I setup minidlna (apt-get install minidlna
) but it does not index any file in my folder.´
[2013/11/04 02:25:09] minidlna.c:898: warn: Starting MiniDLNA version 1.0.24 [SQLite 3.7.13].
[2013/11/04 02:25:09] minidlna.c:926: warn: Creating new database...
[2013/11/04 02:25:09] minidlna.c:132: error: bind(http): Address already in use
[2013/11/04 02:25:09] minidlna.c:1004: fatal: Failed to open socket for HTTP. EXITING
[2013/11/04 02:25:09] scanner.c:727: warn: Scanning /stor/share-public/Filme
[2013/11/04 02:25:25] upnphttp.c:1054: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly
[2013/11/04 02:25:33] scanner.c:798: warn: Scanning /stor/share-public/Filme finished (78 files)!
[2013/11/04 02:25:33] scanner.c:727: warn: Scanning /stor/share-public/Bilder
[2013/11/04 02:25:33] scanner.c:798: warn: Scanning /stor/share-public/Bilder finished (78 files)!
[2013/11/04 02:25:33] playlist.c:125: warn: Parsing playlists...
No files show up, nor on the webinterface, nor from devices.. empty folders.
Config is default, but only I changed inotify=no
because it lead to errors on yes.
asked Nov 4, 2013 at 17:28
I had a similar issue a little while ago.
In the end, I killed minidlna, and then ran the command minidlna -R
to rescan everything and then it indexed all my files again.
answered Nov 6, 2013 at 1:50
2,64213 silver badges14 bronze badges
Just had the same issue with some files missing. Turned out to be a permission problem. minidlna
runs under a dedicated user account minidlna
. It will not list files that it cannot read.
chmod -R o+rX
on your media files. Then rescan your library (sudo service minidlna force-restart
or sudo -u minidlna minidlna -R
). Worked for me.
answered Jan 7, 2016 at 19:59
In my case it turned out to be the file /var/cache/minidlna/files.db that was owned by root instead of the user minidlna. I removed the files after stopping minidlna, restarted with a force rescan and that file was rebuilt from the media directory with the correct permissions (owner minidnla), since then no problem!
answered Sep 23, 2017 at 22:50
When I had the same problem, which wasn’t resolved with the -R option, I solved it by changing name of one of the folders in my video share. (/Share/Video/Horror -> /Share/Video/Horror_t), then running -R.
All of the files in that folder showed up immediately. So I went through and renames all the folders with _t (standing for test) on the end of their name something like Horror_t, Scifi_t, etc. I did another -R and all my videos showed up.
I went back and removed the _t and did the -R command again. And all of the files and folders are showing up again. I’m not sure what caused this. I’m guessing that the server knew about these folders and for some reason didn’t want to rescan them, despite the minidlnad -R command. As soon as it saw them as «new» folders it rescanned them and worked perfectly again.
6,2283 gold badges22 silver badges38 bronze badges
answered Apr 22, 2018 at 2:44
To me it looks more like a bug. Not all folders were shown. After renaming the missing folders on the harddisk just by adding ‘1’ at the end of the folders name hthey appeared. And they stay visible also after renaming the folder back to the orignal name (‘1’ removed again).
I found, that only 10 folders show up in the ‘Folders’ folder and not more. When i rename the 11th folder then it appears correctly, but after restarting the 11th folder disapears again.
answered Sep 17, 2020 at 15:58
I had similar issue. I fixed it by allowing user minidlna accessing media files.
In my case files are on external UBS drive where media folder is owner by www-data user and www-data group.
www-data is owner since files are also available via ownclound (apache)
usermod -a -G www-data minidlna
and then
minidlnad -R
sudo systemctl restart minidlna
answered Dec 9, 2020 at 14:48
I had the same problem. The solution was — rename files -> they can not have any special character.
answered Apr 26, 2020 at 14:56
In my case the scanning stopped when it reached an empty video file. (Just the empty file with *.avi extension). There was even no info in the minidlna debug log, it just silently stopped on that file.
Then I found all empty files:
cd media_folder
find . -type f -empty
and removed them, and it works again!
answered Feb 1, 2022 at 6:48
1112 bronze badges
- Сообщений [ с 26 по 50 из 446 ]
- 26 Ответ от vovic67 2011-09-15 19:12:46
- Re: Minidlna на Keenetic
- 27 Ответ от g0ga 2011-09-18 10:39:03
- Re: Minidlna на Keenetic
- 28 Ответ от vovic67 2011-09-18 16:18:00
- Re: Minidlna на Keenetic
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- 1 Тема от Zyxmon 2011-09-02 06:50:16
- Тема: Minidlna на Keenetic
- 2 Ответ от mmm8008 2011-09-02 01:25:39
- Re: Minidlna на Keenetic
- 3 Ответ от mmm8008 2011-09-02 01:30:17
- Re: Minidlna на Keenetic
- 4 Ответ от mmm8008 2011-09-02 02:06:19
- Re: Minidlna на Keenetic
- 5 Ответ от Zyxmon 2011-09-02 06:59:23
- Re: Minidlna на Keenetic
- 6 Ответ от mmm8008 2011-09-02 08:03:04
- Re: Minidlna на Keenetic
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- Need help to upgrade old NAS. Lots of questions.
- Need help to upgrade old NAS. Lots of questions.
- MiniDLNA plugin
- MiniDLNA plugin
- MiniDLNA plugin
- MiniDLNA plugin
- MiniDLNA plugin
- MiniDLNA plugin
- MiniDLNA plugin
- MiniDLNA plugin
- MiniDLNA plugin
- MiniDLNA plugin
- MiniDLNA plugin
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26 Ответ от vovic67 2011-09-15 19:12:46
- vovic67
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Re: Minidlna на Keenetic
noraleks, как я понял. Как только вы начинаете копировать (удалять) медиа файл в отслеживаемой minidlna папке, то возникает событие «inotify» (если inotify=yes). Это событие будет обработано через время равное inotify_interval (напр. =600), т.е. за 10 мин. файл должен подностью скопироваться на USB носитель Кинетика (понятно, что удаление требует меньше времени). По истечении 10 мин. (inotify_interval=600) minidlna натравливает на этот файл ffmpeg (если видео), который вытаскивает из файла мета данные и эти данные добавляются в базу. Если в отслеживаемых minidlna папках нет изменений, то событие «inotify» не возникает.
Медиа папки всегда можно пересканировать дописав в скрипт запуска minidlna ключ -R
* «Событие «inotify»» — это мой термин, не совсем корректный.
Отредактировано vovic67 (2011-09-15 20:06:42)
27 Ответ от g0ga 2011-09-18 10:39:03
- g0ga
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Re: Minidlna на Keenetic
Добрый день! установил minidlna на keenetic. телевизор Samsung LE32D550 видит и воспроизводит фильмы.
Провайдер вещает по мультикасту ip tv, используя udp протокол
есть плейлист m3u вида
#EXTINF:0,001 Первый канал
#EXTINF:0,002 Pоссия 1
#EXTINF:0,003 Россия 2
#EXTINF:0,004 Россия К
#EXTINF:0,005 Пятый канал
#EXTINF:0,007 7ТВ
и т.д.
как привязать плейлист к minidlna, чтобы потоковое видео можно было смотреть на ТВ.
28 Ответ от vovic67 2011-09-18 16:18:00
- vovic67
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Re: Minidlna на Keenetic
g0ga, смотрим в сторону pshare и UDPxy
Отредактировано vovic67 (2011-09-19 11:13:53)
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1 Тема от Zyxmon 2011-09-02 06:50:16
- Zyxmon
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Тема: Minidlna на Keenetic
Начнем отдельную тему. Перенеcу сюда последние посты по minidlna.
