Microsoft vbscript runtime error 800a0005

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Microsoft VBScript runtime error ‘800a0005’ — Invalid procedure call or argument: ‘MidB’

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  • User770039553 posted

    Hi, we use a VBscript/Classic ASP function to upload attachments to a web application.  Since KB3104002 has been implemented this now fails with :

    Microsoft VBScript runtime error ‘800a0005’ 

    Invalid procedure call or argument: ‘MidB’

    If the Windows Update is removed then it functions as expected.  An example of the line which is failing is below :

      vDataBounds = MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin)

    It would look like the MidB function has somehow been removed.

    Can anyone advise on a solution to the issue. 

    Many thanks, Scott


  • User-823319154 posted

    Hi Scott,

    It is reported that KB3104002 update may
    be the reason that some classic ASP applications may not work correctly.

    You can try the
    or you can uninstall the KB3104002 update.

    Please let me know if you need any other help.

    Best regards,


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  • General discussion

  • I’ve created a VBScript that aims to change folder share names on a server. This is currently running as a logon script for my test users.

    I’ve defined this function:

    Private Function intChangeShareName()
       Dim intPoz1, intPoz2, intIndex
       Dim strPom
       intChangeShareName = CONST_NO_CHANGE
       strActions = strActions & strOldNameShare & vbcrlf
      strPom = Trim(strOldNameShare)
      If Left(strPom, 2) <> "\" then Exit Function
       intPoz1 = inStr(3, strPom, "")
       intPoz2 = inStr(3, strPom, ".")
       If intPoz2 > 0 Then
          strSrvName = Mid(strPom, 3, intPoz2 - 3)
          strDomName = Mid(strPom, intPoz2 + 1, intPoz1 - intPoz2 - 1)
         strSrvName = Mid(strPom, 3, intPoz1 - 3)
          strDomName = ""
       End If
       intIndex = 0
      Do while intIndex <= UBound(arrOldSrv)
         If UCase(strSrvName) = UCase(arrOldSrv(intIndex)) Then
            If strDomName = "" Then
               strNewNameSrv = arrNewSrv(intIndex)
               strNewNameDom = ""
            intChangeShareName = CONST_CHANGE
             End If
            If UCase(strDomName) = UCase(arrOldDom(intIndex)) Then
               strNewNameSrv = arrNewSrv(intIndex)
               strNewNameDom = "." & arrNewDom(intIndex)
            intChangeShareName = CONST_CHANGE
             End If
          End If
          intIndex = intIndex + 1
       If intChangeShareName = CONST_CHANGE Then
          strNewNameShare = "\" & strNewNameSrv & strNewNameDom & Mid(strPom, intPoz1)
          strActions = strActions & "*  " & strNewNameShare & vbcrlf
          blRequireLogoff = True
    '       Wscript.Echo "a " & strNewNameShare
       End If
    End Function

    However every time I log in I get the following error: VBScript runtime error — Invalid procedure call or argument: ‘Mid’ — Code 800A0005

    I don’t see anything wrong with my Mid function, can someone please help me?

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Trying to Generate .html report fails on line 67 (default.htm)

Posted Sunday, March 9, 2014
— Post #33295

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I’m receiving this error when trying to publish .html report.  I had done it years ago with an older version of genopro (link) with no problem.  Wanted to update with newer info and using newer version of genopro doesn’t work Sad  It was the ONLY reason I just spent $49 to buy this product.  Any help is appreciated!

Generating report to ‘C:UsersMichaelDocumentsGenoPro ReportsForWeb’
Cloning document DeNinnoHenning…
Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin ‘English Narrative Report’ (version 2011.02.04)…
Loading Dictionary.xml…
[0.00] Processing template ‘init.htm’…
Base skin version from Config.xml:2011.02.04
To disable display of parameter settings, tick the box under ‘Options’ tab of ‘Generate Report’ dialog.
Please wait while IE form initializes
[1.13] Processing template ‘style.css’…
Applying theme ‘
Copying files from default theme
Copying files from selected theme
[1.24] Processing template ‘index.html’…
[1.26] Processing template ‘default.htm’…

Error at line 67 (default.htm): Invalid procedure call or argument: ‘[string: «(null)»]’
    Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A0005



VBScript Error 800A0005 html report

Posted Sunday, March 9, 2014
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I’m sorry, I did the search through the Forum, but initially didn’t find any answers.  A more thorough search produced a solution to this immediate problem, something about the skins and putting into a separate directory.  So now it seems to generate the report, but there is no .html file to start «call» as there was before in my example link above.  Does anyone know which file is the new one that would replace «…index.html» above?


