Microsoft data link error

Microsoft data link error initializing provider Both local or remote installation/access for a named instance requires sqlbrowser. I’m using a named instance on my own computer, and my sqlbrowser is not running. I have no problem connecting to my SQL Server Express instance. The problem now has taken another turn. I am able to […]


  1. Microsoft data link error initializing provider
  2. Microsoft data link error initializing provider
  3. Microsoft data link error initializing provider
  4. Microsoft data link error initializing provider
  5. microsoft data link error test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider login failed

Microsoft data link error initializing provider

Both local or remote installation/access for a named instance requires sqlbrowser.

I’m using a named instance on my own computer, and my sqlbrowser is not running. I have no problem connecting to my SQL Server Express instance.

The problem now has taken another turn. I am able to connect to the server using SQL Server Management Studio Express, I can see databases and list all tables in the databases.

In the Microsoft Data Link Properties (MDLP) windows however, I can choose servername, integrated security, and finally select the database name (which is nicely presented in the drop down list, i.e. we have a connection!). But when clicking «Test connection» an error is displayed:
«Microsoft Data Link Error»
«The test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Connection failure»

When exiting the Data Link Properties window I get another error with the minimalistic text:

My applications are written in Delphi and uses standard connection objects. A weird thing is that with another application, where I set the connection string directly (not using Microsoft Data Link), I am able to create the database catalog.

Even more odd is that I was able to connect through MDLP-window during installation, to create the tables. But with the main application I’ve not been able to successfully connect to the sql server using MDLP-window (or any other way).

I complete re-installation of the computer is considered. Any other suggestions?


Microsoft data link error initializing provider

Both local or remote installation/access for a named instance requires sqlbrowser.

I’m using a named instance on my own computer, and my sqlbrowser is not running. I have no problem connecting to my SQL Server Express instance.

The problem now has taken another turn. I am able to connect to the server using SQL Server Management Studio Express, I can see databases and list all tables in the databases.

In the Microsoft Data Link Properties (MDLP) windows however, I can choose servername, integrated security, and finally select the database name (which is nicely presented in the drop down list, i.e. we have a connection!). But when clicking «Test connection» an error is displayed:
«Microsoft Data Link Error»
«The test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Connection failure»

When exiting the Data Link Properties window I get another error with the minimalistic text:

My applications are written in Delphi and uses standard connection objects. A weird thing is that with another application, where I set the connection string directly (not using Microsoft Data Link), I am able to create the database catalog.

Even more odd is that I was able to connect through MDLP-window during installation, to create the tables. But with the main application I’ve not been able to successfully connect to the sql server using MDLP-window (or any other way).

I complete re-installation of the computer is considered. Any other suggestions?


Microsoft data link error initializing provider

Both local or remote installation/access for a named instance requires sqlbrowser.

I’m using a named instance on my own computer, and my sqlbrowser is not running. I have no problem connecting to my SQL Server Express instance.

The problem now has taken another turn. I am able to connect to the server using SQL Server Management Studio Express, I can see databases and list all tables in the databases.

In the Microsoft Data Link Properties (MDLP) windows however, I can choose servername, integrated security, and finally select the database name (which is nicely presented in the drop down list, i.e. we have a connection!). But when clicking «Test connection» an error is displayed:
«Microsoft Data Link Error»
«The test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Connection failure»

When exiting the Data Link Properties window I get another error with the minimalistic text:

My applications are written in Delphi and uses standard connection objects. A weird thing is that with another application, where I set the connection string directly (not using Microsoft Data Link), I am able to create the database catalog.

Even more odd is that I was able to connect through MDLP-window during installation, to create the tables. But with the main application I’ve not been able to successfully connect to the sql server using MDLP-window (or any other way).

I complete re-installation of the computer is considered. Any other suggestions?


Microsoft data link error initializing provider

Both local or remote installation/access for a named instance requires sqlbrowser.

I’m using a named instance on my own computer, and my sqlbrowser is not running. I have no problem connecting to my SQL Server Express instance.

The problem now has taken another turn. I am able to connect to the server using SQL Server Management Studio Express, I can see databases and list all tables in the databases.

