TechN Zen3 waterblock
Curve optimizer = -30 allcore
Stable in everything i throw at it, and no WHEA errors.
View attachment 185204
Cinebench r23 multithread = 32229 points
Cinebench r23 singlethread = 1729 pointsCinebench r20 multithread = 12441 points
Cinebench r20 singlethread = 674 pointsCinebench r15 multithread = 5404 points
Cinebench r15 multithread = 288 pointsCPU-Z validator @ https://valid.x86.fr/dl125q
Some Asus realbench + Passmark performancetest numbers @ https://www.passmark.com/baselines/V10/display.php?id=135921464997 (This machine is ranked #36 out of 156355 results globally)
View attachment 185205
Geekbench 4 @ https://browser.geekbench.com/v4/cpu/16005550
Singlethread = 8215 points
Multithread = 74733 pointsGeekbench5 @ https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/6050938
Singlethread = 1844 points
Multithread = 20054 pointsSome heavy IBT high+very high and Y-Cruncher numbers:
View attachment 185207
Did also run a full sweep of all 3dmarks, but i will post that in one other thread[2021/01/20 16:26:21]
Ai Overclock Tuner [Manual]
BCLK Frequency [100.0000]
Memory Frequency [DDR4-3800MHz]
FCLK Frequency [1900MHz]
Core Performance Boost [Enabled]
CPU Core Ratio [Auto]
Core VID [Auto]
CCX0 Ratio [Auto]
CCX0 Ratio [Auto]
TPU [Keep Current Settings]
Performance Bias [Auto]
PBO Fmax Enhancer [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Manual]
PPT Limit [300]
TDC Limit [235]
EDC Limit [245]
Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar [Manual]
Customized Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar [4X]
Max CPU Boost Clock Override [50]
Platform Thermal Throttle Limit [Auto]
DRAM CAS# Latency [14]
Trcdrd [15]
Trcdwr [8]
DRAM RAS# PRE Time [12]
DRAM RAS# ACT Time [24]
Trc [36]
TrrdS [4]
TrrdL [4]
Tfaw [16]
TwtrS [4]
TwtrL [10]
Twr [12]
Trcpage [Auto]
TrdrdScl [2]
TwrwrScl [2]
Trfc [252]
Trfc2 [187]
Trfc4 [115]
Tcwl [14]
Trtp [6]
Trdwr [9]
Twrrd [2]
TwrwrSc [1]
TwrwrSd [6]
TwrwrDd [6]
TrdrdSc [1]
TrdrdSd [5]
TrdrdDd [5]
Tcke [Auto]
ProcODT [40 ohm]
Cmd2T [1T]
Gear Down Mode [Enabled]
Power Down Enable [Disabled]
RttNom [RZQ/7]
RttWr [RZQ/3]
RttPark [RZQ/1]
MemAddrCmdSetup [Auto]
MemCsOdtSetup [Auto]
MemCkeSetup [Auto]
MemCadBusClkDrvStren [24.0 Ohm]
MemCadBusAddrCmdDrvStren [20.0 Ohm]
MemCadBusCsOdtDrvStren [24.0 Ohm]
MemCadBusCkeDrvStren [24.0 Ohm]
Mem Over Clock Fail Count [Auto]
Voltage Monitor [Die Sense]
CPU Load-line Calibration [Level 3]
CPU Current Capability [140%]
CPU VRM Switching Frequency [Manual]
Fixed CPU VRM Switching Frequency(KHz) [500]
CPU Power Duty Control [T.Probe]
CPU Power Phase Control [Extreme]
CPU Power Thermal Control [120]
VDDSOC Load-line Calibration [Level 3]
VDDSOC Switching Frequency [Auto]
VDDSOC Phase Control [Extreme]
DRAM Current Capability [130%]
DRAM Power Phase Control [Extreme]
DRAM Switching Frequency [Auto]
CPU Core Current Telemetry [Auto]
CPU SOC Current Telemetry [Auto]
Force OC Mode Disable [Disabled]
SB Clock Spread Spectrum [Auto]
VTTDDR Voltage [Auto]
VPP_MEM Voltage [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHA [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHB [Auto]
VDDP Voltage [Auto]
1.8V Standby Voltage [Auto]
CPU 3.3v AUX [Auto]
1.2V SB Voltage [Auto]
DRAM R1 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R2 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R3 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R4 Tune [Auto]
PCIE Tune R1 [Auto]
PCIE Tune R2 [Auto]
PCIE Tune R3 [Auto]
PLL Tune R1 [Auto]
PLL reference voltage [Auto]
T Offset [Auto]
Sense MI Skew [Auto]
Sense MI Offset [Auto]
Promontory presence [Auto]
Clock Amplitude [Auto]
CPU Core Voltage [Offset mode]
— Offset Mode Sign [+]
— CPU Core Voltage Offset [0.01250]
CPU SOC Voltage [Manual]
— VDDSOC Voltage Override [1.11875]
DRAM Voltage [1.54500]
VDDG CCD Voltage Control [0.890]
VDDG IOD Voltage Control [Auto]
CLDO VDDP voltage [0.880]
1.00V SB Voltage [Auto]
1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto]
TPM Device Selection [Discrete TPM]
Erase fTPM NV for factory reset [Enabled]
PSS Support [Enabled]
PPC Adjustment [PState 0]
NX Mode [Enabled]
SVM Mode [Disabled]
SMT Mode [Auto]
Core Leveling Mode [Automatic mode]
CCD Control [Auto]
SATA Port Enable [Enabled]
NVMe RAID mode [Disabled]
SMART Self Test [Enabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
HD Audio Controller [Enabled]
PCIEX16_1 Bandwidth Bifurcation configuration [Auto Mode]
PCIEX16_2 Bandwidth Bifurcation configuration [Auto Mode]
When system is in working state [All On]
Q-Code LED Function [POST Code Only]
When system is in sleep, hibernate or soft off states [All On]
Realtek 2.5G LAN Controller [Enabled]
Realtek PXE OPROM [Disabled]
Intel LAN Controller [Enabled]
Intel LAN OPROM [Disabled]
ASM1074 Controller [Enabled]
Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) Controller [Disabled]
Bluetooth Controller [Enabled]
USB power delivery in Soft Off state (S5) [Enabled]
PCIEX16_1 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX16_2 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX1 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX16_3 Mode [Auto]
