Twelve trolls play a game.note
Vast Error is a fan adventure (a fan comic based off of Homestuck) written and created by Austinado and drawn/co-created/co-written by Sparaze.
It follows twelve trolls who play a game, each with their own varying personalities based off of common fanon character tropes created by the ‘Homestuck’ fanbase. The comic started with a short beta on the old MSPA Forums on 3/22/11, before restarting and staying on MSPFA on 3/25/13, though still keeping its 322 arc number. The story hardly updated from 2013 to the end of 2016, which the creators have expressed happened due to personal reasons before having a regular update schedule starting on 12/18/16. By 10/16/2020, Vast Error moved to its own website, Deconreconstruction.
The comic is currently one of the most popular on its hosting site, and has official albums as well as a full music team, a game programmer, an art team and a creator ran discord which can be found here
The story quickly became known for its heavy use of trope subversion, deconstruction and reconstruction of a normal sburb-related fan adventure. Though the story centers around a completely different game entirely with only a few sburb-like constructs within it.
Fans of the comic also tend to have an unexplained fixation on Bart Simpson◊ which has become a rather infectious meme within the MSPFA community as a whole called «bort».
Contains Examples of:
Accidental Innuendo: Murrit’s trolltag: unclaspedKahuna. (Though this was more than likely intentional on his part.)
- Added Alliterative Appeal: All ‘Skorpe’ themes follow this pattern.
- Alien Blood: The cast is made of up of trolls, what did you expect?
- Aliens Speaking English: Subverted, supposedly trolls used to speak in an alien language before an event called ‘The Renaissance’ but after that ended they began to speak English instead due to linguistic evolution.
- All Trolls Are Different: Literally, in this case. As these trolls aren’t from Alternia or Beforus, but a separate troll planet called Repiton that follow neither of the canonical one’s rules with a few exceptions. They don’t even breed or get named in the same way.
- Anti-Climax:
- Arcjec’s run in with The Plinkster.
- After a tense standoff, Snowman is neck snapped by Charmed Defalcator’s ass.
- Archetype:
to Word of God, the main characters are all based off of common Homestuck fantroll archetypes:
- Arcjec: Author Avatar/The Protagonist
- Tazsia: Monster Clown
- Albion:
Mary Sue
- Dismas: Emo Teen
- Murrit: Cloudcuckoolander
- Laivan: Furry Fandom/Expy
- Ellsee: Chekhov’s Gunman
- Occeus: Mad Scientist
- Calder: Dude, Where’s My Respect?
- Serpaz: Plucky Comic Relief
- Sovara: Dark and Troubled Past/Designated Victim
- Jentha: The Load
- Arc Words: Possibility, which deals with choices and alternate universes created by those choices.
- Ass Kicks You: Charmed Defalcator kills Snowman this way by accident.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Murrit and Dismas as a kismesissitude.
- Bizarre Alien Reproduction:
- Matespritship and kismesissitude are taken much more seriously as relationships on this planet, this breed of troll is overly sentimental to a territorial degree. The choice can’t be random or meaningless and finding sexual intimacy for the first time between a red or black couple essentially means an eternal emotional bond with your partner to have and to hold for life that you can’t back out of easily. Prolonged separation from one’s matesprit or kismesis results in withdrawal symptoms since the coupling process has physiological ramifications, and it’s forbidden to attempt recoupling with another partner after the end of a relationship. That being said, this doesn’t actually tie in to the reproduction process.
- A few times per sweep trolls are rounded up to go to a reproduction stable to leave behind some sort of DNA for a friendly service droid who makes your stay as comfortable as possible while you decide what to give it. Anything genetic is viable, to a strand of hair to a bucket of blood or seed. Though the more you give the more dominant it becomes in the artificial grub making system.
- Eventually that trolls strand will be rooted out and a grub will be made using their DNA and sharing their sign. The donating troll will then become that troll’s ancestor and normally this will happen well after that troll is dead.
- Boom, Headshot!: Scathing Sharper is shot in the head by a gun thanks to Mimesis.