2 Ответ от mmm8008 2011-09-02 01:25:39
- mmm8008
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Re: Minidlna на Keenetic
приветствую. добрался и я до вашего форума.
Подскажите может чето не так сделал.
В связи с выложенными vovic67 r4 обновлениями решил их установить. Скачал на комп. Есть PUTTY (не знаю что это за тип приложений) через него зашел на роутер по . долго вспоминал логин, помогла статья на 3дньюс (root) пароль на букву z. Дальше в растерянности стал думать, как же мне все это дело обновить, морально был готов как в первый раз потратить на это не меньше 2 часов. Пока думал, решил выполнить пару команд, которые почему-то прочно засели в моей голове и, надеюсь, не зря opkg update и opkg upgrade. И каково же мое удивление, когда PUTTY выдал
так вот я немного не пойму минидлна обновился или нет? что нибудь еще надо делать?
3 Ответ от mmm8008 2011-09-02 01:30:17
- mmm8008
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Re: Minidlna на Keenetic
Кажется обновился. посмотрел в логах минидлна, но что-то слова failed не нравятся.
И еще: упорно не хотят добавляться некоторые фильмы в базу (( уже и базу данных удалял, винт перетыкал, а он все unsuccesful и все тут. Есть лекарство?
4 Ответ от mmm8008 2011-09-02 02:06:19
- mmm8008
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Re: Minidlna на Keenetic
Ураа! похоже я его победил: минидлна обновился, фаилы добавились!
Удалил базу данных минидлна, переключил диск, и вот они все родимые!
сразу захотелось что-нибудь еще сделать.
открыл список opkg list, ничего себе.
5 Ответ от Zyxmon 2011-09-02 06:59:23
- Zyxmon
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Re: Minidlna на Keenetic
так вот я немного не пойму минидлна обновился или нет?
Из строки «Upgrading minidlna on root from 1.0.21-1 to 1.0.22-1. » видно, что обновился. Это так, на будущее. К теме отношения не имеет.
открыл список opkg list, ничего себе
Самому стало интересно — 127 пакетов. Большей частью библиотеки. Общее число пакетов, которые собираются в openwrt более 2000. Прада у нас есть такие, для которых Makefile’ы были самостоятельно написаны.
6 Ответ от mmm8008 2011-09-02 08:03:04
- mmm8008
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- Сообщений: 21
Re: Minidlna на Keenetic
так вот я немного не пойму минидлна обновился или нет?
Из строки «Upgrading minidlna on root from 1.0.21-1 to 1.0.22-1. » видно, что обновился. Это так, на будущее. К теме отношения не имеет.
Ждал какого-либо статуса OK Fail. а из той строчки видно, что идет процесс обновления.
Не подскажите, как посмотреть узнать команды, которые доступны для minidlna? Допустим хотел узнать версию minidlna, ввожу minidlna ver, minidlna ?, minidlna help >> выдает ошибки.
Также хотел остановить ее перед удалением базы через minidlna stop (гугл подсказал) >> результат тот же.
voviv67 просил отзыв о том, на сколько все понятно; после того как все встало само сабой через opkg upgrade даже не знаю, что и писать. Возможно, кому-то подойдет удаление базы данных из system/tmp/minidlna и передергивание HDD для пересканирования базы. По логам у меня на ее сканирование ушло 11 минут (43 файла, ок 150Гб). Проц на кинетике показывал 95-100% загрузки, остановил почти все раздачи в трансмисси, вроде стало полегче.
Отредактировано mmm8008 (2011-09-02 08:03:42)
Posts by Crawling Chaos
SATA Card/Controller
I’m running a PCIe 4x stat card in a 1x slot on a RPi CM4 i/o board. While it isn’t as fast, it works fine. I did cut the slot though : ) Many boards have slots that are larger physically than electrically (16x might be 4x or 8x and 4x might be 1x).
My motherboard’s PCIe slot already came open on the back, which is very versatile. But I think the performance loss doesn’t justify using a SAS card. But it’s a personal guess anyway. I never did any measurements or benchmarks to verify.
SATA Card/Controller
When one decides to increase a system SATA or SAS capability, there is a lot of add-on cards that may be used. However, it is very difficult to find a SAS card with PCIe 1X. So, if you have a motherboard with such limitation, you may become also limited to a few PCIe 1X SATA cards.
Also, there are M.2 to SATA adapters, but I don’t know how reliable they are.
Most recent NAS
Nice setup, but you are publishing your wifi password in the internet.
Need help to upgrade old NAS. Lots of questions.
I’m sorry but I’ve never used it, but I see considerable discussion about it, and I’ve never seen any horror stories.
I will give it a try, then. Thank you, Agricola.
Need help to upgrade old NAS. Lots of questions.
In the Plugins tab of OMV:
Thanks. But what about its reliability?
Need help to upgrade old NAS. Lots of questions.
Well, I just finished my first rsync backup and now I fell much less woried as there is ONE copy of my data. But I don’t feel the rsync process is practical for me. I would rather use a system that backup my data everytime I plug a particular drive in the server. Is there such a system? Is it reliable as rsync?
MiniDLNA plugin
This thing eludes me. Today I tried to use the DLNA server and saw that it was not working. So, I finally flipped the enable switch and.
MiniDLNA plugin
No. I recommend not using minidlna. And while I used vladgh/minidlna for the minidlna docker plugin proof of concept, I wouldn’t necessarily assume it is good because I do not use minidlna.
Is there any DLNA solution which you recommend, then?
MiniDLNA plugin
The plugin doesn’t do anything with init scripts. It just issues systemctl commands (which should work even if minidlna is still using init scripts). All of these issues really are minidlna issues. The plugin might get pulled because it is just used for a reference plugin when porting to new versions of OMV. If someone really wants to run minidlna, they should use docker. I guess I could update my minidlna docker plugin but that was really just for reference as well.
Do you recommend to change to a docker minidlna, then? If yes, do you recommend any particular minidlna docker image?
MiniDLNA plugin
Does minidlna have init script and systemd unit?
I don’t know. How I find this out?
MiniDLNA plugin
it has been started by something not systemd.
How did you install / start it this time?
I stoped minidlna.service in a CLI terminal, started a database rescan by typing minidlnad -r and tried to restart minidlna.service. As it went bad, I simply rebooted the OMV computer and it came this way.
MiniDLNA plugin
The DLNA is working, I can watch my videos and movies in the TV. But its disabled in OMV, and I am too scared to mess it again by using the enable button.
MiniDLNA plugin
MiniDLNA plugin
Using something else is probably your best bet.
First I would try to see if it gives you better errors:
sudo /usr/sbin/minidlnad -f /etc/minidlna.conf -P /run/minidlna/minidlna.pid -S -r
I was able to kill this particular minidlnad PID and re-run the command. It found a corrupted .FLAC file, that I promptly deleted, and pointed out several errors in .jpeg files and in a .m3u playlist.
I will try to find the troublesome .m3u file, but I don’t have a clue about what to do with the .JPEG errors.
MiniDLNA plugin
So there is another process already running using the port you confgured for minidlna. It uses 8200 if I remember correctly. Check what else you installed.
or netstat -tulpen (may need installing)
Odd! Look who is there!
MiniDLNA plugin
Using something else is probably your best bet.
First I would try to see if it gives you better errors:
sudo /usr/sbin/minidlnad -f /etc/minidlna.conf -P /run/minidlna/minidlna.pid -S -r
If nothing useful, I would delete the database and config file then re-run the salt code.
sudo rm /var/cache/minidlna/files.db /etc/minidlna.conf
sudo omv-salt deploy run minidlna
# sudo /usr/sbin/minidlnad -f /etc/minidlna.conf -P /run/minidlna/minidlna.pid -S -r
minidlna.c:133: error: bind(http): Address already in use
minidlna.c:1100: fatal: Failed to open socket for HTTP. EXITING
Will proceed with the file cleaning and post the results.
