Memory allocation error mysql

There are 3 major reasons why MySQL runs out of memory, and Percona's Principal Consultant Alexander Rubin offers guidance on finding memory leaks.

MySQL Memory ErrorTroubleshooting crashes is never a fun task, especially if MySQL does not report the cause of the crash. For example, when a MySQL memory issue shows up. Peter Zaitsev wrote a blog post in 2012: Troubleshooting MySQL Memory Usage with lots of useful tips. With the new versions of MySQL (5.7+) and performance_schema, we have the ability to troubleshoot MySQL memory allocation much more easily.

MySQL Memory Error

First of all, there are 3 major cases when MySQL will crash due to running out of memory:

  1. MySQL tries to allocate more memory than available because we specifically told it to do so. For example: you did not set innodb_buffer_pool_size correctly. This is very easy to fix.
  2. There is some other process(es) on the server that allocates RAM. It can be the application (java, python, php), web server or even the backup (i.e. mysqldump). When the source of the problem is identified, it is straightforward to fix.
  3. Memory leaks in MySQL. This is a worst-case scenario, and we need to troubleshoot.

Where to start troubleshooting MySQL memory leaks

Here is what we can start with (assuming it is a Linux server):

Part 1: Linux OS and config check
  1. Identify the crash by checking mysql error log and Linux log file (i.e. /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog). You may see an entry saying that OOM Killer killed MySQL. Whenever MySQL has been killed by OOM “dmesg” also shows details about the circumstances surrounding it.
  2. Check the available RAM:
    • free g
    • cat /proc/meminfo
  3. Check what applications are using RAM: “top” or “htop” (see the resident vs virtual memory)
  4. Check mysql configuration: check /etc/my.cnf or in general /etc/my* (including /etc/mysql/* and other files). MySQL may be running with the different my.cnf (run
    ps  ax| grep mysql )
  5. Run
    vmstat 5 5 to see if the system is reading/writing via virtual memory and if it is swapping
  6. For non-production environments we can use other tools (like Valgrind, gdb, etc) to examine MySQL usage
Part 2:  Checks inside MySQL

Now we can check things inside MySQL to look for potential MySQL memory leaks.

MySQL allocates memory in tons of places. Especially:

  • Table cache
  • Performance_schema (run:
    show engine performance_schema status  and look at the last line). That may be the cause for the systems with small amount of RAM, i.e. 1G or less
  • InnoDB (run
    show engine innodb status  and check the buffer pool section, memory allocated for buffer_pool and related caches)
  • Temporary tables in RAM (find all in-memory tables by running:
    select * from information_schema.tables where engine=‘MEMORY’ )
  • Prepared statements, when it is not deallocated (check the number of prepared commands via deallocate command by running show global status like ‘
    Com_prepare_sql‘;show global status like ‘Com_dealloc_sql  )

The good news is: starting with MySQL 5.7 we have memory allocation in performance_schema. Here is how we can use it

  1. First, we need to enable collecting memory metrics. Run:

    UPDATE setup_instruments SET ENABLED = ‘YES’

    WHERE NAME LIKE ‘memory/%’;

  2. Run the report from sys schema:

    select event_name, current_alloc, high_alloc

    from sys.memory_global_by_current_bytes

    where current_count > 0;

  3. Usually this will give you the place in code when memory is allocated. It is usually self-explanatory. In some cases we can search for bugs or we might need to check the MySQL source code.

For example, for the bug where memory was over-allocated in triggers ( the select shows:

mysql> select event_name, current_alloc, high_alloc from memory_global_by_current_bytes where current_count > 0;


| event_name                                                                     | current_alloc | high_alloc  |


| memory/innodb/buf_buf_pool                                                     | 7.29 GiB      | 7.29 GiB    |

| memory/sql/sp_head::main_mem_root                                              | 3.21 GiB      | 3.62 GiB    |

The largest chunk of RAM is usually the buffer pool but ~3G in stored procedures seems to be too high.

According to the MySQL source code documentation, sp_head represents one instance of a stored program which might be of any type (stored procedure, function, trigger, event). In the above case, we have a potential memory leak.

