Microsoft visual basic runtime error 53 file not found solver32 dll

After manually adding the EXCEL Solver add-in, the Solver add-in could not be run. The system prompts: Runtime error 53, file not found.  What's going on? What do I need to do to get the Solver add-in working. I searched on the Internet before, and said that copy the path of the library to the path, but I can't do it myself.

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  • After manually adding the EXCEL Solver add-in, the Solver add-in could not be run. The system prompts: Runtime error 53, file not found. 
    What’s going on? What do I need to do to get the Solver add-in working. I searched on the Internet before, and said that copy the path of the library to the path, but I can’t do it myself.

All replies

  • Hi,
    What is the complete error message you see? Is it solver32.dll not found?
    What is the detailed version of Excel you are using?(You can create a new workbook, click File > Account to get Office product information)
    Are you using a 32-bit edition Excel? or 64-bit edition? (You can check it in Product information Page, click About Excel )
    How did you add the Excel Solver add-in? Could you tell me the steps in detail?

    If solver32.dll is not found, You should confirm if there are 2 files under that folder: C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficerootOfficeXXLibrarySOLVER or C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficerootOfficeXXLibrarySOLVER

    Tip:“OfficeXX” folder — The version corresponding to the directory(the path of the library) is different : Office14 (Office 2010), Office15 (Office 2013), Office16 (Office 2016)

    You can follow these steps to reload SOLVER feature:
    1.Open VBA Editor- go to Tools- References

    2.Then select Browse- go to C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficerootOffice16LibrarySOLVER-change File type to Microsoft Excel files(*.xlsm;*.xlam..)- select SOLVER.XLAM.

    Now please restart Excel and confirm if it works now.
    The problem still cannot be solved. You can update your Office to the latest version to see if it works. You can refer to

    Install Office updates for help.
    If you are using Excel 64-bit edition, you can copy the Solver32.dll file in the
    %SystemRoot%System32 folder to see if it works.

    Try to repair Excel
    Repairing your Office programs can resolve issues with Excel not responding, hanging or freezing by automatically repairing errors in Office files. For instructions on doing this, see

    Repair an Office application.

    If you have any question or update, please feel free to let me know.
    Best Regards,
    Herb Gu

    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they helped. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

    here to learn more. Visit the dedicated
    forum to share, explore and talk to experts about Microsoft Teams

    • Proposed as answer by

      Wednesday, September 19, 2018 12:31 AM

  • Unfortunately that didn’t work. 

    What is the complete error message you see? Is it solver32.dll not found?

    «Runtime error 53, file not found.» This is the complete error message.

    What is the detailed version of Excel you are using?(You can create a new workbook, click File > Account to get Office product information)

    I don’t fin Account option in as you said. I’m using Excel 2010.

    Are you using a 32-bit edition Excel? or 64-bit edition? (You can check it in Product information Page, click About Excel )


    How did you add the Excel Solver add-in? Could you tell me the steps in detail?

    From Add-ins option, check the solver add-in.

  • Hi Tom,
    Sorry for my delay. You can try the following methods to see if it works.
    Method1: We can try to replace the files of this add-in to try to re-enable it, because it is possible that these files are corrupted.
    Tip: Please backup your original Solver files at first. 
    If you don’t want to reinstall Office, you can try to copy the SOLVER files from other computer where SOLVER can be loaded properly, then replace these Solver files in your current computer with them. 
    How to find the Solver files?
    Click File > Options > Add-Ins to check the location of the Solver files.
    Default location is C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice14LibrarySOLVER or
    C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14LibrarySOLVER (the path depends on the bit edition your Window system is).
    There are two files: SOLVER.XLAM and SOLVER32.DLL. They are the Solver files we said.

    Method 2: If you can’t get the Solver files from other devices, you can fix them with Excel itself.
    Close Excel, back up and then delete the folder ”SOLVER”, restart Excel. You will see the following prompt:
    Click Yes. Wait for installation to complete. Check if the add-in works.