- The Chosen Ones: Prospit sees the trolls, their blank planets revolving around a shielded Skaia and their creative potential as such.
- The Constant: According to Mimesis, Jack Noir and his group are one across every timeline and world.
- Crossing the Burnt Bridge: Subverted. Taz’s talk with Arcjec for the first time in an assuming two or so sweeps was anything but pleasant, she didn’t leave any time to cross the bridge before she shoved Arcjec into a chair and held him down forcing them to talk.
- Deconstruction: Some aspects of Homestuck are deconstructed, for example, the Death World that Trolls live on, Repition, is not habitable in the least, with so many ecological disasters, there are about 50,000 trolls left on it. Also, Repiton is literally the only planet in existence to harbor life. This mean that there is no other galaxy or alternate dimension to flee to should it all end, and the planet has been caught in an endless cycle of repeats just to bear the conditions necessary to play The Game.
- Dem Bones: White Noise.
- Double Entendre: Most of Murrit’s nicknames and insults can fall under this category.
- Dysfunction Junction: Most of the cast doesn’t have their shit together to one degree or another.
- Flashback: After Arcjec is left unconscious in the mud after falling out of his window, we are given all of the information and character introductions needed before we return to him.
- Foreshadowing: Too much to list, even in Act 1.
- Formula-Breaking Episode: Intermission 2 Side 1 deals with alternate versions of the Midnight Crew, known here as the Dead Shufflers, and a transdimensional hotel filled with both alternate versions of themselves as well as the Felt from Homestuck, they’re sent to devalue. It ends with everyone dead, but Scathing Sharper gets killed by Mimesis.
- Genocide from the Inside: The fate of most of the planet’s sea dweller population. Calder’s ancestor, apparently out of jealousy, started a campaign which ended with the slaughter of 99.9% of all sea dwellers on the planet, the numbers of which included all of the fuchsia bloods.
- Geometric Magic: Members of the Weird Al cult appear to have circle patterns tattooed or otherwise etched into their palms. Weird Al himself is the only one seen using them thus far, and the patterns on his palms change each time depending on the type of magic he’s using. So far these powers have ranged from killing Dismas’s lusus to TEARING A HOLE IN REALITY to get at Dismas’s entry codes.
- Hentai: Murrit indulges in this quite a lot, going as far as having a «Hentai Dungeon». Though even he admittedly has come to a point where he’s not entirely certain how much of it is an ironic or spiteful interest over sarcastic enjoyment.
- Info Dump: Describing troll reproduction in the middle of a character introduction, because it’s very important.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: «But I think you already knew that much. Didn’t you?»
- Magic or Psychic?:
- Albion’s spirit powers.
- Subverted. Most lowblood powers have evolved into becoming survival mechanisms, like Arcjec’s supposed ability to play dead and Dismas’s pseudo-healing factor.
- Mundane Utility: The ‘Ferocity Weaver’. Which is just a novelty hand clapping toy.
- Non-Mammal Mammaries: Constantly brought up.
- Oh, Crap!: Spade Slick and Crowbar share a silent one when they realize that Charmed Defalcator killed Snowman.
- Online Alias: All troll have trolltags and use the new hit messenger client ‘Skorpe’.
- Pseudo-Crisis:
- Albion’s merger with her lusus to become THE TRUE ONESELF.
DQ: *because*soon*enough*
- Albion then learning that her training to become THE TRUE ONESELF and save all of her friends and the salvage the planet was a lie in order to allow her ancestor to possess her.
- The fact that none of the trolls with the exception of Murrit and Laivan know anything about this game, and supposedly don’t want to learn.
- Purple Is Powerful: Expressed by GS to Murrit.
- Rule 34: Murrit having accurate body pillow depictions of all of his friends.
- Seinfeldian Conversation: Most all Skorpelogs thus far, to a played up degree.
- Sickly Green Glow: Literal in the case of The Green Sun, which is White Noise’s dying heart and soul.