M.2_1 Link Mode [Auto]
M.2_2 Link Mode [Auto]
SB Link Mode [Auto]
ErP Ready [Disabled]
Restore AC Power Loss [Power Off]
Power On By PCI-E [Disabled]
Power On By RTC [Disabled]
Above 4G Decoding [Enabled]
Re-Size BAR Support [Auto]
SR-IOV Support [Disabled]
Legacy USB Support [Enabled]
XHCI Hand-off [Enabled]
Corsair Voyager GTX 0 [Auto]
USB Device Enable [Enabled]
U32G2_2 [Enabled]
U32G2_3 [Enabled]
U32G2_4 [Enabled]
U32G1_10 [Enabled]
U32G1_11 [Enabled]
USB12 [Enabled]
USB13 [Enabled]
U32G2_7 [Enabled]
U32G2_8 [Enabled]
U32G2_C9 [Enabled]
Network Stack [Disabled]
Device [SATA6G_7: Samsung SSD 850 PRO 1TB]
CPU Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Package Temperature [Monitor]
MotherBoard Temperature [Monitor]
VRM Temperature [Monitor]
T_Sensor Temperature [Monitor]
Water In T Sensor Temperature [Monitor]
Water Out T Sensor Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Fan Speed [Monitor]
CPU Optional Fan Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 3 Speed [Monitor]
High Amp Fan Speed [Monitor]
W_PUMP+ Speed [Monitor]
AIO PUMP Speed [Monitor]
PCH Fan Speed [Monitor]
Flow Rate [Monitor]
CPU Core Voltage [Monitor]
3.3V Voltage [Monitor]
5V Voltage [Monitor]
12V Voltage [Monitor]
CPU Fan Q-Fan Control [Auto]
CPU Fan Step Up [2.1 sec]
CPU Fan Step Down [0 sec]
CPU Fan Speed Low Limit [600 RPM]
CPU Fan Profile [Manual]
CPU Fan Upper Temperature [70]
CPU Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
CPU Fan Middle Temperature [50]
CPU Fan Middle Duty Cycle (%) [50]
CPU Fan Lower Temperature [30]
CPU Fan Min Duty Cycle (%) [40]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [Auto]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Source [CPU]
Chassis Fan 1 Step Up [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 1 Step Down [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed Low Limit [600 RPM]
Chassis Fan 1 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 1 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 1 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle Temperature [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle Duty Cycle (%) [65]
Chassis Fan 1 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 1 Min Duty Cycle (%) [60]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [Auto]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Source [CPU]
Chassis Fan 2 Step Up [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 2 Step Down [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed Low Limit [600 RPM]
Chassis Fan 2 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 2 Upper Temperature [65]
Chassis Fan 2 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle Temperature [45]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle Duty Cycle (%) [60]
Chassis Fan 2 Lower Temperature [40]
Chassis Fan 2 Min Duty Cycle (%) [60]
Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Control [Auto]
Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Source [CPU]
Chassis Fan 3 Step Up [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 3 Step Down [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 3 Speed Low Limit [600 RPM]
Chassis Fan 3 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 3 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 3 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Chassis Fan 3 Middle Temperature [45]
Chassis Fan 3 Middle Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Chassis Fan 3 Lower Temperature [40]
Chassis Fan 3 Min Duty Cycle (%) [100]
High Amp Fan Q-Fan Control [Auto]
High Amp Fan Q-Fan Source [CPU]
High Amp Fan Step Up [0 sec]
High Amp Fan Step Down [0 sec]
High Amp Fan Speed Low Limit [600 RPM]
High Amp Fan Profile [Manual]
High Amp Fan Upper Temperature [70]
High Amp Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
High Amp Fan Middle Temperature [45]
High Amp Fan Middle Duty Cycle (%) [70]
High Amp Fan Lower Temperature [30]
High Amp Fan Min Duty Cycle (%) [60]
Water Pump+ Q-Fan Control [Auto]
Water Pump+ Q-Fan Source [CPU]
Water Pump+ Upper Temperature [70]
Water Pump+ Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Water Pump+ Middle Temperature [50]
Water Pump+ Middle Duty Cycle (%) [65]
Water Pump+ Lower Temperature [30]
Water Pump+ Min Duty Cycle (%) [60]
AIO Pump Q-Fan Control [Auto]
AIO Pump Q-Fan Source [CPU]
AIO Pump Upper Temperature [70]
AIO Pump Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
AIO Pump Middle Temperature [50]
AIO Pump Middle Duty Cycle (%) [65]
AIO Pump Lower Temperature [30]
AIO Pump Min Duty Cycle (%) [60]
Above 4GB MMIO Limit [39bit (512GB)]
Fast Boot [Enabled]
Next Boot after AC Power Loss [Fast Boot]
Boot Logo Display [Disabled]
Bootup NumLock State [On]
POST Report [5 sec]
Wait For ‘F1’ If Error [Enabled]
Option ROM Messages [Force BIOS]
Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled]
Setup Mode [Advanced Mode]
Launch CSM [Disabled]
OS Type [Other OS]
AMI Native NVMe Driver Support [Enabled]
Flexkey [Reset]
Setup Animator [Disabled]
Load from Profile [5]
Profile Name [20.01 minus 30]
Save to Profile [5]
DIMM Slot Number [DIMM_A1]