MiniDLNA plugin
— Journal begins at Sat 2021-10-30 12:29:41 BST, ends at Tue 2021-11-16 14:24:06 GMT. —
Nov 14 11:24:04 raspberrypi systemd[1]: /lib/systemd/system/minidlna.service:4: Failed to add dependency on autofs, ignoring: Invalid argument
Nov 14 11:24:04 raspberrypi systemd[1]: /lib/systemd/system/minidlna.service:4: Failed to add dependency on autofs, ignoring: Invalid argument
Nov 14 13:30:19 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server.
Nov 14 13:30:25 raspberrypi minidlnad[720]: minidlna.c:1028: fatal: Failed to open log file ‘/var/log/minidlna.log’: Permission denied
Nov 14 13:30:25 raspberrypi systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION
Nov 14 13:30:25 raspberrypi systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
log file support is not available (press RETURN)
I am expecting a similar behaviour after an unfortunate chain of events, as already stated in this post.
Here is the result from journalctl -u minidlna and systemctl is-enabled minidlna
I already tried a plethora of actions and none succeeded. Any chance of an easy fix for this?
Need help to upgrade old NAS. Lots of questions.
please revise language settins on:
Bullseye! I thought the GUI language was chosen on the login screen.
Yesterday while trying to fix this language issue I blew the minidnla plugin. The fact is that I realized that my souces.list pointed to a repository of a Brazilian university, and that was the source of this edition. So I did the following:
— disabled the minidnla plugin in OMV GUI;
— deleted the shared folder in OMV GUI;
— uninstalled the minidnla plugin in OMV GUI;
— updated the packages list in the CLI;
— updated the available packages in the CLI;
— reinstalled the minidnla plugin in the OMV GUI;
— added the shared folder in OMV GUI;
— re-enabled the minidnla plugin in the OMV GUI;
After that, the plugin didn’t work anymore. I tried reversing what I have done, but so far I didn´t got a better result.
I setup minidlna (apt-get install minidlna
) but it does not index any file in my folder.´
[2013/11/04 02:25:09] minidlna.c:898: warn: Starting MiniDLNA version 1.0.24 [SQLite 3.7.13].
[2013/11/04 02:25:09] minidlna.c:926: warn: Creating new database...
[2013/11/04 02:25:09] minidlna.c:132: error: bind(http): Address already in use
[2013/11/04 02:25:09] minidlna.c:1004: fatal: Failed to open socket for HTTP. EXITING
[2013/11/04 02:25:09] scanner.c:727: warn: Scanning /stor/share-public/Filme
[2013/11/04 02:25:25] upnphttp.c:1054: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly
[2013/11/04 02:25:33] scanner.c:798: warn: Scanning /stor/share-public/Filme finished (78 files)!
[2013/11/04 02:25:33] scanner.c:727: warn: Scanning /stor/share-public/Bilder
[2013/11/04 02:25:33] scanner.c:798: warn: Scanning /stor/share-public/Bilder finished (78 files)!
[2013/11/04 02:25:33] playlist.c:125: warn: Parsing playlists...
No files show up, nor on the webinterface, nor from devices.. empty folders.
Config is default, but only I changed inotify=no
because it lead to errors on yes.
asked Nov 4, 2013 at 17:28
I had a similar issue a little while ago.
In the end, I killed minidlna, and then ran the command minidlna -R
to rescan everything and then it indexed all my files again.
answered Nov 6, 2013 at 1:50
2,64213 silver badges14 bronze badges
Just had the same issue with some files missing. Turned out to be a permission problem. minidlna
runs under a dedicated user account minidlna
. It will not list files that it cannot read.
chmod -R o+rX
on your media files. Then rescan your library (sudo service minidlna force-restart
or sudo -u minidlna minidlna -R
). Worked for me.
answered Jan 7, 2016 at 19:59
In my case it turned out to be the file /var/cache/minidlna/files.db that was owned by root instead of the user minidlna. I removed the files after stopping minidlna, restarted with a force rescan and that file was rebuilt from the media directory with the correct permissions (owner minidnla), since then no problem!
answered Sep 23, 2017 at 22:50
When I had the same problem, which wasn’t resolved with the -R option, I solved it by changing name of one of the folders in my video share. (/Share/Video/Horror -> /Share/Video/Horror_t), then running -R.
All of the files in that folder showed up immediately. So I went through and renames all the folders with _t (standing for test) on the end of their name something like Horror_t, Scifi_t, etc. I did another -R and all my videos showed up.
I went back and removed the _t and did the -R command again. And all of the files and folders are showing up again. I’m not sure what caused this. I’m guessing that the server knew about these folders and for some reason didn’t want to rescan them, despite the minidlnad -R command. As soon as it saw them as «new» folders it rescanned them and worked perfectly again.
6,2283 gold badges22 silver badges38 bronze badges
answered Apr 22, 2018 at 2:44
To me it looks more like a bug. Not all folders were shown. After renaming the missing folders on the harddisk just by adding ‘1’ at the end of the folders name hthey appeared. And they stay visible also after renaming the folder back to the orignal name (‘1’ removed again).
I found, that only 10 folders show up in the ‘Folders’ folder and not more. When i rename the 11th folder then it appears correctly, but after restarting the 11th folder disapears again.
answered Sep 17, 2020 at 15:58
I had similar issue. I fixed it by allowing user minidlna accessing media files.
In my case files are on external UBS drive where media folder is owner by www-data user and www-data group.
www-data is owner since files are also available via ownclound (apache)
usermod -a -G www-data minidlna
and then
minidlnad -R
sudo systemctl restart minidlna
answered Dec 9, 2020 at 14:48
I had the same problem. The solution was — rename files -> they can not have any special character.
answered Apr 26, 2020 at 14:56
In my case the scanning stopped when it reached an empty video file. (Just the empty file with *.avi extension). There was even no info in the minidlna debug log, it just silently stopped on that file.
Then I found all empty files:
cd media_folder
find . -type f -empty
and removed them, and it works again!
answered Feb 1, 2022 at 6:48
1112 bronze badges
- Offizieller Beitrag
- #42
The image that ryecoaaron chose is more up-to-date and has many more downloads than that.
Do you want to try to do the guide? The truth is that I don’t have much experience with dlna.
- #43
The image that ryecoaaron chose is more up-to-date and has many more downloads than that.
Do you want to try to do the guide? The truth is that I don’t have much experience with dlna.
NO, but please consider to test both dockers, using a minidlna.yaml file into «stack» on Portainer is the easy way to depoly a container.
In the case of lordpedal docker that I suggest is a copy & Paste and edit few lines.
- Offizieller Beitrag
- #44
Then to my to-do list. At some point I will.
but please consider to test both dockers
I don’t see the advantage of trying both. I prefer to choose the most accepted and up-to-date one, then fine-tune it to make it work well.
using a minidlna.yaml file into «stack» on Portainer is the easy way to depoly a container
I know thanks.
- Offizieller Beitrag
- #45
NO, but please consider to test both dockers, using a minidlna.yaml file into «stack» on Portainer is the easy way to depoly a container.
In the case of lordpedal docker that I suggest is a copy & Paste and edit few lines.
What is your reasoning for wanting the lordpedal image? When I selected image for the plugin, I tested a bunch of them to come up with my selection.
