Minecraft error invalid username

No, i didn't just forget my username and password. Although my account is set to stay logged in, Minecraft did another spontaneous request of my email and...

No, i didn’t just forget my username and password.

Although my account is set to stay logged in, Minecraft did another spontaneous request of my email and password to login, and ive never had this problem before, but using the same regular email and password as always, and i was not able to log in. After a look at some support websites, one said that occasionally some of Mojang’s servers are down, and they are not able to retrieve some user data, and that waiting a couple of hours should fix the problem. Long story short: it didn’t.

To explain the issue i have in detail, i will be using example, hypothetical emails and passwords (for obvious security reasons)

When i first got my Minecraft account (about 6 or 7 years ago), my Dad wanted to monitor my account by using his email and password:

[email protected]


and obviously i didnt know what the password was, so every time Minecraft asked for login details i needed to ask him to fill it in.

A few years later I wanted to change it so that I could log in myself, and changed the Email and Password of my account on Minecraft.net to my Email and a password i knew:

[email protected]


And that worked fine. Now every time minecraft randomly decided to ask for login details I could provide them, and this worked every time untill yesterday.

Once again minecraft decided to YEET on me and request login info, and i filled in the same stuff as i always would, and it did log me in, but only let me play the demo version. I logged in to minecraft.net and it said that my account ‘does not own a copy of minecraft’

Insert let me in meme here

I tried logging in to Minecraft few times, before asking my dad to try his password with his email, and came up with the message «Login failed, invalid username and password».

When i clicked ‘Forgot your password?’ and entered my dads email, and after that mine, neither of us recieved password resetting emails.

So currently im stuck at the login screen of Minecraft launcher, unless I fancy a game of Minecraft demo edition that only lets you have one world, stuck in default survival with no cheats, that will get deleted in 5 Minecraft days anyway; not that that isn’t fun :P

  1. Помогите сделать так чтобы на сервере можно было использовать русские никнеймы.
    При попытке зайти на сервер под русским ником получаю сообщение:
    Сервер: Disconnecting Данил [/]: Invalid username!
    Клиент: Invalid username!
    Есть ли плагин который решит эту проблему?
    У меня MCPC+

  2. Быстрая раскрутка сервера Minecraft

  3. Русские ники не поддерживаюся сервером.

  4. Может есть фикс или плагин или что то ещо.

  5. svk


    Имя в Minecraft:

    Русская кодировка не поддерживается bukkit. Если тебя это не нравится, переписывай весь bukkit с русской библиотекой…
    И плагины соответственно, все)
    И что я делаю в новый год здесь!?

  6. Упоролся что ли? Кириллица есть в utf-8 значит сервер спокойно может с ней работать.
    Просто там стоит private static final Pattern validName = Pattern.compile(«^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{2,16}$»);

    if ((!this.g.equals(lz.a(this.g))) || (!validName.matcher(this.g).matches()))
    a(«Invalid username!»);

  7. svk


    Имя в Minecraft:

    Не знал что bukkit такой гибкий…
    Завтра буду соображать нормально — посмотрю.
    Стоп, стоп. Как я знаю в c++ надо прописывать библиотеку для роботы с русским текстом. Имя игрока используется много где, а некоторые плагины сие не поддержат.
    И да, я в курсе что это java, просто я его не знаю, и рассказал как это в c++

    ПриветОтЛайки нравится это.

  8. Shevchik


    Имя в Minecraft:

    Это не зря сделано, плагины могут начать тупить адово, лучше эту проверку не снимать.

  9. Ну если юзать китайские символы, то будут тупить на все овер100% :D. А с кириллицей

  10. Shevchik


    Имя в Minecraft:

    Достаточно поставить точку в имени и будет бобо.

  11. Пробовал точки, essentials wg we и еще пачка плагинов даже не дернулась.

  12. Shevchik


    Имя в Minecraft:

    Там просто костыли для этого стоят, раньше скукоживались.
    Но некоторые могут скукожится, особенно которые хранят имя игрока в файлах, или работают с именами игроков.
    (AutoSaveWorld кстати до какой-то версии путал при очистке имена с точками и выходили лулзы.)

    svk и Mik1313 нравится это.

  13. svk


    Имя в Minecraft:

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Русское сообщество Bukkit

Bukkit по-русски - свой сервер Minecraft


  1. Solution. Failed to Login: Invalid Session in Minecraft/TLauncher
  2. I’m Connecting to ANOTHER’s Server
  3. I’m Connecting to MY OWN Server
  4. Решение. Ошибка входа: Недействительная сессия в Minecraft/TLauncher
  5. Я захожу на ЧУЖОЙ сервер!
  6. Я захожу на СВОЙ сервер!
  7. Minecraft Forums
  8. Failed to login:invalid session (try restarting your game)
  9. Minecraft Invalid Session Error (5 Ways To Fix)
  10. Minecraft Invalid Session (Fix)
  11. Fix Failed To Verify Username Minecraft Error
  12. What is Failed to Verify Username Minecraft Error?
  13. What are the Causes of Failure to Verify?
  14. How to Fix Failed to Verify Username Minecraft?
  15. When Connecting Premium Server[Premium version]
  16. When Connecting to Personal Server[Cracked Codes Version]
  17. How to Fix Failed to Verify Username Minecraft for Mac?
  18. Other Minecraft Servers
  19. Final words

Solution. Failed to Login: Invalid Session in Minecraft/TLauncher

These errors can be encountered by users of our launcher when trying to connect to various servers. In general terms, the problem is that the server data is licensed and check the player — whether he or she is authorized under the Minecraft license or not! The guide describes the errors related to connecting to servers and the solutions.