In addition, we can get a total report for each higher level event if we want to see from the bird’s eye view what is eating memory:



















mysql> select  substring_index(

    >     substring_index(event_name, ‘/’, 2),

    >     ‘/’,

    >     -1

    >   )  as event_type,

    >   round(sum(CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED)/1024/1024, 2) as MB_CURRENTLY_USED

    > from performance_schema.memory_summary_global_by_event_name

    > group by event_type

    > having MB_CURRENTLY_USED>0;


| event_type         | MB_CURRENTLY_USED |


| innodb             |              0.61 |

| memory             |              0.21 |

| performance_schema |            106.26 |

| sql                |              0.79 |


4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I hope these simple steps can help release memory in MySQL.

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Links to more resources that might be of interest

  • Webinar: Troubleshooting MySQL Crashes led by my colleague, Sveta Smirnova
  • E-books: Practical MySQL Performance Optimization part 1, part 2 and part 3 by Peter Zaitsev and me, Alexander Rubin
  • White paper: A Checklist for Preventing Common but Deadly MySQL Problems

Do the operating systems kill your MySQL instances from time to time? Are some database servers swapping constantly? These are relatively common problems. Why? How to prevent them?

Vim /var/log/messages

Memory allocation

When a running program needs some additional memory, it can typically allocate it dynamically with malloc() function. It finds an unused continuous block that is at least as large as the requested size, reserves as much as it needs, and returns a pointer to that space. No initialization of the memory contents is performed at the time. When malloc() returns NULL instead of a valid address, it is an information to the calling program that there wasn’t enough memory available and the call has failed to allocate anything. In such cases applications typically take appropriate actions to notify users about the problem and terminate some of their activity or completely shut down.

In Linux it can be a little bit more complicated. Calling malloc() may succeed even if there should be no more memory available. It is because Linux implements optimistic memory allocation, which is an element of the legacy system architecture. Optimistic memory allocation allows applications to ask for and receive more than can be possibly offered. The system hopes and assumes that all running applications won’t ever require all of the allocated memory all at once. It is a bit like with airlines, which like to overbook their flights assuming they can get away with it as in most cases there are a few no-shows or last minute cancellations. That way all applications may think they have the memory they allocated, just the same way you think you have a seat on the flight you booked, but eventually the system may not be able to provide it.

What then?

There are a few scenarios. At first the system can start swapping some of the memory contents to disk, because the whole reason the swap space is there is to extend the physical memory. But as applications keep using it more and more, there is a physical limit they cannot cross. At that point either some of them crash miserably or, more typically, system decides to kill one of them and this way quickly free some resources.

The optimistic memory allocation is also implemented in FreeBSD, while on the other hand Solaris never overcommits memory.

OOM Killer

The Linux kernel has a functionality called Out Of Memory Killer (or OOM Killer) responsible for dealing with memory exhaustion. If system reaches a point where it may soon run out of all memory, OOM Killer looks for a process it could killand ends its life.

Jun 11 21:04:48 prod-odsmadb kernel: Killed process 2138, UID 27, (mysqld).

How does it work and why does it often kill MySQL?

OOM Killer uses a heuristic system to choose a processes for termination. It is based on a score associated with each running application, which is calculated by oom_badness() call, formerly named badness(), inside Linux kernel. Those interested in more details can check the source code in mm/oom_kill.c.

The algorithm is relatively simple and usually the more memory a process uses, the higher score it receives, which makes it more likely to be killed. But there are actually more factors that are considered:

  • memory consumption
  • process ownership
  • process age (older kenerls only)
  • CPU time used (older kernels only)
  • process nice value (older kernels only)
  • process flags
  • oom_adj/oom_score_adj setting

The complete list can be different for different Linux versions as the algorithm was mostly re-written in kernel 2.6.29.

In the past, the modifiers used to impact the score significantly and for example if a task had niceness above zero, its score was doubled. If it was owned by a privileged user, the score was divided by eight. In new kernels it is no longer the case. For instance, a process belonging to root now only receive a very small bonus of 30 points out of the possible 1000. With these changes the developers wanted a more predictable algorithm and apparently this was the way to achieve that.

So why does it kill MySQL so often? The answer is simple — because MySQL typically uses the most memory out of all processes running in a system.