Posted Sunday, March 9, 2014
— Post #33297

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If you search for 800A0005 on this forum you will find a lot of information.
Basically you need the latest version of GenoPro, and then download the latest Report skin. The Reports bundled with the program will give this error.

Posted Sunday, March 9, 2014
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Thanks so much for the help… I did verify I have the newest version and I’ve gotten past the skins issue.  My issue now is I can’t find the equivalent «index.html» as in the previous versions.  That is, I don’t know which .html file to include in the link on my website to call up this updated genopro file on my website.  Here’s the old link with index.html.

Posted Sunday, March 9, 2014
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p.s.  Here is what I have uploaded.  This might be just all too new for me and I’m behind the times?


Posted Monday, March 10, 2014
— Post #33301

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What you have uploaded is actually part of the Descendants Tree Chart Report and not actually the English Narrative Report which I presume you had intended to generate.  Oddly some of the files look wrong for that report too.  (e.g. the .rtf file is has xml content)

Have you downloaded and installed the revised Narrative Report from ?  There is a link from that topic detailing how to install it correctly. 

Once installed  make sure you select this revised report when generating your HTML report.

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Posted Monday, March 10, 2014
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Thanks so much for your help.  I have downloaded and installed the skin from the link in the previous post.  I’m now back to square #1 again, with the original 800A0005 error Sad

Posted Monday, March 10, 2014
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This time it is producing the index.html file, but when executed, it produces error «can’t find the file at …default.htm»


Posted Monday, March 10, 2014
— Post #33305

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If you are still getting error 800A0005 then you are still trying to run the built-in Narrative Report and not the downloaded  updated one. 

I need more info to diagnose why you are getting can’t find … default.htm.  After a report is generated the report skin script attempts to open the start page, default.htm  (index.html merely contains a redirect to default.htm), obviously it is not finding it for some reason.

If you are generating via you own FTP server then perhaps your HTTP equivalent URL is incorrect.  Do you have a URL for your report I can look at?  (Send via Private Message (PM) if you do not want ot make it public) 

Do any errors show in the GenoPro Report Log?

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Posted Saturday, March 15, 2014
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It seems I’m having the same problem as the one described.

what is the solution ?

again I’m trying to release the updated report after few years of not using it.

I downloaded the latest version and also the updated report tool.

Any resolution ?



Publishing report to to server…

Cloning document Freeman-families-database-140121…

Error at line 67 (default.htm): Invalid procedure call or argument: ‘[string: «(null)»]’

Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A0005

All occurrences of MID function in your code follow syntax pattern Mid(string, start[, length]) properly:


  • string String expression from which characters are returned. If string contains Null, Null is returned.
  • start Character position in string at which the part to be taken begins. If start is greater than the number of characters in string,
    Mid returns a zero-length string ("").
  • length Number of characters to return. If omitted or if there are fewer than length characters in the text (including the character at
    start), all characters from the start position to the end of the
    string are returned.

Excerpted from the original code snippet, variables renamed merely for clearness:

iPosBackSlash = inStr(3, strPom, "")
iPosDot       = inStr(3, strPom, ".")
If iPosDot > 0 Then
   strSrvName = Mid(strPom,           3, iPosDot - 3)
   strDomName = Mid(strPom, iPosDot + 1, iPosBackSlash - iPosDot - 1)
   strSrvName = Mid(strPom,           3, iPosBackSlash - 3)
   strDomName = ""
End If
''' and thereinafter '''
strNewNameShare = "\" & strNewNameSrv & strNewNameDom & Mid(strPom, iPosBackSlash)

On the other side, MID function would fail raising terminating error Invalid procedure call or argument: 'Mid' - Code 800A0005 if start or length are out of range.

Let’s consider some valid UNC paths as possible values of strPom variable:

  • \serverroot, \serverrootsub, \server.domainroot, \server.domainrootsub: the original function would not fail,
  • but for instance \serverrootsub.folder raises error in question as specified length i.e. iPosBackSlash - iPosDot - 1 results to a negative number.

If (iPosDot > 0) and (iPosDot < iPosBackSlash) Then should resolve the latter issue although someone could find a valid UNC path such that iPosDot - 3 or iPosBackSlash - 3 would lead to the error?

Answer, returned to original variable names, use next improved If command:

If intPoz2 > 0 and (intPoz2 < intPoz1) Then
    ''' etc '''

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