- #46
What is your reasoning for wanting the lordpedal image? When I selected image for the plugin, I tested a bunch of them to come up with my selection.
my reason: have more config enviroment variables that help me to configure properly in my sytem:
version: "2" services: minidlna: image: lordpedal/minidlna container_name: miniDLNA network_mode: host environment: - MINIDLNA_MEDIA_DIR_1=AVP,/media/Descargas - MINIDLNA_MEDIA_DIR_2=A,/media/Musica - MINIDLNA_MEDIA_DIR_3=V,/media/Videos - MINIDLNA_MEDIA_DIR_4=P,/media/Imagenes - MINIDLNA_FRIENDLY_NAME=Lordpedal DLNA - MINIDLNA_INOTIFY=yes - MINIDLNA_ROOT_CONTAINER=B - MINIDLNA_MAX_CONNECTIONS=7 - MINIDLNA_SERIAL=15161881 - MINIDLNA_MODEL_NUMBER=1 - MINIDLNA_PORT=8200 volumes: - '~/docker/minidlna/Descargas:/media/Descargas' - '~/docker/minidlna/Musica:/media/Musica' - '~/docker/minidlna/Videos:/media/Videos' - '~/docker/minidlna/Imagenes:/media/Imagenes' restart: always
Alles anzeigen
I can change port, friendly name, and define several multimedia paths in a logical structure
and have support for several structures (AMD64, arm)
Thats all
- Offizieller Beitrag
- #47
Thats all
As I see it. You are right on ARM support, vladgh is not. Variables can also be set in vladgh, although I think it has to be done in CLI. What doesn’t convince me about Lordpedal is that it is a single developer who published a year ago and hasn’t updated since. On the contrary, Vladgh has a team of 7 people who publish versions and have active development.
What I do not know is if it is worth all this. Jellyfin, and I suppose Plex too, have a built-in DLNA server. It does not work well?
- #48
I have no need to convince you, I only ask you that try both and recommend the one that you think works best when post how to install minidlna in a docker
PD: I use plex as a DLNA server, and test Minidlna to see if works for me, but I do not use it on my NAS
And consider best to use Plex, jellyfin or emby than MiniDLNA, but some old TV only can use DLNA.
- Offizieller Beitrag
- #49
but some old TV only can use DLNA.
Those TVs can’t watch content from Jellyfin, Plex, or Emby DLNA server? These apps are supposed to have DLNA for these cases. If a device does not have the full client, they serve it content with DLNA.
- #50
Those TVs can’t watch content from Jellyfin, Plex, or Emby DLNA server? These apps are supposed to have DLNA for these cases. If a device does not have the full client, they serve it content with DLNA.
It’s a matter of taste (not sure well traslate = Es una cuestión de gustos).
I mean, that if you have a good ordered biblio with subfolders for section like films/western, film/drama, and same for series.
MiniDLNA can show only file structure not a plain folder with all the films ordered by /age/name/date/etc…) like DLNA on PLEX, Jejyfin, emby does.
The point is that those DLNA embeded on that apps, are really too complex for a well orderer folder, and I prefer how the MiniDLNA show it.
PD: As I say previosly I use Plex by default , not DLNA on Plex or MiniDLNA today, but I use miniDLNA until 2015
- Offizieller Beitrag
- #51
The point is that those DLNA embeded on that apps, are really too complex for a well orderer folder
Sometimes I want to write to you in Spanish, we would both finish sooner
I don’t know if I understand this. Does this mean that the content appears cluttered?
- Offizieller Beitrag
- #52
I think I will not be able to do this guide. I have an old TV with a raspberry with Kodi as a client and I thought I had a chance to test DLNA on it. Unfortunately, I just checked that it doesn’t have DLNA and my other TVs have Android built in. So I can’t test DLNA. I am not going to write a guide for something that I cannot test how it works.
- Offizieller Beitrag
- #53
have more config enviroment variables that help me to configure properly in my sytem:
I don’t really care which container anyone uses. I don’t understand why people use dlna at all. But I see the exact same environment variables for both images. Anyway, I think we have killed this topic.
- #54
Sometimes I want to write to you in Spanish, we would both finish sooner
I don’t know if I understand this. Does this mean that the content appears cluttered?
the content appears ordered like DLNA wants, not like I wants.
Imagine all your multimedia show in one folder ordered by name , mixing films and series by example.
- #56
— Journal begins at Sat 2021-10-30 12:29:41 BST, ends at Tue 2021-11-16 14:24:06 GMT. —
Nov 14 11:24:04 raspberrypi systemd[1]: /lib/systemd/system/minidlna.service:4: Failed to add dependency on autofs, ignoring: Invalid argument
Nov 14 11:24:04 raspberrypi systemd[1]: /lib/systemd/system/minidlna.service:4: Failed to add dependency on autofs, ignoring: Invalid argument
— Boot c3ce2c4e235d4a7db85740b62bfa536a —
Nov 14 13:30:19 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server.
Nov 14 13:30:25 raspberrypi minidlnad[720]: minidlna.c:1028: fatal: Failed to open log file ‘/var/log/minidlna.log’: Permission denied
Nov 14 13:30:25 raspberrypi systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION
Nov 14 13:30:25 raspberrypi systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
log file support is not available (press RETURN)
Alles anzeigen
I am expecting a similar behaviour after an unfortunate chain of events, as already stated in this post.
Here is the result from journalctl -u minidlna and systemctl is-enabled minidlna
root@########:~# journalctl -u minidlna -- Logs begin at Fri 2022-03-04 03:10:28 -03, end at Fri 2022-03-04 15:17:01 -03. -- Mar 04 03:10:29 ######## systemd[1]: Starting MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server... Mar 04 03:10:30 ######## minidlnad[543]: [2022/03/04 03:10:30] minidlna.c:631: error: Media directory "/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-fdaf14bb-4869-47d6-b2e0-c452d9469664/media/" not accessible [No such file or directory] Mar 04 03:10:30 ######## systemd[1]: Started MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server. Mar 04 03:10:31 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION Mar 04 03:10:31 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Mar 04 08:02:30 ######## systemd[1]: Starting MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server... Mar 04 08:02:30 ######## systemd[1]: Started MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server. Mar 04 08:02:30 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION Mar 04 08:02:30 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Mar 04 08:03:31 ######## systemd[1]: Starting MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server... Mar 04 08:03:31 ######## systemd[1]: Started MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server. Mar 04 08:03:31 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION Mar 04 08:03:31 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Mar 04 08:04:06 ######## systemd[1]: Starting MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server... Mar 04 08:04:06 ######## systemd[1]: Started MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server. Mar 04 08:04:06 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION Mar 04 08:04:06 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Mar 04 14:51:04 ######## systemd[1]: Starting MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server... Mar 04 14:51:04 ######## systemd[1]: Started MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server. Mar 04 14:51:05 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION Mar 04 14:51:05 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Mar 04 14:51:40 ######## systemd[1]: Starting MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server... Mar 04 14:51:40 ######## systemd[1]: Started MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server. Mar 04 14:51:41 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION Mar 04 14:51:41 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Mar 04 14:54:04 ######## systemd[1]: Starting MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server... Mar 04 14:54:04 ######## systemd[1]: Started MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server. Mar 04 14:54:04 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION Mar 04 14:54:04 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Mar 04 15:01:42 ######## systemd[1]: Starting MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server... Mar 04 15:01:42 ######## systemd[1]: Started MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server. Mar 04 15:01:43 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION Mar 04 15:01:43 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Mar 04 15:02:15 ######## systemd[1]: Starting MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server... Mar 04 15:02:15 ######## systemd[1]: Started MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server. Mar 04 15:02:15 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION Mar 04 15:02:15 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Mar 04 15:10:59 ######## systemd[1]: Starting MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server... Mar 04 15:10:59 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Can't open PID file /run/minidlna/minidlna.pid (yet?) after start: No such file or directory Mar 04 15:10:59 ######## systemd[1]: Started MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server. Mar 04 15:10:59 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION Mar 04 15:10:59 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Mar 04 15:12:27 ######## systemd[1]: Starting MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server... Mar 04 15:12:27 ######## systemd[1]: Started MiniDLNA lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server. Mar 04 15:12:27 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION Mar 04 15:12:27 ######## systemd[1]: minidlna.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Alles anzeigen
root@########:~# systemctl is-enabled minidlna enabled
I already tried a plethora of actions and none succeeded. Any chance of an easy fix for this?