The experiment

To demonstrate the problem mentioned above, here’s a little experiment. I wrote a tiny program that does nothing except it allocates some memory and then fills it with values in 50MB blocks every now and then. On a machine with 1.5GB of memory and 128MB swap space and running a Linux distribution, I started two instances of the program:

root      3142  3.0  3.3 1052552 51816 pts/0   S    18:42   0:00 ./test-malloc
root      3143  3.0  3.4 1052552 52684 pts/0   S    18:42   0:00 ./test-malloc

Each process was granted 1GB of memory as shown in VSZ, which together was more than RAM and swap size combined. However, at the time each process actually only used 50MB as reported in RSS, while the rest of it was never even initialized. The system could easily offer 2GB, and it did, when most of it was not used at all.

root      3143 10.1 49.2 1052552 757232 pts/0  R    18:43   0:01 ./test-malloc
root      3142  6.3 35.3 1052552 542756 pts/0  D    18:43   0:01 ./test-malloc

As both programs kept writing into the memory they allocated, their respective resident set sizes grew larger and larger. At that point the system ran out of physical RAM and started swapping out. Eventually, a few moments later, it decided it couldn’t let both growing programs live and decided to kill one of them:

test-malloc invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x280da, order=0, oom_adj=0, oom_score_adj=0
test-malloc cpuset=/ mems_allowed=0
Out of memory: Kill process 3143 (test-malloc) score 465 or sacrifice child
Killed process 3143, UID 0, (test-malloc) total-vm:1052552kB, anon-rss:862564kB, file-rss:8kB

Only then the other instance managed to use its full allocation of 1GB, even though in the beginning both were told they could have 1GB each.

From MySQL DBA perspective

A similar problem may appear when running a MySQL database. It allocates a lot of different buffers for various purposes. Some last only for a short time, others live for as long as the database instance itself. These buffers start empty and only fill up over time, which means it may be very easy to run into these problems as in the beginning, right after a database instance is started, there may not be any signs that anything bad could be going on.

The server

Running into memory problems related to MySQL server usually implies bad database configuration. Whether you run a dedicated database server or share resources between a few larger applications, the memory configuration has to be set correctly to reflect the specific circumstances.

A few common causes of overrunning the available memory:

  • database main buffers were set too large, e.g.: key_buffer_sizeinnodb_buffer_pool
  • per-session buffers were set too large given the number of concurrently connected clients or concurrently running queries, e.g.: read_buffer_size or sort_buffer_size
  • temporary tables configuration allows very large in-memory tables and some queries take advantage of that, e.g.: max_heap_table_sizetmp_table_size
  • database carries very large number of InnoDB tables (e.g. tens of thousands), but data dictionary size limit was not set in innodb_dict_size_limit

In other cases it is also possible that something other than MySQL uses a lot of memory. It could be a web server running in the same system, or a cron job script. Their activity can also eventually cause problems with MySQL.

Example: InnoDB buffer pool size was set too larger

mysql> show global variables like 'innodb_buffer_pool_size';
| Variable_name           | Value      |
| innodb_buffer_pool_size | 5368709120 | 

mysql> ! free -g
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:             3          3          0          0          0          0
-/+ buffers/cache:          2          1
Swap:            3          0          3

MySQL allowed using 5GB for InnoDB buffer pool even though the server only had 3GB of RAM. Why? The system allowed it, while MySQL didn’t check. The example is of course a bit exaggerated and may not even be possible with never MySQL versions, but even if you set it just below the limit, eventually the effect could be similar. If for example many threads connected and started allocating and using their private buffers, the system would likely ran out of memory at some point.

Example: A running cron job

Often cron jobs are written in Perl, PHP, Python or another scripting language that allows implementing a more complex logic. Very frequently I see such jobs running on a database server rather than on a dedicated system for handling internal tasks. Those scripts sometimes load into memory a lot of data pulled out of MySQL tables. They often quickly grow to hundreds of megabytes and beyond, which may significantly affect the global memory usage, causing swapping or even trigger a OOM Killer action.

Analyse and fix MySQL configuration

By far the most important element of preventing memory allocation problems on a database server is creating a correct MySQL configuration. Setting any per-thread buffer to a hundred megabytes or more is a frequent bad practice that can very easily backfire. Global buffer sizes have to be sane as well and combined they must never be allowed to allocate more than approximately 80% of memory. In some cases the value that you specify in the configuration does not include any extra buffers or overhead. For instance InnoDB will typically use up to 5-10% more memory than set in innodb_buffer_pool_size.

