Mesh names should have at least 2 characters rename 0 in file как исправить

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У меня известность не повышается.Дошло до 120 и дальше не хочет.Это как-то можно исправить?



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Кстати, мод хороший, недавно заметил, что не только крестоносцы ходят на рыбалку ( как обещает вступительная заставка), но и все остальные лорды — у меня половина всей датской военной верхушки пасется на берегу около Копенгагена — видать там места рыбные.


Недоработаны диалоги, старым героям имена поменяли, а диалоги НЕТ…тобиш зовут его теперь к примеру лолШТО а диалог идет от оригинала (Рольфа)..так же баг в лидерстве, перед числом максимального значения отряда дописана единичка, что не иначе как демотивирует = (максимальное число отряда в статистике под влиянием X+Y+Z факторов = 64, а в меню отряда (по умолчанию P) отображено 164…действительно бесит, такая мелочь, а не учтена =


If it’s not good for you, it’s not for you

у меня странная ошбика. Во время боя когда я жму P  войска не выстраиваються в 2 линии а когда жму J  пишет обучение и они начинают следовать за мной  ( в основном пехота). Версия мода самая последняя


Mesh names should have at least 2 characters: rename «1», in file «ModulesEurope 17 centuryResourceguns.brf»   —   в чём тут проблема не пойму. Подскажите пожалуйсто.



  • Ник в M&B: Sellsword

Привыкший сражаться не жнет и не пашет:
Хватает иных забот.
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Им завтра – снова в поход!

На висту, это у меня не пашет мод Европа 17век



  • Ник в M&B: Sellsword

Привыкший сражаться не жнет и не пашет:
Хватает иных забот.
Налейте наемникам полные чаши!
Им завтра – снова в поход!

1.131 Mount&Blade Warband


так я и думал, мод исключительно под последнюю версию истории героя, а не варбанд.


  • Ник в M&B: Sellsword

Привыкший сражаться не жнет и не пашет:
Хватает иных забот.
Налейте наемникам полные чаши!
Им завтра – снова в поход!


Решил недавно опять поиграть в этот мод, поставил последнюю версию, но играть почти невозможно практически после каждой победы вылетает ошибка — Unable to find mesh Error: Invalid item, помогите.


а мод вообще будет дорабатываться? баги с «рыбачащими» лордами так и остались. у меня король в реке стоит, пару раз в поход звал я приезжаю а он то выйти не может че делать не знаю.  ладно если противник его и догонять не надо. если выносишь его то он соответственно уже не висит в реке. а если компаньона кому-то дал, а этот ктото застрял в реке так что до него не доберешься то труба.. ждешь пока он вдоль берега до доступного места не докочует.. месяца через 2


1)итем balanced scimitar
2)зашел в таверну,там большая дверь ,а в двери небо(dijon),но наверное так и задумано
зашел в другую,оказался на чердаке(retel)
3)решиль стать чемпионом на состязании…только половина арены доступна,остальная черная бездна(retel)
второй раз портанули за пределы города вместо арены
3)в париже трабла с таверной

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Posted 25 August 2013 — 07:58 am



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Posted 08 September 2013 — 05:44 am



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Crashes for following Reason:

Mesh names should have at least 2 characters: rename «0», in file «ModulesTLD3.1tld_missiles_a.brf

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Posted 19 September 2013 — 02:18 pm

Looks great I have just brought none warband on steam to play this mod I can not pass it up!

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Posted 19 October 2013 — 06:11 pm



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im getting «sorry no data found» bug (CTD) i reinstalled the game but it didnt work :/ can anyone help me?

and dont say «reinstal it again» xd

edit: nevermind i fixed it :P

Edited by nabak1996, 19 October 2013 — 06:50 pm.

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Posted 20 October 2013 — 08:39 am



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In response to post #9058902.

Sounds like you’re trying to run TLD on Warband. As the title clearly says, this mod is for the original Mount and Blade.

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Posted 26 October 2013 — 02:22 pm



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awesome mod but…

that i cant start siege by myself is rly annoying i had 220 days and only one siege (moria) xd

so could you change that on next patch? :)

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Posted 27 October 2013 — 05:12 pm



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When i launch it says cannot find shader windy flora? Help

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Posted 27 October 2013 — 05:35 pm



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In response to post #7964298. #7964402 is also a reply to the same post.

How did you fix HELP ME

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Posted 10 November 2013 — 06:14 pm



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Okay, I know for a fact I’m not the greatest at figuring coding faulties out.
Get this, I played the update with the mod (holy f***ing christ its god damn amazing)
for about a straight month and a half…
just now, turn it on and it goes to the «trial mode».
Man, I love this mod to death, and the people who created it should be worshiped throughout the nexus, but I really need help.
Already tried uninstalling and re-installing, not doing anything.