Full formulation of the error and its varieties:

Failed to login: Invalid session (Try restarting your game and the launcher)

Failed to verify user name!

I’m Connecting to ANOTHER’s Server

If you connect to an unfamiliar server and get an error related to the session, this can only mean one thing — the server works only with licensed accounts (for example, mc.hypixel.net)!


1) In TLauncher, you need to log in under the Minecraft/Mojang license in the “Accounts” menu item (We never save these data!).

1.1) If you don’t have a license, you need to find a server that doesn’t check for a license (they are numerous).

I’m Connecting to MY OWN Server

If you created your server using a separate server client or, say, Aternos (or another hosting), then the server, by default, checks the license of your account.


You need to disable the license check on the server:

1) For a separate server client: Find the server.properties file in the server folder, then the online-mode=true line, and change it to online-mode=false. Now you can connect to the server.

2) For Aternos and other hostings: In the hosting interface, find such setting menu items as online-mode, License Check, Cracked Client Access. Disable such settings!


Решение. Ошибка входа: Недействительная сессия в Minecraft/TLauncher

С данными ошибками могут сталкиваться игроки нашего лаунчера при попытке входа на различные сервера, в целом, проблема заключается в том, что данные сервера являются лицензионными и они выполняют проверку игрока — авторизован ли он под лицензией Minecraft или нет! В гайде описаны ошибки, связанные с входом на сервера и их решения.

Полное описание ошибки и другие вариации:

Ошибка входа: Недействительная сессия (Перезапустите лаунчер и игру)

Failed to login: Invalid session (Try restarting your game and the launcher)

Failed to verify user name!

Я захожу на ЧУЖОЙ сервер!

Если входите на какой-либо незнакомый вам сервер и получаете ошибку, связанную с сессией, то это значит только одно — сервер работает только с лицензионным аккаунтом (к примеру, mc.hypixel.net)!


1) Вам нужно в TLauncher авторизоваться под лицензией Minecraft/Mojang в пункте меню Аккаунты (Мы никогда не сохраняем эти данные!).

1.1) Если у вас нет лицензии, то нужно найти сервер, который не проверяет необходимость лицензии (таких много).

Я захожу на СВОЙ сервер!

Если вы создали свой сервер с помощью отдельного клиента сервера или к примеру, Aternos (или другой хостинг), значит сервер, по умолчанию, выполняем проверку лицензии вашего аккаунта.


Вам нужно отключить проверку лицензии у сервера:

1) Если отдельный клиент сервера: находим в папке с сервером файл server.properties, там находим строку online-mode=true и меняем её на online-mode=false . Теперь можно заходить на сервер.

2) Если Aternos или другой хостинг: в интерфейсе хостинга находим примерно следующие пункты меню настроек — online-mode ; Проверка лицензии ; Доступ с пиратского клиента. Отключаем или включаем такие настройки (зависит от контекста)!

3) Если используете «Открыть для сети (Open to LAN)» в игре: то нужно в лаунчере запускать версию игры с иконкой TL, если так и делаете, то проверьте, ВКЛЮЧЕНА ЛИ галочка «Использовать скины TLauncher» в «Управление аккаунтами».


Minecraft Forums

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Failed to login:invalid session (try restarting your game)

    li» data-page-inline=»False» data-scroll-inline=»False»>

  • Iron Miner
  • Join Date: 9/20/2013
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I made a server but when I tried to log in it gives me that error. I restarted the game and the computer but it still keeps giving me the error. What do I do?!

  • Tree Puncher
  • Join Date: 6/9/2017
  • Posts: 20
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That error is a classic

Follow these steps:

1. End task for BOTH minecraft and the launcher.

4. (Optional): Make sure that you are connected to the internet

  • Iron Miner
  • Join Date: 9/20/2013
  • Posts: 265
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That error is a classic

Follow these steps:

1. End task for BOTH minecraft and the launcher.

4. (Optional): Make sure that you are connected to the internet

So you mean start the task manager and close it with that? Cause I already closed out of minecraft and went back in.

  • Iron Miner
  • Join Date: 9/20/2013
  • Posts: 265
  • Member Details

log out of minecraft, not just close it

Click your Minecraft username in the upper right part of the launcher, select Log out, then re-enter your info and try the game again.

I think i saw the problem. I went to sign out and it said unknown. I logged in an now it says my username

that explains why my skin was steve.