Adjust OOM score

But taking care of MySQL configuration does not cover every contingency. There can always be some circumstances, such as a nasty cron job running, under which the system may decide to end some task. Fortunately there is a way to control the behaviour of OOM Killer. You can manually adjust the OOM score of each process independently. This is possible through /proc/[pid]/oom_score_adj (or /proc/[pid]/oom_adj on older systems).

mysql-server-01 ~ # cat /proc/$(pidof mysqld)/oom_score_adj

The range of values which oom_score_adj accepts is between -1000 and 1000 (or -17 to 15 for the deprecated interface that relies on oom_adj). Once it is set to any non-zero value, the score that oom_badness() calculates will be either reduced or increased by this manual adjustment. Setting it to the minimum possible value does not disable OOM Killer for the particular process, but simply rather reduces its chances for being chose to a minimum.

Here is the example of how it works:

mysql-server-01 ~ # cat /proc/$(pidof mysqld)/oom_score
mysql-server-01 ~ # echo '-20' > /proc/$(pidof mysqld)/oom_score_adj 
mysql-server-01 ~ # cat /proc/$(pidof mysqld)/oom_score             

It is a pretty good way to tell the system to avoid killing the MySQL instance whenever there is a pressure to free memory. The problem is of course that if not MySQL, the biggest memory consumer, then what? It is why it may be important to adjust the score not only for mysqld process alone, but also for example for sshd, which often is nearly as critical application as database itself.

Tunning overcommit

Starting from kernel 2.5.30 there is possibility to change the system behaviour during memory allocation. It was implemented to help fighting the issues related to the memory overcommitment. It can be controlled through /proc or sysctl:

mysql-server-01 ~ # ls -l /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 May 17 18:12 /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 May 17 18:12 /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_ratio

The values /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory accepts:

  • 0 – The default value. Linux kernel uses predefined heuristics when deciding whether to allow memory overcommit or not.
  • 1 – Always allow overcommit. Back to the past when Linux was doing it by default.
  • 2 – Prevents overcommit when certain limit is exceeded.

The other parameter – /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_ratio – affects the limit mentioned above. The limit is defined as swap size plus the percentage of memory equal to the value set in overcommit_ratio. For example:

mysql-server-01 ~ # free -g
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:             3          3          0          0          0          0
-/+ buffers/cache:          2          1
Swap:            3          0          3
mysql-server-01 ~ # cat /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_ratio 

The calculation is: 3GB of swap space + 50% of 3GB of RAM = 4.5GB. The system will not permit allocating more than 4.5GB and that’s the global limit (not per process). The limit and the actual usage can be checked in /proc/meminfo by looking at the CommitLimit and Committed_AS values.

Disabling memory overcommit is not really a common practice, because you have to be a lot more careful, while usually simply proper database configuration is enough to address all these problems. It should never be used on servers where MySQL shares the system resources with other applications such as web server software, because the configuration does not play well with applications that strongly rely on fork() call such as Apache or even Java applications.


So why is this important? When systems starts swapping it is usually bad for MySQL performance, but it is a condition that can be addressed relatively quickly and painlessly, with a database restart for example. A database crash caused by OOM Killer or a memory outage, on the other hand, is something that can turn into a nasty problem. First, a crash is not a controlled restart, so you do not have any time to prepare for it. Second, restart after a crash may take a lot longer than after a clean shutdown, because database needs to perform recovery. And finally, a crash can actually cause physical damage to data files, so your database may not be able recover at all.

Building a stable, reliable and highly performing MySQL server requires a lot of attention. You cannot just set the buffer sizes arbitrarily and assume it will do as it often leads to nasty problems. Do not ever trust tools that claim they can configure MySQL for you as they can only work on a very limited input and can only make very trivial assumptions.

Source :

Troubleshooting crashes is never a fun task, especially if MySQL does not report the cause of the crash. For example, when MySQL runs out of memory. Peter Zaitsev wrote a blog post in 2012: Troubleshooting MySQL Memory Usage with a lot of useful tips. With the new versions of MySQL (5.7+) and performance_schema, we have the ability to troubleshoot MySQL memory allocation much more easily.

In this article, I will show you how to use it.

First of all, there are 3 major cases when MySQL will crash due to running out of memory:

  1. MySQL tries to allocate more memory than available because we specifically told it to do so. For example: you did not set innodb_buffer_pool_size correctly. This is very easy to fix
  2. There is some other process(es) on the server that allocates RAM. It can be the application (Java, Python, PHP), web server or even the backup (i.e. mysqldump). When the source of the problem is identified, it is straightforward to fix.
  3. Memory leaks in MySQL. This is a worst-case scenario, and we need to troubleshoot.