Bus Interface [PCIEX16_1]
Download & Install ARMOURY CRATE app [Enabled]
CPU Frequency [0]
CPU Voltage [0]
CCD Control [Auto]
Core control [Auto]
SMT Control [Auto]
Overclock [Enabled ]
Memory Clock Speed [Auto]
Tcl [Auto]
Trcdrd [Auto]
Trcdwr [Auto]
Trp [Auto]
Tras [Auto]
Trc Ctrl [Auto]
TrrdS [Auto]
TrrdL [Auto]
Tfaw Ctrl [Auto]
TwtrS [Auto]
TwtrL [Auto]
Twr Ctrl [Auto]
Trcpage Ctrl [Auto]
TrdrdScL Ctrl [Auto]
TwrwrScL Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc2 Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc4 Ctrl [Auto]
Tcwl [Auto]
Trtp [Auto]
Tcke [Auto]
Trdwr [Auto]
Twrrd [Auto]
TwrwrSc [Auto]
TwrwrSd [Auto]
TwrwrDd [Auto]
TrdrdSc [Auto]
TrdrdSd [Auto]
TrdrdDd [Auto]
ProcODT [Auto]
Power Down Enable [Auto]
Cmd2T [Auto]
Gear Down Mode [Auto]
CAD Bus Timing User Controls [Auto]
CAD Bus Drive Strength User Controls [Auto]
Data Bus Configuration User Controls [Auto]
Infinity Fabric Frequency and Dividers [Auto]
ECO Mode [Disable]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Advanced]
PBO Limits [Motherboard]
Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar [Auto]
Curve Optimizer [Per Core]
Core 0 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 0 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 1 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 1 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 2 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 2 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 3 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 3 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 4 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 4 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 5 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 5 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 6 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 6 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 7 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 7 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 8 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 8 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 9 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 9 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 10 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 10 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 11 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 11 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 12 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 12 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 13 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 13 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 14 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 14 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 15 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 15 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Max CPU Boost Clock Override [0MHz]
Platform Thermal Throttle Limit [Auto]
LN2 Mode [Auto]
SoC/Uncore OC Mode [Disabled]
VDDP Voltage Control [Auto]
VDDG Voltage Control [Auto]
NUMA nodes per socket [Auto]
Custom Pstate0 [Auto]
L1 Stream HW Prefetcher [Auto]
L2 Stream HW Prefetcher [Auto]
Core Watchdog Timer Enable [Auto]
SMEE [Auto]
Core Performance Boost [Auto]
Global C-state Control [Disabled]
Power Supply Idle Control [Typical Current Idle]
SEV ASID Count [Auto]
SEV-ES ASID Space Limit Control [Auto]
Streaming Stores Control [Auto]
Local APIC Mode [Auto]
ACPI _CST C1 Declaration [Auto]
MCA error thresh enable [Auto]
PPIN Opt-in [Auto]
Fast Short REP MOVSB [Enabled]
Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB [Enabled]
RdRand Speedup Disable [Enabled]
IBS hardware workaround [Auto]
DRAM scrub time [Auto]
Poison scrubber control [Auto]
Redirect scrubber control [Auto]
Redirect scrubber limit [Auto]
NUMA nodes per socket [Auto]
Memory interleaving [Auto]
Memory interleaving size [Auto]
1TB remap [Auto]
DRAM map inversion [Auto]
ACPI SRAT L3 Cache As NUMA Domain [Auto]
ACPI SLIT Distance Control [Auto]
ACPI SLIT remote relative distance [Auto]
GMI encryption control [Auto]
xGMI encryption control [Auto]
CAKE CRC perf bounds Control [Auto]
4-link xGMI max speed [Auto]
3-link xGMI max speed [Auto]
xGMI TXEQ Mode [Auto]
PcsCG control [Auto]
Disable DF to external downstream IP SyncFloodPropagation [Auto]
Disable DF sync flood propagation [Auto]
CC6 memory region encryption [Auto]
Memory Clear [Auto]
Overclock [Enabled]
Memory Clock Speed [Auto]
Tcl [Auto]
Trcdrd [Auto]
Trcdwr [Auto]
Trp [Auto]
Tras [Auto]
Trc Ctrl [Auto]
TrrdS [Auto]
TrrdL [Auto]
Tfaw Ctrl [Auto]
TwtrS [Auto]
TwtrL [Auto]
Twr Ctrl [Auto]
Trcpage Ctrl [Auto]
TrdrdScL Ctrl [Auto]
TwrwrScL Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc2 Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc4 Ctrl [Auto]
Tcwl [Auto]
Trtp [Auto]
Tcke [Auto]
Trdwr [Auto]
Twrrd [Auto]
TwrwrSc [Auto]
TwrwrSd [Auto]
TwrwrDd [Auto]
TrdrdSc [Auto]
TrdrdSd [Auto]
TrdrdDd [Auto]
ProcODT [Auto]
Power Down Enable [Auto]
Disable Burst/Postponed Refresh [Auto]
DRAM Maximum Activate Count [Auto]
Cmd2T [Auto]