IT WORKED. I dunno why I was signed in as unknown though. anyone got explanation for that?


Minecraft Invalid Session Error (5 Ways To Fix)

Minecraft is a massively popular multiplayer game, and having an error that prevents you from connecting online to servers can be incredibly bothersome and ruin your playtime. The error shows up when you sign in your gaming credentials and attempt to login to any server, personal, or otherwise. The error suggests that the problem lies in the session, and has something to do with the player’s login information or login attempt. We will try and take steps that can resolve the “invalid session: please try restarting the game” error and get you back to easily connecting to your server and back to crafting and surviving in the harsh and dangerous world of Minecraft.

Before trying anything, restart your PC and make sure you close any unnecessary programs before you run the launcher and try to log in. Sometimes this simple method can help bypass any errors you encounter.

Minecraft Invalid Session (Fix)

1) Restart the game

It is suggested you restart the game and its launcher, and try logging in to your account again. This can help refresh the session files and create a new session that won’t have any problem logging in properly. Also, make sure you run the game as Administrator just to be completely safe.

2) Session timeout or multiple logins

The problem could also be a cause of your session expiring before you had the chance to connect to your server, possibly timing out due to inactivity. Try your account log in again and make sure your account isn’t logged in elsewhere since this could clash with your session. Close all Minecraft windows and log out of all places before trying to log back into your account.

3) Reset account password

There’s a chance someone might have accessed your account somehow and left it open to misuse and fraud. In this case, immediately reset the password on your account and make sure only you have access to it. After doing so, try logging back in and see if this fixed anything.

4) Reinstall mods

If you started getting this error after downloading a new mod or installing one that you used to have before, chances are the issue is caused by it. Try uninstalling that particular mod and then repair the game in windows settings for good measure, before trying to log back in again.

5) Reinstall Minecraft

If all else fails, it is time to completely remove Minecraft and all its files from your computer and start fresh. Uninstall the game, and make sure all files from Appdata are thoroughly removed before downloading the installer from the official site and begin downloading the game again. Make sure to have your windows firewall disabled when your game is done downloading and then try again and see if your issue of ‘invalid session’ is resolved.


Fix Failed To Verify Username Minecraft Error

Designed by Markus Persson, Jens Bergensten, Stephen McManus and Developed by Mojang Studios, Xbox Game Studios, Telltale Games, 4J Studios, Double Eleven, Other Ocean Interactive is a 3D game where players can seemingly move from one house to another. The game is designed such that one can do both, destroy and create a city.

You might have come across the “Failed To Verify Username Minecraft” or “Session Invalid.” issue before you tried joining your Minecraft server. This issue is no new and is tackled by many more as it occurs basically because the client’s launcher failed to re-authenticate with Mojang’s session servers. Fortunately, the good news is this can be fixed with just a few steps.

This is an error that makes a lot of trouble for a true Minecraft lover. When out of nowhere in between the game, the Error pops up. This Error proves to be the most frustrating and fastidious for players.

What is Failed to Verify Username Minecraft Error?

Failed To Verify Username Minecraft error also occurs if you are running a non-premium version of Minecraft. And if you haven’t bought the premium version yet, you entry to most of the servers would be restricted. The fact that the server is running in online mode, the good thing is that you can change to online mode reasonably, very quickly.

The important thing is that it occurs for both Licensed players and Crack code players. Although for a licensed one, it’s much easy to fix. But even for players with cracked codes, it can be easily set by following few simple steps already clearly mentioned in the article. So read the article carefully, and we would solve all your doubts regarding this article.

What are the Causes of Failure to Verify?

This is the Failed To Verify Username Minecraft error that is encountered by numerous other users when they try to connect to other servers. In layman’s terms, the issue is that the data of servers is licensed under, and it’s designed to scan the player — whether the player is authorized or not under the Minecraft license. The Error in simple language that failed to verify Username or Email Address means that their authentication servers [Minecraft/Mojang] are currently not performing up to the expectations, meaning it won’t permit you.

If you try to re-join, kindly note that your side has not raised this issue or problem (offline mode). It would be best if you wait patiently. For the time, Minecraft/Mojangservers are back online. Our article has clearly described the Failed To Verify Username Minecraft errors related to connecting to servers and the solutions right there themselves.

How to Fix Failed to Verify Username Minecraft?

Fortunately, these issues are easy to solve, and by following these line by line process of How to solve. We assure you your gaming won’t halt by this Error. We have divided the entire Failed To Verify Username Minecraft Error into two parts, which are-

If only Failed to login: Invalid session, then try restarting your game and the launcher.

If it blinks, Failed to verify user name or email address.

When Connecting Premium Server[Premium version]

If you are connecting to an unknown server and face a Failed To Verify Username Minecraft error related to the session, possibly it can only mean that — the server works only with licensed accounts (for example, mc.hypixel.net)!


1) In TLauncher, log in under the Minecraft/Mojang license in the “Accounts” menu item in the panel.

1.1) If you haven’t purchased a license yet, find a server that doesn’t verify for a license. You would find plenty of them.