- Signature Laugh: «UK: >([a#a#a#e#tee#ee#ee#oo#oolmaololrofl]»
- Sins of Our Fathers: Because of the actions of his genocidal ancestor, pretty much everyone on the Planet has a reason to dislike Calder just for existing.
- Sleep Cute: Here.
- Sophisticated as Hell: The writing style. Not as bad as Homestuck, but Austinado and Sparaze sure can make a hell of a sentence.
- Special mention goes to Doc Scratch, who writes a note for Scathing Sharper to «Fuck them up.»
- Spirit Advisor: Albion’s lusus, even in name.
- Star Power: Literal through the Spirit Powers of Star Children.
- Stop Being Stereotypical: Used by Arcjec when first speaking to Laivan.
AH: XDXD Who knows, with you there are infinite possibilities! XDXD
AH: XDXD Which is to say there are sparingly few and you’re as one-dimensional as they come. XDXD
AH: XDXD Take a lesson in character before you decide to say something that’s supposedly important to the big things you’re playing up. XDXD
- Technicolor Eyes: Taz’s pupils and Albion when inside The Cell.
- Title Drop: Almost.
- Unsound Effect: Too many to name. There are normal ones like KICK and SLAM and there’s BIPPITY BAPPITY.
- Wham Episode: Act 2’s last [S], «Ellsee: Enter» ends with most of the trolls now having entered the Medium, with only one planet left. The trolls’ planet, Repiton, has now been added to the Medium as well, replacing Skaia.
- A World Half Full: The troll’s planet, supposedly.
Streaming + Download
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Purchasable with gift card
1. |
Two Spooks Greater
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It begins like every other Hollownull. That is the crux of the problem. |
2. |
Hollownull Hullabaloo
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The music is playing, the TV stand boasts a collection of horror movies for every taste, and there are enough drinks and snacks to appease a much bigger group than the dozen who’ll be there. They’re slowly gathering already, trickling in ones and twos. Falling into the familiar pattern of a group who’s gone through these motions enough times that they’ve faded into mundanity. It’s supposed to be a party. Instead it feels like trying to fit the pieces of a broken plate back together— all of them are still there, but enough went missing in the breakage that they don’t fit together quite right anymore. Serpaz pushes the thought into a corner of her mind and plasters a smile on her face. She’s got no use for downer metaphors tonight. She’s got a party to host, and she’s going to make sure that it is perfect. But elsewhere… |
3. |
Spawn Of Scribe’s Shadow
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There are worlds out there that teem with life: loud and bustling and colorful, messy with the tangled fates of their myriad denizens. Not beautiful— in fact, often quite hideous— but at least interesting. This variant is not one of them. It used to be colorful once, but then color became a memory, and now even the memory has faded into dust and decaying grays. If boredom had a physical manifestation, this would be it. An empty expanse of flat land, with only the husks of old buildings, nearly abandoned, for the eye to snag on. Dead earth and deader sky; not even a gust of wind simulates drawing breath. Then: a flicker. A presence, beading through the membrane of the universe like blood from a pinprick. A globule of color swirls with dizzying vibrancy that defies the monochrome backdrop. It undulates, shivers, contorts itself into a spate of forms, one after the other, a rapid metamorphosis from everything into something that wouldn’t shatter a mortal mind. Eventually, it settles. Knocks that dust right off. And begins searching for someone who will listen to it. Because this may be a dreadfully boring probability in an already dying world, but it is not dead yet. |
4. |
Mimesis Narration I
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Here’s a question, dear listener: what do tight narration and the parasitic possession of a host body have in common? You make them dance for you. You tiptoe into the thoughts of your hapless protagonists, one tender touch at a time. You don’t cause pain—not yet. You caress. You probe for those dark hollows where all the juiciest stuff lies hidden. And then, when you find it, you dig in. You don’t rush; there’s no reason to, they’re yours now. Each bad habit, each little secret, each twisted little thing that makes them tick—they’re yours to feast on. There’s so much color to be found there, in the dark crevasses tucked out of sight. And it is all delicious. Then, when you’re done, when you’ve had your fill and you’re left with the hollowed out husk of your former host, you flush them with your own colors and marvel at the beauty they create. Of course, eventually you need to move on to the next place, the next planet, look for the next friend. The universe is vast and you’re so very hungry. Okay. I have another one for you: what do interdimensional travel and a Hollownull party have in common? They tend to get messy. |