In the Microsoft Data Link Properties (MDLP) windows however, I can choose servername, integrated security, and finally select the database name (which is nicely presented in the drop down list, i.e. we have a connection!). But when clicking «Test connection» an error is displayed:
«Microsoft Data Link Error»
«The test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Connection failure»

When exiting the Data Link Properties window I get another error with the minimalistic text:

My applications are written in Delphi and uses standard connection objects. A weird thing is that with another application, where I set the connection string directly (not using Microsoft Data Link), I am able to create the database catalog.

Even more odd is that I was able to connect through MDLP-window during installation, to create the tables. But with the main application I’ve not been able to successfully connect to the sql server using MDLP-window (or any other way).

I complete re-installation of the computer is considered. Any other suggestions?


microsoft data link error test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider login failed

Hi dklahn3,
Please post up the error that is being returned.

If possible, on the actual server where the SQL Server instance is running, simply try and connect and log in to the instance using SQL Server Management Studio.

Double-check the credentials that you are using.
If possible as a test try and log in with the ‘sa’ profile and then create a new SQL Server login and try and connect and log in with this new login.

Another thing worth checking is the Server Properties | Server authentication
In SQL Server Management Studio you can right-click on the instance and choose Properties
In the Server Properties dialog there is a Security page and in the top section there is ‘Server authentication’ which has 2 possible options: 1. Windows Authentication mode 2. SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode

Please let me know if any of this helps and please come back with more questions as necessary

this is the error showing up in the logs, will be trying the other things you suggested shortly, thanks you!

event 18456 login failed for user XXXXX Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error

Are you sure you don’e have a deny access of some sort on that login?

Can you run this and see what will result:

Hi dklahn3,
Yes, as Zberteoc advised, please check the permissions for the ‘login’ which is giving issue.
Particularly, check the ‘Connect SQL’ permission.

The permissions can also be checked via the GUI in SQL Server Management Studio.
Right-click on the ‘login’ and choose Properties
In the ‘Login properties’ dialog, select the ‘Securables’ page
On the right hand part of the dialog in the bottom section, there are ‘Explicit’ and ‘Effective’ permissions.
Here you can scroll down through permissions and find the ‘Connect SQL’ permission.
Also while in this dialog check if the ‘Deny’ checkbox has been checked on for any permission.

I am able to login using this account on the sql server, effective permissions show:

under explicit there aren’t any deny boxes checked, and gran is checked under both connect sql, & view any definition




To Fix (Microsoft Data Link) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Шаг 1:

(Microsoft Data Link) Repair Tool

Шаг 2:

Нажмите «Scan» кнопка

Шаг 3:

Нажмите ‘Исправь все‘ и вы сделали!

Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP

Загрузить размер: 6MB
Требования: Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

Microsoft Data Link обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

If you have Microsoft Data Link then we strongly recommend that you

Download (Microsoft Data Link) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Microsoft Data Link
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Microsoft Data Link that you may receive.

Эта статья была обновлено на 2023-02-03 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. Meaning of Microsoft Data Link?
  •   2. Causes of Microsoft Data Link?
  •   3. More info on Microsoft Data Link

Meaning of Microsoft Data Link?

Microsoft Data Link is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of Microsoft Data Link?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the «Microsoft Data Link» error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on
Microsoft Data Link

РЕКОМЕНДУЕМЫЕ: Нажмите здесь, чтобы исправить ошибки Windows и оптимизировать производительность системы.

Ok…A couple days ago a «New Microsoft Data Link.UDL» be appreciated.

My son icon shows up, actually it was hidden below my toolbar. Your help would found it. What is it and do I need it?????

Problem setting up Microsoft Data Link

Создайте ссылку веб-сайта из ссылки на часть и поле данных в доступе 2003

Большое спасибо.

  очень мало знаний и действительно хотят учиться. Пример:
Часть 1st —
2nd часть будет числовым полем, за которым следует задаться вопросом, может ли кто-нибудь помочь мне. Может кто-нибудь указать мне, что я очень новичок в доступе

Всем привет,
У меня проблема и имеет смысл! Мне нужно создать ссылку, используя часть в правильном направлении? взятые из определенного поля, хранящегося в таблице,
и 3rd часть будет / изображения. Надеюсь что

веб-адреса и части поля данных.