When Connecting to Personal Server[Cracked Codes Version]

If you only have created the server by using a separate server-client, say, Aternos, then it might because the server, by default, checks the license of your account.


In that case, you need to disable the license check of the server in the panel:

1) For a separate server client: Search for the server.properties (Server Properties) file in the server folder, hereafter look for online-mode=true line and make it to online-mode=false. After this, you can connect to the server.

2) For Aternos and similar other hostings: In these interfaces, search setting menu items as online-mode, License Check, Cracked Client Access. Right away, Disable such settings!

Common issues faced

After you restart the launcher, players still can’t join.

If you are currently using the premium version of Minecraft and have already followed the steps How to resolve the Error and still cannot join, try restarting the server. It should work perfectly fine by now.

How to Fix Failed to Verify Username Minecraft for Mac?

Since the Apex Hosting software doesn’t come for Mac, you cannot solve this issue. Moreover, there is rarely a situation where this error appears in Mac. As a last option, you can try re-installing Minecraft to check if the error persists.

Other Minecraft Servers

Final words

Encounter with Error is part of our life. Many philosophers believe that errors open room for success to let in. Keeping this in mind, we advise you that be patient even if, after one or two attempts, the Failed To verify Error doesn’t resolve. Apart from the reasons mentioned above, it might be very well possible that your network connection is slow or Ping is high.

Or you are stuck with in human mind’s limitation. Brain Cramps are very easy to get if one keeps on repeating the same task again and again. It’s very well possible that you are seeing something and applying something else. Have a calm mind and follow the instruction and steps, and this Error would never pop up.


Minecraft launcher may show ‘failed to verify username’ if the launcher itself or the Java edition of your system is outdated. Moreover, hindrance from the antivirus/firewall or conflicting applications (like Hamachi) may also cause the issue at hand.

Failed to Verify Username Minecraft

Before proceeding with the troubleshooting process, check the status of the Minecraft servers (especially, the auth server) if they are up and running. Moreover, performing a reboot of your PC/local server may do the trick for you. Additionally, make sure only one server instance is running on the machine. Also, it is worth mentioning that cracked versions cannot authenticate with the Minecraft server and thus show the ‘failed to verify username’ message.

Solution 1: Edit the Hosts File

You may encounter the failed to verify username issue if the Minecraft entries in the Hosts file of your system are not properly configured. In this context, removing the Minecraft entries from the Hosts file may solve the problem.

  1. Exit the Minecraft launcher and end the related processes in the Task Manager.
  2. Now click Windows, type: Notepad and right-click on Notepad. Then select Run as Administrator.
    Open Notepad As Administrator
  3. Then expand File and select Open.
  4. Now navigate to the following path (copy-paste the address):
  5. Then change the file type dropdown to All Files and double-click on the Hosts file.
    Open the Hosts File in the Notepad
  6. Now expand the Edit menu and select Find.
  7. Then search for Minecraft (or Mojang) and delete all the entries related to it.
    Delete Mojang Entries from the Hosts File
  8. Now save the file and close it.
  9. Then open the Minecraft launcher and check if it is clear of the ‘failed to verify username’ issue.

Solution 2: Update the Minecraft Launcher and Java to their Latest Releases

You may encounter the failed to verify username issue in Minecraft if its launcher or the Java installation of your system is outdated. In this case, updating the launcher and the Java installation to their latest releases may solve the problem.

  1. Open the Minecraft launcher and near the username, click on the Options button.
  2. Then click on the Force Update button and let the update process complete (if it updates).
    Force Update the Minecraft Launcher
  3. Now reboot your PC and upon reboot, check if the username issue is resolved.
  4. If not, download the official Minecraft launcher and install it as an administrator (without removing the previous installation).
  5. Once installed, check if the username issue is resolved.
  6. If the issue persists, click Windows, type: Configure Java and launch Configure Java.
    Open Configure Java
  7. Now steer to the Update tab and click on the Update Now button (near the bottom corner of the window).
    Click Update Java in the Update Tab
  8. If an update is available, apply the Java update. Now repeat the same to the other versions of Java (if you have more than one installation of Java).
  9. After updating Java, check if the Minecraft is clear of the failed to verify username issue.

Solution 3: Create More Storage on the System Drive

The failed to verify username issue may emerge if the drive on which Minecraft is installed is nearly full (which may force the OS to prioritize different essential system operations over the Minecraft processes and thus cause the issue). In this scenario, deleting the temp/unnecessary files of the drive may solve the problem.

  1. Firstly, delete all the unnecessary files on the system drive (if its storage capacity is nearly full) and then perform a disk cleanup of the drive.
    Click Disk Cleanup in the System Drive’s Properties
  2. Now launch Minecraft and check if it is operating fine.

Solution 4: Log out and Log Back into the Minecraft Launcher

A temporary glitch between your Minecraft launcher and its server may cause the ‘failed to verify username’ issue. In this scenario, logging out and logging back into the launcher may solve the problem.