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Posted 29 November 2013 — 07:45 am

lol who the hell makes mods for original M&B. They dumped that years ago. I wouldn’t expect you to update to fire and sword, but at least warband man. Lame. Not endorsing until its updated.

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  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days


    Originally Posted by Turkeys!
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    I have a 4 year old computer and I can run this with the battlesizer on 200 with decent to high fps and 400 with pretty choppy fps

    What do you think of this mod Turkeys? I trust your judgement about all things M&B.

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days


    Originally Posted by Phier
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    One issue I think that needs to be looked at is good is just much stronger than evil. I think the main problem is the armor. For NPC fights armor is a very large part of the determining factor in who wins.

    One way around that would be to up the orc armor.
    Another I think that might work is to crank up the tactics level of the evil side so they get a numbers boost.

    Yeah playing it now and it doesn’t seem to be a challenge. The Elves just whoop any army that come near them.

    Which is a shame because I loved the sheer bloody challenge of always getting overwhelmed in the first one. I’m not loving this but it is a very very early release (the irony of that statement shouldn’t be lost on any fan of this mod).

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days

    So I’ve downloaded TLD, moved everything into the designated modfolder (as I’ve done many times before)… and this is what I got:

    Mesh names should have at least 2 characters: rename «0», in file «ModuelsTLDResourcetld_missiles_a.brf»


  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days

    I might have to turn the battlesize down a lot before lifting the siege of Cair Andros.

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days


    Originally Posted by SPECTREtm
    View Post

    So I’ve downloaded TLD, moved everything into the designated modfolder (as I’ve done many times before)… and this is what I got:

    Mesh names should have at least 2 characters: rename «0», in file «ModuelsTLDResourcetld_missiles_a.brf»


    That isn’t how you install it, you have to use the custom installer to install it and play it, sounds complicated but it isn’t. Move everything into modules and launch the installer. Its all good.

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days


    Originally Posted by Turkeys!
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    I have a 4 year old computer and I can run this with the battlesizer on 200 with decent to high fps and 400 with pretty choppy fps

    Do you use the HDR? Since I currently use 170 soldiers and will try to go a bit higher, however there’s no problem at all with the FPS it’s just that it crashes.

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days


    Originally Posted by Denny Crane!
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    Yeah playing it now and it doesn’t seem to be a challenge. The Elves just whoop any army that come near them.

    Which is a shame because I loved the sheer bloody challenge of always getting overwhelmed in the first one. I’m not loving this but it is a very very early release (the irony of that statement shouldn’t be lost on any fan of this mod).

    They seem to be working on the new version like mad and this has been mentioned by several people so I hope something gets done and I hope its to increase the number of evil vrs good.

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days


    Originally Posted by Heinz Guderian
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    What do you think of this mod Turkeys? I trust your judgement about all things M&B.

    It’s pretty fun. The only bad thing I noticed is that with the HDR on the menus constantly flicker and it is hard to make out the font as it is too light. Oh and there were a few texture glitches here and there I noticed (The flag in East Osgiliath’s castle area which shows your face texture if you get too close to it for example), and it starts off slow in the beginning (First 8 levels for me), but once the war starts it picks right up and you’ll have no shortage of enemies to kill


    Yep I use the HDR

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days

    That’s very odd, since I think I should be able to use higher numbers but it just comes crashing down whenever I try it and it has something to do with the Vertex.

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days


    Originally Posted by molonthegreat
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    That’s very odd, since I think I should be able to use higher numbers but it just comes crashing down whenever I try it and it has something to do with the Vertex.

    Well one thing I had done was make the M&B.exe Large Address Aware, but even before that it was still running smooth.

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days


    Originally Posted by Denny Crane!
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    That isn’t how you install it, you have to use the custom installer to install it and play it, sounds complicated but it isn’t. Move everything into modules and launch the installer. Its all good.

    Doesn’t work at all. Same error. And I’ve just reinstalled it clean. Running version 1.143. Maybe this is the problem?

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days

    hey guys I have a problem…

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days


    Originally Posted by SPECTREtm
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    Doesn’t work at all. Same error. And I’ve just reinstalled it clean. Running version 1.143. Maybe this is the problem?

    It’s for the origial 1.011 mount and blade, so that might be the problem.