Where to Start Troubleshooting MySQL Memory Leaks

Here is what we can start with (assuming it is a Linux server):

Part 1: Linux OS and Config Check

1. Identify the crash by checking MySQL error log and Linux log file (i.e. /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog). You may see an entry saying that OOM Killer killed MySQL. Whenever MySQL has been killed by OOM «dmesg» also shows details about the circumstances surrounding it.

2. Check the available RAM:

  •  free -g 

  •  cat /proc/meminfo 

3. Check what applications are using RAM: “top” or “htop” (see the resident vs virtual memory)

4. Check MySQL configuration: check /etc/my.cnf or in general /etc/my* (including /etc/mysql/* and other files). MySQL may be running with the different my.cnf ( run ps ax| grep mysql )

5. Run  vmstat 5 5 to see if the system is reading/writing via virtual memory and if it is swapping

6. For non-production environments, we can use other tools (like Valgrind, gdb, etc) to examine MySQL usage

Part 2: Checks Inside MySQL

Now we can check things inside MySQL to look for potential MySQL memory leaks.

MySQL allocates memory in tons of places, especially:

  • Table cache
  • Performance_schema (run: show engine performance_schema status and look at the last line). That may be the cause for the systems with a small amount of RAM, i.e. 1G or less
  • InnoDB (run  show engine innodb status and check the buffer pool section, memory allocated for buffer_pool and related caches)
  • Temporary tables in RAM (find all in-memory tables by running: select * from information_schema.tables where engine='MEMORY')
  • Prepared statements, when it is not deallocated (check the number of prepared commands via deallocate command by running show global status like  'Com_prepare_sql';show global status like 'Com_dealloc_sql')

The good news is, starting with MySQL 5.7, we have memory allocation in performance_schema. Here is how we can use it:

  1. First, we need to enable collecting memory metrics. Run:

UPDATE setup_instruments SET ENABLED = 'YES'
WHERE NAME LIKE 'memory/%';

2. Run the report from sys schema:

select event_name, current_alloc, high_alloc
from sys.memory_global_by_current_bytes
where current_count > 0;

3. Usually, this will give you the place in code when memory is allocated. It is usually self-explanatory. In some cases, we can search for bugs or we might need to check the MySQL source code.

For example, for the bug where memory was over-allocated in triggers ( the select shows:

mysql> select event_name, current_alloc, high_alloc from memory_global_by_current_bytes where current_count > 0;
| event_name                                                                     | current_alloc | high_alloc  |
| memory/innodb/buf_buf_pool                                                     | 7.29 GiB      | 7.29 GiB    |
| memory/sql/sp_head::main_mem_root                                              | 3.21 GiB      | 3.62 GiB    |

The largest chunk of RAM is usually the buffer pool but ~3G in stored procedures seems to be too high.

According to the MySQL source code documentation, sp_head represents one instance of a stored program, which might be of any type (stored procedure, function, trigger, event). In the above case, we have a potential memory leak.

In addition, we can get a total report for each higher level event if we want to see from the bird’s eye what is eating memory:

mysql> select  substring_index(
    ->     substring_index(event_name, '/', 2),
    ->     '/',
    ->     -1
    ->   )  as event_type,
    ->   round(sum(CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_USED)/1024/1024, 2) as MB_CURRENTLY_USED
    -> from performance_schema.memory_summary_global_by_event_name
    -> group by event_type
    -> having MB_CURRENTLY_USED>0;
| event_type         | MB_CURRENTLY_USED |
| innodb             |              0.61 |
| memory             |              0.21 |
| performance_schema |            106.26 |
| sql                |              0.79 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I hope these simple steps can help troubleshoot MySQL crashes due to running out of memory.

Recently we received a ticket where the client pointed out that his MySQL server was not starting. Upon investigation, we found out that the client used our MySQL Optimization tool to optimize and enhance MySQL performance. Our MySQL optimization tool set the value of innodb-buffer-pool-size size depending upon the available ram on the server. The current formula sets its value to 35% of the server ram. Which is fine for most cases, but in this case, it was not good, because there were some other processes in the client-server taking more ram, so there was not enough ram available to allocate for innodb-buffer-pool-size thus MySQL reports InnoDB: Cannot allocate memory for the buffer pool as error in MySQL log file.