Best regards.
- Offizieller Beitrag
- #57
Any chance of an easy fix for this?
Using something else is probably your best bet…
First I would try to see if it gives you better errors:
sudo /usr/sbin/minidlnad -f /etc/minidlna.conf -P /run/minidlna/minidlna.pid -S -r
If nothing useful, I would delete the database and config file then re-run the salt code.
sudo rm /var/cache/minidlna/files.db /etc/minidlna.conf
sudo omv-salt deploy run minidlna
- #58
Using something else is probably your best bet…
First I would try to see if it gives you better errors:
sudo /usr/sbin/minidlnad -f /etc/minidlna.conf -P /run/minidlna/minidlna.pid -S -r
If nothing useful, I would delete the database and config file then re-run the salt code.
sudo rm /var/cache/minidlna/files.db /etc/minidlna.conf
sudo omv-salt deploy run minidlna
Alles anzeigen
root@########:~# sudo /usr/sbin/minidlnad -f /etc/minidlna.conf -P /run/minidlna/minidlna.pid -S -r
minidlna.c:133: error: bind(http): Address already in use
minidlna.c:1100: fatal: Failed to open socket for HTTP. EXITING
Got this.
Will proceed with the file cleaning and post the results.
Best regards.
- #59
So there is another process already running using the port you confgured for minidlna. It uses 8200 if I remember correctly. Check what else you installed.
or netstat -tulpen (may need installing)
- #60
So there is another process already running using the port you confgured for minidlna. It uses 8200 if I remember correctly. Check what else you installed.
or netstat -tulpen (may need installing)
Odd! Look who is there!
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 110971 21619/minidlnad
Best regards.
Stev, not sure this will help but this is my minidlna.conf file.
# This is the configuration file for the MiniDLNA daemon, a DLNA/UPnP-AV media
# server.
# Unless otherwise noted, the commented out options show their default value.
# On Debian, you can also refer to the minidlna.conf(5) man page for
# documentation about this file.
# Path to the directory you want scanned for media files.
# This option can be specified more than once if you want multiple directories
# scanned.
# If you want to restrict a media_dir to a specific content type, you can
# prepend the directory name with a letter representing the type (A, P or V),
# followed by a comma, as so:
# * «A» for audio (eg. media_dir=A,/var/lib/minidlna/music)
# * «P» for pictures (eg. media_dir=P,/var/lib/minidlna/pictures)
# * «V» for video (eg. media_dir=V,/var/lib/minidlna/videos)
# WARNING: After changing this option, you need to rebuild the database. Either
# run minidlna with the ‘-R’ option, or delete the ‘files.db’ file
# from the db_dir directory (see below).
# On Debian, you can run, as root, ‘service minidlna force-reload’ instead.
# Path to the directory that should hold the database and album art cache.
# Path to the directory that should hold the log file.
# Minimum level of importance of messages to be logged.
# Must be one of «off», «fatal», «error», «warn», «info» or «debug».
# «off» turns of logging entirely, «fatal» is the highest level of importance
# and «debug» the lowest.
# Use a different container as the root of the directory tree presented to
# clients. The possible values are:
# * «.» — standard container
# * «B» — «Browse Directory»
# * «M» — «Music»
# * «P» — «Pictures»
# * «V» — «Video»
# if you specify «B» and client device is audio-only then «Music/Folders» will be used as root
# Network interface(s) to bind to (e.g. eth0), comma delimited.
# IPv4 address to listen on (e.g.
# Port number for HTTP traffic (descriptions, SOAP, media transfer).
# URL presented to clients.
# The default is the IP address of the server on port 80.
# Name that the DLNA server presents to clients.
# Serial number the server reports to clients.
# Model name the server reports to clients.
#model_name=Windows Media Connect compatible (MiniDLNA)
# Model number the server reports to clients.
# Automatic discovery of new files in the media_dir directory.
# List of file names to look for when searching for album art. Names should be
# delimited with a forward slash («/»).
# Strictly adhere to DLNA standards.
# This allows server-side downscaling of very large JPEG images, which may
# decrease JPEG serving performance on (at least) Sony DLNA products.
# Support for streaming .jpg and .mp3 files to a TiVo supporting HMO.
# Notify interval, in seconds.
# Path to the MiniSSDPd socket, for MiniSSDPd support.
Two heads are better than one, unless one’s a goat head.
Never mind…
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475692, tv_nsec=301995192}) = 0 recvmsg(6, {msg_name={sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53304), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, msg_namelen=16, msg_iov=[{iov_base="M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1rnHOST: 239.2"..., iov_len=1499}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_control=[{cmsg_len=24, cmsg_level=SOL_IP, cmsg_type=IP_PKTINFO, cmsg_data={ipi_ifindex=if_nametoindex("br-lan"), ipi_spec_dst=inet_addr(""), ipi_addr=inet_addr("")}}], msg_controllen=24, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 174 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475692, tv_nsec=302462039}) = 0 munmap(0xb6ffa000, 23) = 0 open("/etc/TZ", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_LARGEFILE|O_CLOEXEC) = 10 fstat64(10, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=23, ...}) = 0 mmap2(NULL, 23, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 10, 0) = 0xb6ffa000 close(10) = 0 writev(3, [{iov_base="[2020/02/11 20:48:12] minissdp.c"..., iov_len=157}, {iov_base=NULL, iov_len=0}], 2) = 157 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475692, tv_nsec=303195139}) = 0 _newselect(11, [5 6 7], [], NULL, {tv_sec=201, tv_usec=705077}) = 1 (in [6], left {tv_sec=200, tv_usec=702765}) clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475693, tv_nsec=305878519}) = 0 recvmsg(6, {msg_name={sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53304), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, msg_namelen=16, msg_iov=[{iov_base="M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1rnHOST: 239.2"..., iov_len=1499}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_control=[{cmsg_len=24, cmsg_level=SOL_IP, cmsg_type=IP_PKTINFO, cmsg_data={ipi_ifindex=if_nametoindex("br-lan"), ipi_spec_dst=inet_addr(""), ipi_addr=inet_addr("")}}], msg_controllen=24, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 174 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475693, tv_nsec=306309265}) = 0 munmap(0xb6ffa000, 23) = 0 open("/etc/TZ", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_LARGEFILE|O_CLOEXEC) = 10 fstat64(10, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=23, ...}) = 0 mmap2(NULL, 23, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 10, 0) = 0xb6ffa000 close(10) = 0 writev(3, [{iov_base="[2020/02/11 20:48:13] minissdp.c"..., iov_len=157}, {iov_base=NULL, iov_len=0}], 2) = 157 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475693, tv_nsec=307038879}) = 0 _newselect(11, [5 6 7], [], NULL, {tv_sec=200, tv_usec=701234}) = 1 (in [6], left {tv_sec=199, tv_usec=705278}) clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475694, tv_nsec=303312601}) = 0 recvmsg(6, {msg_name={sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53304), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, msg_namelen=16, msg_iov=[{iov_base="M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1rnHOST: 239.2"..., iov_len=1499}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_control=[{cmsg_len=24, cmsg_level=SOL_IP, cmsg_type=IP_PKTINFO, cmsg_data={ipi_ifindex=if_nametoindex("br-lan"), ipi_spec_dst=inet_addr(""), ipi_addr=inet_addr("")}}], msg_controllen=24, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 174 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475694, tv_nsec=303723074}) = 0 munmap(0xb6ffa000, 23) = 0 open("/etc/TZ", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_LARGEFILE|O_CLOEXEC) = 10 fstat64(10, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=23, ...