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days

    Wow, really getting into this mod now and it is epic. Just had a couple of great battles there. First one was attacking an outpost of Rhun. For once the siege didn’t crash the game and it was just our army and their army smashing each other in the middle of the settlement. Of course, we got the far better of the engagement. My screenshot taking isn’t at the quality of Adorno but here’s just a taster

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Then in another battle, I had an epic fight with orcs. Just on the northern edge of Mirkwood, it was my Dwarven army and two other Dwarven hosts against 2 huge hosts from Dol Guldor. About 180 Dwarves against 300+ orcs and wargs. It actually felt like something straight out of the book. The confusion in the forest, running around with orcs jumping out from behind trees and little skirmishes going on in the chaos of the forest.

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days


    Originally Posted by molonthegreat
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    It’s for the origial 1.011 mount and blade, so that might be the problem.

    Nice, so having it purchased from steam basically means I’m screwed… :doh:

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days

    No, 1.143 is Warband, which is a different game.

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days


    Originally Posted by Legio
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    No, 1.143 is Warband, which is a different game.

    But basically yeah, you’re still screwed

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days


    Originally Posted by Denny Crane!
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    Yeah playing it now and it doesn’t seem to be a challenge. The Elves just whoop any army that come near them.

    Which is a shame because I loved the sheer bloody challenge of always getting overwhelmed in the first one. I’m not loving this but it is a very very early release (the irony of that statement shouldn’t be lost on any fan of this mod).

    Destroying Dol Guldor without any deaths, oh you Elves you.

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days


    Originally Posted by Kamos
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    Destroying Dol Guldor without any deaths, oh you Elves you.

    Elves are :wub:ing overpowered, especially its veteran swordmen, which I need to throw two Uruk-hai to take down one (I think their armor is the best among the mod).

  • Re: [Mount&Blade] The Last Days


    Originally Posted by Zack-Stefy
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    hey guys I have a problem…

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    What’s the problem? If you can’t extract the file then download 7zip.
    It’s a free, open source program for compressing/extracting files.

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    Tribunus Angusticlavius
    Tribunus Angusticlavius
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    Re: [Mount & Blade] TLD Release!

    Beitragvon Wolfsgeist » 31. Oktober 2011 22:12

    Ist die auch für den Multiplayer oder nur Singleplayer?



    Praefectus Castrorum
    Praefectus  Castrorum
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    Re: [Mount & Blade] TLD Release!

    Beitragvon Nachtgiger » 1. November 2011 16:53

    Ist nur für Singleplayer, ich habe es heute Vormittag schonmal angespielt und bin bisher begeistert.
    Die Rüstungen sind mit viel Liebe gemacht und meine Rohirrim (sicher falsch geschrieben) reiten die Orks einfach nieder. Auch das ganze neue Reputationssystem anstelle von Geld ist gut gemacht und ich werde sicher noch die ein oder andere Stunde damit zubringen. Später gibt es auch nochmal einen ausführlicheren Bericht. :strategie_zone_264:

    „For Sale:
    Baby shoes. Never Worn.“
    E. Hemingway



    Tribunus Angusticlavius
    Tribunus Angusticlavius
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    Re: [Mount & Blade] TLD Release!

    Beitragvon Cr7390 » 1. November 2011 17:04

    Jap, nur Singleplayer beim normalen M&B. :strategie_zone_5:

    Habe Gestern leider nur ne halbe Stunde reinspielen können und einen (Rohirrim) Character angelegt, mit dem ich ein paar Missionen gemacht habe und mich ein bischen umgesehen habe. Heute Abend wird es dann richtig losgehen. :strategie_zone_11:
    Bisher ist es einfach Genial, mich stört nur, dass es keine neue Musik zu geben scheint. :(


    BOH prutenia

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    Re: [Mount & Blade] TLD Release!

    Beitragvon BOH prutenia » 1. November 2011 17:25

    mh, starten tut es, Ladeanzeige der Ini-daten und ein absturz folgt.
    Error: Mesh names should have at least 2 characters: rename «0», in file «Modules?TLDResourcetld_missiles_a.brf»

    keine Ahnung was der will :strategie_zone_4:




    Praefectus Castrorum
    Praefectus  Castrorum
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    Re: [Mount & Blade] TLD Release!

    Beitragvon Nachtgiger » 3. November 2011 16:07

    Da kann ich dir leider nicht bei helfen, du kannst dich im TLD Forum aber mal an die Entwickler wenden oder den Bugthread dort durchforsten. Auf die schnelle habe ich aber dort auch keine Lösung für dein Problem gefunden.