Depending upon the MySQL version you might also receive innodb fatal error cannot allocate memory for the buffer pool as an error, which is the same error with a different description.

If doing this is too much for you, you can sign up with us and let our experts do this for you. Contact us to get started.. We also help our customers with MySQL optimizations.

What is InnoDB Buffer Pool (innodb_buffer_pool_size) and why it is important?

InnoDB Buffer is the space in memory used by MySQL to hold many of its InnoDB data structures. Such as caches, buffers, indexes, and even row data. And then innodb_buffer_pool_size is the MySQL directive that controls its value. This is one of the most significant directive in MySQL perspective and should be set with care if you want to improve your MySQL performance.

In this tutorial we will see how we can calculate and set optimal value for innodb_buffer_pool_size depending on the available memory on your system and then we will discuss on how to solve InnoDB: Cannot allocate memory for the buffer pool error in case you run into it at a later point in time.

70% – 80% of the Available Ram

Normally if your server is only dedicated for MySQL it is recommended to set innodb_buffer_pool_size value to 70-80% of the available ram. So for example, if your server has 8GB of ram, you can calculate the value of innodb_buffer_pool_size using this formula

8 * 0.80 = 6.4GB

But in case if your server has a very large amount of ram such as 256GB, then you can further enhance it to 90% as well. Because if your server is only being used for MySQL, the rest of the ram will go in waste, so you can increase or decrease this value depending upon the available ram or your needs.

If doing this is too much for you, you can sign up with us and let our experts do this for you. Contact us to get started.. We also help our customers with MySQL optimizations.

Optimal value with CyberPanel

When you are using CyberPanel then 70-80% ram cannot be allocated for innodb_buffer_pool_size size, because there are many other things running and there must be some room for them to breathe. Otherwise, if you set a large value for innodb_buffer_pool_size you will start receiving InnoDB: Cannot allocate memory for the buffer pool or innodb fatal error cannot allocate memory for the buffer pool as an error. This means there is not enough ram available and MySQL cannot start now. Which is why our optimization tool set it to 35% of the available ram.

But sometimes 35% is not good as well. For example, you have lots of websites and they are continuously forking PHP processes and you are also using FTP and DNS server. Then you either need to further go down with the value of innodb_buffer_pool_size.

Now let see how we can fix this error, let say you have used or MySQL Optimization tool, and now MySQL is not starting. First, make sure that this is the reason your MySQL is not starting. You can open the MySQL logfile located at /var/lib/mysql/mysqld.log. This location is set by our optimization tool, if you are not using our tool, you can find MySQL log file depending upon your configuration, and you must see the following lines somewhere in the log file

2019-06-11 10:52:09 140525444196608 [Note] InnoDB: Using mutexes to ref count buffer pool pages
2019-06-11 10:52:09 140525444196608 [Note] InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
2019-06-11 10:52:09 140525444196608 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
2019-06-11 10:52:09 140525444196608 [Note] InnoDB: GCC builtin __atomic_thread_fence() is used for memory barrier
2019-06-11 10:52:09 140525444196608 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.7
2019-06-11 10:52:09 140525444196608 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO
2019-06-11 10:52:09 140525444196608 [Note] InnoDB: Using SSE crc32 instructions
2019-06-11 10:52:09 140525444196608 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 358.0M
InnoDB: mmap(393183232 bytes) failed; errno 12
2019-06-11 10:52:09 140525444196608 [ERROR] InnoDB: Cannot allocate memory for the buffer pool
2019-06-11 10:52:09 140525444196608 [ERROR] Plugin ‘InnoDB’ init function returned error.
2019-06-11 10:52:09 140525444196608 [ERROR] Plugin ‘InnoDB’ registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.

Pay close attention to the bold lines, we are now sure that MySQL failed at InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool. Now open /etc/my.cnf and find innodb-buffer-pool-size = xxxM. Now set the value of this directive to something lower such as 50MB just for test and restart MySQL using systemctl restart mysql. However, you can play with various values and make sure you get the optimal value for your configuration.

If doing this is too much for you, you can sign up with us and let our experts do this for you. Contact us to get started.. We also help our customers with MySQL optimizations.

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