    Method 3: Reinstall Office 2010
    If the issue still can’t be solved, you can uninstall Office 2010 completely with
    the easy fix tool
    and then
    Install Office 2010 again.
    If you have any question or update, please feel free to let me know.
    Best Regards,
    Herb Gu

    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they helped. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

    here to learn more. Visit the dedicated
    forum to share, explore and talk to experts about Microsoft Teams

    • Proposed as answer by
      Herb GuMicrosoft contingent staff
      Thursday, September 27, 2018 1:59 AM

  • Thanks for your reply, but the issue has not been resolved. I tried the suggestion but they do nothing.




Сообщений: 204
Регистрация: 06.02.2015


09.08.2016 12:18:49

Всем еще раз здравствуйте!

Вопрос по той же теме почти, что и в предыдущей теме.
Имеется макрос поиска решения:

Sub M_Resoudre()
' M_Resoudre Macro
On Error Resume Next
'ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:=""
    SolverOk SetCell:="$AI$34", MaxMinVal:=3, ValueOf:=0, ByChange:="$AI$24:$AI$33", _
        Engine:=2, EngineDesc:="Simplex LP"
    SolverOk SetCell:="$AI$34", MaxMinVal:=3, ValueOf:=0, ByChange:="$AI$24:$AI$33", _
        Engine:=2, EngineDesc:="Simplex LP"
    SolverSolve UserFinish:=True
    On Error Resume Next
'ActiveSheet.Protect Password:=""

End Sub

Суть в том, что макрос не срабатывает. Все макросы включены, надстройки, библиотеки… А если пробую запустить вручную: данные — поиск решения — найти решение — выдает ошибку 53 Can’t find SOLVER32.dll
Читала, что этот сис.файл можно до установить. Но эта ошибка выходит не у всех за одним компьютером! Зайду я под своей учеткой с общего диска ошибки нет и все шикарно. Зайдет кто-то другой — уже есть ошибка. Компьютер тот же. Разные учетные записи. Эксель я так поняла не влияет, у меня и в 2016, и в 2013 может и не может выходить эта ошибка… В общем идей не осталось. Причин логичных, каких-либо зависимостей уже не вижу. Помогите, в чем проблема???

Заранее спасибо всем, кто откликнется




Сообщений: 2340
Регистрация: 03.04.2015

Excel 2010 +PLEX +SaveToDB +PowerQuery

В надстройках надо включить «Поиск решения VBA»

Неизлечимых болезней нет, есть неизлечимые люди.




Сообщений: 204
Регистрация: 06.02.2015

TheBestOfTheBest, спасибо большое! Пойду пробовать
А почему у некоторых надо, а у некоторых и без этого  работает?

Попробовала, нет такого поиска решения VBA… есть анализ данных VBA… И все та же ошибка(

Изменено: Honey09.08.2016 12:31:25




Сообщений: 1189
Регистрация: 24.12.2012

Значит, нужно установить из установочного пакета офиса.




Сообщений: 204
Регистрация: 06.02.2015

Влад, но ведь работает у некоторых и без этого… Пробовала установить сам solver32.dll, как и писала выше, да работает, но стоит на этот же комп войти под другим именем — та же история с ошибкой.




Сообщений: 204
Регистрация: 06.02.2015

Может дело в макросе? Может он сама по себе какой-то «больной»? :(




Сообщений: 2340
Регистрация: 03.04.2015

Excel 2010 +PLEX +SaveToDB +PowerQuery


09.08.2016 12:38:45

Могу помочь по TeamViewer.
Виноват, в редакторе макросов Alt+F11 — Меню-Tools-References — Solver ставим галочку.

Вот, что говорят люди:

Скрытый текст

Изменено: TheBestOfTheBest09.08.2016 13:02:38

Неизлечимых болезней нет, есть неизлечимые люди.




Сообщений: 204
Регистрация: 06.02.2015

TheBestOfTheBest, и это тоже пробовали)))




Сообщений: 204
Регистрация: 06.02.2015

На данный момент если добавить solver32.dll — все работает. Пока! Завтра буду еще тестить… Будут результаты отпишусь…
Но это не отвечает на главный вопрос! А в чем прикол-то? По какому критерию там работает, а тут нет…




Сообщений: 2340
Регистрация: 03.04.2015

Excel 2010 +PLEX +SaveToDB +PowerQuery

Похоже у Вас на некоторых компьютерах «криво» установлен офис.