  1. Exit the Minecraft launcher (as well as any 3rd party launcher like Lunar client, if using) and make sure no process related to it is running in the Task Manager.
  2. Then open the Minecraft launcher and Quit Game (if applicable).
  3. Now click on the username (near the top right corner) and select Log out.
    Log Out of the Minecraft Launcher
  4. Then exit the Minecraft launcher and end the Minecraft-related processes in the Task Manager.
  5. Now launch a web browser and steer to the Minecraft website.
  6. Then log in using your Minecraft credentials and after that, open the Minecraft launcher.
  7. Now log in using your Minecraft credentials and check if the ‘failed to verify username’ issue is resolved. If so, then you may use the 3rd party launcher (if being used).
  8. If the issue persists, log out of the Minecraft (and any 3rd party client) and close any of the related processes in the Task Manager.
  9. Then launch a web browser and steer to the Minecraft website.
  10. Now click on Login and open the link of Forgot Password.
    Click on the Forgot Your Password Link on the Mojang Website
  11. Then, enter your email (registered with Minecraft) and click on Request Password Reset.
    Request Password Reset on the Minecraft Website
  12. Now follow the instructions in the email to reset your password and once the password reset is completed, open the Minecraft launcher.
  13. Then log in using your credentials and check if the username issue is resolved.

If the issue persists, then check if your username has space at the end (login to the Minecraft website, double-click on your user’s name, and check if space is highlighted with the name), if so, then you may have to contact the Minecraft support to remove the trailing space.

Solution 5: Allow the Connection to Minecraft in the Antivirus/Firewall Settings

You may fail to verify the username in Minecraft if the antivirus/firewall of your system (Kaspersky is reported to cause the issue at hand) is blocking access to a resource essential for the operation of Minecraft. In this context, allowing the Minecraft connection in the antivirus/Firewall settings may solve the problem. Before proceeding, check if you can access the Minecraft Session Server (a white page means it is OK).

Warning: Advance with extreme caution and at your own risk as editing the antivirus/Firewall settings is a proficient task and if not done properly, you may expose your system/data to threats.

  1. Temporarily disable antivirus and Firewall of your system.
  2. Then check if the username issue is resolved.

Add Minecraft to Trusted Applications of the Firewall

If the issue was resolved after temporarily disabling the antivirus/firewall, then you may add Minecraft in the trusted applications of the antivirus/firewall to allow the connection to Minecraft. For elucidation, we will go through the process for Kaspersky.

  1. Launch Kaspersky and open its settings.
  2. Now, in the left pane, steer to the Additional tab, and in the right pane, open Threats and Exclusions.
    Open Threats and Exclusions in the Kaspersky Settings
  3. Then click on Specify Trusted Applications (in the Exclusions section) and click on Add.
    Open Specify Trusted Applications in Threats and Exclusions Settings of Kaspersky
  4. Now select Minecraft in the applications’ list or click on Browse and select Minecraft (i.e., Minecraft.exe) in its installation directory.
  5. Then checkmark all the options (e.g., Do Not Scan Files Before Opening, etc.) and click on Add.
    Enable All the Exclusions of the Application in Kaspersky
  6. Now save your changes and repeat the same for the following applications (if applicable):
    • java.web start launcher
    • MinecraftServer.exe
    • Java (TM) Platform SE binary (usually located at, c:program filesjavajre7binjavaw.exe)
    • Any other Java installation
  7. Then open the Minecraft launcher and check if it is clear of the verification issue.

Allow the Inbound / Outbound Connection

If the issue persists, you may have to create the inbound/outbound rules to allow the connection to the server. For illustration, we will discuss the process for the Windows Defender Firewall.

  1. Click Windows, type: Firewall, and select Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security.
    Open Windows Defender Firewall
  2. Now make sure no inbound and outbound rule is blocking access to Minecraft (or your local server) and is set to Allow the Connection.
    Allow the Minecraft Connection Through the Windows Defender Firewall
  3. Then, in the Inbound tab, click on New Rule and select Program.
    Create a New Inbound Rule
  4. Now, click on Browse (in front of This Program Path) and steer to the installation directory of Minecraft.
    Open Browse and Steer to The Installation Directory of Minecraft
  5. Then double-click on Minecraft.exe and click on Next.
  6. Now select Allow the Connection and choose all the three profiles (i.e., Domain, Private, and Public, etc.).
    Select Allow The Connection in New Rule Window
  7. Then name the rule as per your easiness and click on Next.
  8. Now repeat the same for the Minecraft server and Java installation.
  9. Then repeat the same steps to create the outbound rules for Minecraft.
  10. Now reboot your PC and check if the username issue is resolved.

If that did not do the trick, then make sure the required ports are properly forwarded in the (system and router) firewall. Also, it will be a good idea to check if the parental filters are not blocking the Minecraft connection and thus causing the issue.

Solution 6: Disable/Remove the Conflicting Applications

You may encounter the failed to verify username issue if the conflicting applications (Hamachi server and Relevant Knowledge are reported to create the issue) are hindering the operation of Minecraft. In this context, disabling/removing the conflicting applications may solve the problem.