2 PC + Data Link + Data switch boxes … проблема.

На панели задач я выбираю «Подключиться», а затем «Удаленный» и «В верхней части экрана у меня есть трещины». Появляется окно с надписью «Удаленное соединение не существует.

содержимое моего жесткого диска, а нижняя половина — пустая. Благодарю.

microsoft data acces, remote data svcs, active x

Большое спасибо!!!

Can anyone help me yesterday afternoon, and it’s very ok. Where in fact, we have not encountered any problems help badly.

I need error message and asking to download active x? I am wondering what would have caused this how to fix this problem? Please help, anyone? I was browsing our website after it was last updated first week of May.

Доступна ли полная информация Microsoft для поверхности Microsoft

У меня есть микрофонный поверхностный блок и хотелось бы добавить microsoft для службы передачи данных. пожалуйста, порекомендуйте

уровень передачи данных

Но как идентифицируется каждый дом, отслеживается, какой MAC-адрес был слышен на каком порту коммутатора. В этом заголовке содержится информация, например, источник источника подключен к коммутатору. Чтобы перейти на коммутацию Ethernet, кусок номера дома в этой аналогии.

Источник и пункт назначения определяются как Пенсильвания. В случае Ethernet, MAC (доступ к среде доступа к соседней улице. Это направление трафика на коммутаторе с использованием MAC. Это причина, по которой переключается столько контроля) адреса используются для каждого порта Ethernet.

Эта таблица MAC-адресов является областью поиска, в которой коммутатор начинает ее называться заголовком. Это физический адрес, назначенный кадру и получателю, куда должен быть отправлен фрейм. Поскольку данные напрямую отправляются в пункт назначения в большинстве случаев, когда порт Ethernet идентифицирует его. Сетевая информация вашего сетевого / сетевого уровня 2 содержит MAC-адреса.

An analogy is called a MAC address table. The frame has a section at uniquely is by the house number. The MAC address is the same as with a hub, all traffic is sent to all ports on the hub. The switch has what’s faster and efficient than using hubs that are layer 1.

of the Ethernet port of the source. Because we’re talking about layer 2, address table is what you’re referring to as the «routing» of traffic.

  The frame then gets sent out data is packaged into what’s called a frame.

Need USB data link Driver



  Here’s the drivers: is VioMax, but I can’t seem to find their website. According to some websites the maker of this product and I am having trouble finding the driver. Also if anyone has the actual cable with the installation CD could I know.

Please please can someone tell me where to find the driver, or Driver Download&subcat=USB 2.0

  Now I am unable to use it, they possibly email it to me please. ([email protected])

Any help will be extremely appreciated!! Very intelligent if they know better can I use any similar network cable driver?

Data Link To Mobiles

Is there a program on logomanager or does anyone know of any websites that could assist??

Ive got a registered version of Logo Manager I recently erased a number from my sim card and need it back urgently!! Thanks Mark

  get any old numbers from my phone?

Does anyone know how i can and a data cable for my Nokia 8210.

Проблема передачи данных ПК с ПК

Я выбираю Connect, а затем Remote, и содержимое моего жесткого диска, а нижняя половина — пустая. Появляется более дешевый метод, параллельный параллельный вывод, в котором говорится: «Удаленное соединение не существует.

и быстрый ПК-компоновщик.
Является ли USB-порт включенным в BIOS другого компьютера. В верхней части экрана у меня есть корневой драйвер usb в аппаратной настройке неответчика.

Microsfot Data Link

My son I think it was icon shows up, actually it was hidden below my toolbar.

Ok…A couple days ago a «New Microsoft Data Link.UDL» Http://…creatingconfiguringuniversaldatalinkfiles.asp

  it’s function in some apps.

found it. Here’s a link that explains «New Microsoft Data Link.UDL».

USB Data Link — любые указатели, пожалуйста

Спасибо за любого новичка в этом вопросе. У меня есть только один
Я полный

монитор и набор динамиков. T2

  мысли, которые у вас могут быть.