    Ich bin sehr begeistert von dem Mod bisher, bin nun auf die Zwerge umgestiegen und befinde mich in einem erbarmungslosen Krieg mit Rhún. Das einzig nervige sind die Bogenschütze, mit einer Horde Zwerge die berittenen Bogenschützen der Gegner jagen zieht die Schlachten dann doch in die Länge, ich lass dann meistens einfach laufen und hole mir was zu essen oder zu trinken.

    Mal eine lustige Anekdote, mit meinem Zwerg musste ich im wahrsten Sinne des Ausspruches mein letztes Hemd verkaufen. Ich war im Elbenland unterwegs und musst mir neue Nahrung für meine Truppen kaufen, leider hatte ich dort gar keine Reputation und so musste ich mein geliebtes Kettemhemd verkaufen, damit meine Leute auch was zu essen kriegen und nicht meutern. :strategie_zone_8:

    „For Sale:
    Baby shoes. Never Worn.“
    E. Hemingway



    Praefectus Castrorum
    Praefectus  Castrorum
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    Re: [Mount & Blade] TLD Release!

    Beitragvon Nachtgiger » 4. November 2011 11:10

    Es gibt diesen Mod bisher nicht für Warband, um mal die FAQ´s aus dem Forum von TLD zu zitieren.

    Q: Will you port to Warband after the 1.011 release?
    A: At this point it isn’t positive, but I think it’s very likely. It depends on who and how many of the team want to keep going after the release.

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    Baby shoes. Never Worn.“
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    When I imported .fbx or .obj exported from Blender (t$$anonymous$$s might apply to other 3D modelling softwares), sometimes the mesh name is incorrect/different. For example, I have a mesh named circle_002, w$$anonymous$$le in reality it is a partial arc that I edited from a circle, hence it keeps the name of the circle.

    I do know that I should name my mesh/object before I export them, most of the time I make sure that I name them properly.

    However, there are cases where it would be better to directly rename the mesh in Unity

    • 50-60+ meshes that happens to have very similar names

    • just want to rename the meshes for better organization purpose

    • poor/bad naming of the meshes makes them difficult to find when it is needed

    • I am just too lazy to rename/export/import it all over again

    • etc.

    Do Unity have any button/key to do t$$anonymous$$s? Or should I start looking at writing my own editor script?

    Did you ever work on such a script? Any ideas on how to make such a script?

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    Answer by Bunny83 · Mar 13, 2020 at 02:18 AM

    Since the question got already bumped I’ll post an answer ^^.

    I see two approaches to t$$anonymous$$s issue. The main problem is that the imported assets from an fbx file are read-only sub assets of the model file. Technically you can simply change the name of the mesh asset. However whenever the model gets re-imported the name change would be lost.

    The first approach I could t$$anonymous$$nk of is to create an AssetPostProcessor w$$anonymous$$ch stores an extra config asset alongside the model asset. There you could store your «rename rules». So whenever the model is reimported the asset post processor should look up the config and apply the name changes during import. T$$anonymous$$s approach has some issues. First how you make sure that «config» sticks to the actual asset when it might be moved around in the project. The next issue might be what the renaming data is composed of. If you just do a string to string translation it would break if the mesh is renamed in the original file. What might also work is to store a Mesh reference alongside the new name. As long as the meta file is not lost the mesh references should persist.

    A slightly more robust and maybe simpler approach would be to simply copy / extract the mesh data as seperate «.asset» file. T$$anonymous$$s would completely decouple the mesh data from it’s original model file. In that case the name would be kept. However since the mesh is essentially extracted from the original fbx import it does not «update» when the fbx file is updated. Actually you could completely delete the fbx file since the mesh would be a new standalone asset.

    Both approaches have some advantages and some disadvantages. For the first approach it might work to store the renaming information in a $$anonymous$$dden monobehaviour component w$$anonymous$$ch gets automatically added to the imported object. I have never tried if such data persists a reimport of the asset. If it doesn’t you probably want to use a ScriptableObject w$$anonymous$$ch is stored somewhere in the assets folder.

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    Answer by AlwaysSunny · May 01, 2013 at 08:01 AM

    I’m not aware of any magic buttons that would be helpful, but an editor script can do the job. You could have it search for all mesh assets, make a nice way to display / select / edit them, and the sky’s the limit from there.

    I’m not certain how you’d mark up your changes to avoid having the re-importing process reset mesh names to whatever they were in your 3d app, w$$anonymous$$ch could introduce the added hassle of keeping your edited assets as copies. As the answer to your question, yes, you can use editor scripting to accomplish t$$anonymous$$s and more, but whether it’s worth your time is up to you. ;)

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