Gear Down Mode [Auto]
CAD Bus Timing User Controls [Auto]
CAD Bus Drive Strength User Controls [Auto]
Data Bus Configuration User Controls [Auto]
Data Poisoning [Auto]
DRAM Post Package Repair [Default]
RCD Parity [Auto]
DRAM Address Command Parity Retry [Auto]
Write CRC Enable [Auto]
DRAM Write CRC Enable and Retry Limit [Auto]
Disable Memory Error Injection [True]
DRAM ECC Symbol Size [Auto]
DRAM ECC Enable [Auto]
DRAM UECC Retry [Auto]
TSME [Auto]
Data Scramble [Auto]
DFE Read Training [Auto]
FFE Write Training [Auto]
PMU Pattern Bits Control [Auto]
MR6VrefDQ Control [Auto]
CPU Vref Training Seed Control [Auto]
Chipselect Interleaving [Auto]
BankGroupSwap [Auto]
BankGroupSwapAlt [Auto]
Address Hash Bank [Auto]
Address Hash CS [Auto]
Address Hash Rm [Auto]
SPD Read Optimization [Enabled]
MBIST Enable [Disabled]
Pattern Select [PRBS]
Pattern Length [6]
Aggressor Channel [1 Aggressor Channel]
Aggressor Static Lane Control [Disabled]
Target Static Lane Control [Disabled]
Worst Case Margin Granularity [Per Chip Select]
Read Voltage Sweep Step Size [1]
Read Timing Sweep Step Size [1]
Write Voltage Sweep Step Size [1]
Write Timing Sweep Step Size [1]
IOMMU [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar [Auto]
FCLK Frequency [Auto]
VDDP Voltage Control [Auto]
VDDG Voltage Control [Auto]
SoC/Uncore OC Mode [Auto]
LN2 Mode [Auto]
ACS Enable [Auto]
PCIe ARI Support [Auto]
PCIe ARI Enumeration [Auto]
PCIe Ten Bit Tag Support [Auto]
cTDP Control [Auto]
EfficiencyModeEn [Auto]
Package Power Limit Control [Auto]
DF Cstates [Auto]
CPPC [Auto]
CPPC Preferred Cores [Auto]
NBIO DPM Control [Auto]
Early Link Speed [Auto]
Presence Detect Select mode [Auto]
Preferred IO [Auto]
CV test [Auto]
Loopback Mode [Auto]
Data Link Feature Exchange [Disabled]
Can you test Geek bench 5
The voltage feed to the CPU cores is 1 value alone. There is no capability of individual voltage regulation per core. What the CPU cores are getting is the “CPU Core Voltage (SVI2 TFN)” as reported by HWiNFO sensors mode.
What you alter by curves is speed per core.
New CPU new luck..
Bios: F33a
scaler: 1x
boost override: +0 Mhz
curve optimizer: -30 on 14 cores, -25 on 1 core, -18 on 1 core
vcore: normal with a minus (-) offset of 0.08750V
LLT: medium
SoC LLT: medium
Infinity Fabric: 1600 Mhz (Memory 3200 CL14)
I was aiming at good enough score with low temperatures and no temperature spikes, here are my results:
(Ambient temperature: 24C, arctic liquid freezer ii 360 with arctic silver 5 applied, setup for «maximum» silence at full load, fans around 1000 rpm on radiator, 450 rpm system fans)
I have copy/pasted into the screenshot parts of a second screenshot within hwinfo (just scrolled down to show power draw etc.. and copy/pasted that part into main screenshot)
Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
F33a BIOS on my X570 Elite, got to negative 20 on all cores 5600X. At -25 i get blue screen errors, did not fiddle with per core offset yet.
On my master F33a was to unstable — did manage to boot with 2000 infinity — but got WHEAs at even 1900 so vent back to F32
Until this madness with inflated prices and little availabilty of computer parts, especially GPUs i will not touch any kind of overclocking. Stock settings and undevolt for me So far F33a is stable for me at stock with undervolt.
Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
On my master F33a was to unstable — did manage to boot with 2000 infinity — but got WHEAs at even 1900 so vent back to F32
@jesdals Hi. I’m impressive with your cpu-z results. Could you provide your finally setting to achieve this result? PBO, voltages, llc and others
Thank you
@jesdals Hi. I’m impressive with your cpu-z results. Could you provide your finally setting to achieve this result? PBO, voltages, llc and others
Thank you![]()
You can see my settings above, theres pics from bios and thats actually settings — did cold settings with higher settings but without better results
Just a suggestion if anyone is willing to follow as a test.
If using AGESA V2 to stop using HWiNFO (not load at all) and see if WHEA/Cache Hierarchy errors or crashes vanish.
Just a discussion over HWiNFO forums brought this up. Maybe users here can confirm… or not.
New ASUS ROG E X570 , no PBO , -23 all cores plus only ASUS app, holds clocks longer and higher , temps are cool , no peaky bench mark, 75 degrees room temp , no throttle at all , this will be my day to day, will run for week , get used everything , then will try to break my ASUS X470 Prime Pro numbers.
30 min loop , MB sure makes a difference !
947.4 KB · Views: 181
614.9 KB · Views: 175
Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
Just a suggestion if anyone is willing to follow as a test.
If using AGESA V2 to stop using HWiNFO (not load at all) and see if WHEA/Cache Hierarchy errors or crashes vanish.Just a discussion over HWiNFO forums brought this up. Maybe users here can confirm… or not.
I did find the F33a unstable regardless if HWinfo was running or not — so my experience with Agesa Gigabyte version is that its not stable yet — even at 1933MHz 1:1:1 it wasnt stable.