}) = 0 mmap2(NULL, 23, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 10, 0) = 0xb6ffa000 close(10) = 0 writev(3, [{iov_base="[2020/02/11 20:48:14] minissdp.c"..., iov_len=157}, {iov_base=NULL, iov_len=0}], 2) = 157 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475694, tv_nsec=304438333}) = 0 _newselect(11, [5 6 7], [], NULL, {tv_sec=199, tv_usec=703834}) = 1 (in [6], left {tv_sec=198, tv_usec=701599}) clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475695, tv_nsec=307119627}) = 0 recvmsg(6, {msg_name={sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53304), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, msg_namelen=16, msg_iov=[{iov_base="M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1rnHOST: 239.2"..., iov_len=1499}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_control=[{cmsg_len=24, cmsg_level=SOL_IP, cmsg_type=IP_PKTINFO, cmsg_data={ipi_ifindex=if_nametoindex("br-lan"), ipi_spec_dst=inet_addr(""), ipi_addr=inet_addr("")}}], msg_controllen=24, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 174 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475695, tv_nsec=307678001}) = 0 munmap(0xb6ffa000, 23) = 0 open("/etc/TZ", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_LARGEFILE|O_CLOEXEC) = 10 fstat64(10, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=23, ...}) = 0 mmap2(NULL, 23, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 10, 0) = 0xb6ffa000 close(10) = 0 writev(3, [{iov_base="[2020/02/11 20:48:15] minissdp.c"..., iov_len=157}, {iov_base=NULL, iov_len=0}], 2) = 157 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475695, tv_nsec=309140046}) = 0 _newselect(11, [5 6 7], [], NULL, {tv_sec=198, tv_usec=699132}) = 1 (in [6], left {tv_sec=194, tv_usec=935106}) clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475699, tv_nsec=73644173}) = 0 recvmsg(6, {msg_name={sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(58704), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, msg_namelen=16, msg_iov=[{iov_base="M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1rnHOST: 239.2"..., iov_len=1499}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_control=[{cmsg_len=24, cmsg_level=SOL_IP, cmsg_type=IP_PKTINFO, cmsg_data={ipi_ifindex=if_nametoindex("br-lan"), ipi_spec_dst=inet_addr(""), ipi_addr=inet_addr("")}}], msg_controllen=24, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 174 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475699, tv_nsec=74240505}) = 0 munmap(0xb6ffa000, 23) = 0 open("/etc/TZ", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_LARGEFILE|O_CLOEXEC) = 10 fstat64(10, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=23, ...}) = 0 mmap2(NULL, 23, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 10, 0) = 0xb6ffa000 close(10) = 0 writev(3, [{iov_base="[2020/02/11 20:48:19] minissdp.c"..., iov_len=157}, {iov_base=NULL, iov_len=0}], 2) = 157 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475699, tv_nsec=75633490}) = 0 _newselect(11, [5 6 7], [], NULL, {tv_sec=194, tv_usec=932639}) = 1 (in [6], left {tv_sec=193, tv_usec=934037}) clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475700, tv_nsec=74718191}) = 0 recvmsg(6, {msg_name={sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(58704), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, msg_namelen=16, msg_iov=[{iov_base="M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1rnHOST: 239.2"..., iov_len=1499}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_control=[{cmsg_len=24, cmsg_level=SOL_IP, cmsg_type=IP_PKTINFO, cmsg_data={ipi_ifindex=if_nametoindex("br-lan"), ipi_spec_dst=inet_addr(""), ipi_addr=inet_addr("")}}], msg_controllen=24, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 174 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475700, tv_nsec=75289165}) = 0 munmap(0xb6ffa000, 23) = 0 open("/etc/TZ", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_LARGEFILE|O_CLOEXEC) = 10 fstat64(10, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=23, ...}) = 0 mmap2(NULL, 23, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 10, 0) = 0xb6ffa000 close(10) = 0 writev(3, [{iov_base="[2020/02/11 20:48:20] minissdp.c"..., iov_len=157}, {iov_base=NULL, iov_len=0}], 2) = 157 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475700, tv_nsec=76681986}) = 0 _newselect(11, [5 6 7], [], NULL, {tv_sec=193, tv_usec=931591}) = 1 (in [6], left {tv_sec=192, tv_usec=933961}) clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475701, tv_nsec=74673533}) = 0 recvmsg(6, {msg_name={sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(58704), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, msg_namelen=16, msg_iov=[{iov_base="M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1rnHOST: 239.2"..., iov_len=1499}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_control=[{cmsg_len=24, cmsg_level=SOL_IP, cmsg_type=IP_PKTINFO, cmsg_data={ipi_ifindex=if_nametoindex("br-lan"), ipi_spec_dst=inet_addr(""), ipi_addr=inet_addr("")}}], msg_controllen=24, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 174 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475701, tv_nsec=75257373}) = 0 munmap(0xb6ffa000, 23) = 0 open("/etc/TZ", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_LARGEFILE|O_CLOEXEC) = 10 fstat64(10, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=23, ...}) = 0 mmap2(NULL, 23, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 10, 0) = 0xb6ffa000 close(10) = 0 writev(3, [{iov_base="[2020/02/11 20:48:21] minissdp.c"..., iov_len=157}, {iov_base=NULL, iov_len=0}], 2) = 157 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475701, tv_nsec=76579468}) = 0 _newselect(11, [5 6 7], [], NULL, {tv_sec=192, tv_usec=931693}) = 1 (in [6], left {tv_sec=191, tv_usec=932931}) clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475702, tv_nsec=75886753}) = 0 recvmsg(6, {msg_name={sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(58704), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, msg_namelen=16, msg_iov=[{iov_base="M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1rnHOST: 239.2"..., iov_len=1499}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_control=[{cmsg_len=24, cmsg_level=SOL_IP, cmsg_type=IP_PKTINFO, cmsg_data={ipi_ifindex=if_nametoindex("br-lan"), ipi_spec_dst=inet_addr(""), ipi_addr=inet_addr("")}}], msg_controllen=24, msg_flags=0}, 0) = 174 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475702, tv_nsec=76482290}) = 0 munmap(0xb6ffa000, 23) = 0 open("/etc/TZ", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_LARGEFILE|O_CLOEXEC) = 10 fstat64(10, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=23, ...}) = 0 mmap2(NULL, 23, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 10, 0) = 0xb6ffa000 close(10) = 0 writev(3, [{iov_base="[2020/02/11 20:48:22] minissdp.c"..., iov_len=157}, {iov_base=NULL, iov_len=0}], 2) = 157 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1581475702, tv_nsec=77880314}) = 0 _newselect(11, [5 6 7], [], NULL, {tv_sec=191, tv_usec=930392}
MiniDLNA help
When I try to get my MiniDLNA to run it says the following when I try to get the status……
sudo service minidlna status
● minidlna.service — LSB: DLNA/UPnP-AV media server
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/minidlna; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2017-05-05 09:34:31 EDT; 6min ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Process: 4098 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/minidlna start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CGroup: /system.slice/minidlna.service
└─4104 /usr/local/sbin/minidlnad -f /etc/minidlna.conf
May 05 09:34:30 walt-HP-ProBook-4535s systemd[1]: Starting LSB: DLNA/UPnP-AV media server…
May 05 09:34:30 walt-HP-ProBook-4535s minidlna[4098]: * Starting minidlna minidlna
May 05 09:34:31 walt-HP-ProBook-4535s minidlna[4098]: parsing error file /etc/minidlna.conf line 84 : /home/walt/.minidlna/minidlna.pid
May 05 09:34:31 walt-HP-ProBook-4535s minidlna[4098]: …done.
