Memory dump captured fifa 23 ошибка

Автор: Abhishek Mallick Изменено, 17 октября 2022 г., 13:53 IST ; ошибка: как исправить, возможные причины и многое другое" /> Следуйте за нами Комментарий Поделиться Ошибки и проблемы с производительностью

Автор: Abhishek Mallick Изменено, 17 октября 2022 г., 13:53 IST ; ошибка: как исправить, возможные причины и многое другое» />

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Ошибка FIFA 23 “Memory Dump”: как исправить, возможные причины и многое другое


Ошибка FIFA 23 “Memory Dump”: как исправить, возможные причины и многое другое< /p> Поделиться

FIFA 23 “Memory Dump” ошибка: как исправить, возможные причины и многое другое

FIFA 23 “Дамп памяти” ошибка: Как исправить, возможные причины и многое другое

FIFA 23 “Дамп памяти” ошибка: как исправить, возможные причины и многое другое

FIFA 23 “Дамп памяти” ошибка: Как исправить, возможные причины и многое другое

Ошибки и проблемы с производительностью уже довольно давно являются одним из основных элементов футбольных игр EA, и FIFA 23 знакома с этим фактом.

Даже через пару недель после запуска игра по-прежнему сталкивается с проблемами производительности. , что многих разочаровывает.

Одна ошибка, с которой до сих пор было невероятно неприятно иметь дело, — это проблема «Дамп памяти», которая не позволяет игрокам запускать игру. Каждый раз, когда они пытаются войти, появляется всплывающее окно с сообщением об ошибке и автоматическое завершение загрузки FIFA 23, в некоторых случаях вплоть до закрытия клиента.

Ошибка обычно возникает при наличии проблемы с установленными файлами игры или с ее анти-читом, из-за чего очень сложно исключить ошибку производительности.

Тем не менее, есть несколько исправлений, которые вы можете попробовать, чтобы решить эту проблему, и сегодняшнее руководство расскажет, как вы можете это сделать. легко устранить ошибку «Дамп памяти» в FIFA 23.

Исправление ошибки «Дамп памяти» в FIFA 23

Как уже упоминалось, ошибка «Дамп памяти» в FIFA 23 в первую очередь возникает, если есть проблема с файлами игры, установленными в системе, или с античитом игры.

Итак, вот несколько вещей, которые вы можете сделать, чтобы решить эту проблему.

1) Проверить целостность файла и восстановить файлы

Одним из наиболее эффективных способов борьбы с «дампом памяти» в игре будет проверка целостности файла FIFA 23 и восстановление всех установленных файлов. который может быть поврежден.

Вы сможете сделать это, перейдя в приложение Origin или EA, затем перейдя в свою библиотеку, выбрав игру и щелкнув функцию восстановления в дополнительных параметрах.

После этого клиент автоматически выполнит все файлы и восстановить все, что повреждено в установленной папке.

2) Переустановите античит

Если ошибка «Дамп памяти» все еще сохраняется, вы пытаетесь удалить, а затем переустановить античит игры. Для этого вам потребуется перейти к установщику.

Вам потребуется щелкнуть папку EA AntiCheat, чтобы запустить его, а затем найти пункт FIFA 23 в раскрывающемся меню. . Нажав на нее, вы сможете удалить античит.

Как только это будет сделано, вам нужно будет переустановить программное обеспечение из самого установщика, что, вероятно, остановит проблему «дампа памяти» в игре. .

3) Запустите игру от имени администратора

Многие в сообществе упоминали, что запуск игры от имени администратора, по-видимому, решил проблему «дампа памяти», хотя и временно.

Вы можете щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши значок программы запуска EA или Origin на рабочем столе, запустить клиенты от имени администратора, а затем запустите игру.

4) Переустановите игру

Хотя это может показаться радикальным шагом, он может быть наиболее эффективным, чтобы исключить проблемы, с которыми многие сталкивались в игре. Если есть проблемы с самими файлами игры, удаление и переустановка игры может помочь лучше, чем просто проверка и восстановление целостности файлов.

Если ничего не помогает, вы можете подождать, пока EA выпустит исправление, которое позаботьтесь об ошибке «Дамп памяти» в FIFA 23.


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Ошибка FIFA 23 “Дамп памяти”: как исправить, возможные причины, и многое другое

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FIFA 23 Ошибка “Дамп памяти”: как исправить, возможные причины и многое другое

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Errors and performance issues have been a staple of EA’s football games for quite some time now, and FIFA 23 is no stranger to this fact.

Even a couple of weeks into its launch, the game is still facing issues with its performance, making the title a frustrating experience for many.

One error that has been incredibly annoying to deal with thus far is the “Memory Dump” issue, which blocks players from launching the game. Every time they try to enter, a message box pops up displaying the error and automatically shutting down the FIFA 23 boot, in certain cases going as far as shutting down the client.

The error usually occurs when there is an issue with the game’s installed files or with its anti-cheat, making it quite a difficult performance error to rule out.