Неизлечимых болезней нет, есть неизлечимые люди.




Сообщений: 204
Регистрация: 06.02.2015


10.08.2016 05:44:20

Сегодня выяснилось кое-что новое. Есть такой же файл с другого филиала. Я его запросила для сравнения (ну если есть ошибка-выяснить где же) Кроме номеров строк, столбцов и других незначительных изменений все идентично. Но интересно то, что если две книги открыты параллельно — все работает и без солвера32. То есть словно мой файл запрашивает/ссылается на данные с другого файла (другого филиала) и найдя все решает. Пересмотрела снова макросы и условия в поиске решения. только ячейки разные используются. Остальное также…
TheBestOfTheBest, а может ли быть, что офис на компьютере у одного пользователя работает исправно, а зайдя на этот же компьютер под другим пользователем — уже ошибка?
Переписала макрос… Теперь он такой:

Sub M_Resoudre()'
' M_Resoudre Macro'
    SolverOk SetCell:="$AJ$35", MaxMinVal:=3, ValueOf:=0, ByChange:="$AJ$24:$AJ$33" _
       , Engine:=2, EngineDesc:="Simplex LP"
    SolverOk SetCell:="$AJ$35", MaxMinVal:=3, ValueOf:=0, ByChange:="$AJ$24:$AJ$33" _
       , Engine:=2, EngineDesc:="Simplex LP"
    SolverSolve UserFinish:=True
End Sub

Ошибка 53 больше не появлялась. Теперь ошибка 453!

Прикрепленные файлы

  • compressed-coza.jpg (85.37 КБ)

Изменено: Honey10.08.2016 11:12:07




Сообщений: 2340
Регистрация: 03.04.2015

Excel 2010 +PLEX +SaveToDB +PowerQuery


10.08.2016 09:26:22

Ошибка то осталась, Solver32 вы ему подсунули, но видимо не от того офиса. От версии к версии эта надстройка очень существенно менялась. Вот теперь он не может найти точку входа.

а может ли быть, что офис на компьютере у одного пользователя работает исправно, а зайдя на этот же компьютер под другим пользователем — уже ошибка?

Зависит от того как установлен офис. Обычно его ставят для всех пользователей компьютера, и для всех пользователей он одинаковый.

Еще такой вопрос, зачем в коде две одинаковые строки?

Неизлечимых болезней нет, есть неизлечимые люди.




Сообщений: 204
Регистрация: 06.02.2015

TheBestOfTheBest, Вроде бы решилось… Переименовали солвер 32 на просто солвер и все… Правда теперь эксель после закрытия иногда запрашивает пароль от солвера какой-то. Мы его через диспетчер задач — снять задачу эксель  — убираем.
При записи макроса сразу так и было. Пробовала убрать, но тогда макрос работает некорректно.




Сообщений: 2340
Регистрация: 03.04.2015

Excel 2010 +PLEX +SaveToDB +PowerQuery

Переустановите офис на компьютере и установите все обновления для него, полагаю проблема Ваша решится.

Неизлечимых болезней нет, есть неизлечимые люди.




Сообщений: 204
Регистрация: 06.02.2015


10.08.2016 10:03:06

TheBestOfTheBest, спасибо Вам большое!!! :)

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  • Im using Excel 64-bit. Solver used to work fine in Excel 2007, but now it shows:Run time error:54. File not found: Solver32.dll when trying to run the Solver after dialog input.

    Is solver uncompatible with 64-bit Excel?

All replies

  • Are you sure that the add-in was enabled?  Check via Excel Options ->Add-Ins…



  • Yes, the dialog boxes shows as usual. After I press «Solve» it runs, but does not show any result. Only the error message.

  • This article says that there’s a 64 bit Solver included with 64 bit Excel, so your install may have deleted the Solver32.dll. 
    I’d check your add ins and see if you have the 64 bit version, disable the 32 bit, enable the 64 bit.  Just to check, do a search and see if you still have Solver32.dll somewhere on the PC.