5. |
Oh No, It Goes
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What’s the first thing to go wrong? Serpaz misses it, blissfully engrossed as she is in a board game whose rules she didn’t read all the way through. But the light shifts and what looked like an intact plate is back to being a collection of shards. Serpaz tries to fix it, tries to goad more people into joining her game. Not even Jentha bats an eye. When that fails, suggests that they watch a movie or tell each other spooky stories, or… Everyone’s drifted to their own corner, or into one of the other rooms. The light from the TV screen bleaches all the colors from the floor, from the empty furniture, from the pile of DVDs that stays untouched. Nobody cares. Nobody cares when Serpaz starts to fume about them not caring either. |
6. |
Manic Pixie Everlasting Nightmare
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And nobody looks up when Serpaz leaves. For what feels like ages, Serpaz sits in the fire escape of her hive, kicking her legs through the gaps between the rusted bars. Each kick rocks a wailing screech through the structure, as though the entire staircase might peel off the wall and collapse into itself like an accordion. She kicks harder. The screech burrows under her skin until it feels like it’s her bones that are vibrating. A second pair of legs joins hers in kicking. She turns on the newcomer, expecting to see her matesprit, there to comfort her as he often does— but instead sees herself. |
7. |
Parasitic Host
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Her copy is smiling. Something she cannot name lurks in its eyes, beneath a whirlpool of algae green and petrol blue. It’s hypnotizing enough to make her not question it. «You look upset», her copy says. «What’s the matter?» «Nothing.» Serpaz offers a smile that matches that of her copy. «Me? Upset? I’m not upset! Why would I be upset? I’m never upset.» If her friends are party poopers that always bring her down, and if she’s so bored she wants to carve her brains out of her skull, that doesn’t mean she’s upset, does it? It takes her a moment to realize she said all of that out loud. Her copy grins from ear to her. Its eyes glow brighter, teal and canary yellow. «I can show your friends how to have fun,» it says, «but I’d need your help.» «What do you mean?» Serpaz asks. The fire escape sways around her; the corners of her vision coil into blooming fractals. «You’re so bright,» her copy says, its mouth stretching just an inch too wide. «Too bright for this empty shell of a world. You don’t deserve for those so-called friends of yours dulling your colors.» It’s not an answer to Serpaz’s question, but it’s exactly what she wants to hear. It soothes the voice at the back of her mind, the one that she often manages to forget. The one that says it’s her fault everything’s falling apart. That if she wasn’t so much— or if she could be more— their friend group would be as happy as they used to be. She clears the lump in her throat. «What do you need me to do?» The copy laughs a laugh that’s much unlike her own. No snorting giggles, but a suave cackle, if such a thing exists. And it begins to morph its shape, twist and contort in place as it dribbles chroma from every pore and animates the setting around them. Then it begins to sing. «Oh my my my… whatever do we have here? A troll all by their lonesome I can tell you have the spark Every party needs a stellar hosting Here now, you must come a little closer Parasitic Every party needs a stellar hosting Truly each of them are sleeping There’s simply no chance denying Parasitic The life of the party… is doomed! |
8. |
Witch Stew
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Serpaz’s copy reverts back to its initial state and gives her a dazzling smile. Then, the copy reaches under her own jaw and, with a nail that’s entirely too sharp, slices her throat open. Blood spurts out, except it’s not blood. It’s thick and viscous and it shimmers in a cascade of colors, each of them alive, reaching. Green and pink and icy blue merging and devouring each other and staining her copy’s skin and clothes alike. All the while, her copy keeps smiling. She fills a vial with her blood and presses it into Serpaz’s hand. «All you need to do is make sure your friends ingest that», it says, oil-slick blood dribbling down her chest. «It will make them remember how to have fun.» «Just make sure you don’t swallow any of it.» |