However, there are a few fixes you can try out to solve it, and today’s guide will go over how you can easily solve the “Memory Dump” error in FIFA 23.

Note: These methods have addressed the issue for most players, but they may not be effective in certain cases.

Fixing the “Memory Dump” error in FIFA 23


As mentioned, the “Memory Dump” error in FIFA 23 primarily occurs if there is an issue with the game’s files that are installed in the system or with the title’s anti-cheat.

So here are a few things you can do to solve it.

1) Check for file integrity and repair the files

One of the most effective ways of dealing with “Memory Dump” in the game will be to check for the FIFA 23 file integrity and repair any installed files that might be corrupted.

You will be able to do this by making your way to the Origin or EA application, then going to your Library, selecting the game, and clicking on the Repair feature under the additional options.

The client will then automatically go through all the files and repair anything that is corrupted in the installed folder.

2) Reinstall the anti-cheat

If the “Memory Dump” error persists still, you try to uninstall and then reinstall the game’s anti-cheat. To be able to do so, you will be required to make your way to the installer.

You will be required to click on the EA AntiCheat Folder to run it and then find the FIFA 23 option in the drop-down menu. Clicking on this will give you the option to uninstall the anti-cheat.

Once that is done, you will need to reinstall the software from the installer itself, which is likely to stop the “Memory Dump” issue in the game.

3) Run the game as an admin

Many in the community have mentioned that running the title as an administrator seems to have solved the “Memory Dump” error, albeit temporarily.

You can right-click on the EA or Origin launcher icon on your desktop, run the clients as an administrator, and then launch the game.


4) Reinstall the game

While it might seem like a drastic step to take, it could be the most efficient one to rule out the issues that many have been facing with the game. If there are problems with the game’s files themselves, uninstalling and then reinstalling the title might just do a better job than just checking and repairing file integrity.

If all else fails, you can wait for EA to release a hotfix that takes care of the “Memory Dump” error in FIFA 23.

Edited by Abhishek Mallick

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20 Dec 2022 1:30 PM +00:00 UTC

Don’t let the FIFA 23 memory dump error stop you from scoring goals. Fix it now!

FIFA 23 Memory Dump Error: How To Fix The Application Encountered An Unrecoverable Error In FIFA 23

Hit by the FIFA 23 memory dump error? We have some working fixes for you.

FIFA 23 is out now, and apparently, it is riddled with bugs and problems. Players have already reported issues such as the FIFA 23 anti-cheat error and the store checkout error, which is pretty frustrating, to say the least.

Another annoying error that is making life hard for FIFA players is the memory dump error. However, the good news is that we have some fixes and tricks to make FIFA 23 work again. Let’s get into it!

How To Fix FIFA 23 Memory Dump Error

Although the memory dump error is not desirable, it is not as bad as the FIFA 23 won’t install error or the unable to save personal settings error as it is relatively easier to fix. The first step to fixing the memory dump error is to make sure your OS as well as the game is updated.

Afterwards, try the troubleshooting tips mentioned below.

  • If you have any antivirus program running, turn it off and see if the issue is fixed. It worked for some and it might work for you as well.
  • Also, try disabling MSI Afterburner and RIVA Statistics as this user suggested.
  • Try enabling secure boot as it has fixed the issue for some. To enable secure boot, search for system information, then go to Secure Boot Service, and see if it is enabled or not. If you need to activate it, complete the following steps:
    • Run Settings > Update & Security > Recovery and select Restart now under Advanced startup. From the next screen, select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > UEFI Firmware Settings > Restart to make changes.
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling the EA AntiCheat application has worked for some. To do that:
    • Go to the FIFA 23 folder and navigate to _Installer > EAAntiCheat.
    • Run EAAntiCheat.Installer as administrator.
    • Click the drop-down arrow and select FIFA 23, and then click Uninstall.
    • Finally, click Install and launch the game to see if the issue is fixed.
  • If the issue persists, repeat the above steps but this time don’t reinstall the EA AntiCheat within the same window. Instead, after uninstalling the anti-cheat, open the Origin/ EA app as administrator and then launch FIFA 23. The program will prompt you to install anti-cheat. Do so by clicking on Reinstall EA AntiCheat. Afterwards, launch the game.

Hopefully, one of the suggestions should fix the error for you. If nothing seems to work, we recommend you reach out to EA support and report the issue with the memory dump attached as mentioned in the error message.

Read More: How To Fix FIFA 23 Lag Issues

What Is The FIFA 23 Memory Dump Error?

FIFA 23 memory dump error occurs when you try to launch the application. Generally, a memory dump is a file with useful information that may help identify why an application stopped unexpectedly.

When you are hit by this error, FIFA 23 crashes and you will receive the following error.

The application encountered an unrecoverable error.
Click ‘OK’ to create a memory dump, then please share it on our support site.

The reason behind this error is not clear but it is probably something related to EA AntiCheat. According to a player, EA is aware of the issue and they said the error would be fixed with the first patch after the official release of the game, which is on September 30.