One last hurrah for bios 3003 before i update to a bios with AMD AM4 AGESA V2 PI and support for Nvidia smart access memory.
Cold air benching with EK custom waterloop+TechN Zen3 waterblock
Curve optimizer = -30 allcore
Stable in everything i throw at it, and no WHEA errors.
View attachment 185204
Cinebench r23 multithread = 32229 points
Cinebench r23 singlethread = 1729 pointsCinebench r20 multithread = 12441 points
Cinebench r20 singlethread = 674 pointsCinebench r15 multithread = 5404 points
Cinebench r15 multithread = 288 pointsCPU-Z validator @ https://valid.x86.fr/dl125q
Some Asus realbench + Passmark performancetest numbers @ https://www.passmark.com/baselines/V10/display.php?id=135921464997 (This machine is ranked #36 out of 156355 results globally)
View attachment 185205
Geekbench 4 @ https://browser.geekbench.com/v4/cpu/16005550
Singlethread = 8215 points
Multithread = 74733 pointsGeekbench5 @ https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/6050938
Singlethread = 1844 points
Multithread = 20054 pointsSome heavy IBT high+very high and Y-Cruncher numbers:
View attachment 185207
Did also run a full sweep of all 3dmarks, but i will post that in one other thread[2021/01/20 16:26:21]
Ai Overclock Tuner [Manual]
BCLK Frequency [100.0000]
Memory Frequency [DDR4-3800MHz]
FCLK Frequency [1900MHz]
Core Performance Boost [Enabled]
CPU Core Ratio [Auto]
Core VID [Auto]
CCX0 Ratio [Auto]
CCX0 Ratio [Auto]
TPU [Keep Current Settings]
Performance Bias [Auto]
PBO Fmax Enhancer [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Manual]
PPT Limit [300]
TDC Limit [235]
EDC Limit [245]
Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar [Manual]
Customized Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar [4X]
Max CPU Boost Clock Override [50]
Platform Thermal Throttle Limit [Auto]
DRAM CAS# Latency [14]
Trcdrd [15]
Trcdwr [8]
DRAM RAS# PRE Time [12]
DRAM RAS# ACT Time [24]
Trc [36]
TrrdS [4]
TrrdL [4]
Tfaw [16]
TwtrS [4]
TwtrL [10]
Twr [12]
Trcpage [Auto]
TrdrdScl [2]
TwrwrScl [2]
Trfc [252]
Trfc2 [187]
Trfc4 [115]
Tcwl [14]
Trtp [6]
Trdwr [9]
Twrrd [2]
TwrwrSc [1]
TwrwrSd [6]
TwrwrDd [6]
TrdrdSc [1]
TrdrdSd [5]
TrdrdDd [5]
Tcke [Auto]
ProcODT [40 ohm]
Cmd2T [1T]
Gear Down Mode [Enabled]
Power Down Enable [Disabled]
RttNom [RZQ/7]
RttWr [RZQ/3]
RttPark [RZQ/1]
MemAddrCmdSetup [Auto]
MemCsOdtSetup [Auto]
MemCkeSetup [Auto]
MemCadBusClkDrvStren [24.0 Ohm]
MemCadBusAddrCmdDrvStren [20.0 Ohm]
MemCadBusCsOdtDrvStren [24.0 Ohm]
MemCadBusCkeDrvStren [24.0 Ohm]
Mem Over Clock Fail Count [Auto]
Voltage Monitor [Die Sense]
CPU Load-line Calibration [Level 3]
CPU Current Capability [140%]
CPU VRM Switching Frequency [Manual]
Fixed CPU VRM Switching Frequency(KHz) [500]
CPU Power Duty Control [T.Probe]
CPU Power Phase Control [Extreme]
CPU Power Thermal Control [120]
VDDSOC Load-line Calibration [Level 3]
VDDSOC Switching Frequency [Auto]
VDDSOC Phase Control [Extreme]
DRAM Current Capability [130%]
DRAM Power Phase Control [Extreme]
DRAM Switching Frequency [Auto]
CPU Core Current Telemetry [Auto]
CPU SOC Current Telemetry [Auto]
Force OC Mode Disable [Disabled]
SB Clock Spread Spectrum [Auto]
VTTDDR Voltage [Auto]
VPP_MEM Voltage [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHA [Auto]
DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHB [Auto]
VDDP Voltage [Auto]
1.8V Standby Voltage [Auto]
CPU 3.3v AUX [Auto]
1.2V SB Voltage [Auto]
DRAM R1 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R2 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R3 Tune [Auto]
DRAM R4 Tune [Auto]
PCIE Tune R1 [Auto]
PCIE Tune R2 [Auto]
PCIE Tune R3 [Auto]
PLL Tune R1 [Auto]
PLL reference voltage [Auto]
T Offset [Auto]
Sense MI Skew [Auto]
Sense MI Offset [Auto]
Promontory presence [Auto]
Clock Amplitude [Auto]
CPU Core Voltage [Offset mode]
— Offset Mode Sign [+]
— CPU Core Voltage Offset [0.01250]
CPU SOC Voltage [Manual]
— VDDSOC Voltage Override [1.11875]
DRAM Voltage [1.54500]
VDDG CCD Voltage Control [0.890]
VDDG IOD Voltage Control [Auto]
CLDO VDDP voltage [0.880]
1.00V SB Voltage [Auto]
1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto]
TPM Device Selection [Discrete TPM]
Erase fTPM NV for factory reset [Enabled]
PSS Support [Enabled]
PPC Adjustment [PState 0]
NX Mode [Enabled]
SVM Mode [Disabled]
SMT Mode [Auto]
Core Leveling Mode [Automatic mode]
CCD Control [Auto]
SATA Port Enable [Enabled]
NVMe RAID mode [Disabled]
SMART Self Test [Enabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
Hot Plug [Disabled]
HD Audio Controller [Enabled]
PCIEX16_1 Bandwidth Bifurcation configuration [Auto Mode]
PCIEX16_2 Bandwidth Bifurcation configuration [Auto Mode]
When system is in working state [All On]
Q-Code LED Function [POST Code Only]
When system is in sleep, hibernate or soft off states [All On]
Realtek 2.5G LAN Controller [Enabled]
Realtek PXE OPROM [Disabled]
Intel LAN Controller [Enabled]