9. |
The Greater Good
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As Serpaz steps back inside, she steps back into herself, too. What did she just agree to do? She looks at the vial in her hand. Its contents have a dangerous gleam to them, and Serpaz is reminded of the smile of the creature that wore her skin while blood poured from its slit throat. A shiver rakes through her body with such force that she nearly drops the vial. She casts about the room. Nobody seems to have noticed her distress— or her return, for that matter; all her friends are there and yet not one of them can even be bothered to look at her. They stare at the TV’s vacant flickering, or chat amongst each other in subdued tones, or stare out into the nondescript darkness. Frustration mingles with helplessness. These are supposed to be her friends? These people who cannot even celebrate together? A crystalline crack snaps Serpaz out of her thoughts. She’s clutched the vial so tightly that a hairline fracture has shot up the side of it. It’s a near thing, but it’s not broken. The liquid inside shimmers even brighter, and once again, Serpaz sees it for what it is: A solution to her problems. |
10. |
Mimesis Narration II
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Trust is a funny thing, isn’t it? Spend enough time around someone, let yourself get used to their presence, their closeness, and you open yourself up to every manner of danger without even noticing. All on the belief that they’re not going to hurt you. Suffice it to say, Serpaz makes quick work of her task. A round of drinks with some snacks on the side, and her friends find themselves inoculated with the creature’s blood. The last thought they have before their consciousness succumbs is that it tastes like candy. Serpaz’s friends go rigid. Glasses shatter between convulsing fingers and scatter on the floor, the sound drowned out by the music. Serpaz stands in the threshold and watches as her friends collapse amid violent shivers, bodies contorting in a soundless pantomime of agony. She’s still clutching the now empty vial. What has she done? But one by one, they stop shivering. They open their eyes again and Serpaz gasps as she’s greeted by that same iridescent oil slick swirl she saw in the face of her copy. They stand up, grins like slit throats spreading on their faces, and drag Serpaz into the crush of bodies now linked together with candy-flavored blood, and they begin to dance. All of them— except one. Because that’s the thing about trust. Sometimes, though not very often, it is justified. |
11. |
Something Foul Is Stirring…
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It’s a beautiful sight, all of them dancing in perfect unison, grinning ear to ear, eyes the true colors of the universe. Serpaz loses herself to the music, to the wholeness of her «friends» being fully together for the first time in so long. She was right all along; she just needed to find the right way to fix it. And, surrounded by them all like this, no longer arguing, nobody being avoided or ignored, it’s easy to convince herself she did the right thing. Alas, it doesn’t last long. One at a time, her friends begin to leave the dance floor and begin to pay their hostess no mind. Their eyes still glazed over with their petrol sheen and the smiles that never falter. They wander out into the fire escape in a manner near orderly, and begin climbing towards the roof of her hive. As she moves to try and stop them, or at least follow, Laivan enters the room. His eyes are clear from the swirl of otherworldly color, and they widen in shock to take in the unfolding sight. He looks around frantically. When he finds her amidst the chaos, his shoulders slump in relief. He rushes to her side, drags her out of the path of egress. Serpaz swallows back the acid that rises in her throat. She can’t bring herself to answer any of his questions, but she must. She caused this, and whatever else is happening to her friends, she’s the only one who can stop it. And then she’ll figure out how to get them back to the way they were. |
12. |
Chromatic Abberator
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What they find on the roof is even worse than what Serpaz fears. An undulating mass takes center stage, its hungry eyes the only indication it’s the same creature that claimed Serpaz’ form only a few hours prior. Kaleidoscopic tentacles unfurl from the base of it, twisting and pulsing. A low hum bores into Serpaz’ brain, and she doesn’t know if it’s that or the strobing lattice of tendrils that are leaving her dizzy. It takes her a moment to realize the hum is coming from their friends. Each of them is vocalizing at the back of their throats, the sound gradually growing in volume and pitch. The tentacles curl towards their helpless thralls. Laivan grips Serpaz by the shoulders. She hasn’t realized she’s already trying to lunge onto the roof, but she lets herself be pulled back into safety. «Can’t just go in there.» He says with a shaking breath. «We need a plan.» She knows he’s right. She’s already caused enough trouble. |