Well, you don’t need to wait until that as the tips we have mentioned above will fix the FIFA 23 memory dump error. If you are experiencing a connection error once you are back in the game, come back here as we have some easy fixes for it as well.

FIFA 23 is finally out now and available on various platforms globally. As the game is new, many players are running into many bugs and errors. One of the errors is when the player is unable to open or launch the game itself. And error follows by a popup message saying the Application Encountered an Unrecoverable error, Click ‘OK’ to create a Memory Dump. If you’re facing the same Memory Dump error in FIFA 23 and are unable to fix it, then we’ll help you do it.

Fix for Application Encountered Unrecoverable Error (Memory Dump)

Fix FIFA 23 Memory Dump Error

Here are all the methods that you can use to fix the Memory Dump error in FIFA 23 easily. All the methods mentioned below work for both Origin and EA users.

  • Reinstall AntiCheat
  • Run as Administrator
  • Repair File

Try out these ways to resolve Application Encountered an Unrecoverable bug issue. However, let’s take a look into the fixes in detail.

Reinstall AntiCheat

In this method, you’ll need to uninstall & reinstall the AntiCheat files. If you’re unaware of the process then follow the steps mentioned below.

  • First, go to the FIFA 23 game file.
  • Next, right-click on the file icon and select Open File Location.
  • After that, go on and select the Installer file
  • Then, click on the EAAntiCheat Folder to Run it.
  • And after that, click on the drop-down option and select FIFA 23.
  • Next, simply click on the Uninstall option
  • And then, click on the Install option.

After doing that open the FIFA 23 game and it’ll be as good as new. If your error is still not fixed then let’s take a look at another fix.

Run as Administrator

This is one of the easiest methods to fix the Memory Dump error in FIFA 23.

  • First, go to the EA or Origin file icon.
  • Next, right-click on the file and select Run as Administrator.
  • After that go to the FIFA 23 game file.
  • And again right click on the file and select Run as Administrator.

Repair File to Fix Memory Dump Error

Sometimes the game file gets corrupted and causes this kind of error. In this case, simply repair the file and you’ll be good to go.

  • First, open the Origin or EA application
  • Next, go to your library and find the FIFA 23 game.
  • After that, simply click on the 3 dots and select the Repair option.

This is all you need to do in order to fix the Memory Dump Error in FIFA 23 easily. If your issue is still not resolved then simply reinstall the game or clean the cache files and that’ll do the trick. While you’re here check out the best settings for low-end pc to FPS boost.

How to Fix "The application encountered an unrecoverable error" and EA AntiCheat Error

Some FIFA 23 players experience an error when they try to run the game with the message «The application encountered an unrecoverable error. Click OK to create a memory dump, then please share it on our support site». Another common problem similar to this is the EA AntiCheat error.

The application encountered an unrecoverable error

Since the solutions to both problems are identical, I will share useful information with you in this article. Just follow the steps below to fix «The application encountered an unrecoverable error» and the EA AntiCheat error.

How to Fix «The application encountered an unrecoverable error» and EA AntiCheat Error

Method #1

EA SPORTS FIFA 23 does not launch on some PCs because EA AntiCheat blocks some applications running in the background. In that case, you should close or uninstall the applications listed below:

  • MSI Afterburner
  • RTSS Rivatuner Statistics Server
  • Riot Vanguard Anti-Cheat
  • FACEIT Anti-Cheat

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Then run the Origin or EA Desktop app as an administrator. Check if the workaround fixed your issue. If your problem still persists, the second method will most likely fix it.

Method #2

Reinstall EA AntiCheat by following the steps below thoroughly:

  • Exit Steam and Origin (or EA Desktop app)
  • Go to the folder where FIFA 23 is installed.
  • Delete EAAntiCheat.GameServiceLauncher.dll and EAAntiCheat.GameServiceLauncher.exe files.
  • Then open the «__Installer» folder.
  • Run the EAAntiCheat.Installer.exe file in the EAAntiCheat folder.
  • Select FIFA 23 from the list.
  • Hit Uninstall
  • Then click the Install button.
Reinstall EA AntiCheat
  • When you see the «Install success» message, you can close the window.
  • After that, you should repair the game files. If you don’t know how to do it, here are the steps on how to repair FIFA 23 game files.
  • Now you can play FIFA 23. If it doesn’t launch on your first try, restart your computer.

Info: Steps for those who don’t know where the game is installed:

On Steam: Library > Right-click EA SPORTS FIFA 23 > Manage > Browse local files

On EA Desktop: My Collection > FIFA 23 > Three dots > View properties > Browse

Method #3

Your antivirus and firewall may cause this issue. To fix it, follow these steps:

  • Firstly, navigate to Windows Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security
  • Disable Virus & threat protection. If you use antivirus software on your PC, you must also disable it.
  • Run Origin as an administrator.
  • To run the game, don’t press the Play button on Steam. Go to Origin > My Game Library > FIFA 23. Play the game.

If your issue still occurs, there is FIFA 23 Troubleshooting Guide. If you think there is something I forgot to add to the guide, let me know via comment. You can use the comment box below.

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