Intel LAN OPROM [Disabled]
ASM1074 Controller [Enabled]
Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) Controller [Disabled]
Bluetooth Controller [Enabled]
USB power delivery in Soft Off state (S5) [Enabled]
PCIEX16_1 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX16_2 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX1 Mode [Auto]
PCIEX16_3 Mode [Auto]
M.2_1 Link Mode [Auto]
M.2_2 Link Mode [Auto]
SB Link Mode [Auto]
ErP Ready [Disabled]
Restore AC Power Loss [Power Off]
Power On By PCI-E [Disabled]
Power On By RTC [Disabled]
Above 4G Decoding [Enabled]
Re-Size BAR Support [Auto]
SR-IOV Support [Disabled]
Legacy USB Support [Enabled]
XHCI Hand-off [Enabled]
Corsair Voyager GTX 0 [Auto]
USB Device Enable [Enabled]
U32G2_2 [Enabled]
U32G2_3 [Enabled]
U32G2_4 [Enabled]
U32G1_10 [Enabled]
U32G1_11 [Enabled]
USB12 [Enabled]
USB13 [Enabled]
U32G2_7 [Enabled]
U32G2_8 [Enabled]
U32G2_C9 [Enabled]
Network Stack [Disabled]
Device [SATA6G_7: Samsung SSD 850 PRO 1TB]
CPU Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Package Temperature [Monitor]
MotherBoard Temperature [Monitor]
VRM Temperature [Monitor]
T_Sensor Temperature [Monitor]
Water In T Sensor Temperature [Monitor]
Water Out T Sensor Temperature [Monitor]
CPU Fan Speed [Monitor]
CPU Optional Fan Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed [Monitor]
Chassis Fan 3 Speed [Monitor]
High Amp Fan Speed [Monitor]
W_PUMP+ Speed [Monitor]
AIO PUMP Speed [Monitor]
PCH Fan Speed [Monitor]
Flow Rate [Monitor]
CPU Core Voltage [Monitor]
3.3V Voltage [Monitor]
5V Voltage [Monitor]
12V Voltage [Monitor]
CPU Fan Q-Fan Control [Auto]
CPU Fan Step Up [2.1 sec]
CPU Fan Step Down [0 sec]
CPU Fan Speed Low Limit [600 RPM]
CPU Fan Profile [Manual]
CPU Fan Upper Temperature [70]
CPU Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
CPU Fan Middle Temperature [50]
CPU Fan Middle Duty Cycle (%) [50]
CPU Fan Lower Temperature [30]
CPU Fan Min Duty Cycle (%) [40]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [Auto]
Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Source [CPU]
Chassis Fan 1 Step Up [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 1 Step Down [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 1 Speed Low Limit [600 RPM]
Chassis Fan 1 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 1 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 1 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle Temperature [50]
Chassis Fan 1 Middle Duty Cycle (%) [65]
Chassis Fan 1 Lower Temperature [20]
Chassis Fan 1 Min Duty Cycle (%) [60]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [Auto]
Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Source [CPU]
Chassis Fan 2 Step Up [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 2 Step Down [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 2 Speed Low Limit [600 RPM]
Chassis Fan 2 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 2 Upper Temperature [65]
Chassis Fan 2 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle Temperature [45]
Chassis Fan 2 Middle Duty Cycle (%) [60]
Chassis Fan 2 Lower Temperature [40]
Chassis Fan 2 Min Duty Cycle (%) [60]
Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Control [Auto]
Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Source [CPU]
Chassis Fan 3 Step Up [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 3 Step Down [0 sec]
Chassis Fan 3 Speed Low Limit [600 RPM]
Chassis Fan 3 Profile [Manual]
Chassis Fan 3 Upper Temperature [70]
Chassis Fan 3 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Chassis Fan 3 Middle Temperature [45]
Chassis Fan 3 Middle Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Chassis Fan 3 Lower Temperature [40]
Chassis Fan 3 Min Duty Cycle (%) [100]
High Amp Fan Q-Fan Control [Auto]
High Amp Fan Q-Fan Source [CPU]
High Amp Fan Step Up [0 sec]
High Amp Fan Step Down [0 sec]
High Amp Fan Speed Low Limit [600 RPM]
High Amp Fan Profile [Manual]
High Amp Fan Upper Temperature [70]
High Amp Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
High Amp Fan Middle Temperature [45]
High Amp Fan Middle Duty Cycle (%) [70]
High Amp Fan Lower Temperature [30]
High Amp Fan Min Duty Cycle (%) [60]
Water Pump+ Q-Fan Control [Auto]
Water Pump+ Q-Fan Source [CPU]
Water Pump+ Upper Temperature [70]
Water Pump+ Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
Water Pump+ Middle Temperature [50]
Water Pump+ Middle Duty Cycle (%) [65]
Water Pump+ Lower Temperature [30]
Water Pump+ Min Duty Cycle (%) [60]
AIO Pump Q-Fan Control [Auto]
AIO Pump Q-Fan Source [CPU]
AIO Pump Upper Temperature [70]
AIO Pump Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100]
AIO Pump Middle Temperature [50]
AIO Pump Middle Duty Cycle (%) [65]
AIO Pump Lower Temperature [30]
AIO Pump Min Duty Cycle (%) [60]
Above 4GB MMIO Limit [39bit (512GB)]
Fast Boot [Enabled]
Next Boot after AC Power Loss [Fast Boot]