13. |
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They don’t have much time. The longer the creature feeds on its thralls, the brighter the colors beneath its surface glow, until it illuminates the night like the lure of a ravenous angler fish. Soon enough, the first victims who succumbed to its magnetic pull will find their way here, eager to be swallowed into its iridescent glow. The death of a world, as prosaic as a parasite’s meal. And so it would have ended, too— if Serpaz had not hesitated to inoculate her matesprit with its blood. She knew all along that what she was doing was wrong, didn’t she? After all, she’d have no reason to protect him otherwise. She must have known, somewhere beneath the grime of grief and denial, that no universe offers easy fixes. But let me bring you back to the end of the line, to the moments before this tale’s gruesome resolution. Two worn and bloodied figures facing down the blinding form of the creature that wants to suckle on their world until it’s bled it dry. Around them, the husks of their friends standing on the edge of the roof like sentinels or scarecrows. Serpaz and Laivan nod at each other. When the first flame flickers to life, the ever-present hum reaches a fever pitch. The two of them set to work. |
14. |
Mimesis Narration III
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Silence. That’s all that’s left after that final scream: the ringing sort of silence that makes your skin crawl and teeth ache. Serpaz and Laivan look at each other across the theatre of battle, now riddled with the lifeless forms of those who were their friends mere hours ago. Blood oozes from their mouths and noses and ears, thick and ink-black, any trace of color erased once more. Serpaz is covered in blood too; it itches where it touches her bare skin. She tries to rub it from her forehead and only smears it instead. It’s not going to come out so easily. She offers Laivan a hesitant grin, feeling some more blood on her cheek pull uncomfortably. She made quite the mess, but they won, didn’t they? The two of them can figure the rest out. They can figure anything out as long as they’re together. Laivan doesn’t return her smile. Without saying a word, he turns on his heel and stalks off. We’ve had a good run, listener, but now Daddy’s caught wind of it, and he’s mad. And when Daddy gets mad, it’s time for the curtain call. So salvage whatever you would care to keep of this broken world and hope that you leave it before it blinks out of existence. I’ll see you in the next one. |
15. |
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16. |
The Hotel California Lounge
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And so, yet another sordid chapter of probable cause comes to its end. Or, well, I’d liken it more to a sudden death rattle as its due climax is snuffed out by the guided hand of irrelevance. When the soaps get boring, what choice is there but to change the channel? I mean, we were even getting to the sad breakup trope, they don’t even BOTHER with that one in OTHER adjacent yarns. But regardless, I do so hope your curiosity was tickled, this Hollownull night. At least I must assume it is, but from where I’m sitting, it could be ANY holiday. Arson Prevention Day, Arson Encouragement Day, Beaver Appreciation Day, Custard Pie Abstinence Day, or even the coveted Simultaneous Spontaneous Combustion Day. And if you don’t celebrate any of those…well, you’re not special. There was probably no need to even TELL you a scary story. Your life is already so boring that it scares me. Now, leave while you still can. While I can assure you that the continental breakfast is worth the hype, I CAN’T assure you’ll find your way out if you stick around for it. The valet’s got your ride, but… fix your tail-light. Much love. |
On a branch of The Hyperthetical far flung from the true timeline, a traditional repitonian holiday is still being held: HOLLOWNULL.
A celebration of hedonistic nihilism. For one night, a soul is freed from the damning that comes with reveling in escapism and desire. Costumes that hide the self honor this thought, giving trolls a chance to live out deep fantasies. Pretending to be something they would never have the chance to be otherwise.