  • Thanks, but does the 64-bit solver have another name, like «solver63.dll»?

    I have 2 solver-files in «C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14LibrarySOLVER»



    We have 3 computers with Excel 2010 64-bit. Fresh installed. So it cannot be only my install. It worked fine in Excel 2007.

  • Hi,

    The reference file has the same name of SOLVER.XALM unregard of 64-bit or 32-bit. Please check this document:

    Using the Solver VBA Functions

    However, the reference file locates on different path.

    If your computer is 64-bit and the Office is 64-bit, the file locates at:

    C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14LibrarySOLVERSOLVER.XLAM

    64-bit OS & 32-bit Office:

    C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice14LibrarySOLVERSOLVER.XLAM

    You can try to add reference to SOLVER.XALM manually to see if it will fix the issue.

    Best Regards, Calvin Gao [MSFT]
    MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us
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    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • I checked now, and I only have one version of the file in
    C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14LibrarySOLVERSOLVER.XLAM, so it must be the correct version. I tried to add a reference, but it did not help.

  • Did you try to add a reference in VBA or did you check it as an active add-in in Excel?

  • I tried both :)

    Same error.

    This code fails on last line:

        SolverOk SetCell:=»$M$6″, MaxMinVal:=3, ValueOf:=22, ByChange:=»$L$6:$L$7″, _
            Engine:=1, EngineDesc:=»GRG Nonlinear»
        SolverOk SetCell:=»$M$6″, MaxMinVal:=3, ValueOf:=22, ByChange:=»$L$6:$L$7″, _
            Engine:=1, EngineDesc:=»GRG Nonlinear»

    ? Err.Description
    File not found: Solver32.dll»

  • OK, I don’t have the 64 bit version so I can’t check anything.

    This article says you must have both the add-in enabled and the reference selected in the VB Editor:  It shows you how to do it if you have what they expect are the ‘usual’ problems.  Your error indicates to me that either you
    haven’t done both, or that one of the methods (and probably the VBA reference) is still pointed to the old version.  The only thing to do is to check that you’ve got the correct reference by surfing to the dll in the folder that Calvin pointed out above.

    Other than that, I think you’ve stumped everybody.  Sorry.


  • Thanks Eric for your help

    File not found: Solver32.dll»


    How about the issue on your side now? I guess that the Slover32.dll corrupted in your computer. Have you check if the file “Slover32.dll” is existed
    under the subfolder of “C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14LibrarySOLVER”? As I delete the “Solver32.dll”, I got the same “File not fount: Solver.dll” error. See the illustration:


    So you can try to reinstall Excel (not whole Office) to see if the issue will be resolved.

    I look forward to hearing of you soon.

    Best Regards, Calvin Gao [MSFT]
    MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us
    Get or Request Code Sample from Microsoft
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • Sorry to bother again :)

    I tried to delete the solver32.* files, and did an Office 2010 repair using the built-in function in Office. The files were restored.

    But the problem prevails…

  • I had the same problem, and it was caused by an add-in that somehow modified the working directory.  Try the following:

    1. Enable the VBA/Developer tab.

    2. Go into COM Add-Ins under the Developer tab.

    3. Uncheck all of the boxes.

    4. Restart Excel.

    Then plug in some values for Solver and see if it fixes your problem.

    • Proposed as answer by

      Wednesday, May 11, 2016 1:07 PM

  • It did the same error for me and i copied the Solver.dll file in the %SystemRoot%System32 folder and it

    Hope it will work for you too!


    • Proposed as answer by
      Marc Kh
      Thursday, April 9, 2015 11:03 PM

  • JoBne, thank you, your solution fixed it for me!

    Runtime error 53: solver32.dll not found. 

    Microsoft Office Excel 2013 X64 on Windows 7 x64.

  • This worked for me as well. Thank you…..