May 05 09:34:31 walt-HP-ProBook-4535s systemd[1]: Started LSB: DLNA/UPnP-AV media server.
May 05 09:39:19 walt-HP-ProBook-4535s systemd[1]: Started LSB: DLNA/UPnP-AV media server.
here is my log file after the MiniDLNA starts and gives me errors
walt@walt-HP-ProBook-4535s:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
Release: 16.04
Codename: xenial
[2017/05/04 11:43:17] minidlna.c:1030: warn: Starting MiniDLNA version 1.1.5.
[2017/05/04 11:43:17] sql.c:41: error: SQL ERROR 8 [attempt to write a readonly database]
pragma default_cache_size = 8192;
[2017/05/04 11:43:17] minidlna.c:1070: warn: HTTP listening on port 8200
[2017/05/04 11:47:11] minidlna.c:154: warn: received signal 15, good-bye
[2017/05/04 11:47:11] sql.c:41: error: SQL ERROR 8 [attempt to write a readonly database]
[2017/05/04 11:47:11] minidlna.c:1339: error: Failed to remove pidfile /var/run/minidlna/minidlna.pid: Permission denied
[2017/05/04 11:50:17] minidlna.c:1030: warn: Starting MiniDLNA version 1.1.5.
[2017/05/04 11:50:17] sql.c:41: error: SQL ERROR 8 [attempt to write a readonly database]
pragma default_cache_size = 8192;
[2017/05/04 11:50:17] minidlna.c:1070: warn: HTTP listening on port 8200
[2017/05/04 11:52:27] minidlna.c:154: warn: received signal 15, good-bye
[2017/05/04 11:52:28] sql.c:41: error: SQL ERROR 8 [attempt to write a readonly database]
[2017/05/04 11:52:28] minidlna.c:1339: error: Failed to remove pidfile /var/run/minidlna/minidlna.pid: Permission denied
[2017/05/04 11:56:08] minidlna.c:1030: warn: Starting MiniDLNA version 1.1.5.
[2017/05/04 11:56:08] minidlna.c:355: warn: Creating new database at /hom/walt/Log/files.db
[2017/05/04 11:56:08] minidlna.c:1070: warn: HTTP listening on port 8200
[2017/05/04 11:56:09] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/Captive.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-ETRG/Captive.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-ETRG.Sample.mp4 failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 11:56:09] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/Captive.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-ETRG/Captive.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-ETRG.Sample.mp4!
[2017/05/04 11:56:11] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/Homeward Bound 2/Homeward.Bound.2.DVDRip.WS.English.avi failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 11:56:11] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/Homeward Bound 2/Homeward.Bound.2.DVDRip.WS.English.avi!
[2017/05/04 11:56:13] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/Maze Runner The Scorch Trials 2015.DVDRip.XViD.AC3-ETRG/ETRG.mp4 failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 11:56:13] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/Maze Runner The Scorch Trials 2015.DVDRip.XViD.AC3-ETRG/ETRG.mp4!
[2017/05/04 11:56:15] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/Precious.Cargo.2016.HDRip.XViD-ETRG/ETRG.mp4 failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 11:56:15] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/Precious.Cargo.2016.HDRip.XViD-ETRG/ETRG.mp4!
[2017/05/04 11:56:16] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/The BFG/The BFG.mp4!
[2017/05/04 11:56:17] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/The.Peanuts.Movie.2015.DVDSCR.XViD-ETRG/ETRG.mp4 failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 11:56:17] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/The.Peanuts.Movie.2015.DVDSCR.XViD-ETRG/ETRG.mp4!
[2017/05/04 11:56:18] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/War Dogs 2016 HD-TS x264-CPG/Sample 2.mkv failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 11:56:18] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/War Dogs 2016 HD-TS x264-CPG/Sample 2.mkv!
[2017/05/04 11:56:32] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/youtube.mp4!
[2017/05/04 11:56:33] albumart.c:200: warn: Linking /hom/walt/Log/art_cache/home/walt/Videos/Captive.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-ETRG/Captive.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-ETRG.jpg to /hom/walt/Log/art_cache/home/walt/Videos/Captive.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-ETRG/Captive.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-ETRG.jpg failed [File exists]
[2017/05/04 11:56:33] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/Captive.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-ETRG/Captive.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-ETRG.Sample.mp4 failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 11:56:33] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/Captive.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-ETRG/Captive.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-ETRG.Sample.mp4!
[2017/05/04 11:56:34] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/Homeward Bound 2/Homeward.Bound.2.DVDRip.WS.English.avi failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 11:56:34] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/Homeward Bound 2/Homeward.Bound.2.DVDRip.WS.English.avi!
[2017/05/04 11:56:35] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/Maze Runner The Scorch Trials 2015.DVDRip.XViD.AC3-ETRG/ETRG.mp4 failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 11:56:35] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/Maze Runner The Scorch Trials 2015.DVDRip.XViD.AC3-ETRG/ETRG.mp4!
[2017/05/04 11:56:36] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/Precious.Cargo.2016.HDRip.XViD-ETRG/ETRG.mp4 failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 11:56:36] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/Precious.Cargo.2016.HDRip.XViD-ETRG/ETRG.mp4!
[2017/05/04 11:56:36] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/The BFG/The BFG.mp4!
[2017/05/04 11:56:37] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/The.Peanuts.Movie.2015.DVDSCR.XViD-ETRG/ETRG.mp4 failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 11:56:37] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/The.Peanuts.Movie.2015.DVDSCR.XViD-ETRG/ETRG.mp4!
[2017/05/04 11:56:38] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/War Dogs 2016 HD-TS x264-CPG/Sample 2.mkv failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 11:56:38] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/War Dogs 2016 HD-TS x264-CPG/Sample 2.mkv!
[2017/05/04 11:56:46] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/youtube.mp4!
[2017/05/04 11:56:47] playlist.c:125: warn: Parsing playlists…
[2017/05/04 11:56:47] playlist.c:259: warn: Finished parsing playlists.
[2017/05/04 11:57:25] upnphttp.c:1012: warn: /favicon.ico not found, responding ERROR 404
[2017/05/04 11:59:12] minidlna.c:154: warn: received signal 15, good-bye
[2017/05/04 11:59:13] minidlna.c:1339: error: Failed to remove pidfile /var/run/minidlna/minidlna.pid: Permission denied
[2017/05/04 12:00:30] minidlna.c:1030: warn: Starting MiniDLNA version 1.1.5.
[2017/05/04 12:00:30] minidlna.c:1070: warn: HTTP listening on port 8200
[2017/05/04 12:03:47] upnphttp.c:1012: warn: /favicon.ico not found, responding ERROR 404
[2017/05/04 12:10:17] upnphttp.c:1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly
[2017/05/04 12:10:17] upnphttp.c:1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly
[2017/05/04 12:10:17] upnphttp.c:1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly
[2017/05/04 15:35:57] getifaddr.c:109: error: Network interface wlo1 not found
[2017/05/04 18:38:25] upnphttp.c:1012: warn: /favicon.ico not found, responding ERROR 404
[2017/05/04 18:38:34] upnphttp.c:1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly
[2017/05/04 18:45:01] minidlna.c:154: warn: received signal 15, good-bye
[2017/05/04 19:55:46] minidlna.c:1030: warn: Starting MiniDLNA version 1.1.5.