Boot Logo Display [Disabled]
Bootup NumLock State [On]
POST Report [5 sec]
Wait For ‘F1’ If Error [Enabled]
Option ROM Messages [Force BIOS]
Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled]
Setup Mode [Advanced Mode]
Launch CSM [Disabled]
OS Type [Other OS]
AMI Native NVMe Driver Support [Enabled]
Flexkey [Reset]
Setup Animator [Disabled]
Load from Profile [5]
Profile Name [20.01 minus 30]
Save to Profile [5]
DIMM Slot Number [DIMM_A1]
Bus Interface [PCIEX16_1]
Download & Install ARMOURY CRATE app [Enabled]
CPU Frequency [0]
CPU Voltage [0]
CCD Control [Auto]
Core control [Auto]
SMT Control [Auto]
Overclock [Enabled ]
Memory Clock Speed [Auto]
Tcl [Auto]
Trcdrd [Auto]
Trcdwr [Auto]
Trp [Auto]
Tras [Auto]
Trc Ctrl [Auto]
TrrdS [Auto]
TrrdL [Auto]
Tfaw Ctrl [Auto]
TwtrS [Auto]
TwtrL [Auto]
Twr Ctrl [Auto]
Trcpage Ctrl [Auto]
TrdrdScL Ctrl [Auto]
TwrwrScL Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc2 Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc4 Ctrl [Auto]
Tcwl [Auto]
Trtp [Auto]
Tcke [Auto]
Trdwr [Auto]
Twrrd [Auto]
TwrwrSc [Auto]
TwrwrSd [Auto]
TwrwrDd [Auto]
TrdrdSc [Auto]
TrdrdSd [Auto]
TrdrdDd [Auto]
ProcODT [Auto]
Power Down Enable [Auto]
Cmd2T [Auto]
Gear Down Mode [Auto]
CAD Bus Timing User Controls [Auto]
CAD Bus Drive Strength User Controls [Auto]
Data Bus Configuration User Controls [Auto]
Infinity Fabric Frequency and Dividers [Auto]
ECO Mode [Disable]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Advanced]
PBO Limits [Motherboard]
Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar [Auto]
Curve Optimizer [Per Core]
Core 0 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 0 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 1 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 1 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 2 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 2 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 3 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 3 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 4 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 4 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 5 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 5 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 6 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 6 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 7 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 7 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 8 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 8 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 9 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 9 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 10 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 10 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 11 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 11 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 12 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 12 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 13 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 13 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 14 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 14 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Core 15 Curve Optimizer Sign [Negative]
Core 15 Curve Optimizer Magnitude [30]
Max CPU Boost Clock Override [0MHz]
Platform Thermal Throttle Limit [Auto]
LN2 Mode [Auto]
SoC/Uncore OC Mode [Disabled]
VDDP Voltage Control [Auto]
VDDG Voltage Control [Auto]
NUMA nodes per socket [Auto]
Custom Pstate0 [Auto]
L1 Stream HW Prefetcher [Auto]
L2 Stream HW Prefetcher [Auto]
Core Watchdog Timer Enable [Auto]
SMEE [Auto]
Core Performance Boost [Auto]
Global C-state Control [Disabled]
Power Supply Idle Control [Typical Current Idle]
SEV ASID Count [Auto]
SEV-ES ASID Space Limit Control [Auto]
Streaming Stores Control [Auto]
Local APIC Mode [Auto]
ACPI _CST C1 Declaration [Auto]
MCA error thresh enable [Auto]
PPIN Opt-in [Auto]
Fast Short REP MOVSB [Enabled]
Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB [Enabled]
RdRand Speedup Disable [Enabled]
IBS hardware workaround [Auto]
DRAM scrub time [Auto]
Poison scrubber control [Auto]
Redirect scrubber control [Auto]
Redirect scrubber limit [Auto]
NUMA nodes per socket [Auto]
Memory interleaving [Auto]
Memory interleaving size [Auto]
1TB remap [Auto]
DRAM map inversion [Auto]
ACPI SRAT L3 Cache As NUMA Domain [Auto]
ACPI SLIT Distance Control [Auto]
ACPI SLIT remote relative distance [Auto]
GMI encryption control [Auto]
xGMI encryption control [Auto]
CAKE CRC perf bounds Control [Auto]
4-link xGMI max speed [Auto]
3-link xGMI max speed [Auto]
xGMI TXEQ Mode [Auto]
PcsCG control [Auto]
Disable DF to external downstream IP SyncFloodPropagation [Auto]
Disable DF sync flood propagation [Auto]
CC6 memory region encryption [Auto]
Memory Clear [Auto]