  • worked for me as well, thanks

    — — —
    My situation:

    Runtime error 53: solver32.dll not found.
      after adding Solver via addin checkbox and trying to run Solver from Data/Analyze/Solver

    Office 2016 (Office 365), Windows 10

    before fix:
    C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficerootOffice16LibrarySOLVER

    After fix: (I left files in above, in addition:)

       file added:

    I then successfully ran Solver

    • Proposed as answer by
      Alexander Fan
      Thursday, April 20, 2017 2:52 PM

  • Worked for me as well!

    Wonder when will they fix it in an update.

  • Thank you so much!  These very specific location directions helped me!

  • Thanks! You save me! It also worked to office 2016!

  • This one worked for me. I had Webex productivity tool in the COM ADD-Ins enabled. Once i disabled. The solver worked for me. Thanks a lot.

  • So basically, what we have here is yet more incompetence shown by Microsoft developers. They’re basically programming a
    64 bit program to look in the 32 bit library (System32)!!! It would make more sense if 64 bit Excel looked in the SysWOW64 folder! But nope, we can’t have sensible programming when we’re buying from Microsoft. Unbelievable that they still
    haven’t patched this either. Microsoft needs competition. Being a monopoly has caused them to be extremely sloppy.

  • Thanks JoBne, your solution fixed it for me too!

    But I make a symbolic link in command prompt.
    Same result.

    mklink “C:WindowsSysWOW64solver32.dll“ “C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficerootOffice16LibrarySOLVERSOLVER32.DLL”
    • Edited by
      Pinguim Gigante
      Thursday, December 22, 2016 6:22 PM

  • Thank you very much, JoBne and special thanks to Raisinasm, I was able to fix this problem on my very own (and in general I’m always drawing the «blond joker», since I am really far away from being an IT Pro). Now I am extremly
    proud on myself, though it’s just because of Raisinasm’s perfect, detailed description. Thanx again, you made my day.


    • Edited by
      Friday, January 6, 2017 5:19 PM

  • Thank you, the solution is absolutely helpful.

  • I tried that but it didn’t help.

  • hola, yo fui a la carpeta en archivos de programa/ microsOffice/office15/library/solver y puse el acceso directo SOLVER.XLAM en escritorio, abro este primero luego una planilla excel cualquiera y ya, tengo solver.


  • Thank you JoBne, after I tried all other solutions, yours finally fixed the problem. Thank you very much :)

In this user guide, we will learn about some potential causes that can cause runtime error 53 vba dll, and then provide some possible fixes that you can try to fix the problem.

If you have native DLLs born in VB 6 or VB 10, you can get 53 errors (file not found) in the declaration history itself. DLL is not required. All dependent files should really be listed here.

A manual entry was not found at the specified location. This has the following reasons and solutions:

For more information, select the last question and press F1 (Windows) or HELP (Macintosh).

Do you have questions or comments about Office VBA or this cumentation? See Section Office VBA Support and Feedback for how often to get support and provide feedback.

I have created a DLL (with C ++) that depends on sqlite3.dll (for the database see & sqlcipher) and I am trying to do it with VBA < / Code>. In VBA I am using the following document:

  Declare the GetData_VBA Lib "xyz.dll" function (ByVal path as string, ByVal identifier as string, ByRef inputArr () as string, ByRef output () as string) Boolean 

Previously, the dll did not hang when sqlite3.dll was working fine. Also, there was an error typing sqlite3.dll

Error fifty-three: xyz.dll not found

  The GetData_VBA Lib "C:  documents  user  ...  projects  xyz.dll" function declares (ByVal as a jump line, ByVal id as a string, ByRef inputArr () as a String, ByRef output () as string) as boolean 

, but it still shows you the same thing. I usually used the dependent walker to check the dependency on xyz.dll . I tried to put almost all xyz.dll and sqlite3.dll in the same mYes, but luckily got the same error anyway.

If you receive the error «Excel Error: Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Error ’53’ File not found: Solver32.dll» in Excel, follow these instructions


If you encounter the error message below, download the Excel file to your host computer instead of opening it directly from email.