[2017/05/04 19:55:46] minidlna.c:355: warn: Creating new database at /hom/walt/Videos/files.db
[2017/05/04 19:55:46] minidlna.c:1070: warn: HTTP listening on port 8200
[2017/05/04 19:55:46] getifaddr.c:109: error: Network interface eth0 not found
[2017/05/04 19:55:46] scanner.c:726: warn: Scanning /home/walt/Videos
[2017/05/04 19:55:47] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/Captive.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-ETRG/Captive.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-ETRG.Sample.mp4 failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 19:55:47] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/Captive.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-ETRG/Captive.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-ETRG.Sample.mp4!
[2017/05/04 19:55:50] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/Homeward Bound 2/Homeward.Bound.2.DVDRip.WS.English.avi failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 19:55:50] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/Homeward Bound 2/Homeward.Bound.2.DVDRip.WS.English.avi!
[2017/05/04 19:55:52] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/Maze Runner The Scorch Trials 2015.DVDRip.XViD.AC3-ETRG/ETRG.mp4 failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 19:55:52] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/Maze Runner The Scorch Trials 2015.DVDRip.XViD.AC3-ETRG/ETRG.mp4!
[2017/05/04 19:55:54] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/Precious.Cargo.2016.HDRip.XViD-ETRG/ETRG.mp4 failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 19:55:54] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/Precious.Cargo.2016.HDRip.XViD-ETRG/ETRG.mp4!
[2017/05/04 19:55:55] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/The BFG/The BFG.mp4!
[2017/05/04 19:55:56] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/The.Peanuts.Movie.2015.DVDSCR.XViD-ETRG/ETRG.mp4 failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 19:55:56] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/The.Peanuts.Movie.2015.DVDSCR.XViD-ETRG/ETRG.mp4!
[2017/05/04 19:55:57] metadata.c:691: warn: Opening /home/walt/Videos/War Dogs 2016 HD-TS x264-CPG/Sample 2.mkv failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2017/05/04 19:55:57] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/War Dogs 2016 HD-TS x264-CPG/Sample 2.mkv!
[2017/05/04 19:56:11] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /home/walt/Videos/youtube.mp4!
[2017/05/04 19:56:11] scanner.c:815: warn: Scanning /home/walt/Videos finished (137 files)!
[2017/05/04 19:56:11] playlist.c:125: warn: Parsing playlists…
[2017/05/04 19:56:11] playlist.c:259: warn: Finished parsing playlists.
[2017/05/04 19:56:14] upnphttp.c:1012: warn: /favicon.ico not found, responding ERROR 404
[2017/05/04 19:57:46] getifaddr.c:109: error: Network interface eth0 not found
[2017/05/04 19:58:42] upnphttp.c:1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly
[2017/05/04 19:58:42] upnphttp.c:1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly
[2017/05/04 19:58:42] upnphttp.c:1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly
[2017/05/04 19:59:29] minidlna.c:154: warn: received signal 15, good-bye
[2017/05/04 20:15:16] minidlna.c:1030: warn: Starting MiniDLNA version 1.1.5.
[2017/05/04 20:15:17] minidlna.c:1070: warn: HTTP listening on port 8200
[2017/05/04 20:15:17] getifaddr.c:109: error: Network interface eth0 not found
[2017/05/04 20:20:53] upnphttp.c:1012: warn: /favicon.ico not found, responding ERROR 404
[2017/05/04 20:23:22] minidlna.c:154: warn: received signal 15, good-bye
[2017/05/04 20:23:30] minidlna.c:1030: warn: Starting MiniDLNA version 1.1.5.
[2017/05/04 21:02:07] minidlna.c:1030: warn: Starting MiniDLNA version 1.1.5.
[2017/05/04 21:02:07] minidlna.c:132: error: bind(http): Address already in use
[2017/05/04 21:02:07] minidlna.c:1069: fatal: Failed to open socket for HTTP. EXITING
[2017/05/04 21:06:53] minidlna.c:1030: warn: Starting MiniDLNA version 1.1.5.
[2017/05/04 21:06:53] minidlna.c:132: error: bind(http): Address already in use
[2017/05/04 21:06:53] minidlna.c:1069: fatal: Failed to open socket for HTTP. EXITING
[2017/05/04 21:10:48] minidlna.c:1030: warn: Starting MiniDLNA version 1.1.5.
[2017/05/04 21:10:48] minidlna.c:132: error: bind(http): Address already in use
[2017/05/04 21:10:48] minidlna.c:1069: fatal: Failed to open socket for HTTP. EXITING
[2017/05/05 09:34:31] minidlna.c:1030: warn: Starting MiniDLNA version 1.1.5.
[2017/05/05 09:34:31] minidlna.c:1070: warn: HTTP listening on port 8200
[2017/05/05 09:36:43] upnphttp.c:1012: warn: /favicon.ico not found, responding ERROR 404
[2017/05/05 09:36:52] upnphttp.c:1052: warn: HTTP Connection closed unexpectedly
[2017/05/05 09:45:39] minidlna.c:154: warn: received signal 15, good-bye
Can you help with this problem?
Provide an answer of your own, or ask
walter thayer
for more information if necessary.
To post a message you must log in.
Это продолжение. Начало — здесь. Мы создали jail и теперь можем ставить в него любое приложение FreeBSD. Поставим miniDLNA т.к. встроенный fuppies нехорош.
NB. Установка произведена в демонстрационных целях, чтобы понять насколько этот медиасервер пригоден. Если подойдёт — вылижу настройки.
Сегодня всё существенно проще. Для начала ради удобства поставим редактор nano и, по желанию, Midnight Commander.
Входим в командную строку nas
nas4free:~# jexec 1 $SHELL
Системное приглашение меняется
Все дальнейшие команды выполняем в джейле.
pkg_add -r nano
и, по желанию,
pkg_add -r mc
Теперь собственно miniDLNA
pkg_add -R -r http://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/amd64/packages-9-stable/All/minidlna-1.0.24_2,1.tbz
Редактируем конфигурационный файл
nano /usr/local/etc/minidlna.conf
в нём:
вместо em0 подставить имя сетевого интерфейса, найденное ранее.
ставим ту папку, в которую для джейла мы отобразили библиотеку. Можно поставить несколько папок, можно указать, какая из них для фото, видео и аудио. См комментарий в редактируемом файле.
friendly_name=n4f miniDLNA
любое имя, которое вы даёте вашему медиасерверу
Это можно не менять, вторая строка пригодится, если надо будет найти логи
Добавьте сюда имена файлов, которые используются для хранения обложек альбомов. Я пока не разбирался, насчет поддержки .png не уверен
В некоторых статьях рекомендуют ставить поменьше, например 30 сек
Остальное я пока не менял
mkdir /var/db/minidlna
chown -R dlna:dlna /var/db/minidlna
chmod 755 /var/db/minidlna
nano /etc/rc.conf
добавлям строку
Запускаем miniDLNA
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/minidlna start
(остановить — stop, пересканировать медиатеку -rescan, перезапустить — restart)
rescan разумно запускать кроном. Когда и если буду делать боевую инсталляцию — напишу как.
Прим. В моём случае тестовой инсталляции DLNA сервер появлялся сразу, а файлы пришлось ждать. Сначала было пусто. Остановил и перезапустил, запустил рескан, посмотрел логи. Через полчасика файлы появились сами собой.
Послушал flac, посмотрел avi и jpg. Работает. Неприятно, что cue с flac не понимает, у меня так значительная часть аудиотеки.
Пару раз DLNA сервер пропадал. рестарт помогал, но это не выход. Люди советуют уменьшить параметр notify_interval секунд до 30.
Будем рыть дальше.
UPD от 29 мая. Внизу в комментах Денис Пельтихин указал, что рескан не работает. А rimlyanin нарыл, что это проблема FreeBSD версии. На Linux всё работает.