  1. Clean boot your PC (do not disable Minecraft-related processes/services) and check if you can log in to Minecraft.
  2. If so, then enable the processes/services one by one till the problematic one is found.
  3. Once found, either disable that process/service at the system startup or completely remove it (if not essential).

Hamachi server and Relevant Knowledge are reported to cause the issue at hand. If you have Hamachi, then disable/enable it when using Minecraft (or uninstall it), whereas, it will be better to uninstall Relevant Knowledge in Apps & Features.

Solution 7: Change the Server Mode to Offline

If none of the solutions so far did the trick for you (and you are using a custom Minecraft server), then changing the server mode to offline may solve the problem. But before proceeding, make sure the server application (e.g., Craftbukkit) is updated to its latest version. Also, if a whitelist is active on the server, then check if whitelisting (or pardoning yourself) solves the problem.

Warning: Proceed at your own risk as setting the server mode as offline may expose your server to hacked accounts and hacking attempts. Also, switching into the offline mode may reset everyone’s progress to defaults.

  1. Firstly, make sure to stop the Minecraft server (execute “/stop” in the server console) and then completely exit it.
    Stop the Minecraft Server
  2. Then right-click Windows and open File Explorer.
    Open the File Explorer
  3. Now navigate to the installation directory of the server (the folder where the Server.jar file is located), usually, Documents/Minecraft.
  4. Then right-click on Server.Properties file and select Open With>> Notepad.
  5. Now expand Edit and click Find.
  6. Then search for online-mode and change its value to false (so it looks like online-mode=false).
    Set Online-Mode to False in Server.Properties of Minecraft
  7. Now save your changes and launch/start the server to check if it is clear of the failed to verify username issue. If so, then you may set up a whitelist on the server (to avoid security concerns).

If the issue persists, then check if disabling IPv6 (or setting the IPv4 in the startup batch of your server) on all the network adapters resolves the issue. If the issue persists and you are using a Lunar client, then setting the “displayName” in the launcher_profiles.json (open with Notepad) in the Lunar folder of %appdata% directory file to your username resolves the issue. If not, check if deleting the mentioned launcher_profiles.json resolves the issue.

Set displayName in Launcher_Profiles..Json to Your Username

  • #21

Running my launcher as admin fixed it for me.

  • #22

When I first started playing FTB, I used caps in my username aka «TellerofStones» and then i did «tellerofstones» and it works just fine.
So FTB doesn’t like caps AT ALL keep this in mind always make sure when typing in passwords and such, always, ALWAYS to it in lower case never do like «NeVeR Do It LiKe ThIs»

Hoped this helped

  • #23

I’ve been getting the same problem today, nothing helps :(

  • #24

We also have this issue repeatedly across different platforms. (Win7, OSX) The suggested solutions posted do not always work. We have a mix of both old username and new mojang accounts. Matters not. Vanilla launcher with or without mods always works. Credentials consistently fail in the FTB Launcher with the Invalid username and password error. The last couple times we have just waited a day, then retried, and it works. Frustrating enough that my kids are scared to click «Quit Game», as quite often they cannot get back into their modded Minecraft until the next day. I wish a common trigger and resolution could be found so this could be permanently resolved. Honestly, this is the only thing that causes us grief with modded minecraft, but we all love the launcher and the packs; and the kids are addicted to DireWolf20 and MagicFarm2, so we just live with it.

  • #25

@cmpteki Thank you sir, you are my lucky charm. I was able to log in on my third try after reading your post.

  • #26

Its a launcher bug and dont have solution, but if u still trying, stopping, trying, stopping, it works

  • #27

I am new to FTB. My first time running the launcher I was hit with an Invalid username and password. I have tried all of the suggestions above a none of them work. is there any other way to fix or will i have to wait till there is an update?

  • #28

None of the fixes work everytime; most luck I have is wait a day or try a force update launch, though that will eat up some bandwidth as it grabs your chosen pack again, and still might fail. This problem used to only happen occasionally, but lately the frequency of failures has become atrocious.

  • #29

got anyone a solution from support?
After the last update, im receiving this error frequently

  • #30

I haven’t see anything. I wish something could be done. Most of the threads start with the suggestion to confirm credentials, ensure using an email address if you have a newer style account, and/or changing the password. Alternate suggestions are deleting the password, having it not save the password, confirming the launcher hasn’t added additional characters etc. Frustrating though, as these do not correct this issue for a lot of people. I still have the best luck with the force update, works about half the time, though with our net connection, its a half hour per attempt. My kids can’t take advantage of the minecraft time they have earned for this evening, as having exited minecraft and rebooting their computers earlier in the day, the error is here again, and their bedtime fast approaches.

The vanilla launcher always working makes things worse, as it teases them with the fact that yes, the credentials, account, and mojang server are fine; the problem is the modded minecraft launcher. Too bad modded minecraft is so much more entertaining, and the ftb launcher so convenient. The kids won’t play vanilla anymore, too boring. *shrug*

This problem really used to be a rare occurence, now though, the old solutions do not resolve the issue, and the error frequency is simply out of control the last little bit.