Step-by-step instructions

runtime error 53 vba dll

A solution to this error that has worked in the past can be found below:

  1. Before fixing:
    1. Go to C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft Office Office16 Library SOLVER
    2. Find the following files in the list:
      • SOLVER32.DLL
  2. Problems you may encounter: (I left the above files plus 🙂
    1. Copy Solver32.dll to C: Windows System32
    2. Added file: SOLVER32. DLL
    3. After copying the SOLVER32.DLL file, restart your computer.

Help to improve

runtime error 53 vba dll

Related Articles

Runtime Error 53: Solver32.dll is less than found.
after adding a solver by checking the add-in checkbox and trying to run the solver from Data / Analysis / Solver

Step 1

Open the PC Start menu by clicking any Windows button on the bottom toolbar of this desktop. From the Start menu, navigate to the new Control Panel button and click it.

Runtime error message fifty three

2nd Step

At the same time, browse the various shortcuts in the Control Panel and look for any type of CD icon next to the 18-foot open Programs and Features window. Double-click the icon to open a corresponding new window that stores all courses installed on your computer’s hard drive.


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Symbol for programs and functions

Step 3

Click the Editor button at the top of the new window so that all programs in the list are listed by the software developer. Scroll through the list Go to the workouts installed on your device and find the one that initially gave someone the word Runtime Error 53. Click the program type and name, then click the Uninstall button at the top of the Programs and Features window.

Step 4

Follow the on-screen instructions to run the uninstall utility. Wait for a window to appear stating that the main program has been removed from the new computer. Insert the installation DVD of the program into your computer’s CD or DVD drive, or open a large browser and download the installation file from the official website of the program.

Step 5

Open the entire installation file, which is often found on the installation disc and in the download directory on your computer. Click Next, then select the I accept, I accept the terms of use radio button. Click Next again, then select Install to reinstall the application. Open the program to understand that you usually still don’t get error 53 at runtime.


Start MicrosoftExcel.From the menu bar, select File> [Excel] Options> Trust Center> Trust Center Options> Macro Options.In some of the sections above, select the radio for «Disable all macros for notifications.»

If after reWhen installing the program, you still receive the Personal Message error, which means that the installation of this file does not provide the DLL file that the program needs and wants to work properly. You will need to contact the software company that made the program for instructions on how to obtain a copy of the DLL file.

The software to fix your PC is just a click away — download it now.

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XL Toolbox and Solver in Excel 2013






  • Anonymous

    I recently upgraded to Office 2013 and noted that the XL toolbox somehow is interfering with the function of SOLVER add-in. I had XLtoolbox 5.05 earlier with Office 2007, and it was great. Now I note that both v5.05 and v5.08 Toolbox addins show the same problem with office 2013. When I try to use SOLVER, I get an error message ‘Runtime Error 53’ from Microsoft Visual Basic saying «File Not Found — Solver32.dll». If I uninstall XLToolbox, SOLVER works just fine.

    Don’t know if others have already reported this and if there is any resolution for the problem. I appreciate any help.


  • Daniel Kraus


    I’m afraid I don’t know the solution for this problem right now as I do not have access to Office 2013. But I’ve heard about this issue before. Maybe it has something to do with the way the Toolbox handles its own DLL files (there are two of them), as your error message complains about the solver32.dll file not being found. I’ll investigate.


  • Daniel Kraus


    Last edit: Daniel Kraus 2013-03-13

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for the update. Unfortunately, the problem still remains. Even with v5.09, I still get the same error with Solver. Look forward to any future workarounds you may figure out.


  • Anonymous

    Its a great soft.
    how to solve problem with office 2013????????

    Please Reply

  • Daniel Kraus

    I wish I was able to help you. But as I said, I don’t have either Windows 7/8 or Excel 2013, so I cannot test the Toolbox with this configuration. Since I do not take money for the Toolbox, I would have to pay for these products out of my own pocket, which I won’t. Sorry I cannot help you further.




2 Replies

  • Author Laki Pappas


    This person is a Verified Professional

    This person is a verified professional.


  • Author Priyal Chugh


    The problem may be related to Add-ins. Try the following steps:

    1. Enable VBA/Developer tab
    2. Under developer tab, go to COM Add-ins
    3. Uncheck all the options
    4. Restart Excel

    Good Luck!


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