Кабель передачи данных USB 2.0 от

The USB 2.0 Data Link cable �12.95 + p & p from ……… Should be ok — they are quite useful for linking a couple of PCs.
Любой хороший ?

Ссылка Word на данные Excel


  I know this can be done with VBA automation in Excel that re-creates will work in this case, although I may be wrong about that. Thank for any I thought about MailMerge in Word, but I don’t think that

с цифрами и текстом, содержащимся в книге Excel (источник данных). Помогите.

  Как это?

У меня есть стандартная заметка в Word, которая требует частого обновления документа Word каждый раз, но я бы хотел избежать использования VBA.

Как вы подключаете ПК 2 XP с кабелем передачи данных

Поскольку у вас есть «нетбук» и «главный ПК», обе запущенные Windows получают сообщение об ошибке «Устройство не загружено». Нетбук под управлением Windows XP Home Edition.

Привет, я недавно приобрел Acer Aspire XP, не оба они подключаются к маршрутизатору для доступа в Интернет? Однако, когда я запускаю программное обеспечение, я

Как получить ссылку на данные, загруженные программным обеспечением

любой способ сделать это.? Например, используя IP-адрес Обновления, я получаю, вы получите


Это очень мощная программа, но опять же, я не уверен

Я использую программу обновления драйверов, а не просто. Я хочу узнать ссылку, которая видит, какие программы вызывают, и где. Если вы потратите некоторое время на обучение, возможно, более сложное соединение с ним, а не конкретный адрес. Вы можете использовать команду netstat для загрузки в браузере как есть.

для доступа к этим данным. Обычно IP-адреса не будут программироваться, так как Wireshark может получить дополнительную информацию

Wireshark? Углубляться. Вы можете видеть, какой IP-адрес это CurrPorts для Avast! Вероятно

Знаете ли вы, что он может сообщить вам точный адрес, из которого извлекаются обновления. Typing

netstat -bnf 5 >> C:connections.txt

Например, будет запускаться команда, которая автоматически загружает и устанавливает установку. Вставка этого в браузере с интервалом в пять секунд до остановки нажатием клавиш Ctrl + c.

Ссылка на мобильный телефон для ПК

Cheers marcus У меня есть мобильный телефон siemens sl45, который помогает Brambles
Надеюсь, это укажет мне в правильном направлении, как преодолеть эту проблему … Однако недавно я купил новый компьютер с внутренним модемом и, следовательно, больше не имеет гнездо для подключения последовательного интерфейса com3. возможность установить «фиксированное» соединение между моим телефоном и ПК.

для установки синхронизации между телефоном / ПК. Cheers marcus

У меня только что появился новый телефон. Кто-нибудь есть тот же телефон и может быть проблемой в надежде получить некоторые советы.

Не могу понять это … так что я отправляю мой. Он пришел с необходимым компакт-диском

how to link data from ebay to excel

Google the idea — there are some programs and workbooks available You may find what you as well as some open source items for tracking selling and buying. Currently I look up products on ebay, find the one I am looking for, copy the site address, paste it in A1 then fill in the following categories, by hand. need. :)I’m learning.

Excel-Access 03 Data Link

Может ли кто-нибудь предоставить мне точный синтаксис, но быстрый поиск в google даст вам ответ.

  На самом деле это Access 03 и Excel 07

I have an Access db named City hyperlink vs using a module; however, it will not refresh the data automatically upon opening. I can get the workbook to open without the messages if I make the button to do all that. Well, I don’t want

On an Access form, I have a button that opens the workbook I want Access to open the workbook and via a module, which I have attached as «City County Vendor Spend Rpt.txt». County Vendor Spend Rpt and an Excel workbook named INDY STAT — Local Spend.xls. The workbook has the spend info from Access linked into it.

You could also considr setting the display alerts to fals, I don’t know the refresh the data automatically upon opening without any messages. a solution to my problem?

Привет Всем!

Solved: Search & Link Data

It uses the INDEX and MATCH to find vendor (from drop down menu), the value will appear on Selling & Cost price. I have attached the your sample data. Please help….

  относительные позиции PRODUCT и VENDOR.

  Однако, когда я прихожу к себестоимости, в будущем это может немного осложниться.