  • #31

This is now happening to me has been since yesterday I tried everything suggested, going to try a pc reboot now. kids are not happy

  • #32

this doesn’t have to do with the password but when i try to launch a mod it tells me i’m not premium then asks me if i want to play offline i click yes but nothing happens what’s going wrong?

  • #33

I’m having this problem after updating the launcher from 1.3.3 to 1.3.4, tried editing the profile, wiping ftb folders clean (%appdata%/ftblauncher as well) but no luck, I can login normally with vanilla launcher

  • #34

So annoying, I’m having this problem again.

  • #35

I tried something today, I kept getting the bad username error, and then tried switching from my wifi, to using my phones data plan, it logged in fine, which leads me to believe that this issue may be dependant on your ISP. Which to me makes sense, since my communities ISP is notoriously bad.

  • #36

Just add my name to this problem. Are the coders of FTB launcher going to comment on this as people can not log into their games due to launcher being messed up. This has only started happing since i updated the launcher. Also is there anyway to role back the launcher?

FTB admin please look into this and comment. Invaild user. Can log into Minecraft vanila, so i know its not my loging details!

Designed by Markus Persson, Jens Bergensten, Stephen McManus and Developed by Mojang Studios, Xbox Game Studios, Telltale Games, 4J Studios, Double Eleven, Other Ocean Interactive is a 3D game where players can seemingly move from one house to another. The game is designed such that one can do both, destroy and create a city.

You might have come across the “Failed To Verify Username Minecraft” or “Session Invalid.” issue before you tried joining your Minecraft server. This issue is no new and is tackled by many more as it occurs basically because the client’s launcher failed to re-authenticate with Mojang’s session servers. Fortunately, the good news is this can be fixed with just a few steps.

This is an error that makes a lot of trouble for a true Minecraft lover. When out of nowhere in between the game, the Error pops up. This Error proves to be the most frustrating and fastidious for players.


  • 1 What is Failed to Verify Username Minecraft Error?
  • 2 What are the Causes of Failure to Verify?
  • 3 How to Fix Failed to Verify Username Minecraft?
    • 3.1 When Connecting Premium Server[Premium version]
    • 3.2 When Connecting to Personal Server[Cracked Codes Version]
  • 4 How to Fix Failed to Verify Username Minecraft for Mac?
  • 5 Other Minecraft Servers
  • 6 Final words

Failed to Verify Username Minecraft

Failed To Verify Username Minecraft error also occurs if you are running a non-premium version of Minecraft. And if you haven’t bought the premium version yet, you entry to most of the servers would be restricted. The fact that the server is running in online mode, the good thing is that you can change to online mode reasonably, very quickly.

The important thing is that it occurs for both Licensed players and Crack code players. Although for a licensed one, it’s much easy to fix. But even for players with cracked codes, it can be easily set by following few simple steps already clearly mentioned in the article. So read the article carefully, and we would solve all your doubts regarding this article.

What are the Causes of Failure to Verify?

This is the Failed To Verify Username Minecraft error that is encountered by numerous other users when they try to connect to other servers. In layman’s terms, the issue is that the data of servers is licensed under, and it’s designed to scan the player — whether the player is authorized or not under the Minecraft license. The Error in simple language that failed to verify Username or Email Address means that their authentication servers [Minecraft/Mojang] are currently not performing up to the expectations, meaning it won’t permit you.

Failed to Verify Username

If you try to re-join, kindly note that your side has not raised this issue or problem (offline mode). It would be best if you wait patiently. For the time, Minecraft/Mojangservers are back online. Our article has clearly described the Failed To Verify Username Minecraft errors related to connecting to servers and the solutions right there themselves.

How to Fix Failed to Verify Username Minecraft?

Fortunately, these issues are easy to solve, and by following these line by line process of How to solve. We assure you your gaming won’t halt by this Error. We have divided the entire Failed To Verify Username Minecraft Error into two parts, which are-

If only Failed to login: Invalid session, then try restarting your game and the launcher.

If it blinks, Failed to verify user name or email address.

When Connecting Premium Server[Premium version]

If you are connecting to an unknown server and face a Failed To Verify Username Minecraft error related to the session, possibly it can only mean that — the server works only with licensed accounts (for example, mc.hypixel.net)!


1) In TLauncher, log in under the Minecraft/Mojang license in the “Accounts” menu item in the panel.

1.1) If you haven’t purchased a license yet, find a server that doesn’t verify for a license. You would find plenty of them.

When Connecting to Personal Server[Cracked Codes Version]

Failed to verify the personal server minecraft

If you only have created the server by using a separate server-client, say, Aternos, then it might because the server, by default, checks the license of your account.


In that case, you need to disable the license check of the server in the panel:

failed to verify username offline mode minecraft

1) For a separate server client: Search for the server.properties (Server Properties) file in the server folder, hereafter look for online-mode=true line and make it to online-mode=false. After this, you can connect to the server.