Overclock [Enabled]
Memory Clock Speed [Auto]
Tcl [Auto]
Trcdrd [Auto]
Trcdwr [Auto]
Trp [Auto]
Tras [Auto]
Trc Ctrl [Auto]
TrrdS [Auto]
TrrdL [Auto]
Tfaw Ctrl [Auto]
TwtrS [Auto]
TwtrL [Auto]
Twr Ctrl [Auto]
Trcpage Ctrl [Auto]
TrdrdScL Ctrl [Auto]
TwrwrScL Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc2 Ctrl [Auto]
Trfc4 Ctrl [Auto]
Tcwl [Auto]
Trtp [Auto]
Tcke [Auto]
Trdwr [Auto]
Twrrd [Auto]
TwrwrSc [Auto]
TwrwrSd [Auto]
TwrwrDd [Auto]
TrdrdSc [Auto]
TrdrdSd [Auto]
TrdrdDd [Auto]
ProcODT [Auto]
Power Down Enable [Auto]
Disable Burst/Postponed Refresh [Auto]
DRAM Maximum Activate Count [Auto]
Cmd2T [Auto]
Gear Down Mode [Auto]
CAD Bus Timing User Controls [Auto]
CAD Bus Drive Strength User Controls [Auto]
Data Bus Configuration User Controls [Auto]
Data Poisoning [Auto]
DRAM Post Package Repair [Default]
RCD Parity [Auto]
DRAM Address Command Parity Retry [Auto]
Write CRC Enable [Auto]
DRAM Write CRC Enable and Retry Limit [Auto]
Disable Memory Error Injection [True]
DRAM ECC Symbol Size [Auto]
DRAM ECC Enable [Auto]
DRAM UECC Retry [Auto]
TSME [Auto]
Data Scramble [Auto]
DFE Read Training [Auto]
FFE Write Training [Auto]
PMU Pattern Bits Control [Auto]
MR6VrefDQ Control [Auto]
CPU Vref Training Seed Control [Auto]
Chipselect Interleaving [Auto]
BankGroupSwap [Auto]
BankGroupSwapAlt [Auto]
Address Hash Bank [Auto]
Address Hash CS [Auto]
Address Hash Rm [Auto]
SPD Read Optimization [Enabled]
MBIST Enable [Disabled]
Pattern Select [PRBS]
Pattern Length [6]
Aggressor Channel [1 Aggressor Channel]
Aggressor Static Lane Control [Disabled]
Target Static Lane Control [Disabled]
Worst Case Margin Granularity [Per Chip Select]
Read Voltage Sweep Step Size [1]
Read Timing Sweep Step Size [1]
Write Voltage Sweep Step Size [1]
Write Timing Sweep Step Size [1]
IOMMU [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive [Auto]
Precision Boost Overdrive Scalar [Auto]
FCLK Frequency [Auto]
VDDP Voltage Control [Auto]
VDDG Voltage Control [Auto]
SoC/Uncore OC Mode [Auto]
LN2 Mode [Auto]
ACS Enable [Auto]
PCIe ARI Support [Auto]
PCIe ARI Enumeration [Auto]
PCIe Ten Bit Tag Support [Auto]
cTDP Control [Auto]
EfficiencyModeEn [Auto]
Package Power Limit Control [Auto]
DF Cstates [Auto]
CPPC [Auto]
CPPC Preferred Cores [Auto]
NBIO DPM Control [Auto]
Early Link Speed [Auto]
Presence Detect Select mode [Auto]
Preferred IO [Auto]
CV test [Auto]
Loopback Mode [Auto]
Data Link Feature Exchange [Disabled]
So i have finally updated my crosshair viii hero to bios 3204.
No major changes compared to bios 3003, other then i don’t need to run with cpu +voltage offset anymore and UBS ports are alittle less buggy with the hp reverb g2 vr headset.
Have seen alot of talk about the OCCT «large data set» stresstest in regards to WHEA errors, and how hard it was to run error-free so i decided to give it a 1 hour run
Completed without any errors on my 24/7 settings, which are: (fans on auto)
-30 allcore curve optimizer
4x8gigabyte samsung b-die @ 1900/3800mhz 1:1 with the infinity fabric.
This is my bloaty gaming windows, so latency are alittle on the high side.
NEW ASUS DARK HERO MB, OC switching is amazing !
Warm day to, room is 78f !
479.1 KB · Views: 172
128.1 KB · Views: 183
446.5 KB · Views: 172
648.3 KB · Views: 165
Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
How in hell did you reach those scores? I thought I was doing decent with mine but you’re in a different league!
Geekbench 4 @ https://browser.geekbench.com/v4/cpu/15996970
Singlethread = 7437 points
Multithread = 63857 pointsGeekbench5 @ https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/5778339
Singlethread = 1722 points
Multithread = 17097 pointsAorus B550 Master (F11) + 5950x (200/200/150,4x,CO(various -30 to -5),+50Mhz)
Would guess it all comes down to the silicon lottery with me being able to run -30 allcore along with better cooling (?)
The last time i was lucky was with a newcastle cpu running at above 3ghz on air cooling!
No throttle , not surprise with a high end MB.
Dark Hero is fanless , stays at a static 40c , compare to my old ROG E X570 — 56C .
869.4 KB · Views: 129
Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
What great fun in oc Zen3 brought back to the CPU community!
We just need an automated way to tune in the curve optimiser and we’ll allllll be happy.
I seem to loose about 25 points in single core CPUz benzmark disabling the AMD cool and quiet function in the CPU bios section on my Auros Master X570, can any one verify that it hurts singlecore performance?
We just need an automated way to tune in the curve optimiser and we’ll allllll be happy.
CTR 2.1 will make it easier to detect optimal values right?
CTR 2.1 will make it easier to detect optimal values right?
I think so, but i’ll wait til its here to judge
2.2 maybe ?
433.1 KB · Views: 173
We just need an automated way to tune in the curve optimiser and we’ll allllll be happy.