It’s on this night, in a probability that’s lost all color and luster, that an alternate SERPAZ HELILO meets something unnatural after a party gone sour.
Full download link: Coming soon!
PLEASE do not buy this album, the re-listen count has been set to maximum.
Cover by Rurichoo
Written by Decadencethief, edited by austinado
Mimesis voiced by Marcie Hobbs
Music by:
Rom M
Managed by the Vast Error Team
Additional mastering by austinado
Composer and track artist credits on individual songs!
released October 31, 2022
Tip: if you discuss ellsee being naked in the comments i will launch you into the fucking sun owo uwu :3
Dear Cesar, and Ven.[]
I hope all is well, except I really don’t. I wish nothing but the absolute worst for the both of you. You are both dirty dirty sinners who need to go embrace Satan’s big beefy and sweaty sexy but scary arms in Hell because that’s where people like YOU belong. in satans big meaty and oh god he is so hot oh my god i cant handle it anymore i cant do it it wil i cn
3 3
Swamp «Ailsea Rabies» milf, is a creature from vast-Errror. Wether or not she is a troll is relatively unknown, as she was born ALONG loo l SIDE the birth of Repition 2, and could have at least seen a beetle or three. She is also the adoptive sibling of Arcjec, after finding him in the winter storm after his parents died. She was diagnosed with depression and anxiety after everyone in her family died from explosive diarrohea.
p.s. she eats pineapple on pizza yuuumm
Swamp mifl has been alive sense the creation of Repition 2, but only gained consiousness 4 years before finding Arcjec in actual Siberia. she raised him in place of his parents, which occasionlly. One day, they managed to go to Disney where they met Taz, an important frenemy in her life. After Arcjec became the final CEO of iHop, Swamp milf decided to live out her dreams of living in a swamp
wtf did u guys do omg.. ur mom[]
After winning a smash tournament aogainst Shrek, Swamp Milfwas able to reside in his Swamp. She lived and still does live there. One day, she stumbled upon Occeus, and the two quickly hit it off as friends, then lovers.She also met with his ex drug cartel members, Dismas and Murrit, and heard not so great stories about his questionably homosexual enemy Calder. Occeus also heard stories about Swamp Milf conjuring up satan for fun, in order to better understand how Repition 2 works, which confirmed satan’s existance. then THE BEST FUCKING CHARACYER did a backflip and found out what the dog was doin.
One night, they did a sex (see occeus gallery for more information o/////////o), which caused Occeus to contract an STD. See Occeus artice for eme ffn a utfdsj sd f duu a aaa furr d vgvgvomii uy a dbhbhh 878. 8itch
Hey baby…. shits myself is that a bulge.. you must be happy to see me realizes it’s fucking diarrhea let me unzip that for you and take a look… feels it leak down my pants and into my socks mmmmm looks.. hard… literally fucking dies you know I like… hehe.. hard candy.. shoves nasty penis in mouth while sneezing out vomit slurp slurp….. do you… slurp slurp… like this… slurp slurp realizes diarrhea is soaking through her pants turning them brown cough cough.. oh my.. you’re so big I can barely handle it… crams it back in mouth while fart-spraying diarrhea into the already soaked brown underwear I can barely… huff huff… breathe… I love your hard hard candy.. notices a miscarriage and blood mixing with the diarrhea in her pants with the dead baby hey baby.. are you reading to penetrate my lips with your delicious candy…? has a fucking seizure and goes into a coma
what the fuck is going on in the vast error characters wiki bruh
arachnidsGrip was here
8itch ::::::::)
>([wat in t#e good #ot fuck is goin on #ere t#is s#it feral]
ellsee so cool i love ellsee did u know i was her first fan!!!??
the shithead who made thsi couldn’t stop thinking about the swamp stds lady while writing this.
humanity scares me
what the actual fuck is going here.
Help me please
ailsea rabies suffers from chronic diarrohea
im the best wiki editor here
don’t eat ass in the halls
don’t eat ass in the halls
don’t eat ass in the halls