2) For Aternos and similar other hostings: In these interfaces, search setting menu items as online-mode, License Check, Cracked Client Access. Right away, Disable such settings!

Common issues faced 

After you restart the launcher, players still can’t join.

If you are currently using the premium version of Minecraft and have already followed the steps How to resolve the Error and still cannot join, try restarting the server. It should work perfectly fine by now.

How to Fix Failed to Verify Username Minecraft for Mac?

Since the Apex Hosting software doesn’t come for Mac, you cannot solve this issue. Moreover, there is rarely a situation where this error appears in Mac. As a last option, you can try re-installing Minecraft to check if the error persists.

Other Minecraft Servers

SCP Minecraft
Captive Minecraft Server

Final words

Encounter with Error is part of our life. Many philosophers believe that errors open room for success to let in. Keeping this in mind, we advise you that be patient even if, after one or two attempts, the Failed To verify Error doesn’t resolve. Apart from the reasons mentioned above, it might be very well possible that your network connection is slow or Ping is high.

Or you are stuck with in human mind’s limitation. Brain Cramps are very easy to get if one keeps on repeating the same task again and again. It’s very well possible that you are seeing something and applying something else. Have a calm mind and follow the instruction and steps, and this Error would never pop up.


  • Partition Wizard

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  • 5 Ways to Fix Failed to Verify Username Error on Minecraft

By Linda | Follow |
Last Updated November 02, 2022

Are you playing Minecraft? Have you ever encountered error «Failed to verify username Minecraft«? In this post, MiniTool Partition Wizard offers you 5 ways to fix this issue. You can try them one by one.

Failed to Verify Username Minecraft

Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Microsoft’s Mojang Studios. In the game, players can interact with blocks in a 3D world. Features in the game include exploring the world, collecting resources, synthesizing items, and survival adventures.

The game allows players to run a multiplayer game mode through the server. However, some people report that they have encountered error «Failed to connect to the server. Failed to very username» when logging into the server.

failed to verify username Minecraft

Why does the Minecraft failed to verify username error occur? The most common reasons are as follows:

  • The server is down.
  • You are running the cracked version.
  • Outdated Java and other reasons.

If You Can’t Connect to Minecraft Server, How to Fix it?

How to Solve Failed to Verify Username Minecraft Error

Fix 1. Log out and Back in

Sometimes, this error may be temporary and many people report that this error disappears after they log out and back in the game. This method is simple that I recommend you to try it first.

  • Close your game.
  • Log off your account from your launcher.
  • You will then be asked to type in your email and password again, please do.
  • Once logged in, you can then start your game and join the server.

Fix 2. Check the Server

If the above method doesn’t work, please check the server status on Mojang website. If the server is down, what you should do is to wait until the server is back online.

How to Fix the Friends Can’t Connect to Minecraft Server Issue?

Fix 3. Activate the Cracked Version

The cracked version cannot authenticate with most Minecraft servers. If you are using the cracked version, please activate it.

If the server is online still and you are using the official version, you can then try the following methods.

Fix 3. Edit the Hosts File

You may encounter the failed to verify username issue if the Minecraft entries in the Hosts file are not properly configured. In this case, removing the Minecraft entries from the Hosts file may solve the problem.

  • Close Minecraft.
  • Open Notepad and click File > Open.
  • Navigate to C: WindowsSystem32driversetc.
  • Change the file type dropdownto All Files and double-click on the Hosts
  • Expand the Editmenu and select Find.
  • Search for Minecraft(or Mojang) and delete all the entries related to it. These entries are usually located at the bottom of the file and look like website addresses.
  • Save the file and close it.
  • Open the Minecraft and login to the server again.

Fix 4. Update Minecraft and Java to their Latest Releases

One of possible reasons why you get the Minecraft failed to verify username error is that the Minecraft and Java is out of date. You can update them to their latest versions.

  • Open the Minecraft and click on the Optionsbutton near the username.
  • Click on the Force Updatebutton and let the update process complete.
  • Click Windows, type Configure Javaand launch Configure Java.
  • Steer to the Updatetab and click on the Update Now If an update is available, apply the Java update.

If possible, you can also try adding the game into the whitelist of the Firewall.

Fix 5. Change the Server Mode to Offline

If you are using a custom Minecraft server, changing the server mode to offline may solve the problem. But please note that switching into the offline mode may reset your progress to defaults.

  • Stop the Minecraft server and then completely exit it.
  • Navigate to the installation directory of the server (the folder where the Server.jar file is located).
  • Choose the Propertiesfile and open it with Notepad.
  • Expand Editand click Find.
  • Aearch for online-mode and change its value to false.
  • Launch game and login to the server again to see whether the issue is solved.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Author Linda has been working as an editor at MiniTool for 1 year. As a fresh man in IT field, she is curious about computer knowledge and learns it crazily. Maybe due to this point, her articles are simple and easy to understand. Even people who do not understand computer can gain something.

By the way, her special focuses are data recovery, partition management, disk clone, and OS migration.

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