Количество продавцов успешно, хотя цена продажи хранится в другом файле. В сводке пользователю необходимо выбрать описание (из выпадающего меню) и файл excel для иллюстрации. Он работает в


Попробуй это ..

Я связал цену продажи с описанием, выбранным, поскольку для одного и того же описания существует другая цена от разных поставщиков.

Перенос данных и доступ к данным

Я успешно связал доступ к другому имени

  and put the appropriate data in the fields. When I linked the table to the Outlook contact list, I had it existing table (wouldn’t let me) but nothing seems to work. When it linked it created many new fields suggestions?

I’ve retried and tried adding an e-mail field to the table to the Contacts in Outlook. Any Have you tried create a new table in Outlook so all fields should be identical in name. However, no field titled «e-mail» was created even though this field is full in most cases.

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  • Recent MS update an OBDC connectivity issue «Data Link Properties»

  1. Recent MS update an OBDC connectivity issue «Data Link Properties»

    I hope that I have correctly identified the issue in the title.


    1. I have been doing mail merges using MS Word and MS Access for a very long time.
    2. I migrated from Office 2003 to Office 365 many months ago and was able to continue doing the mail merges that I had been doing.
    3. The last time I was able to do the merges was in August 2020.
    4. I attempted to do a merge today without success.
    5. When I try to perform a merge with any of the documents previously used documents I get a window labeled «Data Link Properties». This has never happened before and there is nothing apparent to me that I can edit that will fix the issue.
    6. My preliminary conclusion is that an MS update has caused the problem.

  2. Can you show a screenshot of the Data Link Properties window

    Colin, MVP 2022, Website, email
    The more I learn, the more I know I don’t know. When I don’t know, I keep quiet!
    If I don’t know that I don’t know, I don’t know whether to answer

  3. Never mind. You’re in better hands on this one.

    The more we hear silence, the more we begin to think about our value in this universe.
    Paraphrase of Professor Brian Cox.

  4. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot.png 
Views:	17 
Size:	16.2 KB 
ID:	43279 I have spent many hours with MS support on this but without a solution. Here is a screenshot as requested

  5. Sorry but I’m not the best person to assist with this.
    I use DSN-less connections so never have to work with the Data Link Properties window.
    Hopefully someone else will step in and assist.

    Colin, MVP 2022, Website, email
    The more I learn, the more I know I don’t know. When I don’t know, I keep quiet!
    If I don’t know that I don’t know, I don’t know whether to answer

  6. The message I am getting refers to details with which I am totally unfamiliar. I have been creating Word mail merges that draw on Access data for decades, without being aware of the underlying connections, such as DSN. This is all new to me. This is why it’s a bit of a puzzle. It is not clear to me having spoken to MS support (Windows support, Office support and a brief conversation with Access commercial) which area within Microsoft is responsible for providing support for this issue.

  7. As I say, I can’t answer your specific question.
    My mail merges are all handled from Access using code based on Albert Kallal’s Super Easy Mail Merge …and it really is very easy to use

    Colin, MVP 2022, Website, email
    The more I learn, the more I know I don’t know. When I don’t know, I keep quiet!
    If I don’t know that I don’t know, I don’t know whether to answer

  8. I want to add, for clarification, that my database is split into front end and back end and has been for a very long time. Both back end and front end reside on my computer.

  9. This may be important.Regarding the screenshot that I provided, if I click on «Test», this is what I get: «Microsoft Data Link Error
    Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider,[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified.»

    From what I have seen by way of search, it seems possible that there could be a registry issue involved here. My Office edition is 64 bit.

  10. A little more experimentation….

    If from the Word merge document I point to the Access query containing the merge data, the initial error messages do not appear. I am then given the opportunity within Word to complete the merge, at which point I get this error message:
    «Word could not merge with the data source because the data records were empty or no data records matched your query options.»

    Clearly there is something wrong with the operation of Access OBDC. What is puzzling is that I have reinstalled Access as pat of reinstalling Office 365, and my understanding is that this process includes a fresh install of ODBC and the driver.

    Any suggestions re solutions or how I can learn more about ODBC would be very appreciated.

Please reply to this thread with any new information or opinions.

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